Jonathan Joestar

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< Jonathan Joestar
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For a similarly named character, see Part 7 SpoilersJohnny Joestar
Staram się być prawdziwym dżentelmenem! Są chwile, kiedy dżentelmen musi być odważny i walczyć, nawet gdy jego przeciwnik jest większy od niego i wie, że przegra! (ぼくは本当の紳士をめざしているからだ!相手が大きいヤツだからって負けるとわかっているからって 紳士は勇気を持って戦わなくてはならない時があるからだぞッ!!)

Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター, Jonasan Jōsutā) jest głównym bohaterem pierwszej części serii JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantom Blood i pierwszym JoJo serii. Jego dziedzictwo rozciąga się na prawie wszystkie pierwsze sześć części serii, a główne postacie, takie jak Joseph Joestar i Jotaro Kujo, są jego potomkami.

Jonathan jest synem bogatego biznesmena George'a Joestara I i Mary Joestar. Jest uczciwym, miłym i pozytywnym człowiekiem, którego życie jest pełne tragedii po spotkaniu z adoptowanym starszym bratem - i antagonistą serii - Dio Brando. W swojej walce z Dio, Jonathan staje się użytkownikiem Fali pod opieką swojego mistrza Willa Anthonio Zeppeli.

Jonathan jest biologicznym ojcem Giorno Giovanny, głównego bohatera Vento Aureo, a także garstki innych nieślubnych potomków.



Jonathan Young Render.png

Zgodnie z normami epoki wiktoriańskiej, strój dzieciństwa Jonathana w wieku dwunastu lat składał się z koszuli z kołnierzykiem, bryczesów i pary długich skarpet z butami. Towarzyszyła temu marynarka, kamizelka i krawat lub para szelek. Jako szlachcic czasami zastępował krawat wstążką podobną do swojego ojca.[1]

  • Podczas boksu nosi swobodny strój bokserski składający się z bezrękawnika, szortów i rękawic bokserskich.
  • Podczas pobytu z Eriną, Jonathan zakłada również czapkę Newsboy i parę butów do kolan.
  • Spacerując po rzece, nosi dwuczęściowy strój kąpielowy w paski.

Dorosłe lata

Jonathan Adult Render.png

Jako dwudziestoletni dorosły, Jonathan jest wysokim (195 cm/6'5"), niezwykle muskularnym osobnikiem o dżentelmeńskiej równowadze. Jego typowy strój odzwierciedla jego szlachetne pochodzenie, charakteryzujące się stylizowanymi tunikami na koszulach z długim rękawem. Powtarzające się artykuły odzieżowe obejmują krawat, muszkę, grube buty i kamizelkę.

  • W domu Jonathan nosi półformalny strój składający się z koszuli z kołnierzykiem, krawata i marynarki z podwiniętymi rękawami.[2]
  • Podczas meczów uniwersyteckiego rugby nosi standardową koszulkę rugby w paski i spodnie z długimi skarpetami.[2]
  • Kiedy wyrusza na Ogre Street, aby znaleźć lekarstwo na chorobę ojca, Jonathan przywdziewa zupełnie nowy strój składający się z wyściełanej kurtki i spodni, wraz z czapką Deerstalker i długim płaszczem.[2]
  • Podczas treningu z Zeppelim rozbiera się do stylizowanego bezrękawnika z opaskami na rękę, a w pewnym momencie kółkiem.[3]
  • Podczas wyprawy do Windknight's Lot, Jonathan zakłada dwuwarstwową tunikę z muszką i czapkę Deerstalker.[4]
  • Po walce z Tarkusem przez resztę podróży nosi obcisły podkoszulek bez rękawów. W anime rękawy te są przekształcane w naramienniki.[5]
  • Podczas miesiąca miodowego i ostatniego spotkania z Dio nosi ozdobny garnitur z długim ogonem na koszuli z kołnierzykiem z paskami na ramionach i krawatem.[5]

Współczesne przedstawienia Jonathana pokazują go noszącego opaskę na głowę z trójkątami bardzo podobnymi do tego, który nosi zarówno Caesar, jak i Joseph.

