Lucy Steel/pt-br

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Template:Character Info/pt-br

Se você vai planejar uma corrida, ela deveria cruzar o continente americano inteiro! E os prêmios deveriam ser enormes! Tipo, $50,000,000! Sonhos reais deveriam ser grandes assim!

Lucy Steel (ルーシー・スティール, Rūshī Sutīru), nascida Pendleton (ペンドルトン, Pendoruton), é uma aliada primária na sétima parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run. Ela também aparece como uma personagem terciária na oitava parte, JoJolion.

Lucy é a esposa do promotor da corrida Steel Ball Run, Steven Steel. Ela eventualmente descobre o plano de Funny Valentine para a corrida e, temendo pela segurança de se umarido, decide cooperar com o duo de Johnny Joestar e Gyro Zeppeli

Depois dos eventos de Steel Ball Run, ela trabalha para a Fundação Speedwagon para recuperar o Cadáver Santo, e mais tarde pesquisa as Paredes Oculares de Morioh.


Lucy é uma garota de quatorze anos de idade com um porte e altura média. Ela tem um cabelo claro de altura média e uma roupa geralmente consistindo de um vestido e leggings coloridas. Ela também veste aquecedores de braço e botas altas, ambas adornadas com decorações circulares.

Mais tarde, após ela ser sequestrada por Funny Valentine, sua roupa é simplificada como apenas um vestido e um par de saltos, e seu cabelo é um pouco maior do que antes. Durante sua aparição final, Lucy é vista usando um capuz, com seus aquecedores de braço e botas mas sem as leggings.

Muito mais tarde, depois dos eventos de Steel Ball Run, Lucy está mais velha e trabalhando com a Fundação Speedwagon. Ela veste um terno preto com lapelas de cor clara. Ela carrega uma maleta com a logo da Fundação Speedwagon.

Muitas décadas depois desse evento, Lucy é uma mulher idosa em seus sessenta anos. Ela agora tem um cabelo de tamanho médio. Ela veste um vestido sem mangas por baixo de outro vestido sem mangas com uma pequena capa com cantos serrados grudados à linha do pescoço, e shorts largos sob leggings decoradas com um padrão de estrelas. Lucy veste um chapéu cloche com várias camadas, luvas longas e um colar de pérolas. Sua visão piora e ela tem de usar óculos para observar coisas em detalhe.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Skin(Fair, pink lipstick.)
Hair(Ashy blond)
(Pink dress with red roses, darker pink arm warmers and boots coated in golden-yellow studs, purple leggings.)


Lucy e Steven são extremamente leais um ao outro

Lucy é uma garota inteligente, gentil e corajoso apesar de encarar muitas situações perigosas.

Ainda em sua aparente infância, a bondade de Lucy a levou a falar com o então derelito Steven Steel, sendo a primeira pessoa a apoiá-lo na sua ideia de organizar uma corrida à cavalos e também sugerindo que ela tinha uma grande escala ao fazê-la atravessar os Estados Unidos e ter um prêmio nos milhões.[1] Quando Steven repagou sua bondade ao evitar que a máfia a levasse embora, Lucy ficou profundamente grata a Steven, desenvolvendo um relacionamento profundo com ele embora ele permanecesse platônico apesar dos pensamentos daqueles ao seu arredor.[2]

Lucy não é mostrada interagindo com muitas outras pessoas, normalmente sendo quieta comparada a persona pública bombástica de Steven. Entretanto, ela é a única que sabe de seus momentos de dúvida e tristeza e durante eles encoraja seu marido.[3] Quando interagindo com outras pessoas, Lucy normalmente age educadamente e de maneira tímida.

Sem um Stand e apesar de estar com medo, Lucy ainda tenta lutar

Como a esposa de Steven, Lucy é extremamente leal a ele e todas suas ações durante o curso da Steel Ball Run são feitos para protegê-lo de perigo. Como tal, apesar de ser uma pessoa sem Stand e frágil, Lucy constantemente toma ações perigosas sem hesitação, Ela não apenas se infiltra em instalações bem-protegidos para debilitar Funny Valentine,[4][5] ela também tem vários encontros arriscados com usuários de Stand como Blackmore,[6] Mike O.[7] e até mesmo Diego Brando,[8], todos os quais tentaram matá-la. Ela também claramente rejeita os avanços de Mountain Tim, afirmando seu orgulho em ser a esposa de Steven.[9]

