Weather Report/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

Cet article est à propos du personnage, pour le Stand, voir Weather Report (Stand).

Weather Report (ウェザー・リポート, Wezā Ripōto), de son vrai nom Wes Bluemarine (ウェス・ブルーマリン, Wesu Burūmarin), né Domenico Pucci (ドメニコ・プッチ, Domeniko Putchi), est un allié majeur figurant dans la sixième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean.

Weather Report est un prisonnier amnésiaque et au passé inconnu, dont la mémoire a été enlevée par Whitesnake. Connaissant déjà Emporio Alnino, il devient naturellement un allié de Jolyne Cujoh. On révèle éventuellement qu'il est le frère jumeau d'Enrico Pucci. Weather est un manieur de Stand qui manipule la météo avec son Weather Report.


Weather Report est un homme grand et une carrure svelte, mais musclé. Il a la peau claire et ressemble à un homme blanc.

Il porte un gros chapeau de buffle de forme cylindrique au sommet plat [1] et deux petites cornes sur la tête. Sa tenue consiste en une tenue moulante sombre dont la seule caractéristique est une série de trous en forme de feuilles sur la poitrine, et des manches fourrés comme son chapeau. Il porte une ceinture décorée d'un W et une plaque sur l'entrejambe.

Quand il était Wes Bluemarine, il portait un body similaire avec des manches de couleurs différentes, et la moitié supérieure du costume étant coupée, ressemblant alors à une chemise. Il ne porte pas de chapeau, mais exhibait ses vrais cheveux. Ses cheveux étaient coiffés de façon similaires à son chapeau, à l'exception des cornes, ils sont plus petits et ont plusieurs mèches derrière son cou.

Après la fusion de Pucci avec le Bébé Vert, Weather acquiert lui aussi une tache de naissance Joestar à l'épaule, préfigurant la révélation de leur lien de parenté.[2]


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurEyes of Heaven
(Combinaison bleu foncé avec poignets en fourrure blanche, chapeau de fourrure blanc avec cornes dorées mates, ceinture marron avec boucle "W" dorée terne)
(Combinaison bleue avec poignets en fourrure blanche, chapeau de fourrure blanc avec cornes dorées, ceinture marron avec boucle en "W" dorée)


Quand il est privé de ses souvenirs, Weather est de tempérament stoïque, calme mais avec quelques excentricités. Par exemple, il se tient hardiment à quelques centimètres du visage de Jolyne pour attirer son attention plutôt que de l'appeler par son nom et Emporio prétend qu'il marche généralement sur ses orteils. Il est digne de confiance et compatissant, sauvant les personnes dans le besoin sans se soucier de sa propre sécurité. À moins que quelqu'un qu'il connaisse soit en danger, Weather est plutôt placide et parle peu. On dit que Weather a également un sens aigu de la justice, décrivant la pire des villainie comme étant «un mal qui ne sait pas que c'est le mal».

Quand Weather récupère ses souvenirs, il révèle une facette plus sinistre de sa personnalité. Tout en conservant son respect antérieure pour ses alliés, il n'a pas peur d'abuser publiquement de ses pouvoirs pour son propre amusement. On voit Weather sourire de façon sadique quand il électrocute des victimes sans méfiance ou et est même amusé par ses arcs-en-ciel dangereux. Sa véritable personnalité effraie même Anasui. Le poids de ses souvenirs tragique le consume bientôt et le pousse à régler ses comptes avec son frère jumeau, Pucci.

Selon Emporio, Weather Report aime bien lire les programmes qui vont passer à la télévision sans pour autant regarder la télévision.



Weather Report, le Stand éponyme à son manieur, permet à Weather de contrôler la météo et l'atmosphère de façon subtile.

Son stand a également une capacité cachée nommée Heavy Weather qui modifie l'angle de réfraction des rayons du soleil entrant dans l'atmosphère terrestre pour créer un effet subliminal. Ceux qui en sont victimes en touchant les arcs-en-ciel qui se manifestent dans les environs de Weather vont commencer à croire qu'ils se transforment en escargots et le phénomène se passe véritablement à terme.

