Rai Mamezuku

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Aquele galho é uma planta demoníaca, não há humano que possa domá-la! Então, eu vou coletá-la!
—Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 74: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 2

Rai Mamezuku (豆銑 礼, Mamezuku Rai) é um aliado primário na oitava parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion.

Introduzido no arco "A Lagoa Azul de Dolomite", Mamezuku é um apreciador de plantas recluso, secretamente empregado pela Higashikata Fruit Company e conhecido apenas por Norisuke Higashikata IV. Assim que atacado pelos Humanos de Pedra, ele se junta a Josuke Higashikata para proteger a si mesmo.

Mamezuku é um usuário de Stand, e seu Doggy Style o dá a habilidade de se transformar em fios parecidos com faixas.


Mamezuku é um homem de porte musculoso de altura acima da média com um corte de cabelo de topo plano com trnaças atrás da cabeça. Ele veste um macacão com um padrão de vinhas e vagem por cima de uma camisa clara de colarinho e uma gravata, assim como um chapéu de aviador com sete pequenas bolas lembrando várias uvas na frente do chapéu.

Depois da luta contra Urban Guerrila, a mão esquerda de Mamezuku perde quatro dedos devido ao Brain Storm tê-la infectado.[1]

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Pele(Clara, batom laranja)
(Macacão verde com decorações verdes mais escuras, camisa de baixo branca, gravata preta e chapéu amarelo)


Depois de Yasuho compartilhar sua triste história, Rai diz que não liga

Rai Mamezuku é um indivíduo excêntrico e indelicado com pouca preocupação por educação. Ele é altamente analítico e inteliente em sua maneira de abordar problemas. Assim que ele descobre sobre o que está acontecendo a Morioh e que ele está sendo atacado, ele toma a iniciativa de se juntar com seus aliados.[2] Com uma única ligação para Norisuke sobre o problema confuso de Josuke, Mamezuku consegue compreender os riscos a cada lado envolvido e vê o melhor curso de ação para ele.[3] Ele tende a cuidadosamente observar seus arredores e verbalmente anota tudo que remotamente o interesse; esse hábiot permite que ele diferencia a natureza e as sublimidades do ataque contra ele. Mamezuku também regularmente calcula probalidades, como as chances de alguém estar seguro através de fatores selecionados.[4]

Mamezuku tem um coração de pedra em relação aos seus métodos, repetidamente mostrando que ele não tem escrúpulos em sacrificar uma pessoa que lee percebe como menos importante por um objetivo maior. Seu pomar especificamente deixa uma pequena parte da cultura cheia de insetos predatórios para melhorar o resto do pomar, ele não tem problemas em cortar alguns de seus para salvar a si mesmo,[1] e até põe Yasuho em grande perigo pois ele a vê como menos importante do que sua própria segurança.[5] Outro exemplo de sua inescrupulosidade acontece quando ele deliberadamente faz um detento ver Satoru Akefu para fazer o homem machucar a si mesmo e ter uma chance de escapar da prisão e ser secretamente levado ao Hospital Universitário TG.[6]

Além disso, Mamezuku é bastante calmo. Apesar de ser introduzido sob ataque de uma habilidade desconhecida, ele age calmamente apesar de ter um foco aberto em sua sobrevivência. Assim que em terras relativamente seguras, Mamezuku toma um tempo para cozinhar um lanche para ele, Josuke e Yasuho.[7] Quando ele perde sua mão esquerda para um ataque de Stand, ele calmamente a corta para preservar o resto de seu corpo.[1] Isso tendo sido dito, até mesmo Rai não pode ficar calmo quando Akefu sugere que ele esteve por trás da morte de seu pai e também todas as calamidades que destruíram o pomar de seus pais, e ele rapidamente tenta matar o médico-chefe.[8]

No entanto, a característica mais notável de Mamezuku é sua excentricidade e franqueza. Primeiro, ele é extremamente anti-social. Seu único relacionamento é com Norisuke, quem ele de qualquer forma considera um bom amigo.[9] Mamezuku toma muitos passos para ficar isolado, já que sua casa durante o verão é na verdade um pilar de apoio para um teleférico, completo com pelo menos uma cozinha escondida e o lado inteiro de uma montanha como seu pomar;[10][11] durante o inverno ele reside em uma vila. Além disso, Mamezuku constantemente demonstra uma falta de cuidado pelos outros. Ele rouba um ônibus sem pensar em nada além das repercussões que isso traz à ele, abertamente conta a Yasuho que ele não liga sobre sua história trágica[12] e considera sua sobrevivência como a prioridade, com a de Josuke e Yasuho sendo secundárias a sua própria. De qualquer forma, ele parece impressionado quando Yasuho toma a iniciativa de cobrir seus passos e pensou em convidar seus hospedes para um lanche enquanto eles discutem seu próximo passo.[10] Isso não para Mamezuku de condenar Josuke quando ele prioritiza a segurança de Yasuho no meio de um ataque. Ele vai ao ponto de friaramente empurrar Yasuho para fora do teleférico para o alcance do Stand inimigo para ver o que aconteceria.

