JoJonium Vol. 7
- Chapter 109.jpg
Kars evolving into the "Ultimate Being"
Карс (カーズ, Kāzu) - главный антагонист второй части серии JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency, и второй главный антагонист в серии.
Карс - лидер людей из колонн и создатель Каменной Маски. Его цель - развиться настолько, чтобы стать невосприимчивым к солнечным лучам, для этого он ищет Красный Камень Эйша, чтобы усилить его Маску, и сражается за него с пользователями хамона.
Как создатель Каменной Маски и Вампиров, Карс - один из самых влиятельных персонажей в серии. Его изобретение оказало большое влияние на многих ключевых персонажей, таких как Дио Брандо, семья Джостар и семья Цеппели.
Карс выглядит как высокий и очень атлетичный мужчина. У него элегантные, относительно женские черты лица, которое имеет более светлую окраску, чем у других людей из Колонн. У него длинные, тёмные, кудрявые волосы, которые он держит под тёмной, плотной повязкой (снимая её в знак проявления чести или агрессии). Из его головы прорастают три маленьких заострённых рога, на которых он носит маленькую диадему с драгоценным камнем посередине.
Он носит немного одежды: высокие ботинки, наплечники, стринги и мягкую набедренную повязку. В атаке, он создаёт длинные, блестящие лезвия из предплечий и ног.
Во время путешествия в Италию, Карс надевает мягкую фетровую шляпу и длинное пальто, чтобы казаться менее заметным.
Карс обладает отличным умом, беспощаден и целеустремлён. Он был признан гением среди Людей из Колонн, будучи создателем Каменной Маски.
Поначалу, он самый неразговорчивый из Людей из Колонн, и только изредка улыбается и напоминает Вамму и Эйсидиси об их цели.[1] Одержимый целью получения Красного Камня, он готов растоптать кого угодно на своём пути, пренебрегая честью. Он нарушает своё слово о том, что битва за Камень будет честной и равной, обманом побеждает Лизу Лизу, и выпускает своих миньонов-вампиров, чтобы добить ослабшего Джозефа. Он даже убивал невинных детей в предвкушении грядущей мести.[2]
С преимуществом своей устойчивости и бессмертия, Карс - методичный и терпеливый человек, способный проникать в человеческое общество (надевая их одежду) или осматривать комнату, чтобы атаковать всех, кто в ней находится, одним движением.[3] В первой битве против Джозефа, Карс демонстрирует большую неустанность в попытках заполучить Красный Камень, и спокойно парирует каждую уловку Джозефа своими атаками.[4] Нетронутый неудачами, например, когда он мирно признал, что Джозеф украл Камень прямо у него из-под носа,[5] он готов упорно бороться за победу в тяжёлой ситуации. Только когда он оказывается в космосе, медленно становится обездвиженным и удаляется от Земли, он теряет своё самообладание и надежду.[6] Тем не менее, его одержимость Супер Эйшей - главная слабость, так как Карс не может рисковать его потерей. Поэтому его враги с легкостью использовали этот камень как защиту или преимущество.[5][7]
Несмотря на свою твёрдую и серьёзную манеру, Карс обладает убийственной и садистской натурой. Он заявляет, что жизнь без врагов скучна[1] и неоднократно демонстрирует наслаждение битвами. Тем не менее, ему нравится видеть врагов в слабой позиции и панике: он радуется отчаянию Джозефа, когда он стал Совершенной Формой Жизни,[8] и часто облизывает губы в ожидании их смерти. Поведение Карса притворно-вежливое: он предлагает Лизе Лизе выпить яд, чтобы погибнуть, не сражаясь с ним.[9] Эти наклонности особенно проявляются, когда он достигает финальной формы, когда он наслаждается своим статусом сильнейшего существа на Земле.[10]
