Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

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Um homem tão esplêndido e fugaz quanto as bolhas que ele conjurava.
Wamuu sobre Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ, Shīzā Antonio Tseperi) é um aliado primário na segunda parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency.

Caesar é um usuário italiano do Hamon e um discipulo da mestra do Hamon, Lisa Lisa. Ele é o neto de Will Anthonio Zeppeli e batalha os Homens do Pilar junto de Joseph Joestar para honrar sua herança como um Zeppeli



Caesar A. Zeppeli é um jovem de porte musculoso com cabelo bagunçado, cujas características distintivas são dois pontos coloridos em ambas bochechas.

O acessório mais reconhecível de Caesar é sua longa bandana com um padrão de triângulos em xadrez e adornados com duas penas em cada lado da cabeça.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Skin(Fair, salmon cheek-marks)
Headband(Black and maroon)
Main Outfit
(Burgundy and dark turquoise jacket, lime green undershirt and scarf, cyan pants, and khaki shoes.)
Skin(Fair, purple cheek-marks)
Headband(Purple and light orange)
Main Outfit
(Light blue and gray jacket, white undershirt and pants, pink scarf, and blue-gray shoes.)
Skin(Fair, teal cheek-marks)
Headband(Pink and yellow)
Main Outfit
(Green and gun-metal gray jacket, greenish-white undershirt and pants, pink scarf, and dark green shoes.)
Skin(Fair, purple cheek-marks)
Headband(Dark purple-gray and pale orange)
Main Outfit
(Blue and dark gray jacket, gray undershirt, white pants, purple-gray scarf, and navy shoes.)


As famílias italianas tem um laço mais forte do que as outras. Isso é porque nós temos um orgulho que devemos passar à diante!
—Caesar Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar of Rome

Caesar Zeppeli é homem de sangue quente porém focado, dedicado a lutar contra os homens do pilar.

Quando jovem, Caesar e seus irmãos foram aparentemente abandonados por seu pai, o amargurando e o tornando um delinquente extremamente violento. Quando ele foi salvo por seu pai da armadilha de um dos homens do pilar ao custo de sua vida, Caesar transforma seu ódio em um grande orgulho pelo nome de sua família.[1]

File:Caesar & family.png
Caesar se lembra dos feitos da família Zeppeli

Caesar é introduzindo como um usuário de Hamon arrogante menosprezando a habilidade de Hamon abaixo da média de Joseph Joestar[2] e não desperdiçando tempo em ridicularizá-lo e antagonizá-lo em geral. Entretanto, ele se revela um homem honroso, tendo orgulho pela tradição de sua família de batalhar o mau assim como desejando vingar a morte de seu amigo, Mark, vítima dos homens do pilar.[3] Quando Joseph se revela também ser um indivíduo de honra, seu relacionamento consideravelmente melhora. Em geral, Caesar tem respeito com seus mais velhos e superiores, mais notavelmente com sua mestra Lisa Lisa. Enquanto com seus colegas, ele mantem relações rasas com aqueles em sua volta, quando ele realmente se importa com alguém, é amor verdadeiro, melhor evidenciado pelo seu relacionamento com Joseph (e notado por Messina).

Esmurrando JoJo após ele negar a herança de suas linhagens

A outra característica definidora de Caesar é sua personalidade de pavio-curto. Ele é rápido em começar uma luta, mesmo sabendo que isso é detrimental. Tendo gradne orgulho pelo nome de sua família, quando Joseph o disse que ele não ligava sobre isso, Caesar o golpeou sem pensar.[4] Essa falha em seu caráter se provou fatal quando ele cometeu o erro de ir até o covil de Wamuu à só para tentar matá-lo.[5] Tendo uma grande determinação, Caesar continuou lutando apesar de estar fatalmente ferido e realizou uma grande eulogia a respeito do espírito humano antes de morrer.[6] Caesar é de qualquer forma uma pessoa muito séria a maioria do tempo, zelosamente lutando contra os homens do pilar e ficando irritado com as palhaçadas de Joseph.

Caesar é mulherengo e tem o hábito de flertar com mulheres bonitas sempre que possível, invocando gestos profundamente românticos. Coom seu charme e carisma, assim como suas próprias palavras, ele é capaz de roubar os beijos de várias mulheres com minímas interações. Ele tem muitas namoradas. É dito que ao ver uma garota solitária, ele sente vontade de ir até ela. Também é dito que ele mente para as garotas que ele paquera mas não considera isso errado.[7] A única exceção desse tratamento é Lisa Lisa, apesar de sua notável beleza. Ela é a instrutora de Hamon de Caesar, quem ele afirma respeitar tanto quanto sua mãe.

