Introduzido como um antagonista, Okuyasu logo se torna o melhor amigo de Josuke Higashikata. Eles continuam amigos próximos e lutam contra usuários de Stand malevolentes juntos. Ele é o irmão caçula de Keicho Nijimura e também um usuário de Stand possuindo o "The Hand".
Okuyasu é um jovem de altura acima da média e um porte médio à atlético.
Duas linhas finas atravessam seu rosto em quase-círculos passando pelos cantos interiores de seus olhos. Ele possui um pompadour pequeno e escuro, com os lados de seu cabelo claros e penteados para trás.
Ele veste um uniforme escolar japonês escuro e modificado, com um jaqueta de dois lados, que ele decora com emblemas dourados metálicos, incluindo um símbolo de iene (¥) no lado direito de sua gola e um símbolo de dólar ($) na sua gola esquerda (mais precisamente, um cifrão; com duas linhas verticais). Ele também possui um símbolo de dólar maior no meio de seu peito. Seu ombro esquerdo tem "億" ("Oku", o kanji para 100,000,000) estampado em grandes letras claras entre seu ombro e cotovelo, paralelo a palavra "BILLION" (bilhão em inglês) em seu ombro esquerdo. Na adaptação animada, sua jaqueta tem bordas brancas.
Ele veste dois cintos finos no topo de um par de calças com pernas largas
Esquemas de Cores
A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoAll-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnimeFilme
Cabelo(Preto, branco nos lados)
(Uniforme roxo com acessórios dourados e cintos verdes. Sapatos verde-escuros.)
Pele(Meio bronzeado)
Cabelo(Preto, branco nos lados)
(Uniforme índigo com acessórios dourados e cintos verde-escuros. Sapatos vermelhão.)
Pele(Meio bronzeado)
Cabelo(Preto, cinza nos lados)
Olhos(Marrom pálidos)
(Uniforme índigo com acessórios dourados e cintos verde-cinzentos. Sapatos marrons.)
Pele(Meio bronzeado)
Cabelo(Preto, cinza nos lados)
(Uniforme azul com acessórios dourados e cintos verde-limão. Sapatos verde-escuros.)
Cabelo(Preto, cinza nos lados)
(Uniforme azul-escuro com acessórios dourados. Sapatos pretos.)
Eu tô morrendo de vontade de te apagar da face da terra, filho da puta!
Okuyasu Nijimura é um jovem impulsivo e violento mas mesmo assim tendo um bom coração.
Maravilhado com como deliciosa a comida do Tonio é
A palavra que melhor descreve Okuyasu é "infantil", como ele possui várias características indicando uma certa imaturidade. Okuyasu é um homem muito extrovertido e impulsivo, agindo de acordo com "seu coração". Ele consistentemente demonstra suas emoções, que são mais extremas do que as do individuo médio, entrando em êxtase quando feliz, e em lágrimas quando triste, e enfurecido quando brabo. Okuyasu frequentemente age por impulso e raramente toma tempo para observar ou refletir de maneira frutífera.
Okuyasu é conhecido por "não ser bom em tomar decisões" e sendo geralmente estúpido, embora ele tenha seus momentos de ingenuidade. Constante dependência em seu irmão mais velho Keicho e menosprezo do mesmo levou Okuyasu a ser incapaz de fazer decisões próprias que não vem de instinto e ele é autoconsciente dessa limitação.[1] Isso resulta nele repetidamente e abertamente confirmando sua falta de inteligência. Sua inabilidade de pensar foi aproveitada em três ocasiões, e durante tudo isso, ele foi facilmente intimidado por seus oponentes. Entretanto, Okuyasu eventualmente ultrapassa isso: no final da parte, quando Okuyasu estava entre a vida e a morte, ele tomou a decisão de viver e salvar Josuke.[2]
Okuyasu é uma pessoa muito curiosa, demonstrado interesse profundo em qualquer coisa nova, que o levou ao restaurante de Tonio Trussardi[3] ou um círculo de colheita onde Mikitaka Hazekura descansava.[4] Essa curiosidade se estende a ter um hábito de tentar aprender tudo sobre qualquer coisa nova para ele, notavelmente perguntado ao Josuke persistentemente porque ele o curou quando Keicho atirou em ambos deles e por que ele não se curou,[5] que é uma das razões por que ele tem tanta dificuldade em tomar decisões quando seus oponentes tentam manipulá-lo.
Okuyasu é propenso a agredir quem ele não gosta
Okuyasu também possui um lado violento e confrontacional, possivelmente devido a sua infância abusiva. Além de ter uma boca suja, ele regularmente ameaça aqueles que o enfurecem e tem várias ocasiões em que ele agride pessoas por pura raiva, notavelmente Tamami Kobayashi[6] and Shigekiyo Yangu.[7] Em batalha, Okuyasu é muito agressivo e não possui escrúpulos em usar The Hand para objetivos letais, embora ele as vezes só tenha sucesso em machucar a si mesmo. Após Akira Otoishi e Yoshikage Kira matarem seu irmão Keicho e seu amigo Shigechi, Okuyasu demonstra um desejo por vingança. Em fato, Okuyasu é notavelmente mais sério e frio durante esses momentos de fúria, um fato que faz dele assustador para aqueles envolta dele.[8] Quando ele conhece Mikitaka pela primeira vez, ele rapidamente fica irritado com ele e continua perguntando ao Josuke se ele deveria esmurrá-lo ou chutá-lo, com Josuke frequentemente falando para que ele se acalme.
