Hol Horse ★ Histoire

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Une biographie détaillée de Hol Horse.


Hol Horse et J. Geil assassinant quelqu'un.

Vers 1983, la vieille Enya et DIO recrutent Hol Horse en tant que mercenaire. Hol Horse fait équipe avec J. Geil.

Stardust Crusaders (1988-1989)

Emperor et Hanged Man

Hol Horse confronte Jean Pierre Polnareff

Hol Horse arrive à Calcuttaà dos d'éléphant avec Nena une jeune Indienne amoureuse de lui qui lui demande en mariage. Il refuse en prétendant que ce c'est pour le mieux mais jure de l'aimer. Alors qu'elle part, il rencontre J. Geil et les deux décident de cibler Jean Pierre Polnareff alors qu'il est séparé du Groupe Joestar. Le jour suivant, Hol Horse confronte Polnareff. Avec son Emperor, Hol Horse parvient presque à tirer dans la tête de Polnareff. Hanged Man se tient prêt à attaquer..

Hol Horse s'échappe à cheval

Quan Mohammed Abdul intervient pour aider Polnareff, Hol Horse et Hanged Man parviennent à le tuer apparemment car il semble que la balle lui perce le crâne. Noriaki Kakyoin apparaît, lui et Polnareff s'enfuient en camion, et Hol Horse est laissé derrière. Plus tard, il rattrape les deux mais quand Polnareff lui dit que J. Geil est mort, il s'enfuit.

Hol Horse court, sachant qu'il ne peut pas vaincre deux manieurs de Stands seul. Jotaro Kujo et Joseph Joestar l'interceptent mais Néna interfère et plaque Joseph au sol. Hol Horse parvient à voler à cheval et galope au loin, s'échappant pour de bon.


Justice pour Hol Horse

Hol Horse revient dans l'arc de Justice au Pakistan et rencontre Enya alors qu'elle a attiré le groupe Joestar dans son hôtel. Cependant, Enya considère qu'il a abandonné J. Geil et poignarde son poignet avec des ciseau. Le Stand d'Enya Justice, le force à se tirer dessus avec Emperor mais ce dervient survit quand même. Avant qu'Enya le tue, Polnareff vient dans le hall et elle doit le cacher. Hol Horse se découvre éventuellement, forçant Enya à se révéler et elle assomme Hol Horse. Après la défaite d'Enya, Hol Horse vole le 4x4 des héros et s'enfuit encore.

Shooting DIO

Hol Horse revient donc en Egypte. Il va dans le manoir de DIO pour rapporter la défaite d'Alessi et Mariah. Rencontrant DIO dans la bibliothèque, il écoute DIO lui dire que son corps est encore faible et se fait insulter. DIO lui ordonne d'aller tuer les héros. Offensé, Hol Horse pense qu'il peut assassiner DIO et tente de lui tirer dessus par derrière mais DIO disparaît et réapparaît soudainement derrière lui. Intimidé par le pouvoir mystérieux de DIO, Hol Horse jure fidélité à DIO et va chercher un nouveau partenaire.

Hol Horse et Boingo

Hol Horse kidnappe Boingo

Hol Horse prend un vol vers Assouan pour kidnapper Boingo et le met dans une valise pour le vol retour vers le Caire. Il espère ainsi utiliser le Stand Tohth pour l'aider à savoir quoi faire. En sortant de l'aéroport, Hol Horse combat deux voyous qui essaient de gruger sa place pour un taxi et détruit l'oreille de l'un d'eux avec Emperor. Dans un taxi, il sort Boingo de la valise et passe un accord avec lui, mais Boingo lui vomit dessus. Hol Horse consulte Tohth pour le tester et voit qu'il va donner un coup de pied à une femme dans le coup et qu'elle va lui offrir une pierre précieuse. Hol Horse proteste et est incrédule devant cette prédiction improbable, mais il s'éxecute : il donne un coup de pied dans le cou d'une femme et en fait la sauve d'un scorpion mortel. Reconnaissante, elle lui donne un bijou en remerciement. Tohth semble donc fonctionner parfaitement.

