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Template:Character Info/ru

For a similarly named character, see Part 8 SpoilersJosuke Higashikata (JoJolion)
Вы можете называть меня человеком, который выступает под давлением, "Джоске Хигашиката"! (プレッシャーをはねかえす男「東方仗助」と呼んでくれっス!)
—Джоске Хигашиката, Chapter 329: Let's Go Hunting!, Part 5

Джоске Хигашиката (東方 仗助, Higashikata Jōsuke) - протагонист четвёртой части серии JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable, и четвёртый ДжоДжо в серии. Он внебрачный сын Джозефа Джостара и Томоко Хигашикаты.

Джоске - первокурсник средней школы, проживающий в городе Морио. В 1999 году он встречает Джотаро Куджо, который сообщает ему, что он внебрачный сын Джозефа. После того, как его дедушка умирает, Джоске берёт на себя ответственность защищать свой любимый город от злонамеренных пользователей Стендов.

Джоске - пользователь стенда, который владеет Crazy Diamond, Стендом, способным отремонтировать почти всё.


Извини... Что ты сказал о моей причёске?!
—Джоске Хигашиката, Chapter 266: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 1

Джоске - высокий красивый молодой человек среднего телосложения. Его самая выдающаяся черта - его ухоженный помпадур, 23/5000 в стиле неизвестного мужчины, который спас ему жизнь, когда тот был ребёнком.[1] Его помпадур имеет тенденцию становиться усаженным "шипами" в зависимости от его настроения, например, когда он раздражён или зол.

Джоске носит тёмную модифицированную японскую школьную форму. Его куртка соответствует его телу, простирается до середины бедра и дополняется парой широких штанов. Он держит свою куртку расстёгнутой и пришпиленной, обнажая лёгкую майку с короткими молниями по бокам груди. В каждом ухе он носит по маленькой шпильке.

Джоске носит несколько металлических/золотых эмблем. На левой стороне воротника он носит модифицированный якорь, а на правой - ряд из двух маленьких сердечек. Прикрепив распахнутую куртку к груди справа, это знак мира (☮), а слева - сердце (иногда с ладонью, как на головном уборе Джотаро). Он носит золотую ленту на обоих запястьях поверх рукавов (на некоторых иллюстрациях с более сложными деталями).

Как человек с дорогим вкусом, Джоске носит подлинники носок Mr. Junko, чёрные ботинки от Bally за ¥25,000 ,[2] и нижнее бельё бренда Moschino[3]

Самая распространённая цветовая схема Джоске состоит из темно-синей или фиолетовой униформы и зелёной или желтой майки.

Цветовые схемы

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Цветная мангаAll-Star BattleEyes of HeavenАнимеФильм
Волосы(Черные с фиолетовыми бликами)
(Фиолетовая униформа с лимонно-зелёной майкой и золотыми аксессуарами. Темно-зеленые туфли.)
Волосы(Чёрные с фиолетовыми бликами)
(Униформа цвета индиго с жёлтой майкой и золотыми аксессуарами. Зелёные туфли.)
Волосы(Чёрные с оттенками индиго)
(Темно-синяя форма с жёлтой майкой и золотыми аксессуарами. Оливково-зелёные туфли.)
Волосы(Черные с тёмно-синими акцентами)
(Тёмно-синяя форма с жёлтой майкой и золотыми аксессуарами. Фиолетовые туфли.)
Волосы(Черные с фиолетово-серыми бликами)
(Фиолетовая форма с серой майкой и золотыми аксессуарами. Тёмно-фиолетовые туфли.)


Я буду защищать и свою мать, и этот город! Независимо от того, что мешает мне, я заменю дедушку!
—Джоске Хигашиката, Chapter 270: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 2
Джоске клянётся защищать Морио

Джоске - смекалистый, уверенный в себе и отважный подросток. Дружелюбный и преданный, его открытый характер помогает ему заводить друзей на протяжении всей истории.