Okuyasu possui uma personalidade verdadeiramente bondosa e honrável, visivelmente após Josuke curar seus ferimentos; ele então ajudou Josuke a salvar o Koichi.[9] Ele regularmente demonstra grande carinho por seus amigos e família, se preocupando com seu pai e tentando acabar com sua miséria. Entretanto quando ele descobriu que seu pai ainda havia humanidade dentro de si, Okuyasu tentou convencer seu irmão de achar uma forma de ao menos restaurar as memórias ou personalidade de seu pai em vez de tentar matá-lo. Mais tarde, Okuyasu nunca demonstrou hesitar em ajudar um amigo em necessidade, notavelmente salvando Koichi de muitos momentos difíceis e ajudando Josuke em muitas de suas batalhas. Ademais, apesar de sua personalidade confrontacional, ele já demonstrou entender sobre moralidade comum, Okuyasu sempre soube que seu irmão Keicho fez um grande número de crimes terríveis e apesar de amá-lo, entendeu que ele preferiria ser morto por alguém algum dia porque seus crimes viriam à tona e merecia morrer por causa de ditos crimes.
Okuyasu é facilmente encantado por garotas bonitas
Okuyasu regularmente lamenta que ele não tem uma namorada, ficando desapontado de não ter nascido 15 anos atrás para namorar com Reimi Sugimoto,[10] e invejando o relacionamento de Koichi com Yukako Yamagishi.[11]
Ele também é um pouco mesquinho, recusando compartilhar sua comida com Josuke no arco Vamos Comer Comida Italiana[12] ou quietamente planejando recusar emprestar dinheiro ao Josuke após ouvir sobre como sua mãe congelou sua conta bancária.[4] Adicionalmente, é implicado que ele é conservador com seu dinheiro como ele conta ao Josuke após eles terem ganhado a loteria da qual ele pôs na sua poupança.[13] Ele atualmente está vivendo de suas poupanças, das quais ele tem cinco à seis anos de.
Vale a pena mencionar que ele gosta de comida italiana e odeia comida picante, preferindo curry com mel e maçãs.[14] Ele também gosta de sorvete de chocolate e morango. E também, ele cozinha em casa para ele e seu pai.[3]
O Stand de Okuyasu, The Hand, "corta" ou "descarta" espaço e o substitui com o espaço ao redor, ou simplesmente o erradica. Sua habilidade também pode ser limitada a remover uma substância física sem eliminar o espaço afetado, como visto em certas ocasiões, funcionando identicamente ao vão de Cream.
Although The Hand is a highly powerful Stand, Okuyasu's slow wits make it so its potential is left unfulfilled. Case in point his first fight has him knock himself out by mistakenly teleporting flower pots into his face.
Nonetheless, Okuyasu then shows that he is proficient at wielding his Stand. Okuyasu usually doesn't hesitate to use lethal force by trying to swipe The Hand through an enemy. Moreover, he exploits well the unique properties of his erasure power to teleport in the middle of a battle, surprising Red Hot Chili Pepper that way, and tactically erase space to teleport key objects toward himself and seize them. This illustrates that The Hand can not only erase space that it touches, but it also can dictate how the neighbouring space is joined together.
A young Okuyasu and his family
Okuyasu was born the younger brother of Keicho and lived in Tokyo in the era of the bubble economy. At one point, their mother passed away and their father's business failed, forcing him to take out heavy loans. The father often beat up Keicho and Okuyasu in frustration. Their father then suddenly received money and even jewels, turning the family's economic situation around. In truth, he was working as one of DIO's agents.
Suddenly in 1989, their father began to mutate into a monster. Dio had planted a spore in his head that went out of control the moment he died. In one year, their normal father turned into a dumb abomination. Later the two would learn that he had become a pawn of DIO for money. Okuyasu would assist his brother in looking for a way to kill their father and put him out of his misery. The Nijimura brothers use the Bow and Arrow to give themselves Stands, before they begin to use it in order to find a user capable of killing their father. They also move to Morioh.
One day, Josuke Higashikata and Koichi Hirose stumble upon their house. Curious, Koichi looks through the gate only for Okuyasu to violently slam it shut on the trespasser's neck, angering Josuke. At the same time, Keicho shoots Koichi with the Arrow. To stop Josuke from approaching Koichi, Okuyasu reveals his Stand, The Hand. Nonetheless, Crazy Diamond hits him easily. Chastised by Keicho not his stupidity, Okuyasu is distracted and lets Josuke approach Koichi. He rushes to attack, The Hand's palm ready; however, Josuke senses danger coming from the palm and avoids its swipe. The house gate is partially erased, making Josuke understand The Hand's power. Okuyasu decides to teleport Josuke in range, but Josuke ducks, revealing that The Hand also brought flower pots with Josuke. The pots hit Okuyasu in the face, stunning him. When he regains his senses, he runs to the house' entrance, eager to fight, and tries to call of Keicho's Bad Company's attack. Instead, all he does is warn Josuke and get in the way of Bad Company's attack; he is shot in the face multiple times. Josuke is temporarily driven off the house and takes Okuyasu with him.
When Josuke interrogates him about Keicho's Stand, Okuyasu refuses to divulge anything. Surprisingly, Josuke heals him and lets him be on the condition that he doesn't try to attack him again. Astonished, Okuyasu follows Josuke and ask him why he doesn't heal his hand, to which Josuke answers that he can only heal others. Touched somehow, Okuyasu helps him retrieve Koichi, leaving when Josuke is about to fight Keicho.
