Hol Horse

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I'm the type who only shines when he's teamed up with someone else! Why be number one when you can be number two? That's the Hol Horse way of life!
—Hol Horse, Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1

Hol Horse (ホル・ホース, Horu Hōsu) is a secondary antagonist featured in the third part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stardust Crusaders. He is introduced during the "Emperor and Hanged Man" story arc and returns in other arcs afterward, having a focal role in the "Hol Horse and Boingo" arc.

Hol Horse is a hitman hired by DIO who works together with his partner, J. Geil, to eliminate the Joestar Group. Wielding the gun Stand, Emperor, Hol Horse is capable of shooting his foes with bullets that he can control.

Hol Horse reappears as one of the main characters in the 2021 spin-off Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, set in 1999 ten years after the events of Stardust Crusaders. In this spin-off, Hol Horse must seek a parrot for an old woman and has to travel to Morioh.


Hol Horse ASB Concept Transparent.png

Hol Horse is a tall man with an athletic build. He has light shoulder-length hair and long sideburns. He also has dimples in his cheeks and a cleft chin.

Hol Horse mostly wears light-colored clothes with a dark undershirt and a wide-brimmed cowboy hat that has two long, thin, loose straps hanging down. He wears wristbands and a long sleeveless top with the sides split, extending below his waist in a rectangular shape on the front and back. Under his left arm's wristband, he wears a steel watch with roman numerals.[5]

Like typical Western cowboys, Hol Horse has chaps on top of his trousers and wears riding boots which have spurs attached.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaSFC GameHeritage for the FutureOVAAll Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
(Yellow, brown belt, and a golden buckle.)
(Yellow top and chaps, green undershirt and wrist bands, brown pants, light brown boots.)
(Orange hat with a black belt. Orange top over a dark gray undershirt.)
Eyes(Light blue)
Hat(White, green belt and buckle.)
(White top and chaps, green undershirt, wrist bands, and pants, olive boots.)

(w/ Boingo)

Hat(Light Yellow, brown belt and buckle.)
(Light yellow top and chaps, brown undershirt, wrist bands, and pants, olive boots.)
Hat(Beige, grey belt with dark grey buckle.)
(Beige top and chaps, grey undershirt, wrist bands, and pants.)
Eyes(Dark Brown)
(Yellow, brown leather belt with orange buckle.)
(Yellow top and chaps, green undershirt, wrist bands, and pants, grey belt, white boots.)
Hat(Tan, brown belt with orange buckle.)
(Beige top and chaps, olive undershirt and pants, brown wrist bands, dark brown boots with silver spurs.)
(Light Brown, brown belt with copper buckle.)
(Tan top and chaps, green-black undershirt and pants, dark brown wrist bands and boots with silver spurs.)

Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak

In the spin-off Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, Hol Horse wears a tattered coat in addition to his usual attire. Moreover, he's replaced his old wristwatch and now wears three watches on his wrist.


Hol Horse is portrayed like a Western gunfighter, appearing to be bold and a womanizer. In contrast, his fearfulness manifests itself when he is under pressure. He is a sharp-witted deceiver and prime opportunist, tending to rely on others as well as luck to save himself.

Hol Horse attempts to shoot DIO, making him the only agent brave enough to do so

Hol Horse adheres to the belief of there being a hierarchy between people as well as their weapons. While fighting Polnareff and Avdol, he compares the battle to Japanese military chess.[3] Furthermore, his motto is that the best way for him to live is to be "Number Two" rather than "Number One".[6] Consequently, he prefers having a partner to fight with him even if his partner is a timid child like Boingo.[7] According to Polnareff, Hol Horse has a talent for picking his allies.[8]

His resolve and confidence frequently shifts depending on his current situation. For example, he boasts to Polnareff that Emperor can beat Silver Chariot because swords don't stand a chance against guns.[3] He displays his pride when he is ridiculed, such as when he attempts to shoot Enya the Hag[9] and later against DIO. Hol Horse manages to convince himself that perhaps DIO isn't much stronger than he is, and assumes he would have a better chance against one person than four men at the same time. Despite his fear, he is capable of calming himself down and bravely attempts to assassinate the vampire. Although he fails, DIO praises his determination, as he had steady breathing and wasn't even sweating, deeming him worthy enough to prevail against the Joestar group.[10] He desperately tries to follow Tohth's predictions as long as he could win, declaring that he would even eat crap if the comic said he would.[5] With ordinary civilians, Hol Horse doesn't hesitate to threaten or harm them to get what he wants. For example, he shoots off a man's ear at the airport when the man pushes Hol Horse out of the way to get into a taxi before him.[7] He also intimidates two plumbers to open a pipe for him by almost smashing a concrete block onto their heads.[5]

Hol Horse fleeing

Hol Horse's awareness of his own shortcomings allows him to survive. After J. Geil is killed and the Joestar group is aware of Hol Horse's ability to change the path of his bullets, he realizes that he has no chance to defeat them by himself and sacrifices his pride to flee. When Nena jumps onto Polnareff to protect Hol Horse, he grabs the chance to escape on horseback alone.[4] He lies to Enya about being best friends with J. Geil as an attempt to comfort her.[9] However, when Enya turns against Hol Horse and almost makes him shoot himself, his quick thinking allows him to call off Emperor so that the bullet doesn't pierce through his mouth. Due to Enya's betrayal, Hol Horse helps Polnareff and Jotaro by informing them of Enya's ability.[11][12] In spite of momentarily switching sides, he takes the opportunity afterward to steal the Joestar group's jeep and escape alone.[13] Later, he kidnaps Boingo to use Tohth to predict the future, thinking it would be his final chance to help him win.[7] In the end, his luck saves him once again from dying, as his bullets would have killed him if they were one centimeter lower.[14]

