Non scolarisée et assez grossier, mais fidèle, Narancia est membre de la Team Buccellati et par extension Passione. Il suit Giorno et Buccellati dans leur mission de protéger Trish Una. Narancia est un manieur de Stand et se bat avec l'avion de chasse miniature, Aerosmith.
Narancia est un adolescent de taille plus petite que la moyenne et de constitution moyenne. Il a un visage enfantin et des cheveux noirs en désordre avec une frange devant les yeux.
Il arbore un débardeur moulant et un pantalon slim sombres. Il a des accessoires plus clairs, dont un bandana, des bracelets et une sorte de jupe courte.
Narancia porte avec lui un couteau à cran d'arrêt qu'il utilise parfois pour menacer les gens et qu'il a parfois vraiment utilisé au combat.
Il est à noter que Narancia est décrite comme ayant des muscles abdominaux proéminents dans l'anime, contrastant avec Mista et Fugo qui n'ont pas d'abdos visibles.
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaGioGio (PS2)All-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets violet-gris)
(Chemise et pantalon noir violacé avec bandana / bracelets orange et jupe orange / jaune. Chaussures violettes.)
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets indigo)
(Chemise et pantalon indigo foncé avec bandana / bracelets orange et jupe orange / blanc. Chaussures indigo foncé.)
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets violets)
Yeux(Vert sombre)
(Chemise et pantalon violets avec bandana / bracelets orange et jupe orange / jaune. Chaussures violet foncé.)
Yeux(Vert foncé)
(Chemise et pantalon noir bleuté avec bandana / bracelets jaune-vert et jupe vert / jaune-vert. Chaussures bleu marine.)
Cheveux(Noir avec des reflets violets)
(Chemise améthyste avec pantalon et chaussures violets, bandana / bracelets orange et jupe orange / jaune clair.)
Tue-moi, putain ... tu crois peut-être que Narancia Ghirga est du genre à vendre ses potes pour sauver sa propre peau?
Narancia Ghirga est un jeune rude et colérique qui fait preuve d'une grande loyauté envers ses camarades.
Le comportement global de Narancia pourrait être résumé comme étant assez enfantin, ce qui est illustré par son éducation qui ne s'étend pas au-delà de l'école primaire.[1] Ses compétences en mathématiques sont si bas qu'il ne peut pas multiplier correctement des nombres supérieurs à un seul chiffre, sachant que 6 x 5 = 30 mais réussissant à calculer que 16 x 55 = 28.[1] Cependant, Narancia n'est pas si stupide car il est capable de contrer les stratagèmes de son adversaire même en étant sous pression dans une bataille à vie ou à mort. Il est enclin à effectuer une action simple mais violemment décisive, prenant régulièrement par surprise des ennemis plus sournois. Par exemple, il a mis le feu à une rue entière pour piéger Formaggio.[2] Il a également vaincu Squalo et Tiziano en leur faisant croire qu'il était toujours sous le mensonge forcé de Talking Head alors qu'il s'été coupé la langue.[3] De plus, il maîtrisait suffisamment Aerosmith pour jouer avec ses subtilités et déduire avec une bonne précision ce qui se passait malgré les informations limitées de son radar.
Narancia a des colères noires
Narancia est presque aussi colérique que Fugo, étant assez bruyant, grossier et violent quand il explose de colère.[4][5] Il garde notamment un couteau à cran d'arrêt qu'il utilise régulièrement pour menacer les autres et n'hésite pas à commettre des actions violentes. Par exemple il a pris un civil pour un membre d'un gang ennemi et en l'a frappé immédiatement aux côtés de certains de ses coéquipiers.[6] D'ailleur, il ne fait pas grand cas du chaos que Aerosmith peut causer et sa personnalité explosive se reflète dans la formidable puissance de feu (mais précision limitée) de l'avion. En conséquence, ses combats se terminent avec le voisinage ravagé par les balles d'Aérosmith.[2][7]
Narancia achète des en-cas durant une mission
Habituellement, Narancia est le moins mature des membres de l'équipe et agit de façon assez enfantine en exprimant à haute voix ses pensées et en jouant occasionnellement. Par exemple, il pense que le Boss va leur prêter un hélicoptère ou prend le temps de jouer avec des grenouilles que Giorno a créé. Il est généralement celui qui se relâche le plus pendant les missions, par exemple en négligeant les précautions de base lors de son shopping en ignorant les conseils de Fugo[8] et même en traçant un itinéraire directement vers le cachette de l'équipe sur une carte.[9] Il fut également le premier à laisser tomber sa garde lorsque le groupe s'approcha de leur destination à Venise.[10] Narancia est assez avare avec sa nourriture et est en colère si on la lui vole.[11] Ayant remarqué que Giorno était encore plus jeune que lui, Narancia lui rappelle occasionnellement qu'il est le plus jeune au sein de l'équipe.
