Revision as of 23:29, 30 June 2020 by Nabu(talk | contribs)(Created page with "Rohan utilise librement son pouvoir pour écrire des commandes chez les gens, mais montre généralement de la retenue et de la subtilité dans l'écriture de ses commandes. I...")
Rohan est un Mangaka professionnel de génie et il est souvent mêlé à des événements paranormaux lors de recherches pour son manga. Il est un manieur de Stand qui utilise son Heaven's Door pour transformer les autres en livres et les lire pour l'inspiration.
Rohan est un bel individu de taille et de constitution moyennes. Il a une contre-dépouille lissée sur le côté. Bien que sa tenue change régulièrement, Rohan garde toujour son bandeau et ses boucles d'oreilles stylos fétiches à chaque apparence.
Sa première tenue le voit orner un costume ample et un pantalon, sur lequel il porte un gilet semi-déboutonné.
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAll-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
(Chemise violette sous un gilet vert clair avec un pantalon vert clair et des chaussures marron foncé. Bandeau vert.)
Cheveux(Bleu nuit, vert foncé sur les côtés)
(Costume blanc teinté bleu avec maillot vert, chaussures et bandeau)
Cheveux(Noir, vert olive sur les côtés)
Yeux(Vert citron)
(Costume blanc teinté violet avec maillot de corps et bandeau vert et chaussures vert foncé)
(Chemise violet clair sous un gilet vert clair avec un pantalon blanc et des chaussures vert clair. Bandeau vert.)
Tu crois que Kishibe Rohan fais des mangas pour l'argent ? J'écris pour être lu ! C'est la seule et unique raison. Je me moque de tous le reste !
—Rohan Kishibe
Rohan Kishibe est un artiste manga passionné dédié à son travail, avec une personnalité particulièrement abrasive mais un bon cœur.
Avec de l'inspiration, Rohan est en trance quand il dessine
Rohan Kishibe se définit avant tout par son dévouement à son travail. Ayant un talent surhumain de dessinateur, Rohan a constamment cherché à faire le meilleur manga possible afin de continuer à être lu. Son souhait d'être lu est si grand qu'il l'emporte sur toute autre motivation[1]. Il dédaigne l'argent ou la gloire et ne ressent aucun besoin d'avoir des lien affectifs.[2] En dessinant, Rohan tombe dans une transe artistique, dessinant avec tout son être concentré sur le papier et étant distrait avec beaucoup de difficulté.[2] En raison de son immense talent de dessin, dessiner est une formalité qui ne requiert aucun effort et la seule chose que Rohan recherche le plus est l'inspiration pour alimenter ses histoire.
Pour s'inspirer, Rohan est constamment à la recherche de nouvelles expériences ou de faits intéressant, enquêtant sur tout ce qu'il pourrait trouver intéressant avec un mépris flagrant du bon sens, de la politesse ou de la loi, par exemple en achetant toute une chaîne de montagnes pour préserver la surface habitable d'un supposé yokai et en fouinant constamment dans la vie des gens en les transformant en livres avec son Heaven's Door.[3][4] De plus, Rohan est trop curieux, se jetant volontiers dans des aventures étranges telles qu'une vente de maison inhabituelle ou une session de braconnage. Sa curiosité peut devenir obsessionnelle et carrément morbide car il a fallu qu'on le vainc au combat pour qu'il arrête de harceler Koichi[5] et il atué une araignée juste pour goûter ses entrailles.[1] Néanmoins, Rohan considère que la «réalité» est la plus grande source d'inspiration et recherche du matériau authentique pour son manga, dédaignant les fausses expériences comme lorsque Hazamada simule de vomir.[1]
En plus de son propre travail, Rohan est un amateur d'art sous toutes ses formes. Il possède des goodies de cinéma[6] des livres d'art et figurines de mangas[7] et considère qu'une visite au musée est une occasion solennelle nécessitant une tenue appropriée.[8]
