All-Star Battle R ★ Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno Bucciarati (ブローノ・ブチャラティ, Burōno Bucciarati) was confirmed to return for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.
In the English version of All-Star Battle R, the name of Bucciarati's Stand, Sticky Fingers, is localized as "Zipper Man", the same name used in the original All-Star Battle.
Yuichi Nakamura reprises his role as Bucciarati's voice actor from the Golden Wind anime, replacing Noriaki Sugiyama. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Bruno were either added or re-recorded.
Bucciarati has 950 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Battle Style, which allows him to freely summon and withdraw his Stand Sticky Fingers, dynamically changing his moveset in the process.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All
Attack type: High
Damage: 11
Attack type: High
Damage: 20
Attack type: High
Damage: 31
Attack type: Low
Damage: 12
Attack type: High
Damage: 20
Attack type: Low
Damage: 33
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 24
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 32
Ground versions:
- Light (
): Bucciarati punches at a downwards angle. The opponent is knocked to the ground in a soft knockdown.
- Medium (
): Bucciarati punches straight forward, sending the opponent flying away from him.
- Heavy (
): Bucciarati punches upwards, and the attack can function as an anti-air. The opponent is knocked into the air.
Aerial versions:
- Light (
): Bucciarati punches straight forward, allowing him to challenge an opponent in the air. The opponent is sent flying a short distance away from Bucciarati.
- Medium (
): Bucciarati punches at a diagonally downwards angle. The opponent is knocked to the ground in a soft knockdown.
- Heavy (
): Bucciarati punches sharply downwards. The opponent is knocked to the ground in a soft knockdown.
Attack type: High
Damage: 40 (grounded) / 60 (aerial)
Of special note is that this skill is cancelable not only into a dedicated follow-up skill, but also Bucciarati's Throw, offering him the ability to suddenly cover a large distance and Throw the opponent in a single maneuver.
Attack type: High
Damage: 50
- Light (
): Bucciarati reappears from the ground a distance away from the opponent.
- Medium (
): Bucciarati reappears straight above where he disappeared from.
- Heavy (
): Bucciarati reappears right above the opponent.
Attack type: Low
Damage: 55
Attack type: High
Damage: 15
Attack type: High
Damage: 23
Attack type: High
Damage: 34
Attack type: Low
Damage: 15
Attack type: Low
Damage: 24
Attack type: Low
Damage: 36
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 35
Attack type: High
Damage: 27 × 2 (54)
Attack type: High
Damage: 68 /
76 /
The zipper projectile cannot be deflected.
Attack type: Low
Damage: 30
Attack type: High
Damage: 40 /
65 /
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 120
The damage dealt to Bucciarati himself is white damage, and he can regain this lost health over time, provided he does not take damage again during this process. He cannot KO himself with this move.
This move has super armor for the duration of Bucciarati's charge.
Attack type: High
Damage: 167
Attack type: Low
Damage: 330 / 395 / 495 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 30
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
Taunts & Victory Poses
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2, page 16
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 444: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 2, page 14
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 522: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 5, page 15
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Cover B of Chapter 475: Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 6
Bucciarati's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for
300 G. Bucciarati's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for
140 G, excluding "Fate is a sleeping slave... We managed to release it, and now we've won.", which is unlocked by default.
- “Try me! (やってみろッ!)”
- “How about it? My skills make you shiver, no? (どうだい、ブルっちまう特技だろう…)”
- “You can't do anything now. (もうおまえにはどうする事もできない)”
- “This one's special. When he says he's going to do something, it's as good as done. (
こいつにはやると言ったらやる ………『スゴ味』があるッ!)” - “"Carry out the mission and protect our underlings." Think you can handle that? (『任務は遂行する』………『部下も守る』。おまえごときに 両方やるというのは、そうムズかしい事じゃあないな)”
- “I can see that you have true resolve! (覚悟を決めてると………
みなした !)” - “Answer me. This interrogation has already turned into torture. (答えろよ。質問はすでに…『拷問』に変わっているんだぜ)”
- “No matter what, I can always put this into your mouth... (何だろうとおまえの口の中に入れる事ができるんだぜ……)”
- “What's wrong? Come at me. (どうした? 来いよ)”
- “I'll show you. My resolve is on a level far above yours! (こいつ以上の『覚悟』が
ある事を !! こいつ自身に見せつけるしか ねえッ!)” - “Quit while you're ahead! (やめた方がいい…!!)”