Hol Horse et Boingo traquent donc le Groupe Joestar dans les rues du Caire, mais Hol Horse est quelque sceptique. Selon Tohth, il doit mettre les doigts dans le nez de Polnareff et celà permettrait aux deux de gagner. Cependant, c'est Polnareff qui surprend Hol Horse et qui le plaque contre un mur. Boingo est heureusement caché sous un cageot mais Polnareff le repère quand même. Pire, le reste des héros s'approche. Hol Horse prend le risque de mettre les doigts dans le nez de Polnareff. Comme celà n'a pas d'effet, il met Polnareff en joue avec Emperor et se cache dans un coin derrière Polnareff en le forçant à mentir. Polnareff alerte ses compagnons et éternue violemment car son nez est irrité, découvrant Hol Horse. Hol Horse est coincé. Mais soudainement, les deux voyous d'avant conduisant une camionnette voient Hol Horse. Enragés, il décident de lui rouler dessus mais leur véhicule glisse sur une flaque d'huile et percute les héros.

Hol Horse est hors-combat

Hol Horse et Boingo se cachent derrière un coin et Tohth prédit que si Hol Horse tire dans un tuyau à midi, les balles voleront à travers la face de Jotaro Kujo. Impatients de tuer Jotaro, Hol Horse et Boingo doivent trouver un tuyau mais il ne reste qu'une minute. Après quelques rebondissement, Hol Horse parvient à tirer dans le tuyau mais Jotaro est sauvé quand Polnareff lui éternue dessus. Dégoûté, Jotaro se balance en arrière et évite les balles d'Emperor sans le savoir. Déconcerté, Hol Horse réalise qu'il a tiré en avance quand il entend une cloche sonner les douze coups de midi. Choqué, Hol Horse ne parvient pas à comprendre pourquoi la prédiction était fausse et tient Tohth devant lui. Les balles d'Emperor retournent vers lui et volent à traver le dessin de Jotaro, atteignant presque Hol Horse. Il parvient à faire disparaître les balles mais est blessé quand même et est hospitalisé pour le reste de l'histoire.

Crazy D Demonic Heartbreak (1999)

L'information ci-dessous prend sa source de Crazy D Demonic Heartbreak ou le roman Crazy Heartbreakers qui n'ont pas été écrits Araki. Ainsi, sa canonicité est incertaine.


Hol Horse serait né dans un certain pays d'Europe de l'Est qui n'existe plus en 1999 car il aurait été partagé en plusieurs pays. Dans son pays, les rues étaient remplies d'enfants abandonnés car on y avait aboli l'abortion. Pour sa part, Hol Horse est né dans un hôpital et sa mère est morte en couche. Il fut ainsi élevé dans un orphelinat comme tant d'autres enfants abandonné, mais l'orphelinat faisait la différence entre enfants immatriculés "H" ou des enfant adoptés depuis un hôpital car leurs parents seraient décédés, ou les enfants "S" qui viennent de la rue. En effet, le gouvernement subventionnait mieux pour les enfants venus d'hôpitaux. Hol Horse étant un "H", on lui a donné un traitement de faveur et il avait des privilèges comme celui-ci de pouvoir se doucher.

Comme l'hôpital n'a pas correctement conservé les dossiers, Hol Horse ne sut jamais le nom de ses parents ni même à quoi ils ressemblaient. Comme sa mère étaient morte en lui donnant naissance, il dédia sa gratitude à toutes les femmes sur Terre. Alors que certains enfant étaient repoussés dans la rue à un certain âge et ne pouvaient pas rester longtemps à l'orphelinat, Hol Horse quitta volontairement l'institution en utilisant son pouvoir Stand avec lequel il était né.[1] A un moment, après avoir quitté l'orphelinat, Hol Horse regarda Pour une poignée de dollars le film avec Clint Eastwood au cinéma. Inspiré par le personnage de "L'homme sans nom" d'Eastwood, Hol Horse commença à s'habiller en cow-boy et décida qu'il vivrait libre comme le personnage.[2]