Карс, по видимому, очень властолюбивый Человек из Колонны, желающий раскрыть весь потенциал своего тела и расслабиться "на вершине".[2] Узнав, что мозги представителей его расы содержат неиспользованный потенциал, Карс захотел контролировать его. Будучи одержимым этой идеей, он создал каменные маски, чтобы раскрыть свои скрытые способности, но они не соответствовали его ожиданиям. Тогда он решил заполучить Красный Камень Эйша, чтобы завершить своё превращение в идеальное существо. Он был в ярости от того, что остальная часть его племени отказалась "покорить солнце", как он хотел, полагая, что они должны полноценно использовать свои врожденные силы и править всей жизнью (тем не менее, он не учёл тот факт, что обострённый голод, вызванный силой масок, приведёт к тому, что его раса уничтожит всю жизнь на Земле).[11]
Карс поддерживает амбивалентные отношения с близкими. С одной стороны, он считает Сантану всего лишь сторожевой собакой,[3] и убивает всю свою расу (включая своих родителей) без колебаний и раскаяния.[11] С другой стороны, он очень заботится об Эйсидиси и Вамму,[12] неоднократно обещая им достичь своих целей, доблестно убить Джозефа Джостара и отомстить за их жертвы в отношении его успеха.[3][10] Также, Карс демонстрирует долю уважения к природе и животным; он заставляет пьяного водителя, который чуть не задавил щенка, погибнуть в аварии[13], и усложняет простую посадку, чтобы не упасть на цветок.[5] Тем не менее, проверяя способности своей Совершенной Формы Жизни, он атакует белку,[10] а своими Каменными Масками он создал угрозу экосистеме. В целом, Карс способен к тёплым отношениям с другими, но они ему не дороже амбиций.
Карс свысока смотрит на технику, считая кибер-технологии Рудольфа фон Штрохайма слабыми по сравнению с ним.[3] Кроме этого, он считает своих вампиров бесполезными пешками, не переживая за их жизни, и сам часто убивает их из раздражения.[2]
См. также: Люди из колонн
Режим Света (光の
Управление Телом: Как и другие Люди из Колонн, Карс способен сжимать, деформировать и разворачивать своё тело.
Способности Совершенного Существа: Став Совершенной Формой Жизни (
Эйсидиси: Карс, по-видимому, заботился о своем товарище, который, в свою очередь, был единственным человеком его поколения, который разделял его идеалы. Карс доверил ему лично расследовать дело о Красном Камне Эйша, и лично отправился в Швецию, узнав, что с Эйсидиси что-то случилось. Выяснив, что Джозеф убил Эйсидиси, чтобы не дать ему добраться до камня, Карс поклялся убить его после выполнения своей основной задачи - и сразу после того, как он продемонстрировал свои способности Совершенной Формы Жизни, Карс атаковал Джозефа.
Вамм: Карс воспитывал Вамма и Сантану вместе с Эйсидиси. Несмотря на то, что Карс уважал Вамма как гениального бойца, он совершенно не ценил его честь и считал его слишком непорочным для воина. Тем не менее, он в какой-то степени заботился о Вамму, что показано, когда он убил группу своих вампиров за насмешки над Ваммом после кончины последнего и поклялся отомстить за него Джозефу.
Сантана: В сравнении с Ваммом, Карс считал Сантану сторожевой собакой и оставил его снаружи, когда он не мог идти вместе с ними.
Джозеф Джостар: Как создатель каменных масок, Карс несёт ответственность за превращение Дио Брандо в вампира и смерть Джонатана Джостара. Изначально, Джозеф считал Карса всего лишь одним из Людей из Колонн, которых нужно было победить. Но после того, как Джозеф убил Эйсидиси, Карс выразил глубокую ненависть к людям, особенно к пользователям хамона. После того, как Джозеф понял, насколько Карс бесчестен по сравнению со своими собратьями, он пришёл в ярость. Только став Высшей Формой Жизни, Карс позволил себе атаковать Джозефа, которому пришлось приложить немалые усилия, чтобы победить. Среди битвы, Карс отрезает руку Джозефа, и последний в конце концов отправляет Карса в космос, напоследок поиздевавшись над "богом".