Embora ela seja propensa a nervosismo, Lucy também é uma garota extremamente engenhosa, sendo adepta a enganar pessoas ou realizar outros truques sem ser notada. Ela sabe ler lábios[10] e é uma atora competente, o que em conjunção com seu status como a esposa do promotor principal, permite que ela acesse vários lugares normalmente seguros. Até mesmo diante de uma captura ou algo pior, Lucy pode pensar em maneiras de escapar usando todas as ferramentas e aliados disponíveis. Lucy é por final quem derrota Diego Brando ao trazer a cabeça de seu eu alternativo à ele, o matando mesmo com seu Stand formidável.[11] Apesar de sua natureza gentil, Lucy não hesita em atirar em Blackmore[12] ou esfaquear Valentine,[13] mostrando um lado sem escrúpulos.

Mais tarde em suas vida, Lucy ganhou um lugar na Fundação Speedwagon como uma botanista e geomorfologista. Ela é muito mais experiente, e sua especialidade em ciência a torna uma mulher peprceptiva, avaliando a terra de Morioh e a investiga pela Locacaca. Lucy ainda é bondosa e corjaosa, oferecendo um emprego a Joseph Joestar e investigando um trilho de segurança estranho. Com a idade, ela desenvolveu ma filosofia sobre a ideia de propósito, ou missão, escolhida por uma força maior que leva alguém a completá-la.[14]



Artigo principal: Ticket to Ride

Funny Valentine identifica Lucy como compatível com o Cadáver Santo e cataliza uma fusão e metamorfose entre os dois. Um Stand temporário é criado após o cadáver se fundir com Lucy, se juntando dentro dela e tomando controle de suas funções corporais. Enquanto ativo, o Stand provêm proteção divina, que Valentine usa para sua vantagem durante sua luta contra os protagonistas.

Ticket to Ride (涙の乗車券(チケット・ゥ・ライド))Link para essa seção
Proteção Divina

Leitura Labial

Lucy é uma leitora labial, permitindo que ela espione pessoas e determine o que elas estão dizendo puramente através do movimento de seus lábios. Isso permitiu com que ela soubesse sobre a mensagem secreta que Ringo Roadagain enviou para Valentine e a interceptasse antes do presidente.



Lucy vivia numa família de seis irmãos e era a segunda mais velha deles. Seu pai, Adam Pendleton, era um fazendeiro que possuía uma pequena terra em Oklahoma. Em certo ponto, Lucy conheceu Steven Steel nas ruas quando ele estava sem dinheiro e bêbado, ouvindo aos seus resmungos sobre um plano de promover um grande corrida à cavalos. Lucy o encorajou a realizá-la e fazê-la a mais grande possível com uma rota que atravessava o continente e um prêmio nos milhões de dólares. Steven zombou das sugestões rídiculas da garota e saiu para beber.

A mãe de Lucy, Alice, morreu aos seus trinta-e-sete anos de idade quando Lucy havia apenas doze, depois disso a família caiu em azar. O pai de Lucy ficaria endividado a máfia e, estando incapaz de deixar tomarem sua terra ou levarem seu filho mais velho, ele em troca ofereceu Lucy a eles.[15]

Após seu casamento de fachada, Steven & Lucy desenvolvem uma forte amizade

Então, Steven Steel se manifestou dois anos após conhecer Lucy e ironicamente estava à beira de fazer o que Lucy havia sugerido. Grato a garota por tê-lo dado uma chance de se recuperar, Steven foi à casa dos Pendleton para repagar a garota e seu pai, apenas para ser informado da situação dos Pendleton. Foi então que Steven interviu para repagar o favor que ele devia a Lucy. Para salvar Lucy de se tornar uma prostituta da máfia, Steven pediu com que o pai de Lucy contasse a máfia que Lucy havia sido desflorada por ele. Tal mentira foi facilmente acreditada pelos gângsteres, que aceitaram que Steel pagasse a dívida e Lucy se casou com Steven para completar a mentira.

Endividada ao homem, uma Lucy de doze anos diz a Steven que ela "não se importa", e poderia ser sua "verdadeira esposa" algum dia. Steven nega isso firmemente, e assegura a garota de que ele nunca encostará um dedo nela—pedindo apenas que ela o poupasse do problema de "seu futuro namorado" ser um mafioso. Comovida, Lucy desenvolve um laço intenso e platônico de confiança com Steven nos anos levando até a corrida Steel Ball Run.