Em sua juventude, Rai foi descrito como um garoto temperamental que não gostava de outras pessoas e culpava o erro de seus pais pela destruição de seu pomar.[13] Um segundo flashback mostra que ele estava pelo menso em bons termos com Norisuke IV[14]



Artigo principal: Doggy Style

O Stand de Mamezuku é o Doggy Style, que pode criar um fio preênsil parecido com uma faixa de seu corpo para agarrar objetos de longe. Ele desfia seu corpo em uma "corda de arame" que ele pode controlar e manipular.

Doggy Style (ドギー・スタイル)Link para essa seção
Pele Desfiável


Mamezuku é um especialista em horticultura, sua profissão sendo a de um apreciador de plantas e um cultivador de frutas, sugerindo uma grande quantidade de conhecimento e experiência com plantas. Ele pode identificar uma planta simplesmente através de sua aparência em uma fotografia, e tem o conhecimento para cuidar de plantas raras como a Locacaca de forma correta.


É eventualmente revelado que Mamezuku sabe da existência do Spin. Ele demonstra isso a Josuke ao desfiar uma corda de sua pele e deixá-la girar rapidamente, revelando a Josuke que as bolhas de sabão do Soft & Wet são na verdade linhas finas que giram infinitamente.



Mamezuku nasceu em uma família de fazendeiros de frutas, cujas peras de alta qualidade eram bens prezados.

Em um flashback, as técnicas de cultivação dos pais de Mamezuku foram vazadas, levando a um competidor conseguindo roubar uma colheita inteira de peras e derrubando as árvores das frutas. Os usurpadores estavam conectados com agiotas locais. Então, seus pais tiveram de se livrar de seus pomares. Culpando seus pais, Mamezuku passou a viver sozinho em uma pista de esqui, cultivando suas próprias frutas apesar das dificuldades. Mamezuku conheceu Norisuke Higashikata IV aos 17 anos de idade. Impressionado pela qualidade das frutas, Norisuke apontou Mamezuku em segredo como seu cultivador e apreciador de frutas pessoal. A existência de Mamezuku na companhia foi mantida no maior sigilo, com nem mesmo o próprio filho de Norisuke, Jobin, tendo sido informado.[15]

Em outro flashback, a família de Mamezuku parecia ser ligada à família Higashikata. Em certo ponto, o pomar de peras foi destruído por um tufão e um estranho fenômeno ocorreu onde as árvores vazavam asbestos de todos seus orifícios enquanto cresciam. Mamezuku insiste que ele viu um inseto causar mau ao pomar mas ninguém acreditou nele. No entanto, seu pai foi investigar as frutas durante esse tufão e foi morto por um deslizamento de terra. Norisuke Higashikata IV atendeu ao funeral com seu filho Jobin e filha Hato. Durante a cerimônia, Mamezuku foi incomodado por alguns conhecidos mas Norisuke se livrou deles. Após abraçar Norisuke por comforto, Mamezuku novamente disse a ele que o pomar foi bem-cultivado e que ele viu um estranho inseto a espreita do pomar enquanto as árvores morriam. Entretanto, Norisuke refutou suas alegações, tendo checado e não visto inseto algum, e disse a Mamezuku que tudo que aconteceu a ele foi algum tipo de calamidade natural.

Naquele momento, embora fosse breve e dificilmente notável, foi aqui que o jovem Mamezuku encontrou Satoru Akefu, que estava com suas costas viradas. No entanto, Mamezuku tinha deveres aos quais atender e esqueceu sobre o estranho homem.[16]


Mamezuku é visto pela primeira vez quando Norisuke apresenta uma foto dele a Josuke Higashikata, o aconselhando a encontrá-lo, já que suas habilidades permitiriam que Josuke reconhecesse o galho de Locacaca enxertado.