Malgré son comportement de morveux, Narancia présente un côté plus gentil pour ceux qui le connaissent. Ayant perdu sa mère et son père étant très négligent, Narancia appréciait avant tout ses amis et considérait "l'amitié" comme la chose la plus précieuse au monde. Il a été dévasté par la trahison de son groupe et a ensuite trouvé un modèle en la personne de Buccellati. Buccellati a été parmi les premiers à le traiter comme un être humain digne et Narancia est devenu entièrement fidèle au gangster.[12] Ayant peur de trahir Passione et son redoutable boss, Narancia a demandé à Buccellati de "lui ordonner" de trahir le gang, montrant une dépendance émotionnelle persistante envers son chef d'équipe. [13] En dehors de ses débordements, Narancia est généralement la personne la plus gentille avec ses compagnons et malgré un début violent avec Trish, leur relation s'améliore rapidement au point d'avoir des conversations personnelles pendant le voyage, car lui et Trish partagent une chose commune dans leur tragédie passée: c'est d'avoir été trahis[14].
Narancia souhaite rattraper ses années perdues en tant que délinquant. Conscient qu'il n'a pas eu une bonne éducation, Narancia est prêt à laisser Fugo lui donner des cours particuliers et a exprimé le souhait de retourner à l'école même si on se moquerait probablement de lui.[1]
Si je ne peux peut-être pas tirer, mais je peux toujour te buter autrement!
Le Stand de Narancia, Aerosmith, est un avion de chasse miniature doté d'un arsenal mortel d'armes à feu et dont l'hélice est même dangereuse. Aerosmith lui permet aussi de détecter des sources de dioxyde de carbone à proximité et donc de traquer quiconque via leurs respiration.
Quand Narancia avait dix ans, sa mère mourut d'une maladie des yeux. Le père de Narancia ne l'aimait pas beaucoup et après la mort de sa mère a commencé à négliger Narancia de plus en plus. Bientôt, Narancia a cessé d'aller à l'école et a commencé à rester chez ses amis, volant la nourriture des restaurants et autres magasins pour manger. Narancia croyait que l'amitié était la chose la plus importante au monde, ce qui a permis à un ami plus âgé de le manipuler. L'ami a dit à Narancia de se teindre les cheveux en blond, affirmant que c'était la mode. Narancia l'a écouté et s'est teint les cheveux pour avoir l'air cool. Mais le lendemain, la police l'a arrêté et a ordonné qu'il soit placé dans un centre de détention pour mineurs, où Narancia a fini par passer un an à l'intérieur. Confus, Narancia a cherché des informations et a découvert que son ami plus âgé avait pénétré par effraction dans une maison et battu une vieille femme avant de convaincre Narancia de changer d'apparence afin qu'il soit faussement accusé.
Narancia abandonné
Un an plus tard, à l'âge de 15 ans, Narancia a finalement été libéré du centre de détention, bien qu'il ait contracté une maladie oculaire parce qu'un garde l'avait frappé après qu'il ait refusé d'admettre sa culpabilité. Des rumeurs ont éclaté parmi ses anciens pairs selon lesquels il avait hérité de la maladie de sa mère et qu'elle était contagieuse. Cela a amené ses anciens amis à l'ostraciser. Il a finalement compris que son ami le plus proche, celui qui l'avait manipulé, était la même personne qui avait répandu les rumeurs puisque c'était le seul dont Narancia avait parlé de la maladie. N'ayant nulle part où aller et se retrouvant tout seul, Narancia avait renoncé à sa vie, croyant qu'il mourrait de la même manière que sa mère.
Cependant, la vie de Narancia vira pour le meilleur. Un jour, Pannacotta Fugo trouva Narancia en train de fouiller dans des poubelles et l'a emmené dans un restaurant. Là, il a rencontré Blono Buccellati qui lui a offert son propre repas, et ensuite a fait en sorte qu'on soigne son oeil. Après avoir passé trois semaines à l'hôpital, la maladie oculaire de Narancia a été guérie mais il était confus quant aux raisons de l'aide de Buccellati. Bientôt, il a découvert que Buccellati était un membre de la pègre et a plaidé pour qu'il le laisse travailler pour lui. Buccellati s'est soudainement mis en colère et a ordonner Narancia de rentrer chez lui et d'aller à l'école comme une personne normale. Narancia fit ce qu'on lui avait dit, mais continua de se demander ce qui avait mis en colère Bucciarati. Finalement, il a réalisé que Buccellati était en colère pour le bien de Narancia, refusant de permettre à un jeune homme comme lui de s'impliquer dans le crime. Cependant, cette découvert n'a fait que rendre Narancia désireus de travailler pour Buccellati. Six mois plus tard, Narancia est allé voir Polpo à l'insu de Buccellati et a réussi le test, devenant un membre de Passione.[12]
Vento Aureo (2001)
Narancia menace Fugo
Lorsque Narancia est présenté pour la première fois, il est à table avec Guido Mista, Leone Abbacchio et Fugo, attendant que Buccellati vienne. Fugo donne un cours de maths à Narancia, qui est coincé sur une multiplication et Fugo essaie de l'assister. Narancia enfin semble comprendre la question mathématique mais on voit alors qu'il a complètement faux malgré sa confiance. Fugo le poignarde avec une fourchette et Narancia le menace alors avec un couteau. Avant que la situation ne dégénère, Buccellati arrive avec un nouveau membre: Giorno Giovanna. Narancia demande à Giorno son âge et note que Giorno est plus jeune que lui de deux ans. Après que Giorno ait apparemment bu l'urine d'Abbacchio, Narancia et les autres sont impressionnés par la nouvelle recrue.