Okuyasu wants Keicho to stop
When the battle settles, and Josuke and Koichi come across their father, Okuyasu attempts to persuade his older brother to stop using the Bow and Arrow to make Stand Users. After explaining their story, Keicho is suddenly killed by the Stand Red Hot Chili Pepper, who steals the Bow and Arrow. Okuyasu is saved by Keicho who shoves him out of the way. Seeing his brother's corpse on the power lines, Okuyasu states that he certainly had it coming, but still mourns his sibling who showed he truly cared for Okuyasu. He later befriends Josuke and Koichi, enrolling in their high school, Budogaoka, and ending up in the same class as Yukako Yamagishi.
One day, Okuyasu and Josuke see Koichi being bamboozled by Tamami Kobayashi, a hustler accusing Koichi of having killed his cat and demanding 500,000 yen in compensation. Tamami's Stand, The Lock, automatically sticks itself of a person feeling guilt and multiplies the effect of the guilt. Angry, Okuyasu punches Tamami, who falls face first on the pavement and breaks a tooth. Tamami wails, making Okuyasu feel guilty. The Lock appears on him and Tamami threatens to make him pay for his front tooth. Thankfully, Josuke heals Tamami and reveals that the cat was merely a toy. Shocked by Josuke's power, Tamami flees but takes Koichi's money with him.
Later, Okuyasu and Josuke are shocked to see that Tamami has shrunk and somehow has become Koichi's lackey.
One day, Okuyasu and Josuke surprise Koichi having a date with a girl in a café. This girl is Yukako Yamagishi, one of Okuyasu's classmates. The two naturally decide to spy on them, and Okuyasu feels jealous and sympathetic for Koichi's apparent luck. However, Yukako then reveals that she's subject to violent mood swing and Okuyasu doesn't feel that Koichi is lucky anymore.
Later, Okuyasu surprises Koichi's class representative in danger. Her hair has been set on fire and she's been blinded and tongue-tied by hair. Thankfully, The Hand scrapes away the burning hair, saving the girl. It does mean that the representative's head is now shaved.
Okuyasu & Josuke slander Koichi to save him from Yukako
Later, Okuyasu, Josuke and Koichi try to discuss what to do about Yukako. Koichi's so disturbed he completely failed an English test, even worse than Okuyasu. Josuke proposes that Koichi appears undesirable from this moment and Okuyasu even advises Koichi not to wash his teeth, wear the same underwear every day, breed lices in his hair, fart all the time, drool and sneeze and wear smelly socks. However, Koichi refuses to go to such lengths. They settle on merely slandering him within earshot of Yukako. Okuyasu and Josuke proceed to accuse Koichi of shoplifting when Yukako passes by. Although she doesn't react, they can feel her murderous aura. Unfortunately, their plan backfires when Yukako kidnaps Koichi the same evening.
The next morning, Okuyasu and Josuke try to look for Koichi. Josuke finally receives a call from a payphone that tips them off on the general location of Yukako's hideout. By the time they arrive, Koichi has neutralized Yukako by himself, however.
One day, on the way home, Okuyasu and Josuke see a sign showing that a new Italian restaurant has happened. Eager to eat something more refined than his cooking, Okuyasu tells Josuke to come with him eat at this restaurant, managed by the Italian chef Tonio Trussardi. Trussardi's restaurant is particular as he diagnozes Okuyasu with fatigue, two cavities, a stiff left shoulder, and diarrhea. Moreover, Trussardi doesn't have a set menu but decides of what he will serve depending on the client.
Okuyasu tastes the mineral water and is delighted by its taste. This brings him to tears, in fact he cries worrying quantities of water to the point his eyes shrunk. But then Okuyasu feels cured of his sleepiness. Trussardi then brings the appetizers, tomato and mozarella slices. Okuyasu is unimpressed by the taste of the cheese but when he eats the mozarella with the tomato as Trussardi advises, he realizes the harmony between the two ingredients and sees how delicious the dish is. Okuyasu is so charmed he refuses to share with Josuke. Okuyasu's shoulder suddenly itches and when he takes off his jacket, he sees that it is releasing an enormous quantity of dirt. Freaked out, Okuyasu then realises that his stiff shoulder is cured. Okuyasu is completely taken by Trussardi's cuisine.
The meal finishes with a delicious pudding
When the chef brings a plate of spicy spaghetti alla puttanesca, Okuyasu is reluctant to try the dish because he cannot bear spiciness. However, he eventually tries and swallows the whole plate. His jaws then shoot out two bad teeth, only to replace them with a pristine dentition. Suddenly, Okuyasu feels a terible stomachache. After Josuke goes to the kitchen, Okuyasu follows him and stumbles on the main dish, lamb with applesauce. Eating the dish despite his pain, his guts explode. However, it merely rejects afflicted intestines and cures Okuyasu's diarrhea. The misunderstand is cleared and Trussardi is revealed to be merely a benevolent chef, although with a strange cooking. Okuyasu finishes his dinner with a pudding, which he finds similarly delicious and which cures him of his athlete's foot.
