Josuke Higashikata
Josuke Higashikata (東方 定助, Higashikata Jōsuke) es el protagonista principal de la octava parte de la serie JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion, y es el octavo JoJo de la serie. Josuke es un hombre jóven que sufre de amnesia retrógrada, faltándole todas sus memorias previas a ser descubierto por Yasuho Hirose cerca de Wall Eyes en la ciudad de Morioh. Se dedica a descubrir su identidad previa y a aquellos que estaban originalmente asociados con él. La identidad original de Josuke es la de Josefumi Kujo (空条 仗世文, Kūjō Josefumi), y se convirtió en su yo actual luego de fusionarse con parte de Yoshikage Kira (吉良 吉影, Kira Yoshikage). Josuke es un usuario de Stand y retiene una versión mejorada de su original Soft & Wet.
Josuke es un hombre jóven, físicamente hábil de estatura por encima del promedio. Josuke tiene un diastema entre sus incisivos superiores y una marca de nacimiento en forma de estrella en su hombro izquierdo. Tiene dos juegos de iris, cuatro testículos, y dos lenguas, todo junto, difiriendo en textura y color. Yasuho menciona que se parece a su perro, Josuke. Él usa un gorro de marinero tipo "Dixie cup" con borlas (en múltiples ilustraciones, está adornado con la misma insignia de una palma que el gorro de Jotaro Kujo). La marca de su gorro es "SBR" (una referencia a la carrera Steel Ball Run). Usa un traje de marinero recortado encima del ombligo, con un amplio escote que expone su marca de nacimiento, un pañuelo con un botón que parece una cabeza de tornillo ranurado, emblemas grandes de un ancla en su lado derecho y una brújula a su izquierda, pantalones ajustados con un cinturón, y un par de zapatos deportivos de caña alta (que menciona que le costaron 7,980 yenes). Su ropa interior tiene "JOJO" inscrito alrededor de la cintura. Después de consumir una porción de Locacaca 6251, tres pequeñas rocas en forma de triángulo crecen al lado izquierdo de su rostro. Una roca cubre su ojo izquierdo, pegada sobre su ceja y debajo de su ojo. Las otras dos rocas que cubren su mejilla izquierda están al lado la una de la otra y están orientadas hacia su boca. La roca que cubre su ojo izquierdo se cae luego de ser atacado por Obladi Oblada, dejando solo unos guijarros dentados donde se pegaba a su piel.[1] Las rocas que cubren el lado izquierdo de su rostro luego se caen también, pero no dejan nada atrás.[2]
Esquemas de Color
Josuke Higashikata es un peculiar amnésico determinado a conocer su verdadera identidad y su pasado.
Josuke es afectado por una extensa amnesia retrógrada, sin recuerdos de sí mismo, o eventos previos a conocer a Yasuho Hirose, pero manteniendo varios grados de conocimiento.[3] Así, Josuke está determinado a descubrir quién era, investigando las circunstancias de su presencia en la playa antes de ser salvado por Yasuho. Ese objetivo ocupa casi todas sus actividades, y no hace nada sin la intención de descubir la verdad. Su determinación es lo suficientemente fuerte como para que estuviese dispuesto a interrumpir un momento poco común con su interés amoroso, Yasuho, para investigar a Karera Sakunami.[4] Después de saber sobre su identidad pasada, Josuke se propone el nuevo objetivo de conseguir la rama de Locacaca y usar la fruta para curar a Holy Joestar-Kira.[5] Aún demuestra la misma constancia a la hora de investigar la fruta y el paradero de la Organización Locacaca, Con el agregado de confíar más en las opiniones de Rai Mamezuku, considerando que vale la pena escuchar la experticia del tasador de plantas sobre la fruta. Su determinación para alcanzar su objetivo se hace más evidente, cuando por voluntad propia camina bajo una lluvia, hecha mortal por el Stand de Satoru Akefu, Dejando que su cuerpo sea atravesado por las gotas de lluvia, incluída su cabeza, solo para llegar al hospital.[6]
