Diavolo ★ Histoire

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Une biographie détaillée de Diavolo.


Diavolo en tant que bébé.

Le passé de Diavolo, notamment sa jeunesse, est entourée de mystère. Cependant, quelques détails sont révélés sur lui. Diavolo serait né durant l'été 1967 dans une prison pour femme. Cependant, sa mère n'a jamais pu approcher un homme en prison car le personnel est composé de femmes. La mère de Diavolo a prétendu qu'elle était enceinte depuis deux ans, avant son emprisonnement, et le père était mort de maladie. Personne ne la crût mais le mystère demeura.

Le bébé fut recueilli par un prêtre qui officiait dans la ville natale de la mère en Sardaigne. Selon les voisins et amis de Diavolo, il donnait l'impression d'être timide et stupide, mais aussi docile. Lorsqu'il fit part de son souhait d'être un marin, le prêtre n'y vit aucune objection. Jean Pierre Polnareff pense que Diavolo a du subi un abus dans son enfance, vu qu'il souffre d'un trouble de personnalité dissociative mais rien ne veut confirmer sa théorie.

Le côté malveillant de Diavolo existait cependant déjà en lui car durant sa jeunesse, il rencontra sa mère, libérée de prison, mais la séquestra et l'enterra vivante sous sa maison. Etrangement, il fit en sorte qu'elle puisse survivre, mais cousu sa bouche.

Un incendie ravage le village de Diavolo et efface toute trace de sa présence.

En 1984-85, Diavolo rencontre une jeune fille nommée Donatella Una qui passait des vacances en Sardaigne. Donatella tomba amoureuse de Diavolo, lequel utilisa le faux nom "Solido Naso". Ils tissèrent une liaison, un point que Donatella tomba enceinte de Diavolo. Le jeune Diavolo ne prit pas conscience de cela pour l'instant. A un moment, Diavolo et Donatella passèrent un moment sur la plage de Cala Di Volpe sur la Costa Smeralda. Diavolo pris alors une photo de Donatella posant sur une stèle. Diavolo promit de la revoir mais il ne reprit jamais contact avec elle.

En 1986, alors que Diavolo avait 19 ans, le prêtre qui avait adopté Diavolo comme son fils aperçut ce dernier sur la plage avec une fille (vraisemblablement Donatella mais on n'a aucune confirmation). Le prêtre se mit à penser qu'il serait temps que Diavolo acquière une voiture et voulut faire des travaux pour construire un garage. Malheureusement, alors qu'il détruisait le sol de sa maison avec une pioche, il trouva la mère de Diavolo enterrée vivante. Cette nuit, un incendie se déclara, ravageant le village de Diavolo. On porta le nombre de victimes à sept, dont le prêtre et Diavolo. Diavolo put ainsi disparaitre officiellement.

La Fondation de Passione

Diavolo trouve les Flèches.

Diavolo quitta l'Italie pour l'instant et alla en Egypte, se faisant recruter au sein d'une expédition archéologique. Durant une excavation, Diavolo trouva par hasard six pointes de Flèche dont il devina immédiatement la valeur. Il vola les Flèches, s'enfuit puis vendit cinq de ces pointes de Flèches à la vieille Enya pour une large somme d'argent. Diavolo revint en Italie et fonda son gang, Passione. On peut supposer qu'il obtint son King Crimson et la tortue Coco Jumbo son Stand Mr.President grâce la Flèche qu'il a conservé. A un moment non précisé, Diavolo confia la Flèche à Polpo et son Stand Black Sabbath, qui utilisèrent cette flèche dans le cadre du test d'initiation pour rejoindre le gang.

Diavolo à la tête de son propre gang.

Après avoir formé Passione, Diavolo vit son gang grandir rapidement en nombre avec de nombreux subordonnés manieurs de Stands. Diavolo prétendit d'abord débarrasser les rues de la drogue mais profita lui-même du trafic de drogue dans la région et Passione devint un gang dominant dans la région, surtout Naples où il a fondé l'organisation. Durant tout ce temps, il a su gouverner le gang sans que personne n'entre en contact direct avec lui et ne connaisse rien de lui, Diavolo faisant tout pour cacher son passé et son identité. A un moment, son alter ego Vinegar Doppio devint un membre du gang, Diavolo se masquant derrière Doppio pour délivrer des ordres et se déplacer à travers l'Italie.