Hol Horse describes himself as a nomad who lives life day by day.[4] Although he is one of DIO's agents, Hol Horse isn't completely loyal to DIO until after he witnesses the vampire's power for himself.[10] He is primarily motivated by money for carrying out his assassinations. He was paid a wealthy sum to handle the Joestar group[3] and Rubber Soul had also stated that there would be a $100,000 reward for managing to defeat them.[15] The prospect of being able to have all of DIO's treasures for himself acted as an incentive for him wanting to betray DIO.[10]

Hol Horse exploits his girlfriends all over the world

Hol Horse has a knack for smooth-talking women, professing to be a "gentleman" that has girlfriends from all over the world.[7] However, he discloses to J. Geil that he is just using his girlfriends as they are willing to do anything for him, including going as far as sacrificing their lives for him. Despite charming several women, he also claims that he's destined to die alone.[4] Hol Horse admits that although he tells lies to women, he would never attack them because he respects all ladies, disregarding whether they're beautiful or ugly.[7] Nonetheless, Hol Horse threatens to shoot Enya out of self-defense, so it is possible he would go against his moral standards if it is to protect himself.[9] He fervently denies that Tohth's prediction of him kicking a lady from behind would happen, but it actually comes true when Hol Horse impulsively kicks her to save her from a deadly scorpion, proving that he cares to save women.

Since Hirohiko Araki could no longer stand cigarette smoke, he decided to have Hol Horse use a smoke-free pipe instead as of Chapter 218, claiming that Hol Horse is the kind of guy to change his mind all the time anyways.[16]

As a hitman, Hol Horse is desensitized to seeing deaths. He tells Polnareff that from his own experience, there's no use worrying over it as most people aren't able to say goodbye.[17]

In the spin-off Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, Hol Horse is still deeply marked by his time with DIO. Hol Horse acknowledges that after he gave in to his fear of the vampire, he lost spiritually and is still afraid of DIO ten years after DIO's death. At one point, Hol Horse even has a panic attack when he is reminded of DIO. However, Hol Horse tries to appear as if he's moved on from DIO, playing up his tough guy persona. Moreover, Hol Horse has developed a superstition around having his wristwatches being on time, keeping three wristwatches on him at all times and lamenting that having a wristwatch off can bring enough bad luck to kill a man, referencing his own experience during the "Hol Horse and Boingo" story arc.



Summoning Emperor
Main article: Emperor

Hol Horse's Stand is Emperor, a handgun that Hol Horse can directly summon in his hand.

It is capable of firing bullets whose trajectory Hol Horse can control to a fine degree. He can even juggle the gun around with expertise.[18]

Emperor (エンペラー(皇帝))Link to this section

Hol Horse partners with J. Geil of the Stand Hanged Man, and later Boingo of the Stand Tohth, who both complement his abilities well. He says that he prefers to operate with a partner.

Personal Skills

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Darts: In the spin-off Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, it is shown that Hol Horse can throw darts with extreme precision. He is shown throwing several darts at a dart board and managing to hit the center of the board with all his darts.[19]


Hol Horse and J. Geil assassinating someone


At some point after 1983, Hol Horse is recruited by DIO and Enya the Hag. He is partnered with Enya's son, J. Geil.

Stardust Crusaders (1988)

Calcutta, India

Hol Horse confronts Jean Pierre Polnareff

Riding an elephant, Hol Horse arrives at Calcutta, India with Nena, a young girl whose marriage proposal he turns down while claiming to be thinking of her best interests. He meets with J. Geil and the two decide to kill Jean Pierre Polnareff while he is separated from the Joestar Group. The following day, Hol Horse confronts Polnareff with his Emperor Stand while J. Geil supports him with his Hanged Man.

Hol Horse escapes on horseback

When Muhammad Avdol intervenes to save Polnareff, Hol Horse severely injures Avdol, believing him to be dead from the headshot he administered. After separating from J.Geil and the protagonists, Hol Horse catches up to Polnareff and Noriaki Kakyoin and learns that they had already killed J. Geil.

Knowing he could not handle the two Stand users alone, Hol Horse flees before he's intercepted by Jotaro Kujo and Joseph Joestar. Nena's interference, however, gives him a chance to escape, with the Joestar Group deciding to let him go.

Enya's Town, Pakistan

Hol Horse attacked by Justice

Hol Horse later appears before Enya the Hag during her attempt on the Joestar Group's lives and is attacked by her as she considered him equally responsible for the death of her son, J. Geil. While seemingly killed by Enya's Stand, Hol Horse played dead until he was able to escape via the Joestar Group's vehicle, vowing to get his revenge later.

Later, while reporting to DIO on Alessi's and Mariah's defeat, he tries to attack the vampire when questioned on why he is not fighting the Joestar group. He is cowed by DIO's power and, broken, swears eternal loyalty to DIO and decides to attack the Joestar group with a new partner.

