Trembling Era
"Trembling Era ~ Rugby" (揺れる時代〜ラグビー, Yureru Jidai ~ Ragubī) is the eighth number of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood musical. It is performed by YOUNG DAIS, the actor of Robert E. O. Speedwagon, Jumpei Shimada, the actor of Wang Chan, Yamato Kochi, the actor of Jack the Ripper, and the full acting company.[1] The number depicts the time skip from 1881 to 1888, showing how London has entered an era of fear with new threats like Jack the Ripper emerging, as well as Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando working together in rugby. It adapts Chapter 6.
"Trembling Era - Darkness of the Back Alley" (揺れる時代 路地裏の闇, Yureru Jidai - Rojiura no Yami) is the 20th number, and is performed by Mamoru Miyano, the actor of Dio Brando, Yamato Kochi, Jumpei Shimada, and the acting company.[1] The reprise depicts Dio recruiting Jack the Ripper to his side by turning him into a zombie, adapting Chapter 18.
Trembling Era ~ Rugby
The regular text is rapped by YOUNG DAIS, the orange text is sung by the acting company, the red text is sung by Jumpei Shimada, the lavender blue text is sung by Yamato Kochi, and the lilac purple text is sung by both Shimada and Kochi.
それから past 7years 時代は移り
ヴィクトリア朝 後ろノリ
激動し 遂げる発展 “英国文化”の絶頂
ポートベロー 温故知新のマーケット
太陽が呑まれてく 現れる街のリアル 伸びる影
呑まれるな もがきあがけ
霧とスモッグが混ざり 街を覆い隠す罪
手を伸ばせ 明かりの方へ 落ちたくない
綺麗も汚いも ハッ 混じって澱みが溜まる
掃き溜めに捨てられて 寄り添い悪臭を放つ
かぐわしい この闇は 居心地がいい
何かがおかしい 人は渇き歪んでく 壊れてく
産声を上げる 切り裂きジャック
貧しきを憎め 金持ちを憎め 上げろ 声
今ここに集え 街をジャック 暴動だ
In 1887 at Trafalgar Square
声が上がる(平等を 仕事を 金を)
高いとこから 金持ちは
眺め笑う(日々の 食事を 命を)
暴動 鎮圧 流れる血が
そんなロンドンから離れて今 ここリバプール
流れた7年という月日が Graduation Year
そう まばゆい光を放つ 二つのスター
今こそ声を上げて Ahhh
捕まった 倒れない(ふたり)
引き摺り進め ジョジョ(なんてこった)
パスが またディオに通った
我が校の誇り それが
阿吽の呼吸 最高のパートナー
Romaji and English Translation
Sore kara past 7years, jidai wa utsuri
Vikutoria-chō, ushiro nori
Afure kaeru hodo ni jinkō wa zōka
Geijutsu ya goraku ga abiru shōsan
Dare ni mo tomerarenai nagare no naka de
Gekidō shi, togeru hatten, "Igirisu bunka" no zetchō
Chōjō no ato wa kudari-zaka
Toppurannā ga sasareru no wa, saga
Hitosashi-yubi otta Rondon no Peace
Shinkyū irimajiru konton no hibi
Meian tsuiteku Rondon no chizu
Maru de ano kuni no genzai to issho
Sono kuragari ni awaseteku pinto
Yureru kakusa no kāten
Pōtoberō, onko-chishin no māketto
Since then, in the past 7 years, the times have a-changed
The Victorian era's taken a backseat
Population rising to the point of overflowing
Praise being heaped onto art and entertainment
In the middle of a flow nobody can stop
Comes a shocking twist: British culture's at its top
But after the summit, it's all downhill
The saga of what backstabbed the frontrunner
Peace in London, with a broken pinky finger
Chaotic days where new and old mix together
The black and white seen on the map of London
are just like the current state of the nation
Let's turn our focus to that darkness
The curtain of inequality swaying
In Portobello, a market learning from the past
Taiyō ga nomareteku, arawareru machi no riaru, nobiru kage
Nomareru na, mogaki agake
Kiri to sumoggu ga mazari, machi o ōi kakusu tsumi
Te o nobase, akari no kata e, ochitaku nai
As the sun's engulfed, the reality of this city appears in the growing shadows
Don't let it overwhelm you, struggle to survive
The fog and smog mix with the sins this town conceals
Reach out your hand toward the light—why must it set tonight?
