Yoshikage Kira ★ History

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Um resumo cronológico detalhado da vida de Yoshikage Kira.


Eu, Yoshikage Kira, só quero uma vida tranquila, mas esses merdas continuam entrando no meu caminho.
—Yoshikage Kira, Chapter 360: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 7
Uma fotografia da família Kira

Kira nasceu em 30 de Janeiro de 1966, na cidade de Morioh na Prefeitura M do Japão. Kira viveu uma infância agitada, se certificando de que ele nunca seria notado ao conseguir notas mediocres na escola. Em qualquer competição que ele participasse, Kira também nunca ficava acima do terceiro lugar. De acordo com seus vizinhos, ele parecia ser próximo de seus pais, embora esse não fosse realmente o caso.[1] Kira estava em um relacionamento relativamente abusivo com sua mãe, com ela sendo super-protetora com ele.[2] Seu pai ignorava ditos abusos.[3]

Kira e a mão da Mona Lisa

Kira descobriu seu fetiche por mãos como uma criança, quando seus olhos se encontraram com a imagem da Mona Lisa em um livro de arte. Ele teve uma ereção olhando para suas mãos e cortou fora as mãos da imagem para admirá-las em privacidade.

Kira cometeu seu primeiro homicídio em 13 de Agosto de 1983, aos seus 18 anos, suas primeiras vítimas foram Reimi Sugimoto e sua família inteira, incluindo o cão Arnold. Ele fez isso por impulso ao ver Reimi e então invadiu sua casa sorrateiramente.[2] Desde então, ele originalmente matou suas vítimas ao esfaqueá-las tão selvagemente que elas eram deixadas com horríveis ferimentos nas costas.

O Stand de Kira, Killer Queen, surgiu como resultado de seu pai, Yoshihiro Kira, lhe dando uma Flecha de Stand que ele mesmo havia recebido de Enya e DIO. Seus pais já eram velhos quando ele nasceu, mas seu pai acabaria morrendo de câncer quando ele tinha 21 anos. Sua mãe morreria algum tempo depois de forma pacífica.

Killer Queen permitiu que ele apagasse qualquer evidência de seus assassinatos ao atomizar os corpos das vítimas, e logo todos seus homicídios eram considerados desaparecimentos. Em um ponto desconhecido, Kira nomeou seu Stand, mas não buscou saber mais sobre essa habilidade. Embora o número de pessoas desaparecidas eventualmente atraísse atenção, ninguém teria motivo algum para suspeitar que Yoshikage Kira estava envolvido devido a sua atitude e estilo de vida simples.

Kira se graduou na Universidade D em 1988 com um diploma de literatura, e então se mudou para a cidade S para uma oportunidade de emprego no escritório corporativo da Kameyu. Ele eventualmente foi transferido para a filial de Morioh em 1993.[1]

Diamond is Unbreakable

A Aventura de Rohan Kishibe

A primeira aparição de Kira.

Yoshikage Kira é visto pela primeira vez quando Josuke para Koichi de caminhar no meio da rua enquanto ele está dirigindo. Ele brevemente para seu carro e encara o adolescente mas no final continua em silêncio e vai embora, voltando para casa com a mão decepada de uma vítima recente com quem ele se envolve. Kira se preocupa com o relógio de sua namorada apenas para perceber que ele está na sua bolsa e promete consertá-lo no dia seguinte para que ele caiba nela. Assim que eles chegam à sua casa, a mão derruba sangue no assento, e Kira faz com que ela limpe o mancha de sangue antes que eles entrem na casa.

Algum tempo depois, Kira compra um anel para sua namorada usar.

Protegendo sua Identidade

O Assassinato de Shigekiyo Yangu

Kira faz um piquenique

Em um dia ensolarado em Morioh, o assalariado e assassino-em-série em segredo Yoshikage Kira é convidado para almoçar por várias de suas colegas de trabalho e admiradoras mas finge ter um documento importante para entregar. Em vez disso, ele vai ao St. Gentleman para comprar um sanduíche. Conversando com sua namorada, Kira aprecia os sanduíches e acidentalmente faz sua namorada furar o pacote do sanduíche. Ele luxuriosamente lambe o molho em seus dedos e decide pegar o sanduíche de trás.

