User:Green Giorno/Purple Haze Feedback (PS2 Game)

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Purple Haze Feedback (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 恥知らずのパープルヘイズ, JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Hajishirazu no Pāpuru Heizu, lit. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Shameless Purple Haze") is is an action-adventure video game adaptation of Purple Haze Feedback released for the PlayStation 2 by developer Anchor Inc. and publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment on September 11, 2006.

This is the third game for the PS2 that is based on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It was released to coincide with the release of its inspired novel.


Purple Haze Feedback is a 3D beat'em up action game. Like GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, the gameplay takes place in the form of hand-to-hand battle in an arena the characters cannot leave, although unlike in GioGio multiple enemies can attack at once. The game is divided into chapters, in which the playable characters change for each chapter as the story progresses. After a fight, the game provides the player with a letter rank (S, A, B, C, D or E) based on a score of six categories: Time Taken, Health Remaining, Maximum Beat (Combo), Number of Times Downed, Posing and Enemies Defeated. Depending on the fight, the number of categories graded can range from three to six.

Stamina Meter and Poses

Characters capable of utilizing the Ripple show a Stamina Meter below their health meter. The Stamina Meter shows how much Ripple energy the character can use, and is depleted by performing Ripple moves ( by default) or charged attacks ( by default). Performing a counter by dodging while taking damage ( by default) also uses up the Stamina Meter. To refill the Stamina Meter, the player must remain still while performing a pose ( by default). Poses can also be used in the middle of combos to temporarily increase one of four different stats depending on where in the combo the pose is used: health recovery speed, defensive ability, attack power, and movement speed.


Above the character's health is a Heat Gauge, which fills up when damage is inflicted on enemies and lowers when the player takes damage. When the Heat Gauge is full, the words Heat MAX begin flashing inside of it, indicating that the player is able to use an Distortion move ( by default). If the initial charge attack connects, the screen will change to a cinematic of the character preparing to attack over a multi-colored background. At a certain point, an empty bar will appear at the bottom of the screen; filling this bar by quickly rotating the right analog stick will cause the character to perform a barrage of attacks on the opponent, during which the player can tap the button to deal more damage. If the player doesn't fill up the bar, a less powerful attack will be delivered and inflict less damage.

Game Modes

Story Mode

The story mode faithfully follows the plot of the novel. The game is heavily composed of cutscenes recreating the manga storyline through dialogue in static comic book cinematics, as well as fully 3D rendered cutscenes for key events. The cutscenes take up to 70% of the expected time to finish the game. If the player wants to retry a chapter, they can do so without needing to go through Story Mode again. By selecting Chapter Mode on the main menu, the player can freely play any previously beaten chapter.

It is possible to win the battles in the first two chapters, which Pannacotta Fugo lost in the original storyline. If the player happens to do so, a unique cutscene connecting the player's victory to the game's storyline will play. Once Story Mode is cleared, alternate characters can be selected for many of the battles in either Story Mode or Chapter Mode.


Museum provides access to Profile Mode, which provides descriptions of almost every character seen in the game, and Theater Mode, which allows the player to view all of the cutscenes seen in Story Mode. In addition, there are three sections that need to be unlocked:

  • Extra Battle Mode: Play original scenarios that are not seen in the original story. This mode is unlocked by clearing Story Mode, and the battles themselves are unlocked by the player's total number of points.
  • Volpe Mode: Play through the game from Massimo Volpe's perspective. Cutscenes are not present in this mode, and changes are made to the story to provide additional battles: for instance, Volpe must battle Vladimir Kocaqi and Vittorio Cataldi together. This mode is unlocked by clearing Extra Battle 30.


Most of the characters from the Purple Haze Feedback novel are playable, including several unnamed and minor characters. Depending on the mode, players can choose to play as alternate versions of Fugo and Massimo Volpe from different points in the story. Each character has their own distinct moveset. Once Story Mode is beaten, different characters can be selected for some battles in Story and Chapter Mode. However, there is not a single mode that allows you to freely select any character. The characters that can be played as are limited depending on the mode and selected battle.




  • Purple Haze Feedback is the best-selling game under the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure IP, and best-selling PS2 game of all time, beating out Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas at 20-million copies sold worldwide.

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