Arrival to Egypt (1989)

Aswan, Egypt

Forcing Boingo to help him kill the Joestar group

Hol Horse flies to Aswan to forcibly take Boingo with him for assistance in dispatching the protagonists with Tohth. On the way out of the airport, Hol Horse antagonizes a pair of men and makes them flee when he shoots one man's ear off. Afterward, he manages to convince Boingo to work with him. At first, Hol Horse is taken aback by Tohth's strange predictions but is ultimately convinced of their reliability after he kicks a woman to save her from a scorpion and is rewarded with a jewel.

Hol Horse and Boingo then stalk the Joestar Group in the streets of Cairo, knowing that Hol Horse must now put his fingers in Polnareff's nose which will somehow end up in victory. Polnareff does surprise Hol Horse and almost takes him out but Boingo distracts Polnareff, allowing Hol Horse to put his fingers in Polnareff's nose. As the rest of the group comes to Polnareff, Hol Horse is forced to hide in a corner and hold Polnareff at gunpoint to force him to lie. Polnareff tips off the group and thanks to his irritated nose, manages to avoid being shot by sneezing, making Hol Horse stumble out of his hiding place. Cornered, Hol Horse is saved when the two thugs from earlier try to run him down but their truck slips on spilled oil and crashes into the heroes instead.

Hol Horse's retirement

Hol Horse and Boingo retreat behind another corner and see that Hol Horse will shoot into a pipe at noon exactly and put bullets through Jotaro's head. Nervous and eager, Hol Horse ends up shooting too early into the pipe and Jotaro Kujo is saved when Polnareff sneezes again on his face, making him back out of the bullet's path in disgust. The operation goes horribly awry as Tohth's prediction backfires on them, ending with Emperor's own bullets hitting Hol Horse right in the face, just as he realizes the time on his watch was advanced. While severe, the bullet wounds stop just short of his skull with Hol Horse hospitalized for the remainder of the story.


Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Hol Horse's Mission

Hol Horse setting out to look for the parrot

Hol Horse has survived his ordeal during Stardust Crusaders and the heroes seem to have left him be.

In Cairo, Egypt, March 1999, an elderly woman begs Hol Horse to find her missing parrot. She looks at a photo of her son with Pet Shop and the missing parrot on his shoulders. Her son was an animal trainer who tried to escape from DIO and got killed by the vampire. After his death, his mother took care of his parrot. Hol Horse suggests her to ask the Speedwagon Foundation members to look for the parrot since they still drop in to check on her occasionally. However, he realizes that if the parrot got trained the same way as Pet Shop, then it might be a Stand user and the SPW would probably kill it if they think it's a threat. Hol Horse accepts the woman's request, not wanting to say no to a woman no matter their age, and heads into the city.

Hol Horse looks at his watch, complaining that it's eight tenths of a second off since it could give him bad luck. While walking by an alley, a boy warns Hol Horse that nobody can pass through that road without hiring him as a guide. Hol Horse summons Emperor and points toward the sky, shooting three bullets at two flower pots on the balcony of a building. He warns the boy to watch his head, but the boy doesn't understand since he can't see Stands and demands that Hol Horse gives him money so the boy can guide him. The flower pots fall and shatter on the ground, while the man who was watering the plants angrily threatens to punish his nephew. The boy who was trying to scam Hol Horse runs away in fear, wondering what just happened.

Reuniting with Old Allies

Hol Horse disappears into the building covered in fog. He calls out for Kenny G., asking if he received Hol Horse's signal and can give him a sign. Hol Horse then hears someone tell him to call off his Stand first. Hol Horse puts away Emperor, and the room starts changing due to Tenore Sax's ability. When Hol Horse gets up, he realizes he accidentally touched an outlet on the wall. He's worried until Mariah reveals herself, claiming that it wasn't her Stand that he just touched. However, she threatens that he knows what will happen if he tries to pull something. When Hol Horse retorts that he wouldn't harm a lady, Mariah responds that he should be settled down by now. Hol Horse asserts that a relationship like what Mariah and Kenny have together isn't his thing.

Hol Horse with Mariah

Mariah tells Hol Horse that Kenny won't be coming to see him since he doesn't like the cowboy, but he does have two visitors who want to see him. Oingo and Boingo have been freeloading with her and Kenny for a month so Mariah asks Hol Horse to take them with him. Hol Horse claims that he was planning to see Boingo anyways. As he's about to leave, Mariah asks if Hol Horse still has dreams. Although Hol Horse declares that he's too tough to have nightmares, Mariah retaliates that Hol Horse has been wearing three watches ever since he got shot in the head. She's been having constant dreams about DIO ordering her to defeat the Joestars, with Mariah being unable to do anything but grovel and apologize. The Speedwagon Foundation already told Mariah about all the terrible things DIO did, but she wonders why she still calls him "Lord DIO" in her dreams.

Hol Horse and Boingo reading Tohth's prediction

Hol Horse tries comforting Mariah by saying that even he fell for DIO's charms and that although they may be fools for falling for a conman's tricks, they're still victims. Suddenly, Mariah becomes enraged upon hearing that Hol Horse called her a fool and kicks him to the ground. As she stomps on him, Hol Horse's head touches her Bastet, causing his body to become a magnet. Darts from a dartboard fly toward Hol Horse as he tries running away. He shoots a door's lock and manages to hide inside the room, but ends up getting stuck to the pipes. Several swords fly toward Hol Horse but are stopped at the door before reaching his face.

