Erina Pendleton

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< Erina Pendleton
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Template:Character Info/fr Erina Pendleton (エリナ・ペンドルトン, Erina Pendoruton) est un personnage secondaire figurant dans la première partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantom Blood, et dans sa deuxième partie, Battle Tendency.

Erina rencontre Jonathan Joestar alors qu'ils sont tous les deux enfants, et que Jonathan vient la défendre contre deux brutes. Ils tombent amoureux l'un de l'autre et finissent par se marier.

Elle prend le nom de Erina Joestar (エリナ・ジョースター, Erina Jōsutā) après son mariage. Elle est la mère de George Joestar II, et la grand-mère et gardienne de Joseph Joestar.


Erina Pendleton apparaît pour la première fois alors qu'elle est une jeune fille, et réapparaît en tant que jeune femme adulte par la suite. Elle a des traits fin et est généralement décrite comme étant jolie, et a de long cheveux bonds soyeux. Elle adopte plusieurs coiffures au fil de l'histoire. Dans la plupart, sinon la totalité, de ses apparitions, Erina porte une sorte de robe. Dans chacune de ses tenues pour adultes, elle est vue avec un tour de cou orné de bijoux.

Cinquante plus tard durant Battle Tendency, Erina est devenue plus âgée et a la septantaine. Cependant, elle est plutôt bien conservée, ayant peu de rides, mais porte désormais des lunettes pince-nez teintée et s'est attaché les cheveux en un chignon. Elle porte une coiffure avec un bijou qui couvre complètement ses cheveux, une robe épaisse et des gants.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Tenue (enfant)(PRobe rose sur une chemise lavande)
Tenue (adulte)
(Robe verte olive bouffante avec un col et des manches vert clair, bandoulière bleue.)
Tenue (fin)
(Robe rouge à bordure blanche, rubans de cheveux magenta.)
Collier(Argent avec une pierre bleu)
Tenue (enfant)
(Robe marron et grise sur une chemise blanche)
Tenue (adulte)
(Robe blanche et bleu bébé, bandoulière marron)
Tenue (fin)
(Robe blanche à bordure lavande, rubans lavande)
Collier(Marron avec des pierre bleue)
Tenue (enfant)
(Robe rose, bordée de rose saumon, chemise jaune)
Cruiseship Outfit
(Robe bleue, bleue bébé et blanche, collier bleu avec gemme rouge)
Tenue (enfant)
(Robe cyan avec une bordure bleu bébé sur une chemise à manches courtes jaune pâle et à manches longues blanche)
Tenue (adulte)
(Robe bleue à col et bordure blancs, tour de cou blanc avec un bijou couleur jade)
Tenue (fin)
(Robe rouge à bordure blanche, rubans de cheveux roses, collier blanc avec une pierre bleue)


Comme elle irradie de charme maintenant ! C'est cette femme qui a donné "du coeur " à M. Joestar !
—Speedwagon about Erina Pendleton, Chapter 17: The Birth of DIO
Jonathan et Erina s'embrassent.

Élevée dans l'Angleterre victorienne, Erina est une jeune femme très douce et attentionnée, mais aussi très digne qui incarne l'image de la "lady" anglaise. Bien que polie et douce dans sa jeunesse, Erina a fait preuve d'une certaine force de caractère : après s'être fait voler son premier baiser par Dio, elle s'est lavée la bouche avec l'eau boueuse sur le bord d'une route, considérant que celà était préférable à rester souillée par Dio.[1] A l'occasion, Erina peut exuder un air strict et déterminée qui force le respect. Par exemple, Speedwagon a noté lors de leur première rencontre qu'elle avait un regard glacial, indiquant clairement qu'elle ne voulait pas que la convalescence de Jonathan soit perturbée.[2]

Erina a beaucoup aimé Jonathan tout au long de sa vie. Bien qu'elle ait été séparée de Jonathan pendant des années, Erina a pris grand soin de lui dès qu'elle l'a retrouvé, veillant sur lui et soignant ses blessures jour et nuit au point de tomber d'épuisement.[2] Lorsque Jonathan a été mortellement blessé, elle était prête à mourir avec lui et cer dernier ne l'a convaincue de se protéger qu'après lui avoir demandé de protéger un bébé proche. Erina fût désespérée de devoir se séparer de l'amour de sa vie.[3]