Weather Report (ウェザー・リポート)Link to this section
Manipulation de la météo



L'amour entre Wes et Perla

Weather est né le 5 juin 1972 en tant que "Domenico Pucci", de la riche famille Pucci, et le cadet de son jumeau Enrico. Cependant Domenico fut échangé en secret par une mère dans le même hôpital dont le bébé était mort, ce qu'elle ne voulait pas accepter. Le bébé enlevé devint donc "Wes Bluemarine" et vécut loin de sa famille biologique.

Dans son adolescence, Wes a commencé à travaillé comme livreur. Un jour fatidique, il a empêché un voleur de voler le sac de Perla Pucci et en deux semaines, les deux ont commencé à sortir ensemble. Enrico Pucci, ayant découvert que Weather était en fait son frère jumeau, a cherché à les séparer d'une manière détourné, qui n'aurait pas fait trop de mal à sa sœur. Cependant, l'"agence de détective privé" qu'il a commandité pour intimider Weather était en fait liée au le KKK, qui s'est ensuite penché sur l'histoire de la famille de Weather et a découvert que sa "mère" avait épousé un Afro-américain. Lorsque les membres du KKK ont vu Perla donner un baiser à Weather, ils ont ouvertement attaqué le couple et ont finalement pendu Weather à un arbre. Perla descendit son corps et, ne réalisant pas qu'il avait encore un faible pouls, sauta de la falaise voisine pour se donner la mort.

Pucci vole la mémoire de Wes

Peu de temps après, lorsque Pucci a été poignardé par la Flèche, Weather a également acquis une capacité Stand. Après avoir repris connaissance, il a recherché le chef de «l'agence de détective privé» pour obtenir des informations sur Pucci avant de le tuer. Weather était rempli de rage contre lui-même et contre le monde qui lui avait enlevé son amour, mais son Stand l'empêchait constamment de se suicider. Il avait essayé de sauter d'une falaise, mais les vents l'avaient renvoyé à flanc de falaise. Il avait ensuite essayé de se noyer, mais les vagues le repoussaient vers le rivage. Il avait même essayé de se tirer une balle dans la tête, mais la chambre du pistolet s'était remplie d'eau, empêchant les balles de partir. Le quatrième jour après sa reprise de conscience, des escargots ont commencé à pleuvoir du ciel à cause de son Stand qui se déchaînait contre le monde. Pucci a ensuite confronté Weather, a révélé qu'ils étaient frères et a volé le disque mémoire de Weather en utilisant Whitesnake.

À un moment donné après, privé de ses souvenirs, Wes est devenu Weather Report. Plus tard, il a été emprisonné dans la Prison de Green Dolphin Street pour tentative de meurtre et a finalement rencontré Emporio Alnino et Narciso Anasui.

Stone Ocean (2011-2012)

Weather Report apparaît pour la première fois dans la salle de musique fantôme, observant alors la conversation entre Emporio Alnino et Ermes Costello à propos du Stand Whitesnake. Il se tient aux côtés de Narciso Anasui, mais aucun ne se manifeste encore.

Operation Savage Garden

File:Jolyne meets wr.png
Jolyne rencontre Weather Report

Weather est officiellement présenté à Jolyne Cujoh par Emporio comme étant un amnésique dont la mémoire a été volée par le manieur de Whitesnake. Le groupe étant dans la salle de musique, Weather se tient prêt à l'aider à livrer le DISQUE Stand de Jotaro Kujo à la Fondation Speedwagon. Jolyne doit aller à la cour intérieure de la prison en passant par l'usine locale. À l'aide de son Stand Weather Report, Weather Report créer une bourrasque et de la pluie près d'un piano, faisant tomber des stylos sur les touches d'un piano et créant une petite flaque d'eau. Le son alerte un ennemi caché et Weather confirme sa présence en utilisant la flaque d'eau comme un miroir pour regarder derrière un coin. Le trio court donc dans les couloirs et semble échapper à l'ennemi en se cachant dans une veste fantôme d'Emporio. Weather accepte de se rendre en premier à l'entrée de l'usine en éclaireur.