De acordo com JoJo6251, Caesar não gosta de pessoas não-sofisticadas e irresponsáveis, e de insetos. Ele também tem "Mamma Mia!" como seu bordão,[7] embora ele nunca tenha dito essa frase.


Habilidades Físicas

Como um indivíduo habilidosamente treinado, Caesar possui habilidades físicas muito altas: junto de uma vasta quantia de força física e proficiência em combate mano-a-mano, Caesar já demonstrou um incrível senso de equilíbrio, até mesmo sendo capaz de realizar o "salto sentado" que seu avô também havia previamente realizado.

Caesar também possui um grande nível de resiliência que ultrapassa as de humanos normais, sendo capaz de sobreviver dias sem comida, e recebendo grandes quantidades de dano físico enquanto ainda sendo capaz de se levantar e continuar lutando. Sua resiliência é melhor demonstrada após ter encarado a Tempestade de Areia Divina de Wamuu, ele ainda conseguiu se levantar e continuar a lutar por curto tempo, até conseguindo produzir Hamon após perder muito sangue.

Caesar também tem uma precisão alta, conseguindo apanhar o espaguete aprimorado por Hamon lançado por Joseph usando os buracos no tortiglioni que ele estava comendo.

Salto SentadoLink para essa seção
The Zeppeli.gif
Aqueles que treinaram na arte do Sendō adquirem fortes pernas e joelhos. Como seu avô, Caesar é capaz de saltar extremamente alto em uma posição sentada e então aterrissar com os pés.


Sendo um usuário natural de Hamon através da linhagem de seu avô, Caesar era capaz de produzir seu poder desde a juventude, embora apenas com a tutela de Lisa Lisa ele seria capaz de aprender a usá-lo de maneira correta. Caesar é capaz de usar técnicas mais avançadas como focar o Hamon nas pontas de seus dedos, e assim como Joseph pode canalizar o Hamon através de objetos, como armas, comida, ou até seres vivos. Por exemplo, ele hipnotizou uma mulher ao canalizar o Hamon nela através de um beijo.

A base para a maioria de seus ataques depende de suas luvas, que são carregadas com uma substância especial parecida com sabão. Por causa disso, ele é capaz de lançar bolhas de suas mãos a qualquer momento e fundi-las com o Hamon para criar projéteis fatais.


Hipnôse HamonLink para essa seção
Caesar pode hipnotizar pessoas e animais ao usar o Hamon neles. O processo pode envolver um beijo ou simplesmente tocar a cabeça de alguém com suas mãos. A pessoa hipnotizada irá agir de acordo com suas ordens e será mais forte que um ser ordinário, sendo imbuido com o Hamon. Caesar o usa em uma mulher para que ela lutasse contra Joseph.
Bubble Launcher(シャボンランチャー Shabon Ranchā)Link para essa seção
Caesar dispara uma série de bolhas de suas luvas, cada uma cheia de Hamon. Isso aumenta a densidade das bolhas e as permite acertar objetos com um maior impacto. Quando atingido pelas bolhas, um homem crescido pode ser completamente lançado para trás.
Bubble Barrier(シャボンバリアー Shabon Bariā)Link para essa seção
Às vezes usado em conjunção do Bubble Launcher; a diferença é que em vez de várias sendo usadas em série, Caesar conjura uma única bolha gigante capaz de absorver e prender seu alvo.
Hamon Aderente & Hamon Repelente(くっつく波紋とはじく波紋 Kuttsuku Hamon to Hajiku Hamon)Link para essa seção
Caesar é capaz de usar o Hamon para repelir ou se aderir a objetos ou líquidos. Joseph e Caesar conseguem escalar um pilar coberto por óleo com adesão, e Caesar o usa para refletir um jato de óleo altamente pressurizado. Mais tarde, Caesar e Joseph forçam Esidisi para fora do corpo de Suzi Q. Joseph envia o Hamon positivo repelente para vários pontos do corpo de Suzi Q enquanto Caesar foca foca Hamon negativo aderente apenas em seu coração, forçando Esidisi a sair quando ele não consegue mais aguentar.
Bubble Cutter(シャボン・カッター Shabon Kattā)Link para essa seção
Baseado no Hamon Cutter de seu avô, essa técnica é uma melhora direta do lança-bolhas. O usuário cria bolhas afiadas em formato de discos. Essas bolhas giram em altas velocidades e usam uma força centrifugativa, mas são capazes de se manterem intactas devido ao Hamon. As bolhas se movem a uma velocidade mais alta e tem uma precisão melhor, permitindo que o usuário as dispare em qualquer direção com facilidade.
Bubble Cutter Gliding(シャボンカッターグライディン滑走 Shabon Kattā Guraidin)Link para essa seção
Uma versão mais versátil do Bubble Cutter, essa técnica sacrifica a quantidade do ataque original, em vez de focar em efetividade. Ao lançar apenas algumas bolhas, o usuário é capaz de mirá-las assim como projéteis teleguiados. As bolhas são capazes de ir em volta de objetos, os dando uma chance maior de acertar o oponente.
Bubble Lenses(シャボン・レンズ Shabon Renzu)Link para essa seção
O usuário produz bolhas infudidas com Hamon que possuem a habilidade de refratar luz e a focar em raios, assim como uma lupa. Após elas serem lançadas, as bolhas se tornam estacionárias. Qualquer fonte de luz passando por ali causará um efeito domino, conectando as bolhas juntas e eventualmente disparando vários raios em seu alvo.



