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Hi I'm Damian, this is my Sandbox.
Łuk i Strzała (弓と矢, Yumi to Ya) (bardziej ogólnie Strzała (矢, Ya)) to potężny przedmiot wprowadzony w czwartej części serii JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable. Strzały stają się główną siłą napędową fabuły w całej części ze względu na ich zdolność do tworzenia użytkowników Standów.
Niektóre Strzały i ich fragmenty wpływają na wydarzenia Stardust Crusaders, Vento Aureo i Stone Ocean; w dwóch ostatnich częściach szczegółowo opisana jest historia i wcześniejszy wpływ Strzał.
Około 50 000 lat temu meteoryt rozbił się na Ziemi w pobliżu słabo zaludnionego regionu Kap York na Grenlandii. W 1978 roku zespół wykopalisk mineralnych odkrył nieznanego wirusa w skałach otaczającego obszaru i ustalił, że leżał on uśpiony wewnątrz meteorytu. Pomimo szeroko zakrojonych badań, lekarze rządowi nie byli w stanie określić celu obcego wirusa poza całkowitą eliminacją ludzkiego życia. Wkrótce jednak odkryto, że niektórzy ludzie posiadali cechę, która pozwoliła im nie tylko przetrwać po ekspozycji na wirusa, ale także uzyskać z niego nadprzyrodzone zdolności.[1]
Kilkaset lat przed odkryciem wirusa człowiek, który chciał zdobyć moc boga, wziął materiał z meteorytu i uformował go w strzały. Strzały zostały utracone w czasie do 1986 roku, kiedy egipski zespół archeologów, w tym młody Diavolo, odkrył sześć z nich w Egipcie. Strzały zostały ostatecznie skradzione przez Diavolo, który sprzedał pięć z nich Enyi. Sześć Strzał kilkakrotnie zmieniało właścicieli, z czego trzy wpadły w ręce Keicho Nijimury, Yoshihiro Kiry i Polpo.[2]
Do tej pory odkryto sześć strzał. Po kradzieży ze stanowiska archeologicznego w Egipcie przez Diavolo,, pięć z sześciu zostało sprzedanych Enyi. Ich późniejsze wykorzystanie opisano poniżej:
- Strzała przechowywana przez Diavolo, prawdopodobnie użyta do przebudzenia jego Standa King Crimson, została później przekazana Polpo i umieszczona w ustach jego Stand Black Sabbath w celu stworzenia nowych użytkowników Standów dla Passione. Zostaje rozbity podczas śmierci Polpo.[3]
- Keicho Nijimura otrzymał jedną Strzałę od Enyi po tym, jak dowiedział się o jej związku z DIO, a tym samym jego ojcem.[4] Keicho używa tej Strzały na różnych mieszkańcach Morioh, próbując stworzyć użytkownika Standa zdolnego zabić ich ojca. Strzała zostaje później skradziona przez Akirę Otoishiego który użył jej, aby dać Standy dwóm szczurom. Po klęsce Akiry, Fundacja Speedwagona odzyskuje Strzałę.[5]
- One Arrow, given to Yoshihiro Kira by Enya,[6] was used to awaken his son's Stand Killer Queen. Following Yoshihiro's death and Josuke and the others investigation of Kira, Yoshihiro's ghost uses the Arrow to create Stand users in Morioh in order to protect his son. The Arrow later pierces Yoshikage Kira a second time, awakening Killer Queen's third bomb, Bites the Dust. It is presumably destroyed when Yoshihiro's ghost is destroyed by one of Killer Queen's bombs.
- An Arrow possessing a beetle design was recovered in Egypt and kept by Jean Pierre Polnareff. Upon accidentally pricking Silver Chariot, the Arrow temporarily created Chariot Requiem. Polnareff pierces Silver Chariot with the Arrow a second time in Rome as he dies, summoning a berserk Chariot Requiem. After a fierce struggle for the Arrow, Giorno Giovanna pierces Gold Experience with the Arrow to create Gold Experience Requiem. The Arrow remains in the possession of Giorno and Polnareff's ghost afterward.
The whereabouts of the remaining two Arrows sold to Enya are unknown.[7] However, there are several instances in the series where an unidentified Arrow appears:
- A shard of one Arrow was given by Jotaro Kujo to his ex-wife. It is later given to Jolyne Cujoh, who accidentally uses it to awaken her Stand, Stone Free. Ermes Costello then picks up the shard, incidentally awakening Kiss before selling it to Jolyne's cellmate Gwess. The shard is returned to Jolyne following Gwess's battle with her. This shard is later returned to Jotaro after he is placed inside the submarine.
- One Arrow, bearing the same beetle design as Polnareff's Arrow, was given to Enrico Pucci by DIO in 1987.[8] The Arrow later pierced Pucci, awakening his Stand, Whitesnake, as well as his brother's Stand, Weather Report.[9] Its subsequent whereabouts are unknown.
