Okuyasu Nijimura/fr

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< Okuyasu Nijimura
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Template:Character Info/fr

Je comptais vous frapper tous les deux! C'est parce que je ne suis pas trop intelligent, tu vois? (2人ともブン殴るつもりだったんだよ。俺頭ワリイからよ〜〜〜〜。)
—Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 314: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 8

Okuyasu Nijimura (虹村 億泰, Nijimura Okuyasu) est un allié majeur dans la quatrième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable.

Présenté comme un antagoniste, Okuyasu devient rapidement le meilleur ami de Josuke Higashikata. Ils restent des amis proches et s'attaquent ensemble aux manieurs de Stand malveillants. Il est le petit frère de Keicho Nijimura et aussi un manieur de Stand brandissant le redoutable "The Hand".


Okuyasu render.png

Okuyasu est un jeune homme de taille supérieure à la moyenne et de constitution plutôt athlétique.

Deux ridules traversent son visage en demi-cercles en passant par les coins intérieurs de ses yeux. Il arbore un petit pompadour, les cheveux sur les côtés clairs et peignés en arrière.

Il porte un uniforme scolaire japonais sombre et modifié, avec une veste à double boutonnage qu'il décore avec des emblèmes métalliques et dorés, y compris un signe yen (¥) à droite de son col et un signe dollar ($) à sa gauche (plus précisément un cifrão avec deux lignes verticales). Il a également un signe de dollar plus grand au milieu de sa poitrine. Son épaule droite a "億" ("Oku", le kanji pour 100 000 000) imprimé en grandes lettres claires entre son épaule et son coude, reflétant le mot "BILLION" (milliard en anglais) sur sa gauche. Dans l'adaptation animée, sa veste a un passepoil blanc.

Il porte deux ceintures fines et affaissées en haut d'un pantalon large.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAll-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnimeFilm
Cheveux(Noir, blanc sur les côtés)
(Uniforme violet avec accessoires dorés et ceintures vertes. Chaussures vert foncé.)
Peau(Légèrement mat)
Cheveux(Noir, blanc sur les côtés)
(Uniforme indigo avec accessoires dorés et ceintures vert foncé. Chaussures vermillon.)
Peau(Légèrement mat)
Cheveux(Noir, gris sur les côtés)
Yeux(Brun clair)
(Uniforme indigo avec accessoires dorés et ceintures gris-vert. Des chaussures marrons.)
Cheveux(Noir, gris sur les côtés)
(Uniforme bleu avec accessoires dorés et ceintures vert lime. Chaussures vert foncé.)
Cheveux(Noir, gris sur les côtés)
(Uniforme noir bleuté avec accessoires dorés. Chaussures noires.)


J'ai une méga envie de te raboter ton crâne de cafard!

Okuyasu Nijimura est un jeune garçon impulsif et violent mais néanmoins avec un bon cœur.

Okuyasu adore la cuisine de Tonio

Le mot qui décrit le mieux Okuyasu pourrait être "enfantin", car il possède plusieurs traits faisant allusion à une certaine immaturité. Okuyasu est un homme très extraverti et impulsif, agissant, de ses propres mots, "avec son cœur". Il exhibe constamment ses émotions, qui sont plus extrêmes que la plupart des gens. Il est extatique quand il est heureux, en larmes quand il est triste et enragé lorsqu'il est en colère. Okuyasu agit fréquemment par impulsion et prend rarement le temps d'observer ou de réfléchir de manière fructueuse.

Okuyasu est connu pour "ne pas être bon dans la prise de décisions" et être généralement stupide, bien qu'il ait des moments de véritable ingéniosité. Comme il comptait constamment sur son grand frère Keicho Nijimura et que celui-ci le rabaissait régulièrement, Okuyasu est devenu presqu'incapable de prendre des décisions qui ne sont pas de l'instinct et est conscient de sa limitation.[1] Cela le conduit à répéter ouvertement et à plusieurs reprises son manque d'intelligence. Son incapacité à penser a été exploitée à trois reprises, et pendant tout cela, il a été facilement manipulé par son adversaire. Cependant, Okuyasu finit par s'en sortir: à la fin de la partie 4, quand Okuyasu était suspendu entre la vie et la mort, il a pris de lui-même la décision de vivre pour aider ses amis et a sauvé Josuke.[2]

Okuyasu est une personne très curieuse, montrant un profond intérêt pour toute nouvelle chose qu'il découvre. Ceci l'a conduit vers le restaurant de Tonio Trussardi[3] ou un crop circle où Mikitaka Hazekura se reposait.[4] Cette curiosité s'étend au fait d'avoir l'habitude d'essayer de savoir à fond de tout ce dont il s'intéresse. Il demande notamment à Josuke pourquoi il a aidé à guérir ses blessures quand Keicho les a abattus tous les deux et pourquoi il n'a pas pu guérir ses propres blessures,[5]. Ceci est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles il a de telles difficultés à prendre des décisions lorsque des adversaires tentent de le manipuler.

Okuyasu succombe facilement à la colère

Okuyasu possède également un côté assez belliqueux et violent, peut-être en raison de son enfance abusive. En plus d'être grossier, il menace régulièrement ceux qui le mettent en colère et a à plusieurs reprises frappé des gens par pure colère, notamment Tamami Kobayashi[6] et Shigekiyo Yangu.ref name="C339">Chapter 339: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 5</ref> Au combat, Okuyasu est très agressif et a peu de scrupule à utiliser The Hand à des fins mortels, bien qu'il réussisse rarement à blesser qui que ce soit. Après qu'Akira Otoishi et Yoshikage Kira on assassiné respectivement son frère Keicho et son ami Shigechi, Okuyasu montre un désir de vengeance. En fait, Okuyasu est nettement plus sérieux et froid pendant ces moments de rage, ce qui le rend effrayant pour ceux qui l'entourent.[7] Quand il rencontre Mikitaka, il s'énerve rapidement contre lui et continue de demander à Josuke s'il doit le frapper ou lui botter le cul, Josuke lui disant alors de se calmer.