Diavolo confronte Polnareff.

Dans les années 90, Jean Pierre Polnareff et Jotaro Kujo avaient découvert les Flèches et voulaient les retrouver. Polnareff voyagea en Italie alors que la criminalité avait largement monté récemment. Polnareff enquêta sur Passione et Diavolo. En 1999, ce dernier alla alors le confronter, l'acculant au bout d'une falaise en bord de mer. Grâce à King Crimson, Diavolo surprit facilement Polnareff et lui asséna une attaque presque fatale, lui tranchant un oeil, lui coupant un bras et le jeta en bas de la falaise sur des rochers en contrebas, lui brisant les jambes. Diavolo crût à la mort de Polnareff mais celui-ci survécu secrètement à sa chute.

L'équipe des assassins est puni par Diavolo.

En 1994, Risotto Nero joignit Passione et devint le chef d'une équipe d'assassins, La Squadra Esecuzioni, composée de manieurs de Stands. Cependant, Diavolo ne leur donna jamais de territoire pour gonfler leurs revenus, ne leur payant que des sommes jugés dérisoires pour chaque assassinat. Cet état frustrait beaucoup l'équipe d'assassins qui pensaient leurs talents non récompensés à leur juste valeur. Deux des assassins, Sorbet et Gelato, se mirent en tête d'enquêter sur le Boss. Diavolo eut vent de leur enquête et contre-attaqua. Sorbet et Gelato furent capturés. Sorbet fut découpé vivant et Gelato fut poussé à se suicider d'horreur. On laissa Gelato chez lui avec un message d'avertissement tandis qu'on mis les morceaux de Sorbet dans des caissons de formaldéhyde et on livra son corps à la Squadra Esecuzioni pour montrer la toute puissance du gang. Intimidés et démoralisés, les assassin abandonnèrent toute idée de rebellion.

En Janvier 2001, Donatella Una mourut de maladie. Auparavant, elle avait essayé de retrouver la trace de "Solido Naso", un des faux noms connus du Boss. Ceci attira l'attention de Diavolo, qui réalisa que la fille de Donatella, Trish Una, était sûrement sa fille biologique. Il envoya alors son capo Pericolo la retrouver. En effet, la Squadra Esecuzioni apprit aussi l'existence de Trish. Ils virent en elle un moyen de démasquer le Boss ou d'en apprendre plus sur lui et tentèrent de la kidnapper.

Vento Aureo (2001)

Le trafic de drogue à Naples fait des ravages, notamment parmis les jeunes. Giorno Giovanna s'intéresse à ceci et jure de se débarrasser du trafic. Lorsque Luca "larme-à-l'oeil" se fait attaquer par un inconnu et est retrouvé avec le crâne enfoncé, l'agression est prise comme une attaque contre le gang et Blono Buccellati dit que son patron l'a envoyé enquêter sur l'affaire. Cependant, Buccellati va secrètement s'allier à Giorno. Deux jours plus tard, le capo Polpo meurt, alors que c'est lui qui s'occupe des affaires entre manieurs de Stands d'habitude. Diavolo instruit au capo Pericolo de relayer des ordres à Buccellati dès que ce dernier leur donne le trésor de Polpo et est promu au rang de capo lui aussi, et de lui amener sa fille Trish Una par la même occasion. Ainsi, Buccellati est chargé de protéger Trish jusqu'à ce que les traîtres soient exterminés. En vérité, Diavolo veut tuer Trish de ses propre mains car il ne rien qui puisse donner un indice sur son passé.