L'âge n'a pas diminué le tempérament d'Erina. Erina est l'une des rares personnes capables de discipliner son petit-fils Joseph, tout en conservant sa grâce et en faisant preuve d'une profonde sagesse. Bien que beaucoup plus sévère, elle est toujours la personne attentionnée qu'elle avait toujours été. Plus particulièrement, bien qu'elle ait grandi dans le climat raciste de l'Angleterre victorienne, Erina se lie d'amitié sans hésitation avec Smokey Brown, un enfant Afro-américain des rues, faisant d'elle une femme en avance sur son temps.


Erina soigne Jonathan au point qu'elle s'use elle-même

En tant qu'infirmière, Erina sait comment soigner les blessures, les fractures et les brûlures graves. Travaillant à l'hôpital de son père, Erina se consacre au traitement de ses patients, surtout après que Jonathan a été gravement blessé lors de son combat contre Dio.

Après avoir bandé les blessures de Jonathan et traité ses fracture, elle soigne les brûlures de Jonathan pendant trois jours consécutifs. Elle trempe constamment une serviette dans de l'eau froide et la place sur les brûlures de Jonathan des milliers de fois jusqu'à ce qu'il reprenne conscience. Speedwagon note que la peau de ses mains est devenue violette, craquelée et saignait tant elle prenait soin de Jonathan.[2]


Phantom Blood


Une jeune Erina rencontre Jonathan.
Erina est la fille d'un médecine et vit dans la même région que Jonathan. Un jour, une paire de brutes lui volent sa poupée pour jouer avec et se moquent d'elle quand elle pleure. Soudain, Jonathan apparaît pour la défendre. Bien que Jonathan soit battu par les brutes, laissant derrière lui son mouchoir taché de sang, Erina est touchée par son geste, et intriguée par son voe de devenir un gentleman.[4] Peu de temps après, Dio Brando entre dans la vie de Jonathan. Erina devient la petite amie de Jonathan et est la seule à réconforter Jonathan alors que Dio essaie d'isoler Jonathan de tous pour le torturer psychologiquement.[5]
Dio embrasse Erina de force.
Cependant, Dio apprend bientôt qu'Erina est la petite amie de Jonathan et décide de gâcher la romance de JoJo en prenant avec force le premier baiser d'Erina. Erina est humiliée, mais répond en lavant ses lèvres de l'eau dans une flaque d'eau boueuse. Furieux car Erina signifie que le baiser de Dio est encore plus répugnant que de la boue, Dio la gifle violemment avant de partir, frustré.[6] Quoi qu'il en soit, même après que Jonathan se soit battu pour son honneur une fois appris ce qui s'est passé, Erina a trop honte de le revoir et de même pour Jonathan qui n'arrive pas à trouver le courage de la contacter.[7] Peu de temps après, elle déménage avec son père en Inde en raison du travail de son père en tant que médecin et elle et Jonathan semble séparés pour de bon.[2]

Marriage avec Jonathan

Jonathan épouse Erina.
Sept ans plus tard, Erina et sa famille retournent en Angleterre et elle travaille à l'hôpital où son père est en poste. Erina revoit alors Jonathan, qui sort de son âpre combat contre Dio et a survécu à l'incendie du Manoir Joestar, et soigne ses blessures. Durant ses soins, elle rencontre d'ailleurs Speedwagon, qui voulait visiter Jonathan, mais elle lui refuse l'entrée. Un soir, Jonathan reprend conscience et voit Erina prendre soin de lui. Leur amour renaît alors. Jonathan sort éventuellement de l'hôpital et fréquente plus Erina. Un jour, ils rencontrent Will Anthonio Zeppeli, qui utilise son Onde pour guérir complètement le corps de Jonathan. Lorsque Zeppeli révèle que Dio a survécu à l'incendie du manoir Joestar, Jonathan accepte son offre d'apprendre à utiliser l'Onde et se sépare brièvement d'Erina pour sa sécurité, le temps de vaincre Dio. Une fois que l'incident de Windknight's Lot se termine avec la mort présumée de Dio, Jonathan retourne à Erina et les deux se marient deux mois plus tard.
Erina à la fin de Phantom Blood.
Après leur mariage, Erina et Jonathan parten en lune de miel vers l'Amérique sur un bateau, mais le voyage est interrompu par la réapparition de Dio. Erina trouve Jonathan dans la salle des machine alors qu'il a été mortellement blessé par Dio, et voit son mari utiliser sa dernière Onde pour faire couler le navire. Bien qu'Erina ait l'intention de mourir aux côtés de Jonathan, il la convainc de s'échapper avec un bébé tombé juste à côté d'eux dont la mère a été tuée par les zombies de Dio. Jonathan pousse Erina dans le Cercueil de Dio, qui la protège de l'explosion et agit comme un canot de fortune. Secourue près des îles Canaries, Erina a juré de raconter les actes de son mari à leur enfant encore dans son ventre.

