Emporio Alnino/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

Le personnage abordé dans cet article est aussi appelé "Emporio Alniño".
Tu n'as donc pas compris ? Le destin t'as vaincu ! Parce que le destin est du côté de la justice ! (わからないのか?おまえは「運命」に負けたんだ!「正義の道」を歩む事こそ「運命」なんだ!!)
—Emporio, Stone Ocean Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World

Emporio Alnino (エンポリオ・アルニーニョ, Enporio Arunīnyo) est un allié majeur figurant dans la sixième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean.

Emporio est un jeune garçon et manieur de Stand qui a vécu en secret dans la prison Green Dolphin Street. Sympathisant avec Jolyne sympathisant avec Jolyne, il devient un de ses principaux alliés. Son Stand, Burning Down the House, lui permet d'utiliser des objets fantômes.


A en croire ses dires, Emporio est un petit garçon de 11 ans, avec une carrure moyenne. Il a des cheveux bouclés clairs, et des yeux bruns-jaunes.

Emporio porte un uniforme de baseball rayé, qui apparemment appartient à l'équipe des Chicago Cubs sachant qu'il est blanc rayé bleu, et que sa casquette de baseball est décoré avec un "C" rouge.



Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurEyes of Heaven
(Uniforme blanc, bordures rouge, casquette blanche et bleue)
Yeux(Brun clair)
(Uniforme blanc et rouge, casquette blanche et bleue)


Emporio est un petit garçon gentil et intelligent mais craintif et qui rechigne à se battre.

Cependant, alors qu'il continue d'aider les héros, il est tout de même souvent mêlé à des combat. Il se révèle utile en utilisant son ordinateur et sa perspicacité pour obtenir des informations sur les pouvoirs de ses opposants et en aidant Jolyne à sortir de plusieurs moment difficile en la cachant avec ses «objets fantômes».

Lorsqu'il participe à un combat, il est le plus souvent incapable de se battre, vu qu'il est un petit garçon et que son Stand n'a aucune capacité offensive. Celà change durant le dernier combat contre Pucci alors qu'il acquiert le Stand de Weather Report.



Le Stand d'Emporio, Burning Down the House, lui donne la possibilité d'utiliser ce qu'il appelle des «objets fantômes». Ce terme fait référence aux objets qui ont été détruits à un endroit dans le passé. Il utilise principalement sa capacité pour se cacher dans une salle de musique secrète dans la Prison de Green Dolphin Street qui contient divers objets impérissables, tels qu'un pistolet inoffensif (vu que les balles ne blessent pas les être vivants), un ordinateur et une tablette de chocolat qui peuvent être goûtés mais pas mangés. Emporio peut permettre à d'autres personnes d'entrer dans cette salle.

Burning Down the House (バーニング・ダウン・ザ・ハウス)Link to this section

Emporio n'est pas un combattant, mais il est généralement de bon conseil. Son ordinateur et sa perspicacité lui permettent de faire des recherches et d'assister ses alliés.

Emporio acquiert temporairement le Stand Weather Report à la fin de Stone Ocean.



Emporio est né d'une prisonnière anonyme dans la Prison de Green Dolphin Street. Depuis lors, Emporio a vécu en secret dans la prison sans jamais se faire remarquer, probablement avec l'aide de son Stand, Burning Down the House, et en se cachant dans la salle fantôme. A un moment donné Enrico Pucci a tué sa mère et volé son disque Stand[1], faisant réaliser Emporio qu'une menace se cacheait dans la prison sans pour autant apprendre que c'était le prêtre le coupable. Emporio gardea avec lui un os du squelette de sa mère comme souvenir et comme outil pour se protéger des illusions de Whitesnake. En tout cas Pucci ignora l'existence d'Emporio.

A un moment donné, Emporio rencontre Weather Report et Narciso Anasui, nouant avec eux une relation de confiance assez forte pour qu'ils soient autorisé dans la salle de musique fantôme.