Schematy kolorów

Seria znana jest z zmiennych kolorów między mediami, informacje przedstawione poniżej mogą, ale nie muszą być kanoniczne.
Strój dziecięcy
(Generalnie niebieskie ubrania na białej koszuli i czerwonym krawacie)
Strój bojowy
(Niebieska kamizelka na turkusową koszulę, czarne spodnie, czerwona muszka)
Włosy(Czarne z niebieskimi pasemkami)
Strój dziecięcy
(Granatowy garnitur i zielona kamizelka na jasnoszarej koszuli i różowym krawacie)
Strój bojowy
(Niebiesko-szary garnitur i rękawiczki, brązowy plecak i brązowe buty)
Skóra(Jasna, później oplaona)
Strój dziecięcy
(Granatowy garnitur i jasnoniebiesko-szara kamizelka na białej koszuli i czerwony krawat)
Strój bojowy
(Pomarańczowo-czarna koszula, zielone spodnie, brązowe buty)
Strój dziecięcy
(Brązowa marynarka/spodnie, granatowa kamizelka, biała koszula, purpurowa muszka)
Strój bojowy
(Niebieska koszula, brązowe naramienniki i szare spodnie)
Włosy(Czarne z fioletowymi pasemkami)
(Fioletowa koszula i spodnie, brązowe buty)
Włosy(Czarne z niebieskimi pasemkami)
(Niebieska koszula i szare spodnie, brązowe buty)


Ja... Nie mogę się równać z Dio... ale nie mogę sobie pozwolić na przegraną! Jeśli przegram, będę żył w cieniu Dio do końca życia! Przede wszystkim muszę walczyć, aby odzyskać honor Eriny! (か…かなわない… で…でも負けられない…もしこのケンカで負けたらこれから一生ディオの影でオドオドと生活しなくてはならない! な…何よりもエリナの名誉を取りもどすため戦わなくてはならない!)
—Jonathan, Chapter 4: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 3

W dzieciństwie Jonatan był dumny i psotny, a jednocześnie łagodny. Pomimo aspiracji do bycia "prawdziwym dżentelmenem",[6] Jonathanowi brakowało manier i w większości zachowywał się jak normalne dziecko. Jego matka, która zmarła, zanim zdążył ją sobie przypomnieć, i jego koledzy z ostracyzmu z powodu jego statusu pozostawili Jonathana nieco samotnego.[7] Podczas gdy na początku Jonathan nie miał swojej przyszłej siły woli, Dio nieświadomie stał się katalizatorem jego rozwoju, popychając go na krawędź i upokarzając jego dziewczynę Erinę Pendleton.[8] Miał jednak dobroć i odwagę, aby natychmiast rzucić się na ratunek Erinie przeciwko dwóm łobuzom większym od niego, mimo że jej nie znał.[6]

Traktując Jonathana jako postać, Araki stwierdził, że Jonathan był dla niego trudny do zaprojektowania.[9] Chciał stworzyć "pierwszego Joestara", który mógłby funkcjonować jako symbol czystości i godności, a nie wyjątkowa, świeża postać. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w jego celach i charakterze, Jonathan stara się zostać "prawdziwym dżentelmenem". Nosi swoje imię Joestar z dumą, nigdy nie zdradzając kodeksu postępowania, który sobie ustanowił i będzie traktował każdego człowieka z szacunkiem, chyba że okaże się zły.

JoJo jest zdeterminowana, aby uwolnić świat od zła Dio

Jonathan posiada również zaciętą wewnętrzną siłę i chęć stawienia czoła konfliktowi i przezwyciężenia go, który Dio nazywa "mocą wybuchową". Ten pęd, napędzany uczuciem do przyjaciół i bliskich, pozwolił mu przezwyciężyć najtrudniejsze sytuacje, w szczególności udało mu się uratować swoją żonę Erinę, gdy ich łódź została pokonana przez zombie, a on został śmiertelnie ranny.[10] Jonathan walczy o to, w co wierzy, a kiedy już się do czegoś zobowiąże, nie wycofa się, dopóki czyn nie zostanie dokonany. Podczas swojej podróży w poszukiwaniu lekarstwa na chorobę ojca, został zaatakowany przez bandę niedopasowanych chuliganów. Nie tyle drgnął, co chwycił nóż napastnika w dłoni, mówiąc, że ma znacznie więcej jazdy w walce niż tylko cztery palce.[11]

