Jean Pierre Polnareff ★ Video Games

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A summary of Jean Pierre Polnareff's history and movesets in video games.

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Famicom Jump II (FC)

Polnareff appears as a support character during the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part of the game. He does not fight, instead he can guide the player to the conditions that need to be done in order to finish that part.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC)

Polnareff appears on the SFC title as one of the main 6 playable characters along with the other 5 Stardust Crusaders characters. Most of Polnareff's attacks include him using Silver Chariot to attack the enemy.

Cult Jump (GB)

Polnareff appears as one of the ten characters from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure franchise included in the game.

Jump Super Stars (DS)

Polnareff appears as part of Jotaro's 5-Koma Special Move. Where both Star Platinum and Silver Chariot punch and cut anything that gets in their way, shouting with their battle cries "ORAORAORA!!!" and "HORAHORAHORA!!!" (Similar to how Jotaro and Polnareff finished off Alessi).

Jump Ultimate Stars (DS)

Polnareff returns as Jotaro's 5-Koma Special Attack. This time Polnareff also appears on the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure World Intro along with the other Stardust Crusaders.

All-Star Battle R (Part 5) (Various)

ASBR guide chara polnareff.png

Jean Pierre Polnareff from Vento Aureo appears in All-Star Battle R as the guide character for both Arcade Mode (アーケードモード, Ākēdo Mōdo) and the Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) menu in All-Star Battle Mode (オールスターバトルモード, Ōru Sutā Batoru Mōdo).

Arcade ModeSupport Effects
Quote.png Dialogue
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I don't have data on you, but I believe in you! (君のデータはないが、信用する!)
    —Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • See, I've... been waiting for you. (オレは……待っていたのだからな…)
    —Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • When did you get this close? (いつの間にこんな近くに…!!)
    —Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • The prelude is over. The real show's just begun. (プレリュードは終わり本編が始まった)
    —Entering Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • This is... a gamble... (これは…「賭け」…だ…)
    —Selecting Challenge Battle
  • It'll start for everyone alike soon. (まもなく平等にみんなに始まる)
    —Selecting Challenge Battle
  • Let's go... to the Colosseum... (行こうか……コロッセオに……)
    —Selecting Challenge Battle
  • You have to master the power. There's no other way... (君が(パワー)を使いこなすしか方法はない…)
    —Selecting Challenge Battle
  • This will never end without you! (君が来なくては終わる事はない!)
    —Selecting Endless Battle
  • This is just a struggle for me, but for you... there's hope. (私にとっては困難だが君なら『希望』がある)
    —Selecting Endless Battle
  • The power is leading somewhere... Somewhere even beyond this! ((パワー)には先があるッ! 今よりもさらに先がなッ!)
    —Selecting Endless Battle
  • Even I don't know how this will end... (わたしにも見当がつかない)
    —Selecting Endless Battle
  • There's no point if you don't win! (「勝者」とならなくてはなんの意味も持たない!)
    —Entering a sub-mode
  • They're still coming! They're going to attack again! (奴はまた来るぞッ!すぐにまた攻撃してくるッ!)
    —Entering a sub-mode
  • It'll take luck to survive that attack. (攻撃を防げるかは運次第)
    —Entering a sub-mode
  • You are hope. (君は『希望』だ)
    —Entering a sub-mode
  • How ironic... (皮肉なものだ…)
    —Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • Where'd he go?! (ヤツは、どこへ行ったーっ!?)
    —Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • We have to keep the hope alive, no matter what. (なんとしても『希望』だけは守らなくては)
    —Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
  • I couldn't see where this would lead... (わたしには先を見る事はできなかった…)
    —Exiting Arcade Mode or Challenge Battle
Quote.png Dialogue
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I've been waiting for someone like you! (待っていたぞッ! 君のような者が現れるのをッ!)
    —Entering the Support Effect menu
  • Now you just need to figure out how to win! (あとは倒す方法を見つけるだけだ!)
    —Entering the Support Effect menu
  • Choose your Support Effect. (サポート効果を選ぶといい)
    —Entering the Support Effect menu
  • Support Effects are your last resort. (サポート効果はたったひとつの最後の手段なのだ)
    —Entering the Support Effect menu
  • This one? (これだな?)
    —Opening a purchase prompt
  • Made your choice? (決まったか?)
    —Opening a purchase prompt
  • Let me share some hidden knowledge with you. (秘められた叡智を教えよう)
    —Purchasing a Support Effect
  • I've given you a chance. (君に可能性を渡したぞ)
    —Purchasing a Support Effect
  • Hmm. (ふむ…)
    —Canceling a purchase prompt
  • There's still time. (時間はある)
    —Canceling a purchase prompt
  • Choose carefully. (慎重に選べ)
    —Canceling a purchase prompt
  • I see... (そうか…)
    —Canceling a purchase prompt
  • All I can do is wait. (オレにできることは待つだけだ)
    —Exiting the Support Effect menu
  • Come again anytime. (また来るといい)
    —Exiting the Support Effect menu

Part 5 Polnareff also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing ASBR Secret Mission.png 230 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.

Quote.png Medal Speech.png Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • They are hope... When they and this arrow come together... (「希望」は………この「矢」と出会う『彼ら』なのだ…)
  • The one who can fully control this arrow... will control this world! (あの『矢』を完全に制する者が………この世を制する者となる………!!)
  • The arrow is not an enemy... But nor is it an ally! (「矢」は敵ではない! だが味方でもないッ!)
  • There is something beyond the power of a Stand! Something beyond even this! (スタンド(パワー)には先があったのだッ! 今よりもさらに先がなッ!)
  • This is the duty of a survivor... (それが生き残った者の役目だ………)

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