Цезарь Антонио Цеппели: Как создатель каменных масок, Карс также ответственен за смерть отца, деда и прадеда Цезаря.
Карс родился за 102,000 лет до событий Battle Tendency. Люди его клана жили под землёй, питаясь другими живыми существами и были долгожителями, поэтому не могли размножаться. Несмотря на то, что он жил в мирном, обеспеченном обществе, Карс был недоволен им; он считал, что его раса могла бы с лёгкостью править Землёй, если бы не их непереносимость солнца. Поглощённый амбициями, Карс стал искать для своей расы способ «укротить солнце» и покинуть подземелье.
Со временем, Карс создал первую каменную маску и проверил её действие на себе. Тем не менее, её шипы были неспособны глубоко проникнуть в его кожу и не позволили Карсу раскрыть весь потенциал его тела: вместо этого, маска усилила его способность управления телом, что окупилось ему возросшим голодом.
Eventually, his race began to fear Kars for his obsession, as the increased hunger caused by the mask would threaten their way of life if its use became widespread. Soon, Kars found himself under attack from the rest of his people, who sought his execution despite his protests. Unable to sway them to his side with promises of godhood, he slaughtered his people himself, including his own parents. Along with Esidisi, one of the only members of his race who agreed with his ideals, he took two children, who were presumably the Pillar Men to be known as Santana and Wamuu.
Kars began to experiment on humans, turning hundreds of thousands of them into Vampire and feeding on them for sustenance. However, Kars couldn't use the Stone Mask alone to tame the sun. Kars eventually discovered the Red Stone of Aja and quickly found out that it could focus the power of light to empower the Masks. Still, it wasn't enough to push them beyond their limits because the Aja stones he had were too small and imperfect. He developed a modified version of the mask that could combine with a flawless "Super Aja", leaving Santana behind while he and the others traveled across the sea to Europe. It is also known that the Pillar Men travelled to China. There, during the time of the Roman Empire, Kars heard about a Super Aja in the possession of a Roman Emperor, only to be blocked from his goal by a tribe of Ripple users. At one point, Kars commanded Wamuu to kill a boy from the clan, but Wamuu was reluctant about killing a defenseless child. Knowing that this boy would grow and seek to take revenge, Kars killed him before he'd become a hindrance.[15] While successful in the tribe's decimation, he and his comrades were forced to hibernate under the Roman Colosseum.
Kars and the other Pillar Men set off to find the location of the Red Stone of Aja, eventually settling in an abandoned mansion in Saint-Moritz, Switzerland. Having found a lead to the stone, Esidisi had planned to contact Kars after retrieving it, but was promptly defeated by Joseph instead. At the appointed time of Esidisi's call, Kars finds himself unable to reach his fellow Pillar Man and worries about his companion's fate. On the way home, Kars saves a stray dog from being run over by a car by slicing the car in two, along with its drunk occupants.
Kars finds the trail of the Super Aja, who is in the hands of the Nazis. At night, Kars approaches the chalet where the nazis have made their local headquarters. He chooses a room from which he'll enter and senses five soldiers inside. Using his blade, Kars kills all of them through the wall and enters the chalet, but is confronted by Rudol von Stroheim, who has become a cyborg, and Joseph Joestar. He quickly deduces that the latter was responsible for Esidisi's death, and vows to kill Joseph in return once he secures the Red Stone of Aja. Although briefly caught off-guard by Stroheim's new cyborg body - designed to surpass the Pillar Men, based off of Santana's data - he soon regains the advantage and cuts the German down, revealing that Santana was easily the weakest of the four. Kars takes the Super Aja from Stroheim but the German reveals his eye laser, which makes Kars drop the stone. It starts to slide towards a cliff, prompting a race between Kars and Joseph Joestar. With his superhuman constitution, Kars has no hesitation running towards the cliff and predicts that Joseph will try to kick him when he picks up the Aja. Kars easily evades the kick and snatchs the Super Aja with foot, but Joseph also kicks snow at Kars' face, allowing him to take back the Aja. Using one of his leg blades, Kars still hooks Joseph and drags him down the cliff. Joseph grabs a stalactite but Kars still drags him down. He kicks Joseph into the wall to make him rebound and attack him with his blade, but Joseph then uses the Super Aja as a shield. Joseph then uses the falling stalactites to create a makeshift rope, allowing him to hang on while Kars drops to the bottom of the cliff. In there, Kars purposefully avoids a patch of flowers and recognizes his defeat. He leaves, for now.