Wyjaśnienie powodu, dla którego poszedł na łatwiznę do Speedwagona

Jako dżentelmen Jonathan jest również miły i pozytywny. Jonathan ma sposób myślenia, w którym próbuje wyobrazić sobie konsekwencje, jakie jego działania miałyby dla innych ludzi, nawet jeśli wydają się być wrogami.[12] Jest łagodny i sympatyczny, czuje ból nawet wtedy, gdy pokonuje zombie policjanta. Pomimo swoich umiejętności w walce, nigdy poważnie nie skrzywdzi osoby bez ważnego powodu. Nawet po tym wszystkim, co zrobił Dio, Jonatan nadal uważa go za swojego brata i roni za nim łzy.[13] Jego uprzejma natura, a także hart ducha i zdolność do wytrzymywania strachu i bólu są głównym powodem, dla którego Speedwagon decyduje się pomóc mu w podróży. W swoim życiu Jonathan zawsze miał impuls, aby ratować innych, zaczynając od Eriny, a kończąc na myśli o pobliskim dziecku, gdy był w agonii po ataku Dio.[14]

Jednak Jonathan może odczuwać słuszną furię z powodu zła swoich wrogów i wymierzy sprawiedliwość, pokonując ich. Przyznał, że powodem walki z Dio nie było uratowanie świata, ale pomszczenie swoich bliskich, których zabił Dio.[15] Co więcej, nie ma litości dla naprawdę nikczemnych osób, których nie zna, takich jak Doobie.[16] 

Dzięki swojej odwadze i duchowi Jonathan ustanawia dziedzictwo jako pierwszy JoJo z serii.


Sprawność fizyczna

Jonathan jest na tyle silny, że ciągnie za sobą dwóch mężczyzn

Jonathan żył w trudnej przeszłości jako syn arystokraty i w dzieciństwie był znany jako co najmniej kompetentny bokser. W swoim życiu studenckim grał w rugby u boku Dio Brando i był czczony jako jedna z dwóch gwiazd Hugh Hudson Academy.

Jeszcze zanim nauczył się Ripple, Jonathan był w stanie przeciwstawić się trzem zbirom, w tym Speedwagonowi, z czystą siłą woli. Był w stanie dzierżyć różne rodzaje broni trzymane przez zbroje w posiadłości Joestara. Dokonał także niesamowitych wyczynów siły, takich jak skok z rękojeści miecza i podniesienie się na drugie piętro podczas wykonywania przewrotu przez barierki, mimo że jego ramię było hamowane przez włócznię wbitą w piersi. Być może jego największym pokazem siły było ożywienie i wzmocnienie przez Zeppeliego Głębokie Przejście Overdrive, gdzie przedarł się przez 3 stalowe pręty ściskając szyję, wyczyn, do którego nawet potężny zombie Tarkus wprost przyznał, że nie był zdolny.


Jonathan studiuje Kamienną Maskę

Jonathan okazuje się być inteligentną osobą i bardzo kompetentnym myślicielem podczas bitew, nieustannie wymyślając nowe strategie w trakcie walki, aby pokonać wrogów, takich jak Bruford i Dio.

Pod względem akademickim Jonathan ukończył uniwersytet po napisaniu słynnej pracy dyplomowej z archeologii.[17] Skrupulatnie zbadał Kamienną Maskę, posuwając się nawet do zidentyfikowania miejsc w mózgu, które przebije,[11] ale sam nie odkrył jej prawdziwego celu.

In a fight, Jonathan is adept at thinking of moves on the spot and using the environment to his advantage. On several occasions, Jonathan was quick to formulate plans even in a moment of crisis. Still agonizing over the death of his father, Jonathan had to fight a vampirized Dio and quickly thought about burning down the Joestar Mansion in order to cancel out Dio's regenerative abilities. Likewise, agonizing from a wound in the throat which also led to a lack of oxygen going to his brain, Jonathan managed to use his last Ripple on Wang Chan to dispose of a horde of zombies and Dio at the same time by controlling Wang Chan's body to make the boat explode. Jonathan even notably used his belt as a supplementary whip before ever acquiring the Ripple, as well exploited the fact that Windknight's Lot was a coal mining town to deduce that a lake would have air pockets at its bottom to surprise Bruford with an unexpected production of Ripple.