Okuyasu possède cependant un côté vraiment gentil et honorable, visible pour la première fois après que Josuke ait guéri ses blessures; il a ensuite aidé Josuke à sauver Koichi [5] et a essayé de raisonner avec son frère pour qu'il n'utilise plus la Flèche.[8] Il est très attentionné avec ses amis et à sa famille, s'occupe de son père et tente de mettre un terme à sa misère. Quand il a appris que son père avait un peu d'humanité en lui, Okuyasu a essayé de convaincre son frère de trouver un moyen de restaurer les souvenirs et la personnalité de leur père plutôt que d'essayer de le tuer. Plus tard, Okuyasu aide sans hésiter un ami dans le besoin, notamment en sauvant Koichi de nombreux endroits difficiles et en aidant Josuke tout au long de ses nombreux combats. De plus, malgré sa personnalité belliqueuse, on voit qu'il a une ferme moralité. Okuyasu savait très bien que son frère aîné Keicho avait commis un certain nombre de crimes horribles et malgré son amour pour lui, il savait qu'il serait tué par quelqu'un un jour et récolterait les conséquences de ses crimes.

Okuyasu sous le charme de Reimi

Okuyasu déplore régulièrement qu'il n'ait pas de petite amie, étant déçu de ne pas avoir vécu il y a 15 ans pour qu'il sache Reimi Sugimoto,[9] et être légèrement jaloux de la relation de Koichi avec Yukako Yamagishi[10].

Il est aussi légèrement avare, refusant de partager sa nourriture avec Josuke dans l'arc Allons manger Italien[11] ou prévoyant tranquillement de refuser de prêter de l'argent à Josuke après avoir entendu parler de la façon dont sa mère a gelé son compte.[4] De plus, il est sous-entendu qu'il est prudent avec son argent alors qu'il dit à Josuke après avoir remporté la loterie avec enthousiasme qu'il le met en épargne.[12] Il n'a actuellement que cinq à six ans d'épargne dont il vit.

Okuyasu aime les trucs italiens et déteste la nourriture épicée, préférant le curry avec du miel et des pommes[13]. Il aime aussi les glaces chocolat-fraises. De plus, il cuisine à la maison pour son père et lui.[3]

Pouvoirs et compétences

Main article: The Hand

Le Stand d'Okuyasu, The Hand, "coupe" ou "efface" tout ce que sa paume droite touche. Son pouvoir peut également être limitée à l'élimination de substances physiques sans éliminer purement et simplement l'espace affecté, comme on l'a vu à quelques reprises, fonctionnant de manière identique au vide de Cream.


Bien que La Main soit un Stand très puissant, la relative bêtise d'Okuyasu le rend moins efficace qu'il ne pourrait être. À titre d'exemple, dans son premier combat,il se met KO tout seul en téléportant par erreur des pots de fleurs vers sa face et se fait assommer.

Néanmoins, Okuyasu montre alors qu'il peut être compétent pour manier son stand. Okuyasu n'hésite généralement pas à utiliser la force meurtrière en essayant de bouger The Hand à travers un ennemi. De plus, il exploite bien les propriétés uniques de son pouvoir d'effacement pour se téléporter au milieu d'un combat, surprenant même Red Hot Chili Pepper de cette façon, et efface tactiquement l'espace pour téléporter des objets clés vers lui et les saisir. Cela illustre que The Hand peut non seulement effacer l'espace qu'il touche, mais aussi dicter la façon dont l'espace voisin est joint.



Un jeune Okuyasu et sa famille

Okuyasu est né le frère cadet de Keicho et a vécu à Tokyo à l'ère de la bulle économique. À un moment donné, leur mère est décédée et les affaires de leur père ont échoué, l'obligeant à contracter de lourds dettes. Le père battait souvent Keicho et Okuyasu de frustration. Leur père a alors soudainement reçu de l'argent et même des bijoux, renversant ainsi la situation économique de la famille. En vérité, il travaillait comme l'un des agents de DIO.

Soudain, en 1989, leur père a commencé à muter en monstre. Dio avait planté une spore dans sa tête qui était devenue incontrôlable au moment de sa mort. En un an, leur père est devenu une abomination stupide. Plus tard, les deux apprendraient qu'il était devenu un des serviteurs de DIO pour de l'argent. Okuyasu aida son frère à chercher un moyen de tuer leur père pour qu'il finisse de souffrir en tant que monstre. Les frères Nijimura utilisèrent la Flèche pour se donner des Stands avant de commencer à l'utiliser pour trouver un manieur de Stand capable de tuer leur père. Ils déménagent également à Morioh.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Les Frères Nijimura

Okuyasu entre en scène

Un jour, Josuke Higashikata et Koichi Hirose tombent sur leur maison. Curieux, Koichi regarde par le portail qu'Okuyasu referme violemment sur le cou de l'intrus, mettant Josuke en colère. En même temps, Keicho tire sur Koichi avec la Flèche. Pour empêcher Josuke d'approcher Koichi, Okuyasu révèle son Stand, The Hand. Néanmoins, Crazy Diamond lui donne un coup de poing facilement. Lorsque Keicho le critique pour sa stupidité, Okuyasu est distrait et laisse Josuke s'approcher de Koichi. Il se précipite pour attaquer, la paume de The Hand prête à l'action. Cependant, Josuke sent le danger venant de la paume et l'évite. La porte de la maison est partiellement effacée, faisant comprendre à Josuke le pouvoir de The Hand. Okuyasu décide de téléporter Josuke à portée, mais Josuke se baisse, révélant que The Hand a également téléporté des pots de fleurs avec Josuke. Les pots frappent Okuyasu au visage, l'étourdissant. Quand il reprend ses esprits, il court à l'entrée de la maison, désireux de se battre, et dit à Keicho de stopper l'attaque Bad Company. Au lieu de cela, tout ce qu'il fait est d'avertir Josuke et de gêner l'attaque de Bad Company; il est touché au visage par une rafale de balles. Josuke est temporairement chassé de la maison et emmène Okuyasu avec lui.