Narancia est ensuite vue sur le bateau en direction de l'île de Capri avec le reste du groupe de Bucciarati. Il a acheté un lecteur CD et l'écoute sans casque. Le volume est suffisamment élevé pour que Mista, qui est assis à proximité, l'entende. Agacé, Mista demande à Narancia une canette de soda et verse la boisson sur le lecteur CD alors que Narancia a les yeux tournés, ce qui la fait court-circuiter. Narancia est confus et se met en colère, jurant de se venger du commerçant qui lui a vendu le lecteur. Buccellati révèle enfin que Polpo est mort; l'objectif du groupe est de se rendre sur l'île de Capri pour récupérer la fortune de dix milliards de lires que Polpo a fait cacher par Buccellati et ainsi payer le gang pour être promu au rang de caporégime. Narancia est excité à la perspective de l'argent et de la promotion. Cependant, il est alors le premier à être attaqué par le Stand de Mario Zucchero, Soft Machine, qui le pique et le dégonfle comme un ballon de baudruche avant de le tirer dans un tuyau. Après que Buccellati et Abbacchio aient vaincu Zucchero, Narancia est montré en train de demander à Fugo d'examiner sa tête pour voir s'il est blessé. En colère, lui, Fugo et Abbacchio finissent tous par donner des coups de pied dans le corps de Zucchero tandis que Mista torture tête détachée de Zucchero. Après avoir déclaré que Zucchero irait au neuvième niveau de l'enfer, Narancia s'engage dans une danse synchronisé avec Mista, puis Fugo.
Narancia rencontre Trish
En arrivant sur l'île de Capri, le groupe se réfugie dans des toilettes publique. En attendant que Buccellati révèle le trésor, Narancia essaie d'éloigner un nettoyeur qui vient vers les toilette en les menaçant avec son couteau. Le nettoyeur lui fait une clé de bras et retourne le couteau de Narancia contre lui, mais la confrontation est interrompue par Pericolo, un caporégime Passione qui est venu prendre les six milliards et promouvoir Buccellati au rang capo. L nettoyeur avec laquelle Narancia s'est battue se révèle être Trish Una, la fille du "Boss" de Passione. Le groupe se voit confier la tâche de la protéger des traîtres le temps qu'on dispose d'eux.
The Struggle Against Formaggio
Bucciarati's team goes into hiding, beginning their mission to escort Trish. Narancia is assigned by Bucciarati to go out and get food as well as a few things requested by Trish. Fugo tries to make Narancia remember the specific directions he needs to follow while driving as to not be tailed back to the house where they are. Narancia tries twice to recall the instructions but ends up forgetting both times, causing Fugo to get angry. Abbacchio says he’s not worried about anyone following Narancia; Narancia's Stand should be enough to ward off any followers.
Narancia then goes on his shopping trip, though is acting incredibly cautious. Going from store to store, he stops Bucciarati's rental car in the middle of the street when he feels like he's being watched. Suddenly a voice calls out to Narancia and as he looks under the car, he sees a pair of feet that climb into the vehicle. Narancia finds a man sitting in the backseat, who asks him where he is going. The man introduces himself as Formaggio, claiming to be a member of the gang. Formaggio rambles on about how after Polpo's death Bucciarati's group disappeared as well as other, more nonsense topics. Narancia is lulled into a momentary false sense of security, which gives Formaggio the opportunity to attack Narancia with his Stand Little Feet. Narancia stumbles backwards and Formaggio demands to know why Bucciarati's group didn’t attend Polpo’s funeral. It is at this point that Narancia calls out his Stand, Aerosmith, and begins shooting at Formaggio, who is still in the backseat of the car. Formaggio is surprised that Narancia is a Stand user, while Narancia states he will finish his assignment and not let Formaggio follow him.
Narancia’s Aerosmith sends a barrage of shots at Formaggio, who is at a disadvantage because of the small confines of the car. When Aerosmith releases a bomb, Formaggio uses his Stand's power to shrink himself and escape. All the while, Narancia is kicking the car, yelling at Formaggio, when suddenly he realizes Formaggio is not there. Formaggio uses this to his advantage and slips into Narancia’s back pocket, content to let Narancia search for him. As Narancia looks around, he notices people are coming to see what all the commotion is and so he decides to call back his Stand. As he looks around for his knife, he realizes he is no longer bleeding from the cut Little Feet gave him. He stumbles upon a knife, but notices that it's too big to be his, then notices his shoes are too big as well, causing him to wonder where his shoes had gone. He gets into the car, only to realize the seat is too big and he can’t reach the pedals. Jumping out, Narancia is left thinking that he got in the wrong car when finally he realizes that he is shrinking because of Formaggio's Stand.