Jonathan has an arsenal of ancient martial art techniques, most inherited from Will A. Zeppeli and involving Ripple, at his disposal. Some are his original creation, most ending with "Overdrive".


Overdrive(波紋疾走オーバードライブ Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Dash/Sprint) Link to this section
The most basic application of the Ripple. Jonathan attacks with his limbs imbued with the Ripple.
Zoom Punch(ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi) Link to this section
Jonathan launches his fist forward and strikes his opponent. First used by Zeppeli, the attack involves a Ripple breathing technique that dislocates and stretches the joints to extend the arm and give it greater reach while also using the same Ripple to dull the pain caused by the move. Due to the increased length, the strike immediately reaches the opponent's face first, which from that perspective seems "zoomed in."
Sendō Ripple Overdrive(仙道波紋 疾走オーバードライブ Sendō Hamon Ōbādoraibu, lit. Hermit Way/Path Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Jonathan charges a Ripple wave through his arm and releases it into a solid object, such as a wall or partition. The Ripple can travel through and reach anything on the other side, and anything hit by the Ripple is sent flying in a spiral. If the enemy is an Undead, the Ripple will enter their bloodstream and destroy them from the inside.
Scarlet Overdrive(緋色の波紋疾走スカーレットオーバードライブ Sukāretto Ōbādoraibu, lit. Scarlet Colored-Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Scarlet Overdrive.gif
Charging the Ripple into one hand, Jonathan can create a Ripple of flame. He is able to transfer over this flame to another part of his body, and anything that touches that body part has a chance of catching fire.
Turquoise Blue Overdrive(青縁波紋疾走ターコイズブルーオーバードライブ Tākoizu Burū Ōbādoraibu, lit. Turquoise Blue Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Appropriately the strongest place to use the Ripple, Jonathan can release high powered tempests while underwater with enough force to blast enemies away. In most cases, a good portion of the water is propelled outward as well, draining something like a lake to waist-high depth.
Overdrive Barrage(波紋疾走オーバードライブ連打 Ōbādoraibu Renda, lit. Ripple Dash Barrage) Link to this section
When Jonathan jabs fast enough consecutively, he can release multiple Overdrives at once.
Metal Silver Overdrive(銀色の波紋疾走メタルシルバーオーバードライブ Metaru Shirubā Ōbādoraibu, lit. Silver Colored-Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Essentially the same as a Sendō Ripple Overdrive, but with the ability to transfer through metal.
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive(山吹き色の波紋疾走サンライトイエローオーバードライブ Sanraito Ierō Ōbādoraibu, lit. Bright Golden Yellow Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Jonathan Bruford Overdrive.gif
It is a devastating and extremely strong Ripple-infused strike with power comparable to the sun itself and has the ability to completely obliterate the Undead. Jonathan does a rapid-rush of Ripple-infused punches and the attack is notable for producing a very clear-yellow color akin to sunlight.
Life Magnetism Overdrive(生命磁気への波紋疾走オーバードライブ Seimei jiki e no Ōbādoraibu, lit. Existence Magnetism Ripple Dash) Link to this section
With the aid of Zeppeli, Jonathan can draw all the leaves in the immediate area and magnetize them together to form one giant leaf, which can be used as an impromptu-hang glider. Human bodies have a faint magnetic field and can act as a living magnet when the power of the magnetic field is increased by this Overdrive. That magnetic field is transferred into the leaves, creating a massive magnetic sheet.


Alongside the attacks, the Ripple has various other uses in combat. A skilled Ripple user such as Jonathan has the ability to walk on water, strengthen objects and increase their potency, increase jumping height, and much more.