Weather then hears Jolyne's call and help and runs to her side, seeing her floating because of Lang Rangler's ability Jumpin' Jack Flash. Using special gauntlets, Lang shoots nuts and bolts at Weather, who creates atmospheric layers to deflect the projectiles and set Lang's arm on fire when he tries to punch him. Lang cancels his power but triggers an alarm and flees. To catch up, Weather grabs Jolyne who is still floating and propels himself using wind to the factory.

File:Cloud suits.png
Cloud suits to preserve the air around them

In the factory, Jolyne begins to feel the effects of the decompression and needs to urinate, to her embarrassment. Weather creates a cloud for her to hide while she relieves herself. On a graver note, they realise that the very air they touch is going away from them. The decompression also forces their blood out. At this moment, Lang shoots scraps at them but Stone Free deflects them. To keep some air near them, Weather Report makes a suit of cloud for the both of them but the heroes must find and defeat the enemy before their oxygen supplies run out. Unfortunately, Lang has hidden somewhere in the factory.

Weather Report tries to get away from Jolyne to be free of the antigravity, using some drum barrels as a landmark. Lang is revealed to be behind the heroes and shoots with his gauntlets. Weather is wounded in the leg. Jolyne tries to cover Weather, but Lang shoots a drum barrel. It is pierced and the flowing air violently propels it toward Weather and the suit is damaged on impact. Weather is also sent back in Jolyne's range. Lang pushes his advantage and throws a couple of rats at Jolyne; they explode and the blood covers her suit, blinding her. Lang reloads and shoots at Jolyne, but she deploys her strings to block the projectiles and ties Lang, pulling him in the deadly gravityless environment. Even though Lang destroys Jolyne's suit with a makeshift grenade, Weather sacrifices his suit to give Jolyne time. Lang cancels his Jumpin' Jack Flash but the returning air flow allows pushes Lang back in Stone Free's range. Stone Free pummels Lang, defeating him.

Weather makes it rain frogs

Weather is out of commission and Jolyne hides her behind some barrels for the moment. However, when she arrives in the courtyard, a guard controlled by Whitesnake shoots her. To save Jolyne, Weather has no choice but to summon a rain of poisonous jungle frogs. It ultimately helps Jolyne deliver the Stand DISC to the Speedwagon Foundation. Weather Report is found injured and is brought to the infirmary.

Pucci's Awakening

Still recovering, Weather Report serves as valuable back up for F.F., causing the sky to rain if she is too dehydrated. However, Pucci completes his current objective of seizing The Green Baby and kills F.F. then leaves the prison. Weather gains a Joestar Birthmark alongside Pucci though he doesn't know why. He joins Anasui, at the latter's insistence, in their search for Jolyne.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Weather somehow acquires the Joestar Birthmark

Weather and Anasui are pursued by the police and reach a motel where Weather helps an old man get up after he trips and drops his groceries. Hiding in the bathrooms, Weather is momentarily confused by the new sinks because they have no spigot. Anasui asks Weather Report to remember who he is. He's suspicious after seeing the Joestar Birthmark on his neck, which he noticed was also present on The Green Baby, Jolyne, and Jotaro. Weather is determined to defeat Pucci, who he believes is his enemy. However, they have to escape the area which is difficult with cop cars surrounding them. Anasui condemns Weather for not stealing a car earlier, but Weather says it's too risky. Instead, he uses his Stand to clear the clouds above the old man he rescued earlier, causing a ray of light to shine on him. The pain in the old man's knee goes away, and he decides to give the two a ride in the back of his truck.

