Takuma Hasumi
Takuma Hasumi (蓮見 琢馬, Hasumi Takuma) est le protagoniste/antagoniste principal du roman court The Book: 4th Another Day, un roman dérivé Diamond is Unbreakable.
Takuma est un lycéen de Morioh avec une mémoire eidétique. Nous découvrons son histoire et ses objectifs au fil de l'intrigue du roman. Takuma est un manieur de Stand ; son Stand The Book stocke ses souvenir sous la forme d'un livre.
Takuma est un adolescent à la carrure fine et aux cheveux clairs. En revanche, il possède des yeux étroits d'un noir intense, et il est réputé pour avoir perpétuellement une expression froide. Les signes distinctifs de Takuma sont une tache de naissance en forme de cheval sur son cou et des marques rouges permanentes sur ses bras, acquises parce qu'il a passé une période à se gratter continuellement les bras.
En tant que lycéen, Takuma porte un uniforme d'école sombre, ce qu'il fait constamment pour cacher ses marques de griffures. Il porte également un ensemble de trois colliers au cou et des boucles d'oreilles à l'oreille droite.
Takuma garde constamment un stylo plume dans sa poche de poitrine, un cadeau du Pleurnichard.[1]
Takuma est un garçon distant et immoral, accablé par ses souvenirs et désireux de venger sa mère.
La personnalité de Takuma est fortement influencée par sa mémoire eidétique. En réalité son incapacité à oublier a tendance à l'accabler. Takuma est une personne particulièrement froide et solitaire. Durant sa jeunesse, Takuma était un garçon plutôt normal, mais comme il se souvenait sans cesse de tous les mauvais souvenirs entre lui et ses camarades, le garçon a coupé toute relation avec eux. Notamment, Takuma a cherché à consoler un camarade surnommé le Pleurnichard des sévices que ce dernier subissait de la part des autres enfants.[2] Takuma est un individu plutôt formel et ne cherche pas à être sympathique avec les gens. Sa seule connaissance et amie lors de l'histoire est Chiho Futaba (qui est en fait sa soeur), avec laquelle il agit toujours de manière assez froide. Takuma est totalement incapable d'aimer. Takuma note même qu'il sentait qu'il était incapable d'aimer sa soeur. La seule personne qu'il ait jamais aimé est sa mère, qui a pris soin de lui et s'est sacrifiée pour lui.
Afin d'éviter d'accumuler davantage de souvenirs et d'alourdir son esprit (et a fortiori The Book), Takuma a choisi de mener une vie de reclus, vivant seul et essayant de faire le moins de choses possible. Il suit une routine stricte et traîne dans les mêmes endroits, comme la bibliothèque municipale de Morioh[2], et se rend souvent chez ses grands-parents décédés. Takuma lit encore régulièrement, notamment son propre carnet de notes, et apprécie cette activité, déclarant qu'interrompre une séance de lecture est particulièrement impolie.
Grâce à The Book, Takuma a appris les circonstances tragiques de sa naissance. Connaissant la souffrance de sa mère, Takuma cherche à se venger de son père Teruhiko Futaba. Takuma est dévoué à cet objectif, ayant passé des années à enquêter sur son père pour découvrir ses crimes, et à planifier chacun de ses mouvements même plusieurs années à l'avance pour maximiser la douleur qu'il infligerait à Teruhiko.[3] Takuma est athée car dans son esprit, il pense que Dieu ne permettrait pas à quelqu'un d'aussi méchant que son père de prospérer s'il existait vraiment.[4] Il ne considère pas qu'il sera libéré de son passé avant d'avoir pris sa revanche. Pourtant, Takuma n'a pas formé de véritable plan au-delà de sa vengeance pour Akari, et son suicide laisse entendre qu'il pensait en avoir fini avec sa vie après avoir vengé sa mère.[3]
Dans sa quête de vengeance, Takuma est particulièrement insensible et impitoyable. Il a tué Hanae Orikasa avec son Stand,[5] et a cherché à assassiner Josuke Higashikata lorsqu'il a appris qu'il enquêtait sur le premier meurtre.[5] Cependant son plus grand méfait est d'avoir manipulé sa demi-sœur Chiho pour qu'elle tombe amoureuse de lui et d'avoir eu des relations sexuelles avec elle afin qu'elle tombe enceinte de lui. Il a ensuite fait allusion à ses actions à Teruhiko pour le tourmenter au moment où ce dernier réaliserait la vérité. D'au autre côté, il se sentait toujours coupable de ses crimes et était dégouté par lui-même à l'idée de son inceste.[3]
Lors d'un combat, Takuma cherche généralement à tuer son ennemi aussi efficacement que possible. Comme il est du type d'un intellectuel, Takuma a tendance à regarder de haut les types non éduqués ou les individus à l'allure rude comme Okuyasu Nijimura, les sous-estimant au passage, mais il est capable d'apprendre quand il juge mal quelqu'un et reconnaît les mérites de ses ennemis.[4].
Pouvoirs et Compétences
The Book est un Stand en forme de livre, qui contient tout les souvenir de Takuma. Tous ceux qui lisent The Book peut revivre ses souvenirs.