Lorsque Josuke l'interroge sur le Stand de Keicho, Okuyasu refuse de divulguer quoi que ce soit. Étonnamment, Josuke le guérit et le laisse à condition qu'il n'essaye plus de l'attaquer. Étonné, Okuyasu suit Josuke et lui demande pourquoi il ne guérit pas sa main, ce à quoi Josuke répond qu'il ne peut guérir que les autres. Touché d'une manière ou d'une autre, Okuyasu l'aide à récupérer Koichi, partant quand Josuke est sur le point de combattre Keicho.

Okuyasu dit à Keicho d'arrêter

Lorsque la bataille finit et que Josuke et Koichi rencontrent leur père, Okuyasu tente de persuader son frère aîné de cesser d'utiliser l'arc et la flèche pour créer des manieurs de Stand. Après avoir expliqué leur histoire, Keicho est soudainement tué par le Stand Red Hot Chili Pepper, qui vole l'arc et la flèche. Okuyasu est sauvé par Keicho qui le repousse. En voyant le cadavre de son frère sur les lignes électriques, Okuyasu déclare que Keicho l'avait mérité, mais pleure toujours son frère qui a montré qu'il se souciait vraiment d'Okuyasu. Plus tard, il se lie d'amitié avec Josuke et Koichi, s'inscrivant dans leur lycée Budogaoka et se retrouvant dans la même classe que Yukako Yamagishi.

Koichi Hirose (Echoes)

Okuyasu attaqué par The Lock

Un jour, Okuyasu et Josuke voient Koichi être embobiné par Tamami Kobayashi, un arnaqueur accusant Koichi d'avoir tué son chat et réclamant 500 000 yens en compensation. Le Stand de Tamami, The Lock, se colle automatiquement à une personne se sentant coupable et multiplie l'effet de la culpabilité. En colère, Okuyasu frappe Tamami, qui tombe tête première sur le trottoir et se casse une dent. Tamami gémit, faisant Okuyasu se sentir coupable. The Lock apparaît alors sur lui et Tamami menace de lui faire payer sa dent de devant. Heureusement, Josuke guérit Tamami et révèle que le chat n'était qu'un jouet. Choqué par le pouvoir de Josuke, Tamami s'enfuit mais prend l'argent de Koichi avec lui.

Plus tard, Okuyasu et Josuke sont choqués de voir que Tamami a rétréci et est devenu le laquais de Koichi.

Yukako Yamagishi est amoureuse

Un jour, Okuyasu et Josuke surprennent Koichi avoir un rendez-vous avec une fille dans un café. Cette fille est Yukako Yamagishi, l'une des camarades de classe d'Okuyasu. Les deux décident naturellement de les espionner, et Okuyasu se sent jaloux mais sympathique pour la chance apparente de Koichi. Cependant, Yukako révèle alors qu'elle est sujette à de violents changements d'humeur et Okuyasu ne pense plus que Koichi a de la chance.

Plus tard, Okuyasu surprend le représentant de la classe de Koichi en danger. Ses cheveux ont été incendiés et elle a été aveuglée et attachée à la langue par des cheveux. Heureusement, The Hand efface les cheveux brûlants, sauvant la fille. Mais cela signifie que la tête du représentant est maintenant partiellement rasée.

Okuyasu et Josuke essaient de calomnier Koichi

Plus tard, Okuyasu, Josuke et Koichi essaient de discuter de ce qu'il faut faire à propos de Yukako. Koichi est tellement dérangé qu'il a complètement échoué à un test d'anglais et a une note pire qu'Okuyasu. Josuke propose que Koichi semble indésirable à partir de ce moment et Okuyasu conseille même à Koichi de ne pas se laver les dents, de porter les mêmes sous-vêtements tous les jours, d'élever des poux dans ses cheveux, de péter tout le temps, de baver et d'éternuer et de porter des chaussettes malodorantes. Cependant, Koichi refuse d'aller aussi loin. Ils se contentent de le calomnier à portée de voix de Yukako. Okuyasu et Josuke accusent Koichi de vol à l'étalage lorsque Yukako passe. Bien qu'elle ne réagisse pas, ils peuvent sentir son aura meurtrière. Malheureusement, leur plan se retourne contre quand Yukako kidnappe Koichi le même soir.

Le lendemain matin, Okuyasu et Josuke essaient de chercher Koichi. Josuke reçoit enfin un appel d'un téléphone public qui les informe de l'emplacement général de la cachette de Yukako. Au moment où ils arrivent, Koichi a cependant déjà neutralisé Yukako par lui-même.

Allons manger italien

Okuyasu aime la cuisine de Tonio

Un jour sur le chemin du retour, Okuyasu et Josuke voient un panneau indiquant qu'il y a un nouveau restaurant italien près de chez eux. Désireux de manger quelque chose de plus raffiné que sa cuisine maison, Okuyasu dit à Josuke de venir avec lui manger dans ce restaurant, géré par le chef italien Tonio Trussardi. Le restaurant de Trussardi est particulier car il diagnostique Okuyasu de fatigue, deux cavités, une épaule gauche raide et de la diarrhée. De plus, Trussardi n'a pas de menu fixe mais décide de ce qu'il servira en fonction du client.

Okuyasu goûte l'eau minérale et est ravi par son goût. Cela le fait pleurer, en fait il pleure des quantités d'eau inquiétantes au point que ses yeux se rétrécissent. Mais alors Okuyasu se sent guéri de sa somnolence. Trussardi apporte ensuite les entrées, les tranches de tomate et de mozarella. Okuyasu n'est pas impressionné par le goût du fromage mais quand il mange la mozarella avec la tomate comme le conseille Trussardi, il réalise l'harmonie entre les deux ingrédients et voit à quel point le plat est délicieux. Okuyasu est tellement charmé qu'il refuse de partager avec Josuke. L'épaule d'Okuyasu démange soudainement et quand il enlève sa veste, il voit qu'elle dégage une énorme quantité de saleté. Apeuré, Okuyasu se rend alors compte que son épaule raide est guérie. Okuyasu est complètement séduit par la cuisine de Trussardi.

