Jolyne Cujoh/es

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Template:Character Info/es

Dame un respiro... (やれやれだわ, Yare Yare Dawa)
—Jolyne Cujoh

Jolyne Cujoh (空条 徐倫, Kūjō Jorīn) es la protagonista de la sexta parte de la serie JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean, y la sexta JoJo de la serie. Ella es la hija de una mujer Estadounidense y Jotaro Kujo, el protagonista de Stardust Crusaders.

Incriminada de un asesinato por conducir bajo la incluencia del alcohol, Jolyne es envíada a Green Dolphin Street Prison, donde investiga y lucha contra el discípulo que DIO más confiaba, el Sacerdote Enrico Pucci. Inicialmente una chica normal, Jolyne rápidamente despierta su Stand basado en hilos, Stone Free, durante su estadía en la cárcel.


Jolyne Vol 4 Transparent.png

Jolyne es una mujer joven de una estatura superior a la promedio y de complexión delgada a atlética.

Con ojos fuertes, usa su cabello en dos "capas": Una base oscura que incluye dos grandes moños en la parte superior de su cabeza y un tramo corto que baja por su cuello; arriba de este, ligeramente teñidas o decoloradas, mantiene dos trenzas que se enrollan alrededor de ambos moños, uniéndose en un tramo corto en la parte de atrás, y un flequillo que enmarca su rostro.

Así como los otros miembros de la familia Joestar, Jolyne tiene una pequeña marca de nacimiento con forma de estrella en la parte posterior de su hombro izquierdo, cerca de su cuello; y tiene tatuada en la parte superior de su antebrazo izquierdo una imagen de unas alas de mariposa superpuestas con una daga apuntando hacia abajo, imagen que también aparece en el pecho de sus atuendos.

La representación de Jolyne en la Part 6 cambia ligeramente de una complexión delgada y suave a una más dinámica y atlética. Simultáneamente, utiliza una serie de atuendos principalmente de color oscuro, caracterizados por tener un estampado similar a una telaraña.

  • Atuendo 1: Una falda corta, unas botas hasta las espinillas y una camiseta sin mangas (halter top) que deja al descubierto su abdomen, con 2 trozos de tela a cada lado sujetándolo a su falda de manera similar a unos tirantes. Lleva una pequeña pieza en el pecho con el mismo diseño de su tatuaje.
  • Atuendo 2: Similar al Atuendo 1, excepto que usa pantalones con unas botas unidas a estos y una chaqueta con el nombre de la prisión. La chaqueta es corta, cubriendo su espalda baja hasta el área de la cadera. Usado durante su primera semana en prisión. La imagen en la Infobox es este atuendo.
  • Atuendo 3: El Atuendo 2 pero con una chaqueta más larga y ligeramente más oscura (a juego con el largo del abrigo de Jotaro). Después de los eventos de Whitesnake - The Pursuer, se hace a ella misma un piercing en el ombligo en forma de estrella.
  • Atuendo 4: Usado después de haber escapado de prisión. Una camiseta sin mangas (muscle shirt) destrozada que se asemeja a su arterior camiseta sin mangas (halter top). En su pecho, ahora trae una pieza grande en forma de corazón superpuesta con la imagen de su tatuaje. Usa dos mini cinturones sobre el área de las costillas (un cinturón en cada final). Un brazalete de tela adorna uno de sus antebrazos, y conserva su piercing de ombligo. Usa un cinturón diferente alrededor de su cintura con una capa larga unida a la espalda.

Paletas de Colores

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Piel(Clara, labial verde chartreuse)
(Negro con brillo azul y trenza y flequillo chartreuse)
Ojos(Verde Lima)
(Traje azul con estampado de telarañas blanco, accesorios chartreuse, y cresta con mariposa rosa.)
Piel(Clara, labial verde lima)
(Negro con brillo azul cielo y trenza y flequillo verde lima)
Ojos(Verde Musgo)
(Traje azul cielo con estampado de telarañas blanco, accesorios verde lima, y cresta con mariposa magenta.)
Piel(Clara, labial bronce)
Cabello(Negro con trenza y flequillo rubio)
Ojos(Verde Oliva)
(Traje negro con estampado de telarañas rosa, accesorios bronce, y cresta con mariposa púpura.)

Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI

En el one-shot, Jolyne hace acto de presencia con distintos atuendos. Viste principalmente un chaquetón de lino blanco con un elaborado adorno floral y una bufanda a juego. Debajo de la chaqueta, Jolyne lleva un vestido que también cambia sin motivo, la primera versión siendo negra con el mismo adorno floral, la segunda siendo un vestido blanco.

Jolyne también viste en orden: un traje rosa de tres piezas con sandalias de plataforma con púas y un collar elaborado, un vestido sencillo amarillo con elaboradas decoraciones de flores y frutas en la zona de los hombros, y un vestido marrón con un cinturón de cuero a juego.

En el one-shot, el cabello de Jolyne es constantemente representando como verde con tramos rubios.


Frívola, brusca, e irritable con sus mayores, Jolyne en su adolescencia era fácilmente considerada una delincuente y una causa perdida. Amargada con Jotaro por estar ausente durante casi toda su vida, intentó múltiples veces llamar la atención de su padre cometiendo distintos delitos menores y fue a la cárcel varias veces por ellos. Debido a la ausencia de una figura paterna, Jolyne dependía del afecto y la aprobación de aquellos que la rodeaban,[1] y estaba lista para cubrir el accidente de Romeo, terminando siendo condenada a 15 años en prisión por ello.[2]

Después de adquirir su Stand y de que Jotaro le dijera su amor por ella, Jolyne madura notablemente, volviéndose más valiente y confiada. "Revivir" a Jotaro, quién cayó en un coma debido a que Whitesnake le robó su Stand y su memoria, se convirtió en su primera prioridad.[3]

Jolyne mantiene su actitud confrontativa durante toda la historia. Siendo una ex delincuente viviendo en una prisión de máxima seguridad, Jolyne tuvo que hacerse más dura y puede ser especialmente grosera. Frecuentemente se burla de sus enemigos. También aboga por hacerse valer agresivamente, especialmente en prisión, y una vez le dijo a F.F. que confrontara violentamente a una reclusa que se metió en la fila para comprar su almuerzo.[4] Jolyne es particularmente violenta en sus peleas; ha usado la habilidad de cortar de sus cuerdas para herir horriblemente a sus adversarios, cortando orejas y uñas[5] por ejemplo. Por lo general, Jolyne busca no matar e inclso dijo que no quería que Ermes se convirtiera en una asesina.[6] Sin embargo, usa fácilmente fuerza letal en contra de su archienemigo Enrico Pucci y fue al único enemigo el cual dijo explícitamente que asesinaría.

Jolyne también tiene un lado vengativo y hace pagar diez veces más a los culpables de cualquier daño hacia ella, como cortando indirectamente la lengua de Romeo por traicionarla,[7] o haciendo que su corrupto abogado tuviera un accidente en su auto.[8] Además, Jolyne todavía le guarda un poco de rencor a Gwess, su primer enemigo y no quiere tener nada que ver con ella a pesar de los esfuerzos de esta en comportarse en frente de Jolyne. Siendo más gracioso, Jolyne le guardó rencor a los caimanes en general después de que Limp Bizkit reviviese uno y este la atacase, y se divirtió lanzando algo a la cabeza de otro caimán como una forma de venganza.[9]

Jolyne posee una feroz determinación, algo que la llevó a través de varias batallas e inspiró a sus compañeros. Después de enterarse sobre el plan de DIO, Jolyne se enorgulleció de su linaje y optó por continuar los esfuerzos de Jotaro para sellar la amenaza que DIO dejó detrás de él. Jolyne soporta estoicamente las dificultades que se le ponen en la cara y continúa con su objetivo, sin tomar el cuenta el sufrimiento y los posibles riesgos. Por ejemplo, cuando fue traída a la sala de máxima seguridad, Jolyne solo se vio perturbada momentáneamente por las horribles condiciones de vida de la celda (la bandeja de comida estaba llena de insectos) así como el acoso por parte de los otros presos y rápidamente siguió adelante.[10] Su determinación es tan grande que estaba dispuesta a perder una extremidad o incluso su vida para derrotar al enemigo y salvar a sus compañeros, una inclinación especialmente prevalente en ella que culminó en su sacrificio para alejar a Emporio de Pucci.[11] Un buen ejemplo de su usual determinación es el momento que se prendió fuego a ella misma para ganar algo de tiempo y así poder atacar a Rikiel, ignorando los grandes riegos para ella, ya que su cuerpo estaba hecho de hilos.[12] Pero aún así, Jolyne expresó una vez sus dudas acerca de lograr detener a Pucci después de la muerte de Weather Report y la segunda huída del sacerdote.[9]

