Angelica Attanasio
Angelica Attanasio (アンジェリカ・アッタナシオ, Anjerika Attanashio) est une antagoniste mineure figurant dans le roman court Purple Haze Feedback.
Angelica est une jeune fille, membre de la Sezione Droghe, l'équipe des narcotiques. Elle et ses compagnons deviennent des renégats après que Giorno devienne le Boss et dissout le trafic de drogue du gang. Pannacotta Fugo est alors chargé de les éliminer.
Angelica est une manieuse de Stand. Son Nightbird Flying ressemble à un oiseau et induit les symptômes de l'addiction à la drogue à tous ceux qui se trouvent à proximité.
Angelica est une jeune fille extrêmement maladive, à la peau pâle et d'apparence frêle, avec des lèvres faiblement rouges. Sa carrure est si frêle que son cou tremble et semblerait pouvoir se briser sous le poids de sa propre tête.[1] Elle a de longs cheveux ondulés décorés avec des fleurs. Elle est toxicomane et souffre d'une maladie sanguine rare. En effet, du sang s'écoule fréquemment de sa bouche en raison de sa maladie. Sa maladie la rend tellement faible qu'elle se fatigue rien qu'en bougeant trops et elle ne peut pas se battre.[2]
Elle porte une robe courte sans manches avec une couche de tissu sous la poitrine en forme de diamants avec des ovales brodés dedans, ressemblant vaguement à des yeux. Sous la robe, elle porte un pantalon bouffant avec un motif de fleurs juste au-dessus de l'ourlet.
Des colliers de perles entourent ses deux jambes, en partant du tendon d'Achille et en descendant près des chevilles. Les perles de la jambe gauche s'enroulent quatre fois, tandis que celles de la jambe droite ne semblent s'enrouler que deux fois. Elle complète sa tenue avec des chaussures sombres à talons bas.
En dépit de sa maladie grave, Angelica a une personnalité plutôt joyeuse et pétillante. Étant jeune, elle est très distraite et perdue dans ses délire, comme lorsque Sale arrive à l'entrepôt de la l'équipe des tupéfiants et qu'Angelica ne semble pas le remarquer. Cependant, Angelica est en fait assez observatrice et observe attentivement les capacités des autres, comme ce fut le cas contre Mario Zucchero et son Stand Soft Machine.[1].
Angelica semble s'amuser du malheur des autres, comme lorsqu'elle rit de façon hystérique lorsque Massimo Volpe se montre brutal envers Vittorio Cataldi. Elle n'a pas non plus de scrupules à faire preuve d'une violence intense et est capable de mettre en danger toute une ville avec son Stand si elle estime devoir le faire.[3].
Communément appelée "la droguée", Angelica est gravement dépendante des drogues de la Sezione Droghe, notamment celles que Volpe développe à partir de Manic Depression afin d'atténuer la douleur et la progression de sa maladie.[1].
Angelica apprécie beaucoup ses coéquipiers et a tendance à se mettre sur eux. Elle salue avec une grande joie Vladimir Kocaqi dès qu'il revient d'une mission et embrasse Vittorio sur le visage afin de l'encourager lors d'une de leur dernière rencontre. Elle fait preuve d'une confiance particulière dans la force de Vittorio au combat, prenant un air maternel quand elle lui assure sa confiance. Cependant, en raison de sa dépendance aux effets de Manic Depression, elle partage une affection particulière pour Volpe. Troublée par sa personnalité apathique, elle l'encourage sourire de façon sincère, allant jusqu'à tirer les coins de sa bouche pour le faire sourire. Avant sa mort, elle le félicite une dernière fois pour son sourire authentique.[4]
Après la mort de Kocaqi, Angelica devient extrêmement instable.[5] Elle sanglote et pleure la mort de son compagnon dans l'entrepôt et, Vittorio étant incapable de la réconforter. Cependant, après un sanglot particulièrement fort empli d'angoisse et de colère, elle déclare qu'ils doivent se venger de Fugo, Sheila E et Cannolo Murolo pour le meurtre de Kocaqi.
Le Nightbird Flying permet à Angelica d'induire chez autrui les symptômes d'une addiction à la drogue.
Not much is known about Angelica's past prior to becoming a member of Passione aside from being a junkie.[1] Born with a rare blood disease, Volpe used his own Stand to temporarily inhibit the disease's progression.[2]
Purple Haze Feedback
Angelica uses Nightbird Flying to lure Sale and Mario Zucchero further into the warehouse in Villa San Giovanni, leaving them vulnerable to the rest of the Sezione Droghe. After Sale's death, she informs a just-returning Volpe of Zucchero's whereabouts, explaining to Volpe the nature of Zucchero's Stand, leading to his death.
After Kocaqi returns, Angelica happily greets him, resting on his knee like a cat. After Kocaqi finishes his exchange with Volpe over Volpe's role in the team, Angelica laughs, saying that everyone in the team is great.