On the truck, Weather senses her traveling north, so they decide to go that way as well. Suddenly Anasui notice a jarring absence of illustrated characters on a Disney's guidebook and panels, then notices something scuttling near them Thinking it's an enemy, he uses Diver Down to grab whatever is hiding inside it, which he discovers is Pinocchio. The two understand that Pucci has sent Stand users against them. Anasui tries to interrogate Pinocchio, but the fictional character doesn't know anything about the enemy and digresses on the other fictional characters inside the truck. Weather suddenly loses trace of Anasui only to find him under the wheels of the truck. The truck crashes, with Weather making an airbag with the atmosphere to cushion everyone. Anasui finds himself back in his body and Weather suggest to defeat the user of Bohemian Rhapsody. Again, Weather loses traces of Anasui.

Weather will share Van Gogh's fate

Looking for Anasui, Weather rebukes a bearded man with a pipe who presents himself as the portrait of Van Gogh after he cut off his own ear. Weather Report now finds himself under Bohemian Rhapsody's influence. Weather feels that the enemy Stand user is rapidly moving North, and tries to think about how to defeat him. Exasperated by Van Gogh, he tries to punch him, but stops when he sees that he has paintbrushes in his hand. The portrait, describing Van Gogh's life, ominously announces that Weather is now in the story of the famous painter, who ended up shooting himself. A bullet bursts out of a paintbrush, hitting Weather in the head, and a second mortal bullet to the head is imminent. Panicking, Weather uses his Stand to block the highway heading North only to realize the enemy is on a plane faster than any meteological phenomomenon. The situation seems desperate. The pistol with which Van Gogh shot himself is before Weather, who nervously warns the portrait to stay away from it. He tries to run away, but Anasui, filled with rocks, crashes against him and both trip. The pistol shoots a bullet, blowing Weather's head off, while Anasui begins to melt, his hand melting inside his mouth and drowning him. Both the goats and Van Gogh gloat, but Weather suddenly grabs the portrait.

Weather then forces Van Gogh to create a new character, Putback the hero who puts all the fictional characters back in their place. Bohemian Rhapsody's power is cancelled and Ungalo loses his will to live.

Heavy Weather

Weather gains his memories back

Weather Report and Narciso Anasui reach the hospital of Orlando where Weather feels that Pucci is close. Suddenly, the Stand Under World comes to him and gives him back his memories.

Weather's memory disc was returned to him by Donatello Versus' Under World. Weather kneels from the shock of recovering his memories, sitting in a seat reserved for hospital patients. When a patient complains about it and a nurse tells him to get out of the seat, Weather is a changed man, having become extremely aggressive. He drowns the nurse, filling his corpse with so much water he becomes a bloated cadaver. Weather leaves the hospital accompanied by a flabbergasted Anasui, and briefly announces his intention of killing his brother, confusing Anasui even more. In the streets, Weather indulges himself in another act of villainy by forcing two women to massage him by running electricity through them.

Weather vs. Pucci

The snail outbreak has begun to spread all over Orlando. Weather and Anasui witness the catastrophe, and Anasui, sure that Weather is somehow responsible, demands answers. However, Weather suddenly asks Anasui to kill him, and announces that he will settle his score with Pucci, saying that the priest is now near them. Although Diver Down and Weather Report scan the surroundings, Pucci is nowhere to be seen. Anasui and Weather then see a suspicious empty car and approach it. Suddenly, Weather's right leg is cut off, and Pucci emerges from a nearby mass of snails, somehow immune to Heavy Weather. When Anasui tries to rush toward Pucci to attack him, several snails lunge toward him, infecting him as well. Pucci declares himself victorious and turns his back to the duo, but Weather suddenly jumps to him, his right leg replaced with that of Diver Down. A close quarter fight ensues, but Weather Report is more powerful and its ability to manipulate gusts of winds violently propel Pucci toward a car. Weather closes in and uses a karate chop on Pucci, but the priest decides to reflect the sun's rays with a wing mirror. Anasui's transformation drastically accelerate, but Diver Down is disabled, crippling Weather again.

