JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Episode 7
The Successor (うけ継ぐ者, Uketsugumono)[1] is the seventh episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. It is also the seventh episode of Phantom Blood. It covers Chapter 34 through Chapter 36 of the manga.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli sacrifices himself to allow Jonathan to defeat Tarkus. Finding new allies on the way, Jonathan prepares to fight Dio.
Zeppeli recalls his time as a student in the Ripple and how Tonpetty foretold how his death would take place: in an ancient chamber, a child would lead the way and Zeppeli would die releasing a lion. The description fits with the very place he is at that moment. Knowing his impending doom, Zeppeli thus fights against Tarkus with the intention of finding a way to free Jonathan. However, Tarkus ensnares him with a chain and rips his body in two.
However, Zeppeli is not dead yet. Using the last of his strength, Zeppeli transfers the last of his Ripple energy to Jonathan. Jonathan's power surges allowing him to heal his injuries and be strong enough to break free from his chains. Jonathan overpowers Tarkus easily and defeats him with the Ripple. Following the battle, Zeppeli tells Jonathan that he has accepted his fate and has passed his will onto him before passing away. Zeppeli dies, mourned by his companions.
As Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Poco make their way back to Windknight's Lot, they encounter Mr. Adams, one of the villagers who at first reacts friendly towards them, but his urge for blood reveals his nature instantly. Jonathan defeats him easily by taking his tongue and using Ripple from his feet on the zombie's face, but another stranger attacks him. Jonathan, surprised at first, manages to evade and counterattack. Before the battle continues, the stranger confesses that he is a human and that he only wanted to test Jonathan's ability. He introduces himself as Dire, one of Zeppeli's friends and a Ripple User. Straizo, another student, makes his entry and shortly after him, Master Tonpetty. Along with his students, he joins Jonathan on his journey. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Poco's sister has been kidnapped by Dio.
Yuichi Nakazawa
Rei Ikagawa
Yasuhiro Ito
Kazuki Baba
Yoshie Matsumoto
Mihoko Ogawa
Masato Numazu
Toru Iino
Shigemi Aoyagi
Kazunori Ozawa
Yi Zhang
Tomoki Koda
Hideaki Matsuoka
Tomoaki Kado
Mie Oishi
中澤 勇一
五十川 礼
伊藤 康裕
馬場 一樹
松本 淑恵
大川 美穂子
沼津 雅人
飯野 亨
青柳 しげみ
小澤 和則
張 益
香田 知樹
松岡 秀明
かど ともあき
大石 美絵
Ayumi Kurokawa
Akihisa Kaneko
Yuta Azuma
Daiki Ito
Yoshimoto Mitsuota
Masahiro Yoshida
Kota Ando
Megumi Itoi
Natsumi Ishizaki
Rising Force
Production Reed
黒川 あゆみ
兼子 晃久
東 雄太
伊藤 大喜
三尾多 快始
吉田 将広
安東 恒太
糸井 恵
石崎 夏海
プロダクション リード
福田 周平
david production
Manga/Anime Differences
- Jonathan's star-shaped birthmark was added onto his exposed shoulder.
- The scene of the zombified mother eating her baby was slightly censored.
The first half of the episode concentrates all the action and intensity, while watching the second half can be underwhelming. It was the structure of the plot that demanded it though, it would be difficult to do otherwise. That said, you can feel Jonathan's newly found strength, it gushes everywhere, it's exhilarating. "Gushing everywhere", I think it's an adequate expression.
Dio makes a short appearance again, we missed him. But he had such a presence onscreen that one simple apparition is enough to refocus the story on his person.
For Master Tonpetty's appearance, we thought about ringing the sound of a bell when he joins his hands to pray. We changed our mind at the last moment, it was too comical in the context of this scene (laughs). It left me quite a funny memory.Gallery
- Despite not being revealed in the manga until Part 3, Jonathan's Joestar Birthmark can be seen on his shoulder after he rips his top off.