Donatello Versus

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ALERTA DE SPOILERS: Spoilers da Parte 6 podem estar presentes abaixo.
Esse(a) personagem é comumente ou pelo contrário referido como "Donatello Versace".
Eu não posso morrer aqui! Eu tenho o direto de ser feliz! (オレはこんなところで終わらない!オレだって幸せになる権利はあるんだッ!)

Donatello Versus (ドナテロ・ヴェルサス, Donatero Verusasu) é um antagonista secundário na sexta parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean, especificamente no arco "Under World".

Donatello é um dos filhos ilegítimos de DIO, e o meio-irmão de Ungalo, Rikiel, e Giorno Giovanna. Quando ele fatidicamente encontra Enrico Pucci, ele desperta seu Stand, Under World, e luta contra Jolyne Cujoh e Ermes Costello em Orlando. Embora ele coopere com Pucci, ele tem suas próprias ambições.


Donatello Versus tem um cabelo curto e claro com uma listra preta no meio que se estende até a parte de trás de sua cabeça em forma de 'Y'. Ele tem longas costeletas que apontam na direção de sua boca, uma franja que cobre toda sua testa, e dois rabos de cavalo.

Versus veste uma gargantilha que tem um padrão espiral no centro. Ele tem uma camisa de manga comprida com uma grande gola-V com calças que combinam. A frente e os lados de sua camisa e calças tem uma quantidade excessiva de laços grossos. Ele tem alças em seus ombros passando por três laços na frente de sua camisa, assim como mais duas alças de seu cinto que vão para baixo através dos laços na frente de suas calças.

As medidas físicas de Donatello, tais como altura, tamanho dos pés e pressão sanguínea, são notadas serem estranhamente similares às de Enrico Pucci.

Embora ela não seja vista, Donatello, assim como seus outros irmãos, herda a marca de nascença Joestar.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá Colorido
Hair(Blond with black streak)
Eyes(Icy blue)
(White and black suit with aqua blue belts)


Donatello cobiça o disco de Jotaro para si mesmo

Tendo sido abusado, encriminado por um crime que ele não cometeu, enviado para um centro de detenção juvenil com poucai dade, e tendo ficado permanentemente desempregado, Donatello Versus desenvolveu um rancor contra a sociedade por inteiro, desejando se tornar feliz a qualquer custo. Embora ele tenha herdado a falta de escrúpulos e egoísmo de DIO, Donatello não apresenta a megalomania ou astúcia de seu pai. Como tal, embora ele pareça bem-ajustado em seu exterior, Versus é, em fato, incrivelmente imprudente e impulsivo.

Donatello não se opõe a cooperar ou até mesmo seguir ordens, já que ele inicialmente deposita sua confiança em, e tenta manter um relacionamento de respeito com Enrico Pucci. Porém, ser abusado por figuras de autoridade pela maioria de sua vida deixou Donatello com pouca tolerância para desrespeito e com muito orgulho. Quando Pucci começa a duvidar das habilidades de Donatello, o sentimento de ser usado leva Donatello a primeiro xingar o padre, e então trai-lo, considerando seu direito de herdar os planos de DIO no lugar de Pucci.

Donatello é tão inescrupuloso quanto ele é desesperado, igualmente disposto a matar crianças e pôr sua própria vida em risco quando tentando cumprir seus objetivos. Combinado com foco em seu objetivo eu ma tendência de altamente expressar suas emoções, esse desespero deixa Donatello aberto a ser pego de surpresa. Quando isso ocorre, Versus é destruído pela pressão, falhando em matar Jolyne e Ermes após os repetidos comentários em que Pucci reconhece a força da sduas, e eventualmente é encurralado e forçado a se submeter a elas. Donatello também é bastante irascível, facilmente explodindo com pessoas, sendo frustado rapidamente e demonstrando expressões faciais exageradas, de felicidade convencida à triunfantes gritos de alegria.