Caesar como um garoto, com sua família

Caesar Zeppeli nasceu no dia 13 de Maio de 1918 em Génova, na Itália.[7] Quando criança, Caesar adorava seu pai, Mario Zeppeli. Quando ele tinha 10 anos, entretanto, seu pai deixou a ele e seus irmãos sem nenhuma explicação ou aviso. Como resultado, Caesar passou a odiar seu pai, pensando que ele estava vivendo uma nova e livre vida sem eles. Sua mãe desapareceu anos atrás por motivos desconhecidos, e seus parentes logo roubaram tudo que sobrou de sua agora órfã família. Embora os vizinhos da família tenham cuidado de Caesar e seus irmãos, o próprio Caesar se tornou um jovem violento que logo teve de ser enviado para um orfanato. Devido ao mal estado dos orfanatos nos anos 30, é dito que sua vida lá foi pior que na prisão, o que apenas reforçou sua deliquência. Ele eventualmente fugiu e se tornou um sem-teto dormindo nas ruas. Caesar chegou a se tornar infame por ter cometido todos crimes com a exceção de homicídio e era muito temido. Ele usava uma chave-inglesa para começar todas suas lutas e rapidamente as terminava. Nessa época, Caesar não estava ciente de que sua energia Hamon havia sido completamente desperta, e que ele aa usava em batalhas.

Quando ele tinha 16 anos, Caesar encontrou seu pai caminhando por Roma; ele o seguiu com a intenção de matá-lo, indo até a passagem secreta baixo do Coliseu que leva aos homens do pilar. Caesar viu uma joia na parede que eles haviam adormecido. Não sabendo que isso era parte de uma armadilha ali posta por Wamuu, ele acidentalmente a ativou, mas seu pai o empurrou para fora do caminho antes que ele pudesse ser morto. Tendo se sacrificado apesar de não reconhecer seu filho, Caesar readquiriu o respeito que ele havia perdido por seu pai e jurou se vingar dos homens do pilar.

Algum tempo depois do evento, Caesar encontra Lisa Lisa em Veneza a pedido de seu pai. Ele treina com ela na arte do Hamon mas aparentemente aprendeu pouco além dos fundamentais, já que ele ainda tinha de ir pela parte final do treinamento Hamon para dominá-lo completamente, junto de Joseph. Em certo ponto, Caesar viaja à Alemanha e se torna amigo de Mark um soldado alemão. Ele o ajuda a arranjar uma namorada.

Battle Tendency

Caesar usando seu lança-bolhas
Caesar conhece Joseph em Roma em um restaurante. Enquanto ele está tendo paquerar, Joseph é enojado pela atitude romântica de Joseph e decide fazer uma pegadinha ao lançar o espaguete no italiano. Entretanto, Caesar bloqueia o espaguete com três maccheronis presos em seu garfo e a lança de volta para o copo de Joseph. Na fonte Toritone, Caesar se encontra com Joseph e Speedwagon e expressa todo o desdenho que ele possui pela família Joestar, o que enfurece Joseph. Caesar diz a Joseph que ele não poderia derrotar nem mesmo uma mulher aleatória que Caesar seduz e beija. A mulher então repentinamente sobrecarrega Joseph e o lança na fonte graças a hipnôse Hamon. Lá, Caesar mostra sua técnica especial, o Bubble Launcher. Lançando uma série de bolhas infundidas com Hamon em Joseph, Caesar prende seu oponente dentro de uma bolha. Entretanto, quando Caesar liberta a mulher ao beijá-la novamente, um pombo sai de sua boca e vai para dele, o empurrando para dentro da fonte. A luta acaba em um empate e os dois passam a se odiar mais ainda.
Caesar contra Wamuu