Após comprar o sanduíche, Kira se sente em baixo de uma árvore em uma praça para comê-lo, contemplando a beleza de Morioh. A mão começa a feder e Kira ja planeja conseguir uma nova namorada. Um cão vem por perto querendo ser alimentado, mas Kira o assusta para longe com um olhar. De repente, Kira nota que seu pacote de sanduíche, que contem a mão decepada, sumiu. Ele vê um garoto rechonchudo andando com um pacote enquanto o cão de antes está comendo um sanduíche, e percebe que o garoto pegou seu pacote por engano. Kira segue o garoto para evitar que ele veja a mão, já que ele teme que a polícia conseguiria facilmente encontrar as impressões digitais de Kira no anel que ela carrega e chegar até ele. Não tendo deixado para trás uma única pista durante sua carreira de 15 anos ocmo um assassino-em-série, Kira está determinado a recuperar sua "namorada".

Kira segue Shigechi, que sem seu conhecimento carrega a "namorada" de Kira

Kira segue Shigechi pela cidade até ele encontrar Josuke & Okuyasu novamente. Shigechi oferece deixá-los ir para sua escola para eles beberem o café e chá que o professor de educação física leva para a escola, mas Josuke & Okuyasu recuasm. Pensando que ele poderá recuperar sua "namorada" sem problemas, Kira segue Shigechi até sua escola e tenta pegar o saco do St. Gentleman enquanto Shigechi está ocupado fazendo café, mas é forçado a se esconder no equipamento de educação física quando Josuke & Okuyasu repentinamente se juntam a Shigechi, tendo mudado de ideia sobre a oferta. Enquanto o trio está comendo, Kira tenta pegar o saco com um cabide endireitado, mas o deixa cair, chamando a atenção de Josuke. Bem quando ele estava indo investigar o saco, Shigechi o para e o acusa de tentar roubar seu sanduíche. Ele então sai novamente para preparar chá para Josuke & Okuyasu, durante o qual Kira consegue recuperar o saco com sucesso. Ao notar que seu saco sumiu, entretanto, Shigechi envia o Harvest para procurar por ele mas é parado quando o professor de educação física entra na sala, fazendo os três garotos saírem e dando a Kira a oportunidade de escapar sem deixar rastros.

Kira explode Shigechi usando uma moeda como bomba.

No entanto, Shigechi nota Kira carregando o saco do mesmo restaurante que seu sanduíche veio, e suspeita Kira de ter roubado seu sanduíche. Shigechi tenta pegá-lo de volta com o Harvest, mas o saco se rasga, expondo a "namorada" de Kira. Kira, sabendo que ele provavelmente será exposto, faz um monólogo para Shigechi sobre como ele deseja viver uma vida tranquila antes de invocar seu Stand, Killer Queen, buscando matar Shigechi antes que o garoto possa expô-lo. Shigechi invoca seu próprio Stand, Harvest, para tentar incapacitá-lo. Kira deduz de seu incidente na escola que Josuke e Okuyasu também são usuários de Stand enquanto revelando uma moeda de 100 ienes. Shigechi ordena que o Harvest pegue a moeda, bem antes de Kira revelar a habilidade do Killer Queen de transformar qualquer coisa em que ele toque em uma bomba. A meoda explode, mutilando Shigechi mas não lhe matando. Após revelar seu conhecimento sobre Reimi, Shigechi usa o Harvest para distrair Kira e se esconder. Kira fica um passo à frente de Shigechi e transforma a maçaneta da porta para a sala em que os amigos estão em uma bomba. Ele detona a bomba, fazendo com que Shigechi exploda sem deixar um rastros. Kira sai da escola, reassegurado que ele conseguu escapar ileso e sem atrair atenção, não pensando muito sobre o botão que ele perdeu na batalha. Entretanto, o último Harvest restante o pegou e o levou até Josuke como uma pista. Enquanto isso, Reimi testemunha a desintegração do fantasma de Shigechi ao ascendr aos céus, imediatamente percebendo que isso foi feito por Kira.

Kira escondido em uma multidão

Incidentemente, Kira presencia o encontro entre Josuke, Okuyasu e seu pai, Koichi, Jotaro, Joseph e Shizuka, Yukako, Hazamada, Tonio, Aya, e Rohan. Curioso, Kira não age mas fica de olho em sua próxima vítima.

Mais tarde, Kira investiga os usuários de Stand de Morioh e descobre sobre seus poderes. Não conseguindo consertar seu próprio terno, ele paga o dono da Sapataria Centipede para consertá-lo para ele.