Narancia looks around for Formaggio before deciding to contact Bucciarati to tell him that people are after Trish. He heads for a store with payphones inside, only to realize he is too light to activate the weight-based sensors of the automatic doors. Struggling to trigger the sensors and enter, Narancia then calls forth Aerosmith to shoot down the doors as well as to shoot one of the payphones so he could get coins of the right size to make the phone call. Narancia climbs up to another payphone and dials the number but then realizes the phone line has been cut. He curses Formaggio and looks around, summoning Aerosmith to find him. Formaggio hides out of sight in Narancia’s pocket but then is surprised when Narancia finds him. Narancia has Aerosmith shoot Formaggio, only for Formaggio to have Little Feet make a shrunken pen grow back to its normal size, thus shooting Formaggio into the air and to safety. From there Formaggio notices that Aerosmith is still tracking him and he tries to escape, eventually reaching a sewer grate.
He soon realizes that Aerosmith tracks him by the carbon dioxide he breathes out and tries to flee by holding on to one of the many rats in the sewer. However, Narancia notices that one of the rats is breathing harder than the rest due to it carrying Formaggio's weight and shoots at it, effectively wounding Formaggio. Unfortunately, because of Narancia’s ever decreasing size, Aerosmith's attack was not enough to kill Formaggio who returned to full size to save himself. Angry, Narancia decides he needs to hide before resuming his attack.
Climbing onto the sidewalk, Narancia runs towards an alleyway. He is cornered by a cat but uses Aerosmith to swiftly drive it away. As he reaches the alley and climbs on top of a pack of bottles, Narancia finds himself being washed off the bottles as a full-sized Formaggio pours a can of beer over him. Formaggio then steps on Narancia and demands he tells him where Trish is. Narancia refuses and Formaggio has a flashback of the fate that befell two members of his group, and becomes angry, withdrawing a spider he found in the sewers and threatening Narancia with it. Narancia tries to shoot him with Aerosmith, but Formaggio uses Little Feet to grab hold of Aerosmith, then forces Narancia into the bottle with the spider. Formaggio insists Narancia tell him where Trish is, claiming he doesn’t want to see Narancia get eaten by the spider. Narancia refuses and attacks the spider, stabbing it with a shard of glass, only to realize the spider had attached some webbing to him. The spider bites Narancia and begins wrapping him up. Formaggio notices something had dropped from Narancia’s pocket earlier and examines it, realizing it to be a map leading back to Team Bucciarati's hideout. Formaggio laughs when he finds that Narancia marked all the roads, realizing he should just follow it in reverse.
Narancia & Formaggio's showdown
As Formaggio decides to leave Narancia to die, Narancia starts reminding him of Aerosmith’s ability to track carbon dioxide and reveals that he had shot a hole in the gas tank of a nearby car; he was waiting for it to catch fire. Formaggio turns around just in time for the car to explode, catching him on fire and allowing Narancia to return to his regular size. With Narancia now back to normal, Formaggio uses his own blood in tandem with shrinking himself to douse the fire on his body and escape. Due to the burning car, Narancia is unable to locate him on the radar. Despite this, he asserts that since he can’t track Formaggio, he’ll just make the fire bigger to prevent his escape, and so has Aerosmith shoot at all the cars on the street. Nowhere left to run or hide, Formaggio returns to his normal size, but is badly burned, and resolves to kill Narancia directly. He asserts that because they are very close, Little Feet has the advantage because of its greater speed. Both call forth their Stands and attack, but Aerosmith surprises Formaggio by being the faster Stand and shoots Little Feet’s vital spots. As Formaggio falls, he uses his last words to tell Narancia that things will be harder for Narancia and everyone else. Narancia calls back Aerosmith, only to realize he failed his mission because all the money and supplies were burned up.
Escorting Trish
Upon returning to the gang and informing them of his encounter, Fugo openly notes how Narancia had sent a 'smoke signal' to la Squadra by setting blaze to an entire street. Narancia becomes highly anxious and stressed at the idea that things could only become worse because of his own actions. However, Giorno admits that Narancia took the best course of action, given his situation. This not only diffuses Fugo's disappointment but puts Narancia at ease as well.
Narancia becomes old because of The Grateful Dead
Sometime later, the group obtains Coco Jumbo, a turtle that possesses a Stand named Mr.President, which allowed the group to travel long distances discreetly. On the train headed for Florence, Narancia is eating a banana when he notices that it's suddenly become expired. It is then that he himself suddenly grows old, with all associated afflictions like going deaf, losing teeth and his bones being deformed. He nearly dies of old age. The rest of the gang would find out that this was the result of Squadra Esecuzioni member Prosciutto and his Stand The Grateful Dead. As the Stand's only weakness is colder temperatures, Trish tends to Narancia by using ice cubes stored in the fridge of Mr.President to keep him from completely withering, against Bucciarati's orders to care for herself. Narancia eventually returns to normal thanks to Mista and Bucciarati defeating Prosciutto and his comrade Pesci.