Healing Link to this section
The Ripple can heal fractured bones as well as lessen one's sense of pain. When Jonathan grabs a tree branch, it revives withered flowers, causing them to bloom again. During his battle with Tarkus, he was also able to heal his broken neck after receiving the Deep Pass Overdrive from Zeppeli.
Ripple Detector(波紋探知機 Hamon Tanchiki) Link to this section
Jonathan imbues a contained liquid or object such as wine with the Ripple. The Ripple will pass through his body and the environment, enabling Jonathan to sense his surroundings and detect others even through walls.
Sticking Ripple & Repelling Ripple(くっつく波紋とはじく波紋 Kuttsuku Hamon to Hajiku Hamon) Link to this section
A Ripple user is able to use the Ripple as a repellent and to adhere either themselves or objects to other objects and liquids. Jonathan uses this to walk on water and later to expel the venom from Doobie's snakes out of his body.
Afterimages Link to this section
Those who have trained in Sendō gain extremely quick movements, footwork, and agility, allowing Jonathan to create afterimages when he moves.
Ripple Hypnosis Link to this section
By using the Ripple on people or animals, Jonathan can reorganize their cells, indirectly controlling their body. Jonathan uses this technique when sending Ripple energy into the blood of Doobie's snakes, causing them to devour their own master; he ultimately uses this technique on Wang Chan to force him to stop a cruise ship's screw shaft.


Main article: Luck and Pluck
Luck and Pluck(幸運ラック勇気プラック Rakku to Purakku, lit. Good Luck & Courage) Link to this section
After his defeat, Bruford gave Jonathan his sword. It played a major role in the final battle against Dio, where Jonathan was able to counter Dio's freezing ability by infusing the sword with Ripple, in order to avoid direct contact with Dio's body.[18]


Main article: Jonathan's Stand

When DIO awakened The World, Jonathan's body also awakened a Hermit Purple-like Stand power with semi-precognitive abilities.[19] Similar to Hermit Purple, it can produce psychic photographs by striking a camera or a crystal ball, which DIO used to track the Joestars and their friends' current location to send Stand Users after them. DIO was even able to tell when Joseph used Hermit Purple to take a psychic photograph of him, and instinctively knew that his acquisition of a Stand also awoke Stand abilities in Jonathan's descendants.

In the light novel JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE OVER HEAVEN, this Stand shares the same name as Hermit Purple and is called "Hermit Purple #2". In JORGE JOESTAR, this Stand is instead named "The Passion" and takes the form of a crown of thorns, along with also being able to watch the futures of anyone that is blood-related to Jonathan.


The brave and noble characters from Phantom Blood


  • George Joestar I: In his youth, Jonathan's father was very strict on him, correcting his lack of table manners and berating his studies, while ignoring the harm that Dio was bringing on his son. This was perhaps made worse by the fact that Jonathan's mother had died some years ago, hardening George and causing him to be harsher on his son. Regardless, Jonathan still loves his father greatly, angrily beating up Dio, whom he had been friends with for the past seven years, for poisoning his father. When Dio throws a knife at Jonathan, George sacrifices himself to block the knife and comments that "It's not so bad to die in your son's arms".
  • Mary Joestar: Though Jonathan's interactions with his mother are never seen as she is killed while he was still an infant, he is shown to love her greatly, looking at her picture wistfully and crying right after Dio ruins his life with his arrival.
  • Danny: Jonathan and Danny have forged a strong bond since Danny saved Jonathan from drowning in the river. Jonathan is shown to be very angry when Danny was kicked by Dio and had sobbed uncontrollably when the household had buried Danny. Danny still shows up in his master's memories, when Jonathan remembers having fought with Danny over a toy gun.[20]
  • Erina Pendleton: Jonathan's love interest and eventually his wife first hands him a handkerchief shortly after he is beaten down by bullies. Jonathan professes his love for her afterward, which she is shown to accept at least in part until Dio enters and steals her first kiss in order to upset the two. Erina does return after the Joestar mansion burns down, however, and nurses Jonathan back to health, igniting the relationship between the two once more. The two are married after Jonathan manages to defeat Dio with his Ripple, and their relationship continues well into Erina's old age.
  • Giorno Giovanna: Many years after Jonathan's death, DIO uses Jonathan's body to get around in the world now, during which he sires 4 children, one of which is Giorno. Of all the children, Giorno is born first and carries the birthmark thanks to Jonathan's DNA present in his body. While a slightly darker side of Giorno exists, resembling DIO's ruthlessness (albeit towards evil people), he retains a noble heart and desire to help innocents, closer to Jonathan's ideals.
  • Joseph Joestar: Joseph is the grandson of Jonathan. Joseph had no real knowledge of his grandfather prior to his battle with Straizo because of Robert E. O. Speedwagon keeping the events of Jonathan's battle secret. However, Joseph holds great respect towards him due to his relationship with Erina and friendship with Speedwagon. When Caesar insults Jonathan, it enrages Joseph for bringing up the past. His respect for his grandfather is even more apparent in his later years, as he's shown to be angry that DIO is now using Jonathan's body as his own.