Rohan hait tout le monde, sauf Koichi
Parallèlement à sa passion artistique existe le caractère généralement désagréable de Rohan. Tout d'abord, Rohan est arrogant, conscient de son talent presque surhumain d'artiste. Ainsi, il méprise généralement tout le monde[2]et semble seulement voir les gens comme des sources d'inspirations possibles pour ses histoires. Cependant, il respecte grandement Koichi pour son courage et sa gentillesse.[5]Il respecte également Tonio en tant que chef.[9] Naturellement, Rohan déteste également être ridiculisé, réagissant avec une colère extrême lorsque Josuke l'a trompé sans qu'il sache comment et se coupant le doigt en tant que punition auto-infligée.[10]De même, il n'aimait pas que son éditeur Kyoka Izumi rejette son idée pour un one-shot.[11]
Son arrogance va de pair avec sa grossièreté constante. Bien qu'il puisse agir avec courtoisie professionnelle, Rohan est généralement impétueux et impoli. En gardant une mince façade de civilité, Rohan ne cache généralement pas ce qu'il pense des gens, ce qui, combiné à son arrogance, lui vaut souvent un dédain mutuel avec ses interlocuteurs. De même, il aime aussi cause du malheur aux gens qu'il n'aime pas. Par exemple, Rohan joue à un jeu de dés avec Josuke en déclarant qu'il veut le ruiner[12]. Il a également déclaré aimer mettre des personnes "à leur place" en refusant leurs demandes ou ordres[13] et est prêt à taquiner ou à narguer un adversaire. Rohan se fiche notamment de toute politesse lorsqu'il veut quelque chose, transformant les gens en livres sur un coup de tête et étant entré à un moment donné dans un confessionnal juste pour voir l'intérieur. Mais s'il est désintéressé, Rohan peut aussi manifestement ne pas se souvenir du nom d'un interlocuteur (tel qu'avec Yukako Yamagichi à un moment donné) et se distraire pendant qu'ils parlent.[14] Il a aussi parfois adopté un comportement passif-agressif visible[6] et a pris du plaisir à donner un coup de poing à Ken Oyanagi, un jeune garçon qui l'agaçait avec son jeu de pierre-caillou-ciseaux.[15]
Plaidant pour la vie d'Izumi
Néanmoins, sous son comportement excentrique et discourtois, Rohan est également une personne décente. Quand il a appris comment Reimi Sugimoto l'avait sauvé, il a pris une part active à la recherche de son meurtrier pour donner à Reimi la paix qu'elle mérite.[16] Il admit également, avec un peu de persuasion, qu'il l'aimait bien et qu'elle lui manquerait.[17] Bien qu'il méprise les gens et se heurte à eux, il défend toujours leur vie, sauvant finalement Ken Oyanagi lorsque le garçon a tenté de se suicider.[18] et il sauva aussi l'abrasive Kyoka Izumi des dieux des montagnes.[11] De plus, la personnalité obstinée de Rohan signifie qu'il a également un code d'honneur extrêmement solide, refusant par exemple de laisser Josuke être attaqué par Highway Star malgré que le Stand a promis de le libérer et que Josuke était la personne que Rohan déteste le plus.[13] Finalement, Rohan accorde sans relâche à ses fans des autographes chaque fois qu'ils le lui demandent, quelles que soient les circonstances.[19]
Malgré son arrogance, Rohan est suffisamment mûr pour savoir qu'il est plus facile de dépasser les autres que de se dépasser soi-même.[20]
Des histoires récentes montrent que Rohan fait régulièrement de l'exercice physique pour rester en forme.[19]
Heaven's Door permet à Rohan de transmuter les gens en «livres humains», avec des pages écrites qui se déroulent de leur corps. Ces pages contiennent des informations détaillées sur cette personne, notamment les caractéristiques biologiques, l'histoire, la personnalité ou même des détails sur son Stand et ses capacités.