Основная черта Джоске - его общая доброта, что отражено в его Стенде Crazy Diamond, который восстанавливает и лечит..[4]Когда он был ребёнком, случайный прохожий по доброте помог спасти лихорадочного Джоске.[1] Джоске подсознательно отразил в себе эту доброту. Даже после того, как стало известно, что он внебрачный сын Джозефа, Джоске думал в первую очередь о проблемах, которые он причинил Джостарам, и игнорировал любые претензии на наследство, только желая заверить своего биологического отца, что с ним всё в порядке.[5] Приятный по натуре, Джоске не так склонен к насилию, как другие ДжоДжо, и даже может спокойно терпеть издевательства со стороны старшеклассников.ref name="C266">Chapter 266: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 1</ref> или эгоистичность Шигечи[6] Джоске верен своим друзьям и близким; он рискует своей жизнью после того, как Коичи был пронзён Стрелой Кейчо[7] и нёс тело Окуясу в то время как тот очевидно был мёртв в течение первой части его битвы с Йошикаге Кирой.[8] Когда его дед умер, Джоске взял на себя ответственность стать защитником Морио.[9] При встрече с кем-то в не особо враждебных обстоятельствах Джоске обычно будет вежливым и дружелюбным.

Джоске зависает с Коичи Хиросе

В целом, Джоске ведёт себя как подросток и, помимо своей общей цели - защитить Морио от любой угрозы пользователей Стендов, озабочен более приземлёнными вопросами, такими как времяпрепровождение со своими друзьями. В результате Джоске почти никогда не бывает один на улицах Морио. Джоске пассивно защищает свой город и действует только тогда, когда его прямо спрашивает гораздо более активный Джотаро или когда он напрямую сталкивается с пользователем Стенда. Любопытно, что Джоске быстро расследует любое необычное явление, которое часто приводит его к пользователю Стенда. Джоске очень склонен открыто выражать свои чувства и эмоции, заставляя его казаться глупым человеком.

Испугался черепахи

Достаточно скромный, Джоске признаётся, что нервничал рядом с известными людьми, предпочитая не идти с Коичи на первую встречу с Роханом Кишибе из-за его большой славы как "мангаки".[10] Джоске также боится черепах и однажды пытался прикоснуться к черепахе, чтобы избавиться от этого страха.[11] Джоске не стесняется признать свои пределы и признал, что он не очень хорошо разбирается в манге или плохо разбирается в видеоиграх, хотя он не рад, что кто-то знает эти факты. Точно так же Джоске пытается соответствовать Джотаро, которым он восхищается, и нервничает около него, опасаясь не выполнить задачу, которую Джотаро ему поручил.[12] Он также проявил умеренный страх перед привидениями (в начале), что было показано, когда Коичи задаётся вопросом, видел ли он привидение в доме по соседству с Джоске, и Джоске нервно говорит ему сменить тему.

Джоске спокойно целится в крысу в критический момент

Тем не менее, в бою Джоске гораздо более спокоен и наблюдателен, хотя аспекты его глупости, как правило, проявляются. Он достаточно уверен в своих силах, а именно в своем Стенде, но это не распространяется на самого Джоске, поскольку он всё ещё может нервничать, если что-то пойдёт не так. Также, Теруноске Миямото раскрыл, что нервный тик Джоске - кусать губы.[13] Даже если Джоске по своей натуре мягкий, он не стесняется жестокого обращения с врагом, и в случае, если кто-то причинил боль или подвергнул опасности любимого человека, Джоске будет ещё более мстительным, ка например он слил Анджело с камнем[14] и запер Теруноске с книгой.[15]

Джоске и Окуясу Ниджимура радуются тому, сколько денег они могут получить с Шигекио Янгу

Джоске в лучшем случае косвенно уважает закон, унаследовав озорную сторону своего отца, проявляющуюся в первую очередь в отношении выигрыша денег. Почти опустошив свой банковский счёт из-за несерьёзных расходов, Джоске пытается быстро получить дополнительные деньги. Когда он и Окуясу встречают Шигечи, он быстро разрабатывает план использования Стенда Шигечи Harvest, чтобы найти выброшенную мелочь[16] а затем выброшенные купоны со всего Морио, вплоть до совершения уголовного преступления, чтобы заработать деньги с помощью выигрышного билета[17] Точно так же, после встречи с Микитакой Хадзекурой, он пользуется его способностью "Стенда" менять форму, убеждая Микитаку превратиться в кости, чтобы развести на деньги Рохана, с которым у него плохие отношения.[18] Наконец, охарактеризовав как известный жест, он крадёт бумажник Джозефа благодаря своему Стенду, возвращая его себе с помощью подброшенной туда части фото.[19] Тот факт, что его стенд может почти что угодно восстановить или излечить, означает, что Джоске может избежать наказания за разрушение собственности или создание опасности для кого-то, поэтому его не особо беспокоят юридические последствия своих действий, поскольку их не будет (для него, по крайней мере).

