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< Anubis
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Template:Stand Info/fr

Tu m'as dégainé... tu seras mon hôte... tu est mon hôte... devenu un expert, une fine lame... tu ne crains personne... tu vas te servir de moi pour tuer...
—Anubis corrompt Chaka, Chapter 193

Anubis (アヌビス神, Anubisu-shin) est un antagoniste mineur figurant dans la troisième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, dans l'arc "Anubis".

C'est un Stand ressemblant au dieu Anubis et qui est lié à une épée. Il est un spécialiste du combat, possédant une panoplie de pouvoirs qui lui permettent de posséder n'importe qui et qui le rendent plus fort s'il reste au combat. Anubis est unique parce qu'il est un Stand sans vrai manieur qui a juré sa fidélité à DIO.


L'épée d'Anubis
Anubis apparaît comme une version approximative de l'Anubis mythologique dont il porte le nom, avec un corps humain et une tête de canidé noir. Anubis est torse nu mais porte une coiffe de l'Égypte ancienne, un Nemes; il porte aussi des bracelets en métal sur les bras dans l'anime.

Anubis est lié à une épée courbe à double tranchant avec une garde élaborée avec un joyau insérée dedans, et accompagnée d'un fourreau.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurJeu SFCHeritage for the FutureAnime
Peau(Tête noir, corps pâle)
Tenue(Nemes jaune)
(Fourreau et anse gris foncé, décorations dorées et bijoux rouges)
Peau(Tête noire, corps brun)
Tenue(Nemes vert olive)
Épée(Fourreau vert olive, décorations jaunes)
Peau(Tête violette, corps noir)
Tenue(Nemes noir)
(Fourreau rose saumon, manche marron et décorations dorées mates)
Peau(Tête gris sombre, corps brun)
(Nemes jaune, bandes bleues aux contours jaunes)
(Fourreau marron foncé, poignée gris foncé, décorations dorées et bijoux rouges)


Anubis jubile alors qu'il blesse Jotaro

Après la mort de son manieur originel Caravan Serai, Anubis sert maintenant DIO fidèlement par gratitude et peur du vampire, sachant que Dio l'a laissé sortir du musée dans lequel il était emprisonné mais sachant qu'il a été vaincu par le Stand de DIO.[1]

Anubis est un Stand très agressif qui se ne concentre que sur le meurtre. Il aime se battre car il mémorise les techniques de ses adversaires pour s'améliorer et est convaincu qu'il ne perdra pas deux fois face à la même technique, ce qui s'avère vrai. Il encourage souvent les victimes qu'il possède à le manier en leur disant qu'ils sont les plus grands épéistes du monde, mais il n'hésitera pas à les abandonner s'ils sont vaincus ou si l'opportunité de posséder un manieur plus fort se présente. Anubis est très persistant à essayé de tuer Polnareff et Jotaro à plusieurs reprise malgré les dommages qu'il a subi. Il exploite aussi le fait qu'il soit lié à une épée pour infiltrer le groupe. Même s'il est vaincu une fois, il mémorise les capacités de l'adversaire et grandit en force et en vitesse pour les surpasser. Même contre Jotaro, Anubis était convaincu qu'il ne perdrait pas trois fois même après que Star Platinum ait brisé sa lame en petits morceaux inoffensifs. Cependand, Anubis respecte grandement DIO car The World est trop fort pour lui. C'est pourquoi il a juré fidélité au seul homme qu'il ne pourrait jamais surpasser.

Comme la plupart des serviteurs de DIO, il est enclin à jubiler quand il semble avoir l'avantage contre ses ennemis, ce qui a causé sa défaite face à Jotaro Kujo. Lorsqu'il est acculé ou qu'il est dans une situation desespérée, Anubis perd son calme et panique de manière comique. Il a notamment oublié de ne pas passer à travers un mur alors qu'il volait dangereusement vers le Nil, ce qui a contribué à sa chute. Alors qu'il s'enfonçait au fond de la rivière, Anubis est devenu si désespéré qu'il a essayé de persuader les poissons et les crabes de le toucher, mais ses cris n'ont fait que les chasser. Coincé au fond du Nil, Anubis n'a plus eu d'autres options que de pleurer sur son sort et lamenter sa solitude.

Il représente le dieu Égyptien Anubis, dieu de la mort et de l'outre-monde dans la mythologie égyptienne.


Anubis est un Stand très dangereux dédié au combat au corps à corps. Il possède plusieurs pouvoirs pour l'assister au combat et qui le rendent de plus en plus dangereux à mesure que ses combats avancent. Il doit posséder une personne qui doit la manier au combat, mais il est capable de battre Silver Chariot et Star Platinum. Même sans ses pouvoirs les plus dangereux, sa lame est affûtée et il est capable de couper à travers un pilier en pierre avec Chaka.[2]

Anubis est aussi très résistant. Même si sa lame est brisée en plusieurs morceaux, Anubis est capable de persister dans le morceau le plus large en conservant ses pleins pouvoirs. Cela lui a permis de tenter une dernière attaque surprise même si Jotaro l'avait battu.[1]


Anubis brainwashing Polnareff

Anubis is able to control whoever draws it, no matter how strong their willpower is.[3]

If someone unsheathes the sword, they will hear Anubis speaking in their mind, encouraging them to use it against all in their path. Eventually, they will be completely overtaken by Anubis itself, allowing the Stand to control their body. Even other Stand users are not immune to this effect - if Anubis controls them, it also takes control of their Stands.[4] Once Anubis leaves its host, they regain their senses, as Polnareff being freed from it demonstrates.[1]

Despite what Anubis tells its victims, it does not appear to improve their actual combat skill. Polnareff noted that Chaka wielded his sword like a complete amateur; conversely, part of Jotaro's difficulty in fighting Anubis was due to Polnareff's sword fighting experience, allowing him to wield his new sword in deadly tandem with Silver Chariot.

