Unnamed Characters in Spin-Offs

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This is a list of unnamed characters found in various spin-offs of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. These characters played minor but varying roles throughout the storyline.



Wanted ManLink to this section
Child Murderer.jpg
Manga Debut: Deadman's Questions
This man was a child murderer and master of disguises, having been wanted for 15 years. He was a paranoiac, startled by the most minimal sound and constantly told himself not to worry because nobody could catch up with him. He eventually started to live with Yamaoka, one of his acquaintances. Yoshikage Kira was assigned to kill him but had a time limit to do so because this man's crime expired at midnight. Kira invaded his house and confronted the dog Rocky while picking up a knife. Kira made a pigeon out of the newspaper with his picture to startle the man, who shouted out of his window, "pigeons or police or whatever! Try to get me if you can!". Now that Kira had his permission, he entered his room and stabbed the man in his back. Kira left the man bleeding on the floor and called the woman living with him, telling her to call the police.
Shueisha EditorLink to this section
A Shueisha employee who met Boingo in Egypt while on vacation. The employee received the Tohth book and later photographed its pages when it only had the predictions shown during Stardust Crusaders (indicating it happened shortly after the end of Part 3).
UnicornLink to this section
A small unicorn who had escaped from the government and runs into Jolyne. The unicorn is entirely blue and has large robotic yellow eyes. The unicorn was found by Polpo and then thrown into a cage for experimentation by the government. It is implied Polpo mistreated it. The unicorn escaped its cage at an airport and meets Jolyne. It somehow fused with her scarf and then suddenly became an adult unicorn. It also has absorbed the flower motif of Jolyne's scarf. It ran away successfully, leaving Jolyne with hope.
Fujiko's ClientLink to this section
Fujiko Client.jpg
A female inmate at Green Dolphin Street Prison who appears and begs Fujiko Fujiyama for her commission; she is so addicted to Fujiko's art that she can't sleep and has started pulling her hair out of impatience. She also is desperate enough to pay Fujiko extra to get her fix of porn. She's commissioned a Spider-Man x Deadpool pairing.
Yoga Session GuardLink to this section
A guard from Green Dolphin Street Prison who is seen overseeing and conducting a yoga session for female prisoners. When prisoner FE040536 starts to act strangely during one session, the guard beats her with her stick but it only excites the prisoner.

Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak / Crazy Heartbreakers

Pet Sounds's OwnerLink to this section
Parrot Owner CDDH.jpg
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 1
An elderly woman living in Cairo who owns Pet Sounds. After her son was murdered, she took care of his birds. She asks Hol Horse to find the parrot after it goes missing, which he accepts.
Pet Shop's TrainerLink to this section
Pet Shop trainer CDDH.jpg
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 1
The original owner of Pet Shop and Pet Sounds. He used to train both birds until he was murdered after trying to escape DIO's grasp. According to the man's mother, he used to work with Hol Horse.[1] DIO used the man as an experiment to see how humans panic in fear since it had been over a century since DIO experienced that. Pet Shop first fired an icicle through the man's chest. DIO then stopped time and covered the ground in gasoline before Pet Shop dropped a lit match. Before the flames fully engulfed him, DIO provided momentary peace by having Pet Shop fire more icicles to put out some of the fire. When the ice thawed, the man burned in flames.[2]
Guide BoyLink to this section
Guide Boy CDDH.jpg
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 1
A young boy living in Cairo. He's posted himself in front of the area affected by Tenore Sax and tries to take advantage of Hol Horse when the latter cannot go through by telling him to pay so that he can guide him. Hol Horse gets rid of the kid by breaking some flower pots with his Stand and framing the boy, forcing him to flee from the wrath of the man who was watering the plants.
Plant Watering GuyLink to this section
Plant Watering Guy CDDH.jpg
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 1
An ordinary Cairo citizen. Hol Horse breaks his flower pots and frames a boy trying to scam him. He quickly becomes angry and threatens the boy, who runs away in a panic.
Yuya's AcquaintancesLink to this section
Yuya's Acquaintances.png
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 2
A gang of thugs acquainted with Yuya Fungami. The leader has no care for others and parks horizontally in the middle of the road, blocking the traffic. He complains about Yuya getting too cocky when an elderly lady walks up to him and asks if he can move his car. The thug furiously tosses his phone at the old lady, asserting that she made him miss part of an important call. However, Ryoko Kakyoin deflects the phone away with her bag, causing it to break when it hits the ground. The thug first assumes Ryoko might be one of Yuya's girlfriends, but the thug's girlfriend comments that Yuya only likes pretty girls.