As the group nears their destination, Giorno and Mista are sent to retrieve an OA disc containing the final instructions for bringing Trish to her father. The others decide to arrive late by boat, with Narancia on the watch. Docking the boat, Narancia arrives just in time to see Giorno healing Mista's wounds from the two's battle against Squadra Esecuzioni member Ghiaccio. Due to the odd angle he was watching from and Mista's pained moans, Narancia comes to the wrong conclusion and decides to pretend that he didn't see anything.
Defecting Passione
Team Bucciarati finally reaches their destination: the San Giorgio Maggiore church. Narancia and the others are ordered to stay behind as he escorts Trish to her father. When him and Giorno, whom suddenly ran ahead, return, Bucciarati announces his betrayal against Passione. He reveals that the Boss wanted to kill Trish all along, and declares that keeping her safe will result in him and his men being marked as traitors.
Narancia desperately swims for the boat
After Giorno, Abbacchio, and Mista board the boat, the indecisive Narancia desperately asks Bucciarati what to do. Though he wants to go with Bucciarati and waits for the 'order' to be given, Bucciarati tells Narancia that the choice is for him to make, merely telling him that he "can't handle this" in advice. Left anxious as he and Fugo watch the boat depart, Narancia then sees the injuries that were inflicted on Trish by her father, remembering how he too was abandoned by the people he trusted. He makes up his mind and jumps in the water to swim after the boat, screaming how Trish is like him as the gang silently accepts his decision. They leave the area, with Fugo staying behind.
Clash and Talking Head
Narancia is forced to manipulate Giorno into an ambush
While still in Venice, the gang discusses their situation and how they plan on taking down the Boss and his invincible King Crimson while at a restaurant. Narancia beats up a shady looking passerby only to realize that it wasn't anyone from Passione. Though he insists that they not tell Trish she's been betrayed by her own father, Trish herself suddenly appears from the turtle and admits that she's known from the moment she regained consciousness. While the group continues their discussion, Narancia notices that the spoon he was using to eat his soup suddenly disappears from his hand. Taking another one, he proceeds to continue eating, only for that spoon to pull out of the soup the remains of the first one. Narancia notices some sort of miniature shark in the soup, but before he is able to relay to the team that they are being attacked, the Stand lashes out and rips off his tongue. Clash, the Stand of Squalo, can teleport to any body of liquid in range. After having his tongue restored by Giorno, Narancia tries to tell the others the details of the attack and describe the enemy Stand, only to begin telling lies; Talking Head, the Stand of Squalo's partner, Tiziano, has attached itself to Narancia tongue and prevents him from communicating the truth. While the rest of the group cannot understand Narancia's strange and hysterical behavior after he's attacked, Giorno becomes the first to entertain the idea that Narancia might actually have been under attack from an enemy Stand the whole time.
As a result, he is targeted first, being incapacitated and dragged along in the Stand's jaws. In restroom stalls, Narancia begins shooting in hopes of hitting Clash, timing and predicting his attacks to nearly hit the enemy Stand. However, Clash tears Giorno's throat out to prevent him from breathing and emitting carbon dioxide, before teleporting into an underground water line with him in its grasp. In spite of this, Narancia actually meant to shoot Giorno himself, and the smoke coming from the bullet wounds allows him to keep track of Giorno and Clash's location in order to attack the Stand and damage Squalo. After being hit by a few successful shots that leave him profusely bleeding with ragged breath, Squalo and Tiziano attempt to flee. Narancia begins pursuing them as was instructed by Giorno before his throat was ripped out, and starts wading through the crowd while yelling out in public that he knows where they are. Tiziano reassures his partner that too many people among the busy and bustling crowd as well as the nearby soccer game are breathing just as heavily as him for Narancia to know and that he is merely lying as a result of Talking Head. However, Narancia reveals that the tongue with Talking Head attached to was cut off and skewered by his knife and that Giorno previously created the tongue that's currently in his mouth. He was also merely waiting for a blip on his radar to react so sharply to his outcries, which was, in fact, the panicking Tiziano. He attacks Squalo with the intent of saving Giorno, but Tiziano jumps in the way and is killed, telling his partner to use his splattered blood to attack Narancia.
Narancia kills Squalo
Narancia and Squalo have a showdown out in public, with Clash critically biting Narancia's neck only to fail at damaging any vital spots, and Narancia gunning down Squalo with an extended barrage of bullets by Aerosmith. Checking to see if Giorno is still alive, Narancia admits that the junior member feels more like a commander than Bucciarati himself. Putting his trust and faith in Giorno and silently acknowledging that with him by their side, the gang might be able to defeat the boss, Narancia picks him up and brings him back to the group to receive first aid.