Hol Horse était né avec son Stand Emperor. Au début, Emperor ne pouvait tirer des balles qu'avec une puissance équivalente à un coup de poing mais sa puissance destructive augmenta jusqu'à être comparable à celle d'un véritable pistolet dès l'adolescence de Hol Horse. Alors que le pays s'effondrait, Hol Horse fuya la guerre civile et commença à travailler pour la pègre, accomplissant diverses missions malhonnêtes. Il sut tourner son expérience du crime en histoires pour s'attirer la sympathie des femmes qu'il séduisait. A un moment, la ville natale de Hol Horse changea de nom et les habitants de la rue dans laquelle il vivait tous quittèrent l'endroit. Hol Horse perdit ainsi sa ville natale.[1]

Recrutement par DIO

Hol Horse fut assigné la carte de tarot de l'Empereur par la vieille Enya avant que cette dernière ne l'ordonne d'aller tuer le Groupe Joestar. Peu après, Hol Horse rencontra Devo le Maudit qui le critiqua pour sa lâcheté et le menaça avec Ebony Devil et sa poupée, Devo ordonnant à Hol Horse de ne pas se mettre en travers de son chemin.[3][4]

Au Secours des Trois Captives

Après l'épisode durant lequel Hol Horse avait essayé de tirer sur DIO par derrière mais fut intimidé par son pouvoir, Hol Horse aperçut plusieurs femmes gisantes au sol du Manoir de DIO. Il remarqua que plusieurs d'entres elles étaient encore à peine vivante. D'abord, Hol Horse pensa à ne pas intervenir pour secourir ces femmes qu'il ne connaissait ni d'Eve ni d'Adam, mais à la fin, il pris la peine de les porter hors du manoir puis les installa dans un taxi tout en instruisant le conducteur de rapidement partir d'ici en lui glissant de l'argent.[5]

La Nuit où Kakyoin mourut

Après la fois où Hol Horse et Boingo avaient échoué à assassiner Jotaro, Hol Horse reprit conscience à l'hôpital la nuit même durant laquelle le Groupe Joestar combattit DIO. Il réalisa que les héros l'avaient vaincu, et se demanda pourquoi il était encore vivant car DIO exécutait tous ceux qui échouaient. Voyant Boingo alité à côté de lui, Hol Horse comprit que DIO devait être occupé à combattre le Groupe Joestar. Pensant que les héros seraient battus, Hol Horse décida de s'enfuir avec Boingo pour se cacher avant que DIO ne vienne en finir avec eux aussi. Alors qu'ils couraient dans les rues du Caire, Hol Horse et Boingo aperçurent le dernier Emerald Splash de Hierophant Green visant un clocher. Hol Horse aperçut aussi Kakyoin gisant dans un réservoir d'eau, et vit les derniers moments de celui-ci. Il réalisa aussi que Kakyoin avait découvert le pouvoir de DIO et était en train d'envoyer un message à ses amis. Hol Horse félicita Kakyoin d'avoir pu vaincre sa peur alors que lui-même avait baissé les bras.

Le perroquet disparu

Hol Horse en 1999.

Hol Horse a survécu aux aux évènements de Stardust Crusaders et on l'a laissé en paix. Il continua ainsi sa vie après DIO.

En mars 1999 au Caire, en Egypte, quelqu'un vole le perroquet d'une vieille dame, la mère du défunt premier propriétaire de Pet Shop avant que DIO ne le tue et ne s'empare du faucon. Celle-ci fait appel à Hol Horse pour retrouver le perroquet, lui montrant une photo de son fils avec Pet Shop et le perroquet, prénommé Pet Sounds. Hol Horse suggère d'abord de s'adresser à la Fondation Speedwagon qui vient régulièrement lui rendre visite. Cependant, réalisant que le perroquet est peut-être un manieur de Stand et que les membres de la SPW tueraient sûrement le volatile, Hol Horse accepte finalement d'aider la vieille dame, disant qu'il ne peut pas dire non à une dame quelque soit son âge.