En dessert, du pudding

Lorsque le chef apporte une assiette de spaghettis épicés alla puttanesca, Okuyasu hésite à essayer le plat car il ne supporte pas le piquant. Cependant, il finit par essayer et avale toute l'assiette. Ses deux mauvaises dents sont expulsés de sa mâchoire et remplacée par une dentition vierge. Soudain, Okuyasu ressent un mal de ventre terrible. Après que Josuke soit allé à la cuisine, Okuyasu le suit et tombe sur le plat principal, de l'agneau avec de la compote de pommes. Mangeant le plat malgré sa douleur, ses tripes explosent. Cependant, Okuyasu rejette simplement les intestins affligés et est guérit la diarrhée. Le malentendu est levé et Trussardi se révèle être simplement un chef bienveillant, bien qu'avec une cuisine étrange. Okuyasu termine son dîner avec un pudding, qu'il trouve tout aussi délicieux et qui le guérit de son pied d'athlète.

Red Hot Chili Pepper

Un jour, Jotaro convoque Josuke, Okuyasu et Koichi dans un champ vide. Okuyasu vient avec sa moto. En demandant quel est le problème, Okuyasu est informé par Josuke que Red Hot Chili Pepper lui a rendu visite la nuit dernière, ce qui met les nerfs d'Okuyasu à vif en se souvenant du tueur de son frère. Jotaro arrive et explique que Joseph Joestar viendra à Morioh et aidera à trouver le manieur de Red Hot Chili Pepper. Cependant, Red Hot Chili Pepper apparaît de la moto d'Okuyasu et a tout entendu. Il démarre la moto et se met en route.

Okuyasu combat Red Hot Chili Pepper

Cependant, Okuyasu invoque The Hand et se téléporte sur sa moto. The Hand essaie d'attaquer, mais Red Hot Chili Pepper échappe facilement à l'attaque, déclarant que le mouvement est trop lent pour l'attraper. Cependant, Okuyasu visait sa propre moto. La moto est détruite, laissant Red Hot Chili Pepper au sol et isolé de toutes source d'alimentation. Okuyasu essaie d'interroger le Stand au sujet de son utilisateur mais révèle rapidement qu'il souhaite que Red Hot Chili Pepper se taise pour qu'il ait une excuse pour le tuer. Okuyasu attaque et bien que la vitesse de Red Hot Chili Pepper lui permette de porter des coups solides, les propriétés de téléportation des pouvoirs de The Hand le prennent par surprise et Okuyasu est capable de le piétiner violemment dans le sol. La réserve d'énergie de Red Hot Chili Pepper s'épuise à l'approche du reste des héros. Red Hot Chili Pepper manipule donc Okuyasu, sous-entendant qu'il fait semblant d'être faible. Okuyasu hésite et décide d'attaquer. The Hands efface la moitié du corps de Red Hot Chili Pepper, mais efface également le sol et révèle un câble électrique souterrain. La manipulation de Red Hot Chili Pepper a réussi; il coupe le bras d'Okuyasu et le traîne avec à l'intérieur du câble, mais Josuke le ramène grâce à la main. Okuyasu reconnaît sa défaite et reconnaît son besoin de dépasser son frère.

Okuyasu bat Akira Otoishi

Plus tard, Okuyasu et Jotaro quittent le port pour rencontrer Joseph tandis que Josuke et Koichi montent la garde au port. Dans le bateau, Okuyasu rencontre le vieux Joseph. Bien que Josuke bat le manieur Akira Otoishi sur les quais, Otoishi réussit à s'échapper vers le bateau, se déguisant en un des employés de la Fondation Speedwagon à bord. Otoishi parvient à s'infiltrer dans la chambre de Joseph et lorsqu'un autre marin arrive, Otoishi l'accuse d'abord d'être l'ennemi. Okuyasu se retrouve avec la décision de déterminer qui est le manieur de RHCP entre les deux hommes, tandis que Red Hot Chili Pepper tente de tuer Joseph. Regrettant que son frère ne soit pas là pour choisir pour lui, Okuyasu frappe spontanément Otoishi au visage, avant de révéler qu'il prévoyait de frapper les deux marins et réussit à faire arrêter le tueur de son frère.

Okuyasu arrive alors à voir Joseph retrouver son fils séparé. La canne de Joseph a été cassée pendant le combat et Okuyasu propose que Josuke le répare mais Koichi le fait se taire, heureux de voir le père et le fils se tenir la main à la place.

Visite chez un mangaka

Okuyasu battu par Rohan Kishibe

Un jour, Okuyasu et Josuke voient Koichi entrer dans une maison au lieu d'aller à l'école. Connaissant sa tendance à avoir des problèmes, ils sonnent à la porte pour savoir ce qui se passe. Koichi ouvre et salue ses amis. Il explique qu'il visite simplement le mangaka Rohan Kishibe. Rassurés, Josuke et Okuyasu semblent partir et Koichi leur dit même au revoir. Cependant, ils remarquent que Koichi s'est blessé à la main et décident de se faufiler à l'intérieur de la maison. Okuyasu passe par le deuxième étage et surprend Rohan avec Koichi. Okuyasu lui ordonne de se rendre mais Rohan fait ressortir ses insécurités quant à la prise de décision. Inquiet, Okuyasu attaque mais Rohan est plus rapide et lui montre son dernier chapitre qu'il a dessiné. Okuyasu est transformé en livre par le Stand de Rohan, Heaven's Door. Neutralisé, Okuyasu est condamné à se brûler si Josuke part chercher de l'aide, empêchant Josuke de battre en retraite. Malgré son scepticisme, il attrape un briquet malgré lui. Heureusement, Josuke vient à la rescousse et finit par être immunisé contre l'art de Rohan lorsqu'il est aveuglé par la rage. Lui et Koichi voient alors Josuke se déchaîner, montrant un côté de lui que personne n'a jamais vu auparavant et Okuyasu apprend l'histoire de Josuke. Rohan est envoyé à l’hôpital.

L'aventure de Rohan Kishibe

Après la rencontre de Rohan et Koichi avec Reimi Sugimoto, Okuyasu est averti d'un tueur qui se cache en ville. Il se soucie pas vraiment de cette nouvelle, plus occupé à admirer la photo de Reimi et déplorant qu'il ne soit pas né quinze ans plus tôt. Okuyasu est d'ailleurs parmi les premiers à accidentellement rencontrer Yoshikage Kira lui-même.