O Apreciador de Plantas

Mamezuku formalmente conhece Josuke & Yasuho

After communicating with Norisuke in regards to a certain Josuke Higashikata's inquiry about a Locacaca branch, Mamezuku notices that he is under attack from an unidentified enemy moving underground. Running from his assailant, Mamezuku ends up hijacking the bus which Josuke and Yasuho Hirose are on, formally meeting them and presenting himself in the process.

Mamezuku thus drives to his summer home in the mountains, a ski lift. Discussing with Josuke and Yasuho, Mamezuku manages to find the location of the Locacaca using photographs of the orchard, and determines that the best course of action for his survival is to work with Josuke.

Urban Guerrilla ataca Mamezuku

After a brief snack, the trio is attacked by the unknown assailant revealed to be a duo of Rock Human and Rock Animal, Urban Guerrilla and his pet Doremifasolati Do. Losing several fingers to a first attack, Mamezuku becomes upset that Josuke has protected Yasuho first instead of him. To observe the enemy, Mamezuku pushes Yasuho down the ski lift, which pushes Josuke to also jump down, although Mamezuku tells him they have to take a fuel tank stored inside one of the lift poles.

Separated from his allies, Mamezuku is attacked by Urban Guerrilla and falls down the lift, heavily injured. However, he's managed to pierce the fuel tank and bring it to Josuke alongside his lighter, which Josuke uses to make Doremifasolati Do and Urban explode.

Afterward, Mamezuku takes with him a vivarium full of moth larvae. When he tells Yasuho to leave and go home, Yasuho refuses and begins to tell her story. Uninterested by her, Mamezuku nonetheless listens when Yasuho theorizes that the strange hair clip which has tormented her may have been a Rock Animal. Thus, he sends her to investigate it.

A Pressão do Ozon Baby

Arriving at the Higashikata estate through secret underground tunnels, Mamezuku and Josuke stealthily manage to plant the moth larvae in the Locacaca branch and must now wait 12 days before a new fruit grows.

Mamezuku & Josuke saem para pegar o galho mas ele é no final roubado

Their departure is interrupted when they notice the atmospheric pressure growing inside the tunnel. Looking outside, the two see the orchard on fire and decide to use giant bubbles to protect themselves from Ozon Baby's power. Going out into the open to take the branch, Mamezuku sees the enemy, Poor Tom, and decides to confront him.

Mamezuku's attempts to break Poor Tom's neck by strangling him with his wired arm proves to be a mistake as touching Poor Tom directly increases Ozon Baby's influence on him. When Poor Tom traps a part of the wire inside a knife sheath to simulate a closed space, Mamezuku succumbs to the pressure, making his body explode.

Despite all observing parties assuming that the plant appraiser was killed by the explosion, Mamezuku was able to successfully utilize Doggy Style in order to disassemble his body rapidly, giving the impression that he was torn to shreds. After the conflict with Poor Tom ends, Josuke discovers a surviving yet disassembled Mamezuku and mourns the loss of the branch, not knowing that Jobin had obtained it covertly.

Perseguindo o Médico-Chefe

After the battle, Josuke explains what happened to the Higashikata Family. Mamezuku suspects Jobin of lighting the orchard on fire, but none of them have any proof of what happened. They decide to follow the trail of the ambulance's license plate. Finding that no such ambulance is recorded, Josuke finds another trail when Yasuho calls him to go to the TG University Hospital.

Arriving there with Josuke, Mamezuku spends some time searching for Yasuho while at the same time, she is busy fighting Dr. Wu Tomoki alongside Mitsuba Higashikata. Tipped by Yasuho's ex-boyfriend Tooru, Josuke and Mamezuku reach the secret laboratory containing several Locacaca branches. After Josuke saves Yasuho, Mamezuku scans the room and deduces in his turn that the stolen Locacaca branch isn't in the laboratory and destroys the trees of the garden.

De algum jeito Josuke e seus companheiros são incapazes de alcançar o médico-chefe

Although Yasuho theorizes that since Tomoki tried to gain control of Mitsuba, he may have suspected Jobin as the possessor of the branch, Mamezuku is adamant about the branch being in the hands of the Locacaca Organization and stays deaf to her suggestions. He instead reports his attention to the last member of the organization unaccounted for: Satoru Akefu, the head doctor of TG University Hospital. The trio are eventually informed about the head doctor walking away behind them, but to Mamezuku's frustration, the supposedly 89 years old doctor keeps evading them as they continuously bump against objects, Mamezuku being the most subjected to these occurrences.