While waiting for the Nazis to bring them to the Pillar Men, Caesar and Joseph decide to play poker. However, both of them cheat and another fight erupts. It is thankfully interrupted when the soldier Mark, one of Caesar's friends, arrives. Mark then drives the three to the Colosseum. When they arrive, they are horrified to find that all the soldiers that were there had been killed. One of the Pillar Men, Wamuu, casually walks through Mark and absorbs half of his body and Caesar must kill him with the Ripple as a mercy. Enraged at his friend's death, Caesar attacks the Pillar Men, but Wamuu's headgear renders his 'Bubble Launcher' useless and he is injured in the face. Caesar attacks again, swearing to avenge his friend, but the Pillar Men mock his meaningless determination and Wamuu fingers him in the throat, blocking his breathing and taking him out. Joseph then steps in and while he manages to wound Wamuu, the Pillar Men uses his Divine Sandstorm to heavily wound Joseph. In order to protect Caesar and Speedwagon from Wamuu, Joseph feigns cowardice to lead him away. Caesar eventually finds Joseph and witnesses him bluffing Wamuu and Esidisi into leaving and having the Wedding Rings implanted inside him. Finding newfound respect for Joseph, Caesar decides to help him get stronger in order to defeat the Pillar Men. Afterward, Caesar tells Joseph to hold a glass of water upside down with the Ripple, demonstrating his lack of training.

Caesar's last effort

Caesar thus brings him to Venice to go meet his master. Lisa Lisa appears to them in the canals of Venice and tests Joseph before putting on a Ripple-breathing mask on him. Lisa Lisa then brings the two to Air Supplena Island and immediately forces them to tackle 'Hell Climb Pillar', a pillar covered with oil that requires expert control of the Ripple to climb. Caesar is able to climb the tower by concentrating the Ripple on his fingertips but expresses concern for Joseph, who is less experienced than him. Near the top, Joseph inadvertently activates a powerful jet of oil that is so powerful it can cut clean through a pen. Caesar nonetheless passes through by also concentrating his Ripple in the body parts the jet will touch to protect himself. When Joseph nearly reaches the peak but slips, Caesar grabs his arm, saving him.

After weeks of training, the two reached the final phase where Caesar had to defeat Messina. He manages to win after Messina admits defeat, saying that continuing the fight would result in either one or both of them dying and acknowledging how far Caesar has developed his abilities. Caesar checks on Joseph to see his progress, only to be dismayed when he finds him fighting Esidisi. Despite wanting to help his friend, Messina advises they head back to protect Lisa Lisa and the Red Stone of Aja since they were too far away to reach Joseph in time. When he returns, he finds out Esidisi's remains have possessed Suzi Q. Worse, Esidisi has sent the Super Aja away in a package. Caesar and Joseph manage to save Suzie Q by using their combined Ripple to neutralize the damage to her body, while still forcing Esidisi out. Joseph and Caesar head to the postman's office and make a scene because they want the package that Esidisi sent back. However, Lisa Lisa still discovers that the package is headed for Switzerland and thus the four remaining Ripple User drive together there. However, the package is intercepted by the Nazis, who invite the group to their chalet. Kars infiltrates the chalet and almost steals the Super Aja but Joseph manages to retrieve it. Caesar helps Joseph get out of a cliff by using stalactites as a makeshift rope for his partner.

The Final Ripple

The group subsequently singles out an abandoned hotel that must be Kars' lair. During the pursuit of Kars, Caesar goes ahead of the rest of the group after having an argument with Joseph about waiting any longer to attack. As he approaches the hotel, Caesar then sees a nearly invisible man stepping out of the building. When Messina appears, the invisible man is revealed to be Wamuu, cuts Messina's arm and drags him into the hotel. Wamuu reappears, expecting a good fight, but Caesar surpasses his expectation by unveiling a technique: the Bubble Cutter. Inspired by Will Anthonio Zeppeli's Wine Cutter technique, Caesar makes his bubbles spin to turn them into floating buzzsaw and the wind Wamuu generates draws them toward him automatically. Wounding Wamuu, Caesar takes the advantage. Wamuu tries to run inside but Caesar cuts his leg and breaks his balance with gliding bubbles. Seizing the opportunity, Caesar jumps to deal a coup-de-grâce but Wamuu lets himself fall backward to complete a flip and kicks Caesar to propel himself back in the hotel. Caesar steps into the main hall of the hotel where Wamuu confronts him. However, Caesar then reveals that his bubbles are now acting like lenses refracting the sunlight inside of the hall. Wamuu is exposed to sunlight and burns, but when Caesar closes in for his final attack, his shadow is taken advantage of by Wamuu to hide from the sunlight, and so he is dealt a deathblow by the Divine Sandstorm. Despite losing most of his blood and cannot generate any more Ripple for attacks, he rips off Wamuu's lip piercing, which holds the antidote for Joseph's remaining wedding ring. Falling down the stairs into a puddle of his own blood, he encases it - along with his headband - in a Ripple bubble made of his blood and last reserves of Ripple energy for Joseph to take before his body is crushed by a cross-shaped rock.