Común en su lineaje, Jolyne tiene una moral honorable y atesora a su familia y amigos. Ella haría todo lo que estuviera en su poder desinteresadamente para ayudar a sus compañeros y personas victimizadas al azar, una vez llegando a ayudar a una prisionera maltratada a recuperar el dinero robado de sus torturadores.[13] Jolyne está dispuesta a creer en el bien de las personas, lo que resultó en una parte a traiciones, pero también le valió la amistad de F.F.[14] Jolyne es particularmente dulce con Emporio, su primer aliado verdadero en Green Dolphin Street, y a pesar de su status como un enemigo, no quería matar al Bebé Verde. La primera motivación de Jolyne para investigar a Whitesnake fue el amor hacia su padre, y Pucci explotó ese afecto para poder escapar de ella tirando el disco de memoria de Jotaro dentro del cuerpo de Anasui moribundo, poniéndola a ella en una difícil posición y forzándola a tratar de salvar la memoria de su padre.[15]

Fuera del combate, Jolyne se comporta como una mujer joven promedio, sino como una adolescente, pasando el tiempo con sus amigos y ocupándose lo mejor que puede en la prisión, ya que ama la diversión. En particular, jugó a la pelota con F.F. y Ermes,[16] y se hizo a ella misma un anillo de ombligo durante su estadía en la celda de insolación.[17] Muy diferente a su padre, Jolyne es bastante extrovertida y fácilmente expresa sus sentimientos a otros. Es una mujer sociable y puede conversar con sus compañeros de prisión sin dificultad, pidiendo explicaciones sobre los adentros y afueras de Green Dolphin Street.

Jolyne se destaca por ser algo libertina, siendo la primera y única JoJo en admitir masturbarse,[18] y comentando despreocupadamente que la habilidad de los caracoles para copular con cualquier cosa la pone un poco celosa.[19] Jolyne también menciona su necesidad de orinar a mitad de una pelea con otra persona, específicamente un hombre. Se siente terriblemente avergonzada de hablar sobre la masturbación en público y ser sorprendida en el acto por un guardia la pone nerviosa y la mortifica profundamente.[18]

Araki creó a Jolyne con la esperanza de "compensar" su intento anterior (y a sus ojos, fallido) de una protagonista mujer. Aparte de ofrecer un contraste muy interesante con la mayoría de los comics de género shonen, piensa que ella es una "mujer real" que carece mucho en los medios. La inversión de roles entre ella y su padre fue ideada para que su personaje fuese más allá de los arquetipos típicos que se encuentran dentro de la ficción japonesa.[20]



Main article: Stone Free
Stone Free

Stone Free grants Jolyne the ability to unravel parts of her body into a string. This makes it a very versatile Stand, enabling her to listen in on communications as well as escape and hide by unraveling parts of herself into string.

When she assembles the string, Jolyne can properly materialize Stone Free, partially or entirely. Stone Free is a humanoid Stand which has comparable physical prowess to the strongest Stands, with A's in Destructive power, Persistence, and Developmental potential.

Unlike the rest of her family, Jolyne has awakened her Stand from being cut by an amulet (later to be revealed a Stand-creating stone arrowhead in disguise) given to her by her father.

Stone Free (ストーン・フリー)Link to this section

Personal Skills

Jolyne's fighting stance
  • Intelligence: Jolyne's greatest asset is her imagination. The versatile power of her Stand allows her a wide range of moves which she extensively uses. For example, when Pucci used C-Moon to invert Jolyne's body, she used Stone Free to create a "Möbius Strip" rendering her effectively invulnerable to its power.[21]

True to any other Joestar, Jolyne is particularly adept at using whatever presents itself to her advantage, among others the environment and the enemy's power. Jolyne's quick thinking has allowed her to prevail against enemies.

