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Faussement condamnée pour meurtre au second degré avec circonstances aggravantes, Jolyne est envoyé à Green Dolphin Street Prison, où elle combat les sbires du disciple le plus fidèle de DIO, le père Enrico Pucci. Initialement, elle était une femme ordinaire mais elle obtient un Stand, Stone Free, qui la permet de se dérouler en un fil.
Jolyne est une jeune femme de taille moyenne avec un corps fin mais athlétique.
Sa coiffure est en deux couleurs: une base de cheveux sombres comprenant deux gros chignons au sommet de sa tête complétés avec des cheveux teints clairs avec deux tresses enroulant ses chignons puis s'attachant ensembles à l'arrière en une grande tresse descendant jusqu'au cou. Quelques mèches et franges claires encadrent son visage.
Comme tous les autres membres de la famille Joestar, Jolyne a une petite marque de naissance en forme d'étoile à l'arrière de son épaule gauche, près du cou; et a tatoué au-dessus de son avant-bras gauche des ailes de papillon superposées avec une dague pointant vers le bas, qui apparaît également sur son haut sur une plaquette au centre du torse.
La représentation de Jolyne dans la partie 6 passe légèrement d'une constitution plus mince et plus lisse à une constitution plus athlétique. Simultanément, elle travaille à travers un certain nombre de tenues principalement sombres, caractérisées par un motif de toile d'araignée.
Tenue no. 1 : Une jupe courte, des bottes à hauteur du tibia et un débardeur qui expose son ventre, avec 2 bandes de tissu de chaque côté qui le fixent à sa jupe d'une manière similaire à des bretelles. Elle porte un petit plaquette sur sa poitrine répétant son tatouage au bras.
Tenue no. 2 : Similaire à la première tenue, sauf qu'il a un pantalon fusionné à ses bottes et une veste de prison. La veste est courte, couvrant le bas de son dos jusqu'aux hanches. Porté lors de sa première semaine de prison.
Tenue no. 3 : La deuxième tenue mais avec une veste plus longue et légèrement plus foncée (correspondant à la longueur du manteau de Jotaro). Après les événements de Whitesnake - Le poursuivant, elle se fait un piercing en forme d'étoile au nombril.
Tenue no. 4 : Après s'être évadée de prison, Jolyne porte un débardeur un peu déchiré qui ressemble à son ancien débardeur. Sur sa poitrine, elle porte maintenant une grande plaque en forme de cœur décorée avec l'image de son tatouage. Elle porte deux mini-ceintures près des côtes. Un brassard en tissu orne ses avant-bras, et elle conserve son piercing au nombril avant de le perdre dans les derniers chapitres. Elle porte une ceinture différente autour de sa taille avec une longue cape attachée au dos.
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Peau(Fair, rouge à lèvres chartreuse)
(Noir avec reflets bleus et tresse et frange chartreuse)
Yeux (Vert lime)
(Costume bleu avec motif de toile d'araignée blanche, accessoires chartreuse et écusson papillon rose.)
Peau(Fair, rouge à lèvres lime)
(Noir avec reflets bleu ciel et tresse et franges citron vert)
Yeux (Vert mousse)
(Costume bleu ciel avec motif de toile d'araignée blanche, accessoires jaune citron et écusson de papillon magenta.)
Peau(Fair, rouge à lèvres bronzé)
Cheveux (Noir avec tresse et franges blonde)
Yeux (Vert olive)
(Costume noir avec motif de toile d'araignée rose, accessoires en bronze et écusson de papillon violet.)
Dans le one-shot, Jolyne porte différentes tenues. Elle porte principalement un caban en lin blanc avec un motif élaboré de fleurs et une écharpe assortie. Sous la veste, Jolyne porte une robe qui change également sans raison, la première version étant noire avec le même motif de fleurs, la seconde étant une robe blanche.
Jolyne porte également dans l'ordre: un costume rose trois pièces avec des sandales à plateforme à pointes et un collier élaboré, une robe jaune simple avec des décorations de fleurs et de fruits élaborées sur la zone des épaules, et une robe marron avec une ceinture en cuir assortie.
