- Chapter 43: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 5
- Chapter 44: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 6
Lisa Lisa (リサリサ, Risa Risa), de son vrai nom Elizabeth Joestar (エリザベス・ジョースター, Erizabesu Jōsutā), est une alliée majeure figurant dans la seconde partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency, mais elle est actuellement introduite durant Phantom Blood.
Lisa Lisa est une maîtresse de l'Onde et le mentor de Caesar Zeppeli et Joseph Joestar. Elle réside à Venise mais son passé est initialement inconnu. Elle dirige les efforts des manieurs d'Onde dans la lutte contre les Hommes du Pilier. Plus tard, il est révélé qu'elle est la mère de Joseph.
Lisa Lisa est une très belle femmel, svelte mais aussi très athlétique. Belle et gracieuse, elle a les yeux clairs et de longs cheveux noirs. Même si elle n'en a pas l'air, elle a 50 ans mais sa formation dans l'Onde lui permet de ne pas l'air d'avoir plus de 30 ans.
Elle porte sa tenue la plus iconique lors du dernier combat contre Cars, elle porte des boucles d'oreilles, une robe bustier sombre avec une jupe courte, des collants noirs, une paire de talons hauts et une longue écharpe conductrice de l'Onde. Parfois, elle porte également une paire de lunettes de soleil.
Lisa Lisa est comme tout Maître de l'Onde une femme digne et courageuse, sans crainte face aux Hommes du Pilier, et affronte avec confiance tous les défis qu'elle rencontre. Lisa Lisa est fière de ses capacités au combat et dit à Joseph qu'elle n'a pas besoin d'un jeune comme lui pour gagner.[1] Lisa Lisa est constamment présentée comme une femme courageuse. Par exemple, elle a le sang froid pour être capable de bluffer Kars en lui épargnant elle et Joseph quand ils sont entourés par son armée de Vampires sans laisser aucune émotion transpirer[2] De plus dans le passé, elle avait immédiatement tué le zombie qui avait assassiné son mari George Joestar II, l'obligeant à se cacher en Europe.[3]
En tant que maître de Caesar et Joseph, elle emploie habilement une formation dure et apparemment mortelle pour ses élèves. Elle est sévère envers Joseph et ne tolère pas se pitreries durant son entraînement.[4][5] En tant que leader de facto des manieurs d'Onde, elle est une chef avec une autorité indiscutable et rappelle à tout le monde que leurs émotions sont secondaires à leur objectif de vaincre les hommes du pilier. Après la mort de Caesar, Lisa Lisa essaie de maintenir une façade stpïque, disant à Joseph de se concentrer immédiatement sur le combat. Cependant, Joseph souligne qu'elle aussi perd son sang-froid et s'effondre en larmes lorsqu'elle voit que Caesar est enseveli sous une pierre, illustrant son amour pour lui en tant qu'étudiant et camarade au combat.[6]
Sinon, Lisa Lisa se comporte comme une femme normale mais trèsélégante. Elle a réussi à se refaire une nouvelle vie après sa bataille contre les hommes du pilier, notamment en se mariant à nouveau et en venant vivre aux États-Unis.[7]
Lisa Lisa est une maîtresse de l'Onde, formé par le successeur de Tonpetty, Straizo.
Elle apparaît d'abord debout sur une rame sur la surface de l'eau et la transformant en une barre haute sur des piliers d'eau chargés, illustrant ainsi son talent et sa compétence. Il est mentionné lors de la course de char entre Joseph et Wham que son Onde est au moins trois fois plus puissante que celle de Joseph.[8] Sa capacité à former les autres se traduit par les progrès rapides de Caesar et Joseph de novices en maîtres de l'Onde capable de se battre sérieusement contre les Hommes du Pilier.
L'exercice constant de l'onde peut ralentir le processus de vieillissement, car la respiration améliore la force de vie de l'utilisateur. Cependant, le vieillissement n'est pas complètement arrêté. En tant que tel, Joseph pense que Lisa Lisa semble avoir une vingtaine d'années bien qu'elle ait cinquante ans.
Un manieur d'onde peut utiliser l'onde pour repousser des objets ou même pour se coller à eux. Zeppeli utilise cette technique pour marcher sur l'eau. Jonathan peut expulser le venin des serpents de Doobie de son corps. Joseph et Caesar parviennent à escalader un pilier couvert d'huile en se collant à la pierre avec leurs doigts et Caesar peut se protéger d'un puissant jet coupant avec son onde. Joseph et Caesar expulsent aussi AC/DC du corps de Suzi Q avec cette technique.
Un manieur d'onde peut hypnotiser des animaux et d'autres personne avec l'onde et les touchant. Celà peut se faire au contact avec la main ou par un baiser. La personne sera complètement hypnotisé et obéira aux ordre du manieur. Le manieur peut aussi charger leur corps avec l'onde pour les rendre plus puissants. Un maître de l'onde peut aussi extraire des souvenirs enfouis. Une personne ordinaire peut aussi être rendue inconsciente avec cette technique et un jeune Joseph l'a utilisé pour faire évanouir des kidnappeurs.