Hol Horse part vers la vieille ville. Il compare ses montres au son d'un clocher et se plaint qu'une montre soit décalée de 0,8 secondes, croyant que ca porte malchance. Alors qu'il traverse une ruelle, un jeune garçon l'aborde et lui dit que personne ne peut traverser cette route sans qu'il ne serve de guide. Hol Horse invoque Emperor et tire en haut pour détruire deux pots de fleur. Hol Horse prévient le garçon de prendre garde, mais le garçon ne comprend pas ce qui se passe, ne voyant pas les Stands, et insiste pour extorquer Hol Horse. C'est alors que les pots de fleur tombent au sol, et l'oncle du garçon survient pour le corriger, croyant que le garnement a cassé les pots. Le garçon fuit, apeuré.

Reuniting with Old Allies

Hol Horse disappears into the building covered in fog. He calls out for Kenny G., asking if he received Hol Horse's signal and can give him a sign. Hol Horse then hears someone tell him to call off his Stand first. Hol Horse puts away Emperor, and the room starts changing due to Tenore Sax's ability. When Hol Horse gets up, he realizes he accidentally touched an outlet on the wall. He's worried until Mariah reveals herself, claiming that it wasn't her Stand that he just touched. However, she threatens that he knows what will happen if he tries to pull something. When Hol Horse retorts that he wouldn't harm a lady, Mariah responds that he should be settled down by now. Hol Horse asserts that a relationship like what Mariah and Kenny have together isn't his thing.

Hol Horse with Mariah

Mariah tells Hol Horse that Kenny won't be coming to see him since he doesn't like the cowboy, but he does have two visitors who want to see him. Oingo and Boingo have been freeloading with her and Kenny for a month so Mariah asks Hol Horse to take them with him. Hol Horse claims that he was planning to see Boingo anyways. As he's about to leave, Mariah asks if Hol Horse still has dreams. Although Hol Horse declares that he's too tough to have nightmares, Mariah retaliates that Hol Horse has been wearing three watches ever since he got shot in the head. She's been having constant dreams about DIO ordering her to defeat the Joestars, with Mariah being unable to do anything but grovel and apologize. The Speedwagon Foundation already told Mariah about all the terrible things DIO did, but she wonders why she still calls him "Lord DIO" in her dreams.

Hol Horse and Boingo reading Tohth's prediction

Hol Horse tries comforting Mariah by saying that even he fell for DIO's charms and that although they may be fools for falling for a conman's tricks, they're still victims. Suddenly, Mariah becomes enraged upon hearing that Hol Horse called her a fool and kicks him to the ground. As she stomps on him, Hol Horse's head touches her Bastet, causing his body to become a magnet. Darts from a dartboard fly toward Hol Horse as he tries running away. He shoots a door's lock and manages to hide inside the room, but ends up getting stuck to the pipes. Several swords fly toward Hol Horse but are stopped at the door before reaching his face.

Boingo peeks through the door and reveals that his Tohth already predicted that Boingo would join Hol Horse in this parrot hunt. Hol Horse says that he'd love to catch up with him but asks if he can get Mariah to deactivate her Stand. Boingo denies unless Hol Horse promises to never get involved with him again and to forget all about Boingo and Tohth. When Hol Horse complains that it's impossible for him to just forget something, Boingo threatens to push in one of the swords. Mariah shows up again and calls off her Stand, declaring that she was simply teaching Hol Horse a lesson for taking advantage of Boingo back then. Hol Horse reads the pages of Tohth, which narrates that Boingo and Hol Horse team up again to find the parrot. In order to do so, they have to go to Morioh in Japan.