Lancer de Couteaux
Takuma est un adepte du lancer de couteaux dans le but de tuer. Comme il ne peut pas facilement tuer avec The Book, Takuma a décidé d'apprendre à manier des couteaux pour se défendre au corps à corps mais aussi pour pouvoir attaquer à distance, hors de la portée de son Stand. Il peut déterminer la distance qui le sépare d'une cible, et sait donc lancer son couteau de façon à ce que la pointe touche sa cible. Il sait aussi lancer plusieurs couteaux en même temps, et peut jouer avec un couteau dans ses mains facilement.[4]
Lecture des lèvres
Takuma sait lire sur les lèvres, comprenant alors de quoi les gens parlent sans avoir à les entendre.[4] Celà lui permet de découvrir que Josuke enquêtait sur lui.[1]
Takuma is the son of Akari Hirai and Teruhiko Okami. After Akari gave birth to him, Teruhiko abandoned him in a temple according to their deal. Takuma was then taken to an orphanage called Tsutsuji no Oka (Azalea's Hill), and got this name from the orphanage dean, inspired by his horse-shaped birthmark. Later, the orphanage staff found out about his natural ability to not forget anything and thought he was a genius, but were disappointed when they realized he could only store data, but not actually put them together to solve problems.
Takuma was once involved in a traffic accident when he was in grade 2. He was recalling a classic music he heard on music class, and found that music so familiar but had no clue. During his concentrating, Takuma accidentally walked down to the road and got severely hit by a car. Though saved after a few days of coma, the crash left a scar on his right thigh root.
It turns out his ability made his life much worse, as he could never forget anything in his head, even those unpalatable scenes and experiences. Overwhelmed by the infinitely increasing memories and the horribly actual feelings, Takuma excluded himself in a single room in the orphanage and cut off all communication. Yet the memories still didn't stop emerging, Takuma started to hurt himself, mainly scratching his arms strongly. He even tried suicide for multiple times, including stabbing the veins in his wrists with a scissor, jumping down the building, but never succeeded. During his hospitalization, he developed his Stand, The Book, and the memories once stored in his head were all transferred in the Stand, so his long pain was finally solved. He soon recovered and returned to the orphanage, but still lived in the single room in case something happened again. Later, he found nobody could see The Book except himself, and he could remember anything in his life anytime he wanted just by looking at the pages of it.
By reading the distant past of himself from The Book, with the hints of that classical music and his annual nightmares, Takuma got to know Akari, who gave birth to him in a dingy place and dedicated her utmost to him for only 3 days (when that classical music was played and left impression on Takuma). Then a man came along with a woman, took him away and dropped him in a temple. The Book recorded the whole process including their conversation. From this information, he ascertained Teruhiko and Hanae, and understood what happened between them and Akari. To verify this, Takuma made his way to the building gap in which Akari was trapped, and found Akari's corpse there. Takuma regathered Akari's scattered bones and hair, collected Akari's necklace, as well as the postcard with a horse on a grassland which was decorated in Takuma's room later. After knowing that Akari died due to Teruhiko, Takuma vowed revenge.
Takuma started to practice throwing knives when he was in grade 6. With the help of The Book, he soon mastered this skill no matter what kinds of knives he used. When Takuma was 13, on a winter night, he encountered the 12-year-old Chiho Futaba, Teruhiko's daughter, who was being entangled by a delinquent on her way of home leaving. Takuma then used a knife to cut down one of the delinquent's ears, saved Chiho and left. From then on, Takuma continued his reclusive life, remaining unfamiliar to anyone, but having a plan of his revenge.
After Takuma graduated from middle school, he moved into a house where a family suicide case happened before. It is revealed later in the story that Takuma still keeps contact with the orphanage and occasionally goes there to help the work, probably implying Takuma's living is supported by the orphanage.
The Book: 4th Another Day
When Takuma gets to know that his father's former lover Hanae Orikasa is searching for him, he makes his first move, goes to Hanae's house, shows her his identity and kills her with his car crash memory from his Stand, so her death would reach Teruhiko's ears. He then meets Chiho again at Thorn Parlor, a local public library Takuma likes to go, and develops a friendship with her.
It is mentioned by Chiho during their communication that Takuma likes going to bookstore, second-hand bookstore, stationery shop, library. He also visits a deserted house located in the farmland of east Morioh a lot, for some fresh air, quoting his words. The house used to be Akari and her parents' home. Several years after Akari was missing, her parents died of illness one after another, hence the house was deserted. Takuma also claims that he knew the old couples who used to live there (who were actually his grandparents), but only their apperances.
Believing Hanae's death to be the work of a Stand user, Rohan Kishibe and Koichi Hirose start an investigation on the death of Hanae, which is later accidentally known by Takuma. When Takuma secretly observes Koichi as he was the first discoverer of Hanae Orikasa's body, along with his fellows, Josuke Higashikata and Okuyasu Nijimura, he realizes they are in pursuit of a student with scratches on the arms. Then Takuma passes by Koichi along with Josuke and Okuyasu, yet Okuyasu unintentionally steps on his pen and breaks it, which was received from Crybaby as a gift when Crybaby got adopted and left the orphanage. Josuke then uses Crazy Diamond to repair the pen, being seen by Takuma's eyes and causing Takuma's vigilance to them. In order to confuse them, Takuma later uses The Book to implant his memory of strongly scratching his arms to multiple male students in the high school, causing the actual scratches on all of their arms.