  • Robert E. O. Speedwagon: As Jonathan's most loyal friend and an enemy at first, he later joined Jonathan on his quest after seeing the protagonist's dedication and courteous nature. In his later years, he founded The Speedwagon Foundation, which has become the Joestar Family's most useful asset in battling Stand users and supernatural research.
  • Will Anthonio Zeppeli: Jonathan, upon meeting Zeppeli, was initially perplexed by his appearance and strange abilities. After Zeppeli explains his actions and the significance of the Ripple, Jonathan grows to trust Zeppeli completely and looks up to him as a mentor. Zeppeli eventually sacrifices himself to save Jonathan and transfers his energy and life force to him, just moments before dying. Jonathan tearfully avenges Zeppeli by killing Tarkus.
    Jonathan's friends
  • Poco: As with the rest of his party, Jonathan felt it necessary to look after Poco during his battle against Dio and his undead army. He takes it upon himself to save Poco's sister during their storming of Dio's castle.
  • Tonpetty: Given the short time-sharing, their relationship was nothing more than cordial respect and empathy with them over the death of Zeppeli.
  • Dire: Dire died too fast to exchange more than a few words with him. However, it is Jonathan who takes revenge on his hands against Dio.
  • Straizo: Given the short time-sharing, their relationship was nothing more than cordial respect and empathy with them over the death of Zeppeli. However after Jonathan's death, it is Straizo who adopts the child that Jonathan saves and gives to Erina and eventually teaches the child in the ways of the Ripple. Since Straizo's adoptive daughter married his son that would essentially make them brothers-in-law.


  • Dio Brando: In their childhood, Dio and Jonathan do not get along well due to Dio's antagonism towards Jonathan and his ability to both outshine him and ruin his relationships greatly. Years later at Hugh Hudson Academy, Jonathan is shown to have become friendly with Dio, though Jonathan still suspects that something is suspicious about Dio's behavior, while Dio had been plotting to take over the Joestar household. Their antagonism reaches a peak when Dio poisons, and later kills, Jonathan's father and transforms into a vampire. Regardless, both maintain some degree of respect towards one another, as shown when Jonathan suicidally attempts to pin Dio on a pointed statue as the Joestar mansion burned down & destroyed his body in their final battle, and Dio acknowledges Jonathan shortly before attempting to take over Jonathan's body. In the end, Jonathan failed to stop Dio and his body is possessed by him. Their relationship sparks a legacy that continues well into the future parts of the series.
  • Wang Chan: As the man who gave Dio the poison that was used to try and kill his father, Jonathan despised Wang Chan. Unlike Dio, Wang Chan had no respect for Jonathan and constantly insulted him. During his final battle with Dio, Jonathan used the last of his Ripple to kill Wang Chan and use his body to blow up the ship and Dio with it.
  • Tarkus: Jonathan was originally awestruck at Tarkus having learned of him in history books, but after he destroyed the remains of his comrade Bruford, Jonathan lost all respect for him. The two would later battle in a castle chained together and said battle would prompt Zeppeli's death, and out of anger and sadness Jonathan destroyed Tarkus.
  • Bruford: Like Tarkus, Jonathan highly respected Bruford due to his reputation as a great fighter and knight. After their battle, Bruford also grew to respect Jonathan and gave him his sword before his death.
  • Kuba Rozpruwacz: Because he was one of Dio's minions and an infamous serial killer, Jonathan knew Jack was a threat and had to be stopped. In the end, Jonathan destroyed Jack with his Ripple.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