Kars travels back to his abandoned hotel Saint-Moritz, where Joseph Joestar and Lisa Lisa eventually find him. However, he ambushes them with an army of 100 Vampires. Against Wamuu's wishes, Kars wants to kill the Ripple users with as little hassle as possible. Lisa Lisa then pretends that she's set a time bomb near the Super Aja, which would break it if the heroes didn't return in time. Kars is forced to accept her request that the Pillar Men and Ripple users fight one-on-one to decide whoever gets the Super Aja. All parties agree to meet at the Skeleton Heel Stone to observe a chariot race between Wamuu and Joseph. Kars and Lisa Lisa then comment the race, rooting for their respective students. At one point, Kars snidely offers poison to Lisa Lisa so that she can kill herself instead of fighting him, sure of Wamuu's victory. However, it is Joseph who ultimately wins the battle.
After Wamuu's demise, Kars finally steps in and kills three Vampires who insult Wamuu after his death. He also kills several Vampire who attack Lisa Lisa and Joseph against his orders. Kars and Lisa Lisa thus fight in the ruins of the Piz Bernina Temple, on a stone beam placed above the ground. However, Kars ultimately tricks Lisa Lisa during their fight by using a disguised Vampire as a decoy and steals the stone from her, leaving her unconscious. Kars sics his Vampires on Joseph but the Speedwagon Foundation and the Nazis intervene with anti-Vampire weaponry to battle the Vampires.
This allows Joseph to confront Kars one-on-one on the temple. However, Kars uses Lisa Lisa to his own advantage. He pierces Lisa Lisa's feet and strings a rope through the wounds, forcing Joseph to grab the rope to stop her from falling. An overconfident Kars approaches as Joseph lights his scarf on fire and attacks, but falls from the beam clutching the rope as Kars severs it to finish off Lisa Lisa. However, this is revealed to have been Joseph's intentional setup, as he drew Kars' attention to his upper body while he arranged the loop of rope with his legs below, tricking him into stepping into the loop and forcing him to keep his opponents above the spikes below. Kars faces Joseph in a final standoff with his arm blade, but is soundly beaten as Joseph's Ripple breaks the blade and wounds his arm, knocking him off the railing and into the spikes below. Stroheim and his Nazi troops arrive along with Speedwagon, Smokey and the Speedwagon Foundation Special Forces. Stroheim gloats over Kars before ordering his troops to finish the Pillar Man off.
As the Nazis unleash ultraviolet light upon him, Kars unexpectedly dons a modified Stone Mask with the Super Aja in place; the light activates the mask and enables him to enter his ultimate form. The humans can only stand in horror as Kars displays his new-found power by briefly transforming his hand into a flesh-eating squirrel and then standing in the sunlight while his remaining vampire minions are instantly destroyed. To cap his victory, Kars decides to kill Joseph. Growing wings, Kars pursues Joseph, who uses a plane to fly away. Kars pursues him to the Adriatic and shoots hardened feathers at the plane. The feather then turn into squid tentacles and pirhanas that wreck havoc on the plane. Kars spots Joseph jumping with a parachute and approaches to kill the man, but he sees that it is a dummy. Joseph, who is still piloting the plane, rams him with the intention of putting him into the volcano's lava. Kars tries to escape but Stroheim, who was hiding in the plane as well, shoots his rocket fist at Kars. Kars is driven inside the lava lake.
