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< Foo Fighters
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Template:Character Info/fr

Cet article concerne le personnage, pour voir le Stand, consulter Foo Fighters (Stand).
Regardez-moi Jolyne. C'est mon 'esprit' ... C'est mon 'intellect' ... J'étais vivant. (あたしを見て徐倫。これがあたしの「魂」……これがあたしの「知性」……あたしは生きていた)

Foo Fighters (フー・ファイターズ, Fū Faitāzu), raccourci en F.F. (F(エフ)F(エフ), Efu Efu), est un allié majeur de la sixième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean.

F.F. est un mélange de Stand et manieur de Stand sous la une colonie de plancton intelligent et organisé, maintenu en tant que tel et essentiellement équivalent au Stand Foo Fighters. Initialement, il travaille pour Enrico Pucci mais il s’allie bientôt avec Jolyne Cujoh par reconnaissance d'avoir été épargné.


F.F. peut changer d'apparence à tout moment. Cependant, leur apparence habituelle est celle de la prisonnière Atroe, une femme de taille moyenne et mince avec des cheveux couvrant sa tête comme une coupe au carré aux bords dentelé à ses extrémités et à la textures étrangement lisse comme un bonnet.

Comme son corps est composé de plancton, F.F. peut contorsionner son corps à des angles impossibles et même glisser à travers des clôtures barrées indemnes.Il peut diviser son corps principal en corps secondaires (qui peuvent soit être des parties du corps original ou même des F.F. secondaires). F.F. peut posséder plusieurs corps en même temps et donc prendre des apparences différentes.

F.F. porte avec lui un gobelet d'eau assez souvent, lorsqu'il est loin de toute source d'eau.

Sous sa forme Stand, F.F. a deux apparences principales. La première est celle d'un grand humanoïde robotique sombre aux proportions masculines et avec un visage assez extraterrestre. À mesure que l'identité de F.F se développe en raison de ses expériences avec Jolyne, celui-ci adopte une apparence plus humaine commençant à ressembler au corps d'Atroe, mais en conservant la même texture sombre puisqu'il est toujours une colonie de plancton.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
Cheveux(Vert citron)
(Salopette turquoise avec semelles bleu-gris et bracelet bleu ciel)


F.F. est à l'origine décrit comme un serviteur obéissant dont le seul but était d'exécuter les ordres de Pucci. Après avoir rencontré Jolyne, il commence à développer sa propre individualité tout au long de l'histoire.

La personnalité de F.F. dépend du fait qu'il possède "l'intellect" mais peu d'expérience de vie. Au cours de son arc d'introduction, son seul objectif est de préserver sa vie, ce qui veut dire pour lui obéir aux instructions de Whitesnake de garder les disques.[1] En tant que gardien, il attaque les intrus de façon impitoyable et vise à tuer quiconque s'approche de la cachette des disques, quel que soit leur niveau de menace. Etant un être d'intellect, F.F. accorde une grande importance à sa conscience et insiste que même ses ennemis le reconnaîssent comme un être conscient et qu'ils l'appellent par son nom.[2] Il cite également l'astronome Fred Hoyle pour dire qu'un "intellect" qui serait apparu avant l'univers soit en train de guider l'univers, tout cela pour dire que même le plancton peut être intelligent.[3] Lorsque FF meurt, Jolyne rencontre son fantôme pendant une courte période et l'ancienne masse de plancton contemple joyeusement sa forme spirituelle qui confirme qu'il était vraiment vivant et conscient.[4]

Cependant, lorsque Jolyne fait preuve de pitié envers lui et le sauve de la déshydratation, F.F. découvre une autre façon de penser et s'intéresse à elle, s'engageant à protéger Jolyne et à l'accompagner. Il est désormais déguisé en la prisonnière Atroe.[5]