One day, Jotaro summons Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi to an empty field. Okuyasu comes with his motorbike. Asking what is the matter, Okuyasu is told by Josuke that Red Hot Chili Pepper has visited him last night, which gets on Okuyasu's nerves as he reminded of his brother's killer. Jotaro comes and explains that Joseph Joestar will be coming to Morioh and help find the user of Red Hot Chili Pepper. However, Red Hot Chili Pepper appears from Okuyasu's motorbike and has heard everything. It starts the motorbike and proceeds to drive away.
Okuyasu fights Red Hot Chili Pepper
However, Okuyasu summons The Hand and teleports to his motorbike. The Hand swipes, but Red Hot Chili Pepper easily evades the attack, stating that the movement is too slow to catch him. However, Okuyasu was aiming at his own motorbike. The bike crashes, leaving Red Hot Chili Pepper on the ground and isolated from all power sources. Okuyasu tries to interrogate the Stand about its User but quickly reveals that he wishes Red Hot Chili Pepper to shut up so that he has an excuse to kill him. Okuyasu attacks and though Red Hot Chili Pepper's speed allows it to land solid punches, the teleportation properties of The Hand's powers take it by surprise and Okuyasu is able to violently stomp it into the ground. Red Hot Chili Pepper's energy reserve deplete as the rest of the heroes approach. Red Hot Chili Pepper thus psyches Okuyasu out, leaving open the possibility that he may be faking weakness. Unsure, Okuyasu attacks. The Hands swipes half of Red Hot Chili Pepper's body into oblivion but also erases the ground and reveals an underground cable. Red Hot Chili Pepper's manipulation has succeeded; it cuts Okuyasu's arm and drags him with it inside of the cable, but Josuke thankfully restores him back to his hand. Okuyasu recognizes his defeat and acknowledges his need to surpass his brother.
Okuyasu defeats Akira Otoishi
Later, Okuyasu and Jotaro leave the port to meet with Joseph while Josuke and Koichi stand guard at the port. In the boat, Okuyasu meets the elderly Joseph. When Josuke defeats the user, Akira Otoishi, on the docks, Otoishi successfully escapes to the boat, disguising himself as one of the Speedwagon Foundation employees on-board. Otoishi manages to infiltrate Joseph's room and when another sailor comes, Otoishi accuses him first of being the enemy. Okuyasu is left with the decision of figuring out who the Stand user of RHCP is between the two men, while the Stand attempts to kill Joseph. Lamenting that his brother was not there to choose for him, Okuyasu spontaneously punches Otoishi in the face, before revealing that he planned on punching the both of them, and is successful in getting his brother's killer arrested.
Okuyasu then gets to see Joseph reunite with his estranged son. Joseph's cane was broken during the fight and Okuyasu proposes that Josuke fixes it but Koichi shuts him up, happy to see father and son holding hands instead.
One day, Okuyasu and Josuke see Koichi entering a house instead of going to school. Knowing his tendency to get himself into trouble, they ring at the door to check on him. Koichi opens and greets his friends. He explains that he's merely visiting a the manga artist Rohan Kishibe. Reassured, Josuke and Okuyasu seem to leave and Koichi even tells them good bye. However, they notice that Koichi has wounded his hand and decide to sneak inside the house. Okuyasu goes to the second story and surprises Rohan with Koichi. Okuyasu orders him to stand down or be beaten up but Rohan then brings out his insecurities about making a decision. Unnerved, Okuyasu attacks but Rohan is faster and shows him his latest chapter. Okuyasu is turned into a book by Rohan's Stand, Heaven's Door. Neutralized, Okuyasu is ordered to burn himself if Josuke ever leaves, preventing Josuke from retreating. Despite his skepticism, he grabs a lighter despite himself. Luckily, Josuke comes to the rescue and ends up being immune to Rohan's art when he's blinded by rage. He and Koichi bear witness as Josuke goes on a rampage, showing a side of him that neither have seen before and Okuyasu learns about Josuke's backstory. Though Rohan would later return as an ally, Okuyasu is left holding him in slight contempt.
After Rohan and Koichi meet Reimi Sugimoto, Okuyasu is warned about a killer lurking in town. He seldom cares about the news, more busy with admiring Reimi's photo and lamenting he wasn't born fifteen years earlier. Okuyasu is incidentally among the first to bump into Yoshikage Kira himself.
One day, Okuyasu buys a drink but he is startled by the appearance of a short bug-like Stand. Spilling his drink on his pants, Okuyasu is furious and pursues the Stand. He eventually joins with Josuke who also has encountered the Stand; the two then see that they are dealing with a whole swarm of the same tiny Stands that gather in a park. They discover that the Stand is used by middle-schooler named Shigekiyo Yangu, or "Shigechi" for short, to gather money. Happy to make new friends with the same powers, Shigechi offers them half of his money. Okuyasu is happy to take it but Josuke declines. On the other hand, he devises a more lucrative plan. He tells Shigechi to gather all the store coupons and other stamps Harvest can find. Soon enough, the invincible trio gather enough coupons for Josuke to collect 61,000 yen. Okyasu is overjoyed but gets angry when Shigechi claims most of the money and only hands him 10,000 yen, claiming that Harvest did all the work and thus that he deserves it. However, Josuke calms him down.