Shigechi's Harvest

An invincible trio is born

One day, Okuyasu buys a drink but he is startled by the appearance of a short bug-like Stand. Spilling his drink on his pants, Okuyasu is furious and pursues the Stand. He eventually joins with Josuke who also has encountered the Stand; the two then see that they are dealing with a whole swarm of the same tiny Stands that gather in a park. They discover that the Stand is used by middle-schooler named Shigekiyo Yangu, or "Shigechi" for short, to gather money. Happy to make new friends with the same powers, Shigechi offers them half of his money. Okuyasu is happy to take it but Josuke declines. On the other hand, he devises a more lucrative plan. He tells Shigechi to gather all the store coupons and other stamps Harvest can find. Soon enough, the invincible trio gather enough coupons for Josuke to collect 61,000 yen. Okyasu is overjoyed but gets angry when Shigechi claims most of the money and only hands him 10,000 yen, claiming that Harvest did all the work and thus that he deserves it. However, Josuke calms him down.

Josuke tosses the discarded lottery tickets in the trash bin, but Okuyasu stops him and says that one of the tickets could be a winning one. Josuke and Shigechi are amused at Okuyasu's optimism and Shigechi even promises that Okuyasu and Josuke truly get half of anything they win. Soon enough, Okuyasu finds a lottery ticket with a prize of 5,000,000,000 yen. He is overjoyed. When the trio tries to validate the ticket at a bank, the banker stubbornly tries to prove their didn't buy it but Josuke manages to overcome this. The banker must give them a paycheck that they can use in three days. Shigechi's greed takes over again and he claims the whole paycheck, handing 10,000 yen as a "token of friendship". This is too much for Okuyasu who punches Shigechi, insults him, and takes the check.

Shigechi's greed causes problem

However, Shigechi gets angry. He sends Harvest to snatch the check and attacks Okuyasu by having Harvest cut his legs, piece by piece. Shigechi leaves, threatening to kill Okuyasu and Josuke if they pursue him. Josuke heals Okuyasu and they start to pursue Shigechi. Although Shigechi is fat, he uses Harvest as a tread to get carried across the streets and even scale a building, impressing Okuyasu. The two cooperate to have their Stand lift each other to scale the building. Despite Shigechi's action, the duo corners him on a roof. Suddenly, Okuyasu and Josuke feel dizzy and Shigechi reveals that Harvest injected alcohol directly in their bloodstream. Weakened, Okuyasu and Josuke are swarmed by Harvest. Okuyasu then gets an idea. Taking out the 10,000 yen Shigechi gave them earlier, he begs Shigechi for forgiveness and pretends to hand the money as a payment. Shigechi is lured close enough for The Hand to teleport the check into Okuyasu's hands. Josuke proceeds to tear it apart and Shigechi sends Harvest away to gather the pieces. This gives Josuke and Okuyasu the opportunity to punch him and talk sense into him and they agree to split the prize into thirds.

Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly

A seemingly ordinary lunch

One day at lunch time, Okuyasu and Josuke leave school in search of a decent meal. They meet Shigechi and ask him to lend them 1,000 yen which he does, reluctantly. At first they try to go to St. Gentleman's to buy their famous sandwiches but arrive too late and there are no more sandwiches. They cross path with Shigechi again. Although they could go to the store Hokaben to buy bentos, a bento plus a drink each would go over their budget. Shigechi proposes that they come with him to a storage room at school to help themselves with a teacher's coffee and tea stash but they initially refuse and part ways with Shigechi. But, they do change their minds and join Shigechi in his storage room. Shigechi welcomes them but continuously forbids them to even approach his lunch. Shigechi then notices that his sandwich bag has suddenly disappeared and he accuses Okuyasu and Josuke, annoyed by this. Shigechi's search is interrupted when a teacher barges into the room, forcing the trio to flee. Okuyasu and Josuke return to class and chit-chat, only to be interrupted. A lone Harvest hands them a button before it disintegrates.

Later, Okuyasu brings his father and meets the ghost of Reimi Sugimoto in person, along with the rest of those the protagonists had met up until then. Reimi confirms that Shigechi was killed, murdered by the same man who had killed her 15 years prior. Learning this, Okuyasu is left conflicted; Knowing that he had hated Shigechi at one point, he does not know whether to feel sad or angry. Among the whole gathering, he was the first to disperse.

Sheer Heart Attack

Kira is almost cornered

Okuyasu is informed by Josuke that Koichi and Jotaro were in trouble at the shop Centipede Shoes, engaged in battle with the 'Stand' of the murder who killed Reimi and Shigechi. When they both hurry over, they find Centipede Shoes in ruins, with Koichi, Jotaro, and another man severely injured, bloody, and unconscious in the street. Okuyasu tends to Koichi and finds that he's still alive, but not breathing, urging Josuke to heal him first. The two notice the third person crawling away, and promptly stop him. Josuke fools the man into revealing himself as the serial killer, before they watch as he has his Stand cut off his own hand and escape. As the four of them give chase using the severed hand, Koichi reveals the murderer's identity as Yoshikage Kira, an office worker of 33. They are led to Salon Cinderella and find Aya Tsuji having been killed, but not before being forced to change Kira's face and fingerprints.

Atom Heart Father

In their search for Kira's whereabouts, the group goes to his house and encounters his late father Yoshihiro Kira in the form of his own Stand, Atom Heart Father. However, Okuyasu and Koichi were unable to help Josuke and Jotaro because they were outside of Atom Heart Father's depicted area when the fight ensued. Although Jotaro neutralized Yoshihiro and tacked him to a column, the ghost tricked Okuyasu and Koichi into believing he's left through the wood cracks. Panicking, Okuyasu opens the photo, allowing Yoshihiro to escape, with the Arrow.

I'm an Alien

Okuyasu meets an alien?