Джоске с фанатками

Хотя у Джоске есть своя доля поклонниц, он обращается с ними гораздо менее критично, чем его отец и племянник. Он не вспыльчивый или неустанно кокетливый (в отличие от Джозефа), и он не старается изо всех сил избавиться от них (в отличие от Джотаро). Вместо этого, если девушки рядом с Джоске проявляют к нему интерес, он польщён и показывает, что неплохо ладит со своими одноклассницами и поклонницами.[5] Когда Джотаро просит Джоске пойти на охоту, Джоске сначала полагает, что он имеет в виду охоту за девушками, и, краснея и улыбаясь, говорит, что он больше "парень по любви".[12] Однако он, кажется, готов сражаться с ними, поскольку он угрожал убить Юкако, если она попытается что-нибудь сделать с Коичи, которым она была одержима.[20] Хотя он проявляет интерес к женщинам, это не его главный приоритет.

В качестве крылатой фразы Джоске часто произносит "отлично" по-английски. Он также проявляет странную причуду: всякий раз, когда произносит японскую фразу kakkoii (かっこいい), мужской комплимент, по сути означающий «крутой», он всегда произносит его странно, как "Kappyoii" или "Kacchoii". Эти неправильные произношения переводятся как "kewl" в английских субтитрах Crunchyroll.

"Чё ты сказал о моей причёске?"

В типичной идиосинкразии Джоске сверхчувствительно реагирует на пренебрежительные комментарии к его причёске;[5] что Коичи интерпретирует как реакцию Джоске на оскорбления в адрес своего спасителя, хотя Джоске лично утверждает, что не знает причины своего гнева.[1] После оскорбления Джоске автоматически впадает в слепую ярость, независимо от обстоятельств и собеседников, и становится гораздо более грубым и жестоким. Во-первых, дерзкого старшеклассника, приказаниям которого изначально подчиняется Джоске, бьёт кулаком и наступает на него[11] пока его нос не деформировался навсегда. Позже, во время битвы с Роханом, последний неоднократно насмехался над Джоске, пытаясь заставить Джоске смотреть на его Стенд. В результате Джоске приходит в ярость, и после того, как он одолел Рохана, он нанёс настолько сильный удар, что Рохан оказался в больнице на месяц.[1]



Джоске с Crazy Diamond

Стенд Джоске, Crazy Diamond, способен возвращать предметы (и организмы) к их прежнему состоянию их истории.

It is able to repair damage and heal injuries. It can also revert an item to its components (e.g. a wooden table into lumber).

With this, Crazy Diamond may perform a range of interesting feats; including trapping (parts of) an enemy by restoring pieces of a broken object around it; and tracking, accomplished by restoring something such as a torn piece of clothing, which seeks to reattach itself to the original article.

However, this Stand is not without limits: Crazy Diamond can only restore state, not life, hence a lifeless body would still remain dead even after being "fixed" by Crazy Diamond's power. Also, the healing power cannot be used on Josuke himself, or strictly speaking, anything that can be considered a part of his current self, body, or even his own clothes.


Josuke shows great proficiency with using Crazy Diamond in combat. Thanks to its great physical prowess, Josuke can use Crazy Diamond's fists to perform outside-of-the-box tactics such as breaking through a wall to escape an attack. Moreover, he has been shown to throw projectiles with great efficiency thanks to his Stand's sheer strength and precision.

Additionally, Josuke has been shown to use his seemingly restricted power for a wide array of tactical goals. Crazy Diamond's power of repairing anything makes Josuke a great healer, as long as he can reach his allies before they die, and he works exceptionally well with a partner as a result. Because he can break objects and repair them, Josuke is liberal in breaking anything to get something he wants such as a more favorable position or a key item like fuel for a motorcycle, use a precious item as leverage, or even destroy his motorcycle to avoid a baby carriage; he then repairs anything he's broken, cancelling any consequence his antics would have. Josuke can easily exploit the environment to his advantage thanks to Crazy Diamond. His ability to repair makes it so he can manipulate the environment to a certain point, like creating a shield out of concrete or laying down a trap with an object's broken pieces only to repair it around an enemy. The deadliness of his projectile is also increased as he can create a boomerang effect by forcing a piece to come back to him, hitting an enemy from behind.