Un maître de l'onde peut utiliser du tissu tissé à partir des fibres intestinales séchées d'un certain scarabée nommé Satiporoja natif d'Asie du Sud-Est. Le tissu conduit % de l'onde. Straizo et Lisa Lisa utilisent des écharpes faits avec 30000 scarabées. Comme ils conduisent parfaitement l'onde, ce sont des armes parfaites mais aussi des protections contre l'onde, agissant comme un paratonnerre pour l'onde et la dispersant.
Le manieur peut transférer son onde à son écharpe conducteur d'onde pour le durcir le permettre de se tenir dessus à l'envers, évitant de toucher le sol autrement que par l'écharpe. Le manieur peut aussi utiliser l'écharpe pour scanner les environs et détecter des signes de vie pour connaitre la direction des attaques même si elles viennent d'un angle mort.
Le manieur charge un liquide dans un conteneur avec l'onde. L'onde se diffuse à travers le corps du manieur puis dans l'environnement, ce qui lui permet de sentir qui il y a à proximité, même à travers les murs. Jonathan et Zeppeli utilisent cette technique avec du vin tandis que Lisa Lisa utilise son écharpe.
Le manieur tient la pierre rouge d'Aja et la presse contre l'ennemi avant d'envoyer l'onde au travers. L'onde a la couleur d'un coucher de soleil et crée une flamme rouge qui brûle l'ennemi.
Elizabeth était présente le bateau attaqué par Dio Brando à la fin de Phantom Blood. Elle était en fait le bébé qu'Erina a sauvé. La mère d'Elizabeth a été tuée par un Zombies pendant l'attaque et elle est tombée dans la salle des machines en tenant Elizabeth dans ses bras, près de Jonathan Joestar et Erina. Se rappelant sa propre mère, qui était décédée avec lui dans ses bras, Jonathan demande à Erina de partir et de protéger le bébé. Il les protège d'une explosion et parvient à piéger la tête de Dio dans ses bras, permettant à Erina et au bébé de se cacher dans le cercueil antidéflagrant.
Erina, Elizabeth et l'enfant à naître George II étaient les seuls survivants de la destruction du bateau et ont finalement été secourus près des îles Canaries.
Elizabeth a ensuite été adoptée par le maître de l'Onde, Straizo, et a appris les techniques de l'Onde de lui jusqu'à son 18e anniversaire. Pendant ce temps, Straizo lui a confié la Pierre Rouge d'Aja.[9]
Alors une jeune adulte, Elizabeth a finalement épousé George II, et ils ont eu un fils, Joseph. Malheureusement, George n'a pas été formé dans l'art de l'Onde et a été tué par son officier supérieur dans l'armée après avoir découvert qu'il était un zombie qui avait servi Dio. Elizabeth a ensuite assassiné le tueur de son mari, coupant son corps en deux avec une coup de karaté infusée avec l'Onde et détruit son corps avec l'Onde. Cependant, un major de passage a été témoin de l'acte. Les militaires, ne connaissant pas les Zombies, pensaient qu'Elizabeth avait commis un simple meurtre et avait brûlé le cadavre du commandant. L'armée a diffusé des nouvelles du crime d'Elizabeth et elle est devenue une fugitive, prenant le nom de "Lisa Lisa" et se cachant à Venise, dans Air Supplena Island. La Speedwagon Foundation l'a aidée à effacer toutes les preuves de son existence.
Ensuite, Lisa Lisa a collaboré avec Mario Zeppeli afin de trouver un moyen d'arrêter les Hommes du Pilier, mais Mario a été tué par un piège. Par ailleurs, Mario s'est sacrifié pour son propre fils dont il s'était séparé il y a des années, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, qui est venu à Lisa Lisa et a suivi une formation dans les techniques de l'Onde.
Lisa Lisa est mentionnée pour la première fois après l'éveil des Hommes du Pilier et que Joseph ait été vaincu par Wham et obligé de participer à un match revanche dans un mois. Pour aider Joseph à s'entraîner, Caesar l'amène donc à Venise voir Lisa Lisa.
Déguisée, Lisa Lisa croise accidentellement Caesar et Joseph près des canaux et reconnaît son fils. Cependant, elle le combat pour tester ses capacités. Lisa Lisa gagne facilement et bien qu'elle soit impressionnée par le niveau naturel de Joseph, elle note son manque de compétence et le force à porter un masque spécial pour respirer et produire une Onde constamment pour l'habituer à créer un Onde. Lisa Lisa amène ensuite les deux hommes sur son île et les jette immédiatement au bas du Hell Climb Pillar pour les forcer à se dépasser. En les surveillant sans pitié, Lisa Lisa voit Joseph essayer de grimper avec une corde et la coupe. Lisa Lisa est témoin de Joseph passant l'épreuve à sa manière et tolère que Caesar l'aide à grimper le dernier tronçon de la fosse. Joseph cherche d'abord à se venger mais Lisa Lisa lui donne un verre d'eau à l'envers que Joseph peut contenir sans effort. Impressionné, Joseph l'accepte immédiatement comme son maître. Lisa Lisa soumet ensuite ses deux élèves à un mois de formation infernale avec l'aide de ses assistants Loggins et Messina.