La protection de Trish

Peu après, un combat entre Narancia Ghirga et l'assassin rebelle Formaggio cause la destruction de toute une rue. Les autres assassins vont inévitablement porter leur attention dans la région et donc risquent de découvrir la cachette de Buccellati et de Trish. Diavolo envoie un message par ordinateur pour lui déliver de nouveaux ordres afin d'amener Trish à Venise.

Diavolo attendant patiemment Trish

Pendant ce temps, Diavolo fait en sorte que les bon objets et pions soient placés au bon endroit pour que la Team Buccellati. Il fait placer une clé à Pompéii dans la célèbre "maison du poète", il fait placer la tortue Coco Jumbo dans la gare de Naple, et instruit Pericolo de délivrer d'autres ordres pour retrouver une disquette qu'il a fait placer dans une statue à Venise. Diavolo attend alors patiemment l'arrivée de Trish.[1]

La "Trahison" de Buccellati

Diavolo attend alors à l'église de San Giorgio Maggiore, la destination des héros, là où ils doivent amener Trish. Diavolo compte récupérer personnellement Trish et instruit ses subordonnées de n'avoir qu'une personne pour accompagner Trish jusqu'au sommet de la basilique. Lorsque Buccellati accompagne Trish jusqu'à l'ascenseur du beffroi, Diavolo passe à l'action. Il efface le temps, kidnappe Trish en coupant sa main qui tient celle de Buccellati, et descend en bas de la cage d'ascenseur. Il prend ensuite un passage secret pour rejoindre la crypte.

Cependant, Diavolo n'imagine pas que Buccellati décide alors de se rebeller ouvertement contre lui. En effet, le jeune homme est enragé par le fait que Diavolo veuille se débarrasser de sa propre fille.

Diavolo blesse mortellement Buccellati.

Alors qu'il descend des escalier vers la crypte, une salle plongée dans les ténèbres et remplie de colonnes, Diavolo entrevoit l'attaque imminente de Buccellati. Il daigne avertir Buccellati de ne pas se mettre en travers de son chemin mais Buccellati attaque quand même. Se cachant derrière un pilier, Diavolo invoque King Crimson, se saisit de Sticky Fingers et lui casse presque le bras mais Buccellati échappe à l'attaque en se détachant le coude. Caché dans l'obscurité, Diavolo demande à Buccellati pourquoi il se rebelle, pensant que Buccellati est devenu un traître ambitieux. Buccellati préfère appeler Giorno à l'aide. Diavolo efface encore le temps, montrant alors à Buccellati le pouvoir de King Crimson comme cadeau d'adieu avant de réapparaitre derrière lui et de lui enfoncer le poing de King Crimson à travers le ventre.

Buccellati est gravement blessé mais donne à King Crimson un coup de coude pour se libérer. Buccellati attaque mais Diavolo efface le temps, prédisant et évitant le coup de Sticky Fingers avant que le temps de réapparaisse et Diavolo tranche presque Buccellati en deux à travers le torse. Buccellati s'effondre. Diavolo s'approche alors de Trish sentant le lien de sang qui les unit, et s'apprête à la tuer. Cependant, c'est alors que la broche de Giorno que Buccellati avait discrètement attaché au manteau de ce dernier se transforme en clone de Coco Jumbo. La tortue avale Diavolo dans sa salle, mais Diavolo avait tout vu à l'avance. Il s'échappe et confronte Buccellati qui voulait partir par les escalier. Diavolo voit la prochaine attaque de Buccellati par derrière et efface le temps pour l'éviter, mais il remarque trop tard que Buccellati voulait simplement le faire activer son pouvoir trop tôt. Diavolo voit Buccellati grimper à une colonne grâce à ses fermetures à glissière et s'échapper à la surface. Diavolo veut les suivre, mais Giorno, qui a désobéi à l'ordre d'attendre dans un bateau et est présent dans l'église, alerte le reste des héros. Avec autant de monde, Diavolo préfère battre en retraite pour l'instant car il ne veut pas s'exposer à tant de témoins. Il félicite Buccellati pour sa détermination et son intelligence avant de partir.