- The Bow, along with one Arrow, can be seen hanging on DIO's wall in the anime adaptation of Stardust Crusaders.[10] This Arrow is presumably one of the five sold to Enya, though its subsequent whereabouts are unknown.
rey infinito Arrows
In the light novel rey infinito, a secondary set of arrows are present in South America. Lisa Lisa, who has been investigating the phenomenon for several years, theorizes that a violent earthquake that happened in 1966 in Peru may have unearthed a stratum of ore infected with a special virus. Someone must have processed some ore and sculpted it into arrows to awaken extraordinary powers.
According to the testimony of one enslaved young girl, a group of human traffickers led by Fernando Alhorn has taken possession of several arrows and are shooting people to turn them into Stand users. They then enslave those Stand users to exploit their abilities.
After learning about this, Lisa Lisa decides to command the rest of the Paranormal Phenomena Section of the Speedwagon Foundation to retrieve the Arrows by arresting the human traffickers.
Stand-Awakening Property
The Arrows fashioned from the meteorite will catalyze and awaken the Stand of any living creature they pierce, given that the target has sufficient spiritual strength. If the target lacks sufficient spiritual strength, contact with the Arrow will prove fatal; on the other hand, the Arrows normally only seek out and pierce those who will live.
In certain cases, such as with Ken Oyanagi and Tama, the wound caused by the Arrow will heal and leave a hole about the size of an average coin.
Effects on Bloodlines
The Arrow's effects transfer through bloodlines, generally without exception. The Arrow that pierced DIO (and thus Jonathan Joestar's body) awakened Stands in the rest of the Joestar family. Members of a bloodline without the necessary spiritual strength to wield a Stand slowly die from its power, as if they were suffering a severe fever; such is the case with Holy Kujo and a young Josuke Higashikata. If the person responsible for the Arrow's influence dies, any family members suffering in this way are cured instantly, though Josuke fully awakened and retained his own Stand.
The Arrow can also awaken a Stand within one's siblings, as the wound from the Arrow that pierced Enrico Pucci also transferred to his brother Wes Bluemarine, granting him Weather Report.
A child born after a parent is pierced by an Arrow doesn't seem to develop their own Stand, as Jolyne didn't awaken her Stand until she cut herself on the Arrow shard.
Repeated Piercings
A degree of uncertainty surrounds the effects of an Arrow piercing a Stand or its user after its awakening. When an Arrow pierces a Stand user, the user in question awakens a new ability; such was the case with Yoshikage Kira's Bites the Dust ability. However, this fact seems to be context-sensitive, as Giorno Giovanna's repeated contact with the Arrow in Black Sabbath's mouth seemingly had no effect beyond wounding him.
Though this is only demonstrated with one Arrow, piercing a Stand may cause it to change its form and gain a completely new ability;[11] these evolved Stands are referred to as Requiem Stands. In the two cases where this has occurred, Polnareff's Silver Chariot lost its previous abilities while Giorno's Gold Experience retained them. Though it is unclear whether the Arrow can reject a Stand user, the possibility has been raised by Diavolo. The transformation can usually be reversed by retrieving the Arrow from an evolved Stand, though the berserk Chariot Requiem retained its form even without the Arrow.
Standy przebudzone przez Strzały
Podobne zjawiska
Steel Ball Run
In a desert along the trail of the future Steel Ball Run race, a meteorite crashed into the desert and formed a mobile formation of land known as the Devil's Palm. Feared by the natives near the area, it was rumored that the Devil's Palm sought out future Stand users and imposed a heavy affliction upon them, from which the person would obtain a Stand.
Following Johnny Joestar's seizure of the Saint's Corpse and self-sacrifice, the place where the Corpse was used beneath the Meditation Pine[12] is imbued with a similar power to the Devil's Palm,[13] in addition to gaining the property of equivalent exchange.
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Puzzle & Dragons (Android/iOS)
The Bow and Arrow was obtainable for a limited time in the mobile game Puzzle & Dragons as a free unit in exchange for 5x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Collab DISC - Rainbow. It is meant to be an Assist Monster equipped to another unit to enhance its stats and add its Skill.
- ↑ Chapter 552: Pronto! On the Phone, Part 2 str.13
- ↑ Chapter 569: A Little Story from the Past str.13
- ↑ Chapter 455: Joining the Gang, Part 6
- ↑ Chapter 282: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 9
- ↑ Chapter 368: Atom Heart Father, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 369: Atom Heart Father, Part 5
- ↑ JOJOVELLER - STANDS, str.318
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 129: Heavy Weather, Part 5
- ↑ SC Episode 42 & SC Episode 47
- ↑ Chapter 574: The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 3
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 22: Morioh 1901
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 99: The Wonder of You, Part 16
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