Arrival in Morioh

Hol Horse in Morioh

Hol Horse and Boingo arrive in Morioh, but Hol Horse then inexplicably loses Boingo's trace. Wandering in the streets, he passes by Ryoko, wondering where Boingo went. He asks some schoolgirls if they've seen him but they start running away from him instead. Hol Horse complains about not knowing anyone in Morioh when he suddenly hears DIO's voice in his head. Suddenly, a driver resembling Wilson Phillips runs over several people on the sidewalk, as if he is following orders from someone. Hol Horse attempts to shoot the car, but continues hearing DIO's voice behind him. He trembles from hesitation as he tries calming himself down since DIO is already dead, but realizes he doesn't have the conviction to get over the vampire. Ever since he tried betraying DIO and gave into fear, he lost to him. The car gets closer to Hol Horse and he finally manages to shoot two bullets into the tire. However, that causes the car to launch toward him. He sees a glimpse of the driver, noticing that his eyes lack irises and instead have five holes in its place.

Prepared to fight Josuke

Before Hol Horse could do anything, the car instantly gets punched away from him. Hol Horse sees a boy with a pompadour and his Stand behind him. The boy tells Hol Horse that he saw him summon a gun in his hand out of thin air, realizing he must have the same kind of ability as him. Hol Horse notices that he's a Stand user and the two confront each other, prepared to fight face-to-face.[6]

Hol Horse thinks to himself about Josuke's strength, determining that his ability must be a close-range power type, but prioritizes finding out whether Josuke is a friend or foe. Josuke mocks Hol Horse's fashion, wondering if he's a cowboy. Hol Horse retorts by asking if Josuke is the kind of person to pick his style based on what other people think, adding that Josuke doesn't seem like the type considering his hairstyle.

Hol Horse's remark enrages Josuke, so the cowboy quickly raises his guard. Suddenly, the driver from the car Josuke punched almost collides into Hol Horse from behind. Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to punch the driver in the face and then grabs the man by his tie. Hol Horse looks back at the car and is confused, as it appears to have a different design from when he saw it before. Josuke has a feeling he'll regret doing so, but heals the driver with his Stand, not wanting anyone to die during this accident.

Allying with Josuke

Trying to run away from Josuke but stuck to the ground

Hol Horse is stunned to learn what Josuke's true ability is, thinking to himself that Josuke reeks of danger. The crowd of pedestrians nearby assumes Josuke and Hol Horse caused the car to crash because of how they look, asking for someone to call the police. Meanwhile, Hol Horse takes the opportunity to flee while Josuke intimidates the crowd. Running away, Hol Horse thinks to himself that he would have no chance fighting Josuke one-on-one. He's also more worried about the other Stand user, which seems to have a remote-control type Stand that controlled the driver from far. Hol Horse surmises that the Stand user's motivation might be an inhuman urge to kill, just like DIO. Hol Horse declares that he has to hide and keep an eye on things from a safe distance so he can process everything he just saw. However, he is suddenly interrupted by Josuke who claims to have easily processed everything that happened already. Shocked, Hol Horse asks why Josuke followed him but Josuke just wanted to get away before his relative could show up at the accident scene. Hol Horse desperately tries running away and assumes Josuke is still following him until Josuke reveals that he simply hasn't moved at all because Josuke reverted the asphalt under Hol Horse's feet back into liquid.

A new "friendship"

While Hol Horse grieves over his boots, Josuke brings up Hol Horse's remark before about if Josuke is the kind of guy that bases his style on what other people thinks. That comment combined with how Hol Horse himself is dressed resonated with Josuke. The two introduce themselves to each other, much to Hol Horse's dismay as Josuke places his arm around Hol Horse's shoulder. Worried, Hol Horse wonders if Tohth predicted this too and wonders where Boingo is.

Hol Horse and Josuke continue walking together when they overhear a thug insult a young woman's hair. Josuke assumes they were talking about him and rapidly punches and kicks the car of the thugs. Hol Horse apologizes to Ryoko, asking if she got hurt anywhere.[7]

Pet Sounds's First Attack

Josuke starts getting angry at Ryoko but Hol Horse interferes and says Josuke should cherish ladies instead of threatening them. He brings Josuke close toward him and whispers that he can tell how powerful Josuke's Stand is and that he shouldn't just summon it every time he gets angry, as Hol Horse doesn't want to keep getting caught up in Josuke's fights. Hol Horse asks Ryoko if she can understand his Japanese properly. Although he would like to apologize by taking her out for dinner, he has business to take care of. Ryoko is confused but Josuke explains how Hol Horse got separated from someone he came to Japan with. Hol Horse describes how Boingo is short and carried a comic book, asking if Ryoko saw him anywhere. She tells Hol Horse that he should ask at the kōban (neighborhood police station). Josuke doesn't like that suggestion and hides behind a vending machine, causing Hol Horse to wonder if he's hiding from the cops.

