Hato Higashikata

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Oh, mon Dieu ! Quelqu'un a déposé un magazine avec une si jolie fille en couverture dans un endroit comme celui-ci ? ! Mince, je suis sûr d'avoir déjà vu cette personne quelque part... C'est moi... muhuhuhuhu !
—Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family

Hato Higashikata (東方 鳩, Higashikata Hato) est une alliée secondaire figurant dans la huitième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion. Apparaissant tôt dans l'histoire, elle devient plus importante durant l'arc narratif "Hato Présente son Copain" et devient temporairement dans le Chapitre 54.

Hato est la fille âinée de Norisuke Higashikata IV, de caractère tête-en-l'air. Elle est la soeur de Jobin, Joshu et Daiya Higashikata. Elle travaille en tant que mannequin. Hato est une manieuse de Stand dont le Walking Heart peut allonger ses talons en piques acérés, les tournant en armes mortelles.



Hato est une grande et belle jeune femme aux cheveux blonds et raides. Au début, ses mèches longues se terminaient en accessoires en forme de flèche, puis les mèches elles-mêmes se finissent comme des pointes de flèches. Sa tenue la plus fréquente jusqu'à présent consiste en un body moulant avec un col lacé et une flèche en spirale qui descend le long de sa poitrine et pointant vers son aine. Elle porte également des chaussures fantaisie à talons hauts qui lui servent d'armes principales lorsqu'elles sont couplées à sa capacité de son Stand.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Peau(Peau claire, lèvres roses)
(Combinaison bleu sombre, accessoires dorés, chaussures noires avec des noeuds roses)
Peau(Peau claire, lèvres oranges)
(Combinaison verte bouteille, chemise blanche, accessoires dorés-blancs, chaussures noires)


Hato Higashikata est une jeune femme joviale et tête-en-l'air.

Le trait de caractère le plus récurrent chez Hato est son ignorance. Par exemple, elle a cru qu'Hawaii faisait partie du Japon,[Note 1] et n'a donc pas pensé à faire remplir un visa pour les Etats-Unis, ruinant ainsi des vacances familiales.[1] Selon sa mère Kaato, Hato avait aussi l'habitude de se tromper en lisant des kanji, prenant le kanji pour 'humain' ((じん), jin) pour le kanji d''entrer' ((はい), hai) quand elle était enfant.[2]

Hato est très fière de sa beauté, et est très sérieuse en ce qui concerne son travail de mannequin. En préparation avec une collaboration avec une célébrité, la patineuse artistique Shizuka Arakawa, on voit Hato bien se maquiller pour avoir une belle apparence et s'inquiète même qu'elle puisse faire de l'ombre à Arakawa avec sa beauté.[3]

Hato et Joshu se disputent souvent

Malgré son âge, Hato est toujours d'un naturel enfantin, étant très joyeuse et parfois immature. Par exemple, elle entretient une sorte de rivalité joueuse avec son petit frère Joshu, les deux se disputant souvent et s'insultant de façon bégnine, ou bien se faisant des farces. Hato a tendance à parler en rallongeant les syllabes de ses mots, comme sa mère. Hato a un sens du romantisme et semble ne pas juger les gens sur leur apparence. En effet, elle a été immédiatement séduite lorsque Tamaki Damo (un homme petit, obèse et avec une calvitie) répare un collier pour elle sur lequel il a formé les mots "Je t'aime". Elle fut immédiatement conquise et il devinrent un couple très proche très rapidement.[4] Lorsqu'il est clair que Damo s'est servi d'elle, Hato reste momentanément dans le déni jusqu'à ce qu'il l'attaque elle et qu'elle doive se rendre à l'évidence. Quand elle doit se défendre, elle pleure tout de même des larmes de tristesse alors qu'elle doit tuer son copain pour protéger sa famille.[5] Son attitude pousse Damo à la sous-estimer et à penser qu'elle est plus bête qu'elle ne l'ait.

Quand sa famille est menacée, Hato est capable d'exhiber un côté plus mature et froid au combat. Lorsqu'elle combat Damo pour protéger sa famille, elle n'hésite plus à l'attaquer et à user de coups mortels contre son copain. Cependant, ce côté ne se manifeste plus et elle reste en pleur et passive lorsque Wonder of U attaque les Higashikata. Comme Hato se souvient de sa mère et du fait qu'elle a tué un enfant, Hato ne souhaite pas la bienvenue à Hato lorsque celle-ci revient de prison.

