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  • Part 7

I respected that long-haired swordsman Bruford, but it turns out he was just a magician... On the other hand, I am an elite at slaughter! I create death and destruction by force! (ブラフォードは長髪を利用した奇策をつかう剣士尊敬してはいたがしょせん技士にすぎめ男…だがおれは殺戮のエリートを目指した!力で殺しまくり破壊し尽くすだけだッ!)
—Tarkus, Chapter 31: The Knights' Ruins

Tarkus (タルカス, Tarukasu) is a secondary antagonist featured in the first part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Phantom Blood.

Tarkus was a knight in 16th-century Britain who served alongside Bruford as a loyal retainer of Mary Stuart. The two knights were executed after being betrayed by Elizabeth I. After being resurrected as a zombie by Dio Brando, he becomes wholeheartedly loyal to his new master and fights Jonathan Joestar, eventually trapping him in a one-on-one Chain Neck Deathmatch.


Tarkus is a towering and muscular zombie. He wears a set of heavy metal armor consisting of a chestplate, two shoulder pads, two legplates and a loincloth. On top of his medium-length hair, Tarkus wears a horned and crested metal helmet, which he removes during his Chain Neck Deathmatch with Jonathan.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaFilmAnimePB (PS2)
(Brown and gray armor with warm gray gauntlets. Black loincloth.)
Skin(Dark Gray)
Eyes(Dark Red)
(Brown and black armor with gold trim. Beige loincloth.)
(Gray, black and pale brown armor. Gray helmet with crimson horns.)
Hair(Black with navy highlights)
Outfit(Entirely gray armor. Brown loincloth.)


That messed up spirit. That evil insanity. You've sold even the depths of your soul to Dio, haven't you? (そのゆがんだ精神!掌握なる狂気!心の奥底まで魂をディオに売り渡したな!)
—Jonathan to Tarkus, Chapter 35: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 3
Tarkus was a powerful knight during the time he was alive, and loyal to his queen. However, unlike his partner Bruford, he lacks a sense of honor. Tarkus gets enraged easily and uses his anger for violence. Due to the corruption of Dio, he thinks of Bruford as a disgrace to the 77 Rings winners, having no qualms about destroying the armor of his former friend. Tarkus is a brutal and ruthless fighter and enjoys forcing his opponents to battle him to the death in the Chain Neck Deathmatch, even if it is against their own will.


As a trained warrior and one of the only five knights to succeed in the trial of the 77 Rings, Tarkus possesses an incredible amount of physical strength and endurance. He was also a skilled swordsman, described as a hero who could cut rocks like butter with his sword. Even while alive as a human, his neck could withstand several attacks and break the axes of executioners before being cut.[4] Tarkus also became an expert at the Chain Neck Deathmatch, besting and killing a total of forty-eight warriors.[5]

Superhuman Strength Link to this section

After being resurrected as a zombie, his brutality and power increases even more, making him capable of squashing people with his bare hands.[6] Tarkus initially demonstrates his strength by lifting a massive portion of the ground that Jonathan was standing on from beneath him, while only using a finger. He then shatters the giant boulder with the same finger.[1]

Later, he throws himself onto a stone wall in order to trap Jonathan in the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon. Though Zeppeli states that Tarkus should be unable to move because his bones would have shattered from the collision, Tarkus manages to climb the building and still be in a state to fight Jonathan and Zeppeli afterwards.[7] A single kick from him is strong enough to shatter the bone of Jonathan's upper arm.[5]

Hell Heaven Snake Kill(天地来蛇殺(へルヘブンスネーキル) Heru Hebun Sunē Kiru, lit. "Heaven and Earth Coming Snake Kill") Link to this section

Tarkus's signature method of execution in the Chain Neck Deathmatch. Jumping above his opponent, Tarkus manipulates his chain to strike from below, cornering the opponent from both sides. The chain wraps around the opponent; once Tarkus lands, he pulls on the chain with enough force to tear a human body in half.



A Manuscript depicting Bruford and Tarkus.

Born in the 16th century, Tarkus was a member of the Tudor dynasty and a retainer of Mary Stuart. After losing his relatives in previous wars, the young Tarkus was brought up as Mary Stuart's knight and trained his body for that sole purpose, eventually becoming attached to Mary. Alongside his fellow retainer Bruford, Tarkus passed the trial of the 77 Rings in 1563, becoming one of the only five in history to complete it.[8]

Bruford and Tarkus about to be executed

Eventually, when Mary was imprisoned by her political rival Queen Elizabeth, Bruford and Tarkus fought the queen's army until she offered Mary's release in return for their surrender. However, on the day of their execution, Bruford and Tarkus learned from their executioner that Mary had already been killed. Tarkus was livid to hear that Elizabeth deceived them and cursed her in his dying breath; rumors say that his neck became so rigid from anger that several axes broke before he was beheaded. The story of Bruford and Tarkus was passed down and became famous in England.[4]

Phantom Blood

Tarkus crushing Bruford's remains.