Steel Ball Run

Following the Steel Ball Run race

At first, Lucy only supports Steven behind the scene

As Steven Steel's wife, Lucy doesn't involve herself in the race, but nonetheless accompanies her husband to provide him moral support. In San Diego Beach, Lucy accompanies Steven while he oversees the preparation of the race. In private, she is here to reassure him whenever the pressure gets to him and he cries. During the press conference, a journalist tries to inquire about her and the Steel quickly go away.

She accompanies Steven on the VIP train to follow the racers during the first stage. After the first stage, the Steels are brought to a crime scene where three racers were gruesomely disemboweled. Steven prevents her from seeing this however. It is there that she meets the cowboy Mountain Tim, who gives her flowers and expresses disappointment in her being taken.

The true goal of the SBR

During the 2nd Stage, Lucy formally meets President Funny Valentine when she brings coffee to a meeting between Steven and Valentine. A guard blocks her path, making the coffee pot fall but the coffee pot then mysteriously disappears along with the coffee only to fall from the ceiling thanks to an agent posted on the roof of the train. During the third stage, Lucy then eavesdrops on Valentine talking about the Saint's Corpse. Seeing a Heart merged in the President's chest, Lucy learns that the real goal of the race is to gather eight other such Corpse Parts to complete a corpse. She is almost seen by Valentine when he checks outside of his wagon but manages to hide in another wagon.[16] From there on, Lucy stealthily keeps an eye on Valentine.

Lucy steals a critical message and narrowly escapes

In Kansas City, she observes the government building where Valentine and Steven are working from across the street and spies on the President with binoculars and lip-reading. Lucy takes note of an incoming message and eventually sees Valentine raising the possibility of killing Steven. Fearful for her husband, Lucy decides to work to help the President's enemies. Pretending to deliver a forgotten lunch box, Lucy infiltrates the government building, reaches the rooftop and the aviary where messenger pigeons arrive and intercepts a message from Ringo Roadagain. However, Valentine and one of Valentine's Subordinates, Blackmore arrive. Lucy hastily hides under the aviary and is almost caught, but thankfully the pigeon flies away, distracting the two while she goes down the stairs. However, Blackmore and Valentine realize someone has just stolen the message and raise the alarm. Lucy is soon cornered in an office, with officers banging at the door while Blackmore approaches from the outside, hopping on raindrops. She has no choice but to call Mountain Tim, who immediately comes to her aid. Stuck in the toilet, Lucy is saved from being discovered by Mountain Tim who sneaks through the ventilation system and also enables to fit through there with his Stand, Oh! Lonesome Me. Lucy and Tim take refuge in a hangar. Mountain Tim tries to woo her but she reaffirms her loyalty to Steven. Disappointed, Mountain Tim suggests that she contacts Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli. Lucy deciphers Ringo's message, Lucy reaches the location of the Corpse Part and digs up the Spine, but Blackmore soon catches up with her.[17] 

Lucy presents the Spine to Johnny & Gyro

Blackmore takes the Spine from Lucy, who seems powerless as she doesn't have a Stand, and tries to call the President. However, a spatial anomaly transports them elsewhere, cutting off the telephone line. At this point, a manifestation of the Corpse's power appears to Blackmore, allowing Lucy to shoot Blackmore and escape toward Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar. She meets them with the Spine, explains how she discovered Valentine's schemes and begs them to help her husband Steven. When Blackmore comes, Lucy is almost killed by having water blades driven into her but Gyro manages to defeat Blackmore, who dies from his wounds. Lucy then reveals what she knows about the President's plot and explains that Valentine has the Heart, making him a Stand User. Gyro shoves Lucy on Johnny's horse and lets loose Lucy's horse to erase any trace of her presence. Gyro enlists her in a plan to steal the Heart from the President and though Lucy wanted to ask for their protection, Gyro tells her that she wouldn't want to live her whole life in fear of reprisal. To protect her husband, Lucy will have to go out to steal the Corpse Part. To help her, Gyro gives her the Right Eye since he still has his Spin mastery. Lucy reluctantly agrees and rejoins her husband without raising attention.[18]