Jolyne combines her tactics with a high level of recklessness, often endangering herself to surprise enemies with an unanticipated move. The particular nature of her power nonetheless assures that she can shrug off some of the damage ordinary Stand users cannot risk in a fight. 

Jolyne's intelligence is intuitive to a degree, as she often shrugs off some of her moves as dumb luck,[22] although it is a valid interpretation of her actions.

  • Hand to Hand Combat: She has also shown to be capable of defending herself, seen in full detail against Officer Westwood. She has extensive knowledge of self-defense, which she demonstrates throughout the series, notably against Pucci.



  • Jotaro Kujo: Her distant and near-fatherless childhood bore a tinge of loneliness in her, at times resenting him but also wanting his affection. Her relationship with Jotaro is challenging at first, not really fitting the typical father-daughter mold. When Jolyne was fourteen, she was wrongfully accused of pickpocketing. Panicked, she stole a car, sloppily tried to make an escape from the authorities, and was arrested soon afterward. Jolyne anticipated that Jotaro would pay her bail, but was sorely disappointed when she overheard her mother's frantic and unsuccessful pleas with him on the phone. Her father's absence following this led to her teenage years of delinquency (she later reflects that these events were a desperate call for attention). During Jolyne's imprisonment, Jotaro visited her in an effort to break her out. Angered that he would come out of the blue to see her after years of absence, Jolyne blew up at him, citing his inattentive behavior and his divorce. However, after risking life and limb to get Jolyne out as well as losing his Stand in the process, Jolyne broke down and got Jotaro to safety, sacrificing her own freedom and vowing to get his Stand back. As time passed, Jolyne came to respect her father more and idolized him somewhat, adapting his trademark "Yare yare daze" into a more feminine "Yare yare dawa". When Jotaro returns later, both father and daughter show considerable care to one another, each in their own way.
  • Mother: Jolyne's mother rarely appears and is hardly talked about. It's assumed that she loves Jolyne very much and dotes on her in Jotaro's absence, as she was the only known person to be allowed to call Jolyne "JoJo". It's mentioned that she is an American.


  • Ermes Costello: Ermes is possibly the first true friend that Jolyne encounters in her life when they meet and bond in jail. Her relationship with Ermes resembles that of Jotaro's relationship with Jean Pierre Polnareff. Jolyne and Ermes see each other as worthy allies and friends, and because of their similar temper, get along well and kill time together. She has fought alongside Jolyne against many powerful enemies like Sports Max, Rikiel, & Donatello Versus.
  • Emporio Alnino: Emporio's relationship with Jolyne is somewhat similar to her ancestor Jonathan Joestar to Poco, as Jolyne treats Emporio like a little brother and trustworthy ally, while Emporio is inspired by her courage and determination. Jolyne saves him from many dangerous situations and eventually sacrifices herself so than he may live, trusting that Emporio will defeat Pucci. Emporio's relationship with Jolyne extends to Irene as well.
  • Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters initially met Jolyne as enemies. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters; grateful to Jolyne, they become an ally. Jolyne treats Foo Fighters with respect and is very friendly with them, and noting their naïveté, is protective toward them. Foo Fighters, nicknamed F.F. by Jolyne, is inspired by her determination, and cherishes the memories they have of her. They are ultimately willing to put themself in danger and even sacrifice themself to save Jolyne's life.
  • Romeo Jisso: Before Jolyne's growth as a person, she and Romeo were in a relationship; with Jolyne being particularly affectionate and meek and Romeo trying to keep some distance, as he was suspicious of her past as a possible gang member. Their relationship ended when Romeo framed her for his manslaughter with aggravating circumstance, landing her in prison for a crime she didn't commit. After she escapes from prison, Jolyne pays him a visit and he weeps for forgiveness. Romeo shows genuine repentance and actually helps her, but while Jolyne doesn't show any lingering anger, she takes the occasion to damage his tongue to silence him.
  • Weather Report: When they first met, Jolyne was flabbergasted by Weather's eccentric behavior. However, during the fight against Lang Rangler, both eventually see each other as allies, and trust each other. Anasui even suspects him to be a rival for Jolyne's love and is jealous when Jolyne is with him. Regardless, there are hints of Jolyne caring for Weather in a more-than-fraternal way notably when upon meeting again, Jolyne hugs Weather. Jolyne was also particularly distraught at Weather's death.
  • Narciso Anasui: Though Anasui fell in love with Jolyne at first sight, the feeling wasn't mutual; Jolyne was not really sure what to think of him. He would sometimes try to seduce her in underhanded ways, such as asking F.F. to trip her down the stairs so he could romantically catch her or prompting a French kiss from a temporary-mute Jolyne. Even so, he's truly devoted to her and will do everything in his power to keep her from being distressed. He has risked his life for her on more than one occasion and turns murderous when Jolyne is severely hurt. Eventually, during the final confrontation at Cape Canaveral Jolyne tells him that he can ask for her hand in marriage. At the end of Stone Ocean, Jolyne and Anasui's counterparts Irene and Anakiss want to marry each other.