  • (Family tree)

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I strive to be a true gentleman! There are times when a gentleman has to be courageous and fight, even when his opponent is bigger than he is and he knows he's going to lose! (ぼくは本当の紳士をめざしているからだ!相手が大きいヤツだからって負けるとわかっているからって紳士は勇気を持って戦わなくてはならない時があるからだぞッ!!)
  • What are you doing? I won't forgive you! (何をするんだァーッ ゆるさんッ!)
    —Jonathan Joestar to Dio, Chapter 1: Prologue
  • I... I'm no match for [Dio]... but I can't afford to lose now! If I lose, I'll be living in Dio's shadow for the rest of my life! Above all else, I have to fight to reclaim Erina's honor! (か…かなわない… で…でも負けられない…もしこのケンカで負けたらこれから一生ディオの影でオドオドと生活しなくてはならない! な…何よりもエリナの名誉を取りもどすため戦わなくてはならない!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 4: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 3
  • I will protect my father! I will protect House Joestar! (ぼくは父を守るッ!ジョースター家を守るッ!)
    —Jonathan Joestar to Dio, Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past, Part 2
  • Dio! What are you planning now?! Whatever you do, I'll fight! I am Jonathan Joestar of House Joestar! (ディオ! 今度は何を考えている!? だが 君がどう出ようとぼくは戦うぞ! ぼくはジョースター家のジョナサン・ジョースターだッ!!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past, Part 2
  • Th- That Stone Mask... It's given birth to a monster! Frankly, I'm scared! But I can't let you remain in this world, Dio! I'll put an end to you! I never expected the Stone Mask that I was inquisitively researching to be a tool for creating demons... It's my fault... I have to fight! (か…怪物を生み出したのか…あの石仮面は!…正直ぼくはこわい だが ディオ 君をこの世にいさせちゃあいけない!かたをつける!ぼくが好奇心で研究していた石仮面が魔物を作り出す道具だったなんて…ぼくの責任だ…戦わねばならない!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 13: Youth with Dio, Part 2
  • This is not a "plan"! This is "courage"! (「策」ではないッ!「勇気」だ!!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 14: Youth with Dio, Part 3
  • My youth was a youth with Dio! I'll settle that youth here and now! (ぼくの青春はディオとの青春!これからその青春に決着をつけてやるッ!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 15: Youth with Dio, Part 4
  • There you are, vampire zombie! Ripple through the wall! Sendō Hamon Overdrive! (そこだァーッ!吸血屍生人(ゾンビイ)ッ!!壁を伝われ!波紋!仙道波紋疾走(オーバードライブ)ッ!!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 21: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 4
  • How bizarre… the dark night Bruford, that I learned about in school, is filled with hate and heading straight for me!
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 28: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 3
  • With this one breath…! Cut finely, beat of my blood! You’re the one who’s at a disadvantage underwater-- Ripple travels easily though water! GRAAAHHH! Underwater Turquoise Blue Overdrive!
  • Even while under Dio’s control, he still hasn’t forgotten his pride-- and that pride is in his ability to fight!
  • My heart is resonating! With the heat of a raging fire! Feel the pounding beat of my pulse! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! (震えるぞハート!燃え尽きるほどヒート!!刻むぞ血液のビート!山吹き色の波紋疾走(サンライトイエローオーバードライブ)!!)
  • What irony! What a bizarre fate! I had to kill him in order to save his soul! He stood so proud, even though he resented the world that put him to death! Such a noble heart was driven mad with hatred! It’s all because of the mask! And I’ll stop Dio, the man behind it!
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
  • Not one of your bones will remain! I'll erase your evil spirit from this world! Sink into the darkness of history forever! (おまえの骨ひとつとてこの世に残さん!邪悪な魂を絶ってやる!!歴史の闇に永遠に沈め!)
    —Jonathan Joestar to Tarkus, Chapter 35: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 3
  • There's no need to share my prideful name with a zombie! (屍生人(ゾンビ)になど誇りある我が名を教える必要なし!)
    —Jonathan Joestar to Doobie, Chapter 37: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 2
  • I’m back from hell, Dio!
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 37: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 2
  • Dio! I'll reveal my feelings to you... It's disgraceful as a gentleman, but to be honest, right now, Jonathan Joestar... will kill you, Dio, for the sake of revenge! (ディオ!ぼくの気持ちをきかせてやる…紳士として恥ずべきことだが正直なところ 今のジョナサン・ジョースターは…恨みをはらすためにディオ!きさまを殺すのだッ!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 38: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 3
  • This is the moment where we’ll find out, Dio! Who will win and who will lose!
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 40: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 2
  • Dio! …
    —Jonathan, crying, Chapter 41: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 3
  • I feel the same way. When my heart was dark and cold, you were the one that gave it warmth.” (to self:) ‘That’s why I’m glad to have saved this world with you in it… I wish I could have introduced you to father.
    —Jonathan to Erina, Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
  • The final Ripple remaining in my body... I'll release it, no matter how small! (体内に残されたかすかな最後の波紋…すべてを一気に放出するかすかていい!)
    —Jonathan Joestar, Chapter 43: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 5
  • Maybe we really are two as one... I even feel a bizarre friendship between us. And now, our fates are truly intertwined... and they'll disappear together as this ship explodes. (ぼくらはやはり ふたりでひとりだったのかもしれないな 奇妙な友情すら感じるよ…そして 今 ふたりの運命は完全にひとつとなった… そして…船の爆発で消える…)
    —Jonathan Joestar to Dio, Chapter 43: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 5
  • It’s okay… to cry… but you… you have… to live… That mother… Sh… She died… to protect… her… child… My… mother… did the… same… for me…
    —Jonathan to Erina, Chapter 44: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 6
  • Be happy... Erina. (幸…わ…せ…に……エリナ)