The thug insults Ryoko's dangling hair, claiming Yuya wouldn't give the time of day to someone like that. Ryoko then smirks and asks if he is talking to the boy behind her, pointing out Josuke. Instantly, Josuke rapidly punches away the thug's car with Crazy Diamond and reshapes the roof of their car into a cage, trapping them while he continues kicking their car.

Possessed ChefsLink to this section
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 4
A group of female chefs who get controlled by Pet Sounds's Stand ability and relive the actions of women who sacrificed themselves as food for DIO.
Oingo and Boingo's ParentsLink to this section
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 6
Novel Debut: Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 2 (Mentioned only)
The parents of Oingo and Boingo severely abused their children for being creepy. Oingo and Boingo are shown to be afraid of their father. After seeing Boingo's comic book, their father sells it for drinking money, but the book ends up returning to Boingo later. Oingo and Boingo run away from their parents when Boingo is 5 years old.
Ryoko's MotherLink to this section
Ryoko's Mother.png
Manga Debut: CDDH Chapter 8
The mother of Ryoko Kakyoin. At some point in 1989, she hugs Ryoko and informs her that her cousin Noriaki has passed away.
Ryoko's FatherLink to this section
Novel Debut: Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 5: Disquietude (Mentioned only)
The father of Ryoko Kakyoin. Mitsue is his younger sister and the father of Noriaki Kakyoin is his brother. He allows Ryoko to stay in Morioh with Mitsue at her apartment. According to Mitsue, he's a stickler for rules.
Hol Horse's MotherLink to this section
Novel Debut: Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 6: Double doubt (Mentioned only)
The mother of Hol Horse. She lived in a certain country in Eastern Europe, but passed away at a hospital giving birth to Hol Horse. It is unknown who Hol Horse's father was, but he also passed away before Hol Horse was born. Since his mother gave her life for him, Hol Horse dedicated his feelings of gratitude to her to all women.


The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day

Trinita's MotherLink to this section
Novel Debut: The Book jojo's bizarre adventure 4th another day Chapter 1: Kyrie (Mentioned only)
Not much is known about this cat except that she is Trinita's mother and Hanae Orikasa is her owner.


SPW TranslatorLink to this section
Novel Debut: OVER HEAVEN
A translator from the Speedwagon Foundation who worked on restoring and deciphering DIO's diary. He confesses that, although the foundation's goal was to find the information that may help them free Jotaro Kujo from his current comatose state, he was mainly motivated by his fascination with DIO.

The translator also comments on the difficulty of the foundation's request. The diary was not fully restored after being burned by Jotaro Kujo, even with the help of Josuke Higashikata, and its contents were hard to understand even for a specialist like him. Therefore, the translation may include various errors.

Iggy the Stray Dog

RPCS Team SpaniardLink to this section
Novel Debut: Iggy the Stray Dog Chapter 2
A large, Spanish, middle-aged man who works for Reliable Pest Control Service at New York. His face looks harsh enough to have been sculpted from stone. When trying to capture Iggy, he fires a tranquilizer dart at the dog but it somehow was hit out of the air before Iggy jumped on him, ripped out his hair, and farted on his face. He now has three scars across his left eye from Iggy's claws. The Spaniard has around four other members in his team for catching Iggy. He allows Avdol to watch them work, but initially asks him to stay out of their way. One of his team members, who Avdol refers to as "Rugger Man", argues that Avdol being with them would be bothersome, but the Spaniard calms him down. He takes Avdol away from the others, explaining his team's rudeness as them just being fed up after all the times the Boston Terrier escaped from them.

The Spaniard describes animal traps to Avdol and shows one of the posters they made of Iggy, offering reward money to anyone who reports sightings of the dog. When they receive a report of a new sighting, Avdol and the Spaniard head into a nearby grocery store, where the clerk explains how Iggy drooled all over a candy shelf. The team then traps Iggy into a corner at the pier. As the Spaniard prepares to shoot with his tranquilizer gun, Iggy simply looks bored and scratches his ear, aggravating the Spaniard who thought the dog is making a fool out of them. In reality, the team realizes that they aren't actually standing on a concrete pier, but rather a huge sand structure that Iggy had built to mimic the real one. As the sand starts sinking, Avdol and the team struggle to escape. Avdol realizes that it's quicksand and warns everyone that they'll sink more if they keep struggling. He advises them to stay calm, since if they remain still then they would float on top of the quicksand before it eventually disperses into the Harlem River, allowing them to swim to the shore. Avdol uses Magician's Red to create footholds, amazing the RPCS team when they see him run across water. Later, the Spaniard's team gives up on catching Iggy due to orders from their upper management. The Spaniard offers to treat Avdol to drinks if he manages to catch the dog.