Kirei mo kitanai mo, ha! Majitte yodomi ga tamaru
Hakidame ni suterarete, yorisoi akushū o hanatsu
Kaguwashī, kono yami wa igokochi ga ī
The clean and the filthy, ah, blend together and pile up
Abandoned to the garbage dump, we huddle close and reek a foul stench
This sweet-smelling darkness we find so comforting
Nanika ga okashī, hito wa kawaki yugandeku, kowareteku
Ubugoe o ageru, kirisaki Jakku
Mazushiki o nikume, kanemochi o nikume, agero koe
Ima koko ni tsudoe, machi o Jakku, bōdō da
Something's terribly wrong! Everyone's gone mad, broken by thirst
Here we see the birth of Jack the Ripper
Hating the poor and hating the rich, we raise our voices loud
Here and now, the city's Jacks assemble—for a revolt!
In 1887 at Trafalgar Square
Koe ga agaru (Byōdō o, shigoto o, kane o)
Takai toko kara kanemochi wa
Nagame warau (Hibi no shokuji o, inochi o)
In 1887 at Trafalgar Square
We cry out! (For equality, for jobs, for money!)
From on high, the wealthy look out
And they laugh! (Over their daily meals, our lives!)
Sekai ga kasoku shite iku
The world seems to be speeding up
Bōdō, chin'atsu, nagareru chi ga
Sonna Rondon kara hanarete ima, koko Ribapūru
Nagareta 7-nen toiu tsukihi ga, Graduation Year
Yatsu-ra ni totte wa (Sekai ga kasoku shite iku)
Dakedo yatsu-ra-tte dare?
Sukuramu o kumi shōri e mukau
Sō, mabayui hikari o hanatsu, futatsu no sutā
The riot, surpressed, the blood keeps flowing
But here we are in Liverpool, away from that London
Seven years have passed, it's now graduation year
At least, for them it is, (The world seems to be speeding up)
but who exactly are "they"?
They form a scrum as they head for the win
Yes, our two dazzling stars are shining
Ima koso koe o agete, Ahhh
Now's the time to raise your voice and scream, ahhh!
Maru de jūkikan-sha (Hitori)
Tsukamatta, taorenai (Futari)
Hikizuri susume, JoJo (Nante kotta)
Waga kō no hokori (Suggō~i!)
Hyū Hadoson no JoJo (4-nin-me!)
Sasuga ni guratsuku ka
He's like a locomotive (One!)
He's caught, but won't fall (Two!)
JoJo just drags them all forward (What a guy!)
The pride of our school (He's amazing!)
Hugh Hudson's JoJo (Four of them!)
Is he starting to wobble after all?
Dio da (karei na hashiri)
Dio Burandō (subete okizari)
Pasu ga mata Dio ni tōtta
(Dare mo oitsukenai)
Masani (mizu no yō COOL)
Maru de (seimitsu kikai)
Waga kō no hokori, sore ga
It's Dio! (A graceful dash!)
Dio Brando (They're all in the dust!)
And Dio's caught the pass as well
(No one can reach him!)
He's just (as cool as water!)
He's like (a precision instrument!)
There lies the pride of our school
JoJo to Dio
Aun no kokyū, saikō no pātonā
JoJo and Dio
In perfect harmony, the ultimate partners!
Trembling Era - Darkness of the Back Alley
The orange text is sung by the acting company, the purple text is sung by Mamoru Miyano, the red text is sung by Jumpei Shimada and the company, the lavender blue text is sung by Yamato Kochi, and the regular text is sung by both Miyano and Kochi.