Stone Ocean

Le Visiteur

Emporio prévient Jolyne d'un danger inconnu

Un jour, Emporio apprend que Jotaro va venir dans la prison pour visiter Jolyne. Il la confronte et l'avertit de ne pas le voir. Emporio l'avertit de ne pas aller à la rencontre du prochain visiteur sous peine d'encourir un sort pire que la mort, cacheant encore l'identité de Jotaro à Jolyne. Emporio disparaît alors. Le lendemain, alors que Jolyne est convoquée dans la salle de visite, Emporio réapparaît à nouveau caché dans une poubelle et essaie de la dissuader une seconde fois. Voulant sauver Jolyne du mal qui se cache dans les murs de la prison, Emporio lui dit de ne pas y aller mais Jolyne refuse car elle croit que sa mère est là. Résigné, Emporio tend à Jolyne l'os de sa mère.

Malgré les efforts de Jotaro pour faire sortir Jolyne de prison, le duo de Johngalli A. et le mystérieux Stand Whitesnake parviennent à effectuer une attaque synchronisé et à voler les souvenirs et le Stand de Jotaro. Jolyne l'amène à un sous-marin de la Fondation Speedwagon afin qu'il puisse être amené dans en lieu sûr mais reste en prison pour récupérer les disques mémoire et Stand de Jotaro. Emporio communique avec Jolyne avec une ficelle et est consterné de l'entendre vouloir défier Whitesnake. Cependant, Jolyne et Emporio décident de coopérer pour trouver les disques de Jotaro et démasquer le manieur de Whitesnake.

Ermes' Sticker

File:Ermes emporio weather anasui.png
Ermes meets Emporio, Weather & Anasui

Jolyne dit à Emporio de garder un oeil sur Ermes Costello et il la confronte deux jours après alors qu'elle se réveille. Il l'amène alors dans la salle fantôme pour pouvoir discuter sous l'oeil désintéréssé de Weather Report et Narciso Anasui, qui se reposent dans le piano. Emporio présente sa capacité à Ermes et comment fonctionne la salle fantôme. Emporio explique ensuite ce qui se passe avec Jolyne et lui demande ce qu'elle a appris du concierge. Ermes lui montre le disque de McQueen mais leur conversation est interrompue quand Ermes sent un choc sur son bras. McQueen est en train d'essayer de s’électrocuter. Pour aider Ermes, Emporio explique que McQueen cherchera probablement de l'eau saline pour pouvoir se suicider correctement. Emporio préfère ne pas s'impliquer car on pourrait le voir. Ermes part seule affronter McQueen et parvient finalement à le neutraliser.

Opération Savage Garden

Après que Jolyne ait récupéré Star Platinum et fait amie avec Foo Fighters, elle passe un appel à la Fondation Speedwagon pour préparer une rencontre et délivrer le disque Stand de Jotaro. Emporio l'appelle aussi pour décider de quoi faire et explique avec une carte de la prison que pour aller dans la cour intérieur (le point de rencontre), Jolyne doit passer à travers des portes blindée et elle a besoin d'une carte de sécurité. Il conseille à Jolyne d'emmener Weather avec elle. Weather aperçoit un ennemi et le groupe retourne dans le couloir, l'esquivant apparemment en se cachant dans une veste. Emporio conseille à Jolyne de soudoyer son chemin vers l'atelier mais se retire ensuite car il n'est plus d'aucune utilité.

Le Quartier Disciplinaire et l'Evasion

Après la victoire d'Ermès sur Sports Maxx, les héros examinent son disque mémoire et apprennent l'existence de l'Os de DIO, un objet important qui semble être dans le quartier disciplinaire. D'ailleurs, Jolyne a été emprisonnée là-bas. F.F. s'inquiète pour Jolyne et demande à Emporio de l'aider à atteindre le quartier disciplinaire, mais Emporio dit qu'il lui est impossible d'y aller en toute sécurité. Étonnamment, Anasui accepte d'aider F.F. à atteindre Jolyne. Cependant, l'opération tourne mal. Après une longue série de batailles, Enrico Pucci parvient à acquérir le Bébé Vert et à fusionner avec lui. Foo Fighters meurt et Anasui s'accroche à peine à la vie, Jolyne et Anasui sont repris par les gardes.