Au contraire de Joshu, Hato est religieuse. Elle dit par exemple que l'Homme et la vache ont été créés par Dieu.[1]



Main article: Walking Heart

Le Stand de Hato est Walking Heart, qui lui permet de projeter de long piques depuis ses talons. Elle peut violemment attaquer avec ces piques acérées, et peut aussi marcher sur les murs en enfonçant les piques dedans.

Walking Heart (ウォーキング・ハート)Link to this section



Hato en tant qu'enfant

Before the events of JoJolion, Hato and Jobin were the only two siblings old enough to know their mother, Kaato Higashikata. Hato was nine years old at the time Kaato disappeared, and their dad, Norisuke Higashikata IV, would tell them things like their mother left or she died. However, Hato checked up on the facts herself and discovered her mother was in prison for 15 years due to murdering a child.

At one point, Hato attended to the funeral of Rai Mamezuku's father.[6]


Une vie paisible

Josuke first encounter Hato in the Higashikata House where she picks up a dropped magazine titled "Top M" with herself displayed on the cover, revealing that she has the profession of being a fashion model.[7] For now, Hato has no relation to Josuke's search for his identity and doesn't interact much with him, being seen living her own life separate from Josuke's adventure.

Les Higashikatas prennent le petit déjeuner en maillot de bain

One morning, she applies makeup in preparation for going ice skating with Shizuka Arakawa and worries that her 'aura' may cause her to stand out more than the figure skater. When Josuke borrows Joshu's razor and begins to shave his face bizarrely, Hato worries that he'll cut himself and bleed. However, Josuke's cheeks end up being completely clean, leaving Hato and her brother in a confused state. Josuke's bubbles moved his facial hair onto Hato and Joshu's faces, causing them to laugh hysterically when they look at each other's faces.[3] Josuke is confused when he enters the kitchen and sees Hato, Daiya, and Norisuke wearing swimsuits while eating pancakes. Daiya calls it the most tragic event in the history of the Higashikata Family. They had to cancel their trip to Hawaii because Hato didn't get passports for them to leave the country. She was ignorant of Hawaii being located in America because it has strong cultural ties to Japan, with both Pearl Harbor and Kamehameha being written with kanji. When Joshu argues about not believing in God, Hato states the cow that made the milk they were drinking and humans exist because God made them. After Josuke states he wants to go to school and is scorned by Joshu, Hato believes Josuke will do fine in school since she's a university graduate.[1] When Jobin arrived home from his trip, he brought souvenirs for his siblings and Kei. Hato received a t-shirt with an image of a red turtle on it and text saying "Green Turtle" in red letters above it. She also received a fold-up umbrella that has "Fighting Spirit" plastered over it in red letters. She's extremely amused about all the useless presents her and her siblings received and laughs to herself saying she wouldn't be caught dead walking around with the items.[8]

One day, Hato meets a peculiar man. During a photo shoot for a designer, the string of the designer's necklace she was wearing somehow snapped and the pieces scattered all over the floor. While the designer and the cameraman were fuming at her, Tamaki Damo showed up to deliver clean clothes for the photoshoot. He picked up every piece that had fallen off and rebuilt the entire necklace with a new design that has the characters for "I love you". Charmed, Hato became his girlfriend. In the short time they've known each other, they've had sex twice and bathed together five times.

Hato Présente son Copain

Hato présente son copain Damo aux Higashikata

Hato brings Tamaki Damo to the Higashikata House with the intention of introducing her new boyfriend, who she calls "Kan-chan", to her family. Daiya is curious as to whether he's handsome while Josuke, Norisuke, and Joshu are at a loss for words due to his appearance. Joshu begins teasing Damo for speaking quietly, leading Hato to glare at him. When Norisuke asks how long they've known each other, Hato states they've only met recently and already had sex twice so far. Norisuke winces from the revelation, whereas Joshu can't hold back his laughter. When the couple starts showing affection and are about to kiss, Norisuke forbids it from occurring in his house. Hato then reveals that she's also bathed with Damo five times, bringing Norisuke greater distress. Hato describes the story of how she met her boyfriend and Joshu and Norisuke are disgusted as to how Hato could love him for something like that.