Josuke parece haber mantenido ciertos rasgos de sus dos identidades originales. A veces expresa emociones fuertes como Josefumi, a la vez siendo capaz de analizar situaciones y estrategizar como Yoshikage. Sin embargo, Josuke se considera ajeno a ambos, sin ser Kira ni Josefumi ya que no tiene recuerdos de ninguno de los dos, así como nadie del pasado de Josefumi lo buscó nunca. Eso hace que se questione lo que realmente es y que considere que su identidad es un asunto nublado.[7] Aún así, él sintió una profunda tristeza cuando vio por primera vez a Holy Joestar-Kira, lo que significa que también ha mantenido recuerdos subconscientes lo suficientemente fuertes como para aún sentirse apegado a ella.[8] Aunque Josuke puede ser violento en ocasiones, suele mostrar cierto nivel de moderación hacia enemigos que no necesita matar. En múltiples oportunidades le he pedido permiso a miembros de la familia Higashikata para perseguir a un enemigo que se relaciona con ellos de una u otra forma,[9][10] E incluso mantuvo su promesa de no lastimar a Jobin mientras trataba de sacarle información sobre la Locacaca.[11] Sin embargo, Josuke está dispuesto a defenderse él y a la gente que conoce de cualquiera que quiera hacerles daño. Opuesto a su contraparte, Jotaro, a Josuke no le disturba la idea de golpear a mujeres y fácilmente noqueó a Kei cuando lo atacó.[12] Josuke no vacila para amenazar de muerte, y de hecho, mató a Tamaki Damo a sangre fría en represalia por poner en riesgo a su familia adoptiva,[13] aunque su objetivo principal de descubrir su identidad signifique que matar a sus agresores es contraproducente. Ese instinto asesino se desata fácilmente cuando alguien lastima a Yasuho. Josuke también ha demostrado ser competente a la hora de manipular a la gente, notablemente Jobin, con quien tomó un personaje más despreocupado para parecer inofensivo.[14] Aparte de eso, Josuke se toma sus actividades de forma calmada y metódica. Josuke es relativamente respetuoso y se ha mostrado que valora mucho los lazos familiares. Debido a su amnesia, Josuke le da mucha importancia a la familia y el legado, deseando conocer su propio pasado. El hecho de que nadie haya ido a buscarlo mientras estaba hospitalizado, lo enerva profundamente, hasta el punto en el que puede derramar lágrimas de solo pensarlo,[15] y Josuke valora el hecho de que Norisuke Higashikata lo haya adoptado, considerándose parte de los Higashikata.[16] Cuando Karera rechaza a sus propios padres, Josuke comenta que ellos nunca podrían llevarse bien.[17] No sólo está dispuesto a defender a su familia adoptiva, sino que desea fuertemente el curar a Holy de su enfermedad, a pesar de no tener recuerdos de ella. Sin embargo, Josuke no deja de sospechar que miembros de la familia Higashikata trabajan en su contra. A Josuke le importa Yasuho en un nivel incluso mayor que su familia, y cualquier amenaza a su bienestar lo llena de ira. De hecho, en su pelea con Yotsuyu Josuke parece tener una fuerza de voluntad parecida a la "determinación oscura." de Johnny Joestar[18] Aún así, cuando se trata de sus objetivos, Josuke va directo al punto y no tolera casi ningún tipo de distracción. Por ejemplo, no vaciló al preguntarle a Norisuke directamente si había asesinado a Yoshikage Kira, forzando a Norisuke a explicar sus motivos.[19]
A pesar de todo esto, Josuke también tiene ciertas costumbres graciosas. Parece ser completamente ignorante al respecto de cosas mundanas mientras que a la vez mantiene un profundo conocimiento sobre especies de animales y plantas.[20] Josuke prefiere dormir bajo un colchón entero en vez de las sábanas de la cama, para una "mejor compresión"[21] También tiende a derramar sus comidas favoritas.[22][23] Durante sus primeras interacciones con Yasuho, Josuke solía fijarse en el tamaño de sus senos sin miramientos, y midiéndolo con la mirada. (un rasgo que probablemente ganó de Yoshikage, puesto que se ve que Holy tiene una habilidad similar).[24] Josuke también ha demostrado un lado más de niño, implantando su cabello a Joshu y Hato Higashikata por diversión.[25] Cuando el ambiente es correcto, Josuke parece divertirse declarando su victoria. Él notablemente consciente, posa después de burlar a la población de Shakedown Road[26] ay también de forma burlona declara su victoria contra Jobin en una pelea de escarabajos ciervo.[27]
Soft & Wet es el Stand de Josuke. Inicialmente perteneciéndole a Josefumi, Josuke lo retiene luego de la fusión con Kira, aunque con algunas pequeñas diferencias. Su habilidad principal ("Saquear") es robar algún aspecto o propiedad del objetivo; conteniéndolos en una o más burbujas de jabón (llevando la imagen de su marca de nacimiento), que pueden ser devueltos o transferidos a otros objetos. Esta habilidad se ha usado tanto ofensivamente como estratégicamente. Soft & Wet también demuestra fuerza por encima del promedio, y la capacidad de atacar rápidamente en pelea cuerpo a cuerpo, lo que es común en Stands humanoides.