Boingo peeks through the door and reveals that his Tohth already predicted that Boingo would join Hol Horse in this parrot hunt. Hol Horse says that he'd love to catch up with him but asks if he can get Mariah to deactivate her Stand. Boingo denies unless Hol Horse promises to never get involved with him again and to forget all about Boingo and Tohth. When Hol Horse complains that it's impossible for him to just forget something, Boingo threatens to push in one of the swords. Mariah shows up again and calls off her Stand, declaring that she was simply teaching Hol Horse a lesson for taking advantage of Boingo back then. Hol Horse reads the pages of Tohth, which narrates that Boingo and Hol Horse team up again to find the parrot. In order to do so, they have to go to Morioh in Japan.

Arrival in Morioh

Hol Horse in Morioh

Hol Horse and Boingo arrive in Morioh, but Hol Horse then inexplicably loses Boingo's trace. Wandering in the streets, he passes by Ryoko, wondering where Boingo went. He asks some schoolgirls if they've seen him but they start running away from him instead. Hol Horse complains about not knowing anyone in Morioh when he suddenly hears DIO's voice in his head. Suddenly, a driver resembling Wilson Phillips runs over several people on the sidewalk, as if he is following orders from someone. Hol Horse attempts to shoot the car, but continues hearing DIO's voice behind him. He trembles from hesitation as he tries calming himself down since DIO is already dead, but realizes he doesn't have the conviction to get over the vampire. Ever since he tried betraying DIO and gave into fear, he lost to him. The car gets closer to Hol Horse and he finally manages to shoot two bullets into the tire. However, that causes the car to launch toward him. He sees a glimpse of the driver, noticing that his eyes lack irises and instead have five holes in its place.

Prepared to fight Josuke

Before Hol Horse could do anything, the car instantly gets punched away from him. Hol Horse sees a boy with a pompadour and his Stand behind him. The boy tells Hol Horse that he saw him summon a gun in his hand out of thin air, realizing he must have the same kind of ability as him. Hol Horse notices that he's a Stand User and the two confront each other, prepared to fight face-to-face.[20]

Hol Horse thinks to himself about Josuke's strength, determining that his ability must be a close-range power type, but prioritizes finding out whether Josuke is a friend or foe. Josuke mocks Hol Horse's fashion, wondering if he's a cowboy. Hol Horse retorts by asking if Josuke is the kind of person to pick his style based on what other people think, adding that Josuke doesn't seem like the type considering his hairstyle.

Hol Horse's remark enrages Josuke, so the cowboy quickly raises his guard. Suddenly, the driver from the car Josuke punched almost collides into Hol Horse from behind. Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to punch the driver in the face and then grabs the man by his tie. Hol Horse looks back at the car and is confused, as it appears to have a different design from when he saw it before. Josuke has a feeling he'll regret doing so, but heals the driver with his Stand, not wanting anyone to die during this accident.

Allying with Josuke

Trying to run away from Josuke but stuck to the ground

Hol Horse is stunned to learn what Josuke's true ability is, thinking to himself that Josuke reeks of danger. The crowd of pedestrians nearby assumes Josuke and Hol Horse caused the car to crash because of how they look, asking for someone to call the police. Meanwhile, Hol Horse takes the opportunity to flee while Josuke intimidates the crowd. Running away, Hol Horse thinks to himself that he would have no chance fighting Josuke one-on-one. He's also more worried about the other Stand User, which seems to have a remote-control type Stand that controlled the driver from far. Hol Horse surmises that the Stand User's motivation might be an inhuman urge to kill, just like DIO. Hol Horse declares that he has to hide and keep an eye on things from a safe distance so he can process everything he just saw. However, he is suddenly interrupted by Josuke who claims to have easily processed everything that happened already. Shocked, Hol Horse asks why Josuke followed him but Josuke just wanted to get away before his relative could show up at the accident scene. Hol Horse desperately tries running away and assumes Josuke is still following him until Josuke reveals that he simply hasn't moved at all because Josuke reverted the asphalt under Hol Horse's feet back into liquid.

A new "friendship"

While Hol Horse grieves over his boots, Josuke brings up Hol Horse's remark before about if Josuke is the kind of guy that bases his style on what other people thinks. That comment combined with how Hol Horse himself is dressed resonated with Josuke. The two introduce themselves to each other, much to Hol Horse's dismay as Josuke places his arm around Hol Horse's shoulder. Worried, Hol Horse wonders if Tohth predicted this too and wonders where Boingo is.