At a day when Takuma is walking with Chiho, he is stopped by Josuke sitting near a pool in front of the train station, for asking time. When Takuma is watching on his watch, Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to loosen the watchband with a clip and make it drop into the pool, forcing Takuma to pick it up with his sleeves rolled up so that he can check Takuma's arms. Understanding Josuke's intention, Takuma picks up his watch without rolling up his sleeves, causing Josuke's suspicion. The small interrogation ends up with Okuyasu running to Josuke and telling him the discovery of several students with scratches on their arms.
Regarding the investigation of Josuke and his fellows as an obstruct, Takuma decides to kill Josuke. He tears down one page from the forbidden area of The Book, recording his painful memories during his childhood, such as suicide commitment, car crash (which is the one Takuma used to kill Hanae Orisaka), and influenza. Planning to use the page recording his wrist-cutting suicide memory to kill Josuke, he seals the page in an envelope and directly sends the letter to Josuke's home. However, Takuma's plan unexpectedly fails because Josuke's mother, Tomoko Higashikata is the one checking the letter and reading the page. Though Tomoko's life is safe thanks to Josuke's immediate rescue, what Takuma's done has seized Josuke's attention and made his mind to catch the culprit.
As time goes by, Takuma and Chiho start a relationship, based on Chiho's growing affection to Takuma and her discovery of the truth that Takuma is actually the teenager who saved her from a delinquent with a knife during her home-leaving. Later, Takuma is invited to Chiho's home for dinner, getting the chance to confront his father, Teruhiko Futaba. Though surprised at finding out Teruhiko can also see The Book, Takuma manages to show his tracking research of Teruhiko's social circle, Teruhiko's illegal commitments, and his idea of marrying Chiho to Teruhiko, making him panic. After that, on the way of Chiho sending Takuma off, she receives a black amber necklace from Takuma, which is the one Teruhiko gave Akari, and Takuma gained from the building gap while searching for Akari's corpse. The necklace gives the final hint about Takuma's identity to Teruhiko, arising an enormous despair to Teruhiko. Right at this point, Takuma's revenge is considered as completed, for his true purpose is not killing Teruhiko, but making Teruhiko live the rest of his life in deep regret.
Takuma plans to leave Morioh Town, for he has achieved his goal here. Before he sets off, he wants to finish Chiho's manuscript at Thorn Parlor. However, Okuyasu finds Takuma and tries defeating him. Lacking experience of Stand battle, Takuma has had a hard fight. Even though Takuma manages to defeat Okuyasu using his influenza memory, he is later chased by Josuke to the roof. During their fight, Takuma is being overpowered. Takuma finds out that Josuke was saved by an student with a pompadour in his past and tries to use it against him, but this just upsets Josuke more. While Takuma is able to heavily injure Josuke, he is eventually defeated by Josuke. When Josuke holds Takuma off the edge of the building by his jacket, he dislodges himself from the jacket, falling to his death on his own accord. After this happens, the orphanage claims Takuma's body from the police and holds his funeral at the temple where he was initially found.
It is revealed Chiho is pregnant with his child.
- “I suppose that a novel is something made up of many lines of characters. The characters are symbols which, when strung together, form words. When words are strung together, they form sentences. And then when sentences are linked together, they become a novel. Much like how DNA is made up of base sequences, characters are arranged into a sequence. That is what I consider a novel. I expect that the job of an author is a lot like weaving a thread to create a carpet. The shape woven with the thread that is the long sequence of characters is not a simple visual image, but a certain type of value or an emotion that cannot be put into words.'”—Takuma Hasumi, The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day
- “Have you ever felt it? The power of a story? A long string of characters can undulate, arrest your heart, and carry it to a far-off place. When you read a novel with real power, it makes you feel like the characters in the story truly exist. The pain and joy of the characters start to feel like your own. Your heart sympathizes with them. Sometimes when the characters in the story suffer an injury or are betrayed by a friend, you the reader also feel a largely physical pain. That is empathy. Similar to how a shaman is writing on a charm that jinxes his target's body, an author kills a person with empathy.'”—Takuma Hasumi, The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day
- “Our battle starts now. Are you ready, The Book?”—Takuma Hasumi, The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day
- “Taking revenge on my father. I lived thinking only of that.”—Takuma Hasumi, The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Book ~jojo's bizarre adventure 4th another day~ Chapter 2: Dies irae
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 The Book ~jojo's bizarre adventure 4th another day~ Chapter 1: Kyrie
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Book ~jojo's bizarre adventure 4th another day~ Chapter 5: The Book Chapter 5
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 The Book ~jojo's bizarre adventure 4th another day~ Chapter 4: Lacrimosa
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 {Ch|The Book Chapter 3}}