Dans le one-shot, les cheveux de Jolyne sont toujours représentés comme verts avec des mèches blondes.
Volage, brusque et insolente avec ses aînés, Jolyne était une délinquent à l'adolescence et était considérée comme une cause perdue. Amère parce que Jotaro était absent toute sa vie, elle a tenté à plusieurs reprises d'attirer l'attention de son père en commettant plusieurs délits mineurs et est allée en prison plusieurs fois pour çà. En raison de l'absence de son père, Jolyne aurait été dépendante de l'affection et de l'approbation des autres[1] à tel point qu'elle a voulu aider son petit copain Romeo à cacher un corps, ce qui lui a valu 15 ans de prison ferme.[2]
Après avoir acquis son Stand et que Jotaro ait confirmé son amour elle, Jolyne mûrit sensiblement, devenant plus courageuse et confiante. CommeWhitesnake lui vole son Stand et sa mémoire et qu'il tombe dans le coma, le ressusciter devient la priorité de Jolyne.[3]
Jolyne conserve son attitude belliqueuse tout au long de l'histoire. En tant que délinquante vivant dans une prison à sécurité maximale, Jolyne a dû se durcir et peut être particulièrement grossière. Elle nargue fréquemment les ennemis. Elle préconise également de s'affirmer agressivement, en particulier dans la prison, et a dit une fois à F.F. de confronter violemment une détenue qui l'a coupé dans la queue pour acheter son déjeuner.[4] Jolyne est particulièrement violente dans ses combats; elle a utilisé la capacité de coupe de sa chaîne pour blesser horriblement ses adversaires, coupant les oreilles et les ongles[5] par exemple. Jolyne ne cherche généralement pas à tuer et a même dit qu'elle ne voulait pas qu'Ermes devienne une meurtrière[6]. Cependant, elle se bat pour tuer contre son ennemi juré Enrico Pucci et il était le seul ennemi qu'elle avait explicitement dit qu'elle tuerait[7].
Jolyne a également un côté vindicatif et prend violemment revanche contre tout tort commis contre elle, notamment en coupant indirectement la langue de Roméo pour l'avoir trahie[8] ou en forçant son avocat corrompu à avoir un accident de voiture[9]. De plus, Jolyne garde toujours une petite rancune contre Gwess, sa premier ennemie et ne veut rien avoir à faire avec elle malgré les efforts de cette dernière pour bien se comporter devant Jolyne. De façon plus humoristique, Jolyne a gardé une rancune contre les alligators en général après que Limp Bizkit a ressuscité celui qui l'a attaquée, et elle s'est amusée à lancer quelque chose à la tête d'un autre alligator pour se venger.[10]
Jolyne possède une détermination féroce, la portant à travers plusieurs batailles et inspirant ses compagnons. Après avoir appris le plan de DIO, Jolyne était fière de sa lignée et a choisi de poursuivre l'effort de Jotaro de sceller la menace que DIO a laissé derrière lui. Jolyne endure stoïquement à travers les épreuves auxquelles elle est confrontée et poursuit son objectif sans tenir compte des souffrances et des risques possibles. Par exemple, lorsqu'elle a été amenée au quartier à sécurité maximale, Jolyne n'a été que momentanément troublée par les conditions de vie horribles de la cellule (le plateau de nourriture était couvert d'insectes) ainsi que par le harcèlement des autres détenues du quartier et a s'est rapidement acclimatée.[11] Sa détermination est si grande qu'elle était prête à perdre un membre ou même sa vie pour vaincre son ennemi et sauver ses camarades, une inclination particulièrement proéminent en elle qui a abouti à son sacrifice pour éloigner Emporio de Pucci.[12] Un bon exemple de sa détermination habituelle est le moment où elle s'est enflammée pour gagner du temps pour attaquer Rikiel, ignorant les grands risques pour sa vie puisque son corps était fait de cordes.[13] Tout de même encore, Jolyne a exprimé ses doutes quant à la possibilité d'arrêter Pucci après la mort de Weather Report et la deuxième évasion du prêtre.[10]
Comme tous les membres de sa lignée, Jolyne a un code d'honneur et chérit sa famille et ses amis. Elle ferait tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour aider ses compagnons et les victimes au hasard, ayant aidé une fois une autre prisonnière maltraitée à reprendre l'argent qu'une de ses bourreaux a volé.[14] Jolyne est prête à faire confiance aux autres, ce qui a entraîné plusieurs trahisons, mais a fait de F.F. un des ses allié les plus fidèles.[15] Jolyne est particulièrement gentille avec Emporio, son premier véritable allié à Green Dolphin Street, et malgré son statut d'ennemi, elle ne voulait pas tuer Le Bébé Vert. La principale motivation de Jolyne pour enquêter sur Whitesnake était son amour pour son père, et Pucci a exploité cette amour pour s'échapper quand il a jeté le disque mémoire de Jotaro à l'intérieur d'un Anasui mourant, lui imposant un choix difficile et la forçant à essayer de sauver la mémoire de son père[16].