As the doctor leaves the hospital grounds, Mamezuku notices that his legs are being shredded and that the group is under attack from an enemy Stand. Warning against continuing the pursuit, he helplessly watch a car almost crashing into Yasuho and Josuke as they pursue the head doctor, who has now boarded a bus. Moreover, Josuke gets into trouble when a patient nearby starts a fight and his broken neck violently and suddenly snaps on Josuke, making it look like he murdered the man. A crowd gathers and the police arrives as Mamezuku, unwilling to be arrested, tells Yasuho to get away while he and Josuke must find a way out of this situation.

Mamezuku testemunha Josuke ser atingido pela chuva mortal

Mamezuku and Josuke eventually decide to hide inside a Lamborghini, itself also hidden in the foliage of a tree. They last until two days before the harvest. Having bought some supplies, Mamezuku stitches himself up and also discovers that Satoru Akefu may be attending a lecture on regenerative medicine at the TG University Hospital. At the same time, he and Josuke discuss the exact nature of Satoru Akefu's Stand. Once they decide to actually go to the lecture, Akefu's Stand reappears, making them realize that it is triggered by the intent of pursuit. As they worriedly leave the car to escape the incoming attack, Mamezuku and Josuke discover with horror that the drops from an incoming rain become lethal projectiles, forcing them to take refuge in a police car.

Determined to get to the hospital and reach Satoru Akefu's lecture, Josuke steps out of the car and gets pierced by the raindrops on purpose to be injured and taken to the hospital. Shocked, Mamezuku notices that the attack has ended with Josuke being taken out, or worse, and angrily yells at the police to get an ambulance. Mamezuku is apprehended by the police.

Confrontando o Médico-Chefe

Mamezuku thinks about the enemy's ability and enacts his evasion plan. He begins by stealing a mobile phone and a kitchen knife from the evidence locker and smuggles them inside of his cell.

Sitting with another prisoner who complains about his constant mumbling, Mamezuku mentions that he's innocent and was only sheltering his equally innocent friend Josuke and then inquires about his cellmate's health. This enrages the man who only wants to be left in peace but then Mamezuku mentions the power of the head doctor Satoru Akefu. Mamezuku shows the mobile phone and the kitchen knife and states that he's free to go outside but must stay in the cell. Filming the exterior with the phone, Mamezuku shows the screen to the cellmate and mentions the elderly man in a black suit standing near the window but with his back facing them. The cellmate shouts that there isn't anybody but Mamezuku insists, theorizing the figure to be a materialization of "calamity energy". To prove his point, Mamezuku stands up to get a good look at the man but a cup of water suddenly spills on the floor and the light breaks, sending shards flying at them. He also tries to call Josuke to inform him about the enemy and his dish bursts, revealing a swarm of maggots.

Thus, Mamezuku claims that the man is a form of karmic retribution whose energy is probably related to the deeds of the individual who sees him. Mamezuku finally manages to make his cellmate see the doctor and mentions that he's found photos of a knife attack in the phone incriminating the cellmate. Pushed over the edge, the cellmate takes the knife but Mamezuku unravels his hand and pushes the knife in the cellmate's throat, stating that he's been waiting for this moment. The police rushes the injured criminal to the hospital. When the ambulance reaches the TG University Hospital grounds, Mamezuku gets out of his hiding spot, as he's unravelled himself to hide under the cellmate's clothes. Still, he can see the figure of the head doctor in the parking lot. Mamezuku expresses his final finding: that the figure is actually the Stand and that the real user is hiding somewhere. However, Mamezuku spots the real Satoru Akefu walking behind him this time, and deduces that he and the doctor are going in the same direction: towards Josuke.

Wonder of U confronta Josuke e Mamezuku

As Mamezuku and Akefu both go towards the laboratory, Mamezuku is able to see more of how the Stand Akefu moves through objects and through reflections. Arriving at Josuke's room, he warns Josuke about the head doctor and its calamitous powers, but Josuke has a plan. Akefu phases through the wall to peek inside the laboratory but doesn't completely enter the room. Instead, it brings a Rock Insect named Dododo De Dadada out of his pocket. It attacks Josuke via a strange method but Josuke manages to avoid taking serious damage. Akefu dares him to get up from his chair. However, Josuke retorts that this is the latest of a series of attempt to bring them out in the open. Thus, Josuke asks a question: wouldn't it have been enough to just keep the new Locacaca? Akefu remains silent, allowing Mamezuku to realize that Akefu does not have the fruit.