- “Oh how low you've fallen. You're less than scum! (堕ちたな…… ただのゲス野郎の心に…………!!)”
- “I'm rubbing you out... Now! (あんたを始末する! 今ッ!)”
- “Hiding yourself? I don't know what you are, but you can't be that powerful. (姿を隠すとは…どんな正体か知らんが、 大した「実力」ではないと判断するぜ)”
- “This is rougher than I had thought! (オレの考えが甘かった!)”
- “Enough talk from you! (それ以上しゃべるんじゃあないッ!)”
- “Stop talking. We won't agree on anything. (もうしゃべるな。話がかみ合わねえ)”
- “No matter how twisted this world may be, I will walk the path I believe in! (こんな世界とはいえ、 オレは自分の『信じられる道』を歩いていたい!)”
- “Complete the mission and protect one's underlings. A capo must find a way to do both of these things. (『任務は遂行する』。『部下も守る』。『両方』やらなくっちゃあ ならないってのが『幹部』のつらいところだな)”
- “In the world of a gangster, don't assume anyone is dead until the deed is done! (「ブッ殺してやる」ってセリフは…終わってから言うもんだぜ。 オレたち「ギャングの世界」ではな)”
- “Disgraces like you screw up everything they do! (何をやったってしくじるもんなのさ。 ゲス野郎はな)”
- “I'll never forgive you! You betrayed my very soul! (ゆるさねえッ! あんたはオレの心を『裏切った』ッ!)”
- “You need power before anything else! (まず「力」をつけるんだ!)”
- “It was a hard path to take... one that I'd never reach without a dose of luck. (何よりも『困難』で……… 『幸運』なくしては近づけない
道のり だった………)” - “I felt a noble resolve in your eyes, like diamond. But you've fallen. You're scum. (さっき、おまえの目の中に、ダイヤモンドのように 固い決意をもつ「気高さ」を見た…だが…堕ちたな…… ただのゲス野郎の心に…………!!)”
- “You know what makes me sick? People who use others for their own selfish gains! (吐き気をもよおす『邪悪』とはッ! なにも知らぬ無知なる者を利用する事だ……!! 自分の利益だけのために利用する事だ…)”
- “You'd never be able to understand my soul! (きさまにオレの心は永遠にわかるまいッ!)”
- “I couldn't forgive you. I couldn't ignore what happened. That's why I betrayed you! (許す事ができなかった。 そんな事を見ぬふりをして、帰ってくる事はできなかった。 だから「裏切っ」た!)”
- “Good to meet you here... If you aren't busy, I've got a question for you. (いいところで出会った……ああ……もし多忙でなければ…… ひとつ、ちょっとした質問に答えてくれるとありがたいんだが…)”
- “I want to steal an airplane. Wonder where I can find one... (これから飛行機を盗みたいんだが、 それってどの辺に停まっているのかな?)”
- “I accept this as fate... The cavalcade of coincidences that heaven has granted me. (これは「運命」だとオレは受け取ったよ。 『天』がチョッピリだけ許してくれた偶然の運命だってな…)”
- “All I could do was die a slow death... but then my soul was reborn! (
ゆっくりと 死んでいくだけだった…オレの心は、 生き返ったんだ……)” - “Don't worry... everything's just going back to the way it should be. That's all. (気にするな…………… そうなるべきだったところに…戻るだけなんだ。 元に戻るだけ……)”
- “Us making it this far means total victory. This is good. All of it is... (オレたちがここまで到達したことが………完全なる…勝利なのだ。 これでいいんだ。全ては…)”
- “Fate is a sleeping slave... We managed to release it, and now we've won. (運命とは『眠れる奴隷』だ……
オレたちはそれを解き放つこと ができ た…… それが勝利なんだ………)”
- “This one's special. When he says he's going to do something, it's as good as done. (
こいつにはやると言ったらやる ………『スゴ味』があるッ!)” - “I'll never forgive you! You betrayed me again! (ゆるさねえッ! あんたは今再びッ!
オレの心を 『裏切った』ッ!)” - “I did what I thought was right. I regret nothing. (オレは「正しい」と思ったからやったんだ。後悔はない…)”
- “Arrivederci! (アリーヴェデルチ(さよならだ)!)”