Post Phantom Blood

Erina, avec Elizabeth bébé, Speedwagon et Straizo.
Après avoir donné naissance à George Joestar II, Erina donne l'enfant qu'elle a sauvé à Straizo pour l'élever comme sa propre fille. Des années plus tard, George rencontre la grande Elizabeth, se marie avec elle et ils ont plus tard un fils nommé Joseph. George meurt tragiquement, tué par un zombie qui était au service de Dio, et Elizabeth forcée de se cacher après avoir tué le zombie car il était un officier. Erina et Speedwagon sont d'accord qu'il serait dans l'intérêt de Joseph de garder secret l'histoire de ses grand-père et père pour le protéger. Comme Joseph le commentera plus tard, Erina est une gardienne stricte pour Joseph, qui reste cependant indiscipliné hors de sa présence.

Battle Tendency (1938-1939)

Des années plus tard, Erina et Joseph se rendent à New York sur l'invitation de Speedwagon. Comme Joseph, Erina se lie d'amitié avec Smokey Brown et veut l'inviter à dîner ensemble dans un restaurant italien du centre-ville. Sur le chemin, Erina frappe Joseph lorsqu'il plaisante et insinue qu'elle et Speedwagon sont plus que de vieux amis. Une fois au restaurant, leur dîner est perturbé lorsqu'un gangster qui fait ouvertement des commentaires racistes envers Smokey. Erina donne à Joseph la permission de donner une leçon à l'homme tant qu'il ne perturbe pas les autres clients. Après le combat, le compagnon du gangster se révèle être un associé de Speedwagon qui les informe de sa mort aux mains de Straizo. En détreesse, Erina commente la façon dont les événements qui se sont produits il y a 50 ans semblent se poursuivre alors que Joseph lui assure qu'il ne va nulle part. Mais Joseph part bientôt pour le Mexique pour enquêter sur les Hommes du Pilier sous le prétexte d'un voyage tout en disant à Speedwagon de ne rien mentionner à ce sujet, laissant Erina ignorante de son aventure.

Erina sur son lit de mort.
Malgré la mort apparente de Joseph après son combat contre Kars un funéraille sans corps est organisé pour Joseph, qui revient à l'improviste. Erina est ravie de voir que Joseph est toujours vivant et est aussi surprrise Suzi Q. Dans l'épilogue, il est dit qu'Erina a enseigné l'anglais dans une école et est décédée en 1950 à l'âge de 81 ans, entourée de ses proches.

Chapitres / Episodes

Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)

TV Icon.png Apparitions dans l'Anime
Episodes (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • Oh, JoJo, you scoundrel! (まあ!ジョジョったら、いけないひとッ!)
    —Erina Pendleton, Chapter 3: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 2
  • What is it? This room isn't allowing any visitors. We can look after him well enough. Come back at a later date.
    —Erina tells Speedwagon to leave the hospital, Chapter 17: The Birth of DIO
  • Long time no see, Jonathan Joestar. You're past the dangerous stage, so you should be all right now.
    —Erina after nursing Jonathan, Chapter 17: The Birth of DIO
  • A lone bird... separated from the rest...
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
  • These are tears of happiness... because you are here with me.
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
  • I'm happy that the noble Jonathan Joestar is here in my arms!
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
  • I don't understand what's happening... This is so beyond me that I don't know whether to cry, or scream, or lose consciousness... But there's one thing I can say. I, Erina Joestar... will die with you.
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 43: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 5
  • H-How is such nobility even possible? You're willing to die, and only to save the life of someone else's child! Your courage can be so cruel! All that I wish for is to die by your side!
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 44: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 6
  • He spent his life in the shadows of history that the world will never truly know. Society will never know the story of the proud life that he lived. However, his descendants will. The new life growing inside me will know the truth.
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 44: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 6