Justo como él, el Stand de Josuke es descrito como la fusión de el Killer Queen de Yoshikage Kira y el original Soft & Wet perteneciente a Josefumi Kujo.
Durante su pelea con Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Josuke decide "usar [sus] burbujas de jabón para atacar en vez de defender..." Sof & Wet se muestra capaz de rodear y contener objetos, creando una burbuja de jabón y golpeándola dentro de dicho objeto. La burbuja estalla pero a la vez se reforma alrededor del objetivo; Josuke así, es capaz de hacer que la burbuja y el objeto dentro floten hacia donde él quiera, justo como sus burbujas de jabón normales. Combinando sus ataques con sus burbujas, es capaz de "inyectar" una de sus burbujas de jabón en la carne de sus oponentes, causando daño superficial cuando las explota. La propiedad explosiva de las burbujas fue primero demostrada contra A. Phex Brothers y descrita por ellos como "muy similar" a la habilidad de Kira.
Habilidades Personales
- Visión: Josuke posee una visión excepcional, siendo capaz de describir correctamente las dimensiones de objetos orgánicos como humanos y arboles desde bastante lejos (un rasgo compartido con Holy Joestar-Kira). Es más, parece tener también un amplio campo de visión, detectanto movimiento al nivel de sus pies, a pesar de estar mirando en otra dirección
- Combate cuerpo a cuerpo: Josuke demuestra una afinidad natural con la pelea cuerpo a cuerpo, habiendo bloqueado y atacado a un oponente fluidamente en un solo movimiento, aumentando el daño que causan sus golpes con los poderes de su Stand. También es capaz de exhibir altos reflejos y una velocidad de reacción rápida, común en los peleadores experimentados.
- Inteligencia: Josuke es un táctico extremadamente capaz en una pelea. Puede usar su Stand para varias cosas y predicir los movimientos de sus oponentes con facilidad. Josuke es un individuo metódico, habiendo deducido rápidamente los poderes de Born This Way por medio de simple experimentación, así como aprovecharse de las características de Les Feuilles a pesar de solo haberlas visto en acción recientemente. Fuera de combate, Josuke es exhaustivo en su investigación, siendo precavido al cubrir sus huellas. También ha demostrado capacidad para las matemáticas, habiendo resuelto fácilmente un problema de trigonometría que le dio Joshu.
El primer contacto de Josuke es con su descubridora, Yasuho Hirose. Vive en la casa de la familia Higashikata luego de ser acogido por Norisuke Higashikata IV.
Interés Amoroso
- Yasuho Hirose: Josuke trata a Yasuho de manera especial, siendo ella la primera persona que él conoce en todo el mundo. La naturaleza casualmente considerada de Yasuho con Josuke en primera instancia se desallaría con la confianza entre ambos. Yasuho a cambio es capaz de apreciar su inocencia y empatizar con su tristeza generada por no tener familia. Aparentemente mantiene sentimientos románticos mutuamente, y la prueba de su progresión romántica se puede ver durante el arco "Love Love Deluxe" donde, después de encontrarse, ambos empiezan a tomarse de las manos y parece que están en una cita. Yasuho le ayuda a reunir información sobre su identidad y Josuke, a cambio la protege, enfureciéndose cuando alguien trata de lastimarla de cualquier forma. Es la única persona en la que Josuke confía ciegamente.