Hol Horse and Josuke continue walking together when they overhear a thug insult a young woman's hair. Josuke assumes they were talking about him and rapidly punches and kicks the car of the thugs. Hol Horse apologizes to Ryoko, asking if she got hurt anywhere.[21]

The Parrot's Attack

Josuke starts getting angry at Ryoko but Hol Horse interferes and says Josuke should cherish ladies instead of threatening them. He brings Josuke close toward him and whispers that he can tell how powerful Josuke's Stand is and that he shouldn't just summon it every time he gets angry, as Hol Horse doesn't want to keep getting caught up in Josuke's fights. Hol Horse asks Ryoko if she can understand his Japanese properly. Although he would like to apologize by taking her out for dinner, he has business to take care of. Ryoko is confused but Josuke explains how Hol Horse got separated from someone he came to Japan with. Hol Horse describes how Boingo is short and carried a comic book, asking if Ryoko saw him anywhere. She tells Hol Horse that he should ask at the kōban (neighborhood police station). Josuke doesn't like that suggestion and hides behind a vending machine, causing Hol Horse to wonder if he's hiding from the cops.

Hol Horse leaves and enters the police station, feeling like he can finally concentrate and look for the parrot and Boingo. However, he thinks he might need Josuke's help to deal with the mysterious Stand. Inside the police station, Hol Horse overhears Inspector Hiraoka insisting that the car crash wasn't his fault. His co-worker tries to calm him down by getting him to sit and have tea, while Hol Horse is surprised to learn that the possessed driver was a police inspector. Hol Horse then looks outside and suddenly sees the parrot and its Stand. Before he could react, Hol Horse starts hearing DIO's voice back from when he was about to betray the vampire by shooting him. Punched cards enter Hol Horse's body through his eye and mouth. Hol Horse finds himself unable to control his body and he is forced to point Emperor at Inspector Hiraoka's head from behind, in the same way he planned to shoot DIO ten years ago.

Major Battles

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Listen, I'm a nomad. I live life day by day, and eventually I'm destined to die alone. An heiress to nobility like you shouldn't even think about marrying a guy like me. No matter how much we love each other.
    —Hol Horse to Nena, Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
  • I'll come back to you from time to time and hold you in my arms. I'll be happy if I can do that. Love ya, baby.
    —Hol Horse to Nena, Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
  • It's fantastic having girls all around the world at my disposal! They'd do anything for me, even sacrifice their lives if it came to it...
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
  • "The gun's mightier than the sword!" Mmm, mmm, mmm. I love that line.
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3
  • You ever hear of Gunjin Shogi—Japanese military chess? A tank is stronger than a soldier, but tanks are weak against land mines. These are the basics of battle, of course.
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3
  • No more pieces left to be afraid of in this game of military chess!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3
  • Ain't seen too much death before, have you? It happens in a split second. Don't get too bent out of shape about it. Most folks don't get to say goodbye... Heh heh... Just a little tidbit I've learned from experience.
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4
  • Think you can walk away from me so calmly? Well, think twice! I think I've already shown that you don't stand a chance against me! So if you want to get away... You better run! And I mean run!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1
  • Now that I've caught up with you, I've got no choice. Time to accept your fate. These are your last moments on Earth, so how about you come at us like men? Show me your guts, boys!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1
  • I'm the type who only shines when he's teamed up with someone else! Why be number one when you can be number two? That's the Hol Horse way of life!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1
  • Thanks, baby! I won't waste your kindness! I'll escape with my life! I'm running away because I love you, baby! Our love is forever!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1
  • I'm stickin' with DIO, y'all! Catch you later! If you're not dead!
    —Hol Horse to the Joestar Group, Chapter 159: Justice, Part 6
  • No one talks to me that way! I don't have to follow orders from someone who's probably not even as tough as me! I may have said yes, but I never vowed loyalty from the bottom of my heart! I won't sell my soul to you!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 210: Shooting DIO?!
  • I... I finally get it, Master DIO... I'm with you until the end... I'm defeated...
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 210: Shooting DIO?!
  • Listen, Boingo. I'm a gentleman. I got ladies all over the world. I may tell 'em a little white lie now and then, but I'd never hit 'em! That's because I respect all ladies... The good-looking ones, the uglies, all of 'em!!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 217: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1
  • I swear I won't hit a woman! Even if she paid me, I'd never kick a woman!
    —Hol Horse, Chapter 217: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1

Quote.png Quotes
  • Well, if a pretty woman's lookin' at me like that, young or old... I just can't say no! That's ol' Hol Horse's way!
    —Hol Horse accepts an old lady's request, CDDH Chapter 1
  • C'mon, if my watch is off like this... It's bad enough luck to kill a man! They'd best be keepin' that clock tower on time!
    —Hol Horse, CDDH Chapter 1
  • Dreams? You want me to tell you I'm being plagued with nightmares? Sorry, but I'm made of tougher stuff than that.
    —Hol Horse, CDDH Chapter 1
  • Mariah... I'm not like you. I wasn't just seduced by him... I deliberately, calmly followed DIO until the very end... I tried to betray him, but I gave into fear! That's where I lost to him in spirit! Even now, in the depths of my soul... I still fear DIO!
    —Hol Horse's trauma, CDDH Chapter 1
  • Alright, kid... First of all, I dunno what you're gettin' on my case for. And second of all, what's your problem? You some kinda fool who bases his style on what other people think?
    —Hol Horse meets Josuke for the first time, CDDH Chapter 2
  • This guy's true power is... The ability to fix things that's been broken?
    —Hol Horse, CDDH Chapter 2
  • Hey! Slow down there! Ladies aren't for threatenin'.
    —Hol Horse, CDDH Chapter 3
  • Your Stand, that power of yours only we can see... It sure isn't average, boy. That thing's crazy strong!
    —Hol Horse to Josuke, CDDH Chapter 3