One day, Okuyasu discovers a crop circle in a field. He and Josuke find a man inside of the crop circle, an eccentric individual claiming to be an alien. Okuyasu and Josuke initially laugh it off until the "alien", Nu Mikitakaze Nshi, eats a box of tissues. Unnerved, Okuyasu wonders if he's an enemy and if he should beat him up, but Josuke dissuades him and they leave to the ice cream shop. The shop is closed, which breaks Okuyasu's heart, but the alien offers them still cold ice cream cones coming from his bag. Okuyasu still refuses to believe the man is an alien. Their dispute is interrupted when they hear fire trucks passing and the alien reacts badly to the sirens. The alien turns into a pair of sneakers and stick to Josuke's shoes; Josuke is forced to jump away, leaving Okuyasu behind.

Let's Live on a Transmission Tower

Okuyasu and Josuke find a pair of binoculars one day. The binocular is revealed to be Mikitaka. Mikitaka then informs them of the existence of a transmission tower on which lives Toyohiro Kanedaichi, a hermit with a self-sustaining lifestyle. Curious, they approach to better see but Josuke is lured inside of the tower and imprisoned. Kanedaichi's tower is a Stand, Super Fly. Unfazed, Josuke and Okuyasu try to destroy the tower's leg but Super Fly reflects the energy back at them. Okuyasu is wounded and taken out of the fight. Okuyasu then witnesses the end of the battle as Josuke and Mikitaka eventually make Kanedaichi yield.

The Invincible Crazy Diamond

Okuyasu is killed?

Eventually, Rohan Kishibe notices in his files the strange behaviour of Hayato Kawajiri, son of Kosaku Kawajiri. The heroes agree to meet the next day to interrogate Hayato about his father but unbeknownst to them, Kira has developed a new power. When anyone asks Hayato about Kira, Killer Queen enters the eyes and detonates their head before looping time to one hour ago. In one such loop, Okuyasu is killed with Josuke, Jotaro and Koichi.

Okuyasu returns to save the day

However, Hayato manages to overcome this and calls Josuke early so that he can Okuyasu can come at the right moment to hear Kira reveal himself. Kira is forced to cancel Killer Queen Bites the Dust to defend himself. When Kira tries an unknown attack, Okuyasu displaces Kira in his direction, only for an invisible air bomb to detonate on his side. Okuyasu is mortally wounded and though Josuke heals him, he doesn't immediately wake up. In a dream, he once again meets with his brother Keicho, who asks Okuyasu where he wants to go. After a brief moment, he answers that he wants "to go back to Morioh", which results in him waking up, recovered from near-death with the assistance of Crazy Diamond. Okuyasu is surprised to see Josuke bloody and crying and continues assisting him in the battle with Kira, before Jotaro, Koichi, and Rohan come upon them. All five of them use their Stands to cripple Kira. As Kira desperately attempted to use his Stand with his broken hand, Okuyasu and others witness an ambulance accidentally crush his head, petrified by the sight.

Goodbye, Morioh Town

Okuyasu sees Reimi off

Okuyasu appears at the end to say goodbye to Reimi as she departs for the afterlife, claiming that he will personally be lonely without her (just like Rohan).

(The information below derives from the TV Anime. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)

He is seen eating at Tonio's with Stray Cat and his father, in another attempt to cure his father of his condition. While the attempt fails, Mr. Nijimura feels better, which makes him feel okay. He is later seen telling Koichi and Josuke about a rumor he heard about Rohan getting caught shoplifting at a Kameyu shop.

The Book: 4th Another Day

(The information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)

Okuyasu helps in the investigation of Hanae Orikasa's death. He eventually comes across the killer Takuma Hasumi and chases him to the library, where they engage in battle. Okuyasu's experience and instincts turn out to be useful against the inexperienced Stand user, dealing serious injuries to him, but ends up being defeated regardless. Nonetheless, Okuyasu contributes to Josuke's victory by telling him how the killer fights.

Rohan at the Louvre

Okuyasu makes a brief appearance, hearing Rohan's story about Nanase Kishibe along with Koichi and Josuke. Okuyasu tells Rohan he always reminded him of Mona Lisa and asked for him to imitate her pose for a photo. Rohan leaves to investigate Nizaemon Yamamura's painting without saying anything, making Okuyasu wonder if he insulted him.

Poaching Seashore

Okuyasu appears at the end of the story, again enjoying Tonio Trussardi's cuisine.



  • Keicho Nijimura: Okuyasu looked up to his big brother as a role model and relied on him to make decisions, though acknowledged that his wrongdoings would lead to his own downfall. Regardless, Okuyasu mourned his death when it actually happened. In their younger years, Keicho was shown to be protective of Okuyasu, often protecting him from their father's abuse though in the recent years he was more strict with him, at one point not hesitating to shoot Okuyasu when he was aiming for Josuke and threatening to kill him for trying to take the arrow away from him. Despite this, he still loved Okuyasu as he protected him from Red Hot Chili Pepper at the cost of his own life. In turn, Okuyasu loved his brother and every time he tried to make a decision he thinks of what his brother would do. He even sought revenge against Otoishi for killing his brother. Near the end of Part 4, a vision of Keicho goads Okuyasu, then in a state between life and death, to choose for himself whether he dies or lives.
  • Father: When he was younger his father often abused him. Despite this, Okuyasu was horrified when his father mutated into a mindless monster and helped his brother Keicho try to find a Stand user who could kill him to end his suffering. Upon learning his father had some humanity left in him, he tried to convince Keicho to spare their father and find a way to restore his humanity. After his brother's death, he often takes care of his father, showing he still loves him.
  • Mother: While there was no interaction shown between the two, he seems to have loved her as he cried when she died. He mentions her in the Let's go Eat Italian arc, thanking her for giving birth to him so he could eat Tonio's delicious cooking.