Familia Adoptiva
Josuke fue adoptado por a familia Higashikata, llevando así su apellido "Higashikata". En principio sospecha de ellos como un todo, pero sus peculiaridades y subsecuentes revelaciones sobre sus motivos hacen que el se abra con ellos, y Josuke desea honrar la amabilidad de la familia, esforzándose para no antagonizar con ellos, por lo menos abiertamente.
- Norisuke Higashikata IV: Josuke's adoptive father. Mutually suspicious; Josuke's natural curiosity as to his origins and Norisuke's intentions carries him beyond the boundaries set for him by the Higashikata patriarch as condition to his residence at the family home, which Norisuke appears to have offered under ulterior motives. He reveals that he knows Josuke has some link to Yoshikage Kira who had information on how to cure the family and for that reason adopted Josuke in hopes of acquiring that information. Norisuke later reveals himself as an ally, and the two hold a mutual trust for one another. Norisuke still places his family above all else, but seems to have grown to care for Josuke as family and even a possible surrogate son (one main example being when Damo tortures Norisuke to get information about Josefumi and Kira from him. While he knows Josuke is somehow involved, he does not rat on him until Damo threatens to kill his family. Even during this, Norisuke breaks down crying and sincerely apologizes to Josuke for not being able to protect him, showing the depth of his care).
- Daiya Higashikata: Josuke's adoptive younger sister. After engaging Josuke with her Stand, Daiya expresses arousal for him, which Josuke acknowledges to an extent while in a state of diminished responsibility. Upon her defeat, he extends his friendship in recognition of the personal virtues she expressed during their engagement, with Daiya pledging a degree of assistance in his inquiries. Daiya is constantly clinging to Josuke and he partially returns her affection, at the very least considering her a friend and watching out for her well-being.
- Joshu Higashikata: Josuke's adoptive brother. Emotionally immature and unstable, Joshu perceives the sight of the newly-conscious Josuke lying nude on the ground next to Yasuho as an insult, becoming enraged and attacking Josuke with lethal force before he is subdued. Joshu retains a powerful sense of insult at Josuke's interruption in his relationship with Yasuho and his family. Paired by Norisuke while travelling to school together, Josuke exerts an arms-length reception of Joshu, who persistently curses and discriminates against him.
- Jobin Higashikata: Josuke's adoptive older brother. Although they seem to have a cordial relationship, Josuke and Jobin are technically enemies and recognize each others as threats. Josuke was first interested in Jobin because of his mysterious relationship with the Locacaca. He prepared to fight him, but settled for tricking him into revealing himself in several gambles about beetle fights. During these gamble, Josuke faked a more friendly and smug demeanor, ultimately leading Jobin to suspect foul play.
- Tsurugi Higashikata: Josuke's adoptive nephew. Tsurugi initially tried to kill Josuke because Yotsuyu promised him a cure for his rock disease if he helped him. Despite this, Josuke doesn't seem to wish harm on Tsurugi partially understanding Tsurugi's fear of his disease. He has manipulated information on Tsurugi's father Jobin out of Tsurugi by urgency and mentioning his father hiding secrets that could cure him. Josuke is willing to use Tsurugi but seems to still care for his safety as he was worried when he was attacked by Aisho and went to him to make sure he was ok, showing the two are at least on amiable terms.
- Hato Higashikata: Josuke's adoptive older sister. The two initially do not have much interaction, especially since Josuke is mainly focused on finding more about his past. Despite this, the two seem to get along fine as she was worried when Josuke was trying to use a razor and told Joshu to teach him how to use it properly. When Damo is attacking the family, Hato initially can't believe it and when he attacks both her and Josuke, Josuke uses his bubbles to protect her, implying he cares for her as a friend. The two even worked well together fighting and defeating Damo.
- Rai Mamezuku: An ally due to his connection with Norisuke along with being the plant appraiser that could tell where the branch of the Locacaca fruit tree is, he becomes Josuke's ally when enemies begin to try to capture him due to his abilities and seeks Josuke's protection. While the two are not on friendly terms, they get along well enough.