Rohan's Stand Heaven's Door a été acquis quand il a été percé avec la flèche[1]et sa nature provient probablement de son zèle pour dessiner des mangas. Rohan déclare qu'un manga convaincant nécessite une qualité qui ne peut être tirée que de la réalité, à la fois pour sa variété sensorielle et la profondeur de l'expérience que les humains accumulent.[21]
Le pouvoir simple mais exceptionnellement polyvalente de Heaven's Door pour transformer les gens en livres fait de Rohan un formidable manieur de Stand. Il y a eu une évolution notable dans la maîtrise de Rohan de son Stand car il fallait d'abord que quelqu'un regarde une page de son manga pour être transformé en livre, mais a ensuite pu dessiner son art en plein air pour déclencher l'effet. Plus récemment, il n'avait que besoin d'une touche pour transformer les cibles en livres. Ce changement a été déclaré comme sa propre progression en tant que manieur de Stand[4].
Rohan utilise librement son pouvoir pour écrire des commandes chez les gens, mais montre généralement de la retenue et de la subtilité dans l'écriture de ses commandes. Il préfère utiliser des ordres très spécifiques pour obliger les gens à ne rien faire ou à effectuer une seule tâche pour lui, mais jamais plus. En tant que mangaka, il utilise fréquemment son pouvoir pour fouiner dans la vie des gens.
He can also use his power in unexpected ways as people are literally transformed into paper and take on paper's property. Thus, he can easily immobilize someone by turning articulations into paper and has transformed an obese man into paper that could unfold and fit between two speeding trains.
Dexterity, Draftsmanship
Rohan is a genius manga artist
Rohan is an exceptionally talented draftsman, capable if he chooses of finishing manga pages of quality at superhuman speed. He can draw competently without construction lines and shade precisely simply by throwing ink drops with his pen. Such is his speed that he is able to do 19 pages in four days,[22] a feat he can easily surpass, as is noted when he still can meet the deadline for his manga during Made In Heaven's accelerated time, where time has hastened to the point that ink can dry before it gets to the paper.[23] Incidentally, his skill also gives him the necessary arm speed to draw a paper sheet off his desk even before Crazy Diamond can complete a punch. He was also able to throw pen nibs with such speed that they pierced Josuke's skin during their initial encounter.
InRohan Kishibe Goes to Gucci, Rohan inherits his deceased grandmother's Gucci bag, which possesses a Stand that allows its owner to hide items to be reobtained when in particular need.
Despite loving his manga more than anything else, even over friends and family, Rohan still maintains relationships with the protagonists. Most if not all of those are strained.
Koichi Hirose: Koichi was one of the first people Rohan met upon his return to Morioh. Despite trapping Koichi and using him for new manga ideas, Rohan shows more trust and friendship towards Koichi than the rest of Morioh's inhabitants. While Koichi is often perturbed by Rohan's near-obsessive behavior over him, he also has attempted to help Rohan in return. Koichi tolerated less and less the worst sides of Rohan's arrogance as he gained confidence and he was overall a positive influence on Rohan's attitude. At the end of Diamond is Unbreakable, one reproachful look from Koichi was enough for Rohan to yield and confess an attachment to Reimi Sugimoto.
Reimi Sugimoto: Reimi was a babysitter for Rohan when he was four years old. As a ghost, Reimi still treats Rohan as though he were a child. While he often acts resentful towards her treatment of him, he also shows unceasing determination to find her killer, as Reimi had sacrificed herself to save Rohan's life as a child.
Josuke Higashikata: Josuke and Rohan loathe each other, with their relationship being strained at best. This first started when Rohan kidnapped Koichi to use as material and nearly had Okuyasu commit suicide. Rohan also insulted Josuke's hair, causing Josuke to beat him until he was in the hospital for a month. Rohan views Josuke as simple-minded, and Josuke is often annoyed by Rohan's arrogance. As a result, Josuke was not above scamming Rohan for money. However, Josuke has tried on at least two occasions to patch up the relationship between the two. During the Janken Boy arc, he asked Rohan if he wanted to sit with him, Okuyasu, and Yukako. He also hoped to patch up their relationship after their battle against Highway Star, though Rohan's stubbornness and grudge prevented this. Despite their sharply contrasting personalities and rough history together, Rohan shows some trust in Josuke, proven when risking his own life to allow Josuke to escape from Highway Star, and the fact he restrains some hostility on the knowledge that he's Joseph Joestar's son, a person he values deeply.