Suddenly, Mamezuku remembers his past and that he'd already seen Satoru Akefu. Remembering his family's devastated pear orchard and the Rock Insect, Mamezuku then saw Josuke excreting asbestos. Remembering how his trees died, Mamezuku protects Josuke from Dododo De Dadada's second attack by blocking the stick with his palm, injuring himself in the process, and told Josuke not to move. He explains that moving up must trigger the appearance of the asbestos, and the head doctor, who identifies himself as Wonder of U, precises that the trigger is to extend one's limbs, just like how the Mamezuku's pear trees died leaking out asbestos as their branches grew. As Wonder of U practically reveals he's been responsible for the orchard's destruction and his father's death, a dark determination appears in Mamezuku's eye. However, he must first warn Josuke of an incoming attack from Dododo De Dadada, who's merged with the desk Josuke is perched on.

Rai é pego por uma calamidade e morre por causa de uma das bolhas do Soft & Wet

Rai first tries to warn Josuke but the latter is overwhelmed by Dododo De Dadada. Rai thus intervenes personally. By unraveling himself partially, Rai is able to crawl on the ceiling like a snake and take Dododo De Dadada by surprise. Rai violently extends his fingertip and impales the Rock Insect, killing it. Despite Josuke's wish to let Wonder of U come to him, Rai directly confronts the head doctor, waving his fingertip mere centimeters away from it. Wonder of U taunts Rai about the calamities that had befallen his family. Angered, Rai grabs Wonder of U by the neck and almost impales him. However, a calamity happens and Rai falls into Josuke's trap, several spinning bubbles that cut chunks of his body, including the head. Rai collapses but decides to tell Josuke the truth about Soft & Wet's power, and reveals to him the existence of the Spin, dying afterwards.

Soft and Wet: Go Beyond

Rai's body lies still as Josuke engages Wonder of U. His spirit guides Josuke about the ability of the spin and explains how it could bypass the calamity. Kei Nijimura joins the battle to assist Josuke but gets incapacitated by the calamity, her help reveals the hidden ability within Josuke's bubbles. His and Kei Nijimura's hands are seen grabbing onto Josuke. The fight reaches its climax as Josuke succeeds in using the spin with his stand's bubbles. With Wonder of U out of the fight, Josuke walks over to Holy Joestar-Kira's room and takes a moment to think about her, Rai and Kei.



  • Father: Due to Mamezuku's parents' incompetence, Mamezuku ran away to live on his own. However, it's shown that Mamezuku still has love for his parents, especially his father, since Mamezuku at some point attended his father's funeral. After finding out that the landslide that struck his father was a calamity caused by Wonder of U, his father's death becomes one of the primary factors that drive Mamezuku's intentions on fighting Akefu.
  • Mother: Due to Mamezuku's parents' incompetence, Mamezuku ran away to live on his own. Mamezuku's relationship with his own mother remains unclear, though she attended Mamezuku's father's funeral with Mamezuku. Later on, overwhelmed by the amount of debts from the pear orchard, she fell ill and died.[17] Like the case with his father, Mamezuku becomes enraged after learning that his mother's death was also a calamity by the Head Doctor.

Amigos e Aliados

  • Norisuke Higashikata IV: Mamezuku met Norisuke at the age of 17. Norisuke became impressed at Mamezuku's fruit cultivating skills, and therefore hired Mamezuku to be his secret personal fruit grower and appraiser. Since then, their secrecy remains unnoticed even to the eldest son Jobin. It is shown that Norisuke assumes a father figure role to Mamezuku, as he attended his father's funeral, and was there to comfort him.
  • Josuke Higashikata: They ally together due to their connection with Norisuke, and so that Mamezuku could tell Josuke where the New Locacaca branch is. They still get along with each other regardless.
  • Yasuho Hirose: Despite Yasuho helping Mamezuku investigating the Rock Organisms and the Locacaca, Mamezuku shows little to no care for Yasuho. During their encounter with Urban Guerilla and Doremifasolati Do, Mamezuku pushed her off as a disposable, ignoring Josuke's angry reaction. They still seem to get along with each other regardless.