Batalha Contra Koichi Hirose

Kira envia o Sheer Heart Attack

No dia seguinte, Kira volta à Sapataria Centipede, e vê que Jotaro Kujo e Koichi Hirose estão investigando sua jaqueta. Como resultado, ele envia o Sheer Heart Attack atrás deles. Sheer Heart Attack mata o dono primeiro por causa de sua xícara de chá quente. Então, Kira tenta puxar sua jaqueta para ele, lentamente atraíndo Jotaro e Koichi a se aproximarem mas Jotaro percebe que é uma armadilha e fica longe do alcance da explosão do Sheer Heart Attack. Kira sai, confiante na habilidade do Sheer Heart Attack de matar seus oponentes e relaxa em uma cafeteria.

Kira jura matar Koichi Hirose e Jotaro Kujo pessoalmente.

No entanto, quando Koichi desperta o Echoes ACT3 e prende o Sheer Heart Attack no lugar, o efeito do aument ode peso é transferido para a mão esquerda de Kira. Ele quebra um copo de seu café, chamando a atenção de um garçom. Kira rapidamente tenta pagar pelo copo pois ele sente que deve voltar para a batalha mas sua mão fica pesada de mais e ele acidetanlmente destrói a mesa e rasga as roupas do garçom. No caminho de volta para a Sapataria Centipede, Kira encontra uma dupla de marginais que o antagonizam por sua roupa e atitude esnobe. Embora ele não possa fisicamente se defender, Kira faz com que um dos marginais toque em sua carteira, fazendo os dedos dele explodirem após tê-la tocado com o Killer Queen.

Kira eventualmente alcança a Sapataria Centipede e confronta um Koichi irritado. O Killer Queen se prova mais forte que o ACT3 e logo ele vai para trás, fazendo o Sheer Heart Attack sair do alcance do Echoes. Kira então facilmente ataca Koichi e passa um tempo lhe torturando como pagamento pela humilhação anterior. Entretanto, Koichi rouba sua carteira e descobre seu nome e endereço. Kira fica extremamente frustado quando Koichi declara que ele foi fácil de desmascarar e faz o Killer Queen atravessar o peito do garoto com seu punho por pura raiva. Kira se prepara para fazer Koichi explodir, mas vê que as meias do garoto estão do avesso.

Kira corta sua própria mão esquerda usando o Killer Queen.

Kira hesita e então ajeita a meia de Koichi, dando tempo para Jotaro se levantar. O Star Platinum ataca mas o Killer Queen facilmente bloqueia o soco, deixando Kira muito confiante sobre suas chances. No entanto, Jotaro consegue espancá-lo com seu Stand antes de cair por causa de seus ferimentos. Kira perde a consciência por um momento e acorda ouvindo Josuke e Okuyasu na área. Ele finge ser um mero civil mas faz o erro de pedir para que Josuke lhe 'cure' pois ele havia feito o mesmo a Jotaro e Koichi, significando que ele pode ver habilidades de Stand. Kira se revela como o inimigo. Encurralado, Kira corta sua fora sua própria mão para liberar o Sheer Heart Attack da habilidade do Echoes ACT3 e foge.

Nas ruas de Morioh, Kira vê seus colegas de trabalho novamente e os choca com seu estado ensanguentado. Kira força um civil aleatório, Kosaku Kawajiri, a ir com ele até o salão de Aya Tsuji e a força a usar o Cinderella para trocar seu rosto e digitais pelas de Kosaku. Kira escapa pela porta de trás do salão e consegue sua mão de volta já que Josuke havia a consertado para seguir Kira. Entretanto, no meio de sua distração com Aya, os heróis perdem o rastro de Yoshikage Kira. Kira escapou seu julgamento e trocou sua identidade.

Uma Nova Identidade

A Nova Situação de Yoshikage Kira

A nova identidade de Kira como Kosaku Kawajiri

Kira thus goes to the Kawajiri's house and discovers Shinobu, Kosaku's unloving wife who feels trapped in a loveless marriage, and also Hayato, the seemingly equally apathetic son of the family. When he returns home, Kira is not greeted by his wife, who says that she hasn't had time to prepare dinner and only gives him a bowl of instant ramen. Kira simply cooks himself, which impresses Shinobu despite herself. However, Kira feels his predatory instincts increase and must clip his nails.