Jotaro Kujo: Rohan seems to regard Jotaro as knowledgeable, and Jotaro trusts Rohan despite being a former enemy.
Okuyasu Nijimura: They only truly interact once, when Okuyasu goes to save Koichi from Rohan. Rohan used Heaven's Door to manipulate Okuyasu, nearly causing him to commit suicide by burning himself. While the two aren't seen together afterwards, it is safe to say they don't have a good relationship since Okuyasu holds a grudge against Rohan for what he did while Rohan is mostly indifferent to Okuyasu.
Joseph Joestar: Unlike with most people, he seems rather polite to Joseph, possibly since Joseph is his elder (and often refers to him as Joestar-san or Mr. Joestar). Joseph has been shown to be a fan of Rohan's works, something Rohan appreciates. He usually speaks calmly to Joseph, such as when he explains his investigation in uncovering Kira's whereabouts. He even states one of the main reasons he tolerates Josuke is out of respect for Mr. Joestar, further demonstrating his respect for him.
Nanase Kishibe: Rohan first meets her Nanase as "Nanase Fujikura" during his teenage years. Attracted to her, Rohan mentions that his relationship was in effect a first love to him. Indeed, he was noticeably less abrasive in her presence and even showed some protective instincts. However, Nanase fled away before things could evolve in a meaningful way. It is only later that Rohan learns that Nanase is his ancestor.
Tonio Trussardi: Although both characters do not interact in the manga, they are featured in Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 6: Poaching Seashore as allies. In the one-shot, Tonio and Rohan are portrayed as friends, even though Rohan disapproved of Tonio coming to Morioh in order to cook. Rohan changed his mind after eating Tonio's abalone risotto, and the two cooperated to go poaching for a rare type of abalones. During their escapade, Rohan ended up saving Tonio's life.
Yukako Yamagishi: While the two have no interaction, Rohan learned about her after reading Koichi's memories using Heaven's Door. When Josuke asks if Rohan wants to sit with him, Okuyasu and Yukako, he declines while referring to Yukako as a crazy bitch (or the moody Yukako depending on translations).
Shizuka Joestar: The two have little interaction though Rohan once scared her by using the flash on his camera. On another occasion, Rohan used her invisibility powers to force Ken's hand into a rock in Janken, causing Ken to lose against Rohan. He seems to care for her, as he became worried when he lost her and helped Joseph and Josuke look for her.
Hayato Kawajiri: Rohan noticed that Hayato was in the background of many of the pictures he took of people who were possibly Kira in disguise and tailed him. He tried to get information out of him, though Hayato refused, knowing that telling him anything would activate Bites the Dust and kill Rohan. Rohan did eventually get killed by Bites the Dust since he used Heaven's Door to read Hayato's memories, much to Hayato's horror. Luckily, his fate is avoided thanks to Josuke.
Toshikazu Hazamada: Toshikazu was a huge fan of Rohan who accidentally learned about his address and decided to visit the manga artist himself. He was impressed by Rohan and stated he truly admired him from the bottom of his heart even after Rohan used Heaven's Door on him. In contrast, Rohan read through Toshikazu's memories and learned of his sordid personality and actions and frankly dismissed him, much to Toshikazu's sadness.