Quote.png Quotes
  • Each of us have our own manners but I can't forgive the disrespect to my friends. Take care of him without causing trouble for the other customers!
    —Erina to Joseph, Chapter 47: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 3
  • Like Jonathan... Like Speedwagon... Oh... I can't believe it... The madness from fifty years ago... It still hasn't ended...
    —Erina Joestar, Chapter 49: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 2
  • That's not it, Joseph! It's about you! It's about the destiny you may end up being caught in that frightens me!
    —Erina, Chapter 49: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 2
  • You're safe and so is JoJo... I couldn't be happier. Also to hear he's going to travel around Italy for a month... Could JoJo have found a wonderful girlfriend? I'd like that boy to be happy.
    —Erina to Speedwagon, Chapter 72: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 2

Quote.png Quotes
  • Go ahead, Lisa Lisa, cry as much as you need. It's a very sad thing. It's hard for me, as well. We've lived together your whole life, and it's been such fun. We've been so happy. I've grown to love you like my own daughter. And I promise that will never change. Remember that always, Lisa Lisa. Know that I will always love you.
    —Erina to Lisa Lisa, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 1: Tsukumojuku
  • Elizabeth. You are only sixteen. A little girl like you should never attempt to speak of matters of the heart as if she could possibly understand. You know nothing, yet. At the least, you have no idea what there was between myself and Jonathan, and what remains between us today.
    —Erina to Lisa Lisa, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 5: Box
  • Hold your tongue. You are no longer human, and have no right to speak that way to me. Not that you had any right to speak to me when you were human. You spoke and lived and behaved like a gentleman on the surface, but you never were one. You have an inferiority complex about your impoverished origins, and that prevents you from improving yourself as a human. Let me tell you, Dio Brando. Your poverty did not make you a villain. Your relationship with your parents did not make you what you are. Lack of education or wealth had no bearing. You were doomed by your own inability to look beyond the surface of anything, by your shallow mind, and by your overwhelming self-importance.
    —Erina to Dio, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 5: Box
  • Then go, Penelope. Just be sure you come back. I can't lose any more family!
    —Erina Joestar, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 14: Desolation Row
  • You never did know how to treat girls, Dio. My body, my body. When are you going to accept the facts and learn some self-control?
    —Erina to Dio, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II
  • So? You planned to be a parasite on my son and grandson, purely to fulfill your own desires? Such a shallow way of thinking, and yet you actually have the nerve to brag about it. Even your father had the sense to behave himself in front of my father-in-law.
    —Erina to Dio, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II
  • You still fly into a rage at the thought of him? All this time and you're still trapped by your parent's curse. You've lived more than long enough to grow up, but you refuse to take responsibility for anything. If you had the time to steal glimpses of my heir's lives, you should have spent some time reflecting on your own life.
    —Erina to Dio, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II

Jeux Vidéo

Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden (NES)

Erina apparaît comme une vieille femme (son apparence de la partie 2) dans la zone 3 de la ville portuaire, après avoir battu le chef de la zone. Elle offre quelques informations mineures au joueur.

Phantom Blood (PS2 Game)

Erina est présente dans des cinématiques éparpillées à travers l'histoire du jeu.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Erina apparait en tant que personnage mineur dans "Eyes of Heaven" et a une ligne de voix.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Erina Pendleton
Erina appears in Diamond Records as a 4 star assist character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. Her only statue is 'Courage' type. Like all assist characters, when the active assists link together, her assist ability may provide extra effects (Action Battle mode only).

(Assist Ability) Erina will pat the active character with a cloth and act as a basic heal.