F.F. ne se souciait pas vraiment du monde autour de lui avant de rencontrer Jolyne Cujoh et Ermes Costello et lamente le fait que les deux aient existée après avoir été vaincu par elles et donc s'attendant à ce qu'ellles le tuent. Quand Jolyne le sauve, cependant, F.F. commence immédiatement à remarquer plus de détails autour de lui et commencé à percevoir le monde autour d'eux de façon plus coloré. Avec ce changement de perspective, il devient extrêmement curieux de tout ce qui l'entoure, posant constamment des questions aux gens et expérimentant sur le monde. Par exemple, en essayant de faire le contraire de ce qu'Atroe aurait fait.[6] FF ne s'entend pas particulièrement avec les autres et il a la plus forte affinité pour Jolyne seulement parce qu'elle lui a permis de conserver son "intellect" (qu'il a très peur de perdre vu qu'il dépend du disque) mais aussi lui a donner la liberté nécessaire pour profiter de cet intellect.

F.F. finit par accumuler suffisamment de souvenirs positifs de ses compagnons pour qu'il en vienne à vouloir les protéger au péril de sa vie, se sacrifiant finalement pour refermer la blessure de Anasui avec le plancton pour aider Jolyne. En sauvant indirectement Jotaro et Anasui, F.F. part satisfait de pouvoir saluer Jolyne une dernière fois avant de monter au ciel.[7]

En raison de sa grande dépendance à l'eau, F.F. est obsédé par elle et se donne beaucoup de mal pour s'hydrater constamment. Il porte constamment avec lui un gobelet d'eau et se bat contre quiconque essaie de mettre la main dessus. Il a aussi une tendance assez dégoûtante de boire n'importe quel liquide tant qu'il contient de l'eau, que ce soit du sang ou des crachats. Étant une masse de plancton sans expérience de la société, ils n'est lui même en aucun cas dégoutté par le fait boire çà.[8][9]

Pouvoirs et compétences

Main article: Foo Fighters (Stand)

En résumé, F.F. est son propre Stand. Il peut se reconstituer, de diviser, remplir et sceller les blessures des autres, ainsi que projeter une partie de lui-même comme des balles pour parasiter l'ennemi.



Enrico Pucci avait un tas de disques Stand près de Green Dolphin Disk, une collection de différents Stands qu'il avait collectés au fil des ans dans la prison et qu'il avait caché dans un hanger. La zone autour du hangar est généralement intacte et désolée. Pucci avait besoin d'un gardien pour ces disques, de peur qu'ils ne tombent entre des mains indésirables. Il a alors jeté un disque au hasard dans l'océan, qui a touché un groupe de plancton flottant à la surface. De façon inattendue, F.F. est né.

La garde des disques Stand

Whitesnake a dit à F.F. de rester près du hangar où il gardait les disques et de tuer quiconque (autre que lui) s'approchait de la cachette. N'ayant pas d'autre but, il a obéi à l'ordre et devint un gardien protégeant les disques. À un moment donné, F.F. tué deux détenus qui se sont aventurés à l'intérieur du hanger et ont complètement absorbé leurs corps, ce qui a donné l'impression qu'ils avaient disparus. Cela a permis à Jolyne Cujoh et Ermes Costello de participer à une équipe de recherche près de la ferme.
F.F. poursuit Jolyne & Ermes

En voyant le groupe de recherche, Foo Fighters s'est séparé pour tous les éliminer. Premièrement, il parvient à posséder sournoisement les corps de trois des prisonniers, à l'exception de Jolyne et Ermes, tout en amenant un corps supplémentaire parmi elles. Lorsque le garde erre dans l'eau, F.F. le tue également. Une petite partie des Foo Fighters attire Ermes près d'un seau et attaque. Il jette le seau sur sa tête et la traîne sous l'eau. Bien qu'Ermes se libère du seau, ce Foo Fighters devient un Stand de taille normale. Jolyne vient le combattre mais Foo Fighter à une force et vitesse tels qu'il peut battre Stone Free. Il parvient à frapper Jolyne dans le ventre, mais il est révélé qu'elle s'est démêlée et qu'elle utilise cette ouverture pour la frapper et le tabasser. Jolyne et Ermes tentent alors de se replier vers la terre mais Foo Fighters les poursuit. Plus rapide dans l'eau, il parvient à saisir la jambe de Jolyne mais Ermes met un autocollant sur son bras et l'arrache, endommageant le bras et le forçant à lâcher prise.