During Volpe's interrogation of Zucchero, Angelica notices Volpe's attention to Fugo's name being mentioned and asks if the two were friends. Volpe denies it, saying Fugo never had any friends, but Angelica still prods him for answers, further asking what it's like to fight a friend. Her insistence displeases Volpe, but Angelica only moves to drape over him, complaining about his frown, and encourages him to smile for her. Volpe feigns a smile, and Angelica tells him to smile genuinely, pulling at the corners of his mouth, but soon giving up. Blood trickles from her mouth, and Volpe wipes it away. Using Manic Depression, Volpe's Stand pats her back and relieves her of her illness' symptoms for the time being.
Along with Volpe and Vittorio, she stays behind while Kocaqi leaves to confront Fugo and the others after the Sezione Droghe. However, Kocaqi is later killed by Fugo.
When news of his death reaches the remaining teammates, Angelica sobs loudly in a corner of the warehouse, now covered in scratches, broken bones, and blood from Vittorio's vicious, grief-driven self-harm. It is not until after Volpe collapses onto the ground and Vittorio's self-harm stops that she herself stops sobbing. Vittorio determines that their only choice now is to steal the Stone Mask hidden underground in Ortygia, a small island in Syracuse, Sicily, known as a historical center.
A brief debate over the necessity of the Stone Mask goes on between Vittorio and Volpe, but Angelica suddenly sobs loudly, angry and staring at nothing. She exclaims that they must make Fugo and his group pay for Kocaqi's murder. Vittorio agrees with her, and she follows him out of the warehouse.
With Nightbird Flying, the two attempt to take down the helicopter Fugo and the other two are using, but Volpe informs them that not everyone - or anyone at all - died because the landings were too scattered. Angelica admits she doesn't know what exactly happens when using her Stand, as it is long-ranged, but she assures Volpe she felt one or two people die. Volpe tells Vittorio to head to the site where the Stone Mask is, while he and Angelica wait to ambush Fugo's group. Vittorio insists he'd be able to handle the group for them but Angelica tells him that she and Volpe would be unable to do it because she isn't fast enough to get there in time, and has no fighting capability. Angelica places her hands on his cheeks, kissing him all over his face, assuring him that he can get the mask himself.
After they split up, Angelica hides with Volpe in a room, using Nightbird Flying on Syracuse to get to Fugo's group. The Stand enables Vittorio to reach the mask's location, with everyone around in a zombie-like state. It causes a car in front of the one Sheila E drives to crash, spreading to other car crashes as well. Sheila E stops their car abruptly, telling Fugo that he has to take care of the rest himself, as her nerves have gotten to her.
Using her Stand, Angelica is in a dazed state, staring vacantly at nothing, with Volpe beside her. Volpe leaves, and the sounds of car crashes and other havoc do nothing to stir Angelica. However, after her Stand returns and lands on her finger, she comes to. Now aware of her surroundings, fury overcomes her, and she vows that Fugo will pay for Voqaci's murder. She tries to standing, but her legs are unable to support her, and she ends up having to lean against a wall and stagger out of the room.
Meanwhile, Fugo struggles to get through the zombie-like horde Angelica's Stand created. Now, Nightbird Flying enhanced Manic Depression's effects, making the horde attack Fugo without any awareness of what they were doing. The Stand's effects numb Fugo to any pain, and he doesn't notice the depth of a cut on his cheek until blood from it drips onto his thigh. The strengthened effect clues Fugo on to Angelica being near, but he loses balance in the horde, and Angelica takes her chance to stab within the side with a knife, cutting through muscle and tendon.
After stabbing him, Angelica makes her escape, and the horde piles over on Fugo. However, this makes her easy to spot, and Fugo is able to attack her with Purple Haze. With Angelica dying, the horde's nature slowly dissipates and calms, and Volpe finds his way out, frantically looking for Angelica. The chaos the horde created damaged Sicily's powerlines on the mainland bridge, and a flickering streetlight briefly reveals Angelica's figure, Volpe identifying it as her because he knows only she is as pale as the figure seemed.
She announces her presence to Volpe, much to his relief, and tries to approach him only to stagger and slump against the streetlight to support herself, staring at him with wide eyes. Volpe moves to approach her, smiling, but Angelica abruptly points her finger at him happily. Volpe is confused, and Angelica says that she finds his smile cute. She smiles to herself and falls to the ground. Succumbing to the viral erosion of Purple Haze, she dies.

- “What's it like to fight a friend?”—Angelica Attanasio, Purple Haze Feedback Chapter 2: me voglio fà 'na casa
- “They must pay...they must pay... we must make them pay! They must pay pay pay pay pay!”—Angelica Attanasio, Purple Haze Feedback Chapter 5: mi votu e mi rivotu
- “There! You look so much better like that. When you smile like're really cute. Very, very cute.”
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purple Haze Feedback Chapter 1: vitti 'na crozza
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Purple Haze Feedback Chapter 2: me voglio fà 'na casa
- ↑ Purple Haze Feedback Chapter 6: fantasia siciliana
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedPHF7
- ↑ Purple Haze Feedback Chapter 5: mi votu e mi rivotu
Purple Haze Feedback