  • Enrico Pucci: Pucci only saw Jolyne as bait at first in order to get to Jotaro but as she proved to be a persistent thorn on his side threat while finding her father's Stand and memory disks, Pucci threaded carefully around her. Unaware of his involvement at first, Jolyne treated the priest with respect. They became enemies right away once she was informed that Whitesnake was Pucci's Stand and was eager to take his life. Jolyne became more than determined in stopping him and putting an end to his plans but her efforts would soon be fatal while she almost fell to Pucci's newly evolved C-Moon and would finally fall to his Made In Heaven while protecting Emporio, but has managed to cut the right side of his eye before dying.
  • Donatello Versus: Due to his alliance with Pucci, Donatello and Jolyne were enemies. An additional reason for their antagonism would be that Jolyne's father destroyed Donatello's father. In the end Jolyne accidentally killed Donatello after being tricked by Whitesnake into thinking he was Pucci. Unbeknownst to either of them since Donatello was conceived when Dio possessed Jonathan's body Donatello is actually Jolyne's distant uncle.
  • Johngalli A.: As the man who got her framed for murder, Jolyne and Johngalli A. were enemies. Johngalli A. attempted to murder Jolyne and Jotaro to avenge DIO but failed. As payback, Jolyne pummeled Johngalli A. as the sniper realized that Jolyne was more resourceful than she looked and inherited Jotaro's blood.
  • Gwess: Jolyne's cellmate during her time at Green Dolphin. Jolyne inadvertently awakened Gwess's Stand power with her pendant. Gwess originally used her powers to bully Jolyne by shrinking her, but after Jolyne beat her she acted like her subordinate, advising Jolyne during her early days in prison and being somewhat afraid of her. Jolyne still had an arm-length relationship with Gwess but nonetheless tolerated her afterward.
  • Miuccia Miuller: Miu as an assassin sent by Pucci to make sure Jolyne doesn't interfere with his plans. Miu manipulated Jolyne into forgetting her goals and friends. After Jolyne remembered them, she beat up Miu and used her to escape the prison.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • I'm innocent. What do you think about that? Do you believe me?
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
  • Well... It's, uh... um... It starts with an M... Mas... um... mastur... uh... bation. I was... masturbating. Yeah.
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
  • Should I get down on all fours? Or should I lie on my back? How about a mix of both?
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  • I don't yet have the range or nearly enough strength, but I can't wait 15 whole years for our paths to cross again!
    —Jolyne Cujoh to her crooked attorney, Stone Ocean Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  • My energy's clumped up! When lines gather and clump up, they become three-dimensional!
    —Jolyne Cujoh upon discovering Stone Free, Stone Ocean Chapter 9: Stone Free, Part 2
  • Gimme a break, Gwess. You said everything has a name, right? Then I'll give my power a name too. Stone Free. I'm going to free myself from this stone ocean... Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 9: Stone Free, Part 2
  • If there's a hierarchy in this prison, then I'll obey it... but I'm the one who'll give out the orders.
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 9: Stone Free, Part 2
  • You've got some nerve, coming in here and acting like my father! Get the hell ouuuut!!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
  • I'm going back inside. I'm going to defeat Johngalli A. before he shoots that kid.
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 14: The Visitor, Part 4
  • I was just looking to see what the best angle for pounding you would be... I think my favorite... was when your chin was aiming a little more to the right. Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 19: The Visitor, Part 9
  • The killer went back inside the jail on purpose! He won't come out again... because he's someone who belongs inside! That's why I'm going back inside!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 20: Prisoner of Love
  • Are you saying that I'm cheating? But I don't see the collector anywhere! It's because I definitely just caught it with my hands. And, that rewinding time is 10 seconds... the clock is now reset! Just enough time for me to beat your ass...