Josuke tosses the discarded lottery tickets in the trash bin, but Okuyasu stops him and says that one of the tickets could be a winning one. Josuke and Shigechi are amused at Okuyasu's optimism and Shigechi even promises that Okuyasu and Josuke truly get half of anything they win. Soon enough, Okuyasu finds a lottery ticket with a prize of 5,000,000,000 yen. He is overjoyed. When the trio tries to validate the ticket at a bank, the banker stubbornly tries to prove their didn't buy it but Josuke manages to overcome this. The banker must give them a paycheck that they can use in three days. Shigechi's greed takes over again and he claims the whole paycheck, handing 10,000 yen as a "token of friendship". This is too much for Okuyasu who punches Shigechi, insults him, and takes the check.
Shigechi's greed causes problem
However, Shigechi gets angry. He sends Harvest to snatch the check and attacks Okuyasu by having Harvest cut his legs, piece by piece. Shigechi leaves, threatening to kill Okuyasu and Josuke if they pursue him. Josuke heals Okuyasu and they start to pursue Shigechi. Although Shigechi is fat, he uses Harvest as a tread to get carried across the streets and even scale a building, impressing Okuyasu. The two cooperate to have their Stand lift each other to scale the building. Despite Shigechi's action, the duo corners him on a roof. Suddenly, Okuyasu and Josuke feel dizzy and Shigechi reveals that Harvest injected alcohol directly in their bloodstream. Weakened, Okuyasu and Josuke are swarmed by Harvest. Okuyasu then gets an idea. Taking out the 10,000 yen Shigechi gave them earlier, he begs Shigechi for forgiveness and pretends to hand the money as a payment. Shigechi is lured close enough for The Hand to teleport the check into Okuyasu's hands. Josuke proceeds to tear it apart and Shigechi sends Harvest away to gather the pieces. This gives Josuke and Okuyasu the opportunity to punch him and talk sense into him and they agree to split the prize into thirds.
One day at lunch time, Okuyasu and Josuke leave school in search of a decent meal. They meet Shigechi and ask him to lend them 1,000 yen which he does, reluctantly. At first they try to go to St. Gentleman's to buy their famous sandwiches but arrive too late and there are no more sandwiches. They cross path with Shigechi again. Although they could go to the store Hokaben to buy bentos, a bento plus a drink each would go over their budget. Shigechi proposes that they come with him to a storage room at school to help themselves with a teacher's coffee and tea stash but they initially refuse and part ways with Shigechi. But, they do change their minds and join Shigechi in his storage room. Shigechi welcomes them but continuously forbids them to even approach his lunch. Shigechi then notices that his sandwich bag has suddenly disappeared and he accuses Okuyasu and Josuke, annoyed by this. Shigechi's search is interrupted when a teacher barges into the room, forcing the trio to flee. Okuyasu and Josuke return to class and chit-chat, only to be interrupted. A lone Harvest hands them a button before it disintegrates.
Later, Okuyasu brings his father and meets the ghost of Reimi Sugimoto in person, along with the rest of those the protagonists had met up until then. Reimi confirms that Shigechi was killed, murdered by the same man who had killed her 15 years prior. Learning this, Okuyasu is left conflicted; Knowing that he had hated Shigechi at one point, he does not know whether to feel sad or angry. Among the whole gathering, he was the first to disperse.
Okuyasu is informed by Josuke that Koichi and Jotaro were in trouble at the shop Centipede Shoes, engaged in battle with the 'Stand' of the murder who killed Reimi and Shigechi. When they both hurry over, they find Centipede Shoes in ruins, with Koichi, Jotaro, and another man severely injured, bloody, and unconscious in the street. Okuyasu tends to Koichi and finds that he's still alive, but not breathing, urging Josuke to heal him first. The two notice the third person crawling away, and promptly stop him. Josuke fools the man into revealing himself as the serial killer, before they watch as he has his Stand cut off his own hand and escape. As the four of them give chase using the severed hand, Koichi reveals the murderer's identity as Yoshikage Kira, an office worker of 33. They are led to Salon Cinderella and find Aya Tsuji having been killed, but not before being forced to change Kira's face and fingerprints.
In their search for Kira's whereabouts, the group goes to his house and encounters his late father Yoshihiro Kira in the form of his own Stand, Atom Heart Father. However, Okuyasu and Koichi were unable to help Josuke and Jotaro because they were outside of Atom Heart Father's depicted area when the fight ensued. Although Jotaro neutralized Yoshihiro and tacked him to a column, the ghost tricked Okuyasu and Koichi into believing he's left through the wood cracks. Panicking, Okuyasu opens the photo, allowing Yoshihiro to escape, with the Arrow.
One day, Okuyasu discovers a crop circle in a field. He and Josuke find a man inside of the crop circle, an eccentric individual claiming to be an alien. Okuyasu and Josuke initially laugh it off until the "alien", Nu Mikitakaze Nshi, eats a box of tissues. Unnerved, Okuyasu wonders if he's an enemy and if he should beat him up, but Josuke dissuades him and they leave to the ice cream shop. The shop is closed, which breaks Okuyasu's heart, but the alien offers them still cold ice cream cones coming from his bag. Okuyasu still refuses to believe the man is an alien. Their dispute is interrupted when they hear fire trucks passing and the alien reacts badly to the sirens. The alien turns into a pair of sneakers and stick to Josuke's shoes; Josuke is forced to jump away, leaving Okuyasu behind.