Past Affiliations
- Karera Sakunami: Josuke initially didn't recognize Karera at first, however she insisted that she knew him before. Karera refers to him by the mysterious name "Setchan" and leaves before Josuke can obtain more information on his identity. Obtaining her name using Soft & Wet, Josuke lies to her about Yasuho in a failed attempt to retrieve more information. After showing Josuke an old picture on her cellphone of her, Kira and a mysterious other boy she reveals that Josuke's identity is that of Josefumi Kujo - the other boy in the photo. Rebuked by her manners and her willingness to let go of her past, he comments that they will never get along.
- Josefumi Kujo: Josuke discovered that he is Josefumi Kujo with part of the deceased Yoshikage Kira's corpse fused to his body. He seemed to have a friendly relationship with Karera Sakunami, as Kira, Josefumi and Karera appeared in a photo together. Josuke seems to retain certain traits from his previous identity as Josefumi, particularly his feelings and emotions along with a similar feeling of loneliness stemming from abandonment issues. Josuke wonders why no one from his previous identity's past is searching for him, leading him to regard his existence as nebulous.
- Yoshikage Kira: The other half of Josuke's body. On the verge of death, Josefumi fed Kira a Locacaca, resulting in parts of Kira's body being fused to Josefumi's. He and Yasuho went to his apartment to find clues on Josuke's identity but initially found nothing as Sasame confirmed he was not Kira. The two also found his body buried. Despite seeming to have hit a road bump, Kei later confirms Josuke is a combination of Kira and another person (later revealed to be Josefumi). Josuke seems to get his trademark outfit and part of his stand abilities from Kira, along with possibly some of his personality traits such as his shrewd manipulative intelligent mind, his drive to succeed in his goals, and loyalty to friends and family. After his encounter with Tamaki Damo, Josuke comes to terms with Josefumi as his previous identity and half of his body being that of Kira's. He inherits his motivation to acquire the Locacaca to save Holy Joestar-Kira, identifying her as his mother.
- Kei Nijimura: Initially he did not interact with her. However, when she learned he was trying to investigate Holy and her connection to Yoshikage Kira, Kei intervened using her stand Born this Way and nearly killing him in the process. When he defeated her with help from Paisley Park, she confessed she was Kira's sister and was only working for the Higashikatas (whom she hated) to investigate what happened to her brother and reveals herself as an ally. She has him promise not to see Holy Joestar-Kira which he agrees to, upon seeing her break down and cry and not wanting to hurt her or Holy. The two seem to be on better terms.
- Holy Joestar-Kira: When he discovered she was Kira's mother, he tried to investigate her but was stopped by Kei who had him promise not to bother her. Despite this, upon hearing about her condition from Yasuho he felt partially sorry for her and realizes she did not come to pick up her son because of her dementia. He also learns of her connection to the Higashikatas, making him more suspicious of them. When he later visited her, Josuke soon found out that her condition worsened, as she ate some of her fingers before the hospital had to restrain her. Recognizing her as his mother, even after accepting Josefumi as his previous identity, Josuke becomes intent on completing Yoshikage's mission and curing Holy's illness with the locacaca.
- Kiyomi Kujo: The mother of Josuke's former identity, Josefumi Kujo. Josuke tells Yasuho that he is aware of who she is because Karera told him already. He asserts that he has no memories of her and that she has made a new life for herself. Yasuho snoops into Kiyomi's phone using Paisley Park anyways and discovers many pictures of Josefumi and assumes that Kiyomi was somewhat interested in finding her lost son. Yasuho also finds out that Kiyomi's father named Josefumi based on a geta he found on the ground when he was a child, which was lost by Joseph Joestar in a scuffle.
- Ojiro Sasame: Ojiro was struck with misfortune from both of Josuke's former identities, particularly with Kira who had supposedly convinced him to eat his own fingers while drunk. Ojiro would later attack Josuke, thinking he was Kira and would later be taken out.
- Yotsuyu Yagiyama: As a member of the Locacaca Organization, Yotsuyu was an enemy of Josuke's and both of his former identities. After a confrontation, Yotsuyu ended up being unintentionally killed by Josuke, due to his Rock Human biology.