Weather almost wins

Pucci then exposes the power subliminal messages has on the human mind. Explaining that Heavy Weather modifies the atmosphere into influencing humans so that they believe they are transforming into snails, the human mind makes the transformation happen. However, since Heavy Weather is founded on sunlight, Pucci simply blinded himself, compensating with his mystic sense to detect Weather. Pucci cuts off Weather's remaining leg, shocking Anasui who attacks the priest. Angry, Pucci punches Anasui with Whitesnake and almost finishes him off. However, Pucci suddenly impales his foot on an ice spike, and finds himself unable to move without risking impalement. Weather used his Stand to freeze his blood which has splattered all over the place and trap Pucci in a maze of spikes, cornering him. Weather crawls toward Pucci to attack him while he's immobilized, but Pucci plunges Whitesnake's hand into Anasui's head to brainwash him, forcing him to reveal the positions of the spikes and escape. However, Anasui notices too late that a spike has formed on Pucci's chest, menacing to impale the latter's head. Moreover, Weather uses the air pressure to disequilibrate him, but Pucci is determined to avoid the attack; he breaks several spikes, throwing them at Weather in the hopes that Weather tries to protect himself and weakens his attack. However, Weather calmly suffers being impaled by the spikes thanks to his death wish, only freezing the blood further to tie Pucci. Now in range, Weather Report punches Pucci and immobilizes him to the ground. Pucci tries to beg Weather, but he shuts him up, declaring that Pucci is an evil oblivious of his evilness, and goes for a finishing punch.

Weather is killed

Suddenly, a car crashes next to them, causing chaos and separating the twin brothers. It was Versus, who rode alongside Jolyne, Ermes and Emporio but crashed, unable to control the car after Weather unwittingly created a cloud of dust. Jolyne feels that Pucci is nearby, but the priest has already punched through Weather's chest, supposedly aided by Fate. In his last moments, he was able to wrestle his Stand disc away from Pucci, a gift he left for Jolyne.

His vengeance was ultimately delivered when Emporio used Weather's Stand to defeat Pucci. In the alternate universe, when Irene and Anakiss finally manage to start up their car, with Ermes and Emporio in tow, an alternate Weather is shown as a hitchhiker and joins the group shortly after.


Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • Let's just go insane, how 'bout it?
    —Weather Report, Stone Ocean Chapter 125: Heavy Weather, Part 1
  • I'm going to be the one to kill Pucci. And after I kill him, kill me. Understand?
    —Weather Report to Anasui, Stone Ocean Chapter 133: Heavy Weather, Part 9
  • The kind of evil that doesn't realize that it's evil... is the worst kind there is...
    —Weather Report, Stone Ocean Chapter 136: Heavy Weather, Part 12

Video Games

All Star Battle (PS3)

Weather Report sending out his frog attack

Weather Report appears in All Star Battle as part of the stage hazard in the Green Dolphin Street Prison stage. After one of the players is knocked into the hazard indication area, Weather will be seen injured and sitting in the background behind the gate of the courtyard, conjuring clouds shortly before the stage begins raining frogs (replicating the events from the Flash Flood Warning chapters in Part 6). The frogs will inflict poison status to anyone struck, temporarily turning their stamina bar purple as they suffer a gradual loss of health. (This is the only way to contract poison in the game, aside from Pannacotta Fugo's Homicidal Virus).

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Weather Report devient jouable pour la première fois dans Eyes of Heaven. Sa présence dans le jeu a été confirmé en même temps que Jolyne, Ermes, et Pucci.

En tant que manieur de Stand, Weather est un personnage aux capacités extrêmement variées qui lui confèrent un caractère unique au combat. Il peut piéger des objets larges dans l'arène avec des éclairs pour électrocuter et paralyser les adversaires, un peu comme les personnages du style Onde.