Personal Skills

Josuke is shrewd, confident, and courageous, possessing considerable fluid intelligence and a will to win - just like his father.

  • Intelligence: Josuke is extremely quick to get on his feet under almost any circumstance as he is very aware of his immediate surroundings as well as his own capabilities. He is proficient in utilizing anything he has within reach for dealing with problems at hand and is also shown to be capable of planning several steps ahead by reading opponents' behavior and habits. Josuke is very confident of his abilities to the point of claiming that there is nothing Crazy Diamond (indirectly referring to himself) can't fix and expresses mild disappointment after figuring out what he thought would have been one such problem. As a result of his intellect, Josuke can be quite cunning; manipulating, lying, and cheating others occasionally to achieve certain selfish goals.
  • Physical Fitness: Josuke possesses substantial athletic ability. He has been shown once to have successfully chased down a moving bus over long distances completely on foot, and can handle a heavy motorbike effortlessly for the first and only time riding it while achieving many otherwise professional feats during a high-speed chase in attempts to avoid direct contacts with the enemy chasing after him. The most well known demonstration of Josuke's physical toughness is shown when he withstands exposure to several explosions generated by Yoshikage Kira's Killer Queen, sustaining heavy injuries and blood loss but remaining conscious enough to think of countermeasures and tactics.


Friends, Classmates and Others

  • Koichi Hirose: Josuke is close friends with Koichi and frequently looks out for his well-being. When Koichi becomes victim to Yukako's intense affection toward him, Josuke takes measures to make Koichi seem less attractive. Josuke respects Koichi's bravery in dire times and sees him as a good friend and worthy ally, trusting him for help throughout various battles.
  • Okuyasu Nijimura: Initially, Josuke and Okuyasu met as enemies, but after hearing out Okuyasu's story and motives, Josuke becomes best friends with him. The two frequently hang out with each other and experience day-to-day misadventures. They often encounter or fight Stand users together such as Tonio, Otoishi, Shigechi, Mikitaka, Toyohiro, and Kira. They have such a strong bond that when Okuyasu was attacked and nearly killed by Kira, Josuke refused to leave him even though it seemed Okuyasu was dead and dragging his body slowed Josuke down.
  • Rohan Kishibe: Josuke and Rohan initially met as enemies due to Rohan nearly killing Koichi and Okuyasu. Josuke then gets his hair insulted by Rohan and pummels him in blinded rage. Although their views of each other cool down after that, they do not view each other any more amicably. Rohan becomes suspicious of Josuke's attempts to cheat money from him and Josuke becomes suspicious of Rohan's attempts at revenge. Despite this, the two hold some begrudging respect and trust in each other. Due to their contrasting personalities, Rohan had difficulty getting Josuke to listen to him during the fight with Highway Star and saved Josuke's life while risking his own. Josuke started to respect Rohan after that and risked his life in return by looking for Yuya Fungami in hopes of rescuing Rohan. Although Josuke has healed Rohan's pinky during their game of Cee-lo, and then healed him again after Highway Star, Rohan gets angry afterwards because he never asked Josuke to do so.
  • Mikitaka Hazekura: Josuke and Mikitaka see each other as close friends. Mikitaka is especially thankful of Josuke for "saving his life" by finding him in a crop circle and getting him away from loud sirens later on. Josuke does not hesitate to have Mikitaka use his ability to attempt to scam money from Rohan, but becomes worried when Mikitaka displays signs of sickness and attempts to look out for his friend's well-being. In addition, Josuke is moved when Mikitaka offers to sacrifice his freedom to save Josuke from Super Fly during their fight against Toyohiro, and does everything in his power to save him. Overall, the two are good loyal friends who stand by each other.
  • Josuke's Savior: In a past incident in which Josuke had a fever and the car his mom drove was stuck in a snowstorm, an unnamed student with a pompadour took off his coat and placed it underneath the car. By doing so, the car was able to start up and drive over the coat safely as the student pushed the car from behind. This caused Josuke to look up to the student as a role model, and hence style his own hair in a similar manner and to live his life based on how he believed his hero would act. Josuke's admiration is so strong that when someone insults his pompadour, Josuke takes it as an insult to his hero and beats up whoever insulted his hair.
  • Yukako Yamagishi: The two did not start off on good terms due to Yukako's initial obsession and kidnapping of Koichi. When Josuke saw her again, he threatened to kill her if she did anything to Koichi, though she promised not to. The two were stated to have a relationship where they don't care for each other, but after she and Koichi begin dating, Josuke was seen hanging with her and Okuyasu at a cafe in Chapter 371 (notably without Koichi).
  • Shigekiyo Yangu: Initially, Shigekiyo was friendly to Josuke and Okuyasu as he was glad to make new friends. Josuke and Okuyasu referred to him as "Shigechi". Together, they decided to use Shigechi's powers to their advantage to earn some easy money. However, when Shigechi got greedy and failed to keep his promise of sharing an equal amount of money with Josuke and Okuyasu, it led to a confrontation. Josuke and Okuyasu managed to defeat him and Shigechi re-befriended the two. While still annoyed by his greed, Josuke was distraught upon learning Shigechi was murdered by Kira and swore to get revenge for him.
  • Yuya Fungami: The two initially started out as enemies as Yuya used his Stand to absorb nutrients from both Rohan and him. Since he was injured, Josuke healed his wounds so that it would be a "fair fight" and then immediately punched him again several times, knocking him out the window. However, when Terunosuke captured Koichi, Josuke went to Yuya for help finding Koichi with his sense of smell in exchange for Josuke healing his wounds. Yuya agreed but stated he wouldn't help fight the Stand user. Despite this, Yuya put his life on the line to save Josuke and Koichi, earning Josuke's respect. The two soon became friends afterwards.
  • Reimi Sugimoto: While Josuke did not have much interaction with Reimi as much as she did with Rohan and Koichi, he did still seem to care for her and felt sorry for her condition. He also didn't seem scared of her, despite his initial fear of ghosts. He listened to her advice about the serial killer Stand user Kira and bid her farewell when she left.
  • Hayato Kawajiri: Hayato found out his father was replaced by Kira and when trying to expose Kira ended up being saved by Josuke. He gave advice to Josuke throughout his fight with Kira despite not having a Stand, such as exposing a weakness in Kira's Stand ability. Josuke in turn admires Hayato's bravery, such as when he allows himself to set off the bomb on Okuyasu's body in place of Josuke, as Hayato sees Josuke and his allies as the only way to stop Kira. He played an integral part in helping Josuke fight against Kira while Josuke protected him, becoming friends in the process.