Emporio et Jolyne battent Miu Miu et peuvent maintenant s'évader

Quelques jours plus tard, Emporio rend visite à Jolyne dans sa cellule de confinement temporaire et tente de la dissuader de s'échapper et de suivre Pucci, connaissant le terrible gardien qui empêche tous les utilisateurs du stand de s'échapper. La garde-cheffe Miuccia Miuller apparaît et avertit Jolyne de ne pas s'échapper. Cependant, Jolyne l'attaque et Miu Miu active son Jail House Lock. À son insu, Emporio est affecté par le pouvoir. Il se retrouve piégé dans sa salle de musique, mais parvient néanmoins à trouver la véritable identité de Miu Miu en tant garde-cheffe de la salle des visites. Lorsque Jolyne le rejoint finalement dans sa chambre, leur perte de mémoire les empêche de se coordonner. Miu Miu suit Jolyne, voit l'écran de l'ordinateur sur lequel sa photo est affichée et déclare qu'ils tentent tous les deux de s'échapper de prison. Sortant son arme, Miu Miu parvient à tirer sur Emporio et détruit l'écran, mais Jolyne l'éloigne de la pièce et dit à Emporio d'imprimer l'image. Emporio imprime l'image en binaire, permettant à Jolyne de tisser le portrait de Miu Miu et de la vaincre. Grâce à la capacité de Miu Miu, Jolyne, Emporio et Ermes s'échappent facilement.

Emporio and the others must defeat Rikiel

Visiting Romeo Jisso's house, the trio acquire a helicopter and Romeo leads the police off their trail. In the helicopter, Jolyne feels Pucci's presence and asks Emporio to head West toward Orlando. Ermes notices that one of the windows is open and closes it, but feels something passing close to her hand. Suddenly Emporio's eyelids fall down and he is blinded. As Ermes' eyelids close too, she can see that everyone's eyes are now forcefully shut and Jolyne is bleeding. Emporio is unable to find the autopilot button and the enemy remains unseen and undetectable. Jolyne decides to use extreme ways and makes everyone jump out of the helicopter. The falling speed allows Ermes to spot a skyfish Kiss crushes, but many skyfishes follow. Having attached herself to the helicopter, Jolyne manages to soften their fall and all crash into the water but are confronted by Rikiel.

Victim of his ability, Emporio sees that the area of skin under Jotaro Kujo's memory disc has become pale blue. From that he deduces that the skyfishes are able to suck off body heat, causing illnesses and controlling the muscles from the outside that way. This warning allows Jolyne to defeat Rikiel.

In Orlando

Emporio finds himself in the middle of a snail invasion

In Orlando, Emporio is given Jotaro Kujo's memory disc by Jolyne. In the hospital, Jolyne and Ermes fight Donatello Versus and are trapped in the memory of a plane bound to crash. Using his computer, Emporio manages to find information on the crash and gives Jolyne and Ermes the positions of two seat whose passengers survived. It allows them to survive the crash as well. However, Donatello returns Weather Report's memories to him and the Stand Heavy Weather wreaks havoc on Orlando as people turn into snails.

Emporio is singled out by Donatello who aims to steal Jotaro's DISC, but Jolyne catches up to him and turns him into a snail as well. Donatello is forced to drive for the group but they crash into Weather and Pucci in the middle of a fight. The distraction allows the priest to kill his brother and escape. Jolyne tries to attack Pucci but it is revealed that it was Versus turned into an illusion. Versus is dead, and so is Weather Report. Thankfully, they acquire his mighty Stand Weather Report, in the form of a DISC. They also manage to give Jotaro's memory DISC back to the Speedwagon Foundation.

In Cape Canaveral

Emporio witnesses Jolyne's fight against C-Moon

As they approach the Kennedy Space Center, the group try to plan their approach. However, the group then falls victim of a gravitional anomaly pushing them sideways. The ground can now be considered as an enormous cliff with the sideways gravity keeping them away from the space center. The group must escape the falling car but Ermes fails to catch Jolyne as a debris knocks her out and Ermes is pushed away. With no dedicated fighting Stand, Emporio can only witness Jolyne's fight against C-Moon. Shocked when Jolyne is punched in the chest by C-Moon, Emporio believes Jolyne to be dead but receives a message from Jotaro Kujo confirming that she's alive. The heroes eventually gather and surround Pucci, but the priest realizes that he can induce the perfect conditions sooner and thus unlocks the Stand Made in Heaven. A light engulfs the center.