- “Answer me. This interrogation has already turned into torture. (答えろよ。質問はすでに…『拷問』に変わっているんだぜ)”
- “Ah-- Ow! I've got this sharp pain creeping up on me. Aah. Aaaaagh! (い…痛ぇ! 鋭い痛みがゆっくりやってくるッ! うおあああああああああ)”
- “This nauseating evil! (吐き気をもよおす『邪悪』とはッ!)”
- “Don't worry... everything's just going back to the way it should be. That's all. (気にするな…そうなるべきだったところに…戻るだけなんだ。元に戻るだけ…)”
- “Fate is a sleeping slave... We managed to release it, and now we've won. (運命とは『眠れる奴隷』だ……
オレたちはそれを解き放つこと ができ た……それが勝利なんだ………)” - “You'd never be able to understand my soul! (きさまにオレの心は永遠にわかるまいッ!)”
- “Hmm, you taste of lies, Giorno Giovanna! (この味は! ………
ウソをついてる『味 』だぜ……ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ!)”
- “This is how it should be... (これでいい…)”—Round Win 1
- “I did what I thought was right. I regret nothing. (オレは「正しい」と思ったからやったんだ。 後悔はない…)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Bucciarati has one of his teeth punched out by Gold Experience, recreating the move's original context.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Bucciarati puts a hand to his face in sudden exhaustion, as he does before unintentionally stabbing his hand with a railing.[4]
- When summoned as an Assist by Jean Pierre Polnareff ("Mr. Polnareff!"), Giorno Giovanna, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, or Trish Una, Bucciarati calls out his ally's name. If summoned by Guido Mista, Bucciarati declares, "Right behind you!" (援護する!).
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Bucciarati has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.
- “I won't take your life... But I'll knock you unconscious for a while. (命までは取らない。 だが、しばらく再起不能になってもらう…)”—Default dialogue
- “Me?! What the hell?! (
オレだ ! ………? !! こっ、これは……!?)”—Bruno Bucciarati (Player 1)“Don't come any closer. Who are you? (それ以上近づくな。何者だ?)”—Bruno Bucciarati (Player 2) - “Are you... Polnareff, from the Colosseum? (おまえは…コロッセオにいたポルナレフか…?)”—Bruno Bucciarati“I get the feeling those zippers of yours are more than just for show! (あのジッパー…見かけ以上にやばいにおいがするぜ…)”
“Let's see who can drive their fist into their foe first. (どちらが先に相手に拳をたたき込むかの勝負だ……)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “Fire away, Mista. I'm waiting. (さあ、ミスタ。撃ってこい)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “Let me see your Li'l Bomber. Come at me with all you got! (エアロスミスを出すんだ。全力で来い)”—Bruno Bucciarati“I don't like this much, but these are my orders, Bucciarati! (あんまり気が進まねーけど…命令ならやるぜ! ブチャラティ!)”
“So you've been tailing us. No matter, that happens a lot in this town. (おれたちの追手になったのか。 …気にするな、よくあることだ。この世界ではな…)”—Bruno Bucciarati
“I'm not allowed to answer any of your questions. (君の方からの質問に答える事は許されていない)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “I pledged my loyalty to the organization. It's not like I pledged my loyalty to you. (オレが忠誠を誓ったのは「組織」になんだ。 あんたに対し忠誠を誓ったわけじゃあねえ!)”“I won't take your life... But I'll knock you unconscious for a while. (命までは取らない。 だが、しばらく再起不能になってもらう…)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “You're soft, Bucciarati! You gotta stop me and protect the girl, even if your pals die! Are those your orders or not? You don't deserve to be a capo! (甘いんじゃあねーか! ブチャラティ。 仲間を切り捨てても娘を守るためオレを倒す! それが任務じゃあねえのか? 「幹部失格」だな)”“"Carry out the mission and protect our underlings." Think you can handle that? (『任務は遂行する』……『部下も守る』 おまえごときに両方やるというのは、そうムズかしい事じゃあないな)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “More goons here too?! You're after us as well, aren't ya? (こんなところにも「敵」が! オレたちを追って来ているのか!!)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “What's wrong? Come at me. (どうした? 来いよ)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “Your skill! It's incredible, but you can only read my moves for a short time! (あんたの「能力」! ………「無敵」だが… 「動き」を読めるのは……短い時間だけらしい!)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “That can't have been King Crimson's ability, can it? (今のは…まさかキング・クリムゾンの能力か?)”—Bruno Bucciarati (Player 1)“You also can use Sticky Fingers? How can this be? (こいつ…スティッキィ・フィンガーズを使うとは?)”—Bruno Bucciarati (Player 2)
- “Your Chariot was a formidable foe... before I retired it, that is! (リタイア前のチャリオッツ… なるほど、手ごわい…)”—Bruno Bucciarati“That power, that speed, AND those zippers... You're just too strong! (パワーとスピードに加えてジッパーかよ… ちょいと強すぎるんじゃねぇの?)”