Lorsque presque toute l'équipe de Buccellati (à l'exception de Pannacotta Fugo) rejoint le camp de celui-ci, Diavolo va alerter les membres de son Unità Speciale, une équipe de "gardes d'élites". Ainsi, il les charge de tuer tous les traîtres ainsi que sa fille.

Going back to Sardinia

In a hotel room, Diavolo examines all files related to Trish' case. He finds a photo of the Una's living room and notices the old photo of Donatella that he personally took in the Costa Smeralda. Although he has heard about the plane crash Notorious B.I.G caused, he still feels that Trish is alive and concludes that the traitors are going to use Moody Blues at this spot and Leone Abbacchio will reveal Diavolo's face. Diavolo decide to personally handle this matter. When a hotel maid enters his room without knocking, he erases time and takes all traces of his presence with him.

Diavolo kills a prying fortune teller
For the occasion, he lets his alter-ego Vinegar Doppio take control. Along the way, Doppio is questioned by a fortune teller who reveals that they're searching for their daughter. Diavolo temporarily reveals himself and kills the fortune teller, but not before learning from him that an encounter with Risotto Nero is close. On the way to Donatella's house, the driver of the taxi that Doppio takes attempts to con him, believing the envelope containing the picture of Donatella to be full of money. Doppio almost gouges out the eye of the driver, but Diavolo informs him that there is no reason to eliminate him as the driver did not see the contents of the envelope and also notes that they were being watched. Risotto was planning on intercepting Team Bucciarati to make one last attempt at capturing Trish. At first, Risotto simply assumes Doppio is a tourist, but upon seeing him react to the sounds and sight of Aerosmith, realizes that Doppio is a Stand user and attacks him.
Risotto's last attempt to kill Diavolo

The fight with Risotto is long and he nearly succeeds in killing Doppio multiple times, if not for Diavolo's interventions. He gives Doppio the use of Epitaph and throughout the fight encourages Doppio to get close so that King Crimson can defeat Risotto in one fell swoop, or orders him to flee when Doppio is at risk of injury. However the fight is largely in Risotto's favor, from the power of Metallica to Doppio's lack of battle experience playing for the traitor. Diavolo throws knives created by Metallica in the direction of Team Bucciarati. This causes Aerosmith to intervene and shoot Risotto, leaving him dying and defeated. As Diavolo emerges from Doppio, he stands over the traitorous assassin, offering him a quick death with his dignity intact in exchange for the restoration of the iron content of his blood lost in the battle. However, Risotto has Metallica hijack Aerosmith and attempt to shoot Diavolo. In response, King Crimson erases time so that the bullets pass through Diavolo and finish Risotto off. Diavolo is disappointed that Risotto died with not only his honor intact, but without needing to help his former Boss. Left extremely fatigued and weak, Diavolo replenishes some of his supply of iron by devouring nearby frogs. When followed by Bucciarati and his men, Diavolo attacks a child playing soccer, steals his uniform, and drinks much of his blood to restore his own iron. This gives him a chance to kill Abbacchio while using Doppio as disguise in an attempt to remove Bucciarati's group's chance to unveil his face. Unbeknownst to him, Moody Blues has found Diavolo's old face and the team were able to search for it, attracting the attention of another ally that proposed that they meet in the Colosseum to get a way to defeat Diavolo.

Going to Rome

Travelling to Rome

Diavolo eventually sees Team Bucciarati leave Sardinia with an unexpectedly determined look on their face. Thus, Diavolo tells Doppio to check the stela where his suspects that the traitors are going somewhere for an important reason; he orders Doppio to get moving via plane, as well as ask Cioccolata and Secco for assistance, despite expressing disgust as the former for his past actions. However, when Doppio arrives in Rome, he's held hostage by Secco and is soon lending a hand in helping a once-again dying and unknowing Bucciarati. Diavolo uses his soul's resemblance to Trish's to fool Bucciarati into letting him help in order to find out whom has been assisting the traitors. He is then able to sneak past the rest of Team Bucciarati and bring him to the Colosseum.