  • Satoru Akefu: Akefu did attend Mamezuku's father's funeral at some point; it was very brief, but it was here that Mamezuku and Akefu met each other for the first time. After finding out that the landslide that claimed his father's life was a calamity caused by Wonder of U, his father's death becomes the primary factor that drives Mamezuku's intentions on fighting Akefu.
  • Dododo De Dadada: Mamezuku does not directly consider Dododo De Dadada an enemy, though in his past he saw the Rock Insects infest his father's pear orchard with asbestos. It is unclear if one of them was Dododo De Dadada. Mamezuku kept trying to tell the public about this, but they didn't believe him; only his father did.


Book Icon.png Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição


Quote.png Frases
  • The priorities here are protecting me is first... then your own life comes second. She's third. Okay?
  • I'm just saying what I think is logical.
  • My occupation is Norisuke's personal fruit grower... I don't do business with anyone else.
  • I'm purposefully letting insects and diseases attack the strawberries around here. By doing that, this makes them a good environment for the insects and diseases, so they don't climb any higher up the hillside.
  • Josuke, promises are "sacred".
  • Do you know what... I'm trying to do... with my 'Doggystyle'...? Josuke... knows.
  • Don't get the wrong idea, Josuke Higashikata. It seems you spoke to the enemy about me... you need to protect me.
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 64: Mother and Child
  • I'd like to avoid any more irregularities, but... Josuke... no matter what happens, I need you to take responsibility. For now, you have to protect me. The priorities here are protecting me first, then your own life comes second. She's third.
  • You'd best not doubt my probabilities.
  • My name is Rai Mamezuku (32). Got that? "Rai", not "Rei". My occupation is Norisuke's personal fruit grower. I don't do business with anyone else.
  • The entire chairlift is my home. It's just a rental though. Starting from the bottom, the first pole is where my analog records are stored. I'm thinking about throwing away my laserdiscs. Every pole is equipped with speakers. The second pole is a library and a winery. The third pole is a closet where I keep my shoes and clothing.
  • Humans started engaging in agriculture approximately 10,000 years ago. At first, they grew wheat and green peas. From there, human civilization has been constantly developing. Right now, developments in science and technology, terrain and natural environments, art, thinking, and economics seem to have thoroughly surpassed all limitations... Despite all this, there is a region which, ever since the dawn of human civilization, has remained unsolved. A region that no kings or sages have ever been able to conquer. A region which sages gave up on trying to conquer and deemed accepting it to be unconquerable as correct. That is the region known as not dying. But humanity had proof before it that it exists at the cellular level. The mechanism is astoundingly simple. The equivalent exchange of cells. Even setting moral issues aside, unlike induced pluripotent stem cells and cloning, it's simple replacement. By my calculations, the cellular replacement of an entire body can be done in just two hours. Josuke, if the sages of this world witnessed you, what would they think about death...?
  • The IT industry alone makes 5 trillion dollars a year. What kind of world would an "immortality industry" be?
  • This enemy is quite serious... our chance of survival has decreased to 7%.
  • Don't treat sacred things lightly. Otherwise everyone, including Norisuke, is going to lose! I'm the first priority. Protect me...you seriously want to harvest the Locacaca fruit, right?
  • He's piqued my interest... I've changed my opinion of him somewhat... when all is said and done, Josuke is a man I can count on. But that... is an assessment for after we've gotten our hands on the new Locacaca...
  • Josuke... I'm not crazy about your plan... but that speech of your just now... I liked it. Part of it, at least. I didn't care about the other parts, but that line about Norisuke struck a chord.
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 74: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 2
  • Knowing Norisuke... with that new Locacaca branch, we'll open up the righteous path and bring everyone happiness. That branch is a demon plant! There's no human who can tame it! So I'll go collect it!
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 74: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 2
  • You're... a Rock Human, yes? I'll break you apart with my wires.
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 75: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 3
  • I know I sound like a broken record but... 89 years old?
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1
  • Sorry, no can do. I don't mind the search, but I'm going to have to refuse getting out of the patrol car. I'll get hit by the rain. I've got rights, you know.
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7
  • ...Here he comes... Everything in this world... All things under heaven and earth... And the connections between them...!! None of them will be on your side!! If you just 'move an inch' from that chair... An all-out attack of a power called Disaster will be coming for you!!
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 98: The Wonder of You, Part 15
  • Nobody is aware of it. Nobody sees it within their stand. It's a line. The lines, they spin... Your soap bubbles are soft, spinning lines! That is the spin! And inside it, there are things that cannot... be seen...
    —Rai Mamezuku, JoJolion Chapter 100: The Wonder of You, Part 17



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