The next day, Shinobu reprimands him for leaving the cat outside and he apologizes. The landlord comes in and then demands to 260,000 yen that the Kawajiri owe him, two months' worth of rent. Shinobu presses "Kosaku" to go to their safe and open it to at least accept their savings, pushing Kira into an impossible situation as he doesn't know the combination. Kira decides to act boldly and confronts the landowner. While he apologizes profusely, he summons Killer Queen and has it steal 500,000 yen from the landlord's own bag, pretending to honestly paying the man. Shinobu has seen everything, but instead develops romantic feelings for this new, more assertive and active version of her husband, without suspecting a thing.

From now on, Kira applies himself to perfect his disguise and steadily make sure nothing about him is suspect. However, his sexual frustration grows as he refrains himself from killing and one evening, he almost lets himself kill Shinobu, who fortunately mistake his gestures for mere sexual advances. Meanwhile Hayato spies on his parents, and wonders why his father would practice writing his own name over and over again.

Meeting Stray Cat

A cat dies at the Kawajiris' residence

One day as Kira returns home, he notices that Kosaku's shoes are too big for him and plan to replace them. Suddenly, he hears Shinobu cry in fear and rush to his side. Having found a stray cat in her basement, Shinobu returns to Kira and begs him for help, explaining the cat's hostility towards her. Kira is enticed upon hearing that the cat had a strange hole in its neck, deducing that it is the result of an arrow strike and that the cat is a potential Stand user. However, when Kira goes down to the basement to investigate, he finds the cat dead, having been fatally pierced by glass shards during a previous fight with Shinobu; from this, Kira determines that the cat must not have been a Stand user due to how easily it died. Kira buries the cat in his backyard.

The next day, Kira comes back to the garden and notices Stray Cat, the cat-plant. He thus confirms that the cat he buried was indeed a Stand user based on Shinobu's account of what just happened to her. As Stray Cat grows in size, Kira performs a number of tests on Stray Cat. He realizes that Stray Cat is the Stand reincarnation of the cat, conceived by the arrow and brought forth from death. Shinobu, meanwhile, asks Kira if the spot he's looking at is really where he buried the cat, citing her dislike of that spot due to it being where she lost her toenail. Kira, however, is more concerned about not letting Shinobu notice the plant moving, fearing that it would allow Jotaro to trace it back to him. Thus, Kira sends out Killer Queen to discretely blow up Stray Cat and get him out of his hair, only for his bomb to dud; Kira determines that this anomaly is the result of Stray Cat's powers. Shinobu sees Stray Cat moving, but is knocked out by one of his air bubbles. When Stray Cat knocks away Kira's bomb, it goes off, allowing Kira to deduce that the plant is surrounding itself with a vacuum bubble to suppress Killer Queen's weaponry.

Summoning Killer Queen to dispose of the hostile Stray Cat.
Killer Queen and Stray Cat square off. During their fight, Stray Cat uses an air bubble to blow up a nearby cactus, covering Kira and Shinobu in cactus spines. Kira panics that Shinobu got hit, and then is stunned when he realizes that he just worried about some woman. He backpedals by stating he was only relieved that her eyes weren't struck by the spines because if something happens to her then it would be easier for Jotaro to discover his identity. Stray Cat fires more compressed air bubbles but Killer Queen blocks it. Kira says the attack is nothing against his Stand now. However, the cat-plant simply grooms itself while Kira realizes that its attack got air inside the blood vessels of his forearm. The air progresses up Kira's arm and moves toward his heart, threatening to cause a deadly embolism due to its large dosage, forcing Kira to stab his arm open to release the excess air. Stray Cat prepares to attack him again, but Kira is at a loss of how he could defeat it. Just then, he spots a golf ball on the ground and rolls it over to the cat-plant. Stray Cat notices the ball and has fun rolling it around with its leaves. Thus, Kira is saved for now as the cat is distracted from its grudge.
Hayato suspects Kira

Kira finally notices Hayato spying on him and Shinobu, noting the child's suspicious behavior during his time as Kosaku Kawajiri. After Hayato exits the house, Kira also leaves to go to work but notices that all the kids from Hayato's school wear identical yellow sun hats. Remembering that Hayato left his hat at home, Kira returns to the Kawajiri household, suspecting that Hayato is still at home and up to no good. Kira hears a noise and rushes up to the attic in a panic. However, he merely sees that Stray Cat has made a mess, probably because it was hungry. Kira leaves, reassured that he doesn't have to kill Hayato for knowing his true identity. Kira thus inadvertently confirms Hayato's worst suspicion as the boy eavesdrops on Kira, hidden in the attic.