Creation and Development

Chapter 157 Cover B.jpg

Araki's idea for Hol Horse might have been influenced by the titular character in the manga, Cobra; a gun slinging outlaw who always smokes and has the power to fire projectiles without having a line-of-sight.[22]

Though not initially planned, Araki threw around the idea of Hol Horse joining the protagonists (much like how Polnareff and Kakyoin did as former antagonists) during their journey, but opted out due to balance issues with Polnareff's similar character. Araki mentions this is part of the reason Hol Horse shows up multiple times throughout the story and why there is at least one group shot with Hol Horse present.[22]

Video Games

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC)

Hol Horse appears multiple times throughout this game re-enacting most of his moments from the series. His final encounter with the player has him teaming up with Mariah to try and take Jotaro and the others down.

Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)


Hol Horse appears in the second revision of the game and possesses two different versions of himself. One version of him is allied with J. Geil and Hanged Man, and the other is allied with Boingo and Tohth. While normal Hol Horse is readily available, Hol Horse's "Boingo" version must be unlocked via code.

In the first version of the game (JoJo's Venture), a few sprites of Hol Horse can be found within the game's data, showing that he was at one point planned instead to debut in the first version.


If he defeats the Joestar party while partnered up with J. Geil, the arrogant cowboy will turn on DIO (in his Shadow Form) and defeat him, though still admitting he prefers to be a second-in-command.

On the other hand, if the humbled Hol Horse partnered with Boingo defeats the party, DIO grants him a cash sum substantial enough for Hol to "live happily ever after", while Boingo decides to use his Stand to help people.

Hol Horse ("& Boingo" version) appears to be able to use his Stand after being de-aged by Alessi, implying he either was born or developed his Stand at a young age.


As Hol Horse lacks an "active" Stand, pressing the Stand button has him fire a bullet that briefly stops in midair, moving in whatever direction the player inputs during this time. The delay is significantly shorter for the "& Boingo" version of Hol Horse.

Predictably, most of Hol Horse's strategies revolve around utilizing his gun (Emperor) to harass his opponents from the distance. He possesses no Active Stand, which renders him extremely vulnerable to chip damage (which having a Stand active would normally block) and forces the player take a more aggressive role, or at the very least avoid attacks instead of blocking them. His Glass Shower move is excellent for denying aerial attacks and forcing opponents backwards, while Hanged Man (normal Hol Horse only) can help Hol by stabbing his opponent in the leg and paralyzing them while they are on the ground.

While all of Hol's super techniques are very usable, the one that shines the most is his Dangan no Mōdo, which allows him to fire a bullet and freely control it with the joystick for a few moments. This attack is completely unblockable, and can be used repeatedly until Hol's super gauge is empty. This is a great way of finishing off an enemy who is playing defensively or just equalizing an opponent who has more energy than you.

In summary, Hol Horse shines at medium range, as his close quarters attacks are less than impressive, and his bullets become easy to avoid from across the screen. Aggressive gameplay is the way to go with him, as most of his delays give enough buffer to link together attacks. Keep the pressure on with plenty of straight shots (be sure to mix-up between high and low to keep your opponent guessing—all of your bullets CAN be steered to hit high or low, and your enemy has to block them correctly!) and use the Glass Shower to cover your tracks when they try to rush. Hanged Man is great for opening your opponent to a world of hurt from your bullets, but if you're with Boingo, you may have to attack carefully or be on the defensive. Or, you can just experiment with his moveset and make your own strategy, as his techniques allow for a great deal of flexibility depending on who your opponent is.


  • Mighty Gun
  • Glass Shower
  • Hanged Man
  • Super Mighty Gun
  • Wild West
  • Wooden Nickels
  • Pipe Maze
  • Absolute Premonition

All Star Battle (PS3)

HolHorse ASB.png

Hol Horse is a playable character in the PS3 game, confirmed along with Muhammad Avdol and DIO as one of the last Part 3 characters (excluding DLC characters Iggy and Vanilla Ice). He is voiced by Hochu Otsuka in this game, who previously voiced young Joseph Joestar in the Capcom game.

Hol Horse utilizes both Emperor and The Hanged Man of J. Geil for his moveset. Despite being one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Hol Horse cannot switch between movesets, nor does he have access to the Stand Rush ability. He shares this effect with Guido Mista and Diavolo. Instead, Hol Horse's Style button triggers the skill "Gun beats sword", wherein he trick-spins Emperor as it glows, enhancing the next skill marked with a star. Said abilities can be instantly performed following the skill. Hol Horse has 950 HP.

During a fight, Hol Horse uses moves that are loosely based on those featured in Stardust Crusaders. He is a "zoner"-style character who can effectively battle at any range and can keep his opponent from getting within melee range of himself, though the slowness of his skills makes his zoning ability pale in comparison to other zoners such as Kakyoin. He utilizes both his control over his own Stand's bullets as well as Hanged Man's support to unleash surprise attacks against aggressive foes, and works well at midrange distances. While he has the smallest movelist of any character in the entire game, each of Hol Horse individual moves provide superior utility. He exchanges an effective long-range zoning playstyle for high damage output and ways to better handle himself in close-range confrontations. With a combination of bullets that cover every angle, impressive combo ability with multi-hitting and combination attacks, a reliable anti-air skill, and the unique ability to almost freely break himself out of combos under the right conditions, Hol Horse is a very well-rounded and formidable character.