  • Tomoko Higashikata: Josuke is very close to his mother, as her emotions towards Joseph are much of the reason for his animosity towards his father. He considers her a strong woman and the two love each other deeply. Though he loves his mother, he can be annoyed by her strictness such as telling him to go to bed early or when she froze his bank account after learning he earned 1 billion yen. Both act very informally with each other.
  • Ryohei Higashikata: Josuke respects his maternal grandfather and looks up to him due to his profession as a police officer. The two are very close and Ryohei has a habit of pranking Josuke. When he was killed by Angelo, Josuke got his revenge by fusing Angelo to a rock for eternity to stay in the town his grandfather protected.
  • Jotaro Kujo: Despite having fought Jotaro when they first met, Josuke has quickly grown to trust him especially after their battle with Angelo and after Jotaro tells him the details behind Stand users in Morioh. Later, when Jotaro takes him out hunting, Josuke is quick to accept and trusts his strategy. They also band together to fight against Yoshikage Kira. Although Josuke is technically Jotaro's uncle, he looks up to Jotaro as a mentor while Jotaro cares for Josuke as a younger brother, though is also mildly exasperated by the latter's temper and rougher-around-the-edge Stand abilities. The two have been described as having a relationship of mutual trust and respect, though Josuke tends to feel pressured by Jotaro due to his greater experience and power. He also looks up to Jotaro calling his Star Platinum invincible during his fight with Akira Otoishi and again when fighting Yoshihiro Kira.
  • Joseph Joestar: Before meeting his father, Josuke preferred that he would just leave because he thought it was too late for Joseph to get involved with him and his mother. Josuke states that he doesn't hate him, but it would be awkward meeting him now and would rather have him leave them in peace as it's always been. However, he fights against Otoishi to protect Joseph's life because he believes he'll be seeing bad dreams if he isn't able to help his father. When Joseph first arrives at Morioh with a broken cane, Josuke also helps him walk by holding his hand instead of repairing it. Upon seeing Joseph's strong desire to help people when he endangered his life to save Shizuka, Josuke starts to warm up to him. By the end of the manga, he's happily accepting of his father, though still steals his wallet.
  • Shizuka Joestar: When he and Joseph found her, they were surprised by her powers and did their best to take care of her and find her parents. Josuke was concerned when her powers caused her and everything around her to turn invisible and did his best to make sure she was unharmed. He also thinks of her as cute. Considering the limited interactions between the two, it is safe to assume the two get along, especially now that they are siblings (as Joseph later adopts Shizuka).