Jolyne et Ermes accusent l'une des autres prisonniers d'être l'ennemi et Foo Fighters joue le jeu pendant un certain temps, obligeant les cadavres à s'accuser mutuellement avant qu'il ne puisse les affronter. Foo Fighters se présente à ses ennemis et met en œuvre son plan. Celui sur terre court vers le hanger pour le protéger tandis que celui dans l'eau prend le garde et le traîne pour faire sortir Jolyne et Ermes de la zone de sécurité des bracelets, pour les tuer indirectement.

F.F. combat Jolyne

Ermes attaque le Foo Fighters dans l'eau avec Kiss. Foo Fighter coupe le bras de Kiss, mais Ermes révèle que c'est un leurre. De cette façon, elle peut ramener le garde sur terre. Foo Fighters éclabousse la terre autour d'Ermes, ce qui lui permet de venir planter Ermes au sol mais Ermes prend l'un des cadavres séchés que Foo Fighters avait possédé et le détruit en forçant une fusion entre des copies, la poussière sèche recouvrant Foo Fighters et absorbant son eau. Cette partie de Foo Fighter meurt. Dans le hangar, Jolyne affronte le principal Foo Fighters. Après avoir versé de l'eau sur tout le sol, il gagne l'avantage dans le combat rapproché qui s'ensuit et couvre Jolyne de plancton. Il prend Jolyne par la gorge et commence à envahir son corps, mais Jolyne parvient à démarrer le tracteur, le faisant se diriger vers Ermes sur la terre ferme. Foo Fighters doit courir sur le sol et son eau est absorbée. Foo Fighter meurt presque.

F.F. allies itself with Jolyne and takes Atroe's corpse

Ermes prepares to deal the finishing blow. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters and gives it some water, figuring that it didn't know any better and only wanted to survive. Touched, Foo Fighters accepts to become Jolyne's ally and they get Jotaro's Stand DISC. Foo Fighters disguises itself as a woman named Etro to pass off as a prisoner. They retrieve Jotaro's Stand DISC and Foo Fighters explains that this stash is only a hiding spot for DISCS Whitesnake doesn't need. It hides in in its cleavage when the guards arrive. The trio make up a story to keep suspicions off themselves. This whole operation catches the attention of Whitesnake's User, the prison priest Enrico Pucci.

Marylin Manson

File:Miraschon jolyne ermes bet.png
Miraschon makes a bet against the heroes

After following Jolyne & Ermes back to the prison, F.F. is later seen playing catch with Ermes and Jolyne in the courtyard. Another inmate approaches and sips F.F.'s cup of water despite its protestation, thinking that it is still the meek Atroe inside the body. Foo Fighter shoots part of itself in the inmate's mouth, causing her to throw up all the water, plus some bonus liquid. Because it has yet to master piloting this body, its throws are awkward and it narrowly hits another prisoner but Jolyne catches the ball. Foo Fighters says that they are at their 87th consecutive catch, prompting Miraschon to bet $100 that they cannot complete 100 throws. F.F. expects to easily complete this challenge and Jolyne reluctantly agrees. F.F. and Jolyne complete 94 throws but F.F. sees Miraschon sitting near its cup again and is distracted, throwing too low and forcing Jolyne to jump down to catch it. Protesting, F.F. narrowly misses the ball that's coming back to it and then loses time ordering Miraschon to get away from the water. Suddenly, a basketball ball hits Jolyne from behind as F.F. is forced to throw before the 10s countdown is complete. Thankfully, Jolyne manages to pull herself in the direction of the ball by tying her string to a bench and the two complete the 100 throws. Angry, Jolyne reminds Miraschon that she bet separately with F.F. and Jolyne, making it $200 to pay up.