Hol Horse leaves and enters the police station, feeling like he can finally concentrate and look for the parrot and Boingo. However, he thinks he might need Josuke's help to deal with the mysterious Stand. Inside the police station, Hol Horse overhears Inspector Hiraoka insisting that the car crash wasn't his fault. His co-worker tries to calm him down by getting him to sit and have tea, while Hol Horse is surprised to learn that the possessed driver was a police inspector. Hol Horse then looks outside and suddenly sees the parrot and its Stand. Before he could react, Hol Horse starts hearing DIO's voice back from when he was about to betray the vampire by shooting him. Punched cards enter Hol Horse's body through his eye and mouth. Hol Horse finds himself unable to control his body and he is forced to point Emperor at Inspector Hiraoka's head from behind, in the same way he planned to shoot DIO ten years ago.

Hol Horse continues hearing DIO's voice, realizing that the parrot is making him reenact the events from ten years ago. Suddenly, he notices two sparkling cufflinks on Hiraoka's sleeve when a pedestrian signal behind him flashes green. The green light and the sparkling cufflinks evokes a memory of Hol Horse seeing Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash technique in the skies of Cairo when Noriaki was fighting DIO. At the time, a bandaged Hol Horse and Boingo were running away on the street when they saw the numerous Emerald Splashes above them.

Focusing on the different memory allows Hol Horse to escape from the Stand's grip and he pukes out the Stand's punched cards. Hol Horse leaves the police station, surmising that someone must have stolen the parrot to make use of its power. Just then, a group of four female chefs from a pastry shop walk out of their store, each holding knives. One of them slashes the neck of an elderly woman who had just arrived to pick up her order. Walking as if they're in a trance, the women all exclaim that they're offering everyone's blood to DIO. One of the women stabs Hol Horse in his side. He realizes his dilemma as he's up against an enemy he can't simply shoot with Emperor.[8]

One of the possessed chefs lunges at Hol Horse with a knife and slashes him. During the struggle, Hol Horse is forced to shoot with Emperor, which alerts Josuke. The young man interrupts his conversation with Ryoko and comes to fight. Struggling on the ground, Hol Horse warns him that the women are being controlled. Thus, Josuke summons Crazy Diamond and rapidly punches all of the women at the same time although he pulls his punches as to not hurt the women gravely. The chefs are freed from the control of the enemy Stand and Josuke pretends that it was a life performance to reassure the onlookers.

Josuke quickly runs to Hol Horse and heals him. When Josuke asks what happened to him, Hol Horse reveals the parrot from Egypt is a Stand user that was trained under the orders of a man named DIO. Hol Horse assumes that DIO found the bird's recording ability useful as he couldn't go out himself during the day. Josuke feels dumb realizing that even a bird could have a Stand. He had been sensitive about it because he thought he was the only one with it, as if it was some kind of sickness. Hol Horse also reveals that their problem isn't the parrot's Stand itself but the person who is hiding somewhere and manipulating the parrot. Since Hol Horse doesn't want to kill the bird and let its owner down, he asks Josuke for his help. Josuke agrees, feeling that it's nice to be relied on.[9]

Pet Sounds's Second Attack

Later, Josuke and Hol Horse stay in a tunnel to restrict the enemy's movement to attack again. Hol Horse summarizes what they know about the parrot's Stand ability so far. He and Josuke wonder how they can do something about the bird before it attacks them first. They think they might be safe since they're in the subway and the bird probably won't come flying there. Josuke asks whether they should go look for Boingo but Hol Horse thinks having Boingo with them would weigh them down and just be putting him in danger since he can't fight. Josuke suggests that one of them should try acting as a decoy when they fight the parrot, when suddenly, a helicopter starts whirring behind them. Hol Horse starts trembling and wonders if he was that worried about hearing DIO's voice again. However, Josuke reveals that he also feels terrified all of a sudden and that something doesn't feel right. Just as the duo realize they're already under attack, they turn around and see each other's eyes are affected by Pet Sounds's Stand. They hadn't heard any voices, but they realize that it was the sound of the helicopter which triggered the ability.