Hayato's Suspicions

Kira slips up and murders someone

Kira continues to struggle to maintain his disguise as Kosaku Kawajiri, with his murderous urges growing more and more. While on the subway, he is pestered by a couple after he accidentally irritates them, and gets mocked by them for his bowling pin nail clipper. In retaliation, Kira gives in to his urges and follows the couple home, calmly destroying the man with Killer Queen and forcing the woman to clip his nails. Kira torments the woman, pinning her boyfriend's earrings, his ears still attached, to her before using Killer Queen to completely obliterate her, save for her hand.

Kira confronts Hayato

However, Kira's moment of calm joy is interrupted when he realizes that he was being covertly filmed by Hayato. Not wanting to be exposed, Kira destroys the woman's hand before following his "son" back home and confront him in the bathroom. After a very tense time together, Kira and Hayato turn on each other when Kira confirms that Hayato was taping him. Kira attempts to kill Hayato and make it look like an accident, only for Hayato to point out that all of this is being filmed as well. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, both Kira and Hayato's tensions come to a boiling point. Kira loses his temper and kills Hayato.

A New Power

The Arrow pierces Kira

Having barely managed to hide the corpse from Shinobu, Kira then learns that Rohan and the others now have "Kosaku" as one of their suspects. Under such desperate circumstances, Yoshihiro suggests to leave Morioh but Yoshikage vehemently refuses to become a fugitive and lose all hope of a peaceful life. Yoshikage is suddenly impaled by Yoshihiro's Arrow, giving Killer Queen a new ability.

Another One Bites the Dust

The next morning, Hayato is alive again. Kira reappears with a cheerful and confident attitude contradicting his supposed predicament. When Shinobu accidentally breaks her teapot and gets angry that Hayato hasn't answered the phone, Kira acts the part of a good father and kisses Shinobu on the cheek, frustrating Hayato. When the two go out, Kira openly confesses that thanks to a new ability, he will keep his peaceful life posing as his father forever.

Hayato then meets Rohan, who triggers Kira's new ability: Bites the Dust. Killer Queen is posted inside of Hayato and infiltrates the eyes of anyone who interrogates the boy about Kira, then makes them explode from the inside. Rohan dies and the second part of Bites the Dust activate. Time is rewinded to one hour ago, just this morning. Hayato learns about his new condition. Seeing Hayato's distress but not remembering the loop, Kira guesses that one of his enemies has died. While Shinobu answers the phone, Kira enjoys the realization that one of his enemies, most likely Rohan Kishibe, has died. When Kira tries to kiss Shinobu on the cheek, Hayato ruins the moment by making his teapot fall on the ground. Nonetheless, Kira is unfazed by the incident.

Kira telling Hayato that Rohan's fate cannot be changed.

Hayato tries to sneak out of the house to warn Rohan but Kira surprises him anyway and explains him that the events that occurred last time will still happen even without him being there, making any effort to avert the death moot. Rohan thus is killed by Bites the Dust's explosion and Reimi witnesses his ghost ascending to the heavens. Even though he could make Rohan's death permanent by deactivating Bites the Dust right now, Kira decides to keep it inside of Hayato in case Rohan's companions find him. After Kira takes his leave, Hayato meets Josuke Higashikata, Koichi, Okuyasu and Jotaro and kills them as well.

Josuke hears Kira say his own name

The next loop, everything seems normal but a teacup breaks but only while Kira has holding it. Moreover, Hayato kisses his mother's cheek in Kira's place. Kira his suspicious about Hayato and keeps his distance as the moment of Rohan's death approaches. His instincts tell him to observe Hayato further. However, the boy's desperate looks trick Kira into thinking all is well and the man finally approaches Hayato. Hayato unveils Stray Cat who shoots straight at Kira's chest. However, he then gets back up to Hayato's horror and proceeds to explain how the events of the morning have led him to put his wristwatch at the right place for the right time. Kira is at his peak just as the clock hits 8:30AM, the time of Rohan's death. Kira guesses that all the heroes will die since only this many people would allow Hayato enough loop to think of such a plan. He gloats and inadvertently reveals his name. However, Hayato reveals that he also made a call to Josuke this morning, making him come early. Fatefully, Josuke hears Kira says his name and attacks him. Kira is forced to recall Killer Queen and cancel Bites the Dust's effects.

Battle Against Josuke Higashikata

Kira prepares himself for a final battle.