Hato réalise que sa famille est attaquée

When Yasuho faxes a copy of Josefumi Kujo's passport with a picture of Damo on it, Daiya picks it up and Hato is extremely curious as to what it shows. Daiya runs away with it to give it to Josuke but Damo convinces Hato to get it back from her so that he can be left alone with Norisuke. Hato discovers the handprints of Vitamin C all over the house and Josuke on the ground with his body melting. Josuke warns Hato that she'll be killed but she refuses to believe that Damo would betray her. Thus, she goes back to the living room only to see her father being tortured by her boyfriend. Damo immediately attacks her and sticks her liquefied body to the fireplace. Josuke manages to counterattack but Damo gets the upper hand and removes Josuke's liver. Just then, Hato emerges from a soap bubble from Soft & Wet, which Josuke wrapped her in so that she could escape from the range of Damo's Stand through the chimney.

Trahie, Hato doit combattre Damo

Hato kicks Damo from the outside of her house and the heel of her shoe impales his neck through the glass door, revealing that she is a Stand user. She kicks him through the door multiple times, with her heels continuously stabbing Damo. Damo attempts to act innocent by saying he was planning on turning her family back to normal and that he still loves her, but Hato responds by tearfully climbing up the bricks of her house using her heels and walks onto the roof. Thinking Hato was going to target him from above, Damo attempts to shove the liquefied Norisuke into the fireplace so that he burns alive, hoping Hato would touch Vitamin C's fingerprints in order to save her father. However, Josuke's bubbles reveal Damo's location, allowing Hato to swiftly fire her heel's spikes through the roof which pierces through Damo's skull. Once Josuke finishes him off as he tries running away, the family reverts to normal. Hato, Norisuke, Daiya, and Kei share a group hug after their traumatic experience.

Le Retour de Kaato

Kaato se représente à la famille

One day, Kaato Higashikata, the family's matriarch, returns. On guard, Hato explains to Josuke that her mother is guilty of murdering a child. Hato does her best to keep away from Kaato and Kaato eventually storms out.[2]

Le Nouveau Locacaca

One day, the Higashikatas have breakfast together. During the meal, Hato and Daiya eat the fish sausages that Joshu is attempting to weight. Soon after this, the entire estate is attacked. After Jobin plants Ozon Baby in the orchard, the air pressure of the estate is being modified. When Hato opens the door to the garage, the entire house is depressurized and Hato is among the casualties. Thankfully, Josuke eventually forces Poor Tom to cancel his power and the entire family survives. However, the orchard has been burned down during the fight and Hato worries about the family's livelihood.

Afterwards, Tsurugi's health deteriorates considerably and he is bedridden because of the Rock Disease. On the day of the harvest, a string of events result in the Higashikata Family catching Jobin and Mitsuba trying to drown Paisley Park. Hato is forced to see her family tearing itself apart as Norisuke exposes Jobin's murder of Ojiro Sasame and Jobin induces a heat stroke in Norisuke with Speed King. She is then told to help move the unconscious Norisuke to the second floor. Eventually, the family also realizes that Jobin is heavily wounded due to the attack of Akefu's Stand.

Later on, when Tooru infiltrates the Higashikata residence to retrieve the Locacaca plant from Yasuho, she is caught along Wonder of U's calamity along with Mitsuba, Tsurugi, and Daiya as the plane door meant to fly towards Yasuho lands inside the house. Investigating the commotion, she and Daiya go to the garage only to find their mother Kaato and their brother Jobin's corpse. They watch as Kaato utilizes her Stand Space Trucking to pin down Tooru and use his body to perform an equivalent exchange with Tsurugi. Although the exchange is successful, with Tooru disintegrating while Tsurugi recovers, Kaato is revealed to have been stabbed due to Wonder of U's ability. With the family curse broken, the Higashikata family attend to Norisuke, who is in an incapacitated state, while an ambulance arrives in the estate.


Days later, the Higashikata family go to a cafe to order a cake as a celebration for Norisuke's discharge the next day, as well as a new beginning in the Higashikata family history. Daiya invites Yasuho and Josuke who have been walking nearby. As Daiya chooses the cake, Hato insists that she shouldn't choose based on the most popular cake and that it has to represent a new beginning. Suddenly, everyone breaks down into tears, including Tsurugi, Mitsuba and Joshu. Tsurugi then insists Josuke to choose a cake. With the family reunited once again, Yasuho Hirose watches nearby and sheds a tear before exiting the room.