Artigo principal: Under World

Under World permite que Donatello reviva eventos passados da terra da Florida e que ele aprisione pessoas nela, forçando suas vítimas a passar por o que quer que tenha acontecido.

Under World (アンダー・ワールド)Link para essa seção
Excavação de Memórias



Donatello spent his childhood unloved by his family, and in detention too, for good measure

Donatello Versus was raised by his mother and stepfather, a man who "did nothing but tell long stories of his womanizing ways," who his mother married at an unknown point in Versus' life.

While running away from home at age 13, a pair of baseball shoes mysteriously fell from the sky and landed on his head. Wondering where they came from, he tried them on. They were way too big, but he decided to keep them anyway because they smelled very good and he liked the clacking noise the spikes made whenever he walked. It wouldn't be long before he was arrested and taken to court, where he learned the shoes belonged to real-life Seattle Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki, originally to be given to disabled children as a gift. Upon hearing the boy say that the shoes fell from the sky, the judge flew into a rage, disgusted by the fact that a 13-year-old boy would stoop so low as to steal from children less fortunate than himself. Versus was quickly deemed guilty on circumstantial evidence of stealing the shoes and was sent to a juvenile detention facility for six months, Versus' mother and stepfather not objecting to his incarceration.

However, four months after Versus' arrest, the true criminal confessed. The criminal was a professional burglar, who, after stealing the shoes, was afraid that he would be caught because the shoes were so famous, and dropped the shoes down a ventilation shaft on top of a building to get rid of them.

When word reached the facility he was being held in that he had been wrongly condemned, Versus had already been physically and emotionally drained, and he was almost too weak to even move because of a string of strange events that had occurred over the course of his incarceration. For instance, Versus tripped while walking in the field of the facility and his hand was impaled by a knife that had been buried there sometime before. Versus would find out the next day that the knife belonged to a corrupt guard who had been hiding it, presumably to threaten other inmates. As a result of this, the guard bullied and beat Versus regularly. His hand wound was finally treated two weeks after the fact, but worms and pus still infested the wound. Possibly as a result of this, Versus fell into a fever and nearly died. Another occurrence was that Versus urinated on a decrepit wall that crumbled and revealed the skeleton of a long-dead woman.

Stone Ocean (2011-2012)

Donatello awakens Under World

In 2011, Donatello crossed paths with Enrico Pucci after he was shot in the leg and jumped off the sixth story of a building during a botched burglary and was brought to an hospital. He thus met the priest and his half-brothers Ungalo and Rikiel. Pucci subsequently all revealed them their heritage and Stand powers. While Ungalo and Rikiel headed out to confront the heroes, Donatello kept on recovering at the hospital. Donatello recovers and discovers his ability Under World just in time to attack Jolyne and Ermes, who have reached the hospital following Jolyne's intuition.

Battle Against Jolyne & Ermes Costello

Donatello loses to Jolyne & Ermes

He instinctively summons a memory of a boy being shot and the stray bullet attracts the attention of the heroes. Donatello and Pucci subsequently take refuge in a cavern under their room. When Jolyne enters it, Under World traps her in the memory of a plane bound to crash. Jolyne partially exits the airplane and tries to call for help. Under World thus tries to attack the string linking Jolyne to Ermes but Jolyne manages to shoot a pen into its hand, driving it away. Nonetheless, Under World summons a memory of Sports Maxx and lures Ermes inside of the cavern, also trapping her in the plane. Pucci keeps commenting the situation, which frustrates Donatello more and more. When Jolyne opens a door to jump out and attack Donatello, he simply traps her in a jet fighter that will also crash. However, Jolyne rejoins the passenger plane. Wanting to advance further, Donatello sneakily summons a memory of Pucci and steals Weather Report's memory DISC. Jolyne contacts a certain Emporio and learns from him that there are two safe seats. To prevent Jolyne and Ermes from using these, Under World tosses sick children on the seats and the plane eventually crash. However, Ermes has covered the children and herself with the two survivors of the crash and their respective duplicate while Jolyne has unravelled herself to hide in Ermes. Stone Free ties up Donatello and hangs it by his feet, preventing him from using his power. Desperate, Donatello commands Under World to fly to Weather Report and give him back his memory. Weather's sealed ability is unleashed and rainbows invade the city.