When they get there, Diavolo takes notice of a person watching them, and orders Doppio to stay cautious. The unknown individual calls out and asks Bucciarati for the identity of the person with him is. Diavolo takes a closer look at the individual and notices the Stand-granting Arrow, shocking him and bringing only one person to mind: Polnareff. Though Bucciarati tells Polnareff that it's Trish and Doppio convinces him that he is a girl, he demands to see her Stand. It is in that instant that Doppio disappears.

Diavolo finally revealed
Doppio reappears on a set of stairs leading to Polnareff. Diavolo slowly emerges and begins speaking about how everyone must defeat the mistakes of their past as he begins taking off his sweater and passes by a column. When he emerges from the column, Diavolo has fully revealed himself to Polnareff, knowing that he could not keep himself completely hidden in the ensuing confrontation. Though he is only slightly taken aback when he sees that Polnareff is somehow still alive after their last encounter, he nonetheless prepares to attack him a second time and make sure that he stays dead. Before Diavolo begins his assault, he questions Polnareff why he would have an Arrow when there was one already in Italy and all of his allies were already Stand Users. When Polnareff refuses to answer, Diavolo charges at him. Before King Crimson can erase time, Polnareff bites his own finger and holds it over his other hand. Diavolo takes notice of this and positions himself behind Polnareff. He is then attacked and has his arm sliced open by Polnareff's Silver Chariot when time is restored. Diavolo instantly figures out that the blood drops from Polnareff's finger allow him to know immediately when time is erased. Before Polnareff can escape, Diavolo erases time once more, and flings the blood from his arm into the path of Polnareff's eyes to make sure that he wouldn't be able to see when time returns. However, as Diavolo prepares to deliver a finishing blow with King Crimson the instant time returns, he notices that Silver Chariot has been stabbed in the face with the Arrow, and narrowly misses the Stand.
Diavolo faces off against Polnareff
Seeing it leap past the average Power-type range limit of two meters, he decides to mortally wound Polnareff by punching him through the chest to prevent it from going any further. Making sure his enemy is dead by checking his pulse, Diavolo wonders aloud is there might be some other ability of the Arrow besides granting Stands to normal people, then takes it for himself. He thanks Polnareff for bringing another Arrow to him before leaving. However, it is then that Diavolo notices a mysterious individual covered in black begin walking away from him. Though he angrily demands the entity's identity and commands it to face him, he suddenly drops the Arrow as his legs go limp. Diavolo falls asleep before he could make sense of the situation.

Chasing after the Arrow

Chariot Requiem is Polnareff's last resort to keep the Arrow from falling into Diavolo's hands, and renders everyone in Rome unconscious while switching their spirits around. Upon reawakening, Team Bucciarati in their switched bodies figure out the workings of the soul-switching and their temporarily new identities. Coming to the conclusion that Diavolo's soul would be in Bucciarati's due to it being vice versa, Guido Mista, in Trish's body, immediately fires several rounds into the defenseless body as it's getting up. However, Diavolo's soul was piggybacking with Trish in Mista's body; He very likely comes to the conclusion that they're firing at Doppio and, enraged, breaks a nearby fence and impales Narancia Ghirga (in Giorno's body) on it, killing him instantly. With Giorno back to normal, the group realizes they were wrong and must retrieve the Arrow from Chariot Requiem, taking along with them Polnareff in Coco Jumbo's body. Diavolo, having become a separate soul, begins to sabotage the group's attempts to defeat Chariot Requiem.