Gun beats sword

Hol Horse stylishly spins Emperor around, empowering the next skill marked with a star ().
Any bullet enhanced by this ability will possess the highest priority of any projectile in the game, meaning that it will defeat any other projectile it comes in contact with the exception of another Hol Horse's enhanced bullet, and Giorno Giovanna's "Can you escape destruction?" skill while Gold Experience is in Requiem Mode, in which case it will only cancel out. Hol Horse is free to cancel this ability at any point in its animation into any other special skill whilst retaining the enhancement, allowing him to utilize this Style Ability liberally in combos.

I'll be right back!
ASBDPad4.pngx2 (hold to extend duration) ON GROUND

Hol Horse runs away from the opponent, making him one of the only three characters in the game capable of running in the opposite direction; the others being Joseph Joestar (both versions) and Iggy. In Hol Horse's case, this allows him to quickly create much needed space to unleash his various projectile attacks.

Hol Horse loves the ladies!

Whenever Hol Horse faces off against a female opponent (Lisa Lisa, Jolyne Cujoh, or Ermes Costello), he will have special dialogue with them as he attempts to flirt with his opponent, only to be met with repulsion. An icon will automatically display above his Heart Heat Gauge depicting a yellow silhouette of his head as a pink heart appears in the smoke of his cigarette. During battle, Hol Horse's attack power is reduced, but his HHG builds faster.

Special Moves
You lose, loser! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK

Hol Horse fires a high-speed bullet. Different attack button inputs have different effects on the bullet's flight. This move can be enhanced with "Gun beats sword" to hit multiple times for higher overall damage. If Hol Horse takes damage, the bullet will disappear. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

  • Light - The bullet flies straight forward normally. The aerial version has him fire at a diagonal angle towards the ground.
  • Medium - The bullet curves upward, acting as a form of anti-air starting from mid-range. The aerial version has the bullet curve to fly parallel to the ground.
  • Heavy - The bullet suddenly flies back towards Hol Horse after traveling a set distance, disappearing just short of him. This variation can be used to hit opponents that jump over the initial shot, but Hol Horse cannot act for longer as he needs to manually bring the bullet back. The aerial version has the bullet curve back upwards, flying in a "V" shape.
Even my bullets are a Stand! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBS.png (hold to control bullet) ON GROUND

Hol Horse fires a special slow bullet that deals more damage. As long as the Style button is held, the bullet's trajectory can be manually changed up to 4 times (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel) as Hol Horse spins Emperor, though he cannot act while controlling it. This move can be enhanced with "Gun beats sword", increasing both the number of times the bullet's trajectory can be changed to unlimited and the number of times the bullet hits the opponent as well. (Comboable)

Come get us!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Spending 1/8th of a bar of HHG, Hol Horse tosses a glass bottle full of water into the air before shooting it. The attack button inputted determines how far Hol Horse lobs the bottle. If the opponent is airborne, they can collide with the bottle and break it directly, the bullet to allow the bottle to break on landing, or both for substantial damage. This allows the skill to double as a quick anti-air attack. Upon the bottle breaking, a puddle of water is left on the floor directly below.

You're up, J. Geil!
(After "Come get us!") ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK

Hanged Man appears out of the water puddle and stabs the opponent, stunning them and leaving them vulnerable. Hol Horse's inputted normal attack will also be delivered simultaneously. A low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. This move can even be used if Hol Horse is in the middle being attacked or is down, giving it the ability to break combos as long as the opponent happens to be in range. (Comboable)

Now I've got ya!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Hol Horse hoists the opponent up by their collar before Hanged Man appears to stab them and send them flying.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Eat this! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Hol Horse spits his cigarette up into the air shortly before firing a volley of 4 to 10 bullets, dependent on whether or not an attack input was rapidly pressed. Each bullet comes back around to hit once more before disappearing for a total of 8 to 20 hits. The last hit will knock the opponent to the ground as Hol Horse catches his cigarette back in his mouth. The HHA will deal more damage if "Gun beats sword" is in effect, making each bullet hit a third time.

Hol Horse is gonna kill ya!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Hol Horse throws an empty glass bottle into the air and shoots to shatter it. If the opponent is caught in the shard rain, Hanged Man will appear in the mirror world within the glass shards and stab them in the shoulder, immobilizing them while the Stand prompts Hol Horse to fire. Hol Horse, complying happily, fires off a single high-speed bullet that excessively curves around and between the falling glass shards before finally flying straight at its target: the opponent's forehead. The GHA can hit a downed opponent, but cannot hit at point-blank or close range, necessitating some spacing.


Besides the cast from Part 3 (excluding Old Joseph, Iggy, and Vanilla Ice, all of whom are DLC), Hol Horse has special intro dialogue with Guido Mista. Hol Horse decides to see which one of the two is the faster gunman, a challenge that Mista accepts. If Hol Horse wins, he'll note that, unlike Mista, his bullets are also part of his Stand. If Mista wins, he'll note how funny of a guy Hol Horse is.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Hol Horse appears as one of the several Part 3 characters who possess a Metal Striker. His FINISH move makes his Stand, Emperor, appear and shoot several times at the defeated opponent.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

HolHorse jojoeoh.png

Hol Horse was confirmed for the game alongside Polnareff.

