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To Be Continued
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In the eyes of some, that is far too much money for mere highschool freshmen to have, but regardless... To be continued!

"To Be Continued" is a staple of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, first appearing in Chapter 167 of the manga, and then later appearing in almost every episode of the series's anime adaptation. It is typicially represented by a uniquely-styled arrow pointing left with the English words "To Be Continued" written within.


In the anime adaptation, it usually shows at the very end of that episode's story, whether that be before or after the closing credits, although there are some exceptions as listed below. When the arrow appears, the frame also usually freezes with a special filter style and colors. In the case of Season 1, a part of Roundabout will also play alongside the arrow's appearance to then transition into the ending credits' animation.





Ever since it's debut in the JoJo manga, the To Be Continued arrow has been used many times throughout other JoJo media, still being one of the most recognisable symbols of the franchise today.

Besides official usage, To Be Continued has been referenced many times by other works and become one of the more popular icons in internet meme culture. Many examples of this can be seen on the References to JoJo page.


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Link to this section Season 2: Stardust Crusaders
Link to this section Season 3: Diamond is Unbreakable
Link to this section Season 4: Golden Wind
Link to this section Season 5: Stone Ocean

Video Games

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Capcom Fighters

In JoJo's Venture and its revisions, the arrow appears at the end of every battle, excluding singleplayer battles lost by the player. It also appears at the end of either arcade revision's Location Test demo in the Japanese region setting. The end-of-match arrow is heavily based on the one seen in Chapter 226: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 5, while the Location Test arrow is instead taken from Chapter 221: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 5. Ellipses are added to both arrows to better match those seen in later Parts.

GioGio's Bizarre Adventure

In GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, the arrow appears whenever the player clears a stage, either by defeating an enemy, surviving until a timer expires, or triggering an alternate win condition. The arrow itself is sourced from the final page of Chapter 523: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 6, though the shape has been slightly redrawn.

All-Star Battle

The "To Be Continued" arrow makes a minor appearance in All-Star Battle at the end of JoJolion's Story Mode, as well as the end of most DLC battles' ending text (with the exceptions of Fugo's and Ikuro's battles, which take place after the main story). The text is sourced from Stone Ocean Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2, while the shape of the arrow itself is taken from Stone Ocean Chapter 50: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 3.

Last Survivor

In Last Survivor, when the winner defeats the final opposing player, the arrow appears as the loser falls to the ground in slow motion. The arrow itself is identical to the one seen in the anime.

Other official media

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