Donatello is used as a decoy

Heavy Weather Unleashed

While Donatello escapes the hole and the hospital, everyone has to contend with a contagious snail invasion. Donatello thus seeks Emporio, expecting to find Jotaro's memory DISC and discover what Pucci's plan is. He unearths a memory of Jolyne calling Emporio and detects him. He easily takes out the boy but Jolyne and Ermes then crash near Versus and Emporio.

Versus summons the Miami Dolphins to push Jolyne away but she hides inside a pipe, rolls towards Versus, and attacks. When Versus summons a memory of the salt to dehydrate Jolyne's body, her arm is desiccated and Versus obtains Jotaro's memory DISC. Nonetheless, Jolyne has touched Emporio who has touched Versus and thus Versus is turned into a snail. The heroes subsequently capture Versus and force him to drive their car. Unable to properly control the car, Donatello crashes in the middle of the fight between Pucci and Weather Report. This allows Pucci to escape and the priest uses an illusion to disguise Donatello as himself. Anasui kills Donatello by piercing his head with Diver Down's fingers.

Batalhas Principais

Capítulos / Episódios

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Quote.png Frases
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  • I welcome you. I don't care if you've come uninvited, or without greeting me... you're free to come inside of this hole. But you have to have the entire rope inside with you, too!
    —Donatello Versus, through Under World, Stone Ocean Chapter 120: Under World, Part 2
  • Just shut the fuck up already.
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 121: Under World, Part 3
  • And now! I finally know why my life's been messed up all this time! (オレは今!これまでのわけのわからない人生の意味がはっきりとわかった!)
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • But... even though I'm able to control this power now... am I supposed to thank Father Pucci for helping me?
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • The blood that runs through my veins is DIO's. Pucci, so do you really think you're that important?
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • I am the one who's invincible in here! Anything is possible if I use Under World!
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • On the new moon, maybe I can acquire DIO's ability instead, and not the priest... I have the right to do it, too... I'm his son...
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4
  • You'd feel intense guilt for what you've done... Killing innocent children just so you can live! You'd have to fight me, Versus, with that heavy weight on your shoulder... Would anyone like that have the strength left to fight?
    —Donatello Versus to Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 123: Under World, Part 5
  • Sorry, but I'm going to live, Pucci. I finally have control over my powers... Me, someone who's never been able to stand up straight, I finally know what I was born to do...
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6
  • You won't be able to kill me! He's going to get his memory back, I know it! And when he does get his memory back, he won't be your ally! I know because I read his DISC! [...] Weather Report wasn't put in prison just because he lost his memory... He doesn't remember how to use his Stand to its fullest potential! The forbidden power, that his brother, Pucci, thought he sealed forever!
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6
  • Shit... I won't lose...! I'm gonna be happy!
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 131: Heavy Weather, Part 7
  • Jolyne Cujoh, enjoy being dragged over to the touchdown line.
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 132: Heavy Weather, Part 8
  • You got me with that little stunt. But you're no match for Under World, not in that state.
    —Donatello Versus to Jolyne Cujoh, Stone Ocean Chapter 132: Heavy Weather, Part 8
  • I win! Now I'm one step closer to getting whatever the priest is after!!
    —Donatello Versus, Stone Ocean Chapter 132: Heavy Weather, Part 8


Versus appears in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle as the guide for the support items shop in Story Mode, using his Stand ability to dig up the player's support item of choice at the cost of gold.


StoryChapter CoversSketches


  • Versus' backstory is either a homage or a direct lift of the backstory of Stanley Yelnats from the novel, (and later feature film) Holes, written by Louis Sachar. The main differences being that Stanley was able to avoid a prison sentence by choosing to work at Camp Green Lake, and unlike Stanley, Versus' life takes a turn for the worse after he was freed.


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