As a Stand User, Hol Horse is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.

  • Style Action - Even my bullets are part of my Stand!: Hol Horse fires a single potent bullet. He can change its trajectory up to four times, either slowly correcting its path or making it turn sharply. If "The gun is mightier than the sword!" is active, the trajectory can be changed indefinitely and will send opponents flying.
  • Come get us!: Hol Horse tosses a glass bottle full of water into the air before shooting it. Opponents may collide with the bottle and take damage. Upon breaking, multiple puddles of water are left on the floor around the area the bottle is broken.
  • Eat this!: Hol Horse fires a volley of 5 to 10 bullets, dependent on whether or not the initiating button was rapidly pressed. Each bullet comes back around to hit again before disappearing for a total of 10 to 20 hits. The last hit will leave the target crumpling. If "The gun is mightier than the sword!" is active, the skill activates quicker and Hol Horse can fire up to 15 bullets.
  • The gun is mightier than the sword!: Hol Horse trick-spins Emperor as it glows, temporarily enhancing his bullet-based Normal attacks as well as his next use of his Style Action or "Eat this!".
  • You're up, J. Geil!: Hanged Man appears out of reflection-based stage objects or puddles left by "Come get us!" and stabs opponents with an unblockable attack, stunning them and leaving them crumpling. If not locked-on, Hanged Man will simply target the nearest opponent.
  • EX - You're up, J. Geil!: Hanged Man attacks faster and Hol Horse is invincible while he stops to summon it.
  • EX - Eat this!: Hol Horse can fire up to 15 bullets, and each bullet will do more damage. If "The gun is mightier than the sword!" is active, the attack will simply do even more damage.
  • Dual Heat Attack - Hol Horse is gonna kill ya!: It works the same as the one from All Star Battle, except Hanged Man attacks less slowly and with more urgency, and the bullet Hol Horse fires fly straight into the target's forehead without changing trajectory, leaving behind a sonic trail.
  • Mmm! Such a genius quote!: Hol Horse must use "The gun is mightier than the sword!" twice. (200 Points)
  • You know how I work by now. Right, J. Geil?: Hol Horse must connect "You're up, J. Geil!" 3 times. (200 Points)
  • I guess death is pretty anticlimactic most of the time, huh?: Hol Horse must break an opponent's health gauge with his Style Action. (300 Points)
  • My Stand's a goddamn gun!: Hol Horse must activate a Dual Combo Finish. (500 Points)
  • Don't be No. 1, be No. 2! That's how Hol Horse rolls! Got it?!: Hol Horse must survive the first 30 counts of the battle timer without taking damage. (800 Points)

If he is set up against Mista he will note their similar abilities.

Unlike the previous game, Hol Horse's main color is now based on his anime appearance.


He is paired with Yukako Yamagishi in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Jotaro Kujo and Vanilla Ice.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Hol Horse
Gun is Mightier than the Sword ver.
Rarity: PPPBR.png
Max Power: 864 (Lvl 50) / 1944 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Emperor
Erases the panels on the left side
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 6
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 50

Last Survivor (Arcade)

Hol Horse is one of the playable characters in "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor".

Hol Horse
Skill Name
Release Level
R2 (Repeat)
Fires consecutive bullets. Damaged enhanced when the head is hit.
Bending Bullets
Fires a bullet that tracks the enemy. It goes straight for a certain distance, then the bullet automatically bends in the direction of the enemy.
Level 2
Activates automatically when hurt. Hol Horse's speed is momentarily increased.
L2 (Hold)
Take aim to increase the accuracy of the bullets.
Emperor's Supremacy
Shoot bullets that penetrate obstacles in a wide area ahead. Can be used up to 2 times in 1 game.
Level 3

Character Difficulty: ★ ★ ☆
Type: Shooter


StoryChapter CoversVolume Covers
StoryOpenings/EndingsDesign SheetsPromotional Art
StoryChapter CoversUltra Jump CoversOther
Normal/Hanged ManBoingo
Adventure Battle CardCrusade


  • In Heritage for the Future, Hol Horse is one of the special characters that doesn't turn into a child form when hit by Alessi's Stand, Sethan's ability. Rather, he becomes the boy that attempted to sell Kakyoin and Polnareff things during their fight against J. Geil. For his "Hol Horse & Boingo" variation, he seems to swap places with Boingo, and hides under the latter's box in the background, although players can see a young Hol Horse's arm sticking out firing Emperor when using certain attacks.
  • During his initial encounter with Polnareff, Hol Horse states that a sword (, ken) is unable to win against a gun (弾き, hajiki). To mock Hol Horse, Polnareff claims that he heard the former say "ohajiki" (お弾き), referring to a traditional Japanese game similar to marbles, commonly played by young girls in Japan. In Crunchyroll's official subtitles and the English Dub, the line is localized as Polnareff calling Hol Horse's gun a peashooter. In VIZ Media's manga translation, Polnareff jokingly pretends to have misheard Hol Horse saying "buns" instead of "guns".
  • Hol Horse's quote "The gun is mightier than the sword" is a parody of Edward Bulwer-Lytton 's quote "The pen is mightier than the sword."


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