However, Miraschon makes another bet that they cannot complete 100 throws again, but for $1,000. The new bet entices Ermes to play with F.F. while Jolyne steps aside. However, the playtime is over for the inmates. Despite Ermes' bribe, the guards interfere and Ermes must cheat, summoning the enemy Stand Marilyn Manson. Impervious to Kiss and F.F.'s strike, it takes Ermes' money and her liver to pay up the debt. Jolyne is forced to up the ante and participate in the game of catch.

F.F. assists Jolyne during the arc

As the prisoner must go back to the wards, Jolyne and Foo Fighters continue to play catch. But Miraschon disappears and the duo must seek her. Jolyne and Foo Fighters follow Miraschon into the showers but Miraschon switches off the lights while the ball is midair. Thankfully, Foo Fighter catches the ball. Foo Fighters shoot in the direction of Miraschon, hitting her arm and forcing her to open a door shedding some welcome light. Miraschon enters a room, followed by Jolyne, but she reveals that it is a service lift whose thick door and fenced gates close before Foo Fighters can pass the ball. Thankfully, F.F. forces the doors open just enough to throw the ball and for Stone Free to unravel it, making it pass through the fence. Foo Fighter sees that Ermes has been given back her liver and shouts, reassured. Marilyn Manson momentarily comes out to take Jotaro Kujo's Stand DISC, but Jolyne defeats Miraschon once and for all before it happens.

Kiss of Love & Revenge

An invisible zombie alligator

F.F. notices that its host is not welcome in the prison and decides to change its habits. Using Atroe's impulses, F.F. begins to do the opposite of what its host instinctively wants to change itself and hopefully make itself more appreciated among the inmates. The results are debatable. When Jolyne notes that Ermes has been absent lately, Foo Fighters reveals Ermes's past about with hersister Gloria the gangster Sports Maxx, who killed Gloria. The two race to find her and see her following Maxx to the workshop. Thinking that she's merely observing Maxx at the moment, they leave. However, they soon come back to the workshop and are attacked by an invisible zombie alligator. F.F.'s leg is bitten off. Jolyne tries to fight but is overpowered. To defeat the enemy, F.F. lets it bite its arm, allowing it to shoot in the alligator and killing it. However, Foo Fighters is out of commission for this fight and is left behind. Somehow, Jolyne and Ermes manage to defeat Sports Maxx once and for all.

The Maximum Security Ward

Anasui accepts to help F.F. to help Jolyne

A few days after Ermes gets her revenge F.F. meets with Emporio. Worried about Jolyne, who is isolated, F.F. plans to go there to help her. Looking at the prisoner Narciso Anasui who until now is content with listening to them, F.F. asks Anasui to help it and plans to somehow force him to cooperate despite the strange vibes Anasui gives off. Surprisingly, Anasui accepts because he claims he's in love with Jolyne and wants to help her to eventually marry her. They immediately depart for the maximum security ward.

Reaching the ward, F.F. hides in a corpse to ambush the assassin Kenzou, but the old man kicks the corpse is is hiding it. F.F. comes out and shoots Kenzou, but the corpse's leg twitches, protecting the old man.

F.F. fights Kenzou

Kenzou and Foo Fighters properly engage each other. He summons Dragon's Dream and reads the lucky spot. Thanks to that, he avoids F.F.'s shots and drives his fist inside of its throat, using a specific technique to trigger a secretion of mucus from the adrenal gland that is supposed to make his targets drown by themselves. He then turns to face Jolyne but F.F. surprisingly pierces its own throat and shoots again. Kenzou barely manages to be avoid the attack and kicks F.F. but it simply squeezes between the bars of a handrail to escape.

