Bruno Bucciarati (ブローノ・ブチャラティ, Burōno Bucharati) appears in All-Star Battle as a playable character, confirmed for the game alongside Narancia Ghirga and Diavolo in the game's 5th official trailer[1] after being announced in Weekly Shonen Jump prior to said trailer.
As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Bucciarati can turn his Stand, Sticky Fingers, "on/off", changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, Capcom Fighters, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand. Bucciarati has 950 HP.
Bucciarati is one of the only characters who activates Resolve Mode instead of the normal Rumble Mode when low on health. In this state, attacks that do not result in hard knockdowns or blow-backs no longer phase the character.
A special ability that automatically activates if Bucciarati is KO'd during a round where he could be Retired while having at least one stock of Heart Heat. Bucciarati rises again from defeat, being granted a small amount of Resolve Mode health to continue fighting with.
Bucciarati delivers a quick straight punch with his reach greatly extended via his arm unzipping, knocking the opponent off their feet. This skill can be performed in mid-air, and the attack button inputted determines the trajectory of the strike. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Ground versions:
Light (): Bucciarati punches upwards, and the attack functions as an anti-air.
Medium (): Bucciarati punches straight forward.
Heavy (): Bucciarati punches at a downwards angle.
Aerial versions:
Light (): Bucciarati punches straight forward, allowing him to challenge an opponent also in the air.
Medium (): Bucciarati punches at a diagonally downwards angle.
Bucciarati summons Sticky Fingers as they both perform a 3-hit one-handed punch combo in unison, launching the opponent into the air. If Heavy () is inputted, the attack has a longer start-up period but initiates a guard effect against High- and Middle-hitting attacks before executing, protecting him so long as it's not challenged by a Low attack; It will also send the opponent flying away. (Flash Cancel Comboable)
Bucciarati creates a zipper on the ground and begins riding it at high speeds towards or away from the opponent. The attack button inputted determines his travel distance and speed. This ability can be used to create or close distance for positional or evasion purposes, due to both its speed as well as the fact that Bucciarati is especially low to the ground while moving; This allows him to dodge under many incoming attacks.
Of special note is that this skill is cancelable not only into a dedicated follow-up skill, but also "I'll have to finish you from afar!" and Bucciarati's Throw, offering him both impressive mobility potential as well as the ability suddenly cover a large distance and Throw the opponent in a single maneuver.
Using the momentum of the zipper, Bucciarati delivers a low sliding kick that deals heavy damage, sending the opponent flying into the stage wall if hit. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked standing.
I'll finish you from afar!
x2 + // then / + //
Bucciarati creates a zipper on the ground and quickly enters it, becoming invulnerable and reappearing at a different location for positional or evasion purposes. The buttons inputted determine where he reappears in relation to where he started. If Down () is held, he'll reappear from the ground through another zipper. If Up () is held, he'll descend from the air with his arm unraveling by a zipper.
Light (): Bucciarati reappears a distance from the opponent, or his horizontal position does not change if he is already far enough.
Medium (): Bucciarati reappears closer to the opponent, or right in front of them if close enough.
Heavy (): Bucciarati reappears right in front of/above the opponent, or much closer if he is too far.
A special ability that automatically activates if Bucciarati is KO'd during a round where he could be Retired while having at least one stock of Heart Heat. Bucciarati rises again from defeat, being granted a small amount of Resolve Mode health to continue fighting with.
Sticky Fingers rapidly punches while advancing forward, the final punch sending the opponent flying. The attack button inputted determines the Stand's forward movement as well as the hit count and total damage of the attack. This skill can be performed in mid-air, suspending Bucciarati's fall and instead making Sticky Fingers deliver its punches from a stationary position. A Stand Rush skill that Bucciarati can disconnect from to freely act while it is executing. (Flash Cancel Comboable)
Both Bucciarati and Sticky Fingers both wind up and deliver straight punches, their reach significantly extended via their arms unzipping, knocking the opponent off their feet. (Flash Cancel Comboable)
Sticky Fingers creates a zipper on the ground and punches into it. Another zipper immediately opens up a set distance away to deliver the punch, knocking the opponent into the air in a low attack that cannot be blocked standing. The attack button inputted determines the location of the second zipper. (Flash Cancel Comboable)
Sticky Fingers punches the ground, creating and sending out a projectile zipper moving forwards. The zipper strikes as a low attack that cannot be blocked standing, and launches the opponent into the air upon connecting. The attack button inputted determines the travel distance of the zipper. (Flash Cancel Comboable)
Bucciarati grabs the opponent, punches them upside the head hard enough for them to bounce off the ground, backhand-punches them in the abdomen to knock them into the air, then backhands them again in the head to send them flying.