The Way to Sardegna
Notorious B.I.G attacks the team's plane
The team manage to leave Venice and reach the airport to steal an airplane. Despite Narancia's misgivings, Abbacchio assures him that Moody Blues will be able to pilot the plane to Sardegna. During their preparation, the operative Carne approaches the plane and summons his Stand, but is promptly killed. However, soon after the plane takes off, the Stand Notorious B.I.G manifests itself. It eats one of Giorno's arms, severely wounds Mista by eating at Sex Pistols, then Narancia as it destroys Aerosmith. Giorno then loses his other hand trying to get rid of Notorious B.I.G. Bruno can only bring the wounded to the cockpit, inside of Coco Jumbo, to administer first aid. Thankfully, Trish spots a spare hand that Giorno has made and manages to safeguard it against Notorious B.I.G, who has clung to the plane. The plane crashes but the team get rid of Notorious B.I.G and arrive in Sardegna.
When they reach Sardinia, Narancia is part of the reconnaissance team scouting the area for enemies while Abbacchio is left to uncover clues about the boss. Unbeknownst to the group, the boss himself is fighting against the leader of Squadra EsecuzioniRisotto Nero, and Aerosmith becomes involved in the battle when Narancia notices strange behavior on the radar. Ultimately, Aerosmith is used to kill Risotto, all without letting Narancia know exactly what went down. The gang then realizes too late the danger of having left Abbacchio alone and rush back to him.
Abbacchio dies but leaves a clue for the team
The gang stumbles upon Abbacchio's lifeless body, and Narancia desperately tries to shake him awake. He begs Giorno to heal Abbacchio, threatening to beat him up if he didn't comply. Narancia continues this until Bucciarati yells at him, ordering the group to move on. Narancia tearfully argues that Abbacchio can't be left alone, and only stops when Giorno is able to notice the rock in his hand that leads to a mold negative of the boss' face. Narancia hesitantly looks back as the gang walks away from Abbacchio's final resting place.
Thanks to their research, the team attracts the attention of an unknown ally who reveals the name of the Boss: Diavolo. They agree to meet at the Colosseum.
The Way to Rome
Narancia is grievously wounded by Cioccolata's mold
The team take a boat to the coast of Italy and arrive at a coastal village where they notice that the local population is infected by a deadly mold. Wanting to get away, Narancia jumps down into their boat but inadvertently triggers the growt of the mold on himself and the team in the turtle that he was holding. Bucciarati orders Narancia to throw the turtle to Mista but Narancia's arm decomposes as he tries. Thankfully, Mista blows up the engine, allowing Narancia to be shot back up to the pier. Heavily wounded, Narancia is replaced by Bucciarati as a lookout while Giorno tries to heal him the best he can. When Trish criticizes Bucciarati for coldly telling him to throw the turtle, Narancia argues that it was the best option for him and says that she ought to get to know Bucciarati better afterward.
The group eventually reaches Rome, and manage to dispatch Cioccolata and Secco, although Bucciarati is separated from the group. Now blind and deaf, Bucciarati is tricked into believing Doppio is Trish, and leads the Boss to Jean Pierre Polnareff in the Colosseum.
Showdown with the Boss
After the confrontation between Jean Pierre Polnareff and Diavolo, Chariot Requiem switches the souls of everyone within the vicinity, including Diavolo, Doppio, Polnareff, and Team Bucciarati. While switched with Giorno's body, Narancia tries to summon Aerosmith, but the Stand comes out too quickly and breaks through a brick wall before Narancia can even notice as a result of Requiem powering up every Stand. Knowing that all they need to do to win against Diavolo was to take the Arrow, Narancia swears to go to school after everything was over, regardless of whom would make fun of his intelligence, and wishes to live a happy life and eat good food from his hometown.
After Mista kills whomever was in Bucciarati's body, presumed to be Diavolo, Narancia is then instantly killed with Giorno's body being impaled on broken and splintered bars. This leads Giorno to realize that it was Doppio in Bucciarati's body, meaning that Diavolo is still alive and residing
Narancia's final rest
within the body of someone within the group; Narancia was targeted due to his radar. Giorno mourns for him by giving life to the surrounding rocks, having them grow flowers (presumably from Narancia's hometown) that cover and embellish his body. More determined than ever to defeat Diavolo and seize the Arrow, Giorno himself vows to Narancia that he won't let anything hurt him anymore, and swears to bring him home.
If I can't find your breath all because the fire's too big... then I just have to make it bigger! If I set fire to the whole street!! Then you'll get completely burnt up now that you've shrunken down!
Long ago... I was abandoned, too. By my dad, and by my best friend... they both abandoned me... we're the same. Me and Trish... we're... alike... Bucciaratiiii!!!! I'm coming! I'm coming with you! Let me on!