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Erina is a secondary ally in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. Throughout the novel, she gives motherly advice to George, Lisa Lisa, and Penelope de la Rosa, helping them grow stronger. According to George, she has a way of saying things that were so right that he couldn't argue, make excuses, or disobey without feeling like he was in the wrong.[8]


Erina in the coffin

After the ship's explosion in 1889, the coffin that Erina was hiding in landed into the ocean. Erina opened the lid of the box to check if there was anyone floating in the water that she could save, when she saw a hand attempt to grab her arm from under the box. As she attempted to close the lid, Erina saw Dio's terrifying face floating on the water. Dio had escaped from Jonathan's grip as the explosion hit and stolen his body. He then impaled Jonathan's feet on a stick of wood embedded on the side of the box, allowing him to travel together with the coffin. When Erina opened the lid, Dio managed to grab Lisa Lisa out of the coffin and cradled the baby by his chest, using her as a hostage. Dio offered to spare Lisa Lisa if Erina offered her blood to him. As Erina could not refuse, Dio handed back Lisa Lisa and drank a lot of blood from Erina without restraint.

Erina and Dio

Erina could hear Dio struggling in pain that night, thrashing against the water and the coffin. As a nurse, Erina knew Jonathan's body would have been rejecting the foreign tissue of Dio's head. Before the sun rose, Dio knocked on the lid and asked to drink Erina's blood once more. In order to keep Erina's body healthy, Dio caught a fist full of fish. Using his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, he then cooked the fish on a floating piece of ship debris near the coffin. Erina took some fish, chewed it, and then fed it to the baby Lisa Lisa. Noticing Erina wasn't eating any herself, Dio remarked that Erina should keep the baby within her womb healthy as well, which shocked Erina as she did not yet realize that she was pregnant. Erina began eating while Dio drank the sea water and converted it from salt water to fresh water using his vampiric abilities. He then slipped his fingers into Erina and Lisa Lisa's arms to inject water into their bodies. Dio was about to go back into the water and hide underneath the coffin before the sun rose but Erina had realized the coffin had two compartments and told him to get in the bottom layer. However, Dio realized Erina's scheme was to have an easier advantage over Dio, as him being in the bottom compartment would allow Erina to easily lift the lid and have the sun shine on him. Dio threatened Erina for attempting to fool him and drained more of her blood as punishment. As further punishment, Dio pushed Erina into the bottom compartment of the coffin and took Lisa Lisa with him into the top compartment, threatening to eat her if Erina tried something stupid.

Feeling like she lost her humanity

Dio then flipped the box and later used a mysterious power to kill a bird that was sitting on top of the coffin. After he roasted it, he offered it to Erina, who wondered how Dio managed to open the lid and prepare the meal without entering the sunlight. Over time, Dio started becoming unstable as he verbally harassed and violently tortured Erina. For hours, he would go on about how Erina was useless and it was her fault Jonathan died. When Erina would start crying, Dio changed his tone and acted gentle to keep Erina off balance. When Erina started apologizing, Dio thought she was mocking him and used his invisible power to drag Erina out of the coffin and threw her into the water. She would nearly drown and then Dio would use his power to pull her back into the coffin. This went on for days, and Dio would drink her blood in between. Each time, Erina would be near death but Dio would revive her by feeding her enough to restore what he drank. Although she only heard his voice the whole time without seeing him, Erina felt like his tool after the torture. She lost her sense of reality and even agreed to marry him after the constant manipulation.

One night, Dio opened the lid of the box and appeared in front of Erina. His wounds were almost completely healed from drinking Erina's blood. Seeing the vampire, Erina finally realized that this man was Dio Brando and not her owner, and she was Erina Joestar. Dio asked Erina to give her new husband a kiss, but Erina had reclaimed her sense of self and remarked that there's no muddy water to wash her mouth with afterwards. Erina realized Dio hadn't changed in the past ten years, and he must have been torturing Erina because he wanted Jonathan to see it, so Jonathan should be somewhere nearby. She knew Dio wouldn't leave Jonathan's head behind on the ship because of his obsessive nature. Believing Jonathan was by her side even if he had become a zombie, Erina was no longer afraid of Dio. After pointing out that Dio was doomed by his shallow mind and overwhelming self-importance, he throws her into the sea out of anger, where she manages to find Jonathan's head hidden under the debris near the coffin. If he had actually become a zombie and was watching everything, Erina knew it was her duty as his wife to kill him so he wouldn't suffer any more.