- Tamaki Damo: Damo was originally unaware of Josuke's identity and presumed him to be a freeloader at the Higashikata household. He came to the Higashikata estate in search of Josefumi. Upon discovering Josuke is Josefumi, Damo saw him as an enemy but marveled at the miraculous new potential for the Locacaca. Josuke treated Damo as a dangerous enemy and made sure to kill him, even after he pleaded to help save his mother.
- Dolomite: Dolomite is an assassin hired Jobin to kill Josuke. Using his Stand powers, Dolomite infects several people, before possessing Josuke himself. Dolomite attempted to make Josuke drown himself before being stopped by Yasuho.
- The Head Doctor: Operating as the head of Morioh's TG University Hospitial and the secret mastermind of the handling of fruit smuggling in the town, he holds a decent amount of control. Pursuing him activates his Wonder of U, which causes Josuke and his allies along with the Higashikata Family much torment. It is revealed that The Head Doctor is not Satoru Akefu but actually the illusive Tooru, who has stolen the former doctor's identity and given it to the aged appearence of his stand. Tooru has deep connections with Josuke because as The Head Doctor he forces Holy Joestar-Kira, Josuke's mother through his former identity as Kira, to undergo experiments with locacaca. Tooru is also deeply connected to Josuke's allies, having kept tabs on Yasuho Hirose since she was young after she used her stand to identify Satoru Akefu for Tooru and later dating her. Tooru heavily impacted Mamezuku's life as well because Wonder of U and a rock insect played part in his father and mother's deaths as well as his own decades later.
- JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 3: Soft & Wet, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 4: Soft & Wet, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 5: Soft & Wet, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 6: Soft & Wet, Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
- JoJolion Chapter 8: California King Bed, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 9: California King Bed, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 10: California King Bed, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 11: Family Tree
- JoJolion Chapter 12: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 13: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 14: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 15: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 16: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
- JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 19: "Shakedown Road", Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 20: "Shakedown Road", Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 22: Morioh 1901
- JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 24: Paper Moon Deception, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 25: Paper Moon Deception, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 26: Tsurugi Higashikata's Goal, and the Architect
- JoJolion Chapter 27: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 28: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 29: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 30: King Nothing
- JoJolion Chapter 31: "I Am a Rock", Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 32: "I Am a Rock", Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 33: Josuke! Go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 35: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 36: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 37: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 38: Jobin Higashikata is a Stand User
- JoJolion Chapter 39: Doobie Wah, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 40: Doobie Wah, Part 2 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 41: Doobie Wah, Part 3 (Flashback)
- JoJolion Chapter 42: Doobie Wah, Part 4 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 44: Love Love Deluxe, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 45: Love Love Deluxe, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 46: Love Love Deluxe, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 47: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 48: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 49: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 50: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 1 (Cover only)
- JoJolion Chapter 51: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 2 (Flashback)
- JoJolion Chapter 53: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 54: Walking Heart
- JoJolion Chapter 55: Walking Heart, Breaking Heart
- JoJolion Chapter 56: Milagroman, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
- JoJolion Chapter 59: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 60: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 61: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 62: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 63: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 64: Mother and Child
- JoJolion Chapter 65: The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31), Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 66: The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31), Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 67: The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31), Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 68: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 69: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 70: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 71: The Qing Dynasty Hair Clip
- JoJolion Chapter 72: North of the Higashikata House. The Orchard
- JoJolion Chapter 73: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 74: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 75: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 76: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 77: Head to T.G. University Hospital
- JoJolion Chapter 78: Orthopedic Surgeon - Dr. Wu Tomoki
- JoJolion Chapter 79: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 80: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 81: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 82: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca
- JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 85: The Wonder of You, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 86: The Wonder of You, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 88: The Wonder of You, Part 5 (Cover only)
- JoJolion Chapter 89: The Wonder of You, Part 6
- JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7
- JoJolion Chapter 91: The Wonder of You, Part 8
- JoJolion Chapter 92: The Wonder of You, Part 9
- JoJolion Chapter 93: The Wonder of You, Part 10
- JoJolion Chapter 94: The Wonder of You, Part 11 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 95: The Wonder of You, Part 12 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 96: Just Don't Move (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14
- JoJolion Chapter 98: The Wonder of You, Part 15
- JoJolion Chapter 99: The Wonder of You, Part 16
- JoJolion Chapter 100: The Wonder of You, Part 17
- JoJolion Chapter 101: The Wonder of You, Part 18
- JoJolion Chapter 102: The Wonder of You, Part 19 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20
- JoJolion Chapter 104: The Wonder of You, Part 21
- JoJolion Chapter 105: Safety First
- JoJolion Chapter 106: Go Beyond
- JoJolion Chapter 107: When All Curses Are Broken
- JoJolion Chapter 108: Go Beyond, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- “I don't remember anything. I can read numbers and characters and that sort of things. And I can tie my shoelaces. I know that this is a cup, and that there's water inside it. I know about Tokugawa Ieyasu and Edison and people like that... but I don't know anything about myself... what my name is, what is my favorite flower is, whether I'm a sailor or not. I haven't got a clue for any of them.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- “The only person I know is... you. Yasuho Hirose, height: 166 cm. The person that was above the ground. I don't know anyone else in this whole world.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- “That sort of thing... is personal. I want to go there in person and find out with my own eyes and ears.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- “Who... ...are you...?! I want to figure out what happened to me, no matter what it takes! But I can tell instinctively... I definitely don't know you. It was painful for me to see tears in Yasuho's eyes.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 3: Soft & Wet, Part 2
- “I'm gonna get some answers outta you!! Who the hell are yooou?! (絶対に答えてもらうぞツ!!お前!何者だアツ!! )”
- “Soft & Wet... when my soap bubble touches something and breaks, I take something from there.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 4: Soft & Wet, Part 3
- “Yeah, I hate you. But you don't lie. Your honesty is a beautiful thing about you. Do you want me to start liking you?... Then I'm going to be using this cellphone from now on. It's mine.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 10: California King Bed, Part 3
- “I'm spick and span. Maaaan. I'd forgotten but I think how to shave might've come back to me. Thanks... Especially how to use the bubbles... okay.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 11: Family Tree
- “Bastard! Who the hell are yooou?! If you come any closer, I'm going to attack with the intent to kill!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 13: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 2
- “The second floor is dangerous! In horror movies, the characters that run to the second floor always die!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 14: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 3
- “In people's houses, they have photos like that, decorating their rooms. The child in that picture is the boy from the second floor. I wonder if even I have photos like that decorating someplace...? No. I'm sure there aren't any. If there were, there would be people in them looking form me, but no one is...”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 15: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 4
- “The sun rises, and a new day begins. People head off for work, commute to school, play, and jog. Some go to cafes or restaurants... and meet with someone. But those are all activities for those that know their places to return to. Where do I go? Where should I go back to? I don't know.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1
- “Everyone that walks on this road know about how it works... but everyone is deceived. That's the rule.”—Josuke Higashikata about Shakedown Road, JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4
- “I've won. Ah... please allow me to say completely. I'VE WON! COMPLETELY!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4
- “I'm just gonna say this flat out! You're suspicious. There are things I want to ask. This could turn into an interrogation.”—Josuke Higashikata to Norisuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 27: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 1
- “Do you hear me...? Mark my words, Yotsuyu Yagiyama... I'm going to beat you and make you regret from the bottom of your heart that you ever got Yasuho involved in this! No matter what relationship you and I have had in the past, I swear I'll defeat you!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 31: "I Am a Rock", Part 1
- “I'm going to use my soap bubbles to attack! Soft & Wet!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 31: "I Am a Rock", Part 1
- “You'd said my king and rook were forked, but that wrong...! I've got checkmate!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 31: "I Am a Rock", Part 1
- “Hey... you're the one that isn't listening. I just said this a minute ago... I said I'm not going to defend anymore...[...] I've brought you here so I could push you off.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 32: "I Am a Rock", Part 2
- “Sorry... I never really had time to look at my enemy's crotch or anything...”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 32: "I Am a Rock", Part 2
- “Jobin, allow me to say this amply... It looks like one way or another, I won. The winner... is MEEEEE! My Dorcus Titanus Palawanicus!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 35: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 2
