Ясухо Хиросе
Ясухо Хиросе (広瀬 康穂, Hirose Yasuho) является дейтерагонистом 8 части манги JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion.
Ясухо - обычная студентка, случайно обнаружившая Джоске Хигашикату возле Видящих Стен на побережье Морио. Она решает помочь Джоске в его поисках, и становится его главным союзником и возлюбленной.
Со временем Ясухо получает свой стенд, Paisley Park, при помощи которого она расследует загадочные события в городе.
Внешний вид
Ясухо - красивая девушка стройного телосложения, её рост составляет 166 см. У неё светлые волосы длиной чуть ниже плеч, собранные в несколько "хвостов", поддерживаемых круглыми заколками. Джоске подмечает, что размер талии у Ясухо составляет 65 см, ширина бёдер 88 см, размер груди третий.[3]
Изначально Ясухо носит блузу с широким горлом и короткими рукавами. Второй наряд включает в себя безрукавный топ с розами на обоих лямках. Оба элемента одежды изображаются в светлых тонах. Также в гардеробе Ясухо короткая юбка, покрытая розами, короткие гетры, обувь - обычные ботинки либо спортивные кроссовки с носками. Из-за проблем со зрением Ясухо использует контактные линзы.
Color Schemes
Ясухо - вежливая, добрая и любознательная девушка, проживающая в Морио.
She is somewhat innocent, in one instance naively following Josuke's requests to look elsewhere while he beat Ojiro during interrogation.[4] She is more easily upset than Josuke. Despite this she does show a level of intelligence, using Josuke's cap as a lead to discovering his past, which led to their discovery of Yoshikage Kira.[5] She is also somewhat understanding of others, as she was also able to discern, after discovering photos of bound women in Kira's home, that Josuke was not the type of person to do such a thing. She named Josuke after her dog since he resembled him.
Ясухо не устраивает образ жизни её матери, в результате своим домом и атмосферой в нём она недовольна.[6] С другой стороны, Ясухо сильно идеализировала своего отца, и после развода родителей стала ценить каждую минуту проведённую рядом с ним. Идеализация настолько сильна, что когда Ясухо увидела иллюзию, в которой её отец заявил, что обрывает с ней всякую связь, убитая горем, она попыталась покончить с собой.[7]
Ясухо очень добра и нежна с Джоске. Их привязанность друг к другу быстро перерастает в крепкий союз. По ходу сюжета JoJolion, привязанность и симпатия начинают трансформироваться в нечто большее. Когда они наконец воссоединяются, и Ясухо, и Джоске плачут от счастья и держатся за руки как если бы это делала пара возлюбленных.[8] Можно предположить, что их чувства переросли в искреннюю любовь друг к другу. С другой стороны, не исключено, что Ясухо до сих пор испытывает тёплые чувства по отношению к своему бывшему парню Тоору.
Помимо Джоске, Ясухо очень дружна с Цуруги Хигашикатой. Хотя Цуруги изначально похищает Ясухо по приказу Ёцую Ягиямы, со временем он начинает рассматривать Ясухо как близкую подругу (возможно, даже влюбляется в неё) и раскрывает ей семейные секреты, включая свой настоящий пол. Ясухо также рассматривает Цуруги как близкого друга, и вместе они помогают Джоске вспомнить прошлое и добыть информацию о фрукте Локакака. Периодически Ясухо и Цуруги объединяют усилия в битвах, например с Айшо Дайненжиямой, и просто проводят время вместе.[9]
В течение истории характер Ясухо закаляется благодаря множественным схваткам и противостояниям. В начале истории она довольно беззащитна, однако, после обретения стенда и освоения способностей оного, Ясухо становится сильнее, смелее и готова противостоять врагам в личной схватке. Она не побоялась угрожать Доломиту, что утопит его в грязи, если он не будет вести себя подобающим образом[10] и сумела дать достойный отпор Ву Томоки даже несмотря на собственную обездвиженность.[11]
Ясухо владеет Paisley Park, стэндом широкого масштаба действия, способного вести значимых для Ясухо индивидов к целям либо в безопасные или полезные в конкретный момент времени локации. Стэнд также умело манипулирует электроникой, позволяя Ясухо получать различную полезную информацию.
Особые умения
Ясухо умеет дотянуться языком до собственного локтя. Никакой значительной роли данное умение не играет, однако, по словам Ясухо, позволяет ей чувствовать себя "завершённой".[3]
Ясухо родилась в Морио в 1992 году. Её детство полностью прошло в данном городе. В некий момент она сдружилась с Джошу, и примерно в то же время у неё появился пёс по кличке Джоске. Родители Ясухо развелись когда ей было 10. Ясухо постоянно проживает со своей матерью и видится с отцом на выходных.
В первый год средней школы Ясухо купила заколку для волос в уличном автомате. Заколка её очень понравилась, но в то же время напомнила о забытом дне рождения подруги; в скором времени она получила множество грубых сообщений от всех, кто присутствовал на вечеринке.
Little did Yasuho know about her new hair clip was that it was actually a Rock Animal in disguise. Over the course of the week, it secretly causes her to produce a dramatic amount of dandruff, even from her eyebrows. When Yasuho loses the hair clip one day, she is angry at her mother because she thought her mother didn't want her to show her hair clip to her father. She is rendered unconscious by the hair clip Rock Animal shortly after.
She is woken up by a vision of her father (which was cast upon her by the hair clip Rock Animal). Although Yasuho was at first happy to see him, he proceeds to tell Yasuho that he's having an affair with another woman and is more happy with her than with Yasuho. Feeling sick, Yasuho excuses herself to the bathroom. Shortly after, her mother finds her laying on the bathroom sink with her wrist slit.
