Modern Crusaders
Ending Animation

The ending sequence vertically pans up a pillar decorated with statues of Stands encountered in the series, which changes as more enemies and allies are met as the series progresses (the original sequence did not feature Notorious B.I.G, Spice Girl or Metallica, but following their introduction they were added to the ending sequence). During the entire sequence, the scenery is plunged in a colored ambient lighting that constantly shifts color and flakes of dust constantly fall from above. The frame is also flanked by two sets of patterns made up of tessellated triangles.
The beginning of the sequence pans up the column featuring the enemy Stands encountered thus far, with a sphere representing Rolling Stones at the base of the pillar, with statues of other Stands on the pillar itself: Black Sabbath, Soft Machine, Kraft Work, Little Feet, Man in the Mirror, Mister President, Beach Boy, The Grateful Dead, Baby Face, White Album, Clash, Talking Head, Notorious B.I.G and Metallica.
The procession of enemy Stands ends, with a part of the pillar crowned by four Arrows and a ladybug brooch, before moving onto the Stands of the heroes doing battle with the boss: Purple Haze, Moody Blues, Aerosmith, Sticky Fingers, and King Crimson, with Sticky Fingers and King Crimson depicted as fighting against each other as the Sex Pistols watch. Spice Girl lays underneath Gold Experience, pointing up at it as it poses at the top of the pillar in the center of a bas-relief resembling rays of light.
Don't look back, the time has come All the pain turns into love We're not submissive, we're not aggressive But they think we can't defend | |
STAND UP, JOIN US, MODERN CRUSADERS ALIVE We have the power to face the future 'Cause we are the fighters Just fighting for our rights | |
They're accusing, like always without knowing What is just fiction or what is the truth They have no mission, they have no passion But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good! | |
STAND UP, JOIN US, MODERN CRUSADERS ALIVE We have the power to face the future 'Cause we are the fighters Just fighting for our rights | |
est affectus et defectus semper in angaria. |
driven on and weighted down, always enslaved. |
quod per sortem sternit fortem, mecum omnes plangite! |
since Fate strikes down the strong, everyone weep with me! |
nunc obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem, egestatem, potestatem mecum omnes plangite! |
first oppresses and then soothes playing with mental clarity; poverty and power everyone weep with me! |
STAND UP, JOIN US, MODERN CRUSADERS ALIVE We have the power to face the future 'Cause we are the fighters, just fighting for our rights STAND UP, JOIN US, MODERN CRUSADERS ALIVE |
Ending sequences
Full Song
- The position of King Crimson in relation to the Stands of Team Bucciarati foreshadows the fate of their masters.
- Gold Experience strikes the same pose Giorno does on the cover of Volume 62.
- The musical project Enigma has previously been featured in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as the namesake of Terunosuke Miyamoto's Stand Enigma.[1]
- Musically, "Modern Crusaders" features samples from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana which makes use of the medieval poem "O Fortuna", as does the rest of the album The Screen Behind the Mirror. It also features an organ sample from Johann Sebastian Bach's "Toccata and Fugue in D minor".
- ↑ Harvest - Vol.17 "Shueisha Jump Remix Diamond is Unbreakable Edition" P106-107 The origin of STANDS! Part 4