Made in Heaven

The heroes see that time is accelerating

Some time later, the group wakes up unharmed while approaching helicopters confirm that gravity has returned to normal. Somehow, everyone was moved 200 meters from the shuttle, and the priest has disappeared. Jotaro can still sense Pucci though, and Ermes claims that Pucci is hiding, entering a building to protect herself from an incoming rain. However, everyone finds themselves soaked, and the rain has already stopped. Suddenly, the automatic door of the building closes itself at a tremendous speed on Ermes. Dumbfounded, Ermes escapes with some difficulties due to the speed of the door. Jotaro now notices that he's dried off, and Anasui, trying to stop an unbalanced rock from falling on Ermes, realizes that it's already fallen. Jolyne, looking at the already setting sun, realizes that things are going way more rapidly than usual.

Emporio witnesses Jolyne's death

The group must not stay in the open climb a building. Jotaro stops time and sees Pucci and his Stand Made in Heaven bending a palm tree to use it as a catapult, eventually thrown to the roof faster than Jotaro can react. Due to his overwhelming speed advantage, Pucci mortally wounds Jotaro but Diver Down absorbs the damage. The roof is unsafe now and thus the heroes ties themselves together. Shooting a bullet while holding a replica of the bullet from Kiss, they are able to "fly" around but Pucci still pursues them. It is here that Anasui dooms the group and tells Emporio to shoot towards the sea where Pucci has supposedly nowhere to hide. During the flight, Anasui formulates his plan. With the heroes so close together, Diver Down can protect them all and shield them. The moment Pucci attack, Jotaro will have an opportunity to retaliate. In the water, the group realizes their mistake. The accelerating time causes a heavy tide and the waves block the view. Pucci manipulates Stone Free to kill Anasui and throws knives at Jolyne. Time resumes before Jotaro can properly attack and Jotaro's head is split in two by Made in Heaven. Similarly, Ermes' arms are cut off. For her part, Jolyne is still heavily wounded by a knife in her stomach. Pucci confronts Emporio and dares him to shoot. Emporio tries to kill Pucci but the priest is too fast. Thankfully for Emporio, Jolyne attacks from below the water with Stone Free. Evading the attack, Pucci is taken by surprise as a thrown knife cuts his right eye. Pucci dives underwater in anger.

Emporio finds himself suddenly back in Green Dolphin Street Prison, with his clothes laid besides him, and everyone else also naked and wondering how they got here. He realizes that he is in the hallway of the visiting room and hears Jolyne's voice. Hopeful, he peeks inside the visitor's room, but only sees pale copies of the Joestar. Suddenly, Pucci opens the door, glaring at Emporio. The priest then ominously announces that the universe has completed a full circle and that a new age for humanity has begun. Pushing aside the alternate Jolyne and Jotaro, Pucci then declares that he cannot bring past interferences with him, and since everyone has already died and cannot return, Emporio is the only one left to eliminate. Emporio tries to flee from Pucci, still weeping out of terror and sadness. However, the priest follows him and explains in detail that everything he'll be doing is predicted, notably that he'll try to seek refuge in his music room. Despite his best efforts to flee and upset Fate, Emporio is tunnelled towards the room. Trying to stop himself from going right since his room is a known hiding spot, Emporio runs to the left, despairing that his gun was left at the bottom of the ocean. In his desperation, Emporio trips on a mop and falls down the stairs. Pucci, declaring that only he can escape his Fate, is bound to fight Emporio in the future if he lets him be. He explains this is why he stopped the acceleration of time at the prison in order to know where Emporio would be, and asks the boy to accept his death. Made in Heaven then attacks Emporio as the child tries to slip into the ghost room. Pucci also follows Emporio into the crack, but suddenly realizes that Emporio has Weather Report's disc in his head. Moreover, Emporio now has a defiant look in his eyes.

