
I'm a average height young adult with fair skin that wears glasses. Besides dark hair I also have facial hair. I don't want to talk about my look to much so pretend my infobox is my true appearance, which is currently King Crimson in Fall Guys.
Nice, but a little bit shy.
I first heard of the series back in 2016 in a YouTube video about stupid censorship in anime. In the video Jotaro smoking in SC Episode 35 was used as an example. Back then I wasn't really into anime and thought the show looked weird.
List of edits I made on this site:
- Making Polish pages (currently on Part 4);
- Adding more localized names in Name Variants;
- Code cleaning on various character pages as well as other stuff (fixed game appearances, nsfw warnings, better links in galleries ect);
- Improving chronological timeline (most notably with Hot Summer Martha);
- Expanded Morioh (locations and characters);
- Adding more families in Families page;
- Added a difference between vampirism in popular culture and main series, by pointing out that DIO's reflection can be seen in the cover for Chapter 130 (that section got removed);
- Added missing categories to over 600+ categories;
- Removed dozens of red links;
- Updated French and Brazilian pages without knowing their languages.
Help with translation
As a main polish translator I'm looking forward for help from other users either by updating the info or making new pages. For the rules on polish translation visit Chavan's page (first polish translator on JoJo Wiki). However unlike with Chavan's rules I suggest on adding Polonica names to pages (if available) to keep it consistant with other articles on this site, for example Gyro Zeppeli and his pages in other languages.
Feel free to ask Mayhalke for additional help.
- Main reason why I created this account is because I wanted to use dark mode.
- When I created this account, I accidentally name it "Daminito" (Thanks Vish for fixing it).
Script for TJL chapter reviews
Hey, what's up everyone, my name is Damian and today we are gonna review The JOJOLands chapters 21 through 24 titled "HOWLER Company Impropriety Suspicions, Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Parts 1 2 & 3". If you guys want to see more videos like this, make sure to like & subscribe, that would help us tremendously.
Starting with Chapter 21 it beggins with Charming Man disquised as a bank employee Yokohama so he can collect Howler's debt and collect his money into their account. In Meryl Mei's boutique we see her keeping Lulu as a hostage since she's the only one who knows our protagonists. The scene cuts to Acca in a limousine stopped by protesters trying to fight him due to illegal activities. When he's by himself he talk about owning the land was given to his family by Hawaiian royal family 8 generations ago. Behind him 3 new characters appear from behind which they don't want him to go bankrupt. They are lawyer Key West, police officer Laem Chabang, and firefighter Ningbo whom are friends of Bobby Jean. The chapter ends with Key West showing a picture of Paco from Bobby's phone to Acca.
Chapter 22 starts with our gang arriving to Howler's yacht. During the drive Charming Man comments on his harsh skin being seperate from his Stand and others in his village have it aswell. Charming Man disquised as Yokohama, Dragona disquised as a bank employee and Jodio posing as a part time gofer end up on the yacht while Paco and Usagi watch from the land. Meryl Mei sends a cryptic message to them about being in danger as Ningbo and Laem arrive to her school in order to investigate Paco's identity. Laem uses her Stand to sense Meryl's fear and Ningbo uses his to inflate a keyboard and Meryl's arm. The chapter ends with Paco deciding to head backto school to help her.
Chapter 23 starts with Howler flashbacks. In 1967 the family almost went broke due to fire. We get introduced to Acca's grandfather and Monte Bruto. Monte Bruto is a member of local mafia which is responsible for fires since he wants to own the land. Out of nowhere a truck appears with driver shooting Bruto and pushing his car of a cliff revealed to be Acca's grandfather. Some time laterOld man spends time with Acca in which he exposes yough Howler to powers of Lava Rock. We get learn when the Rock is overused it crumbles. Back to present day our trio begin debt collection with Key West is suspicious of them. Acca offers 20 million dollars to each one if they refuse to collect the debt. At this point Lava Rock begins to crumble due to huge amound of wealth aound them. The chapter ends with Acca demanding explonation at gun point.
The newest chapter beging with Acca shooting the wall to intiminate the gang and pionting his gun at anyone he considers suspiciuos, even his members. He throws the money to the ground to see who's hiding the Lava Rock which it starts to move towards Dragona. In order to undo the effect Dragona uses Smooth Operators to change the number on bills to make them worthless. While Acca is confused by the situation he notices other yachtsarring due to fire he started by shooting the wall. We cut to Paco's flashback in which his father abused him due to alcoholism, which lead to Paco awakening his Stand. Despite it he still loves his father. Paco begins to steal money in order to get a lawyer, because his dad was framed for murder, which led him to meeting Meryl. Chapter ends in current time with Paco and Usagi arriving to find bloody fingers underneath Meryl's desk.