  • Yoshikage Kira: After Kira killed Shigechi, Josuke swore to avenge him and developed a grudge against Kira. While Josuke loathed Kira, the latter didn't think much of Josuke and as an enemy, preferred to avoid any confrontation with him. However, during their final battle, Kira noticed that Josuke's ability to repair things was the perfect counter to Killer Queen's ability. After realizing that Josuke is the most terrifying person getting in the way of his peace of mind rather than Jotaro, Kira was more cautious during their fight.
  • Yoshihiro Kira: Because Yoshihiro is Yoshikage's greatest ally, Josuke and Yoshihiro are enemies. Josuke bears a grudge against Yoshihiro and the latter made several attempts to kill Josuke including attacking him with his Stand and creating several Stand users. Josuke manages to kill Yoshihiro by tricking Yoshikage, who unknowingly makes his father explode.
  • Anjuro Katagiri: Due to Angelo murdering his grandfather, Josuke despised him and made a vow to protect Morioh from criminals like him. Josuke would later take his revenge by turning Angelo into a rock.
  • Akira Otoishi: Out of empathy for Okuyasu losing his brother to Otoishi, Josuke disliked Otoishi and knew he had to be stopped. When confronting Josuke in his own home, Otoishi underestimated his abilities and thought he could defeat Josuke with only his pinky. When Otoishi threatens to murder Joseph, Josuke fights seriously against him and after his defeat, Otoishi cooperates by staying in prison due to fear of being hunted down by Jotaro.
  • Terunosuke Miyamoto: In order to lure out Josuke, Terunosuke trapped Josuke's mother and Koichi inside pieces of paper. Josuke was angered by him for being someone who would take people hostage, most notably his mother. Josuke would later get his revenge by turning Terunosuke into a book and leaving him in the Morioh library.
  • Keicho Nijimura: Josuke and Keicho met as enemies due to the latter's involvement in putting Morioh's population in danger and shooting Koichi in the throat. While Josuke detested Keicho's callousness toward his own brother, he felt sympathetic towards the brothers after learning of their father's fate, recognizing some decency in Keicho and offered a truce. Keicho, plagued by the thought of his past crimes, rejected the truce and was killed by Otoishi soon afterwards.
  • Toyohiro Kanedaichi: Originally acting friendly towards Josuke, Toyohiro reveals that his kindness was only a ploy in an attempt to kill him. After a brief fight, Toyohiro tells Josuke and the others that he is trapped by his Stand and was just trying to escape. He then dropped all hostility towards Josuke and his friends and informed him that Koichi was being attacked by another Stand user.

The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day

  • Takuma Hasumi: After learning that there was another murderer in Morioh, Josuke went on an investigation that eventually led him to confront Takuma. While the two have only brief interactions, Josuke was angry at Takuma for assaulting Okuyasu and his mother and insulting his hero. In the end, Josuke unintentionally killed him by pushing him off a roof.

Chapters / Episodes

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Chapters in order of appearance

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Episodes in order of appearance