Several civilians start running away from the illusionary helicopter. Josuke and Hol Horse witness a man getting shot by several bullets, but when they go up to him, they notice his wounds are all gone. Although the helicopter isn't actually there in the subway with them, everyone being controlled by the Stand is forced to reenact the scenario that the Stand is replaying from the parrot's memories. Hol Horse realizes that the scenario they're reenacting must be that they are citizens or rioters being shot down by a dictator's army in Egypt.

To make matters worse, a kid in front of them is shot by an arrow from a crossbow all of a sudden. Josuke realizes that it's a real arrow and not an illusion. He uses Crazy Diamond to heal the boy but then Josuke is also shot in the back. After Crazy Diamond takes out the arrow, Josuke furiously runs toward the mysterious enemy, planning to take him down.[10]

Enraged, Josuke dashes toward the enemy who shot at him with a crossbow. Hol Horse is stunned that Josuke was able to break free from the parrot's ability. The enemy shoots another arrow at Josuke but Josuke easily deflects it with his Stand, surprising the shooter. As he wonders who Josuke is, he continues shooting more civilians in the back. Suddenly, it appears as if Josuke is shot in the forehead. Hol Horse screams in fear, but Crazy Diamond had actually managed to grab the arrow in time before it completely pierced Josuke.

The wind from the illusionary military helicopter causes Hol Horse's hat to fall off. He cowers in fear from the helicopter shooting at him and the civilians. He tries calming himself down and goes to grab his hat but suddenly imagines that his hand got shot, creating a large hole and detaching a finger. He thinks back to the fear he felt when he confronted DIO, wondering if he hasn't changed at all since then. The thought of DIO returns him to his senses, as he realizes that the fear he is feeling right now is nothing compared to what he felt back then.

Regaining his composure, Hol Horse fires two bullets with Emperor. The bullets phase through the illusionary helicopter and zoom past Josuke, blowing off the enemy's ear and a fragment of his crossbow. Pet Sounds starts flying away, momentarily distracting Hol Horse and Josuke which allows the enemy to run away. Josuke uses his Stand to punch the fragment that fell off the crossbow. He thanks Hol Horse for leaving some evidence behind which would allow him to track the enemy down and tells Hol Horse to go after the parrot. Hol Horse recalls when Pet Sounds's owner told him that she thinks of the parrot as her own son. Thinking that the owner wouldn't want her "son" to cause several casualties, Hol Horse shoots Pet Sounds, blowing off one of his wings. He mutters an apology to the old lady, upset that he broke his promise with a woman.[11]

The True Enemy

Later, Hol Horse and Boingo meet with Ryohei and Josuke. Ryohei tells Hol Horse, and Boingo about what happened to Koji Kiyohara after he was taken to custody. They investigated Kiyohara's home and found videos of him shooting animals to death, so they are planning to do a psychological evaluation on him. Furthermore, some victims still haven't regained consciousness from the incident, possibly due to shock. Hol Horse thanks Ryohei for the information and figures they should go look for Boingo's comic book next. He tells Boingo to stay in his hotel room until everything is resolved. After they leave, Ryohei suggests that Boingo should try looking for the book on his own, since it's something he treasures. Boingo appreciates his advice. Josuke is curious as to why Boingo is so desperate to get his manga back instead of just buying another one. He looks at a drawing of the book and suddenly realizes where he might have seen it before. Josuke tells Hol Horse that he'll meet up with him at the hotel later and leaves on his own.[12]