  • Josuke Higashikata: The two initially met as enemies, but they quickly became friends together, joining each other in their daily misadventures and eventually becoming close. The two often get along well, with Josuke being more intelligent, quick-witted, mature and calmer than Okuyasu often times having to calm Okuyasu down. However, Josuke shares in his greedy and mischievous ways and the two often work well together against other stand users. When Okuyasu was presumably killed by Kira, Josuke still took the time to save him and drag his body down, despite doing so causing him to slow down during his critical battle with Kira.
  • Koichi Hirose: The two are good friends, and care for each other's well being, with Okuyasu and Josuke as older brother figures to Koichi. Though Okuyasu is jealous of Koichi's relationship with Yukako as he had never been romantically involved with a girl.
  • Shigekiyo Yangu: Okuyasu originally saw Shigechi as an annoying kid; infuriated with his stingy and greedy behavior. However, in later chapters, he is seen hanging out with him and Josuke. Okuyasu does not take Shigechi's death lightly, developing a grudge against his murderer, Kira.
  • Mikitaka Hazekura: When Okuyasu first met Mikitaka, he originally thought of him as a joke, not believing his claims of being an alien. Later, he starts to view Mikitaka as a good friend, and gains respect for him, after witnessing his attempt to save Josuke.
  • Rohan Kishibe: While their relationship is not greatly explored, it is evident the two do not like each other as Okuyasu still holds a grudge on Rohan for nearly making him commit suicide while Rohan dismisses Okuyasu as an idiot.
  • Jotaro Kujo: Though the two had little interaction Okuyasu seemed to see Jotaro as a mentor figure though he did ignore his advice and went after Red Hot Chili Pepper on his own. Jotaro is exasperated by his temper and lack of intelligence but seems to see him as an ally nonetheless.
  • Joseph Joestar: The two had little interaction but Okuyasu was annoyed by Joseph's deafness, wondering if he was alright in the head. However, he did answer Joseph's questions regarding Josuke and protected him from Otoishi.
  • Reimi Sugimoto: While the two had little interaction, he has shown mild attraction toward her, calling her beautiful and wishing he was born 15 years ago to meet her. He listened to her advice regarding the serial murder in Morioh and bid her farewell as she ascended to heaven, stating he would miss her.
  • Tonio Trussardi: Okuyasu was curious of learning a new restaurant opened and opted to try it out. He was somewhat annoyed at first when Tonio refused to give him a menu. However, when he tried Tonio's cooking he instantly became a fan and continued eating despite the fact his body began acting weird such as crying heavily, skin ripping from his shoulders, his teeth falling out, and his guts being blown. He often complimented Tonio's cooking, calling him a genius and being grateful he lived in the same town as him while Tonio greatly appreciated the praise he received and treated Okuyasu as a valued customer.


  • Akira Otoishi: As the man who killed his brother, Okuyasu greatly despised Otoishi, having developed a grudge deep enough to put Okuyasu in a bad mood at the mere thought of him. While Otoishi has admitted that he respects Okuyasu's Stand abilities, he otherwise thought that Okuyasu was nothing but a fool.
  • Yoshikage Kira: After learning he murdered Reimi and Shigechi, Okuyasu would vow to kill Kira to avenge them. During their fight, Kira supposedly killed Okuyasu during their fight and Okuyasu contributed to his defeat by taking Stray Cat away from him.
  • Stray Cat: After The Hand removes Stray Cat from Killer Queen and Kira is defeated, Okuyasu gives the plant to his father. Stray Cat seems to get along with the patriarch, and shows no ill-will towards Okuyasu afterwards.

Chapitres / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Josuke Higashikata...I, Okuyasu Nijimura will eliminate you with my Stand, The Hand!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 274: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 1
  • Whatever my right hand touches will disappear! The edge of the erased space will then join together to restore the gap! As for the parts that are cut off... Even I don't know where they end up!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 275: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2
  • My brother was like that... he was destined to have a bad ending... but... but in the end... in the end he still tried to protect me! You saw it, right?!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 283: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 10
  • It's like...like, an elegant feeling, packed in water! I mean, for example, it's the kind of water a princess from the Alps would drink while playing her harp! It's just... crisp! Like how water would taste after you've been wandering around in the desert for three days!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura about water at Trussardi's, Chapter 303: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 1
  • The juiciness of the tomato melds with the freshness of the chesse! The cheese enhances the tomato! The tomato enhances the cheese! It's like, what do you call it?! Harmony! A harmony of taste! It's like a Simon and Garfunkel duet! The U-chan and Nan-chan of food! The Tetsuo Chiba to Asao Takamori's "Ashita no Joe"! That's how it tastes!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura about tomato mozzarella at Trussardi's, Chapter 304: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 2
  • I can't get enough of it! It's like, once I taste it, it sucks me in... It's like when you have to eat your age's worth of setsubun and once you start eating, before you realize it, you've eaten the whole damn bag! And you don't even like those goddamn beans!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura about spaghetti alla puttanesca, Chapter 305: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food, Part 3
  • I'm just dying to erase your goddamn existence, motherfucker!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura to Red Hot Chili Pepper, Chapter 309: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 3
  • This bastard killed my bro! I'm going to finish him off! That's the only thing I can be certain of! That's what I know in my heart!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter XXXX : Chapter XXXX
  • I'll have to surpass my bro. Thanks for the tip, Red Hot Chili Pepper
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 310: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 4
  • Don't think you can use your bullshit on me twice! I'm Okuyasu Nijimura, bastard!... You wanna know [how I knew who was the enemy]? I was planning on punching the both of you! 'cause I'm not too smart, you know?
    —Okuyasu Nijimura to Akira Otoishi, Chapter 314: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 8
  • Yeah! We are the invincible trio!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 336: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2
  • You're already in The Hand's range!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 341: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 7
  • Man, shut up. I already said you're done. Leave the roughhousin' to us!
    —Okuyasu Nijimura, Chapter 400: Let's Live on a Transmission Tower, Part 3

Jeux Vidéos

All Star Battle (PS3)

Okuyasu makes his playable debut in the PS3 game, and was confirmed along with Josuke, Jolyne and Ermes. As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Okuyasu can turn The Hand on/off, changing movesets, as well as have access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand.

Since Okuyasu did not fight many enemies during the events of Part 4, his moveset is mostly based on his Stand ability along with his own strong kicks and punches as a "hot headed"-type of character.

  • Chew on this!: The Hand erases space in front of Okuyasu. This move acts as an anti-air, and has the ability to nullify non-HHA/GHA projectiles. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
  • Throw - You bonehead!: Okuyasu picks the opponent up by their collar and punches them in the face.