Okuyasu and Josuke find a pair of binoculars one day. The binocular is revealed to be Mikitaka. Mikitaka then informs them of the existence of a transmission tower on which lives Toyohiro Kanedaichi, a hermit with a self-sustaining lifestyle. Curious, they approach to better see but Josuke is lured inside of the tower and imprisoned. Kanedaichi's tower is a Stand, Super Fly. Unfazed, Josuke and Okuyasu try to destroy the tower's leg but Super Fly reflects the energy back at them. Okuyasu is wounded and taken out of the fight. Okuyasu then witnesses the end of the battle as Josuke and Mikitaka eventually make Kanedaichi yield.
Eventually, Rohan Kishibe notices in his files the strange behaviour of Hayato Kawajiri, son of Kosaku Kawajiri. The heroes agree to meet the next day to interrogate Hayato about his father but unbeknownst to them, Kira has developed a new power. When anyone asks Hayato about Kira, Killer Queen enters the eyes and detonates their head before looping time to one hour ago. In one such loop, Okuyasu is killed with Josuke, Jotaro and Koichi.
Okuyasu returns to save the day
However, Hayato manages to overcome this and calls Josuke early so that he can Okuyasu can come at the right moment to hear Kira reveal himself. Kira is forced to cancel Killer Queen Bites the Dust to defend himself. When Kira tries an unknown attack, Okuyasu displaces Kira in his direction, only for an invisible air bomb to detonate on his side. Okuyasu is mortally wounded and though Josuke heals him, he doesn't immediately wake up. In a dream, he once again meets with his brother Keicho, who asks Okuyasu where he wants to go. After a brief moment, he answers that he wants "to go back to Morioh", which results in him waking up, recovered from near-death with the assistance of Crazy Diamond. Okuyasu is surprised to see Josuke bloody and crying and continues assisting him in the battle with Kira, before Jotaro, Koichi, and Rohan come upon them. All five of them use their Stands to cripple Kira. As Kira desperately attempted to use his Stand with his broken hand, Okuyasu and others witness an ambulance accidentally crush his head, petrified by the sight.
Okuyasu appears at the end to say goodbye to Reimi as she departs for the afterlife, claiming that he will personally be lonely without her (just like Rohan).
(The information below derives from the TV Anime. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)
He is seen eating at Tonio's with Stray Cat and his father, in another attempt to cure his father of his condition. While the attempt fails, Mr. Nijimura feels better, which makes him feel okay. He is later seen telling Koichi and Josuke about a rumor he heard about Rohan getting caught shoplifting at a Kameyu shop.
(The information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)
Okuyasu helps in the investigation of Hanae Orikasa's death. He eventually comes across the killer Takuma Hasumi and chases him to the library, where they engage in battle. Okuyasu's experience and instincts turn out to be useful against the inexperienced Stand user, dealing serious injuries to him, but ends up being defeated regardless. Nonetheless, Okuyasu contributes to Josuke's victory by telling him how the killer fights.
Okuyasu makes a brief appearance, hearing Rohan's story about Nanase Kishibe along with Koichi and Josuke. Okuyasu tells Rohan he always reminded him of Mona Lisa and asked for him to imitate her pose for a photo. Rohan leaves to investigate Nizaemon Yamamura's painting without saying anything, making Okuyasu wonder if he insulted him.
Okuyasu appears at the end of the story, again enjoying Tonio Trussardi's cuisine.
Keicho Nijimura: Okuyasu looked up to his big brother as a role model and relied on him to make decisions, though acknowledged that his wrongdoings would lead to his own downfall. Regardless, Okuyasu mourned his death when it actually happened. In their younger years, Keicho was shown to be protective of Okuyasu, often protecting him from their father's abuse though in the recent years he was more strict with him, at one point not hesitating to shoot Okuyasu when he was aiming for Josuke and threatening to kill him for trying to take the arrow away from him. Despite this, he still loved Okuyasu as he protected him from Red Hot Chili Pepper at the cost of his own life. In turn, Okuyasu loved his brother and every time he tried to make a decision he thinks of what his brother would do. He even sought revenge against Otoishi for killing his brother. Near the end of Part 4, a vision of Keicho goads Okuyasu, then in a state between life and death, to choose for himself whether he dies or lives.
Father: When he was younger his father often abused him. Despite this, Okuyasu was horrified when his father mutated into a mindless monster and helped his brother Keicho try to find a Stand user who could kill him to end his suffering. Upon learning his father had some humanity left in him, he tried to convince Keicho to spare their father and find a way to restore his humanity. After his brother's death, he often takes care of his father, showing he still loves him.
Mother: While there was no interaction shown between the two, he seems to have loved her as he cried when she died. He mentions her in the Let's go Eat Italian arc, thanking her for giving birth to him so he could eat Tonio's delicious cooking.
Josuke Higashikata: The two initially met as enemies, but they quickly became friends together, joining each other in their daily misadventures and eventually becoming close. The two often get along well, with Josuke being more intelligent, quick-witted, mature and calmer than Okuyasu often times having to calm Okuyasu down. However, Josuke shares in his greedy and mischievous ways and the two often work well together against other stand users. When Okuyasu was presumably killed by Kira, Josuke still took the time to save him and drag his body down, despite doing so causing him to slow down during his critical battle with Kira.
Koichi Hirose: The two are good friends, and care for each other's well being, with Okuyasu and Josuke as older brother figures to Koichi. Though Okuyasu is jealous of Koichi's relationship with Yukako as he had never been romantically involved with a girl.
Shigekiyo Yangu: Okuyasu originally saw Shigechi as an annoying kid; infuriated with his stingy and greedy behavior. However, in later chapters, he is seen hanging out with him and Josuke. Okuyasu does not take Shigechi's death lightly, developing a grudge against his murderer, Kira.