Lucy's Mission

Lucy is able to approach Scarlet Valentine and infiltrate the presidential residence

In Chicago, the investigation on the traitor who interfered in Kansas City closes in on Lucy. Nervous, Lucy enacts her plan. Following Scarlet Valentine, the President's wife, she notices her unique tastes in literature and decides to seduce her. Moreover, Lucy meets Hot Pants, who has guessed that she is the traitor. Hot Pants also helps her, using Cream Starter to give Lucy two doses of an instantaneous sleeping agent as well as a ready-to-use disguise on her face. Lucy thus ostentatiously reads a book that Scarlet has read, enabling her to engage a conversation and seduce the First Lady.

As the mission goes wrong, Lucy is forced to pose as Scarlet

In the presidential compound, Lucy shares a moment with Scarlet and puts her to sleep before heading for Valentine's room, where the President supposedly takes his naps. When she reaches the bedroom, Valentine wakes up and the balloon guard dogs created by Tubular Bells are roused by her scent. Lucy disguises herself as Scarlet and manages to put him to sleep. However, Lucy discovers that the President now has many more Corpse Parts than the Heart and the dogs begin to attack, turning back into nails in her body. Worse, Scarlet has come to the bedroom and surprises her. Scarlet draws a gun and shoots Lucy, who tackles the First Lady into the bathroom. Scarlet manages to pin Lucy as the guard dogs approach, but Lucy then sheds her fake skin, misleading the dogs into killing Scarlet. The head of security Mike O. and Hot Pants arrive at the same time and a fight ensues between them. Mike O. is eventually killed by Hot Pants. However, Lucy cannot escape and is forced to disguise herself as Scarlet again.[19]

Valentine eventually realizes that his wife is not herself. In Philadelphia in Independence Hall, the two participate in a music session. He takes the occasion to confront his "wife", knowing that she is an impostor, and confesses that she is strangely charming. The Right Eye falls out of Lucy's pocket and rolls towards the Corpse' hiding spot in an adjacent room. Valentine notices her interest in the room and in return, she asks him the reason of his interest in the race to change the subject of the conversation. Valentine thus explains himself, his philosophy and how obtaining the Corpse will allow America to stand atop the world.

Lucy is pregnant with the Corpse

Excited by his speech, Valentine forces himself on "Scarlet", who draws a knife and tries to stab him. Valentine grabs her wrist at first but Lucy surprises him by shedding her disguise. Valentine is shocked to see her and is stabbed in the throat, but surprisingly disappears under a chair only to return, seemingly unscathed. Lucy tries to trick Valentine into following a false trail by dispersing her clothes in the corridor but keeps hiding in the room and sneaks where the Corpse is stored. Lucy tries to seek a way to escape but only finds the Saint's Corpse. It is revealed that Lucy is the host of the Head, pregnant with the Corpse.

Transported to another room, Lucy regains consciousness when she hears a voice and overhears the presidential aides letting Steven Steel die from his wounds. A voice tells her to "cut" while she tries to escape and is noticed by the aides. Manhandled by the aides who try to inject a sedative in her, Lucy tries to use her tears as a knife, it doesn't accomplish anything directly, but a series of incredible events manage to save her and kill the aides. Lucy transports Steven to a coach and forces the driver to bring them out of the compound, still guided by the voice. To her horror, Lucy eventually arrives to the USS Blue Hawaii, Valentine's ship. The President has been guiding her to him.

The End of the Race

File:Lucy transformation.png
Lucy turns into a goddess

Lucy is brought to Valentine's ship and tries to leave a message for her allies but Valentine sees it. Lucy expects his fury but Valentine surprisingly swears not to kill Steven. They subsequently depart for New Jersey, eventually taking a train.

Having absorbed the entire Saint's Corpse, Lucy begins to experience drastic changes and supernatural phenomenons. Her skins sheds as she becomes the Corpse itself and spatial anomalies occur near her. Eventually, Lucy loses consciousness and becomes the Corpse, granting Valentine the ability D4C Love Train. During Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar's battle against Valentine, Steven manages to lift her out of the train and put her in Gyro's care, inadvertently saving Johnny. Johnny eventually defeats Valentine and the Saint's Corpse separates itself from Lucy.

