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Heheh... this pain is proof of life. If you feel pain, you can feel joy. That's what humanity means. (フフフ…この「痛み」こそ「生」のあかし この「痛み」あればこそ「喜び」も感じることができる これが人間か…)
—Bruford to Jonathan, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero

Bruford (ブラフォード, Burafōdo) is a secondary antagonist featured in the first part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Phantom Blood.

Bruford was formerly a powerful knight in 16th century Great Britain and a loyal retainer of Mary Stuart alongside Tarkus. After dying in disgrace, Bruford is resurrected as a zombie by Dio Brando to battle Jonathan Joestar. He wields a knightly sword named Luck, which he uses in combination with his unnaturally rigid hair.



Bruford is a male zombie with athletic stature, a scar on the bridge of his nose, and long unkempt dark hair. He wears a set of metal armor consisting of a chestplate with a collar-like ornate plate that ends on a decorated metal disk, shoulder pads and ankles pads with a pair of sandals, and a diadem decorated with several jewels.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaPB (PS2)FilmAnime
(Golden diadem with light blue jewels. Blue armor with golden accessories. Brown armguards and a blue loincloth.)
Outfit(Entirely gray armor, black armguards.)
(Gray diadem. Dark blue armor with gray accessories. Green loincloth.)
(Golden diadem. Gray armor with brown straps and golden accessories over light blue clothes with a periwinkle trim.)


When he was alive, Bruford was an honorable knight of Mary Stuart. His feelings toward her surpassed even that of love. When Elizabeth I betrayed Mary Stuart, Bruford stood by her side, fighting off all of Elizabeth's forces. Upon learning of her capture, he was easily willing to die for her. However, when the executioner showed him Mary Stuart's head, even though he accepted execution to save his liege, he flew into a blind rage and began to resent humanity.

As a zombie, his hatred carried over, allowing Dio to use him in his quest for world domination. However, along with his hatred, his pride as a knight also carried over, as seen when he decides to fight Jonathan one on one.

After being defeated by Jonathan, the Ripple energy sent into him restores his human soul, allowing him to feel compassion again. He loses his hatred towards the world and is thankful for the chance to meet the honorable Jonathan.


As a knight, Bruford is supposedly a good fighter. It is stated that against the armies that fought against Mary Stuart, only Bruford and Tarkus could win. Already, Bruford had athletic abilities beyond ordinary humans. An expert swimmer, Bruford was capable of swimming a 5 km lake wearing armor with 30 kg of weight. He also managed to complete the trial of the 77 Rings.

As a Zombie, his strength is multiplied, to the point where he can scrape out a Zombie's nose with just his finger and swim as fast as the Ripple can travel through water, allowing him to escape one of Jonathan's attacks with minimal damage.

Luck(幸運(ラツク) Rakku o, lit. "Good Luck") Link to this section
As a knight, Bruford was fairly proficient in using swords, having defeated several people during the trial of the 77 Rings. After being revived as a zombie, Bruford wields a sword named Luck. When swung, the blade curves significantly to demonstrate its velocity. After being defeated, he gives it to Jonathan, renaming it Luck and Pluck.

Danse Macabre Hair(死髪舞剣(ダンス・マカブヘアー) Dansu Makabu Heā, lit. "Death Hair Sword Dance") Link to this section
Through unknown means, Bruford developed a technique that allowed him to use his hair in combat as a weapon while he was still alive. His hair acted as a third arm, able to entwine things and serve as a distraction. His standard method of fighting consisted of using his hair first and following with a thrust or kick from the enemy's blind spot. This ability allowed him to become the only man without a large build to complete the trial of the 77 Rings. After becoming a zombie, his hair amplifies in power and is shown to able to lift around 105 kilograms with ease; it is later revealed that Bruford's hair works similarly to a phenomenon called Turgor pressure, a technique used by plants to retain their rigidity. Bruford uses his hair's strength to swing his sword, and later extends it outwards in order to tie up his enemies. After piercing an enemy's skin with his hair, Bruford can also use his hair's turgidity to suck blood through the strands of his hair.



A Manuscript depicting Bruford and Tarkus.