Vers la fin du mois, Lisa Lisa révèle qu'elle est en possession de la Pierre rouge d'Aja et mentionne que la détruire rendrait la lutte contre les Hommes du Pilier d'autant plus difficile. C'est pourquoi elle se contente de le garder près d'elle. AC/DC parvient à lui voler la pierre lorsqu'elle prend un bain et tente de l'attaquer en possédant la jeune femme de chambre Suzi Q. AC/DC révèle qu'il a déjà posté la Super Aja et Joseph et Caesar coopèrent pour le repousser hors du corps de Suzi avant que l'Homme du Pilier ne se désagrège sous le soleil. En utilisant l'hypnose Lisa Lisa parvient à lire les souvenirs de Suzi Q et découvre qu'AC/DC a envoyé la Pierre rouge d'Aja en Suisse.
Ici, la pierre est interceptée par une escouade de soldats allemands et leur mystérieux commandant invite le groupe dans son chalet. Cette même nuit, Cars s'infiltre dans le chalet et parvient presque à voler la pierre. En suivant l'adresse exacte du colis d'AC/DC, le groupe découvre l'antre des Hommes du Pilier: un hôtel abandonné. Désireux de se battre, Caesar et Messina se rendent d'abord à l'hôtel, suivis de Joseph et Lisa Lisa. Cependant, Wham parvient à tuer Caesar et blesse gravement Messina. Lisa Lisa voit que Caesar a été écrasé par un rocher et bien qu'elle essaie de garder son calme, elle finit par pleurer pour son élève. Lisa Lisa et Joseph décident de se diriger plus loin dans l'hôtel et sont attaqués par un vampire nommé Wired Beck. Lisa Lisa tue sans effort le vampire. Elle et Joseph entrent finalement dans une grande salle où Kars et une armée d'une centaine de vampires les attendent. Cependant, Lisa Lisa parvient à bluffer Cars en mentionnant une bombe à retardement qui explosera si elle ne revient pas et négocie un challenge: deux combats individuels pour le sort de la pierre rouge. Cars accepte et libère Joseph pour apporter la pierre.
Cette nuit-là, le concours commence. Lisa Lisa observe ainsi de près le match entre Joseph et Wham. Après que Joseph ait gagné, Lisa Lisa intervient. Elle combat Kars et semble le vaincre gravement avec une Onde et coup de pied à la tête, mais il est révélé que ce n'était qu'un double; soudainement, elle est poignardée dans le dos par les véritables lames de lumière de Cars et perd connaissance. Kars prend la pierre rouge et lance ses vampires sur Joseph mais des unités de la Fondation Speedwagon et des Nazis et Rudol von Stroheim viennent à la rescousse équipées de lampes UV. Il est finalement révélé qu'elle est la mère de Joseph et son histoire tragique est révélée à Smokey. Joseph parvient à protéger Lisa Lisa mais Cars parvient à combiner la pierre rouge avec un Masque de Pierre et utilise la lumière UV de Stroheim pour activer le masque. Il devient l'Être Ultime.
Après avoir combattu et gagné contre Cars, Joseph serait décédé. Un enterrement est organisé et Lisa Lisa y participe naturellement. Seulement, elle voit Joseph survenir par surprise, révélant qu'il a survécu à l'éruption. Lisa Lisa pleure de joie en le voyant.
Lisa Lisa révèle personnellement à Joseph qu'elle est sa mère plus tard après les "funérailles". Elle se remarie finalement avec un scénariste d'Hollywood en 1948 à l'âge de 60 ans.[7] Il est mentionné que Joseph lui a parlé de la Joestar Birthmark à une période de temps non divulguée.[10]
Lisa Lisa makes a cameo appearance in the Capcom arcade game. When Joseph performs his "Teachings" super move, images of Lisa Lisa briefly appear as Joseph whispers her name while he blasts the opponent. If the same super move is done by "JOJO" (Part 2 Joseph), Caesar will appear instead of Lisa Lisa.
Lisa Lisa makes her first playable appearance in the PS3 game as a DLC character (along with Old Joseph, as part of Campaign #2, named "Ripple Masters"). As a Ripple-user character (along with Jonathan Joestar, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Joseph [Both Parts 2 and 3], and Caesar), Lisa Lisa can recharge her Heart Heat Gauge through "Ripple Breath" by holding down the Style button, performing a pose, as well as deliver enhanced versions of skills if Style is inputted in place of normal attack buttons. As a Ripple master, Lisa Lisa's Ripple Breath replenishes the HHG faster than most other Ripple users, being roughly 150% of the normal rate and tying with Zeppeli's for fastest in the game. Lisa Lisa has 900 HP.
All of Lisa Lisa's moves begin or are part of a "Ripple Chain" exclusive to her playstyle, allowing her to successively chain as many moves together as she desires. However, there are recovery gaps in-between looping attacks so as to prevent the chain from becoming an inescapable perpetual combo.
Lisa Lisa breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging her Heart Heat Gauge.
Lisa Lisa slides clockwise to the opponent's side, granting her some invulnerability and evading many attacks. This skill activates Ripple Chain.
After a move that begins/loops the Ripple Chain is performed, Lisa Lisa will automatically reset into a neutral stance with a spin, during which the Ripple Chain may be continued on input.
Lisa Lisa performs a short jump followed by a spinning kick. This skill activates Ripple Chain.