Forced to engage in a battle against Josuke and Okuyasu who are still looking to avenge Shigechi, Kira reaffirms his commitment to a peaceful life but also boasts that he won't lose when backed into a corner and knows all about the group's ability. Crazy Diamond and Killer Queen engage each other but Crazy Diamond takes the advantage. As Killer Queen tries to touch Josuke, Okuyasu intervenes and makes Kira turn toward himself with The Hand, only for his side to be blasted apart. Kira has just stored Stray Cat in Killer Queen's belly and now has an infinite supply of invisible remote bombs. Josuke is hit once but then discovers but then enters minimal range, stopping Kira from triggering his bombs without risking hurting himself. When Josuke rushes to Okuyasu's side to heal him, Kira touches the body and attempts to lure Josuke into touching his fallen friend. However, Hayato, also deducing that Kira can only set off one bomb at a time, sets off the bomb on himself, allowing Josuke to heal both him and Okuyasu. Josuke and Hayato soon retreat into an empty house, carrying Okuyasu's body with him as the rain stops. Kira, meanwhile now no longer believes that Jotaro isn't the greatest threat to his peaceful life, but Josuke is.

Kira is wounded during the fight

The skies clear up on Morioh as Kira must call his boss and deeply apologizes for his anticipated delay. Eyeing the house where Josuke and Hayato have hidden inside, Kira is surprised by a suspicious neighbor and promptly kills him. Yoshihiro, hidden in Hayato's jacket, helps him spot Josuke's position and Kira is able to pilot an air bomb into Josuke, deeply wounding him. At the same time, Josuke breaks a vase and throws a glass shard at Kira, who was on guard and deflects it with Killer Queen. However, the shard is an automatic homing attack set toward the dried blood on Kira's jacket. Kira takes the shard on the back as a result. As Kira takes cover, Josuke sees through the window that Kira is still holding his mobile phone. Killer Queen then sends another bubble hiding inside the house while Crazy Diamond shoots a shard again. However, this time, Josuke discovers Yoshihiro and takes the phone to guide the air towards the ghost, killing him for good. Josuke reveals himself to Kira and at the same moment, the second shard hits Kira again.

Josuke then comes out of the house; despite their injuries, both Stand Users are determined to win the fight. Another close-quarters fight ensues, but Stray Cat uses his bubbles to protect Killer Queen and himself from Crazy Diamond's attacks. Just as Josuke is about to be hit by another air bomb, he is saved by a very much alive Okuyasu, who teleports the bomb and erases it. Okuyasu then effortlessly steals Stray Cat from Killer Queen, driving Kira further into a corner as Jotaro and the others arrive on the scene. Injured, surrounded on all sides, Kira is under tremendous pressure.

Kira's neck is snapped and his head is crushed by an ambulance, killing him

Kira is left in disbelief at the prospect that Jotaro might finally catch him. As a paramedic who came to help any wounded victim of the explosion from earlier rushes to aid him, Kira senses his opportunity to escape. He reveals his identity and his hand fetish to the female paramedic, also revealing him as a murderer who killed a total of 48 women for their hands. Hayato suddenly screams for the heroes to stop Kira; he plans to make the paramedic the new host of Bites the Dust and undo his defeat. Jotaro runs at Kira as Killer Queen raises its left thumb but Echoes ACT3 stops him from pushing the trigger. This gives Jotaro the time to enter Star Platinum and pummel the serial-killer.

Delirious, Kira still clings to the hope of activating his Stand but finds himself in the way of an ambulance, which crushes his head. Yoshikage Kira dies.

The Fate of Yoshikage Kira

Kira's spirit being damned to the hellish fate that awaits him

Kira finds himself in an unfamiliar part of the town after initially believing he's made it. He soon encounters Reimi, who reveal to him that he's now a Ghost, making him remember the circumstances of his death. Upon recognizing Reimi and wondering why she would show him her back wound, Kira recalls that his father told him about Ghost Girl's Alley and warned him that he mustn't turn his back. He sees through Reimi's ploy and tries to force her to turn back, actually beginning to enjoy his status as a ghost who won't have to worry about anything. However, his plan fails when Arnold comes out from the shadows and bites off his hand. Kira falls to the ground, ends up turning around in surprise, and sees the hands coming to get him. Even when he calls Killer Queen, the Stand itself is torn into pieces. Panicking, Kira asks Reimi where he's being taken and Reimi answers that no matter what, it won't be a peaceful place. Kira is dragged to another world by the hands and disappears for good.[4][5]


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