- “I like large fries, I like large fries, I like large fries, but not fried chicken. Not fried chicken, not fried chicken, I just want those crunchies. I like large fries.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1
- “Left hand to right hand... you really should stop doing that. Your little brother kicked that ball to you and you caught it with your left hand, which is stuck inside it. If that ball contains poison gas, then I'll win. You should stop.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 46: Love Love Deluxe, Part 4
- “The man in the living room... do you mind if I kill him? I want you to give me your permission.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 53: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 4
- “My name is Josuke Higashikata. I still don't have any memories of my childhood or any memories as Yoshikage Kira. Nor... may I ever. But, I know something I have to do. What I need to do now actually supports the idea that my lost memories once existed! I know I can get a Locacaca for Holy, because I once had the power of that equivalent exchange phenomenon in my own hands! I need that and money!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
- “I have a woman waiting for this Locacaca! I'm going to take back the past I lost! If Norisuke gets that Locacaca, it should open the righteous path that brings everyone happiness... and if we lose this Locacaca branch, all that will be left is despair! No matter what it takes, I cannot let the enemy get the Locacaca or let it burn!”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 74: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 2
- “Mr. Mamezuku, my name is Higashikata Josuke... that's the name I use. But... it's not really my name. It's just a temporary name Norisuke gave me. And... no matter whose memories you search... even if the police check everywhere in this whole world... there's no record of me... anywhere. I don't even know what I am, honestly. Half of my body is Josefumi Kujo, yes. but no one is searching for me... not even my own mother. Even if I met her, I wouldn't know it. No matter where I go, my identity is nebulous. A nebulous existence that disappeared. I absolutely must get my hands on the new Locacaca. The other half of my body is Yoshikage Kira. For Kira's... for Holy's sake, I have to obtain that perfect equivalent exchange. That is the one and only proof of my existence.”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7
- “My name... Is Josuke Higashikata... And my memories from when I was born... Are long gone from this world... And they'll never... Come back... But even so, there's something I'm certain of. I am your son. No matter where I go, or what era I live in, that's something certain that I can believe in. Mom...”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 92: The Wonder of You, Part 9
- “My memories... my very first memories... they begin when I opened my eyes under the soil of the Wall Eyes. No matter what I do, no memories of what I did before then will come back. No one I met, nowhere I went, nothing. I'm not Josefumi Kujo or Kira Yoshikage. I'm the one that came from the soil, "Josuke".”—Josuke Higashikata, JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- The Suke in his name may also be pronounced as Jo.
- When he is given the name "Josuke Higashikata", his name is written in a different kanji (定助 instead of 仗助) than that of the Part 4 protagonist's (of note is that this name is pronounced the same as Norisuke IV's birth name).
- Josuke was originally going to have the Stand ability to attach screws to something, but Araki changed his mind and gave that to Joshu.[28]
- Foreign fans often refer to him as Jo2uke, Jo8uke, Josuk8, or Gappy (in reference to the distinct gap in his teeth) to avoid confusion with the other Josuke.
- Josuke's voice actor in the Bandai Namco video games, Mitsuaki Madono, also voices Rubber Soul in the 1999 fighting game JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future.
- After Josuke undergoes Equivalent Exchange from the 6251, the rock over his left eye is very similar to the appearance of Ikuro Hashizawa's left eye, when it is covered by Baoh's skin.
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 106: Go Beyond, p.37
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1, p12-13
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1, p23
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family, p17
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7, p12-17
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7, p8-9
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family, p14-15
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1, p16
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 59: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 1, p14
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1, p25
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 16: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 5, p22
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 55: Walking Heart, Breaking Heart, p26
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 34: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 1, p22
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 15: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 4, p5
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 59: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 1, p17
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 44: Love Love Deluxe, Part 2, p17
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 31: "I Am a Rock", Part 1, p14
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 27: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 1, p22
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1, p4
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1, p6
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1, p10
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 33: Josuke! Go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor, p34
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1, p19
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 11: Family Tree, p12-13
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4, p24
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 37: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 4, p40
- ↑ JOJOVELLER Mini - Stand Comments