Emporio finally kills Pucci

Now in the ghost room, Emporio explains that he purposefully entered the crack to make a blind spot and use Made in Heaven to change his fate and allow him to acquire Weather Report. As the boy declares that this is thanks to Jolyne and Weather, Pucci, distraught, attacks Emporio, and Weather Report comes forward to defend its new user. Speeding up time, Pucci dashes behind Emporio and prepares to deal the final blow, but the priest suddenly collapses into the piano as Weather Report uses its ability to manipulate the atmosphere. He creates a 100% oxygen concentration in his closed room. Since Pucci is affected by the accelerated time, he was poisoned at a much faster rate than Emporio. At that point, Weather Report embeds his fist into Pucci's temple and begins to crush his head.

The priest begs for his life, stating that Pucci's actions and DIO's legacy will be for naught if he dies since humanity will no longer be able to attain heaven and witness their true fates. A defiant Emporio puts down his entire argument in one short sentence, stating that "walking the path of justice is true Fate". Enraged, Pucci futilely tries to reach Emporio with his arm, but Weather Report rips out Pucci's face and pummels the hapless priest into oblivion. This causes a the universe to return to its previous state, this time without Pucci.

What a Wonderful World

Main article: SO Chapter 158
"My name is Emporio!"

In this alternate timeline, Emporio finds himself right outside Green Dolphin Street and witnesses an alternate version of Ermes being kicked from the bus for attempting to pay with a fifty-dollar bill. Nearby, Anakiss, the alternate Anasui, invites Ermes to ride in their car in exchange for the money she can use to pay for gas. Ultimately, Emporio decides to join after meeting Irene, the alternate Jolyne, who invites the two to ride. Irene also possesses a Joestar birthmark, indicating that the Joestar family continues to live on. Deeply touched by the survival of his friends, Emporio gives his name when Irene asks for it. Later, the group picks up a hitchhiker, shown to be an alternate Weather Report.


Book Icon.png Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)


Quote.png Citations
  • Tomorrow at noon, someone's going to come to see you. But you can't. You can't go see him... you can't, no matter what!
    —Emporio Alnino warning Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  • In this world, there exist things worse than death, and one of them is happening in this prison right now.
    —Emporio Alnino, Stone Ocean Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
  • Ever since one of the prisoners gave birth to me, I've been secretly living in this prison.
    —Emporio Alnino, Stone Ocean Chapter 24: Ermes's Sticker, Part 4
  • Ever since I was born, I've had the ability to use ghost objects.
    —Emporio Alnino, Stone Ocean Chapter 24: Ermes's Sticker, Part 4
  • All I can say is, the priest's actions are manipulating and sacrificing the lives of others... and that's definitely evil... just as he tried to seal away Jolyne's father, we have to seal and destroy the priest...
    —Emporio Alnino, Stone Ocean Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6
  • Destiny is predetermined and can't be changed... if that's so, then I could just make you change it for me...
    —Emporio Alnino to Pucci, Stone Ocean Chapter 157: Made in Heaven, Part 9
  • Don't you understand? You lost to Fate! Walking the path of Justice is true Fate!
    —Emporio Alnino, Stone Ocean Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World
  • I'm Emporio...Emporio. My name... my name is Emporio.
    —Emporio Alnino, Stone Ocean Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World

Video Games

All Star Battle (PS3)

Emporio makes his first video game appearance as an explanatory character for Gallery Mode, alongside Telence T. D'Arby, Leone Abbacchio, Oingo, Boingo, Ghiaccio and Wang Chan. He is also part of the stage hazard on the Kennedy Space Center stage (screaming "Watch out!" when the objects start falling on the stage). His voice is also heard in the ending text in Part 6's story-mode segment.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Emporio briefly appears as an NPC in the sixth chapter: Stone Ocean. After bearing witness to a fight against Anasui and Ermes, Emporio is brought inside Coco Jumbo for his safety. Out of the gameplay, voicelines are available for listening.


MangaCouverturesJeux VidéoOther


  • Araki heard about a child being born in a women's prison and thought he could include it in Stone Ocean in the form of Emporio.[2]
  • During the year Araki introduced Emporio, the Chicago Cubs won a regional game, which is why Emporio dons baseball attire.[2]


  1. Stone Ocean Chapter 100: Jail House Lock!, Part 5, tailpiece
  2. 2.0 2.1 JOJOVELLER: STANDS - Comments by Hirohiko Araki[1]