Stabbing her neck

Erina quickly swam towards Jonathan's head, only to find that his head did not appear to be a zombie, and miraculously still looked alive without decaying. Dio worriedly pulled Erina out of the water with his mysterious power, exclaiming that Jonathan would eat her because he also believed Jonathan became a zombie. Confused as to why Jonathan wasn't doing anything to Erina, Dio wonders how long Jonathan would continue pursuing him. Erina refused to let Dio harm Jonathan's head and grabbed a piece of driftwood, which she then stabbed into the side of her neck. After seeing Dio's shock, Erina laughed in relief before losing consciousness, knowing that Dio couldn't let her die. Erina woke up after receiving blood from Dio, who also stitched her wound using knowledge he learned from various books he previously read. Dio had ended up giving Erina as much blood as he had drank from her, leaving him even weaker than he was before he first confronted Erina.

Playing with her family

For the first time, Erina realized just how lonely Dio was. Erina could have killed Dio then, but she felt pity for him and placed him into the bottom compartment of the coffin. She eventually was rescued by a ship, and had the fisherman weigh the coffin down and sink it. She started to live in the Canary Islands, raising both Lisa Lisa and her son George Joestar II for the next eleven years.[9] At some point she got in contact with Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Straizo, and her father, Graham Pendleton. Straizo officially adopted Lisa Lisa, but let her stay with Erina until she was old enough to train.[8] Erina became the majority shareholder of the Speedwagon Foundation and started her own trading company in La Palma named Star Mark Tradings.[10]


La Palma

Saying goodbye to Lisa Lisa

One day, George comes home crying after being bullied by Antonio Torres and his gang of friends. Erina gives him a stern talk, informing him that Lisa Lisa will be leaving them to go live in Italy with her adopted father Straizo, when she turns twelve. Lisa Lisa starts crying but Erina consoles her. While George refuses to accept it at first, a strong speech from Erina and seeing Lisa Lisa cry for the first time convinces him to be brave. The next morning Antonio is found murdered and his friend, Julio Gonzales, goes to Erina's house to tell her that either George or Lisa Lisa did it.

On Christmas, Straizo and the other Ripple warriors come over for dinner. Erina cries during the party as it is her last day with Lisa Lisa. The next morning, she and George say goodbye to Lisa Lisa and Straizo.[8]

Talking about Penelope's clown

In 1904, Erina decides to hire a tutor for George after seeing him interested in a science book. George decides to ask a girl named Penelope de la Rosa to be his tutor and goes to visit her. George invites Penelope to his house only to realize that the door of his house is suddenly locked. He wonders why Erina would shut them out, until Erina tells George to run because a clown is inside. George kicks the door down and directly sees the clown for himself. He swings a chair at it causing the clown to vanish by shattering into pieces. Erina tells George to calm down, realizing that Penelope is the one who was creating the clown somehow, as a means of protecting herself. The clown suddenly returns, locking them inside by wedging a heavy table under the doorknob. George realizes that the clown has a long white thread dangling from its hip, leading all the way to Penelope's dress. George calmly moves aside the table and exits the house, calming Penelope down. Later, George tries explaining Penelope's power to her mother but her mother thinks Penelope is possessed by the devil. Erina decides to let Penelope live with them and hires her to work in the La Palma office of Erina's trading company, as well as to be George's tutor.

Penelope, Erina, and Lisa Lisa

Until Penelope stops being scared, Erina forces George to walk with Penelope to work. One day in February, six months after Penelope moved in, Straizo visits Erina since he had business on the island. The two sip tea together in silence until Lisa Lisa, George, and Penelope arrive home. Lisa Lisa tells Erina that it's time for her to tell George the truth about what happened to his father, Jonathan. Erina then describes the life of Jonathan and Dio Brando, leading to Jonathan's eventual death on their honeymoon. Lisa Lisa questions if Erina had actually brought Dio's head to the island. Although George says Lisa Lisa is being ridiculous, Erina breaks her silence by saying it wasn't Dio's head, bur rather her husband's, Jonathan's.[10] Erina takes George and Lisa Lisa to a secret room in her basement where she shows them Jonathan's head, still looking as if it was alive.