Tworzenie i rozwój

Jonathan's name was derived at a Denny's where Araki and his first editor, Ryosuke Kabashima, had their first meeting pertaining to the JoJo series.[21] The two had decided on "Jonathan" as the series' protagonist, however, Araki also wanted the initials to match in a way similar to the American filmmaker, Steven Spielberg (S.S). They eventually landed on the name, "Jonathan Joestar" (J.J) and thus the nickname "JoJo" was born.[22] Araki mentions he was not referencing anything in particular when he chose the first name.[23] Jonathan was rumored to be named after "Jonathan's Family Restaurant"; however, both Araki and Kabashima confirm this is an urban myth. Araki had brought up the name during a 2006 interview, but he states the interviewer had mentioned it and he just echoed it by accident.[21]

Araki wanted Jonathan to exude an aura of strength like in the manga Karate Baka Ichidai after the protagonist did martial arts training alone in the mountains.[9] Additionally, his appearance and physique are similar to Hokuto no Ken's Kenshiro. However, this specific similarity has not been directly confirmed by Araki, the Hokuto no Ken manga was at the very least used as visual reference for some panels of Jonathan.


In the 2000 Stardust Crusaders OVA, Jonathan's voice actor, Jurota Kosugi, voiced Jotaro Kujo in the 1993/2000 OVA adaption. He later voiced Norisuke Higashikata IV in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven.

Jonathan's voice actor in the 2007 Phantom Blood film, Katsuyuki Konishi, also voices Diavolo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind.


  • In Jump Comics Volume 1, there is a typographical error where Jonathan uses the line "Nani o suru da" (何をするだァーッ) instead of "Nani o surun da" (何をするんだァーッ). This error was not fixed for 15 years until the 66th printing, and has since been replicated in other works such as All-Star Battle. The Phantom Blood PS2 game fixes the typo, but uses the original erroneous line in Story and Chapter Mode once Story Mode has been beaten once.
  • Due to the concept of the Joestar Birthmark not being introduced until Stardust Crusaders, Jonathan is not shown to have it in the manga. Later adaptations do show Jonathan's birthmark, such as the 2000 OVA during the flashback showing Jonathan's death, or the 2012 anime when he defeats Tarkus.


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