Mikitaka Hazekura: When Okuyasu first met Mikitaka, he originally thought of him as a joke, not believing his claims of being an alien. Later, he starts to view Mikitaka as a good friend, and gains respect for him, after witnessing his attempt to save Josuke.
Rohan Kishibe: While their relationship is not greatly explored, it is evident the two do not like each other as Okuyasu still holds a grudge on Rohan for nearly making him commit suicide while Rohan dismisses Okuyasu as an idiot.
Jotaro Kujo: Though the two had little interaction Okuyasu seemed to see Jotaro as a mentor figure though he did ignore his advice and went after Red Hot Chili Pepper on his own. Jotaro is exasperated by his temper and lack of intelligence but seems to see him as an ally nonetheless.
Joseph Joestar: The two had little interaction but Okuyasu was annoyed by Joseph's deafness, wondering if he was alright in the head. However, he did answer Joseph's questions regarding Josuke and protected him from Otoishi.
Reimi Sugimoto: While the two had little interaction, he has shown mild attraction toward her, calling her beautiful and wishing he was born 15 years ago to meet her. He listened to her advice regarding the serial murder in Morioh and bid her farewell as she ascended to heaven, stating he would miss her.
Tonio Trussardi: Okuyasu was curious of learning a new restaurant opened and opted to try it out. He was somewhat annoyed at first when Tonio refused to give him a menu. However, when he tried Tonio's cooking he instantly became a fan and continued eating despite the fact his body began acting weird such as crying heavily, skin ripping from his shoulders, his teeth falling out, and his guts being blown. He often complimented Tonio's cooking, calling him a genius and being grateful he lived in the same town as him while Tonio greatly appreciated the praise he received and treated Okuyasu as a valued customer.
Akira Otoishi: As the man who killed his brother, Okuyasu greatly despised Otoishi, having developed a grudge deep enough to put Okuyasu in a bad mood at the mere thought of him. While Otoishi has admitted that he respects Okuyasu's Stand abilities, he otherwise thought that Okuyasu was nothing but a fool.
Yoshikage Kira: After learning he murdered Reimi and Shigechi, Okuyasu would vow to kill Kira to avenge them. During their fight, Kira supposedly killed Okuyasu during their fight and Okuyasu contributed to his defeat by taking Stray Cat away from him.
Stray Cat: After The Hand removes Stray Cat from Killer Queen and Kira is defeated, Okuyasu gives the plant to his father. Stray Cat seems to get along with the patriarch, and shows no ill-will towards Okuyasu afterwards.
Whatever my right hand touches will disappear! The edge of the erased space will then join together to restore the gap! As for the parts that are cut off... Even I don't know where they end up!
My brother was like that... he was destined to have a bad ending... but... but in the end... in the end he still tried to protect me! You saw it, right?!
It's, an elegant feeling, packed in water! I mean, for example, it's the kind of water a princess from the Alps would drink while playing her harp! It's just... crisp! Like how water would taste after you've been wandering around in the desert for three days!
The juiciness of the tomato melds with the freshness of the chesse! The cheese enhances the tomato! The tomato enhances the cheese! It's like, what do you call it?! Harmony! A harmony of taste! It's like a Simon and Garfunkel duet! The U-chan and Nan-chan of food! The Tetsuo Chiba to Asao Takamori's "Ashita no Joe"! That's how it tastes!
I can't get enough of it! It's like, once I taste it, it sucks me in... It's like when you have to eat your age's worth of setsubun and once you start eating, before you realize it, you've eaten the whole damn bag! And you don't even like those goddamn beans!
Don't think you can use your bullshit on me twice! I'm Okuyasu Nijimura, bastard!... You wanna know [how I knew who was the enemy]? I was planning on punching the both of you! 'cause I'm not too smart, you know?
Okuyasu makes his playable debut in the PS3 game, and was confirmed along with Josuke, Jolyne and Ermes.
As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Okuyasu can turn The Hand on/off, changing movesets, as well as have access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand. Okuyasu has 1000 HP.
Since Okuyasu did not fight many enemies during the events of Part 4, his moveset is mostly based on his Stand ability along with his own strong kicks and punches as a "hot headed"-type of character.
Okuyasu possesses a single alternate costume, based on a moment during the events of the Pearl Jam chapters, where he took his school jacket off, revealing a tank top underneath. Aside from being a playable character, Okuyasu also appears on the "Kira Estate" stage as a background character along with Koichi; This is assuming that Okuyasu himself is not one of the two fighters being played.
Stand On/Off
Okuyasu can summon or recall The Hand, changing the way he plays.
+ (Stand On only) ON GROUND
The Hand chops at the opponent. Okuyasu's skills can be performed instantly following this move. (Comboable)
Special Moves
Chew on this!
The Hand erases space in front of Okuyasu with a swipe. This move acts as an anti-air, and has the ability to nullify non-HHA/GHA projectiles. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I'm eliminating space!
(Stand Off only)
Okuyasu summons The Hand to erase space in a downward strike. This attack can be delayed for a few seconds, and cannot be blocked. Okuyasu will then suddenly teleport in a direction depending on the input.
If Light is inputted, he teleports a distance forward.
If Medium is inputted, he teleports into the air.
If Heavy is inputted, the move instead becomes a feint that automatically cancels after its brief start-up period. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Got ya, runt!