Lisa Lisa performs a downward strike as her hand is infused with the Ripple. This skill activates Ripple Chain. If Ripple-enhanced, the move does more damage and leaves the opponent crumpling, leaving no room for recovery between attacks.
This move can only be performed in mid-air. Lisa Lisa throws a knife downward. This skill activates Ripple Chain upon her landing. If Ripple-enhanced, the knife shocks the opponent, hitting them up to five times and leaving no room for recovery between attacks.
A Ripple Chain attack. Lisa Lisa smacks the opponent with her Ripple-infused scarf. This attack can either follow up with a skill that continues the Ripple Chain or a finisher.
Lisa Lisa follows up by dashing toward the opponent. This skill loops the Ripple Chain.
A Ripple Chain attack. Lisa Lisa performs a flip and drop-kicks the opponent, before landing on her feet. This move is a middle attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is crouching. This attack can either follow up with a skill that continues the Ripple Chain or a finisher.
Lisa Lisa follows up with a back-flipping kick. This skill loops the Ripple Chain.
A Ripple Chain attack. Lisa Lisa performs a spinning double kick while on one hand. This move is a low attack and cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. This attack can either follow up with a skill that continues the Ripple Chain or a finisher.
Lisa Lisa follows up by leaping over the opponent. She may perform a normal air attack while airborne, but doing so will cancel the Ripple Chain. This skill loops the Ripple Chain.
This move is a Ripple Chain finisher. Lisa Lisa infuses the Ripple into her scarf and twirls it, hitting the opponent and leaving them crumpling. If Ripple-enhanced, this attack does more damage, but immediately knocks the opponent down, leaving no room to continue a combo.
This move is a Ripple Chain finisher a middle attack that can only be blocked if the opponent is standing. Using her scarf to prop her up, Lisa Lisa delivers a potent drop kick. If Ripple-enhanced, this attack does more damage. This move can also hit downed opponents.
This move is a Ripple Chain finisher as well as an unblockable Throw. Lisa Lisa flips over the opponent and sends a pulse of Ripple directly into their head with both hands crossed (similar to how she placed the breathing mask on Joseph). If Ripple-enhanced, this attack does more damage.
Lisa Lisa, using just her index finger, sends a blast of Ripple into her opponent.
Lisa Lisa's HHA begins with her holding the Red Stone of Aja high above her head. After a short delay of channeling Ripple power into it, she fires off a powerful laser at a downward angle. The HHA is unblockable. If the opponent is hit, they will be knocked to the ground as Lisa Lisa states that she has to protect the Stone.
Lisa Lisa's GHA is as a counterattack. Lisa Lisa twirls her scarf around her similar in fashion to a ballerina. If the opponent's non-Throw melee attack hits, they'll be knocked into the air via a blast of Ripple. Wrapping the scarf around the opponent and using the Ripple to trap them, Lisa Lisa says that it is Satiporoja Beetle-thread, conducting 100% of the Ripple. She will rapidly assault the airborne helpless opponent with a flurry of Ripple-infused punches and kicks, all whilst noting that the scarf was specially made and expensive. Lisa Lisa finishes by delivering a final back-flipping kick as she retrieves the scarf. Notably enough, this GHA deals roughly 37% of the opponent's max health in damage, making it the second most powerful Great Heat Attack in the entire game, bested only by Diavolo's, whose GHA deals 42%.
Lisa Lisa also appears on the stage "The Battlefield" as a background character along with Kars. If Joseph is one of the combatants ingame, Lisa Lisa will cheer him on. This is assuming that Lisa Lisa herself is not part of the fight.
Lisa Lisa always starts the match wearing sunglasses; If she get hit by a HHA/GHA, she will drop them on the stage (making her the only character in the game who can lose an item of clothing during a match). Lisa Lisa's alternate costume features her Italian Oarsman's outfit worn during her debut; By wearing this costume, a mask will replace the sunglasses.
Lisa Lisa was confirmed for the game alongside Pet Shop.
As a Ripple User, Lisa Lisa has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of her attacks. Filling up the gauge will automatically empower her Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all her skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use.
If paired with Jonathan Joestar, Lisa Lisa will respond with excitement for the chance to fight alongside her savior and father-in-law.
Unlike the previous game, where her main outfit consisted of clothing she wore during the early portion of the Switzerland arc, her attire now reflects the one worn during her battle with Kars, though her main pose is based on the cover of Chapter 72. The costume's color is also based on her anime appearance. However in Story Mode, her main attire is her Switzerland arc outfit.
Lisa Lisa is paired with Funny Valentine in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Wamuu and N'Doul.
Lisa Lisa demeure une alliée majeure dans le roman JORGE JOESTAR. Elle se nomme alors Elizabeth Straizo (エリザベス・ストレイツォ, Erizabesu Sutoreitso) mais possède le surnom "Lisa Lisa" même durant son enfance.
Lorsqu'elle était bébé, Elizabeth fut emmenée avec ses parents sur un bateau en partance pour l'Amérique durant l'année 1889. Cependant, l'attaque de Dio Brando a créé une invasion de zombies dans lequel ses parent sont morts. Ces circonstances tragiques lui donneront un talent pour l'Onde.[11] Erina sauva le bébé et l'emporta avec elle. Elle survécurent à l'explosion du navire en se cachant dans le cercueil de Dio. Plus tard lorsqu'Erina ouvre le cercueil, elle voit que Dio a pris le corps de Jonathan et s'est attaché au cercueil. Dio parvient à capturer Elizabeth et l'utilise comme otage pour forcer Erina à l'obéir et à lui donner son sang. Pendant un temps, Erina fut l'esclave de Dio, lui fournissant son sang. Dio lui faisait en sorte de conserver Erina et Elizabeth en vie.