However, Hol Horse follows since he thought Josuke was acting strange and surprises Josuke with Ryoko who has Tohth in her possession. He apologizes but asks Ryoko to give him back the book. Josuke asks if he could just listen to Ryoko since she has her reasons but Hol Horse refuses since Boingo needs it back. Since he doesn't want to cooperate, Josuke destroys a dumpster behind Hol Horse using Crazy Diamond and then restores the pieces to trap Hol Horse inside it. He tells Hol Horse that it will just be for a little while and then runs away with Ryoko.[13]

Hol Horse uses Emperor to shoot the lid of the dumpster that Josuke trapped him in and kicks it open, freeing himself. Wondering where Ryoko went off to, he notices that her hairstyle looks familiar. He hears a clock chime and tries looking at one of his watches to see the time, but it is broken. The broken clock makes Hol Horse remember Kakyoin's death, which gives him a bad feeling.[14]

Hol Horse catches up to Josuke and Boingo in a construction site, Boingo having been recently freed from the real enemy, a policeman named Kazuki Karaiya. Josuke tells Hol Horse that the parrot he "killed" is still alive, before they suddenly see what appears to be a bird zooming past them, as well as Ryoko running up the stairs. Hol Horse says he'll go after the parrot while Josuke chases Ryoko. Hol Horse catches up to the "parrot", but it ends up being a paper model of the bird. He sees someone standing behind him, whom he imagines is Noriaki Kakyoin before realizing that it's just Ryoko. Possessed by Pet Sounds's ability, Ryoko takes out a gun and points it to her head. Hol Horse tries to wrestle the gun away from Ryoko.[15] Suddenly, Ryoko regains her senses but she inadvertently pushes Hol Horse over a ledge but he manages to hang on the ledge by a hand. Ryoko assumes Hol Horse did something to her but he explains he was just looking for a comic book, which reminds Ryoko that she saw Hol Horse in Tohth and that he is connected to DIO. She asks if he knows what happened to her cousin Noriaki, but Hol Horse stammers, unable to respond. Since he stays silent, she grabs the gun on the ground and points it at Hol Horse, demanding that he answers what he did to Noriaki.[16]

Hol Horse ponders his options. He thinks of making excuses but realizes that Ryoko won't accept them. Thinking about the time he saved some women from DIO without understanding why, Hol Horse decides to follow his heart and be himself by acting "nice" to women. Thus, he reveals that he was once Kakyoin's enemy but that he failed to kill him. Surprisingly, Ryoko lowers her gun and helps him back up off the ledge. He tells her that the only way he can describe what Noriaki and his friends did ten years ago is that they saved the world. Suddenly, Hol Horse's forehead starts bleeding, fulfilling Tohth's earlier prophecy. Ryoko is surprised as to what happened, but Hol Horse says it's an old wound that never healed properly. However, now he has the feeling that it'll get better. Josuke and Boingo meet up with Ryoko and Hol Horse as the incident is resolved, with Josuke carrying Pet Sounds in his arm.[5]


Hol Horse keeps Pet Sounds in a cage with him. Drinking coffee with Josuke at Café Deux Magots, Josuke informs Hol Horse that his grandfather and his coworkers found Karaiya's gun at the construction site, as well as Karaiya himself strung up in a nearby tree. However, they couldn't question him with the mental state he was in. Hol Horse regrets that they'll never find out how Karaiya managed to capture Pet Sounds, but Josuke thinks it's fine since Hol Horse has the bird now anyways. Hol Horse tells him to stay cautious since other Stand users could be lurking in town, but Josuke doesn't want to be caught up in things like that since he's just starting high school. Josuke asks if Hol Horse still has other things to take care of in Egypt. After Hol Horse comments that he's stuck having to deal with gangs trying to collect money from Oingo, Josuke spots Ryoko on the street. Wanting to catch up to Ryoko, Josuke quickly takes his leave, thanking Hol Horse for the coffee and believing they'll meet again someday. The two part ways.

Hol Horse finds Boingo at the police station. He thanks Ryohei, before dragging Boingo away so they could go help Oingo back in Egypt.[17]

Fin de la section non-canonique.


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