Telling her story

Before Erina could begin telling her story, Lisa Lisa grows impatient and asks Erina if she saved Dio back then. Lisa Lisa had gone to England researching about Dio Brando's life. She went to the remains of the Joestar mansion and talked to people in town, who told her about Jonathan, Erina, and Dio. To Lisa Lisa's surprise, Dio was the most popular person in town and half of the town's citizens still believed he was innocent. People believed that Dio never had a girlfriend despite being popular with the ladies because he loved Erina. Erina emotionally scolds Lisa Lisa, saying that a little sixteen year old girl like her should never attempt to speak about matters such as love as if she could understand. She quickly calms down, realizing Lisa Lisa couldn't understand since Erina hasn't told them anything yet.

After telling a detailed story of what happened to her in the coffin, Erina claims that her sin was letting Dio Brando remain alive. Erina had hope that as long as Dio was still alive, Jonathan's body would also be alive, and she did not want to lose the chance to get his body back one day. When they go back upstairs, Penelope tells them about a case of mass hysteria. Deducing that these incidents happened because of their presence on the island, Erina decides that she and George should move to England with Penelope.[9]


Penelope and Erina going to work

After arriving in England, Erina, Penelope, and George start to grow accustomed to their new lives. Their neighbors would snidely remark about Erina, being surprised that she survived and finally returned home, but never actually lived in the Joestar manor before. They make rumors about Erina and Speedwagon because he's a bachelor and helped Erina rebuild the mansion after it burned down. They state that it's been too long since Erina's wedding for her to reenter society, and her son doesn't really fit in with the others. Then they started asking Erina to describe her life on the Canary Islands. Having enough of her neighbors, Erina starts commuting to London instead of staying home. Her father, Graham Pendleton, had a hospital in the city but he had retired and the hospital is now run by someone else. However, Erina and Graham owns the controlling interest in the stock. Erina starts her own company not far from the hospital, transferring her headquarters of the Star Mark Trading Company that she founded in the Canary Islands to London. The original office remains, and additional ships from England increases the volume that her company could trade. Her company purchases goods in Spain to sell in England, steadily increasing her profits. Penelope and Erina are both happy working at their company.

Soon, Erina and Penelope are informed that Kenton Motorize was murdered on a cliff by the coast. George's airplane and a knife bearing the Joestar Family crest were found on the crime scene. This made him a prime suspect without question. At the same time, George had disappeared, though it is revealed that he was mysteriously teleported to Rome with Lisa Lisa around the time of the murder. George calls back home after borrowing a phone from the Ripple warriors and Erina informs him of the situation in tears.[11]

Rover 8 car

George is immediately arrested after going home, and Erina and Penelope visit him in jail. While they are concerned at first, they are relieved once they find out George isn't too upset. Erina tries her best to get George out of jail but to no avail. After the police report is finished, he is allowed to go back home, and Erina and Penelope welcome him. Erina still tries to prove George's innocence and hires an amazing lawyer, but the trial goes on for some time. He can't go to school while the trial is going on, so he has more free time and asks to get his driver's license. George would normally have to wait one more year before he could get his license, but Erina didn't care much and lets George do as he pleased. She buys him a Rover 8 car and asks her chauffeur to teach him how to drive.[12]


Lecturing George

After George graduates from Hugh Hudson High, Erina and Penelope plead with him to go to college but he refuses. She later informs George that his friend Steven Motorize is in France, but she doesn't know much more.