Upon the first signs of Requiem's true ability to transform people and animals into "something else", Diavolo becomes the first to figure out its weakness. However, Giorno stops the group when he himself figures out that Diavolo has been sabotaging them. Giorno tells everyone to stay at least five meters apart from each other as Diavolo, whom split from Doppio during the soul switch, is now possessing one of them. It is then that Diavolo realizes that Giorno Giovanna was his greatest obstacle due to his perceptiveness.
Diavolo as a rogue soul
The young boy attempts to reveal the Boss by touching his allies, sensing if there are two souls. Diavolo, whom is in Mista's body along with Trish, severs Giorno's arm and bashes him in the head when he approaches Bucciarati so that he is not cornered. He is also able to grab Trish's own Stand, Spice Girl, and take complete control Mista's body. Upon figuring out that he is able to move Mista's various parts, Diavolo has him sprint for Requiem and the Arrow, using King Crimson's ability to get a headstart. Diavolo predicts the future and erases time to narrowly avoid Mista's bullets, having countered a number of attacks in the time he gets to Requiem. Before he revealed himself, he noticed that Requiem's shadow is always opposite of wherever he is. With this information, King Crimson throws a blind punch behind its own head, and hits an orb of light that was behind him all along and was producing the shadow. This mostly destroys Chariot Requiem and frees the Requiem Arrow, which Diavolo takes for himself. Ecstatic that the Arrow is in his hands once more, he prepares to pierce King Crimson with it. However, Giorno turns the blood that splattered on Diavolo when he severed his arm into a swarm of ants that chew at and break off the Arrow. Diavolo reaches for the dropped Arrow after deflecting more of Mista's bullets, but those same deflected bullets then shoot through his hand and knock the Arrow a long distance away.
Disposing of his hated daughter
Confused, he realizes that Trish has been fighting back, and that Spice Girl had used its ability to soften the bullets. Diavolo retaliates by wishing his daughter had never been born, before furiously punching her soul clean through the stomach. He then uses the force of the punch to send Mista's body flying in the direction of the Arrow that had escaped him. Having once again taken it, Diavolo attempts to pierce King Crimson without hesitation, only for the Arrow phase right through the Stand's hand; Bucciarati sacrifices his own life by finally destroying Chariot Requiem's remains, saving Trish's life by undoing its ability and ripping Diavolo's soul and King Crimson away from the Arrow.

Awakening, Diavolo attempts to retreat, but a conscious Trish tells Giorno that her father is "running away". In an effort to spare his own pride, he attacks Giorno after meeting eyes with him once more and seeing that the Arrow had landed in the boy's hands. Using Epitaph, he forecasts the Arrow rejecting Giorno, then mortally wounds Gold Experience just as the Stand is pierced.

Diavolo realizes he can't affect Gold Experience Requiem
However, Giorno had successfully evolved his Stand into Gold Experience Requiem despite Epitaph's predictions. Initially, Diavolo believes the new form to be a simple enhancement, then forecasts Giorno killed. Giorno taunts and belittles Diavolo and his philosophy, stating that while the virtuous actions of his teammates could never be "erased", the boss and his selfish actions might not be the same case. He attempts to erase time as Gold Experience Requiem unleashes a barrage of punches, Mista fires several bullets, and wasps fly past. Placing himself next to Giorno, Diavolo splatters blood in front of his face like he did with Polnareff, then proceeds to deliver a fatal punch to the heart. However, before the hit could land, he is interrupted by the sight of the wasps flying backward and Mista's bullets returning to his gun. Right as he was about to resume his attack, Diavolo himself is shocked by Requiem speaking to him within the erased time, claiming that while Epitaph allows him to see the next moments of reality, Diavolo himself will never reach it; Gold Experience Requiem reveals its true power by setting King Crimson's seemingly invincible ability "to zero" and nullifying it, completely undoing the time erasure. Diavolo, forced to watch himself state the same lines, is left in a state of utter disbelief as Giorno and his Stand destroy Epitaph in a single punch with no trouble. Desperate in putting an end to the boy that has caused him so much trouble, he attacks Giorno once more, and Gold Experience Requiem ultimately pummels him, annihilating King Crimson in the process and sending him flying into the nearby river.

Final Moments

Diavolo never able to meet his end

Due to the ability of Gold Experience Requiem, Diavolo is trapped in an infinite death loop; He continues to experience death over and over for eternity due to dying and subsequently returning to point zero (before his death), starting with drowning in the nearby river, followed by being stabbed to death, autopsied alive, and hit by a car. Panicked in anticipation for where the next source of his never-ending fatality is going to come from, the last of what is seen of Diavolo is him begging a harmless child to get away from him.