Após a batalha, Wamuu admite que Caesar foi o oponente mais forte que ele encarou. Sua morte foi capaz de fazer a estoica Lisa Lisa chorar.

Antes da batalha de bigas de Joseph com Wamuu, ele pede que Casar o dê força enquanto ele veste sua bandana. Durante o clímax da batalha, Joseph atea fogo a bandana enquanto ele grita pela ajuda de Caesar novamente, a usando em conjunção de sua garrafa de óleo para derrotar o modo final de Wamuu: Fenda Atmosférica e ganhar.

Batalhas Principais

  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli vs Joseph Joestar
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli vs Wamuu
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli vs Messina
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli & Joseph Joestar vs Esidisi
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar & Rudol von Stroheim vs Kars
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli & Messina vs Wamuu (Morte)



  • Will Anthonio Zeppeli: Caesar believes the bonds between an Italian family such as the Zeppelis are stronger than most people. According to him, because of their pride, Zeppelis can handle their problems on their own and have the will to pull through. When he first meets Joseph, he says that it was because Jonathan needed so much help to fight his own battle, that Will ended up dying because of it.
  • Mario Zeppeli: Caesar initially thought of his father as the greatest carpenter in Naples and considered him as the incarnation of an ideal man. After Mario suddenly left him and his siblings when they were children, Caesar had hated his father. As he grew up, he was determined to kill his dad and eventually found Mario in Rome. However, Caesar activates Wamuu's trap by touching a gem on the wall. Mario saves Caesar's life at the cost of his own by pushing Caesar out of the way. Since then, Caesar's hatred for his father disappeared and was instead replaced with a desire for revenge against the Pillar Men.
  • Brothers: Though not much is known about them, we can infer the 3 were younger than him and looked up to Caesar after their orphanage.


Joseph and Caesar's rivalry
  • Joseph Joestar: Due to the rough history behind Will Anthonio Zeppeli's death and Joseph's lack of skill - along with his overall personality - the two did not get along at all at first. Caesar found Joseph to be a delinquent who would usually fool around at all the wrong times. However, after Joseph received the wedding rings from the Pillar Men after saving Speedwagon and Caesar, his respect for Joseph grew. Upon completing the Ripple Training together, Caesar found Joseph to be both a reliable ally and a good friend. When he fought against Wamuu, even though he was dying from being hit by the Divine Sandstorm attack, he still used the last bit of his strength and Ripple to rip the lip ring containing the antidote for Joseph's remaining wedding ring and placed it in a Ripple bubble made from his own blood to give to him. When Joseph realized Caesar had died, he immediately broke down crying his friend's name in agony. He immediately sought revenge against the Pillar Men for his defeat.
  • Lisa Lisa: Presumably having met after the death of Mario Zeppeli, she is introduced as Caesar's mentor in the Ripple. As such, Caesar respects her, having asked for her help to train Joseph in the proper usage of the ripple. He has stated he looks at her as his own mother and she is perhaps one of the few beautiful women he has never flirted with, showing great reverence for her as a person. Joseph even states that Caesar revered her as a goddess. When he died, Lisa Lisa tried to stay calm and pretended to be indifferent, but later broke down showing how much she cared for him as a student and friend. Despite their closeness, she likely never told Caesar she is Joseph's mother.
  • Robert E. O. Speedwagon: After beginning his training of the Ripple, Caesar devoted his life to revenge against the ones who killed his father. Having been friends with his grandfather, Speedwagon informed Caesar of the events that led to Will Zeppeli's death. Other than this, their relationship is unknown aside from being acquaintances in the fight against the Pillar Men. However, it is possible that the hat Caesar is seen wearing during his first appearance was the same hat Speedwagon inherited from Will after he died.
  • Messina: While not shown to be particularly close, Caesar showed Messina a certain level of respect as a fellow Ripple warrior and teacher under Lisa Lisa. After being defeated during Caesar's final test, Messina admitted that he had surpassed him.
Caesar upset from Mark's death
  • Mark: Mark was Caesar's Nazi friend during the war, driving Caesar to the Roman Colosseum to the excavation site of the Pillar Men's location. When half of Mark is promptly eaten by the Pillar Men, Caesar uses the Ripple on his heart in order to ease his pain and his last moments. Caesar is also shown to be very much enraged when he sees that Mark wanted to return home to see his fiance, but was robbed of that chance with his death.


  • Wamuu: As one of the Pillar Men that killed his father along with the Pillar Man who killed his friend Mark, Caesar greatly hated Wamuu. In the end, Wamuu killed Caesar but stated that Caesar had earned his respect and that he would've done better against Kars.
  • Kars: As the man who created the stone masks, Kars is essentially responsible for the deaths of Caesar's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Caesar despised him even more than the other Pillar Men.
  • Esidisi: While Caesar wasn't as enthusiastic about killing Esidisi as he was Kars or Wamuu, Caesar despised him all the same. Caesar would later destroy him with help from Joseph, and showed disgust for Esidisi taking over Suzi Q's body.