Darlington Motorize visits their house one day to inform George that he has the opportunity to accept a plea bargain. As he thinks about accepting the plea bargain, Erina lectures George to not give up. Giving up would mean ruining the reputation of their family and their companies, as well as betraying the faith of his family and friends. Erina's words rekindle George's resolve and he becomes determined to find the real killer.[12]


Phone call from George

Antonio Torres turns several English soldiers into zombies. Worried for his mother's safety, George calls Erina at work and tells her to go back home and hide with Penelope. Erina also informs him that she just saw several English planes fly off.[13]


Four years later, Erina tells George that Lisa Lisa is in Switzerland because he wanted to visit her. Soon she receives news that Lisa Lisa is pregnant, and is extremely happy along with Penelope and Speedwagon. Erina, Penelope, and Lisa Lisa create all the wedding plans, deciding that Lisa Lisa and George should get married after their child is born.[13]

After George seemingly dies on the day of his wedding, Penelope protects Erina from the invasion of zombies. A "Jorge Joestar" from another universe arrives at their house along with his universe's Narancia Ghirga. Penelope tells them that she doesn't know what's going on with the island and asks them to leave but Erina arrives to greet her guests. As Jorge talks to Erina, three zombies appear behind them but Penelope entraps them with her Wound ability. Jorge wonders how Erina could tell that he was Japanese, so Erina reveals that she's been running a trading company for some time and Jorge's soft smile that's particular to Japanese culture reminded her of Japanese people that she had done business with. Jorge explains about Tsukumojuku and how quite a lot had happened.

Hugging Penelope

After Jorge mentions that they're going to London to find the 'Way to Heaven', Penelope asks to come with them. Erina has doubts but Penelope convinces Erina to let her go, believing the whole mess to be her fault since she made Great Britain into a giant locked room. Penelope promises to bring back Elizabeth with her and the two hug. She also apologizes that Erina will have to take care of Joseph on her own now. Hearing the name of his adoptive grandfather, Jorge asks to see the baby Joseph, despite Jorge's grandfather being the son of Jodoh Joestar and Maria Urias Zeppeli. Suddenly, Kars appears beside Jorge, interested in seeing his archenemy as a baby. Erina and Penelope protectively jump in between Kars and Joseph, but Kars declares that he has no intention of harming the baby because history may be altered. After Penelope leaves, Erina remains protected by Penelope's ability.[14]

Final Battle

Erina appears with Penelope

Jorge loans his U-Boat DISC to Penelope, who makes the trip back to Wastewood to bring Erina to the second universe's Trinity Church. She confronts Dio one last time. Erina fuels Dio's anger, stating that even Dario Brando had the sense to behave in front of George Joestar I, whereas Dio is still trapped by his parent's curse after a century and refuses to take responsibility for anything.

With the power of Jorge's Beyond, he manages to revive Jonathan by placing his head on top of the Saint's Corpse, which was actually Jonathan's original body after Dio split into pieces during his battle with Kars. Erina wraps her shawl around Jonathan's waist so he wouldn't be naked. Jonathan revives and suddenly starts laughing, claiming that he is actually Dio since Dio had given him his blood after cutting off Jonathan's head on the boat. Everybody is shocked aside from Erina who could tell that he is joking. She scolds him by saying he should at least thank everyone for their help instead of joking like that.

Joestar family group hug
Reuniting with Jonathan

Dissatisfied from his constant losses, Dio declares he does not want to associate with the Joestars anymore and vanishes into the darkness of the stairs behind him. Erina and Jonathan have a tearful reunion. Erina hesitates mentioning what happened to their son, George II, and Jonathan looks confused. He had figured out that George was hiding inside a parallel world within the body of the 37th universe's Jorge. George leaps out of the parallel world and reunites with his family, as they share a group hug.

Meanwhile, Erina notices Lucy staring at her. They mention how their maiden names are both Pendleton and discuss how it is important to keep faith. The two are glad they could meet each other and tears run down Lucy's cheeks, although she doesn't know why.[15]



  1. Chapter 3, Dio Brando the Invader Part 2
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chapter 17: The Birth of DIO
  3. Chapter 44, Fire and Ice, Jonathan and DIO Part 6
  4. Chapter 1, Prologue
  5. Chapter 2, Dio Brando the Invader Part 1
  6. Chapter 4, Dio Brando the Invader Part 3
  7. Chapter 5, Dio Brando the Invader Part 4
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 1: Tsukumojuku
  9. 9.0 9.1 JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 5: Box
  10. 10.0 10.1 JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 3: Wounds
  11. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 7: Airplanes
  12. 12.0 12.1 JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 9: Cliff
  13. 13.0 13.1 JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 13: Enemy
  14. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 14: Desolation Row
  15. JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II


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