Born in the 16th century, Bruford was a member of the Tudor dynasty and a retainer of Mary Stuart. After losing his relatives in previous wars, young Bruford was brought up as Mary Stuart's knight and trained his body for that sole purpose. Bruford became attached to Mary, whose charm made him feel at peace. Alongside his fellow retainer Tarkus, Bruford passed the trial of the 77 Rings in 1563, becoming two of the only five in history to complete it.[3]

Bruford and Tarkus about to be executed

Eventually, Mary was attacked by her political rival Queen Elizabeth, and a war ensued. Bruford and Tarkus fought the queen's army and won every battle, but the rest of Mary's allies were quickly defeated. Mary was eventually captured, and Elizabeth offered Mary's release in return for Bruford and Tarkus's surrender. But on the day they were to executed, Bruford and Tarkus learned from their executioner that Mary had already been killed. Bruford died with resentment in his heart, cursing Elizabeth and all of her descendants; rumors say that his hair entangled the executioner's feet and dug into his flesh as he was beheaded. The story of Bruford and Tarkus became legend throughout England, and a young Jonathan Joestar heard the legend as part of his education.

Phantom Blood

Bruford as a Zombie.

After taking residence in Windknight's Lot following his transition into a vampire, Dio Brando resurrects Bruford and Tarkus as his zombie enforcers to kill Jonathan, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Bruford's hair ensnares Jonathan's arm and begins sucking his blood, but Jonathan uses his other fist to burn the hair with a Scarlet Overdrive. A Zombie tries to bite Jonathan, but Bruford cuts off his nose; he then asks Dio to let him fight Jonathan alone, and Dio accepts. With Tarkus preventing Zeppeli and Speedwagon from stepping in, Bruford begins his attack: leaping into the air, he draws and wields his sword, Luck, with his hair. To avoid the swing, Jonathan is forced duck and jump underwater, and Bruford gives chase. Though Bruford expects Jonathan to swim to the surface for air, Jonathan instead swims downward to find air bubbles beneath the rocks, enabling him to breathe and perform a Turquoise Blue Overdrive. Bruford avoids the brunt of the attack by quickly swimming toward the surface, but the Ripple leaves a scar on his forehead.

The two combatants surface, and Bruford expresses his gratitude toward Dio for allowing him to fight a man like Jonathan. Declaring his intention to hold nothing back, Bruford extends his hair and ties up Jonathan, smashing him against a tree. Bruford draws his sword and swings, but Jonathan kicks the sword, performing a Metal Silver Overdrive to conduct the Ripple through the sword. As Bruford's arm melts, Jonathan pummels Bruford with a Sunlight Yellow Overdrive.

Bruford giving Jonathan his sword.

Though Jonathan's Ripple energy begins to destroy Bruford's body, Bruford announces that the pain means nothing to him and swipes with Luck once again. However, Bruford stops his sword before cutting Jonathan's neck, having regained his former humanity due to the Ripple's effects. Accepting his defeat with grace, Bruford notes that he has lost his resentment toward humanity, expressing only contentment to be reunited with Mary in the afterlife. After asking Jonathan's name, Bruford gives the youth his sword, which he renames to Pluck before completely turning to ash. Jonathan mourns Bruford's bizarre fate, having been forced to kill such a noble warrior to save his soul; his sorrow is not shared by Tarkus, who calls Bruford a mockery of the 77 Rings winners and kicks his armor and remains aside, inadvertently turning them into a barrage of metal that wounds Zeppeli.

Major Battles

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • He's not half bad! He'll be perfect for our first warm-up in three hundred years! (この小僧少しはやるなァ 三百年ぶりのワォーミングアップにゃちょうどいいィ相手だァ!!)
    —Bruford about Jonathan, Chapter 27: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 2
  • This time, it's power against power! Skill against skill! Soul against soul! Fight me, Bruford, with your all! (今度は能力と能力!技と技!精神と精神!きさま、最大を尽くし このブラフォードと闘えィィィィ!)
    —Bruford to Jonathan, Chapter 29: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 4
  • I am the Dark Knight Bruford. This mere pain will not stop me! (おれは…黒騎士ブラフォード これしきの痛み!へこたれめわッ!)
    —Bruford, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
  • Heheh... this pain is proof of life. If you feel pain, you can feel joy. That's what humanity means. (フフフ…この「痛み」こそ「生」のあかし この「痛み」あればこそ「喜び」も感じることができる これが人間か…)
    —Bruford to Jonathan, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
  • I feel strangely at peace. I no longer resent the world... for I could meet this great man, this warm human, in my very last moments... I'm ready to meet my queen... (奇妙なやすらきをおれは今感じる。もう世への恨みはない…こんなすばらしい男にこんなあたたかい人間に最後の最後に出会えたから…我が女王のもとへ旅立とう…)
    —Bruford, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
  • Such irony! Such a bizarre fate! I had to kill him to save his soul! (なんという皮肉!なんという奇妙な運命!そんな!…魂を救うために殺さなくてはいけないなんて!)
    —Jonathan about Bruford, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero

Creation and Development

The name of Bruford's hair, Danse Macabre, is based off of the genre of late-Medieval allegory of the same name.