Bucciarati braces himself with his arms before charging forward at full speed. If he tackles the opponent, he'll grab them before falling with them into an open zipper on the ground created by Sticky Fingers. While off-screen, he proceeds to beat the opponent for heavy damage accompanied by muffled commotion. Bucciarati finishes by reappearing from above the screen and forcefully pile-driving his foe into the ground as he cleanly rolls away, costing him a small sliver of health. The damage dealt to Bucciarati himself is silver, and he can regain this lost health over time, provided he doesn't take damage again during this process.
Bucciarati calls out Sticky Fingers to create a zipper on the ground and punch into it, sending out a second zipper moving along the ground forward. If the second zipper makes contact with the opponent, it opens up as Sticker Fingers's zipper-extended fist flies out of it and uppercuts them high into the air, prompting Bucciarati and his Stand to descend into the first zipper. Sticky Fingers emerges from the second zipper directly under the airborne opponent and assaults them with a barrage of upward punches, letting out its signature "ARI ARI ARI" cry. Bucciarati himself slowly emerges during the extended assault and firmly bids his opponent an "Arrivederci" while saluting, as a final left haymaker from his Stand sends them flying (recreating how he killed Pesci).
Gameplay Overview
Bucciarati is a utilitarian combatant that emphasizes excellent maneuverability, strong spacing and neutral with multiple ranged attacks, and an overall impressive repertoire of different abilities. Sticky Fingers's various zipper-based powers lend him a wealth of possibilities, ranging from a very fast, multi-purpose movement ability, a "teleporting" skill, and many mid- to long-ranged attacks; He can functionally move to any range he needs to be immediately and reliably begin attacking from there. While Stand OFF focuses on his mobility and quick, long-reaching attacks for a defensive style, Bucciarati switches to a much more aggressive strategy with Sticky Fingers active, gaining heavier strike attacks and launching skills while retaining his core above-average reach.
However, Bucciarati's most important damage-dealing skills have considerable recovery period after performing them, which means he is vulnerable to retaliation should the opponent successfully dodge or block his attacks. Although Flash Cancels and Stand Rush may help mitigate this weakness, it can naturally make him more reliant on Heart Heat. As a result, he requires proper knowledge of his attacks' ranges and spacing to help keep himself safe from counterattack, and more care be given towards Heart Heat as a fail-safe.
With all his strengths combined, Bucciarati is outstandingly reliable and versatile, and seen as one of the most well-rounded characters in the game. When proper understanding of his talents is applied, he possesses a naturally advanced level of spatial control over the arena, unleashes attacks from any angle, and outmaneuvers his foe before quickly punishing their actions.
1200 G, Mista playable, Glossary: Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna, Gold Experience, Zipper Man
Special Conditions
The player's attack power is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Win without losing a single round. (1500 G) 2. Land a Heart Heat Attack. (Gold Experience 3D Model)
Entrance Dialogue
Giorno: You look like someone who came prepared... to kill. And if you're prepared to kill, then you're prepared to be killed! Bucciarati: This guy wants to kill me. And I know he's the type who follows through!
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: I'm here to defeat your boss and take over this town.
Defeat Dialogue
Bucciarati: Mission accomplished, boss. He's history.
1600 G, Narancia playable, Glossary: Aerosmith, Diavolo, Guido Mista, King Crimson, Leone Abbacchio, Narancia Ghirga, Sex Pistols, Trish Una
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power is increased. The enemy's Heart Heat Gauge fills over time.
Secret Missions
1. Land the "I've got you!" skill. (1000 G) 2. Use the "Close, zipper!" skill. (Sticky Fingers 3D Model)
Entrance Dialogue
Bucciarati: This evil nauseates me! The way you use innocents simply for your own profit... Diavolo: You better go away now, Bruno Bucciarati... Approach me, and you'll die.
Victory Dialogue
Bucciarati: I'll never forgive you! You betrayed me again!
Defeat Dialogue
Bucciarati Arrives (ブチャラティが来るBucharati ga Kuru, lit. Bucciarati is Coming)
1. Land the "This isn't my arm." skill. (1000 G) 2. Land the "From interrogation to torture" throw. (Gold Experience Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Giorno: You look like someone who came prepared... to kill. And if you're prepared to kill, then you're prepared to be killed! Bucciarati: This guy wants to kill me. And I know he's the type who follows through!
Victory Dialogue
Bucciarati: Mission accomplished, boss. He's history.
Defeat Dialogue
Giorno: I'm here to defeat your boss and take over this town.
The player's attack power is increased. The player's Heart Heat Gauge fills over time.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Erasing time" special. (1500 G) 2. Land a Great Heat Attack. (Sticky Fingers Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Bucciarati: This evil nauseates me! The way you use innocents simply for your own profit... Diavolo: You better go away now, Bruno Bucciarati... Approach me, and you'll die.
Victory Dialogue
Defeat Dialogue
Bucciarati: I'll never forgive you! You betrayed me again!