Selective Intangibility

Polnareff is cut from behind a pillar
Anubis's oddest ability lets it manipulate where it slices along

its blade.[3] For instance, when Polnareff hid behind a stone column, Anubis was able to slash him without damaging the column or even his victim's clothes.[5] It was also able to cut the hands of a person whom it didn't want to be drawn by, despite the fact that it was still sheathed in its scabbard.[3]


Anubis's most dangerous ability shown is to remember any attack that is launched against it and counter it.[6] This is truly deadly if it fights someone it has already fought with; the same tactics will not work on it more than once, no matter how well-planned out it is. This, combined with its ability to control people, means it can attack the same person repeatedly, wearing them down by constantly remembering their attacks until they have none left to use.[6]

  • Strength/Speed Development: As an apparent extension of the above ability, Anubis gradually becomes more powerful as a battle goes on - both Jotaro and Polnareff noted that Anubis was becoming faster and stronger by the second during their respective fights against its possessed wielders.[6][7] It is unclear if this is an actual ability, or if the Stand simply appears to be growing more powerful as a result of adapting to its opponent; either way, Anubis could have potentially become one of the most powerful Stands of all had it not been defeated - it would gradually become stronger, faster, and smarter with every battle until no one could defeat its wielder in a direct fight. Only an indirect approach such as that of DIO's The World or any Stand power of environmental effect that leaves no point of attack or vulnerability can confront it.

Selective Drawing

Anubis can choose who will draw it from its sheath - it is impossible to draw the sword until Anubis is being wielded by someone it wants to possess. Even 3 grown men pulling with all their might won't budge it in this case.[3] This ability can apply to multiple hosts simultaneously, as seen when the Stand takes control of multiple rats,[6] though whether this extends to humans is unknown. Additionally, it can move itself to a limited extent without a user, being able to sheathe itself after its user was defeated and cut another person while still embedded in a victim's chest.



Anubis was created around 500 years before the events of Stardust Crusaders when its user, Caravan Serai, forged the sword it is bound to.[1]

500 years after its user and creator died, DIO found Anubis in a museum. Anubis swore loyalty to DIO after being defeated by The World and was eventually deployed to Egypt in an attempt to stop DIO's enemies from reaching his mansion.[1][3]

Stardust Crusaders

Anubis controls Chaka

Anubis is first introduced when it is found by a farmer named Chaka, who then draws the sword out of curiosity and becomes possessed.[3] The possessed Chaka then cuts down his companions and eventually challenges Polnareff, who defeats Chaka after some struggle and takes the sheathed blade with him.[5] A barber named Khan eventually picks up the sword and also becomes possessed,[6] but is defeated by Jotaro. Despite being broken in two by Star Platinum, Anubis remains active.[7]

Later, Polnareff himself falls victim to Anubis when he accidentally unsheathes the sword while struggling with a passing policeman trying to take the sword.[7] With Polnareff as its host, Anubis gives Jotaro a difficult fight, especially when it influences Polnareff to wield its sword in tandem with Silver Chariot.[4] However, Jotaro eventually tricks the evil Stand into leaving itself open to a beating from Star Platinum, shattering the hilt and releasing Polnareff from Anubis's control.[1]

Anubis left at the bottom of the Nile

However, Anubis survives in the other half of the sword, possessing a child that picks it up from the street. Through its latest host, Anubis attempts to ambush the weakened Jotaro and Polnareff, but the child ends up throwing the blade past its targets when he trips over Iggy. After accidentally phasing through a wall in a panic, Anubis lands in a cow that thrashes its way into the Nile River, with its struggles causing the blade to fall from its flank and into the water. Anubis attempts to call out to the nearby fish and crabs to help it up, but nobody else takes notice of the sword, which presumably rusts to ruin and erases the Stand from existence.[1]

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • I am the Stand of the god Anubis, god of the underworld, the spirit of death and mummification... You have unsheathed me... you will be my body, I will make you a master of the sword. No one is stronger than you... use me and kill!
    —Anubis to Chaka, Chapter 193: Anubis, Part 1
  • Kill Joseph! Dismember Polnareff! Split Jotaro in two! You're a sword master, the strongest in the world. Destroy them all!
    —Anubis to Chaka, Chapter 194: Anubis, Part 2
  • I know all your moves now. Even though my wielder is different... if I've fought you once... I never lose twice!
    —Anubis to Polnareff, Chapter 196: Anubis, Part 4
  • Star Platinum... not bad. The rumors were true, you've got speed. But now that I've seen it... I can beat it.
    —Anubis, Chapter 197: Anubis, Part 5
  • You fool! Your "ora ora" is no match against two swords wielded by two master swordsmen combined! Your stomach is wide open!
    —Anubis, Chapter 197: Anubis, Part 5



  • Going by the timeline of the series, Anubis is the very first Stand to appear chronologically in history due to it having been around since Ancient Egypt. This also makes it the oldest known Stand in the series.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Chapter 198: Anubis, Part 6
  2. Chapter 194: Anubis, Part 2, p15
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Chapter 193: Anubis, Part 1
  4. 4.0 4.1 Chapter 197: Anubis, Part 5
  5. 5.0 5.1 Chapter 194: Anubis, Part 2
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Chapter 195: Anubis, Part 3
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Chapter 196: Anubis, Part 4

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