Inside the volcano, Kars tries to create a carapace but it melts. As he sinks into the lava, Kars finally creates a sufficiently heat resistant armour that allows him to dig his way out. He takes Joseph by surprise and slices his left arm off. A desperate Joseph tries to use the Ripple to attack, but Kars then develops his own Ripple, the energy potent enough to melt human flesh. Deciding to use it to kill Joseph out of poetic justice, Kars sends a powerful Ripple at Joseph. Joseph unconsciously defends himself by using the Super Aja to redirect Kars' Ripple into the ground, causing an eruption that blasts the land the two fighters are on into the air. Kars attempts to escape, but is briefly distracted by Joseph, allowing volcanic debris and the latter's severed forearm enough time to knock Kars out of Earth's orbit.
Kars prepares to return to Earth after being thrown out of orbit by ejecting the built-up air within his body, but the air freezes on its way out. His vital body begins to freeze from the near-absolute zero temperature and he becomes trapped in the void of space for eternity as half-mineral, half-animal. Unable to die even though he wishes for it, Kars eventually stops thinking.
Kars makes his first appearance as a playable character in the PS3 title; he was confirmed alongside Rohan Kishibe. In the English release of the game, Kars' Light Blades are called "Shining Sabres" (keeping the alliteration of the Japanese name). Since Kars never exactly fought extensively in Part 2, most of his normal attacks consist of regular punches and kicks. Along with Wamuu and Esidisi, Kars uses the Mode style as part of his moveset, which allows him to temporarily boost his strength and performance among other things, at the cost of the Heart Heat Gauge.
During a fight, Kars can use several different attacks that were featured in Battle Tendency.
By spending his Heart Heat Gauge, Kars can activate Light Mode in order to not only increase the overall damage of his moves, but exclusive to him, make his Lightblade attacks unblockable. This mode lasts until the HHG empties, but can be extended through dealing or taking damage, as well as ended at any time in conservation.
Expending a stock of the HHG grants Kars access to Shining Sabres Mode, strengthening his abilities even further, increasing the range of Lightblade-based skills, and improving his ability to follow up on attacks. This mode is on a set timer, and will end when the stock is used up.
Kars' HHA, simply titled "Shining Sabres", has him lick his Lightblade before unleashing a large array of slashes done in a single movement of his arm. If they successfully hit, Kars moves past the opponent in a samurai-esque fashion and brings his arm down. After a short delay, the opponent suffers a final, gashing blow. Kars may perform his HHA while Shining Sabres Mode is active, regardless of how much of the Heart Heat Gauge he has left. Doing so however, will drop his HHG to zero.
Kars' GHA, "I am the ultimate life form!", has him use the Stone Mask (in combination with the Red Stone of Aja) to attempt to turn into the Ultimate Life Form. Kars, wearing the mask, will slowly rise to his feet. If the animation fully plays out uninterrupted by the opponent, the mask shatters, and Kars gains a completely new array of moves (it is also one of the longest and most difficult GHA to fully activate, taking about 5 seconds to complete).
Once his GHA is successful, Kars is dubbed as "Kars (Ultimate Life Form)" for the rest of the battle and gains a whole new moveset capable of dealing more overall damage than his previous state.
Ultimate Life Form Kars is not entirely infallible. If he falls victim to Kosaku-Kira's Bites the Dust GHA, Kars will revert back to his original form. He is also permanently unable to use his HHA, or enter Light Mode and Shining Sabres Mode.
Kars also appears on the stage "The Battlefield" as a background character along with Lisa Lisa. If Wamuu is one of the combatants ingame, Kars will brag about Wamuu's strength. This is assuming that Kars himself is not part of the fight.
Kars also possesses two alternate costumes, the first one being the attire he usually wears and is seen in for the first half of his presence in Battle Tendency (the veil that covers his long hair), and the second one being the overcoat and large hat he wore in Switzerland, in his fight against Stroheim.
Kars appears as one of the several Part 2 characters who possesses a Metal Striker. His Finish Move consists of him using his Light Blades and cutting the opponent's defeated Metal Striker.