After Avdol successfully catches Iggy, he meets with the Spaniard and his team members again before leaving New York. When the Spaniard asked how he accomplished this feat, Avdol bluntly responds that he used superpowers, making the group laugh.

Rugger ManLink to this section
Novel Debut: Iggy the Stray Dog Chapter 2
A large, strong, white man who smokes and works for Reliable Pest Control Service at New York. Avdol calls him "Rugger Man" (ラガーマン, Ragā Man) in his head because of the man looking like a rugby athlete. Rugger Man argues that Avdol being with them would be bothersome, but the Spaniard in his team calms him down.

When they receive a report of a new sighting of Iggy, Rugger Man carries a pole net and questions a homeless man as to whether he saw the dog. The homeless man points to a wall, which seemingly appears ordinary. Avdol investigates it by touching the bricks with his fingers, only for his arm to plunge straight through it. The brick wall collapses into a pile of sand, revealing a hidden alley. The employee follows Avdol into the alley, causing Iggy to summon his Stand. Iggy's Stand carries him and shoves the employee to the ground by jumping off his head. The team manages to trap Iggy into a corner at the pier. However, the team end up being caught in Iggy's quicksand and nearly sink until Avdol's advice lets them escape.

After Avdol successfully catches Iggy, he meets with the Spaniard and his team members again before leaving New York. Rugger Man laughs when Avdol claims he captured Iggy using superpowers.

Avdol's FatherLink to this section
Novel Debut: Iggy the Stray Dog Chapter 3 (Mentioned only)
Muhammad Avdol's father is a soldier and the second son from an ancient and noble family. He loses his life in the Six-Day War by throwing himself on a grenade without hesitation to shield a friend from the blast. All that remains of him is his arms, thrust out just before the explosion to push his friend out of harm's way. The man he saved later becomes a teacher and passes his knowledge on to many children.
Avdol's MotherLink to this section
Novel Debut: Iggy the Stray Dog Chapter 3 (Mentioned only)
Muhammad Avdol's mother is an astrologer who peddles her readings on a street corner. After her husband passes away, she raises her son on her own earnings and the survivor's pension from her husband. She also passes on her knowledge of fortune telling to her son. One day, Palestinian terrorists carry out an indiscriminate, senseless shooting in town. She gives her life to shield a little girl from bullets and is shot in the head and back. After growing up, the girl she saved becomes a nurse, working to save many lives.
Iggy's FamilyLink to this section
Novel Debut: Iggy the Stray Dog Chapter 3 (Mentioned only)
Iggy's parents and siblings are all normal dogs without any signs of possessing special abilities. They are owned by a breeder and Iggy is separated from them soon after his birth after being adopted by Mr. Electra.

rey infinito

Octavio's NetworkLink to this section
Novel Debut: rey infinito Chapter 1 (Mentioned only)
Octavio Luna Kan has a network of orphans, homeless people, and peddlers, who he relies on for gathering information and rumors.[3] They live in Antigua with him and help him find the killer, Fabio Ubuh. They later help him and Joaquín research who Fabio's smuggler was and where he is located. They travel to nearby villages to help retreive information.[4]
Fabio's FamilyLink to this section
Novel Debut: rey infinito Chapter 2 (Mentioned only)
The mother of Fabio Ubuh raised him and his younger brother and sister in Chichicastenango. During the Guatemalan Civil War, she offered refuge to guerrilla fighters. However, the same soldiers rounded her up along with Fabio's siblings in the town square and massacred them as a warning for the other Mayans.
Izahela's FamilyLink to this section
Novel Debut: rey infinito Chapter 3 (Mentioned only)
The father of Izahela Mena-Mena attempted to escape from Guatemala to Mexico with his daughter and son. They gave money to a smuggler, but was tricked by Fernando Alhorn and his men, who shot them with a Bow and Arrow instead. Izahela's father and little brother died as if they had been poisoned.
Alhorn's FamilyLink to this section
Novel Debut: rey infinito Chapter 4 (Mentioned only)
Fernando Alhorn's father built a fortune off of the oil and mining industries. However, he died when Alhorn was 17. Alhorn also has two elder brothers, with the eldest inheriting the family business.
Dos Santos's FamilyLink to this section
Novel Debut: rey infinito Chapter 4
At some point, Dos Santos cut ties with his family members. They invite Fernando Alhorn into their home for unknown reasons. However, the man shoots the elderly couple, Dos Santos's parents, with the Bow and Arrow. He leaves their bodies laying in the living room. Alhorn also has Dos Santos's brother-in-law put his ear to his pregnant wife's stomach to hear their baby. He then shoots the man's head with an Arrow, piercing all the way through his head to his wife's stomach. Alhorn is disappointed that all three of them died without gaining abilities. He leaves their bodies laying on the side of a bed. Dos Santos feels grief and regret upon seeing their bodies.
Octavio's FamilyLink to this section
Novel Debut: rey infinito Chapter 5
Octavio's father was a soldier who died on the battlefield by getting shot in the head when Octavio was a young child. At some point before Octavio had reached ten years old, his mother and brother passed away in a car accident. Octavio had also been sitting in the back seat but managed to survive.