  • Jonathan Joestar: Caesar held a great grudge against Jonathan and blames him for his grandfather's death. However, he has still shown respect towards him on some cases.

Capítulos / Episódios

Book Icon.png Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição
TV Icon.png Aparições no Anime
Episódios em ordem de aparição


Quote.png Frases
  • I'll place a charm on the necklace so you'll fall under a magic spell of love [kisses necklace]. And now to cast that magic on your lips.
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9
  • We Italian families have stronger bond than people. Because we have that pride we can carry on!
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
  • Special Ripple attack: Bubble Launcher! Take this and go back to the countryside, Joestar
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
  • My friend was killed! I'm not gonna get down by losing a mere eye!
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 67: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 3
  • I respect the master as much as my own mother! Disrespect her and I'll make you pay!
    —Caesar Zeppeli about Lisa Lisa, Chapter 72: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 2
  • As you know, this business has to do with my lineage! A business dealing with the Zeppeli Family! I am forced to go and avenge my family when I know where Kars is hiding! I can't stay here and patiently wait for him to strike!
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 88: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1
  • It is a cruel and wild Caesar that will bring you down!
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 90: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 3
  • You can't move anymore! You're a film! You're a photographic film! Let the light expose and burn you, Wamuu!
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 91: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 4
  • I shall breathe my last while glorifying the mind focused toward the future I inherited from my ancestors, the Zeppeli's mind! A human mind!
    —Caesar Zeppeli, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5
  • JoJoooo! This is my ultimate Ripple! Receive iiit!!
    —Caesar Zeppeli's last words, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5


Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)

Caesar is not playable in Heritage for the Future, however when Young Joseph ("JOJO") does one of his special attacks, instead of whispering Lisa Lisa's name (who appears on Part 3 Joseph's special move), he screams out Caesar's name and pictures of Caesar appear in the background, along with several manga moments from Part 2, as Young Joseph blasts the opponent with a Ripple Overdrive.

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Caesar makes his first playable appearance in the PS3 title. He was confirmed along with Esidisi. As a Ripple-user character (along with Jonathan Joestar, Will A. Zeppeli, Joseph [Both Parts 2 and 3], and Lisa Lisa), Caesar can recharge his Heart Heat Gauge through "Ripple Breath" by holding down the Style button, performing a famous JoJo pose, as well as deliver enhanced versions of skills if Style is inputted in place of normal attack buttons. Caesar has 950 HP.

Caesar possesses two alternate costumes, the first being his debut attire (wearing Will Zeppeli's hat) and the second one being his outfit during his first battle against Wamuu (jacket-less and wearing a top).

During a fight, Caesar can use several different attacks that were featured in Battle Tendency.

Ripple Breathing

Caesar breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging his Heart Heat Gauge.

Seated Jump
ASBDPad2.png + ASBDPad7.png/ASBDPad8.png/ASBDPad9.png ON GROUND

Caesar leaps high into the air with his knees alone. This skill can be used to extend the time for air-based skills or simply evade attacks.

Special Moves
Bubble Launcher

Caesar quickly unleashes a small group of projectile bubbles that home in on the opponent. This move can be used in the air. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

Bubble Cutter
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBM.png/ASBS.png (hold to delay launch) ON GROUND

Caesar summons disc-shaped bubbles that he sends at the opponent in a straight line. As long as the inputted attack button is held, the Bubble Cutters will continue surrounding Caesar, but he cannot move until he unleashes the attack. If Ripple-enhanced, the number of Cutters and the ability's damage is increased. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

Bubble Cutter Gliding
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBH.png (hold to delay launch) ON GROUND

Similar to Bubble Cutter, except Caesar launches the projectiles at a low angle. This attack has slight homing capabilities and is capable of hitting Wamuu while his Wind Protector is active. Oddly enough, the low-flying Cutters still hit as a High attack and can be blocked without the opponent needing to crouch. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

Bubble Lens
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png/ASBS.png ON GROUND

Caesar summons the Bubble Cutters, but does not launch them at the opponent. Instead, after a delay, the Cutters will reflect solar rays in the form of lasers before popping. (Comboable)

One-Fisted Uppercut
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png/ASBS.png ON GROUND

Caesar sends a pulse of the Ripple into his opponent through an uppercut, sending them flying. This move doubles as an anti-air (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel). If Ripple-enhanced, Caesar will deal significantly less damage, but the opponent will not fly away and is instead left stunned and vulnerable. (Comboable)

Ripple Kick
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png/ASBS.png ON GROUND

Caesar leaps forward in a flying horizontal kick, and can only be interrupted by Throws and HHA/GHA. If Ripple-enhanced, the amount of time in which Caesar is semi-invincible is increased. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

Cat Stance
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png/ASBS.png ON GROUND

Caesar assumes a special stance for a short instance, and if attacked with a non-Throw/HHA/GHA at that moment, he will automatically perform a Stylish Dodge without consuming the Guard Gauge. If Ripple-enhanced, the stance itself lasts slightly longer.