Bruford's voice actor in the 2007 movie, Tōru Nara, would later be the voice of Nukesaku and Thunder McQueen in the anime adaptations of Stardust Crusaders and Stone Ocean

Bruford's anime voice actor, Kenjiro Tsuda, would later voice Tiziano in the Part 5 anime.

Video Games

Phantom Blood (PS2)

PS2 Bruford Render.png
Bruford appears as a boss character in Chapters 13 and 14. In Chapter 13, the player plays as Jonathan Joestar and faces Bruford in an underwater battle. During the match, Jonathan is unable to charge Ripple naturally, and must stay near the air bubbles that dot the stage to charge his Stamina Meter: if the Stamina Meter completely depletes, Jonathan's health will begin draining. Bruford swims around the stage, and only approaches Jonathan in order to attack. If Jonathan lands an Overdrive move on Bruford, a unique cutscene will play showing Jonathan using Turquoise Blue Overdrive on Bruford, ending the battle.

The player faces Bruford on land in Chapter 14. During the fight, Bruford uses punches, kicks, and special attacks from his hair.

Bruford appears as a playable character during one fight in Extra Battle Mode, and he can be selected as a playable character in 77 Rings Knights Mode.

PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Normal Combo
PS Triangle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Sky)
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Earth)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Sweep)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Rotating)
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Chaotic)
Running PS Square.png
Rage Kick
Running PS Triangle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Beheading)
PS Circle.png
Danse Macabre Hair (Flowing)
PS Circle.png during damage
Mega Crush
PS R1.png (LV0-3)
Danse Macabre Hair (Serpent)

Available Stages: Extra Battle 14
  • 77 Rings Knights Mode: Living Corpses

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Bruford appears as one of the several characters who possess a Medal Striker. His FINISH move animation shows his hair holding the sword Luck and attacking the defeated medal striker character.

J-Stars Victory Vs (PS3/Vita)

Despite not appearing in the game, Bruford's name is said during Jonathan's special move using the Luck & Pluck sword. As he says "Bruford's sword, LUCK & PLUCK!!!" when using it. His name is also written in a loading screen describing the Luck & Pluck sword attack.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Bruford appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Courage' type 5 star statue. Bruford's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime using his sword, hair, and speed abilities. Despite being a zombie in canon, the game gives him the "vampire" tag and thus gives him the qualities of a vampire character (such as regeneration and weakness to the Ripple). Playing as him will force any outdoor stages into their night time variants.

Bruford's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks comprising of different strikes with his sword. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Bruford uses his hair to impale the opponent and deal multiple hits of damage.
Bruford disappears briefly, then reappears behind the nearest opponent to punch them from behind. (Unlockable)
Bruford jumps and does a strong spin attack with his sword, holding it with his hair.
Bruford jumps into the air and attacks with a barrage of strikes using his hair. (Unlockable)
Bruford starts the skill by striking the opponent with his hair, and cuts to the cutscene, where he picks up the sword and swings it towards the camera. Bruford hits the opponent with one strong and swift strike.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Long-Haired Dark Knight ver.
Rarity: PPPSR.png
Max Power: 1080 (Lvl 50) / 2280 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Danse Macabre Hair
Erases panels in an X shape
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 50


MangaAnimeSC OVA & FilmGamesFigurinesCards
StoryChapter CoversVolume Covers
StoryOpenings/EndingsDesign Sheets
Phantom BloodDiamond RecordsPitter-Patter Pop
Adventure Battle CardCrusade
Series 1Series 2


  1. Deduced from the date of death of Mary Stuart
  2. Either November 31st or December 1st, per Chapter 41
  3. Chapter 28: Tarkus and the Dark Knight Bruford, Part 3

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