A force, Dio décide d'enfermer Erina dans le double fond du cercueil et lui reste dans le haut avec le bébé. A un moment, Erina rassemble la volonté de se couper la gorge, forçant Dio à la sauver et il consomme tellement de force pour la guérir qu'il devient trop faible. Erina va pouvoir le mettre dans le double fond du cercueil. Des pêcheurs la trouvent et elle fait couler le cercueil avec Dio dedans. Erina et Elizabeth vivent alors aux Îles Canaries, sur La Palma. Erina élève Lisa Lisa et son fils George Joestar II pendant onze ans.[12]
While in school, George was constantly bullied by Antonio Torres and his gang of friends. Lisa Lisa would severely beat them up each time but Antonio started getting used to it and continued, making fun of George even more for relying on a girl to save him.[11]
One day in 1900, Antonio tries shoving dog waste into George's mouth but Lisa Lisa beats the bully up like usual. When George starts crying, Lisa Lisa is furious with George, lecturing him not to be so pathetic. She goes back home by herself and cries in her room, worried about George. Erina gives George a stern talk, letting him know that Lisa Lisa will be leaving them to go live in Italy with her adopted father Straizo, when she turns twelve. While George refuses to accept it at first, a strong speech from Erina and seeing Lisa Lisa cry for the first time convinces him to be brave. The next day, Antonio is found murdered and his friend, Julio Gonzales, accuses either George or Lisa Lisa as the culprit since they both left home early and Lisa Lisa wasn't at school yet.
Meanwhile, Tsukumojuku Kato, George's classmate, finds "Antonio" standing at the door. However, it is actually Lisa Lisa who was hiding inside the boy's skin in order to lure out the real murderer. Lisa Lisa steps out of Antonio's skin and introduces herself to the class. She describes four rules that George's classmates must follow in order to stay safe, warning them that they must be home before sundown, and need to stay there with their doors and windows shut until sunrise. Tsukumojuku then states that Lisa Lisa's plan had worked, and the sunlight-hating killer was already in the school. George notices that the hallway had turned dark and gloomy. Lisa Lisa, George, and Tsukumojuku walk down the hall and are confronted by a man who looks like Antonio, standing on the ceiling. The man's name is Alejandro Torres, and he asks if they've seen his son. Alejandro had already eaten Antonio in the morning but then heard he went to school afterwards. Lisa Lisa argues with the vampire and he decides to kill her, but is destroyed by Lisa Lisa's Indigo Blue Overdrive. As an attempt to be brave, George unexpectedly runs in front of her at that moment to Lisa Lisa's surprise, and is also knocked out by the attack.
Christmas arrives and Straizo and the other Ripple warriors go to Erina's house for dinner. Lisa Lisa and George are emotionally uninterested in the party. They talk to each other and she jokes about marrying George with both of them declaring they love each other. The next day, Lisa Lisa leaves with Straizo, Messina, and the others, saying goodbye to George and Erina.[11]
Throughout the years, Lisa Lisa trains with Straizo and travels with him and the other Ripple warriors to kill monsters. She stays in contact with Erina. In 1904, Erina tells Lisa Lisa that a girl named Penelope de la Rosa moved in with them.[13] At some point, Lisa Lisa goes to England researching about Dio Brando's life. She goes to the remains of the Joestar mansion and talks to people in town, who tell her about Jonathan, Erina, and Dio. To Lisa Lisa's surprise, Dio is the most popular person in town and half of the town's citizens still believe that he is innocent. They also believe that Dio never had a girlfriend despite being popular with the ladies because he loved Erina.[12]
After investigating reports of a Mothman sighted in the Canary Islands, Lisa Lisa heads back there with Straizo. She coincidentally finds George in the hospital with stab wounds on his stomach and worriedly asks if he's still being bullied. She doesn't believe that George would do it to himself but Penelope says that it's her fault, apologizing once more. The two women get off on bad terms after Lisa Lisa tries introducing herself, leading to George interrupting before Penelope could summon a clown and entrap Lisa Lisa. Lisa Lisa changes the subject and asks the doctor whether he's had any patients claiming to see a man like a moth. The doctor says several patients have been having nervous breakdowns and while at first he thought it was an illusion or some sort of mass hysteria, he then saw the man with black wings as well. Lisa Lisa warns the doctor not to do what the man says and to lock himself in his house that night.