  • Style Action - Weather Report...: Weather Report generates white clouds around himself. If the Style Action button is held, he will charge his Stand's power to create additional effects across 3 different stages.
    • Atmospheric Layer: The first stage of Weather Report. The white clouds around Weather will deflect projectiles and catch opponents on fire via friction if they attack him. The clouds will deactivate if Weather is knocked down.
    • Who said you could touch me!?: The second stage of Weather Report. The white clouds around Weather become dark and stormy. Every time Weather attacks with Normal Attacks, they will shock his targets with lightning for additional damage, increasing the effective damage of his combos.
    • Flash Flood Warning: The third and final stage of Weather Report. The storm clouds around Weather now generate a small gale around him. Poisonous frogs will begin raining in various areas of the stage close to his opponents in two intervals, poisoning both them and Weather's partner if they come into contact. The in-game Command List erroneously gives this stage the same description as "Who said you could touch me!?".
    • Weather Report manipulates weather.: This Style Action can only be performed when Weather is down. He uses his Stand to summon the rain of poisonous frogs without needing to activate "Flash Flood Warning". This consumes his Style Action and places it on cooldown. Despite being on the floor, Weather is open to attacks during the ability that can interrupt him.
  • Dry out and stiffen up!: Weather flings his blood onto the floor and creates two puddles as traps. If an opponent steps on the blood, it freezes and becomes spikes to damage them.
  • 280 km/hr winds!: Weather has his Stand generate a tornado at opponents' feet, rapidly damaging them and sending them spiralling high into the air. This skill will not succeed if Weather is too far, or if his target is across gaps (i.e. the El Cairo Rooftops stage).
  • This will surely come in handy.: Weather generates white clouds around his partner, if they are within range. The clouds will deflect projectiles and catch opponents on fire via friction if the partner is attacked. The clouds will deactivate if they are knocked down.
  • The Devil's Rainbow! It's Heavy Weather!: Weather Report temporarily reverts back into Heavy Weather. While active, Heavy Weather will generate small rainbows around himself and various stage objects. If an opponent or Heavy Weather's partner touches the rainbows, they will be transformed into a snail, leaving them unable to perform any action aside from slithering at a slow speed, meaning they are completely helpless and vulnerable. Additionally, an opponent can be turned into a snail if a transformed individual touches them. The only way to interrupt Heavy Weather's ability is for him to be hit by a DHA. Characters that are blind are immune to Heavy Weather's effect: Wamuu while his "Now I will shut out the light, and with this horn see only the wind!" skill is active, N'Doul, and Pucci with Whitesnake (due to Whitesnake's ability to remove his eyesight).
  • EX - Dry out and stiffen up!: Weather creates 3 blood puddles and gains super armor until all of the puddles land.
  • EX - 280 km/hr winds!: The skill executes quicker and lands more hits, dealing more damage and sending opponents even higher into the air.


  • Flash Flood Warning: Weather must charge his Style Action until it reaches the "Flash Flood Warning" stage. (200 Points)
  • I'll suck it up in my clouds.: Weather must use "This will surely come in handy." (200 Points)
  • It just needs to be simple...and reliable...: Weather must trap opponents using "Dry out and stiffen up!" 3 times. (300 Points)
  • This might be able to help people heal their sprains and bad backs...: Heavy Weather must turn an opponent into a snail. (500 Points)
  • The only thing I live for is getting my revenge on that scumbag!: Heavy Weather must Retire an opponent while they are a snail. (800 Points)

Dual Heat Attacks

  • Solo - Cloud Suit: Weather activates his Stand's cloud suit, using oxygen to jet him into the opponent and spear them into the air. He then starts tackling them while flying past multiple times, juggling them in the process, before landing and separating from his Stand. Getting up, he ends the attack by summoning a large storm cloud to strike his downed target with bright, powerful lightning.
  • With Jolyne - The momentum's on our side!: Stone Free assaults the opponent as Weather Report creates an opposing gale that keeps the opponent in place. Stone Free's fists ultimately overpower the gale and the target is sent flying into Weather Report's Stand, setting them on fire via friction.


On l'a mis ensemble avec "Kosaku Kawajiri" dans le tournoi Eyes of Heaven. Ils ont gagné contre Pucci et Akira Otoishi dans le premier round mais ont été éliminés par Giorno et Mista dans le second round.


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