Lucy's woes have ended

After Funny Valentine is defeated at the hands of Johnny and the completed Corpse removed itself from her body, she is reunited with Steven. However, Johnny notices that the Corpse had just been taken by someone working with Funny Valentine and chases after him to reclaim it. Lucy notices that the horse tracks start from the hole Funny Valentine left in his wake and puts together that the thief is in fact Diego Brando from an alternate dimension, whom she plans to confront at the shelter that was made to house the Corpse should Johnny fail to retrieve it first. Lucy finds the alternate Diego in the vault beneath Trinity Church. The World pins Lucy against the wall and Diego checks that no one else is around. Confronting the girl, Diego asks why Lucy is here to which she answers that she crossed the continent for happiness. Diego says that he plans to kill Steven Steel because he knows too much, but lusts after Lucy and plans on making her his woman. However, Lucy give him the severed head of Diego. Realizing the danger, Diego stops time and tries to flee, but his missing leg prevents him from doing that. Furious, Diego tries to kill Lucy instead but the head of the original Diego Brando flies towards him. Diego's head explodes and is disintegrated, killing the jockey. Satisfied, Lucy leaves the vault, her heart at peace.


Lucy in 1901 at Morioh

At some point after the Steel Ball Run race, Lucy joins the Speedwagon Foundation, an organization dedicated to the progression of science, specializing in botany and geomorphology.[20]

In 1901, the Saint's Corpse goes missing from its safe as it was stolen by Johnny Joestar. Along with other government officials, Lucy searches for the perpetrator and follows Johnny to Morioh. They eventually find Johnny's corpse underneath a boulder by the twin pines on November 12, a day after he died. Lucy and the others retrieve the corpse in a suitcase with the logo of the Speedwagon Foundation and take it back with them to America.[21][22]

Some time in 1941, a widowed Lucy arrives in S-City to investigate the place of the twin pines Morioh. She has heard about a "Radio Gaga incident" in which a young woman has disappeared in mysterious circumstances near the place. Already in the know about the existences of plots of lands which, like the Devil's Palm, have supernatural properties, and suspecting that the Locacaca might be growing here, Lucy decides to investigate. When she arrives at the train station, her luggage containing a camera equipment is stolen, but local boy named Fumi manages to knock down the thief, forcing him to abandon the luggage before he flees. Though she offers him 20,000 yen to tour her in the city, the boy politely declines the offer as he is supposed to meet his girlfriend. He notices her holding a photograph of an orchard to which he calls the place of "The Radio Gaga Incident", a place of bad luck with numerous deaths in the past. With his wallet suddenly stolen, he then takes her offer. Fumi wonders if Lucy was going to the orchard because of the local legend, in which a woman had followed a strange voice near a guard rail and begun to strip herself. She later disappeared after a farmer's truck passes by, leaving only a piece of her bloodied foot behind. Lucy only says that she was investigating the site as her "mission", as if it was a command from heaven.[20]

Lucy's clothes dragged into Radio Gaga

Fumi and Lucy are driven to Morioh's hunting grounds near the orchard owned by the Higashikata family. As she uses her spyglass to observe the Higashikata house, Fumi finds the remains of a bird under his foot. He freaks out after Lucy's driver appears behind him, seemingly entranced by a voice only he can hear. He begins to strip down naked, just like the victims in the local legend. Panicking, Fumi calls Lucy's attention before a truck passes on the road and the driver disappears. Fumi inspects the remaining clothes but only finds a severed hand. Lucy explains why she came to Morioh. Suddenly, Lucy hears strange voices and is sucked into a gap between the guard rails.

Realizing the situation, Fumi drags Lucy away from the guard rail. Lucy profusely apologizes for involving him in her mission to find a plant and explains that the guard rail, Radio Gaga, must be a new type of creature protecting something. She suddenly coughs up blood, prompting Fumi to drag her towards the car before the bloodied remains of the driver pulls them back, seemingly controlled by Radio Gaga. With no other choice, Fumi exchanges position with Lucy and lets himself be dragged by the driver. Lucy spots a distinct birthmark on the back of his shoulder and realizes that he is a Joestar, connecting them in her mission. She tells him to start the car engine, knowing that he has his own Stand. Fumi, revealed to be Joseph Joestar, unleashes his vine-like Stand to drag the car and throw it towards Radio Gaga. He tells his story to her while carrying Lucy on his back. At the same time, Lucy sees a man in the distance planting a Locacaca on a pot.