(Stand Off only)
Okuyasu summons The Hand to erase space in a quick swipe. The Hand will then suddenly teleport above and deliver a flying kick downward. If the opponent is hit by the kick, they are knocked to the ground as The Hand rapidly stomps on them before kicking them away. The kick doubles as an anti-air.
(Stand On only)
The Hand erases space in a downward strike that pulls the opponent towards Okuyasu. This attack can be delayed for a few seconds, and both the strike itself and the pulling effect are unblockable. If Heavy is inputted, the move instead becomes a feint that automatically cancels after its brief start-up period. A Stand Rush skill that Okuyasu can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I'll whittle you away!
x2 + // ON GROUND
(Stand On only)
The Hand eliminates space near the floor in quick successive strikes as it advances forward. This attack trips the opponent, and can hit them when they're down. This move is a low attack, and cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. A Stand Rush skill that Okuyasu can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
You bonehead!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ON GROUND
Okuyasu hoists the opponent up by their collar and angrily punches them in the face.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Eat it for breakfast, jerk!
+ 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Okuyasu's HHA, "Eat it for breakfast, jerk!", starts with The Hand charging its right hand before wiping out an extremely wide area in front of him. The HHA can hit downed opponents and can also be delayed with a held input. Its wide horizontal range gives the HHA the ability to hit opponents who attempt to sidestep out of the way of the attack.
All this thinking hurts my brain!
+ 3 ATK Buttons, or ON GROUND
Okuyasu's GHA, "All this thinking hurts my brain!", sends The Hand out to swipe at the opponent with its right hand. If it connects, The Hand begins repeatedly attacking the helpless opponent with its power at different angles, slowly erasing them from existence. Charging up for a final swipe, The Hand then eliminates the opponent completely as Okuyasu grins, before a random flowerpot flies out of nowhere and hits him square in the face (referencing how Josuke "defeated" him during his introductory battle), dealing a small sliver of self-inflicted damage (making Okuyasu the only character who can damage himself with his GHA in the game). The self-damage is incapable of defeating Okuyasu, and he may recover the lost health over time, but only if he does not receive any more damage during the process.
Okuyasu was confirmed for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven alongside Rohan, "Kosaku Kawajiri", and Part 4Jotaro. He forms a special tag team with Josuke.
Since most of the game's animation, effects and attacks were reused from All Star Battle, Okuyasu's moveset remains the same; Utilizing The Hand to close the distance between him and his targets, and being a close-ranged combat character in general.
As a Stand User, Okuyasu is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.
Style Action - I'll chip away at space!: The Hand erases space in a downward strike. If locked-on and in range, Okuyasu's target will be pulled towards him, in which he can then cancel the ability into a Normal Attack. Otherwise, Okuyasu flies forward into the air. If the input is held, the ability's effective range is increased, bringing an opponent closer from farther away or boosting his speed and distance in the air. The Style Action may also erase any projectiles on contact, notably Yoshikage Kira's Sheer Heart Attack. Doing so will damage Kira and increase the cooldown on SHA.
Got ya, runt!: The Hand erases space in a quick motion. Okuyasu will then teleport above and have his Stand deliver a flying kick downward. If an opponent is hit by the kick, they are knocked to the ground as The Hand rapidly stomps on them before sending them flying on the final kick. The flying kick doubles as an anti-air, and can hit downed opponents.
I'm going to erase you!: The Hand eliminates space near the floor in three quick swipes. This attack sends opponents flying if they're standing, and can also hit them when they're down. This skill may also erase projectiles and SHA in the same manner as the Style Action.
And that's not all I can do!: The Hand eliminates space in a quick stroke, pulling in surrounding stage objects towards Okuyasu. While Okuyasu is at risk of getting hit and sent flying by any of the objects, opponents caught between him and the objects are vulnerable as well. Okuyasu may cancel the ability with a Sidestep to dodge the incoming objects.
EX - Got ya, runt!: The skill gains a damage boost and the teleportation distance is increased.
EX - I'm going to erase you!: The skill executes quicker.
Look, I'm comin' closer! See that? TELEPORTATION! BOOYAH!: Okuyasu must connect his Style Action twice. (200 Points)
I'm going to erase you!: Okuyasu must connect "I'm going to erase you!" 3 times. (200 Points)
Chew on this!: Okuyasu must successfully execute 3 Combo Breakers. (300 Points)
Didn't you notice that you're in The Hand's range now?: Okuyasu must use "And that's not all I can do!" to pull in a total of 3 objects. (500 Points)
Okuyasu Nijimura's The Hand is going to wipe you out!: Okuyasu must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
Solo - All this thinking is hurting my brain!: Identical to its performance in All Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
With Josuke - Hey, are we gonna do this, or what?: Okuyasu has The Hand bring their opponent closer by eliminating a wide space in front of them, leaving them staggered. After he and Josuke briefly and excitedly share comments, The Hand and Crazy Diamond pummel their target with a dual Stand barrage followed by a joint uppercut that sends them high into the air.
If paired against Vanilla Ice he will mock his Stand name before realizing they have similar abilities.
Okuyasu, Josuke and Koichi in the JOJO Exhibition CM
Okuyasu as a figure
Araki escolheu o sobrenome de Okuyasu, "Nijimura" após decidir que seria interessante usar o kanji de arco-íris (虹, niji) no nome de um personagem. O nome "Nijimura" foi então derivado de um dicionário de Kanji.[15]