The three walk back home and find Straizo and Erina inside sipping tea. Lisa Lisa tells Erina that it's time to tell George the truth about his father. Erina then describes the life of Jonathan and Dio Brando, leading to Jonathan's eventual death on their honeymoon. Straizo and Lisa Lisa wonder if there is a Stone Mask on the island because it's the second incident of something supernatural occurring. Lisa Lisa explains that she and Straizo had spoken to the fisherman that rescued Erina and the baby Lisa Lisa from the coffin years ago. It was a large coffin designed to shield the occupant from external blows and the fisherman witnessed Erina also holding something else, about the size of a human head, wrapped in a bundle of fabric made from the hem of Erina's dress. Lisa Lisa questions if Erina had actually brought Dio Brando's head to the island. Although George says Lisa Lisa is being ridiculous, Erina breaks her silence by saying it wasn't Dio's head but rather her husband's, Jonathan's.[13]
Erina takes Lisa Lisa and the others to a secret room in the basement, showing them Jonathan's head. Despite being a baby at the time she was carried by Erina in the coffin, Lisa Lisa has memories of a fearsome man who was in the coffin with them. Erina has Straizo and Penelope go upstairs so she can tell the story of how she survived after the ship's explosion. Before Erina could begin, Lisa Lisa grows impatient and asks Erina if she saved Dio back then. Lisa Lisa suggests that Erina may have been in love with Dio. Erina emotionally scolds Lisa Lisa, saying that a little sixteen year old girl like her should never attempt to speak about matters such as love as if she could understand. She quickly calms down, realizing Lisa Lisa couldn't understand since Erina hasn't told them anything yet. Erina finally begins telling her story, describing Dio's vile personality and everything he did to Jonathan and herself as children, as well as what happened to her and Lisa Lisa in the coffin.
After the story, Lisa Lisa explains that the power Dio had sounded like a Stand, which she learned that some people have while she was training with the Ripple masters. Erina decides it's time for her and George to get off the island and move to England. They take Penelope with them when they move, and Lisa Lisa goes back to Italy with Straizo.[12]
In 1905, Lisa Lisa and the Ripple warriors head to an underground temple in Rome where nobody had set foot in for over a thousand years, trying to retrieve the Red Stone of Aja. However, Lisa Lisa gets separated from Straizo and the others. Suddenly, George mysteriously teleports to Lisa Lisa's side, holding her hand. Lisa Lisa and George talk about George's new life in England and she hopes he isn't being bullied again. After talking about airplanes and how much fun George was having, Lisa Lisa went quiet. Suddenly, they hear a strange noise behind them like a monstrous creature moving against the ground. George realizes that Tsukumojuku brought George there because Lisa Lisa needed him, as she was afraid. George describes the creature as a Gorilla Spider, as if twenty gorillas were fused into one. George realizes that the monster was formed from Lisa Lisa's emotions and tries to calm her down. She wonders if George is actually real or if she is just imagining him as well and then kisses him, but accidentally uses the Ripple on her lips. George is shocked but is relieved that the gorilla spider had gone away.
In the darkness, Lisa Lisa feels the terrain with her Ripple and helps George walk through the temple. The two laugh at each other and kiss again. Eventually, they find a torch in a giant treasure chamber, filled with massive jewels, armor, and weapons. Lisa Lisa finds the Aja affixed to a pendant and has George put it around her neck. She tells George to promise not to tell anyone that she has it, as she has to protect the stone with her life. She hides the pendant inside her clothes and they leave. Finally, the couple exits the temple and reunite with Straizo. Straizo and the others are all shocked to see George and Lisa Lisa lies to them about being unable to find the Aja.
They all head back to the secret base of the Ripple warriors, where George calls home. Penelope answers and tells him that his new friend, Kenton Motorize, is dead. George's airplane was at the scene and Kenton had told her brother, Steven, that George invited her to the cliff beforehand. Shocked, George wonders if it was an accident. However, Erina fights back her tears to explain that Kenton was found with several stab wounds from a knife that bore the Joestar crest, and asks if George could explain what happened to the police and Steven.[14]
George is instantly arrested when he goes back home, but Lisa Lisa secretly hides in his prison cell to keep him company. After the guard brings George back to his cell, Lisa Lisa transmits her Ripple through the ground, inhibiting the guard's thoughts. The guard ends up following his normal routine of putting George back into the cell, locking the door, and then leaving, but his mind couldn't comprehend seeing Lisa Lisa or why there was a refrigerator in the cell. George was unaffected by the Ripple because Lisa Lisa gave him socks made from Satiporoja Beetles. She brings George food, cleans the place, and teaches him things. Lisa Lisa leaves when it's night, thinking it would be improper to be alone with a boy. Six days later, George is visited by Steven. George is worried to see him but Lisa Lisa convinces him to go. After the police finish their report, George is allowed to return home and wait for the court trials. Lisa Lisa and George say their goodbyes to each other, as she has to head back to Straizo for work.[15]
In France, Steven and his father, Ben Motorize, find the group of Ripple warriors while researching methods on how to revive Kenton. After talking to Steven's sister, Darlington, George contacts Lisa Lisa to inform her of Steven and Ben's plans. Lisa Lisa convinces him that the Motorize men are being watched so everything will be fine, and Steven having his own airplane design will come in handy for the upcoming war. She shows Steven and Ben a real zombie and they change their minds about reviving Kenton.
In 1915, George's plane gets damaged by a Gremlin and he has to make an emergency landing in the North Sea. While he's stranded there, Lisa Lisa soon arrives along with Steven. She leaps down from Steven's Motorizing plane, running across the water to ask if George is okay. Lisa Lisa hugs George, explaining that the Ripple master Tonpetty predicted George would crash in the morning and told her the location of where he would be stranded. Steven was the only pilot nearby who could fly her there so they rushed to find him. George suddenly becomes jealous of the thought of Lisa Lisa and Steven getting close, but Lisa Lisa reassures him with a kiss on the cheek.