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  • Hey...senior... What was that about my hair?
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 266: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 1
  • I don't give a rat's ass if you are a senior... If you trash my hair, I'll kill you... What was that again? Think my hair looks stupid? Too cartoon-like for you?
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 266: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 1
  • You bastard... What the fuck did you say about my hair?!?!
    —Josuke Higashikata to Jotaro, Chapter 267: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 2
  • I won't let anyone talk trash about my awesome hair! I don't know why I'm this pissed. I guess I just naturally hate you!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 267: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 2
  • I will protect both my mother and this town! No matter what gets in my way, I'll fill in for Grandpa!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 270: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 2
  • This is great! (グレートだぜ!)
    —Josuke Higashikata's catchphrase
  • Welcome to purgatory, Angelo! You'll be atoning for your crimes for a long time... for those whom you killed and my'll be living in this town forever... as a rock!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 272: Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo, Part 4
  • 'Sup! Angelo.
  • I don't have a reason [for healing you]. I just don't want anyone to die.
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 277: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 4
  • You just stand back and watch as I break through your line and kick your ass!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 280: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 7
  • Did you forget that my Stand can restore broken objects to their original form? If you forgot, you'd better write this down!
    —Josuke Higashikata to Keicho Nijimura, Chapter 280: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 7
  • No can do... we don't need garbage stinking up out town, you know? From what I just saw... there's garbage here that can use some cheap-ass Stand... gotta bag that shit and toss it out.
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 285: Koichi Hirose (Echoes), Part 2
  • Oh great... he's got some balls turning into me.. looks like things just got interesting!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 290: Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface), Part 2
  • Hazamada... this Stand is dangerous... though it doesn't change the fact that I'll kick his ass.
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 291: Toshikazu Hazamada (Surface), Part 3
  • Who the hell do you think you are, huh? "I won't forgive you", is that right? Huh? That's my fucking line!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 306: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 4
  • You said before that you have to own up for your bullshit... But it wasn't that your strategy was bullshit... It's your shitty self that stinks.
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 313: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 7
  • How the hell I am supposed to find an invisible baby in clear water?!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 317: We Picked Up Something Crazy!, Part 3
  • You wanna fight me, huh? Don't fuck around, one more shot and you're dead!
    —Josuke Higashikata to Mushikuidenai, Chapter 326: Let's Go Hunting!, Part 2
  • I'm suddenly in a fighting mood! That bastard... I'll definitively hit!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 329: Let's Go Hunting!, Part 5
  • You can call me the man who performs under pressure, "Josuke Higashikata"!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 329: Let's Go Hunting!, Part 5
  • Yeah! We are the invincible trio!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 336: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2
  • "Amazing" you say? You haven't seen Crazy Diamond yet!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 340: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 6
  • No matter how you look at it, I look like a normal high school student, so why would you ask me to help?
    —Josuke to Yoshikage Kira, Chapter 363: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 10
  • You're as good as new, for now. It's a fair fight now, isn't it? Dorararararara!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 391: Highway Star, Part 8
  • I feel completely refreshed. Feels like putting on fresh underwear on new year's day.
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 391: Highway Star, Part 8
  • No gas, no problem. Here I thought I found something Crazy Diamond can't fix!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 389: Highway Star, Part 6
  • My name's Josuke Higashikata, and my Stand's name is Crazy Diamond. It may not have much range, but its punch is faster than you pansy-ass 60kph.
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 391: Highway Star, Part 8
  • win. Crazy Diamond is not powerful enough to get me out. But I got one last word of advice for you. Once you turn me into paper, you better rip that shit to shred 'cause if I get back out, I'll fucking kill you!
    —Josuke Higashikata, Chapter 407: Enigma Boy, Part 4
  • I'll be keeping this wallet! A proper dad never forgets to give his kid some allowance, right?
    —Josuke after stealing Joseph's wallet, Chapter 439: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart


Araki's #1-10 Favorite Characters
  • The "Suke" (助) in his name may also be pronounced as "Jo" in Japanese.
  • As of Steel Ball Run, Josuke is Araki's favorite JoJo. He explains that because of the general everyday neighborhood setting of Diamond is Unbreakable, he felt more attached to Josuke, and considered him somewhat like a friend or a senior. In contrast, Jotaro was "more of someone you would admire as a hero".[21]
  • The identity of Josuke's savior is a commonly discussed subject in the fandom, dating back to when Part 4 was first publicized in Weekly Shonen Jump.[22] In a 1994 interview with OVA director, Hiroyuki Kitakubo, when asked about the flashback and whether it was Josuke who met himself, Hirohiko Araki replied, "It's irrelevant, that was merely Josuke's memory."[23] David Production's TV Anime director, Naokatsu Tsuda, also inquired Araki on who the mysterious boy was during production of the anime adaptation, though Araki seemingly chose not to comment.[22]
  • Josuke's surname, Higashikata, is written using the same kanji as "tōhō" (東方), the Japanese word for "eastern" or "oriental".
  • In the 2019 ISU World Figure Skating Championships Gala, skater Keiji Tanaka paid tribute to Josuke's character by cosplaying as him during a demonstration, performing to the music of the anime's main theme.[24]
  • Josuke is scared of turtles and in Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata and Chapter 266 he tries to overcome this fear by touching a turtle.


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