Outside of combat, Jolyne behaves like an average young woman, if not a teenage girl, hanging out with her friends and occupying herself the best she can in the prison, as she is also fun-loving. Jolyne notably played ball with F.F. and Ermes,[17] and made herself a navel ring while in isolation.[18] Unlike her father, Jolyne is rather extroverted and easily expresses her feelings to others. She is a sociable woman and can converse with her fellow prisoners easily, asking for explanations about the ins and outs of Green Dolphin Street.
Jolyne is notable for being somewhat libertine, being the first and only JoJo to admit to masturbating,[19] and offhandedly commenting that snails' ability to copulate with anything makes her slightly jealous.[20] Jolyne also mentions her need to urinate in the middle of a fight with another person, a man at that. She is horribly embarrassed to talk about masturbation in public and being caught in the act by a guard flustered and mortified her deeply.[19]
Araki created Jolyne with the hopes of "making up" for his previous (and in his eyes, failed) attempt at a female protagonist. Aside from offering an interesting contrast to most shonen comics, he thinks she is a "real woman" sorely lacking in the medium. The role reversal between her and her father was devised for her character to go beyond the typical archetypes found in Japanese fiction.[21]
Stone Free grants Jolyne the ability to unravel parts of her body into a string. This makes it a very versatile Stand, enabling her to listen in on communications as well as escape and hide by unraveling parts of herself into string.
When she assembles the string, Jolyne can properly materialize Stone Free, partially or entirely. Stone Free is a humanoid Stand which has comparable physical prowess to the strongest Stands, with A's in Destructive power, Persistence, and Developmental potential.
Unlike the rest of her family, Jolyne has awakened her Stand from being cut by an amulet (later to be revealed a Stand-creating stone arrowhead in disguise) given to her by her father.
Compétences Personelles
La pose de combat de Jolyne
Intelligence: Jolyne's greatest asset is her imagination. The versatile power of her Stand allows her a wide range of moves which she extensively uses. For example, when Pucci used C-Moon to invert Jolyne's body, she used Stone Free to create a "Möbius Strip" rendering her effectively invulnerable to its power.[22]
True to any other Joestar, Jolyne is particularly adept at using whatever presents itself to her advantage, among others the environment and the enemy's power. Jolyne's quick thinking has allowed her to prevail against enemies.
Jolyne combines her tactics with a high level of recklessness, often endangering herself to surprise enemies with an unanticipated move. The particular nature of her power nonetheless assures that she can shrug off some of the damage ordinary Stand users cannot risk in a fight.
Jolyne's intelligence is intuitive to a degree, as she often shrugs off some of her moves as dumb luck,[23] although it is a valid interpretation of her actions.
Hand to Hand Combat: She has also shown to be capable of defending herself, seen in full detail against Officer Westwood. She has extensive knowledge of self-defense, which she demonstrates throughout the series, notably against Pucci.