When Kenzou summons Dragon's Dream again, F.F. sees it hovering behind it and attacks the enemy Stand, but Dragon's Dream explains to F.F. the ins and outs of its ability for the sake of a fair fight. After an exchange of blows, Kenzou reaches Dragon's Dream and his arm connects with F.F.'s unlucky spot. Although F.F. blocks the fist by dislocating its elbow, a series of events causes pieces of glass to pierce F.F.'s face. It opens its mouth in shock, allowing Kenzou to attack although F.F. backs off to avoid the attack. Dragon's Dream points to another unlucky spot above F.F.'s left ear. Kenzou rushes towards F.F., who attempts a kick but Kenzou then grabs the leg. When F.F. attempts a knifehand strike, Kenzou makes a straight spearhand strike at F.F.'s throat and jams his other hand in F.F.'s throat. In retaliation, F.F. bites Kenzou's fingers. In pain, the old man strikes F.F.'s liver and pushes it towards Dragon's Dream. F.F.'s arm enters the dragon and punches a corpse, which causes another unlucky series of events that make a piece of machinery slice through F.F.'s head. F.F. is now dangerously low on water.

Kenzou kicks F.F. into the electric chair

F.F. shoots Kenzou, who is barely out of his safe spot and manages to hurt him. However, the attack is not enough. F.F. thus plans to trick Kenzou into misreading Dragon's Dream with a mirror made of water but desperately needs it to sustain itself. Kenzou begins to rant about the hell his life has been since his arrest and orders Dragon's Dream to show him the way to make his final attack. F.F. runs towards the fire extinguishing hose the guards used, pursued by Kenzou. F.F. searches for the faucet, only for Dragon's Dream to appear and warn F.F. not to touch it as Kenzou attacks. F.F. decides to intentionally put its arms in Dragon's Dream while Kenzou performs a sweeping kick on its head. F.F. manages to sneak into the hose and break the faucet open, but its earlier prevents it from touching the water since its arms attack it. F.F. is thrown down to the execution room and the hose activates the execution sequence on the electric chair there. By pure unluck, F.F. finds itself unable to get away from the chair. Kenzou arrives and F.F. narrowly misses him with its shot again, but this time, F.F.'s shots break Kenzou's jewelry and it steps on two pearls that make it trip and fall back onto the electric chair. Desperate, F.F. attempts to kick Kenzou but the old man blocks the attack and kicks F.F. in place as the electric chair starts up.

F.F. shares the electrocution with Kenzou

F.F. is being electrocuted but Dragon's Dream reveals that it was able to collect the sweat from Kenzou after his effort. Kenzou realizes he's in an unsafe spot and is grabbed by F.F., who share the electrocution with the old man. Kenzou barely survives it and Jolyne approaches to finish him off despite her own injuries. Thankfully, Jolyne discovers that a part of F.F. has survived in the water mirror and F.F. eventually reconstitutes itself.

Fight Against Pucci

After F.F. heals, the group returns to the main hall of the punishment ward and Jolyne spots the same little prisoner with the bone. They follow him and discover that he's being turned into a plant. During the fight, the bone caused all the normal inmates to also turn into plants and Jolyne is starts being turned as she exposes herself to sunlight. Anasui roots out the plant parts out of her body and the group discovers The Green Baby, gestating in a translucid egg. After deciding to try to escape from prison, the group meet a fourth Stand, Yo-Yo Ma, which swallows the baby. Yo-Yo Ma is invulnerable to all attacks but acts servile, thus forcing them to take him along while F.F. stays in order to kill the Stand user.