While The Hand is off:

  • I'm eliminating space!: Okuyasu summons The Hand to erase space in a downward strike. This attack can be delayed for a few seconds, and cannot be blocked. Okuyasu will then teleport; If Light is inputted, he teleports forward. If Medium is inputted, he teleports into the air. If Heavy is inputted, the move becomes a feint. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
  • Got ya, runt!: Okuyasu summons The Hand to erase space in a quick motion. The Hand will then teleport above and deliver a flying kick downward. If the opponent is hit by the kick, they are knocked to the ground as The Hand rapidly stomps on them before kicking them away. The kick doubles as an anti-air.

While The Hand is on:

  • Graaaaah!: The Hand chops at the opponent. Okuyasu's skills can be performed instantly following this move. (Comboable)
  • Gaoohhhn!: The Hand erases space in a downward strike and pulls the opponent toward Okuyasu. This attack can be delayed for a few seconds, and both the strike and the pull are unblockable. If Heavy is inputted, the move becomes a feint. A Stand Rush skill that Okuyasu can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
  • I'll whittle you away!: The Hand eliminates space near the floor in quick succession as it advances. This attack trips the opponent, and can hit them when they're down. This move is a low attack, and cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. A Stand Rush skill that Okuyasu can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

Okuyasu's HHA, "Eat it for breakfast, jerk!", starts with The Hand charging its right hand before wiping out an extremely wide area in front of him. The HHA can hit downed opponents and can be delayed. Its wide horizontal range allows the HHA to hit opponents who attempt to sidestep out of the way.

Okuyasu's GHA, "All this thinking hurts my brain!", sends The Hand out to swipe at the opponent with its right hand. If it connects, The Hand repeatedly attacks the opponent with its power at different angles, slowly erasing them from existence. A final, large swipe eliminates the opponent completely as Okuyasu grins, before a random flowerpot flies out of nowhere and hits him square in the face (referencing how Josuke "defeated" him in his introduction chapters) and deals a small sliver of self-damage (making Okuyasu the only character who can damage himself with his GHA in the game). The self-damage is incapable of defeating Okuyasu, and he may recover the lost health over time, but only if he does not receive any more damage during the process.

Okuyasu possesses a single alternate costume, based on a moment during the events of the Pearl Jam chapters, where he took his school jacket off, revealing a tank top underneath. Aside from being a playable character, Okuyasu also appears on the "Kira Estate" stage as a background character along with Koichi; This is assuming that Okuyasu himself is not one of the two fighters being played.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Okuyasu was confirmed for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven alongside Rohan, "Kosaku Kawajiri", and Part 4 Jotaro. He forms a special tag team with Josuke.

Since most of the game's animation, effects and attacks were reused from All Star Battle, Okuyasu's moveset remains the same; Utilizing The Hand to close the distance between him and his targets, and being a close-ranged combat character in general.

As a Stand User, Okuyasu is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.

  • Style Action - I'll chip away at space!: The Hand erases space in a downward strike. If locked-on and in range, Okuyasu's target will be pulled towards him, in which he can then cancel the ability into a Normal Attack. Otherwise, Okuyasu flies forward into the air. If the input is held, the ability's effective range is increased, bringing an opponent closer from farther away or boosting his speed and distance in the air. The Style Action may also erase any projectiles on contact, notably Yoshikage Kira's Sheer Heart Attack. Doing so will damage Kira and increase the cooldown on SHA.
  • Got ya, runt!: The Hand erases space in a quick motion. Okuyasu will then teleport above and have his Stand deliver a flying kick downward. If an opponent is hit by the kick, they are knocked to the ground as The Hand rapidly stomps on them before sending them flying on the final kick. The flying kick doubles as an anti-air, and can hit downed opponents.
  • I'm going to erase you!: The Hand eliminates space near the floor in three quick swipes. This attack sends opponents flying if they're standing, and can also hit them when they're down. This skill may also erase projectiles and SHA in the same manner as the Style Action.
  • And that's not all I can do!: The Hand eliminates space in a quick stroke, pulling in surrounding stage objects towards Okuyasu. While Okuyasu is at risk of getting hit and sent flying by any of the objects, opponents caught between him and the objects are vulnerable as well. Okuyasu may cancel the ability with a Sidestep to dodge the incoming objects.
  • EX - Got ya, runt!: The skill gains a damage boost and the teleportation distance is increased.
  • EX - I'm going to erase you!: The skill executes quicker.


  • Look, I'm comin' closer! See that? TELEPORTATION! BOOYAH!: Okuyasu must connect his Style Action twice. (200 Points)
  • I'm going to erase you!: Okuyasu must connect "I'm going to erase you!" 3 times. (200 Points)
  • Chew on this!: Okuyasu must successfully execute 3 Combo Breakers. (300 Points)
  • Didn't you notice that you're in The Hand's range now?: Okuyasu must use "And that's not all I can do!" to pull in a total of 3 objects.  (500 Points)
  • Okuyasu Nijimura's The Hand is going to wipe you out!: Okuyasu must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)

Dual Heat Attacks

  • Solo - All this thinking is hurting my brain!: Identical to its performance in All Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
  • With Josuke - Hey, are we gonna do this, or what?: Okuyasu has The Hand bring their opponent closer by eliminating a wide space in front of them, leaving them staggered. After he and Josuke briefly and excitedly share comments, The Hand and Crazy Diamond pummel their target with a dual Stand barrage followed by a joint uppercut that sends them high into the air.

If paired against Vanilla Ice he will mock his Stand name before realizing they have similar abilities.


He is paired with Rudol von Stroheim in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Mariah and Esidisi.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Scrape off Space ver.
Skill: The Hand
Erases panels in a vertical line
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 16
Cooldown: 50



  • Araki chose Okuyasu's surname, "Nijimura" after deciding that it would be interesting to use the kanji for rainbow (, niji) in a character name. The name "Nijimura" was then derived from a Kanji dictionary.[14]
  • He is one of the few characters whose TV Anime voice actor was retained from previous media (along with Jotaro Kujo, Telence T. D'Arby, Akira Otoishi and Shigekiyo Yangu).
  • Okuyasu's address in Morioh is "Jozenji, block 4. 1280".[15]



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