Ripple Spark
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Caesar places both of his hands on his opponent's torso, before sending them flying with a blast of Ripple.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Bubble Barrier
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Caesar summons a small number of bubbles that float a short distance. If they hit the opponent, Caesar will create much more as they all combine to trap the opponent in a large Ripple Bubble, immobilizing them. The bubble then explodes with a Ripple surge, dealing damage (similar to what he did to Joseph when they first meet in Part 2).

Burn Black!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Caesar sends his Bubble Lenses flying at the opponent at high speed. If hit, the massive number of lenses quickly surround the opponent on all sides and begin to refract the light from the sun (regardless if it is daytime or not on the stage), firing multiple beams of light focused on the opponent. The total amount of solar lasers cause the opponent to burn and eventually explode (recreating Caesar's attacking of Wamuu during his final battle).

When Retired using any skill that does not result in a hard knockdown or blow-back, Caesar will remove his headband and encase it in a bloody bubble as he slowly keels over on his knees (a reference to his final moments).

Caesar naturally has a unique dialogue with every other character from Part 2, as well as Will Zeppeli; Caesar says he will make Zeppeli pay for what he did to his family's namesake, while Zeppeli himself is surprised to see such power emanating from the young man.

Caesar also managed to win first place in his League Group in the All-Star Battle League, beating Polnareff, Esidisi, and even Jotaro. He also made his way to the semi-finals matches, but ultimately lost to DIO.

Stardust Shooters (ANDROID/IOS)

Caesar appears as one of the several characters who possess a Metal Striker in the game. During his FINISH move, Caesar shoots several Ripple Bubble Cutter into the defeated opponent.

Also, Caesar's Level 2 ability allows his Metal Striker to drop a single Bubble each time he hits an enemy. During the opponent's turn, if an enemy hits the bubble, its Metal Striker loses a certain amount of Health Points.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Caesar jojoeoh.jpg

Caesar was one of the first characters confirmed for the game, alongside Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Diego, and Stroheim. Since the game recycles several animations and copies a large portion of the move set from All Star Battle, his gameplay remains mostly the same: Utilizing his bubbles in an almost exclusively-ranged play style.

As a Ripple User, Caesar has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of his attacks. Filling up the gauge will automatically empower his Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all his skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use. 

  • Style Action - Ripple Breathing: Caesar performs a pose and Ripple Breathes, filling up the Ripple Gauge. He cannot move and is vulnerable to attacks while doing so.
  • Bubble Lens: Caesar summons a Bubble Cutter, but does not launch it at opponents, instead of leaving it suspended as a trap. The Cutter will reflect solar rays in the form of lasers at opponents that get too close before popping. If Ripple-enhanced, the skill will execute quicker and Caesar will summon two Cutters.
  • Bubble Cutter/Bubble Cutter Gliding: The attack unleashed is dependent on whether or not the activating button is held. If pressed Caesar summons five disc-shaped bubbles that he sends at an opponent with very slight homing capabilities. If held, the attack is similar to Bubble Cutter, except Caesar launches the projectiles at a low angle, and has better homing capabilities than Bubble Cutter. If Ripple-enhanced, Caesar will summon seven Cutters for both attacks.
  • Bubble Barrier: Caesar leaps into the air and summons a large unblockable Ripple Bubble, immobilizing opponent caught and shocking them with Ripple surges before exploding. If Ripple-enhanced, the damage and range of the bubble is increased and it gains some homing capabilities.
  • EX - Bubble Cutter/Bubble Cutter Gliding: Caesar recovers faster from both attacks, and both attacks have increased homing capabilities and remain for much longer at the cost of some speed.
  • EX - Bubble Barrier: Caesar gains invincibility until the bubble is unleashed.
  • Control them both inside your body at the same time!: Caesar must completely fill his Ripple Gauge. (200 Points)
  • Gonna beat your ass back to the boonies!: Caesar must connect "Bubble Barrier". (200 Points)
  • Right now, my mind is back in the slums!: Caesar must perform a combo with at least 30 hits. Landing either of his DHAs will automatically achieve this. (300 Points)
  • Some of my bubbles can cleave the wind itself...: Caesar must connect Ripple-enhanced "Bubble Cutter" 10 times. (500 Points)
  • Your defeat will be cold and cruel!: Caesar must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
  • Solo - Burn black!: It works the same as the one from All Star Battle, though Caesar does not explain how the lenses reflect light due to the animation being sped up.
  • With Joseph - Dual Ripple!: The two start off by attacking the opponent from opposite sides with an array of Ripple-infused bubbles from Caesar and a series of Ripple-charged punches and kicks from Joseph, before Joseph invites Caesar to initiate the Positive/Negative Overdrive they used on Suzi Q to save her from Esidisi's control, attacking the enemy from both sides with said move and shocking them with extreme power. 