After taking residence in Windknight's Lot following his transition into a vampire, Dio resurrects Bruford and Tarkus as his zombie enforcers to exploit their hatred against the world, pitting them against Jonathan, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Robert E. O. Speedwagon. While Bruford fights Jonathan, Tarkus prevents Zeppeli and Speedwagon from interfering in the fight. However, following Bruford's defeat, Tarkus desecrates his remains, calling him a mockery of the 77 Rings winners. Tarkus violently kicks the remains of Bruford's armor, turning its pieces into a dangerous hail of metal that wounds Zeppeli. Two bullies drag Poco into the graveyard to take revenge on him for his tall tales, only to run away upon catching sight of Tarkus; Tarkus nearly grabs Poco, but Jonathan saves him. Tarkus slices the ground with his sword, cutting through the cliff and isolating the heroes upon the knights' former training grounds. He then catches the two bullies and squeezes the blood out of them to drink it. Tarkus rushes to attack again, but Jonathan and Zeppeli use the Ripple to create a hang-glider from the nearby leaves. Though Tarkus jumps onto the glider, the group jumps from the glider as it plummets into a stone wall. Tarkus's durability allows him to survive the fall, convincing Zeppeli that the zombie is a loose end they cannot ignore.

Jonathan fighting Tarkus

Jonathan enters the building to find a place where Poco can hide safely, only to be caught in the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon, where Tarkus engages Jonathan in a Chain Neck Deathmatch. Poco sneaks in and successfully unlocks the door, despite taking a kick from Tarkus. Zeppeli prepares to fight Tarkus, but the zombie leaps into the air. Tarkus wraps Zeppeli in his chain before pulling it tighter, tearing the Ripple master in half and snapping Jonathan's neck. Although Tarkus presumes the two dead, Zeppeli transfers all his remaining Ripple into Jonathan's body. Empowered and healed by the sudden surge of Ripple, Jonathan shatters his collar and slices through Tarkus's arm. Though Tarkus spits his fangs into Jonathan's eye, Jonathan easily kills Tarkus with a barrage of Ripple-infused punches.

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance
Novel Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Live Action Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


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  • You coward! You make a mockery of the knights that have completed the 77 Rings! (このこしぬけが!「77の輝輪(リング)」の試練をのりこえた騎士の恥さらしよ)
    —Tarkus to Bruford's remains, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
  • Don't make me laugh! I'll make mincemeat of you, bones and all! (笑わせるな!骨ごと ひき肉(ミンチ)にしてやるわ)
    —Tarkus, Chapter 30: Sleep as a Hero
  • I respected that long-haired swordsman Bruford, but it turns out he was just a magician... On the other hand, I am an elite at slaughter! I create death and destruction by force! (ブラフォードは長髪を利用した奇策をつかう剣士尊敬してはいたがしょせん技士にすぎめ男…だがおれは殺戮のエリートを目指した!力で殺しまくり破壊し尽くすだけだッ!)
    —Tarkus, Chapter 31: The Knights' Ruins
  • Mmmfff… you skinbags stuffed with blood! I’ll kill every last one of you and wring out the last drop!
    —Tarkus, Chapter 31: The Knights' Ruins
  • The Chain Neck Deathmatch! I’ve bested 48 at this game… You can call this sport my speciality.
  • I’m attacking from above and below at the same time! This is my Hell Heaven Snake Kill! I’ll strangle both of you at once!

Video Games

Phantom Blood (PS2 Game)

Tarkus appears as the enemy faced in Chapters 16 and 17. Tarkus's moveset is primarily made up of punches and kicks, although some of his attacks utilize long-range chains to inflict damage. Tarkus is playable with his helmet on in 77 Rings Knights Mode and during one fight in Extra Battle Mode; in these battles, he gains the ability to strike the ground with his giant sword.

Normal Combo
Mega Strike
Mega Swing
Hell Heaven Snake Kill
Mega Earthbound
Running or
Mega Tackle
Back Step
during damage
Mega Crush
Hell Heaven Snake Kill

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Tarkus (タルカス, Tarukasu) appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a few unlockable statues varying between the 'Fighting Spirit' and 'Solitary' types, ranging from 4 stars to 6 stars.

Tarkus's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime using his sword, chains, and brute strength. Despite being a zombie in the series, the game gives him the "vampire" tag, and he has the qualities of a vampire character. Playing as him will force any outdoor stages into their night time variants.

Tarkus's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various strikes with his sword and fists. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Tarkus swings his sword violently at opponents.
Tarkus swings a chain around above his head and then attacks opponents with it. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage. (Unlockable)
Tarkus performs a body slam that hits nearby opponents. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
Tarkus lets out a long barrage of punches while continuously walking forward. In Action Battle, you have control over Tarkus's movement as he is performing this skill. (Unlockable)
Tarkus strikes an opponent with his chain, which he then wraps around the opponent, pulling it to perform his signature Hell Heaven Snake Kill.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Slaughtering Elite ver.
殺戮のエリート ver.
Max Power: 880 (Lvl 50) / 1960 (Lvl 80)
Release Date: October 10, 2018
Skill: Ground Shattering Attack
Erases panels on the bottom
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 6
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 10
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 50


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Slaughtering EliteEnemy
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