Major Battles

Purple Haze Feedback

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

In the light novel Purple Haze Feedback, within six months after Diavolo's death, Giorno had managed to successfully fool Passione into believing he had been the Boss all along. Besides the members of Sezione Droghe, led by Vladimir Kocaqi, it is unknown how many members of Passione actually believed this. Giorno had also obtained the assistance of the Speedwagon Foundation through Polnareff, giving Passione even more power than Diavolo had. Diavolo, through the whole ordeal, was still in his looping deaths during this time and long after.


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.
Diavolo and King Crimson

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an incarnation of Diavolo lives in an unknown universe. Like his original universe counterpart, he wields King Crimson. However, instead of Vinegar Doppio, his alternate personality is Giorno Giovanna. With Giorno's Gold Experience Requiem, he cancels his own death and ends up in the 37th universe, where he takes over Passione.


Diavolo's headquarters of the Passione family in the 37th universe is Nero Nero Island. The group has about three hundred members with several Stand users, and nobody has met their boss aside from knowing that his name is Diavolo.[2] Diavolo had killed far more than a hundred people, including victims from enemy crime syndicates, civilians, politicians, law enforcement, and his own men.[3]


Diavolo's corpse

Bruno Bucciarati reveals that they found the dead bodies of Diavolo and Yoshikage Kira in the study of the Arrow Cross House, where they had somehow been lying for at least twelve hours, despite Jorge Joestar and Rohan Kishibe having been in and out of that room all day. He shares footage from Leone Abbacchio's Stand Videodrome, depicting a holographic display of Diavolo and Kira's sudden deaths with their throats being slit. Videodrome records everything that happens to someone for 24 hours after midnight and cuts off at the moment of their death, meaning that there are no records of Diavolo and Kira from midnight until 8 am. They just suddenly appeared in Arrow Cross House at 8 am, where they were killed in approximately one second, and nobody noticed their bodies.[3]

The original universe George Joestar eventually investigates and performs an autopsy on Diavolo's body with the help of NYPD Blue and Abbacchio. He deduces what occurred. Enrico Pucci lured Kira and Diavolo to Arrow Cross House after setting the two against each other. As time looped, Pucci sped up time and compressed it until neither of them could move at all, then slit their throats. Giorno unsuccessfully tries to conceal his surprise, making George suspicious. Meanwhile, NYPD Blue and Abbacchio notice that Diavolo's pages from Heaven's Door were not in order; his body only had odd pages, meaning that Diavolo had an alternate personality and someone else had the even pages.[4]

Punching George

After Giorno is revealed to be lying, he reveals his soul was inhabiting Antonio Torres's hollowed out skin as a disguise. He heals Diavolo's corpse, which is his original body, and moves his soul over to it.[5] Fugo attacks Diavolo along with Mista and Abbacchio but their attacks do nothing. George then attempts to punch Diavolo but King Crimson punches him through the stomach. He mentions intentionally avoiding George's heart so that he could take him to go see the Secret Emperor. The gangsters and the Japanese group try protecting George but they are all easily defeated. Reimi cries as Diavolo jumps into Cube House with George.

Cube House

Diavolo at Dio's coffin
Dio drinking his blood

George awakens, finding himself on the deck of a ship near a large black coffin. Diavolo yells at the man in the coffin to wake up, and George recognizes him as Dio Brando. They had traveled through time to the first universe, one hundred years after Dio sank in the coffin. Hungry, Dio decides to drink some of Diavolo's blood first. As Diavolo's body belongs to Dio's son, his blood is suitable. Diavolo attempts to use King Crimson but Dio's The World stops time before he can. Dio then reveals the Stand he had stolen from Jonathan Joestar's body, a crown of thorns that could see the futures of his blood relatives. Dio kicks Diavolo and stomps on his head, claiming they still have work to do. George witnesses Dio and Diavolo vanish, realizing that they traveled through time as Cube House's effect was still lingering on Diavolo.

Dio eventually kills Giorno and by extension, Diavolo, by thrusting a katana into his heart.[4]


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