If Caesar is paired with Joseph and falls in battle before him, a special animation will play where they recreate the scene involving Caesar's final words and creation of the blood bubble (hommage of Chapter 92 or Episode 20, which pops in an anti-climactic fashion shortly after conception), along with Joseph's iconic "CAESAR!!!" scream as tears stream down his face.

In the game's Story Mode, Caesar is encountered by Jotaro and Joseph along with his younger counter training at Air Supplena Island with the Ripple. Initially meeting the two with mistrust, Caesar and the others are soon attacked by Lisa Lisa and Rudol von Stroheim, who are affected by a strange phenomenon that Jotaro and Joseph encountered as with many others throughout their travels through time.

After defeating the two, Lisa Lisa is left unconscious, while Stroheim escapes. While Caesar took his master inside to rest, but not before she's presented a Corpse Part to heal her affliction, the other three are soon attacked by Hol Horse, another one of DIO's assassins.

In the Story Mode's credits, Caesar is shown fighting Esidisi and Wamuu alongside Joseph. It is unknown how his survival affected Parts 3 through 6.

Unlike the previous game, his main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance.


He is paired with Shigekiyo Yangu in the Eyes of Heaven tournament but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Joseph and Dio Brando.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Caesar appears in Diamond Records as both a playable character and an assist character. His playable character is based on his appearance in Battle Tendency, whereas his assist is based on his younger self seen in his flashback.

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Caesar's playable form can be used in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a variety of unlockable statues varying between the 'Tactical', 'Unity' and 'Courage' types, ranging from 3 stars to 6 stars. Caesar's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various Ripple-based attacks inspired by the anime. As a ripple user, Caesar has an advantage over vampires, zombies, and pillar men. Unlike a majority of statues in the game, Caesar lacks an unlockable SP skill.

Caesar's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks comprising of various hand strikes and kicks. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Caesar hits his opponent with an uppercut using the ripple that can leave them temporarily stunned.
Caesar sends the ripple into an opponent, causing them to take damage. (Unlockable)
Caesar creates a Bubble Barrier to briefly trap an opponent and make them take repeated hits of damage.
Caesar launches a basic version of his Bubble Cutter. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Caesar's 3 star statue.
Caesar launches his signature Bubble Cutter Gliding as a ranged projectile. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Caesar's 'Courage' type 6 star statue.
Caesar launches a Bubble Cutter at opponents that transitions into his cutscene, where the bubbles reflect light using his Bubble Lenses, which are used to attack the opponents caught by his bubbles.

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli ~Devilish Youth~
Caesar's assist form takes on his appearance from before the events of Battle Tendency, and he can be used in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Solitary' type 4 star assist statue. Like all assist characters, when the active assists link together, his assist ability may provide extra effects (Action Battle mode only).

(Assist Ability) Caesar will uppercut a nearby opponent with a wrench, and then punch the opponent using the ripple. This second hit has the ability to stun the opponent.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Ripple-Infused Soap ver.
Rarity: PPPGR.png
Max Power: 1601 (Lvl 50) / 2771 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Bubble Launcher
Converts random panels to bubble panels in 2x2 groups
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 50
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: August 12, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Ripple Infused Soap ver.
Cost: 0
After making a 4x4 or bigger, replaces 4 random cheer panels with Caesar bubble panels.

Skill: Bubble Lens
Replaces random panels with enhanced bubble panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 105
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 105
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 90
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: December 24, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Refracting Sunlight ver.
Cost: 0
After clearing 30 enhanced panels, replaces 20 random panels with intensified Caesar bubbles (once per battle).

Skill: Negative Ripple
Replaces the upper panels with Intensified panels and erases the lower area
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 90
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 75
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: September 11, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Disciple of Ripple ver.
Cost: 0
After erasing 36 intensified panels, enhances bottom horizontal row of panels.



Esquerda: Jump '87, No. 37
Direita: Volume 4
  • Durante a publicação original de Battle Tendency' na Weekly Shonen Jump, fãs reclamaram da existência de Caesar pois seu avô, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, havia dito que ele não havia se casado ou tido uma família. A frase de Will Zeppeli foi consertada na versão Tankoban, com edições prévias incluindo um pedido de desculpas do próprio Araki.[8]


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