  • Norisuke Higashikata IV: Hato's loving father. As his eldest daughter, he is protective of her. Despite being initially hesitant with Hato and Damo's relationship, Norisuke nonetheless supports their relationship as her happiness was what matters most to him. During the events of The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love), Hato is noted to weep along her siblings as Jobin tells them to help him move their father's unconscious body.
  • Jobin Higashikata: Hato's eldest brother and sibling. The two do not interact much in the household as Jobin is often away for business trips. Nonetheless, he does not forget to gift Hato and their other siblings when he comes home from his trip.
  • Joshu Higashikata: Hato's youngest brother and second youngest sibling. Joshu and Hato share a playful sibling relationship, as seen from their banters in the household. Joshu likes to tease Hato and in return, she also picks at him. When Hato introduces her boyfriend, Damo, to the family, Joshu wastes no time to devise his plans to tease Damo of his mannerisms and even attempts to fully expose his bald spot by shooting a champagne cork. Nevertheless, the brother and sister love each other unconditionally and both care for the other as siblings.
  • Daiya Higashikata: Hato's sister and youngest sibling. While the two are rarely seen being affectionate with one another, they share an unconditional love for each other, as seen when Hato looks for Daiya when she goes missing due to the effects of a Stand ability.
  • Kaato Higashikata: Hato's mother. Jobin and Hato were the only children old enough to know their mother. While Norisuke told his children that she either left or died, Hato herself looked up about Kaato and had discovered that she was in prison for 15 years for murdering a child. When Kaato returns to the Higashikata household, Hato ensures to avoid her at all cost.
  • Josuke Higashikata: Hato's adoptive brother. The two do not have much interaction, though they are on good terms. When Damo attacks the Higashikata household, Josuke uses his bubbles to protect her, implying he cares for her as an ally.

Petits amis

  • Tamaki Damo: Damo and Hato first met during a photo shoot in Damo's shoot, where he helped repair her necklace and even wrote "I Love You" on it, seducing Hato and thus he became her boyfriend. He is the first boyfriend that Hato introduces to the family. According to Hato, during their time together, they have slept together twice and bathed together five times.[9] However, after witnessing her family become liquefied under Damo's Stand and breaking her heart, she fatally wounds him with her Stand Walking Heart in rage.


Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • Oh, my! Someone dropped a magazine with such a pretty girl on the cover in a place like this?! Gee, I'm sure I've seen this person before somewheeere... It's meeeee muhuhuhuhu!!
    —Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
  • Nobody told me that Hawaii was in America... stuff like Pearl Harbor are written in kanji, and Kamehameha and stuff...
    —Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
  • Huh... there's toootally a god! I mean, the cow that made this milk and us humans exist because God made us.
    —Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
  • There, there. Big sister believes you.
  • I got a T-shirt with "green sea turtle" written in red. Who needs thaaaaat!? Even the turtle's red!! What lame-ass souveniiiiirs!
    —Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1
  • Well, we met each other preeeetty recently? We've only had sex twice so far...
    —Hato Higashikata talking about Tamaki Damo, JoJolion Chapter 47: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 1
  • That can't be... K... Kan-chan... would never trick me like that...
    —Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 54: Walking Heart
  • Kan-chan... ...why would you do this to me...?
    —Hato Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 54: Walking Heart
  • I know it was you! I'm gonna get the DNA analyzed! I swear, one of these days, you're gonna screw up, get sued, get arrested, get in debt, and your whole world's gonna come tumbling down!
    —Hato Higashikata to Joshu, JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca

Jeux Vidéo

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Hato est un personnage non-jouer dans le jeu vidéo JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven. Elle apparait dans la Maison des Higashikata dans l'arène de la partie 8, assise sur le canapé.



  • En japonais, "Hato" est un homonyme pour le mot anglais "heart" ou "coeur" en français. Ceci fait référence à l'enseigne des jeux de cartes de coeur, un thème récurrent pour les noms des femmes de la famille Higashikata. Daiya fait référence au carreau, Kaato fait référence aux cartes, Mitsuba aux trèfles, et Tsurugi (qui est déguisé en fille) fait référence aux piques.
    • Le Stand de Hato, Walking Heart, est décoré de coeurs, ajoutant à cette théorie.


  1. Les endroit à l'étranger sont le plus souvent écrits en katakana mais les endroits au Japon sont écrits avec des kanji le plus souvent. Cependant, Hawaii a ses endroitd écrits en kanji grâce à une longue histoire commune entre le Japon et l'archipel, d'où la confusion.



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