Later on, Joseph accompanies Lucy to her hometown in America, becoming her assistant in the process. Three years later, at the age of 68, she passes away from a lung disease.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • He's going to be killed... My husband was just being used... When they don't need him anymore... they're going to dispose of him.
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 36: The Green Tomb, Part 1
  • Mountain Tim. Maybe I've led you on... but the only person that could help me there... was you.
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 37: The Green Tomb, Part 2
  • My name is Lucy Steel... The only man I love... is my husband. I am who I am, only because of my name, Steel.
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 37: The Green Tomb, Part 2
  • Please help me! You're the only ones who can! Please help my husband!
  • If they know, I'm finished...! If the president found out, then my husband will already be dead by now! But that's just a matter of time, too... Oh... They'll find out about me sooner or later...!
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 40: Silent Way, Part 1
  • I'll do it... I... I'll do it... I'll do it... If that's the only way... I'll do as you say...
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 40: Silent Way, Part 1
  • He's the devil... The devil's on his side... No matter who it is, I doubt that they'll be able to stop the president.
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 62: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
  • Please, God, protect him... Please keep him safe...! For that, I... To protect him, I... I'll give up anything...!
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 62: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
  • I was covered in light... and it talked... The light talked... He said that I would bear it... Not by you... Not by the president... It told me that this was inevitable...
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 62: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
  • Be careful with that shotgun... or I'll cut you.
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 72: Ticket to Ride, Part 2
  • What I used my tear cutter on... wasn't the president... It was my skirt... Just who is the one that's just...? If I'm to surrender myself to a flow... That is a flow too...
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 73: D4C, Part 6
  • My body is being replaced with something else... Th... The Corpse... Am... Am I going to turn into the Corpse?
    —Lucy Steel, Steel Ball Run Chapter 74: D4C, Part 7
  • For happiness... It was for happiness that I crossed this continent... and came here.
  • If the same two things meet, they'll be annihilated. I heard the president say that when I was on the train. Something that came from the another world and something in this world.

Quote.png Quotes
  • My name is Lucy Steel. I work for a group dedicated to the progress of science called the Speedwagon Foundation. I specialize in botany and geomorphology... I'm here to investigate that land. Also, it's not madame, I'm single. Though I have been married once.
    —Lucy Steel, JoJolion Chapter 109: The Radio Gaga Incident (1941)
  • As you live, you find something called a mission. Moreso than a job or something you chose, something that was chosen by some great flow. Like a command from Heaven. Something you do for the world at large or for the sake of one particular person.
    —Lucy Steel, JoJolion Chapter 109: The Radio Gaga Incident (1941)
  • I received information that recently that a fruit discovered in the New Guinea Highlands was being imported by Japanese fruit traders... But deep within this beautiful countryside, there's a darkness...!! This guard rail... It's a new type of creature and most likely an animal! Something like a snake or a guard dog...!
    —Lucy Steel, JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor
  • I know it... That star-shaped birthmark on your shoulder... And I know... that we're connected by a mission. And while I can't see it with my eyes... I know that you have that power of the heart, a Stand!!
    —Lucy Steel to Joseph Joestar, JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor

Video Games

All Star Battle (PS3)

Lucy Steel appears as a stage hazard on the Philadelphia Coastline stage. Her Ticket to Ride grants players who touch the column of light a stock of Heart Heat Gauge, only recurring if the light fades before anyone touches it.


Dio thanks Lucy
The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Lucy is a minor character in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. Dio's Beyond causes her womb to miraculously hold a supplemental head for the Saint's Corpse. Shortly after the death of the Parallel World Diego Brando, the head of the original universe Dio Brando suddenly appears by Lucy at Trinity Church. Dio plans to reclaim his body, as his body parts scattered in this universe after his battle with Kars and became what was known as the "Saint's Corpse" in the Steel Ball Run race. Dio thanks Lucy because her giving birth to the supplemental head allowed Dio to reach this spot where all his body parts were gathered without Funny Valentine or anyone in the race suspecting the truth of where the corpse's head had gone.

After the battle with Dio is over, Lucy stares at Erina. They mention how their maiden names are both Pendleton and discuss how it is important to keep faith. The two are glad they could meet each other and tears run down Lucy's cheeks, although she doesn't know why.[23]



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