When I get home, I'm gonna go to school... It might be cool to let the guys make fun of me for being dumb... and I wanna eat some fresh, hot pizza! An authentic margherita from my hometown, baked over an oak fire, with porcini mushrooms on top!
Narancia makes his first game video game appearance in the PS2 game, voiced by Fujiko Takimoto. He is one of the 8 playable characters.
In gameplay, Narancia uses punches and kicks to attack. A sequence of kicks will replicate the same attack he used on a car during the battle against Formaggio. He can activate his Aerosmith to shoot the enemy. Charging the attack will make Narancia use his war cry. He can use the Stand's bomb to make a medium explosion and also search for the enemy on a small map that appears on the side of the screen just as he does in the series. However, while Narancia has his Stand activated, he is immobile, which leaves himself open for attack.
Narancia returns in the PS3 title, voiced by Yuuko Sanpei, he was confirmed for the game alongside Bucciarati and Diavolo.
As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Narancia can turn Aerosmith on/off, changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand.
Throw - Take that! And that! And--: Narancia rapidly kicks the opponent multiple times before a final kick sends them away.
While Aerosmith is off:
You bastard!: Narancia performs a high kick. All of Narancia's skills can be performed instantly following this move.
You're not going anywhere!: Narancia punches the opponent as he summons Aerosmith to shoot them flying forward. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I'll shoot you through!: Aerosmith is summoned to shoot while advancing upward. The opponent is shot into the air and away from Narancia if they are caught. Additional presses of the attack button extend the time Aerosmith is shooting. This move doubles as an anti-air. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Don't shoot if you ain't got the stones!: A Throw. Narancia summons Aerosmith to fly forward a considerable distance. If it connects, Aerosmith shoots the opponent at point-blank range as Narancia runs and jump-kicks them high into the air.
While Aerosmith is on:
I'll make you swiss cheese!: Aerosmith is sent to shoot the opponent while advancing. This move can activate Rush Mode. A Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Blast off!: Aerosmith drops a bomb, dealing heavy damage and knocking the opponent off their feet if it hits. The bomb's fire lingers for a short moment, able to hit the opponent if they step in it, causing them to bounce, and is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. A Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Attack!: Narancia sends Aerosmith to attack. This skill does not do anything by itself, but allows follow-up moves to be performed up to three times in a loop, taking manual control Aerosmith, and able to hit at any range. Every time Narancia activates a new attack, Aerosmith will correct its orientation should the opponent have sidestepped/dodged it, in order to once again send its attacks in their direction. The follow-up attacks are determined by direction and buttons pressed. Every follow-up listed is a Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing.
I'll shoot!: Up - Aerosmith shoots from a high angle. This deals the most damage and is a middle attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is crouching, but has the longest delay.
Perfect timing!: Forward - Aerosmith advances forward as it shoots. This has the shortest delay.
Now's my chance!: Down - Aerosmith flies close to the ground as it shoots. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching, but deals the least damage.
Gonna send you flying!: Backward - Aerosmith shoots the opponent while flying over them. This fires the most bullets in a single volley.
At any point before, between, and after the three loops, three different finishers can be used to end Aerosmith's assault.
Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!: Light - Aerosmith loops back around and shoots a large volley of bullets that are unblockable, knocking the opponent off their feet on impact. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I know how to waste you!: Medium - Aerosmith dives under the opponent, knocking them into the air. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I'm gonna kill you!: Heavy - Aerosmith drops a bomb, dealing heavy damage. The bomb's fire lingers for a short moment, able to hit the opponent if they step in it, causing them to bounce, and is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Narancia's HHA, "I'll make it bigger!", makes Aerosmith carpet bomb the area in front of him to attack the opponent and knock them off their feet, dealing more damage the closer they are, up to five times. The HHA does not require an initial hit to connect in order to work, and will not stop until it finishes. The HHA can also hit a downed opponent, and be performed immediately following Narancia's GHA, but at greatly reduced damage.
Narancia's GHA, "Volare Via", sends Aerosmith flying under the opponent. If the attack is successful, Aerosmith will start hailing the enemy with an extended volley of bullets and carry them high into the air. Narancia then war cries "VOLAVOLAVOLA!!!" during this process before shouting "Volare via!", prompting Aerosmith to stop its attack and drop a bomb on the falling opponent, creating a massive explosion.
Narancia is the only playable member of Team Bucciarati who does not activate Resolve Mode when low on health, keeping the normal Rumble Mode.
Aside from all the Part 5 characters, Narancia has special dialogue with Polnareff. Before the fight, Narancia will ask if his opponent really is 'Polnareff the turtle', while Polnareff merely threatens to make Aerosmith into a hanging ornament (referencing the nature of Part 3 where Polnareff and company face off against countless Stand users sent to kill them on their journey). This is due to Narancia recognizing Polnareff from the events of Vento Aureo, but Polnareff, who in-game is from his time during Stardust Crusaders, hasn't met Narancia at that point. If Narancia wins, he'll be surprised to see that Polnareff had such strength. If Polnareff wins, he'll angrily ask who Narancia is.