A desperate fight against Whitesnake

F.F. finds D an G but as it prepares to shoot him, it spots Enrico Pucci who is staring at the assassin. Digsuising itself as a paramedic, F.F. approaches D an G to assassinate him. However, Pucci throws a DISC at a guard to control him prevent F.F. from shooting D an G in the head. Pucci confronts F.F. and it realizes that Pucci is the real mastermind behind this whole affair. Pucci gives it a choice between killing him or D an G first. F.F. hesitates before turning to kill D an G, allowing Whitesnake to infiltrate the ambulance and protect D an G. Whitesnake then chops F.F.'s head, aiming to take the Stand DISC. F.F. shoots itself in the head, dispersing the plankton on D an G and decapitating from the inside. It recomposes itself in the driver's cabin and seeks another faucet. However, Whitesnake enters the cabin and takes the advantage in the close quarters fight. Desperate, F.F. shoots the door and flees. Hiding its Stand DISC in its legs, a part of F.F. stalls for time as Pucci interrogates it about the Green Baby while the legs run towards the faucet. Whitesnake inserts a water boiling Stand in F.F.'s secondary part, causing the primary part to expose itself to scalding water, killing most of the colony. However, bits of Foo Fighters reach a radio and call Weather Report, who makes it rain and fog. F.F. regenerates. Even better, F.F. meets with a recovered Weather Report who has come to help.

F.F. dies and its spirit disappears

F.F. and Weather Report eventually join Jolyne in the swamps. However, Weather suddenly impales Anasui through the chest and splits F.F.'s head open. It was in fact Whitesnake, disguised as Weather. Foo Fighter crumbles and uses the last of its strength to preserve Anasui's life, indirectly saving Jotaro's memory DISC. Foo Fighter's spirit manifests itself to Jolyne. Happy to have a confirmation of its existence, Foo Fighters accepts its fate, arguing that a different F.F. would come out of the Stand DISC and bids farewell to Jolyne. It then ascends to heaven.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Stand abilities are one... to a person... [...] This body of mine is the body that I created from the bodies of the lost prisoners! My divided body is now whole again.
    —Foo Fighters Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • The disc that Whitesnake gave me, this ability and this intellect... I will protect myself, no matter what...
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • Foo Fighters! If you're going to refer to me, call me by that name!
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • Fred Hoyle, an astronomer, once said "It is wrong to assume, even statistically speaking, that organisms spontaneously appeared on this Earth... There is a preexisting intellect of the cosmos that designed the origins of lifeforms..."... so, it can be said that intellect preceded even the big bang and that every organism and matter itself is guided by that intellect, and is part of that larger intelligence.
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • I thought I told you to call me Foo Fighters! I have more intellect than both of you!
    —Foo Fighters to Jolyne and Ermes, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
  • I have a full understanding of my ability and I've created an environment where I have no weaknesses... There is nothing you can do now.
    —Foo Fighters to Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • Your feelings... I don't... understand them well... but I don't feel like fighting against you anymore.
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
  • Hey! You! Don't you dare go near my water!!
    —Foo Fighters to Miraschon, Stone Ocean Chapter 35: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 2
  • Eat this. Unfortunately for those with automated Stands, they're completely helples when attacked! That's the risk you had to take!
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 84: F.F. - The Witness, Part 2
  • When I think about Jolyne... I feel courage welling up inside me. This is what memories are about... this is my intellect.
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1
  • What I was most scared of, was not being able to say goodbye to my friends. To forget how to say goodbye. But, at the very end... I still remembered that I have to say it. [...] Goodbye, Jolyne.... I can't stay here any longer... F.F. is going to disappear.
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • Look at me, Jolyne. This is my spirit... this is my intellect... I was alive.
    —Foo Fighters, Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
  • I'm glad I was able to say my goodbyes to you, Jolyne.... It's all right, Jolyne... It's all right. I'm glad you got your disc back...
    —Foo Fighters's last words, Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest

Jeux Vidéos

All Star Battle (PS3)

F.F. appears on the PS3 title as a support character for the Campaign Mode, where they appear and gives the player two choices; Either inflict 150 HP to any boss or gain 1 energy bar of health. F.F. is also the only ally-character from Part 6 who does not appear on any interactive form on the match (Both Anasui and Ermes are playable characters and Weather Report and Emporio appear in stages).

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

F.F. appears in a support card, having one voice line performed by Ryoko Shiraishi. They say, "My healing power can fix you completely, OK? (完全に治すのは自分の治療力! OK?, Kanzen ni Naosu no wa Jibun no Chiryōryoku! OK?)". When applied to the player's team, their members have their HP gradually restored over the course of the fight.




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