Jotaro Kujo: Her distant and near-fatherless childhood bore a tinge of loneliness in her, at times resenting him but also wanting his affection. Her relationship with Jotaro is challenging at first, not really fitting the typical father-daughter mold. When Jolyne was fourteen, she was wrongfully accused of pickpocketing. Panicked, she stole a car, sloppily tried to make an escape from the authorities, and was arrested soon afterward. Jolyne anticipated that Jotaro would pay her bail, but was sorely disappointed when she overheard her mother's frantic and unsuccessful pleas with him on the phone. Her father's absence following this led to her teenage years of delinquency (she later reflects that these events were a desperate call for attention). During Jolyne's imprisonment, Jotaro visited her in an effort to break her out. Angered that he would come out of the blue to see her after years of absence, Jolyne blew up at him, citing his inattentive behavior and his divorce. However, after risking life and limb to get Jolyne out as well as losing his Stand in the process, Jolyne broke down and got Jotaro to safety, sacrificing her own freedom and vowing to get his Stand back. As time passed, Jolyne came to respect her father more and idolized him somewhat, adapting his trademark "Yare yare daze" into a more feminine "Yare yare dawa". When Jotaro returns later, both father and daughter show considerable care to one another, each in their own way.
Mother: Jolyne's mother rarely appears and is hardly talked about. It's assumed that she loves Jolyne very much and dotes on her in Jotaro's absence, as she was the only known person to be allowed to call Jolyne "JoJo". It's mentioned that she is an American.
Holy Kujo: It is unknown if Jolyne has a relationship with her grandmother. However, she is shown at times to demonstrate the kindness Holy often did.
Ermes Costello: Ermes is possibly the first true friend that Jolyne encounters in her life when they meet and bond in jail. Her relationship with Ermes resembles that of Jotaro's relationship with Jean Pierre Polnareff. Jolyne and Ermes see each other as worthy allies and friends, and because of their similar temper, get along well and kill time together. She has fought alongside Jolyne against many powerful enemies like Sports Max, Rikiel, & Donatello Versus.
Emporio Alniño: Emporio's relationship with Jolyne is somewhat similar to her ancestor Jonathan Joestar to Poco, as Jolyne treats Emporio like a little brother and trustworthy ally, while Emporio is inspired by her courage and determination. Jolyne saves him from many dangerous situations and eventually sacrifices herself so than he may live, trusting that Emporio will defeat Pucci. Emporio's relationship with Jolyne extends to Irene as well.
Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters initially met Jolyne as enemies. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters; grateful to Jolyne, they become an ally. Jolyne treats Foo Fighters with respect and is very friendly with them, and noting their naïveté, is protective toward them. Foo Fighters, nicknamed F.F. by Jolyne, is inspired by her determination, and cherishes the memories they have of her. They are ultimately willing to put themself in danger and even sacrifice themself to save Jolyne's life.
Romeo Jisso: Before Jolyne's growth as a person, she and Romeo were in a relationship; with Jolyne being particularly affectionate and meek and Romeo trying to keep some distance, as he was suspicious of her past as a possible gang member. Their relationship ended when Romeo framed her for his manslaughter with aggravating circumstance, landing her in prison for a crime she didn't commit. After she escapes from prison, Jolyne pays him a visit and he weeps for forgiveness. Romeo shows genuine repentance and actually helps her, but while Jolyne doesn't show any lingering anger, she takes the occasion to damage his tongue to silence him.
Weather Report: When they first met, Jolyne was flabbergasted by Weather's eccentric behavior. However, during the fight against Lang Rangler, both eventually see each other as allies, and trust each other. Anasui even suspects him to be a rival for Jolyne's love and is jealous when Jolyne is with him. Regardless, there are hints of Jolyne caring for Weather in a more-than-fraternal way notably when upon meeting again, Jolyne hugs Weather. Jolyne was also particularly distraught at Weather's death.
Narciso Anasui: Though Anasui fell in love with Jolyne at first sight, the feeling wasn't mutual; Jolyne was not really sure what to think of him. He would sometimes try to seduce her in underhanded ways, such as asking F.F. to trip her down the stairs so he could romantically catch her or prompting a French kiss from a temporary-mute Jolyne. Even so, he's truly devoted to her and will do everything in his power to keep her from being distressed. He has risked his life for her on more than one occasion and turns murderous when Jolyne is severely hurt. At the end of Stone Ocean, Jolyne and Anasui's counterparts Irene and Annakiss want to marry each other.