The trio climb into the Motorizing and head to France. Steven flies the plane, while George sits behind him with Lisa Lisa on his lap. Although the two are embarrassed, they start talking to distract themselves. George tells them about the rumors of the gremlins and how the Motorize family's butler, Faraday, had seen one in 1905, just before Kenton was murdered. Lisa Lisa realizes that it must have followed George from the Canary Islands. They finally reach France and the Ripple masters take the trio to their secret underground lair.
Lisa Lisa realizes that Antonio's discarded skin had lived on as a zombie. Since fifteen years have passed, she calculates that there must be 16,384 (2¹⁴) clones of Antonio by now if all of them constantly cloned themselves every year. They also determine that not all of the gremlins that pilots have reported seeing were Antonio, since their descriptions didn't fully match up. Some descriptions of gremlins were short whereas others had different features. They were making up stories based on their fear and then their planes would get damaged just like they imagined, like how Lisa Lisa previously imagined the Gorilla Spider in Rome's temple. They recall how the Mothman incident was a similar occurrence of mass hysteria.[16]
George and Lisa Lisa theorize about Antonio Torres and how he could operate in daylight by hiding inside human bodies. They worry about his capability of quickly creating zombies all over the world. Straizo asks how they can fight zombies inside fighter planes, but Lisa Lisa assures him that George will shoot all the zombies down. Just then, a Ripple warrior informs them that English zombies are attacking their base. Steven leads George and Lisa Lisa to two of his Motorizing planes. They get into one and Steven hops into the other. As they fly out of the cave, they notice at least a dozen English Air Force planes flying above them, dropping bombs onto the base. George and Steven engage in aerial warfare with the zombies, shooting them all down with their plane's machine guns. As Lisa Lisa praises George's skills, another Antonio appears, angry that George grew up into an adult before he did. Lisa Lisa suddenly declares that she and George should get married after this war, before grabbing Antonio and turning him into dust.
As they fly toward London, Lisa Lisa asks George for a quick rundown on how to fly planes. About an hour later, she gets the hang of it and pushes the flight stick to have their plane be directly in front of Steven's. She then jumps out of the cockpit and lands onto Steven's plane. She taps Steven's shoulder and uses the Ripple to extract his wings out of his back, as she thought it would be useful for him. Lisa Lisa then heads back to George's plane as the war continues. They promise each other that they'll both live and get married. George and Steven admire Lisa Lisa's fighting skills, as she jumps from plane to plane frying each zombie pilot with her powers. Lisa Lisa destroys the last zombie in the sky and jumps into George's plane, hugging him.
The Ripple warriors begin investigating England and institute a national health exam to make sure there are no zombies hiding inside citizens. Lisa Lisa travels with them and George continues fighting in the World War.[17]
Tonpetty prophesies that George would die around the time he gets married with Lisa Lisa. Worried, Lisa Lisa starts distancing herself from George and they don't see each other or even contact each other in three years. In 1918 when the war concludes, George realizes that they were only together for two weeks in the last seventeen years, but it felt like they spent a lot more time together. Determined to revitalize his relationship, George heads to Switzerland after Erina tells him where Lisa Lisa currently is located.
As soon as George finds Lisa Lisa, he asks why Lisa Lisa wanted to marry him if she doesn't love him. He becomes speechless after realizing what he said sounded like an immature toddler, but Lisa Lisa just laughs and assures him of her genuine love for him. Lisa Lisa apologizes about not going to see George, revealing Tonpetty's prophecy. She starts crying but George promises that he won't die and leave her alone. After speaking with Tonpetty, the Ripple master suddenly claims that there is a god looking out for George and if George believes in this power, then he won't die. On the other hand, if he can't put his faith in it, he'll be brutally murdered by something terrifying. George realizes that he must believe in Beyond, which Tsukumojuku had told him about.
George and Lisa Lisa head back home and announce their engagement, while also planning for their wedding. George is relieved to see how happy Penelope is since she and Lisa Lisa disliked each other when they were younger. Penelope insists that if it was anyone else she would be jealous, but she's glad that George is marrying Lisa Lisa. After hearing that Lisa Lisa is pregnant, Erina, Penelope, and Speedwagon, are extremely happy. She decides not to tell Straizo just yet until things have settled down. Speedwagon starts sending them numerous baby gifts for both genders until the baby is born. They name their son Joseph Joestar and even as a baby, the boy inherited Lisa Lisa's Ripple talents. George would get shocked every time he tried holding him or changing his diaper, so Lisa Lisa gave him a scarf made of the Satiporoja beetle's thread. They set their wedding date at the end of the year so that Joseph would be big enough.