testimone di gangster

Squalo and Tizzano's LeaderLink to this section
The leader of a particular team in Passione, which Squalo and Tizzano were part of. He is an old-fashioned gangster who values violence and thinks it's the only way to run an organization. He always disliked Tizzano and didn't trust him. His team is assigned the task of freeing the 32 members of Passione who were arrested. The leader plans to have Squalo and Tizzano kill Pollo and Falco, but Tizzano disagrees with him. Instead, Tizzano offers to beat them in court. Although the leader hates Tizzano's suggestion, he pretends to agree with him and claims he trusts him. Later, the leader summons Squalo alone and orders him to kill Tizzano after the trial is over, regardless of the outcome.

However, Squalo plans to kill the leader instead once the trial ends. He reveals that the leader is a selfish man who was behind on his payments to Passione's top executives, so he planned to have Tizzano killed to show that his team is still working hard. Squalo presumably succeeds in killing him, as he and Tizzano are later promoted to the Boss's Unità Speciale group.

Corrupt Italian LawyerLink to this section
A corrupt lawyer working for Passione and defending 32 of their members who were prosecuted by Gilberto Falco. He only intervenes to try to discredit Pollo Albatero's testimony, notably wearing a ring belonging to Pollo's half-sister to put pressure on him.
32 DefendantsLink to this section
Thirty-two members of Passione who were caught as part of a drug trafficking operation by prosecutor Gilberto Falco and are being prosecuted for their crimes. They all denied being gangsters and Tizzano and Squalo manage to have them freed by ruining the trial.

Other Works

StudentsLink to this section
4-koma Students.png
Two students who have just ended their friendship with each other. The green-haired student states he and the other student are through as friends. The blue-haired student asserts that he hopes he never has to see him again. Josuke Higashikata sees the ex-friends and tries to fix their friendship with his Crazy Diamond. Instead, they are both killed by its punch barrage.
Music TeacherLink to this section
He is a music teacher at Budogaoka High School ten years before Diamond is Unbreakable. He provided guidance to a piano player of notable talent to help her prepare for an upcoming competition. Later on he was working late at night, a few days after the student's suicide due to being unable to play the piano after an accident, when he started to hear a piano play. Sounding just like the way the student had played it, he went to investigate but the music suddenly ended with a loud crash. Then a nearby phone started ringing, he was frightened but still answered it and from the receiver he heard the sound of rainfall and then a female voice say "Let me play the piano."
Hazamada's CousinLink to this section
A student who went to Budogaoka High School ten years before Diamond is Unbreakable. At some point they had told Hazamada the story about the girl who had killed herself at the school and rumors that her ghost would show up at school during their time there.
Dija's MouseLink to this section
Dija Maker Mouse.png
Dija Maker's pet mouse. It acts as the final trap the Joestar Group needed to overcome before defeating Dija. It is capable of detecting Stand users and also somehow has a way of killing any Stand user. It is not stated if the mouse itself is a Stand user or not.
Scatola's MotherLink to this section
Game Debut: Escape From JoJo's Bizarre Museum (Mentioned only)
Scatola's mother lived in Sardinia and loved her son when he was young. However, she no longer loved him after he had burned his face one day. While sleeping one night, Scatola's Stand ability had awakened, and she would become the first victim to his ability. Becoming trapped in a box now on display in the back of Scatola's storeroom.


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