Enrico Pucci: Pucci only saw Jolyne as bait at first in order to get to Jotaro but as she proved to be a persistent thorn on his side threat while finding her father's Stand and memory disks, Pucci threaded carefully around her. Unaware of his involvement at first, Jolyne treated the priest with respect. They became enemies right away once she was informed that Whitesnake was Pucci's Stand and was eager to take his life. Jolyne became more than determined in stopping him and putting an end to his plans but her efforts would soon be fatal while she almost fell to Pucci's newly evolved C-Moon and would finally fall to his Made In Heaven while protecting Emporio, but has managed to cut the right side of his eye before dying.
Donatello Versus: Due to his alliance with Pucci, Donatello and Jolyne were enemies. An additional reason for their antagonism would be that Jolyne's father destroyed Donatello's father. In the end Jolyne accidentally killed Donatello after being tricked by Whitesnake into thinking he was Pucci. Unbeknownst to either of them since Donatello was conceived when Dio possessed Jonathan's body Donatello is actually Jolyne's distant uncle.
Johngalli A: As the man who got her framed for murder, Jolyne and Johngalli A were enemies. Johngalli A attempted to murder Jolyne and Jotaro to avenge DIO but failed. As payback, Jolyne pummeled Johngalli A as the sniper realized that Jolyne was more resourceful than she looked and inherited Jotaro's blood.
Gwess: Jolyne's cellmate during her time at Green Dolphin. Jolyne inadvertently awakened Gwess's Stand power with her pendant. Gwess originally used her powers to bully Jolyne by shrinking her, but after Jolyne beat her she acted like her subordinate, advising Jolyne during her early days in prison and being somewhat afraid of her. Jolyne still had an arm-length relationship with Gwess but nonetheless tolerated her afterward.
Miuccia Miuller: Miu as an assassin sent by Pucci to make sure Jolyne doesn't interfere with his plans. Miu manipulated Jolyne into forgetting her goals and friends. After Jolyne remembered them, she beat up Miu and used her to escape the prison.
Gimme a break, Gwess. You said everything has a name, right? Then I'll give my power a name too. Stone Free. I'm going to free myself from this stone ocean... Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!
I was just looking to see what the best angle for pounding you would be... I think my favorite... was when your chin was aiming a little more to the right. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!
Are you saying that I'm cheating? But I don't see the collector anywhere! It's because I definitely just caught it with my hands. And, that rewinding time is 10 seconds... the clock is now reset! Just enough time for me to beat your ass...
I... I don't know why this happened so suddenly. But, uh, you could know, it could happen to anyone! Even the pope probably doesn't have control over this! You know, there's that thing "number 1" and "number 2", has to do with bowl movements, the one that starts with a "p"!!! I might do it in my pants!
You should have just released [the zero-gravity zone] when I told you to... You could have gotten away before, using this burst of air when Stone Free and I were farther away from you... This rush of air is blowing you towards me!!!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!!
The one thing I can't do here... is wear my mental strength away, build unneccessary stress! It'll also wear me down physically... I, in this ultra security punishment ward! Have a mission that I have to fulfill! I have to see it through... to do that... I can't wear myself down for stupid reasons!
Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars... Which one I am? [...] Of course I'll see the stars... until I see my father, I want to kep on looking at the stars.
I never thought that I would find you like this!... There are three things I need to take from you! My father's memory! The disc that you just took from F.F., and your life!
Something like burning my own body...! Compared to everything else I've gone though...! If this is what I need to do to get to the priest, it's absolutely nothing!!
Emporio! Right now, Ermes is in a plane that's going to crash! The plane is in a big hole in the floor of the hospital! I'm flying a fighter jet or something! It's gonna crash, too! Find a way to get us out!
In the original Weekly Shōnen Jump publication of Stone Ocean Chapter 34, Jolyne says Foo Fighters looks like an Okama (オカマ) (Japanese slang for homosexual) when throwing the baseball. In the volume release, the word is replaced with gay (ゲイ, gei).[24]
Like other protagonists, she is nicknamed "JoJo". However, unlike her great-grandfather and father, she initially disliked being called with that nickname, only letting her mother use it.