- “I should never have taken your skills lightly. (お前の能力、やはり侮れないな…)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “You're as skilled with your Pistols as ever. Keep it up. (よし…ピストルズの連携は問題ないようだな)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “Concentrate your spirit! Don't you dare let up! (もっと精神を集中しろ! 甘ったれてんじゃあねーぞッ!)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “I hope we can meet again someday... If we both live long enough. (いずれまた会おう…お互いに無事だったらな)”—Bruno Bucciarati“I was so determined to follow you... Why didn't I board the boat...? (あんたにずっとついていくって決めてたのに… あの時…どうしてボートに乗れなかったんだろう…)”
- “So the boss's daughter is a Stand user after all... (「ボスの娘」は……………やはり「スタンド使い」………)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “My job is to protect my men and complete the mission. A capo must find a way to do both. (『任務は遂行する』『部下も守る』 「両方やらなくちゃあならないってのが「幹部」のつらいところだな)”—Bruno Bucciarati“Great! I'll kill you all, and then we'll be taking the boss's daughter! (これでおまえらは皆殺しだ!! そしてボスの娘はオレたちが手に入れるッ!!)”
- “I wonder if Mista and Giorno are getting the discs... (ミスタとジョルノは順調に『DISC』をゲットしているんだろうか)”—Bruno Bucciarati
- “Didn't manage to predict your own loss, eh? (自分が負けることは『予測』できなかったのか)”—Bruno Bucciarati, against Diavolo
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Bucciarati as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Stardust Crusaders
2. Land the "Emerald Splash" skill:
3. Land a 20-hit combo:
Kakyoin: I hope so. I used to be so scared I could puke... but not anymore.
Diamond is Unbreakable
2. Land a 10-hit combo:
3. Land a Heart Heat Attack:
Bucciarati: Who are you? How does a girl like you know about Passione?
Golden Wind
2. Land the "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill:
Bucciarati: This guy wants to kill me. And I know he's the type who follows through!
2. Land the "I've got you!" special:
3. Land the "From interrogation to torture" throw:
Bucciarati: ...where did you come from? Can your Stand use Zippers too?
2. Use a Heart Heat Attack:
Bucciarati: I just have to beat him, right? The man in black?
2. Do a normal attack with Stand on:
3. Land the "This isn't my arm." skill:
Diavolo: You better go away now, Bruno Bucciarati... Approach me, and you'll die.
Bucciarati's theme is Arrivederci! (アリーヴェデルチ!(さよならだ), Arīvederuchi! (Sayonara da)), and can be unlocked in game by landing the "This isn't my arm." skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Bucciarati vs. Diavolo Normal Battle.
Its name is taken from the closing line of Bruno's Stand Rush against Pesci in Chapter 60 of Vento Aureo.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Chapter 549: King Crimson vs. Metallica, Part 6
Update History
- "ARI ARI ARI ARI" skill
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
- Throw Escape
Adjusted to standardize character advantages and disadvantages when being throw escaped.
- "I've got you!" special (grounded and aerial versions)
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "I've got you!" special (aerial version)
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- This change was implemented in 1.4.0, but did not properly apply to the aerial version.
- "I've got you!" special (grounded and aerial versions)
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- This change was implemented in 1.4.0 and then reapplied again in 1.5.0, but was still not functioning properly.
- "ARI ARI ARI ARI" skill
Fixed an issue where, when activated in the air, Bucciarati would perform a second small jump in midair when using the
versions since Sticky Fingers could return to him before he reached the ground.
- "I've got you!" special
Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs as the command normal was clashing with skills.
- "Not so bright, are you?" special
Adjusted the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs as the command normal was clashing with skills.
- "Open, zipper!" skill
Fixed a bug where the hitbox's position would shift during the attack.
- Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", on Youtube, March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Bucciarati ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 446: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 522: The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 5
- ↑ The Hidden Six-Hundred Million Yen Stash
- ↑ The Mystery of King Crimson (Story Arc)