Tamami Kobayashi: The two worked together in the I'm an Alien arc to expose Josuke's cheating during a game of Cee-lo between Josuke and Rohan where it was obvious the dice they used were somehow rigged to let Josuke win (it was Mikitaka disguised as dice and constantly throwing winning tosses for Josuke). Although they were not able to find out how Josuke cheated, Tamami still charged Rohan for his services. However, in Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 2: Mutsu-kabe Hill, he is shown to be a fan of Rohan and asks for his autograph, which is a stark contrast to their more professional relationship during their first on-screen meeting.
Akira Otoishi: Otoishi meets Rohan with Tamami after he is released from prison and excitedly asks for Rohan's autograph, claiming to be a big fan of his. Rohan's editor Minoru Kagamari harshly denies, saying that Rohan is busy, but Rohan scolds his editor and gives the two of them an autograph.
Yoshikage Kira: While initially only interested in chasing down the serial killer in order to improve the quality of his manga, Rohan takes Kira much more seriously after learning that the man had killed his childhood babysitter. Evidently, all of Rohan's attempts at tracking Kira down have been done alone, with limited help from his allies.
Ken Oyanagi: Ken initially annoyed Rohan greatly when they first met by challenging him multiple times to Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors). Because of this, Rohan felt little remorse for making him upset, eventually reaching the point of spontaneously punching him in the face out of irritation. When Rohan learned that Ken was actually attempting to steal Heaven's Door's ability in order to gain power, he acted diligently to beat him, and happily gloated in his victory. Rohan had a change of attitude after seeing Ken attempt suicide over the thought of losing his own Stand, claiming that he is moved whenever he sees people whom are dramatic like him.
Yuya Fungami/Highway Star: Though Rohan did not meet Yuya personally, he ended up a victim of his Stand. Rohan was shown to have enjoyed defying Highway Star, despite being completely at its mercy.
Masazo Kinoto: The architect was hired to inspect Rohan's house after it was burned in order to agree on a rebuilding plan. Upon their meeting, Rohan immediately used Heaven's Door in order to check if he was an enemy Stand user. Learning of Masazo's abnormal fear of having his back seen piqued his curiosity. During the inspection, Rohan tried time and time again to look at Masazo's back, and was eventually successful. This was the cause of Masazo's death, as his own Stand drained his life force and latched onto Rohan.
Cheap Trick: The Stand was an immediate threat to Rohan once it attached to him, making constant attempts to get other people to see his back in order to kill him. When he was able to remove the Stand via Reimi's Alley, he uses Heaven's Door to write in it "I'm going to Hell" before it gets dragged off into the unknown.
Relationships in Eyes of Heaven
The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.
Yukako Yamagishi: In Story Mode, Rohan is unnerved by Yukako's violent tendencies and will state that there is no difference when she is brainwashed by Heaven Ascension DIO. In Free Battle Mode, Yukako is annoyed by Rohan's teasing of Koichi and threatens him.
By the way, you wouldn't happen to know the secret to writing interesting comics, would you? It's reality! Reality is the lifeblood that makes a work pulse with energy! Reality itself is entertainment! You might think comics draw on imagination and fantasy, but that's wrong! To write something interesting, you have to write what you've seen, what you've done, what you've experienced!
Did you think the great Rohan Kishibe draws comics because he wants money?! I draw comics because I want to be read! "Want to be read" that's the one and only reason. I couldn't care less about anything else!
I'll say this only once. You said you wanted to surpass me... this is something you'll learn with age. It's not actually that hard to surpass someone. If you want to surpass someone, it's much harder to surpass yourself! Allow me to demonstrate by overcoming my own fate!
I REFUSE. The one thing I, Rohan Kishibe, like more than anything else... is finding people who think they're hot shit and saying no straight to their faces.
Despite Rohan being modeled after him,[25]Araki has stated that the two of them are not the same personality-wise. He does admit however, after being asked if he would lick a spider like Rohan, that he would eat really strange things if asked to, and that he really enjoys drawing skin peeling, which is the premise behind Heaven's Door.[26]
In an "Tameike Now" interview with Shoko Nakagawa, Araki mentions that if he were to have any Stand ability from his series, it would be Heaven's Door.[27]