また出たぞ 殺人鬼だッ 手口は同じ 女の
喉を切り裂き その腑を…
残虐さは最悪 動機 正体 一切不明
真相は掴めない 霧のように
夜中に外を歩くな やられるぞッ ヤツが出るぞッ
娼婦だけ殺し 腑を壁にぶちまける
あ゙ー 霧と闇を纏う その名はジャック
痛みは感じない もう恐れるものはない
生まれ直した今 俺の人生を始めよう
ああ 傷を癒やさなければ
そして忠実な下僕が ジャック
お前は力が欲しくはないか(力を 快楽を)
わかるさ ジャック お前は 怒っているんだろう
楽しさに溺れる女に 幸福に塗れる女に
もっとぶちまけろ もう恐れなくていい(力を 快楽を URRRY URRRY)
ジャック もう悩まなくてもいい
そばに来い ジャック・ザ・リパー
くだらない 理を変えろ
俺の人生 太陽はもう いらない
(血を 肉を 喰らい尽くせ)
(血を 肉を 喰らい尽くせ)
(血を 肉を 喰らい尽くせ)
(血を 肉を)ディオの世界
Romaji and English Translation
Mata kita zo, satsujinki da! Teguchi wa onaji, onna no
Nodo o kirisaki, sono fu o...
Zangyaku-sa wa saiaku, dōki shōtai issai fumei
Shinsō wa tsukamenai, kiri no yō ni
The murderer's struck again! The method's always the same
He rips a woman's throat apart, and then the organs too...
Such cruelty, beyond repulsive! We know neither his motive nor name
The truth lies beyond our reach, as if shrouded by mist
Yonaka ni soto o aruku na, yarareru zo! Yatsu ga deru zo!
Rondon o mushibamu satsujinki ga
Don't go out at night, or you'll be killed! He's out to get you!
A killer's rotting London from the inside
Shōfu dake koroshi, fu o kabe ni buchimakeru
Ā, kiri to yami o matō, sono na wa Jakku
Jakku za Ripā
He only targets prostitutes, but spills their guts on the walls
Ah! This man wrapped in fog and darkness we call Jack—
Jack the Ripper!
Itami wa kanjinai, mō osoreru mono wa nai
Umare naoshita ima, ore no jinsei o hajimeyō
Ā, kizu o iyasanakereba, inochi ga hitsuyō da
Soshite chūjitsu na geboku ga, Jakku
Omae wa chikara ga hoshiku wa nai ka (Chikara o, kairaku o)
Ore ga sazukeyō (URRRY URRRY)
I feel no pain anymore, I have nothing left to fear
Now that I've been reborn, it's time to start my life anew
Ah, if I'm going to heal my wounds, I'll need the lives of others
Not to mention faithful servants... Jack!
Wouldn't you like to have power? (Power and pleasure!)
I can give it to you (Urrry, urrry!)
Wakaru sa, Jakku, omae wa okotte irun darō
Tanoshi-sa ni oboreru onna ni, kōfuku ni nureru onna ni
Motto buchimakero, mō osore nakute ī (Chikara o, kairaku o, URRRY URRRY)
Jakku, mō nayamanakute mo ī
Ima ijō no kairaku o sono te ni
I know you well, Jack—you're filled with anger, correct?
Toward women drowning in pleasure, toward women covered by happiness
Let it all out even more, you needn't be afraid (Power and pleasure! Urrry, urrry!)
Jack, there's no need to worry about anything
Even finer pleasure is yours for the taking
Ore ni osore nado wa nai
Kyūkutsu na rōgoku kara dero (Omae wa)
Soba ni koi, Jakku za Ripā
Kono te o tore (Nanimono nanda)
Hoshi o miru ka, doro o miru ka
Kudaranai ri o kaero
Ore wa koko kara ikiru
Ore no jinsei, taiyō wa mō iranai
I don't feel the slightest fear
Break out from your cramped little prison (You...!)
Come to me now, Jack the Ripper
Come and take my hand (Who the hell are you?!)
The stars or the mud, they say
We'll overturn that foolish logic
From this moment on, I will live!
I no longer need the sun to survive!
(Chi o, niku o, kurai tsukuse)
(Chi o, niku o, kurai tsukuse)
(Chi o, niku o, kurai tsukuse)
(Chi o, niku o) Dio no sekai
(Blood, flesh, we'll eat it all the same!)
(Blood, flesh, we'll eat it all the same!)
(Blood, flesh, we'll eat it all the same!)
(Blood, flesh!) That's Dio's world!
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