  • How many throws do you want to bet on, huh? 100 throws, was it? No, it was 1000 throws!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!
  • Using force... I guess I'll have to get used to it.
  • I... I don't know why this happened so suddenly. But, uh, you could know, it could happen to anyone! Even the pope probably doesn't have control over this! You know, there's that thing "number 1" and "number 2", has to do with bowl movements, the one that starts with a "p"!!! I might do it in my pants!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 43: Operation Savage Garden, Part 4
  • You should have just released [the zero-gravity zone] when I told you to... You could have gotten away before, using this burst of air when Stone Free and I were farther away from you... This rush of air is blowing you towards me!!!!! Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!!!!!
    —Jolyne Cujoh to Lang Rangler, Stone Ocean Chapter 46: Operation Savage Garden, Part 7
  • Just say "Don't cut me, bitch!!!"
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  • The one thing I can't do here... is wear my mental strength away, build unneccessary stress! It'll also wear me down physically... I, in this ultra security punishment ward! Have a mission that I have to fulfill! I have to see it through... to do that... I can't wear myself down for stupid reasons!
    —Jolyne Cujoh about the maximum security ward, Stone Ocean Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  • Two men look out through the same bars, one sees the wall and the other, stars... Which one I am? [...] Of course I'll see the stars... until I see my father, I want to kep on looking at the stars.
  • Game set!
  • I never thought that I would find you like this!... There are three things I need to take from you! My father's memory! The disc that you just took from F.F., and your life!
    —Jolyne Cujoh to Enrico Pucci, Stone Ocean Chapter 93: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 5
  • Is this your first time being cuffed? I've been cuffed every day since I came here, just as you fucking planned...
    —Jolyne Cujoh to Pucci, Stone Ocean Chapter 93: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 5
  • I am Jolyne Cujoh! I have to seal whatever the priest just obtained!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
  • If the world was coming to an end, I've already decided that chocolate would be the last thing I ever eat!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 100: Jail House Lock!, Part 5
  • I'm already prepared for anything that could happen. Even more than when I was here...
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 102: Jailbreak...
  • Something like burning my own body...! Compared to everything else I've gone though...! If this is what I need to do to get to the priest, it's absolutely nothing!!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 115: Sky High, Part 4
  • Emporio! Right now, Ermes is in a plane that's going to crash! The plane is in a big hole in the floor of the hospital! I'm flying a fighter jet or something! It's gonna crash, too! Find a way to get us out!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • An organism that can mate with anything it encounters... I'm kinda jealous. I mean... no, NO! It's just gross!
    —Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 130: Heavy Weather, Part 6
  • Come on, Father Pucci... Stone Free!
    —Jolyne Cujoh's last words, Stone Ocean Chapter 155: Made in Heaven, Part 7


  • In the original Weekly Shonen Jump publication of Stone Ocean Chapter 34, Jolyne says Foo Fighters looks like an Okama (オカマ) (Japanese slang for homosexual) when throwing the baseball. In the volume release, the word is replaced with gay (ゲイ, gei).[23]
  • Like other protagonists, she is nicknamed "JoJo". However, unlike her great-grandfather and father, she initially disliked being called with that nickname, only letting her mother use it.
  • According to Hideto Azuma, Araki's editor at the time of Stone Ocean, he had requested that Jolyne's character was to be a man as Weekly Shonen Jump was a magazine for boys. However, Araki insisted on Jolyne's gender, saying that the fact that readers wouldn't accept a female lead was exactly the reason Jolyne had to be a woman.[24]

See also


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