On the day of their wedding, November 11, 1920, George notices that Steven hasn't arrived yet despite being his best man. Thus, George goes to the Motorize home to investigate. After not hearing from George, Lisa Lisa and Penelope arrive at the Motorize residence and cry, assuming that George had died due to the shredded pieces of his uniform on the ground. Lisa Lisa tearfully kills Antonio and the body of William Cardinal he was possessing. Furious at George's supposed death, Penelope accidentally creates a locked room made from the 920,000 Antonios and torn up bits of them. The giant locked room surrounds the whole world, swallowing everything up.[17]
Dio Brando fights Kars in the skies of London, after both traveled back in time from the future through Cube House. Lisa Lisa sees a boy enjoying himself in Penelope's embrace and slaps his head, assuming that he's a pervert. Jorge Joestar introduces himself as a detective, handing over his business card. Lisa Lisa's ability to fluently speak Japanese impresses the boy. Although he decides not to tell Lisa Lisa about Kars in case it causes a time paradox, Penelope does so anyways. Penelope declares her resolve to Lisa Lisa that she will find George and bring him back. Meanwhile, Jorge is jealous that the other George has beautiful women who care for him. Noticing that the sun is setting, Lisa Lisa thinks that Dio has a strategy in mind and must be buying time for it.
Funny Valentine flings a cape around Jorge but before it could cover him, Lisa Lisa punches Funny's cheek with the Ripple. However, the cape falls onto Jorge anyways and he is teleported to a parallel world along with Funny.
Later, the giant Antonio surrounding the country tries to save Dio. Lisa Lisa runs across Antonio's body upside down and dodges his giant punches. She places the Red Stone of Aja on Antonio's stomach and uses her technique, Sunset Orange Overdrive. Antonio shrieks from the Ripple traveling throughout his body and starts crumbling. Kars tells Lisa Lisa, Jorge, and Narancia Ghirga to stop killing the giant Antonio or they won't be able to return England back to its original timeline, so Lisa Lisa temporarily uses the opposite type of Ripple on his body to slow down the effects of her original attack.
Lisa Lisa follows Jorge and the others to Trinity Church in the second universe, where they confront Dio one last time. Erina shows herself to Dio first, fueling his anger. Next, Lisa Lisa steps out of the darkness holding Joseph in her arms. Dio roars with confusion as to why Lisa Lisa would bring her baby to a battle zone. Erina then calls for Jorge to show himself, surprising Dio even more. Jorge's plan of catching Dio off guard was working. Jorge eventually gets to the Saint's Corpse before him, which is actually Jonathan's body since Dio had previously split into nine parts during his battle with Kars. Jorge places Jonathan's head on the body and he revives thanks to Jorge's Beyond. Dissatisfied with his constant losses, Dio declares he does not want to associate with the Joestars anymore and vanishes into the darkness of the stairs behind him.
Erina and Jonathan have a tearful reunion. Erina hesitates mentioning what happened to their son, George II, and Jonathan looks confused. He had figured out that George was hiding inside a parallel world within the body of the 37th universe's Jorge. George leaps out of the parallel world, causing Jorge to fall down. They start arguing with each other so Lisa Lisa shocks them with the Ripple. She happily reunites with George and gives him a kiss, accidentally using the Ripple again. They join Erina and Jonathan in a family group hug.
Kars takes everybody back to their respective universes and timelines. However, Lisa Lisa and George stay separated because she is afraid of losing him again. The other Jorge assumes that she actually just went off on a big adventure with Joseph which she hadn't told George about. Since George is legally dead in England, he moves to America and becomes a screenwriter in Hollywood using the pen name "Motorize Jump", waiting for Lisa Lisa to come back to him.[18]
Weekly Shonen Jump 1988 Issue #33 (Title Page)
Jump Comics Volume 10 (Cover)
JoJonium Vol. 5
Lisa Lisa as a baby in Part 1
Cover, Chapter 72
Cover, Chapter 76
In casual clothes, charging her scarf, Chapter 94
Lisa Lisa's profile; Cover, Chapter 97
A baby Lisa Lisa held by Straizo
As a baby
Elizabeth with Erina Pendleton
Elizabeth with her son and husband
Lisa Lisa and baby Joseph
Lisa Lisa bathing as Esidisi possesses Suzy Q
Fighting Kars
Lisa Lisa at the end of Battle Tendency
Lisa Lisa with the members of the Joestar Family (Parts 1-3), STAND PROUD
Lisa Lisa in the ending credits
Lisa Lisa's key art for the anime
BD Illustration with Esidisi
Lisa Lisa As She Appears In The Part 3 OVA Timelines Video
Lisa Lisa Telling Joseph And Caesar About The Red Stone of Aja (Part 3 OVA Timelines)
Lisa Lisa Being Given The Photograph Of Erina Holding A Baby (Part 3 OVA Timelines)
Lisa Lisa Telling Joseph She Was The Baby Erina Saved In 1889 (Part 3 OVA Timelines)
Lisa Lisa Getting Attacked By Kars (Part 3 OVA Timelines)
Lisa Lisa shocked that Joseph arrived at his own funeral (Part 3 OVA Timelines)
Lisa Lisa's cameo in Heritage for the Future
Lisa Lisa's render for All Star Battle
Lisa Lisa taunting, ASB
Lisa Lisa's render for Eyes of Heaven
3-star statue, Diamond Records
Chara Heroes; Part 1 Vol.1
Chara Heroes; Part 2 Vol.1
Lisa Lisa figure from the Statue Legend series
Statue Legend (Wonderfest)
Lisa Lisa, Joseph and Caesar in a piece from JoJo Exhibition 2012
Visual for Nagasaki's Ripples of Adventure
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