Kars returns as a playable character in Eyes of Heaven, confirmed alongside Wamuu and Esidisi.
As a Pillar Man, Kars has the special ability Switch Mode, exclusive to the Mode style. His specific Mode is Light Mode. He is also able to stand and walk on the spike pit in the Air Supplena Island stage without taking damage (though he will still take extra damage if knocked down onto the spikes). Of special note is that he has the fastest movement speed of any character.
While in Ground Mode:
While in Flight Mode:
Unlike the previous game, his main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance.
He is paired with Pet Shop in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament. In the preliminaries, they defeated Pannacotta Fugo and Noriaki Kakyoin in the first round, and Dio Brando and Joseph in the second. In the semifinals, they defeated Jotaro Kujo and Kakyoin in the first round, and Jotaro and DIO in the second. Ultimately, the team won the Tournament, defeating Jolyne Cujoh and Gyro Zeppeli in the final round.
Kars appears in Diamond Records as a playable character, both in his original form and in his ultimate form.
Kars' first iteration is playable in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Tactical' type 5 star statue.
Kars' moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime using his Light Slip Blades and other light based abilities. As a pillar man, Kars constantly regenerates health, but has a weakness to attacks from ripple users. Playing as him will force any outdoor stages to take place at night.
Ultimate Lifeform Kars is playable in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has two 'Solitary' type statues, one 5 star and one 6 star.
Ultimate Kars' moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime using his various transformation abilities as the Ultimate Lifeform. As a pillar man, Kars constantly regenerates health. Unlike other pillar men, he is not weak to ripple attacks, and additionally he will not turn daytime stages into nighttime. Ultimate Kars has a unique death animation on the 'volcano' stage, where as he falls down, a chunk of the ground under him will be blasted in the air by a small eruption underneath, mirroring his defeat in the anime.
This section requires expansion.
JoJonium Vol. 7
Kars evolving into the "Ultimate Being"
Kars challenges Joseph to an ancient chariot battle with Wamuu
Kars is sent flying into the vacuum of space!
Kars' point of view
"So eventually, he stopped thinking."
Kars the Ultimate Being in BLOODY STREAM
Kars obscured with Esidisi in the ending credits (Episode 14)
Kars fully revealed in the ending credits (Episode 15 - 18)
Kars in the ending credits moved leftward after Esidisi dies (Episode 19 - 22)
Kars as the last Pillar Man alive, centered in the ending credits (Episode 23 onwards)
Kars, with Esidisi & Wamuu in the Part 3 OVA Timelines Video
Kars tricking Stroheim into shining the UV lights onto the Red Stone of Aja inserted in the Stone Mask (Part 3 OVA Timelines)
Kars' render, All Star Battle
Kars executing his HHA, ASB
Kars Costume A in All Star Battle
Kars Costume B in All Star Battle
Kars, along with other main antagonists, in All Star Battle
Kars' render, Eyes of Heaven
Ultimate Life Form render, Eyes of Heaven
Kars with other antagonists in the opening for Diamond Records Reversal
All Star Battle concept art
Ultimate Lifeform All Star Battle concept art
Heritage for the Future concept art
JoJo6251 (Inside Illustration)
JOJO A-GO!GO! (Inside Illustration)
Shueisha Jump Remix - Battle Tendency Volume 3 (Cover)
JoJo's Bizarre Words Part 4~8 (Cover)
Harvest, Josuke, Soft & Wet, Yukako, & Kars - Ripples of Adventures
Chara Heroes; Part 2 Vol.1
Paperweight Kars
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | |
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan | |
Other Araki Works | |
Light Novels & Misc |
Supernatural Beings | |
Vampires | |
Zombies and other Undead | |
Pillar Men | |
Ghosts | |
Rock Organisms (Rock Humans) | |
Miscellaneous |
Ripple Users | |
Battle Tendency Characters | |
Main Characters | |
Minor Characters | |
Groups |