Narancia is also one of the few characters (such as Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Old Joseph) that keeps his previous game's color scheme.
Narancia Ghirga was confirmed for the game alongside Giorno Giovanna, Guido Mista, and Pannacotta Fugo.
Narancia is of the Stand User Style, but more specifically is he a Mode User. The player can switch control between Narancia and Aerosmith to alter the character's abilities, with Stand Mode being the more powerful of the two.
Style Action - I can suss 'em out with Aerosmith!/Deactivating Aerosmith!: Control is switched between Narancia and Aerosmith. Aerosmith deals the majority of Narancia's damage, has above-average mobility, and can freely ascend and descend to any height as it pleases. Normal Attacks and Powerful Attacks done while in Aerosmith Mode will result in the Stand firing strings of bullets and dropping bombs directly below, respectively. If Aerosmith is attacked while under the player's control, Narancia himself will not take any damage, rendering attacks dealt to the Stand futile. This way, it is also possible for Aerosmith to defend Narancia from projectiles by intercepting them. However, the use of Aerosmith leaves Narancia near defenseless if it is not nearby to defend his body. Narancia's stamina gauge slowly depletes while in Aerosmith Mode, automatically canceling control over the Stand if it empties. Actions such as destroying stage objects and performing Dual Combos and DHAs are only available while in Host Mode.
While in Host Mode:
I don't need bullets to kill you!: Narancia summons Aerosmith to fly a considerable distance forward, using its propeller to slice opponents it makes contact with. Aerosmith has some homing capabilities while moving. If his Style Action is inputted during the move, control will seamlessly switch over to Aerosmith Mode from the Stand's current location.
There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you escape!: Narancia summons Aerosmith to shoot a volley of 12 bullets while advancing. If the activating button is rapidly pressed, the attack can be extended to add up to 6 more bullets. The final shot will cause opponents to collapse.
EX - I don't need bullets to kill you!: Aerosmith's homing capabilities are given a boost, and Narancia is granted super armor until Aerosmith stops moving.
EX - There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you escape!: Aerosmith fires 3 more bullets, and Narancia is granted super armor until Aerosmith stops firing.
While in Aerosmith Mode:
Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!: Aerosmith begins flying around, dropping 5 bombs over a wide area in a rough "X" formation. The bombs' explosions knock opponents off their feet if they hit directly. They also create patches of fire that linger for several seconds, igniting opponents and causing them to gradually lose health if they come in contact. If Aerosmith makes contact with a wall or obstacle during the skill's progression, it will immediately cancel its attack and teleport back to its starting point.
It's definitely worth a shot!: Aerosmith fires a volley of 6 bullets while advancing, performs a somersault, then fires another 6 bullets for a total of 12. The final shot causes opponents to collapse. The attack can be angled vertically to a slight degree if Narancia is locked on, but the bullets themselves will curve forward if aimed.
You little rat!: Aerosmith flies around in a circle, firing bullets in all directions with short range. The individual bullets deal heavy damage and knock opponents off their feet if they connect. If Aerosmith makes contact with a wall or obstacle during the skill's progression, it will immediately cancel its attack and teleport back to its starting point.
EX - Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!: The bombs and fires deal more damage.
EX - It's definitely worth a shot!: Aerosmith fires 2 more bullets and deals more damage.
All the money and the stuff got burned.: Narancia must connect "Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!" twice. (200 Points)
I'm gonna kick your ass!: Narancia must connect "It's definitely worth a shot!" 3 times. (200 Points)
I still have another way to kill you!: Narancia must break an opponent's health gauge while in Aerosmith Mode. (300 Points)
VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA: Narancia must achieve a total hit count of 200. (500 Points)
Volare via!: Narancia must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
Solo - Volare Via: Identical to its performance in All Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
With Fugo - Two people, two short fuses!: Fugo has Purple Haze assault the opponent, firing its Virus Capsules at them after sending them flying. He then prompts Narancia to attack, with the two watching as Aerosmith shoots both the opponent and the capsules surrounding them, causing the capsules to break open and the target to completely melt.
With Mista - I'm gonna send you flying!: Mista unloads his revolver on the opponent, each bullet carried by Sex Pistols and kicked into the foe at different angles; Narancia follows up by having Aerosmith unleash an extended barrage of machine-gun bullets into the opponent, turning upward to spear and carry them into the air as it's ridden by the Pistols. Performing a somersault, Aerosmith ends the attack by firing at the airborne opponent from above and sending them crashing into the ground while Sex Pistols cheer.
Narancia is given an alternate costume. The costume is based on the flashback from when he was tricked into disguising as one of his "friends", wearing a more casual outfit consisting of blond-dyed hair with no accessories, a striped button-up collar shirt, and normal pants with loafers.
He is paired with Diego Brando in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Robert E.O. Speedwagon and Ermes Costello in the first round, but eliminated by Mariah and Esidisi in the second.