On recovery, Yasuho coincidentally meets with Holy Joestar-Kira and Yoshikage Kira in the hospital. Yoshikage shows her the pieces of her new hair clip, saying that he accidentally stepped on it and broke it (unbeknownst to Yasuho and Kira that the latter actually saved her from the hair clip Rock Animal's clutches).[7] Whatsoever, Yasuho keeps the pieces in her drawer.
At some point during high school, she met Toru again, having no idea she had already met him, and the two date for a while. Apparently, Yasuho never looked up Toru's last name.[12] She and Joshu also kissed once.[13]
Yasuho is a student at the school of humanities and social sciences in Morioh.[14]
Первая встреча с Джоске
В первой сцене Ясухо находится неподалёку от Видящих Стен, где она прячется от Джошу, своего друга детства. Она обнаруживает мужчину, наполовину зарытого в землю. Обеспокоенная, Ясухо вызывает скорую помощь и пытается поддерживать с мужчиной простой разговор и, в конец концов, помогает ему выбраться. В этот момент Ясухо обнаруживает, что мужчина был под землёй совершенно обнажённым, и что у него четыре яичка. Неожиданно появляется Джошу и от увиденного приходит в ярость. В порыве ревности он атакует незнакомца, однако тот контратакует при помощи некоей неизвестной силы, тем самым останавливая Джошу. Наконец, приезжает скорая помощь и подбирает всех троих.
Yasuho visits and brings flowers to both Joshu and the man. She gives them both Morioh-speciality gomamitsu dango while staying in the man's room to converse. She is entertained by his innocence and moved to sympathy by his attention and predicament. She decides to follow him in his escape from the hospital and offers to help him discover his identity. Identifying the brand on the label in his distinctive sailor's hat, Yasuho takes the man to the "SBR" hat shop; finding its sale on the shopkeeper's record under Yoshikage Kira, with an address. Yasuho thinks the name an ill-fit and tells him that he comes off as more of a "Josuke", as he reminds her of her childhood dog of the same name.
Ясухо и Джоске отправляются в апартаменты. Внутри они обнаруживают костюм моряка, идеально подходящий Джоске. Из квартиры этажом выше доносятся странные звуки, однако оба их просто игнорируют. Шум в ванной, однако, привлекает внимание пары. Там они обнаруживают обнажённуюдевушку, принимающую ванну. От удивления они оба покидают комнату, и Ясухо спрашивает у Джоске, кто эта девушка и почему она голая в его доме. Джоске также не имеет представления, что присходит, и оставляет вопрос без ответа. Они снова заходят в ванную, где Ясухо представляется и спрашивает девушку, состоит ли она в отношениях с Джоске. Та, в свою очередь, игнорирует вопрос, вместо этого умоляя Джоске и Ясухо помочь ей, что наводит обоих на подозрительные мысли. В поисках каких-либо улик, Ясухо обнаруживает фотоальбом. В нём содержатся фотографии мужчины, очень похожего на Джоске, и некоей девушки, с которой он проводит акт бондажа. Это разбивает Ясухо сердце, она считает, что Джоске - на самом деле садист. В слезах, она велит Джоске уехать из Морио и никогда не возвращаться, после чего убегает из квартиры.
На улице она случайно встречает двух школьных подруг. Когда те предлагают ей как-нибудь встретиться, Ясухо отказывается. Ясухо чувствует, будто бы её предали, и плачет от горя. Однако обдумав всё внимательнее, она приходит к выводу, что Джоске, учитывая его характер, совершенно не стал бы заниматься чем-то подобным. Ясухо возвращается в квартиру, где её, как и Джоске, атакует некий Станд. В конце концов, Джоске удаётся "украсть" трение пола квартиры выше этажом, в резльтате чего атаковавший их Оджиро Сасаме падает на веранду, и действие Станда прекращается. Джоске допрашивает Оджиро и узнаёт, что он и Ёшикаге Кира - это два разных человека. Ясухо и Джоске возращаются к месту, где тот был найден, и обнаруживают труп Киры.
Не найдя зацепок, Ясухо решает обезопасить Джоске, поместив его под крыло семьи Хигашиката до тех пор, пока его прошлое не будет восстановлено. Джоске остаётся в доме, однако Ясухо оказывается нежеланным гостем: горничная семьи просит её уйти и требует, чтобы Ясухо больше никогда не приходила, не виделась с Джоске и не "соблазняла" Джошу.
Investigating the Bloodline
По возвращении домой, Ясухо обнаруживает свою мать пьяную со следами поцелуев на груди. В слезах, она эмоционально осуждает образ жизни матери и решает покинуть дом. Перед уходом она читает письмо от агентства, в которое она направила образцы ДНК Киры и Джоске. В письме говорится, что "с вероятностью в 95,8%", это ДНК "одного и того же человека". Уже на улице Ясухо звонят с неизвестного номера, однако она не успевает ответить, так как на другом конце провода звонок прерывается. Ясухо вновь приходит к дому семьи Хигашиката, где видит Дайю и Джоске. Тот, однако, находясь под влиянием Станда Дайи, не узнаёт её. Ясухо инстинктивно прячется, осознавая, что что-то не так. К счастью, Джоске находит выход из проблемы. Впоследствии они вдвоём обнаруживают, что мать Йошикаге Киры, Холи Кира, некогда была офтальмологом с мировым именем, однако в данный момент находится в госпитале Морио в качестве пациента.
She makes a call to Josuke and agrees to meet with him at the hospital. Unbeknownst to her, Paisley Park begins to develop and remotely guides Josuke. Meanwhile, Yasuho manages to get into the hospital and briefly speak with Holy, but is taken away by hospital security for talking to Holy without permission. Out of the hospital, Yasuho feels a sharp pain in her ankle. Looking ill, a nearby medical assistant helps Yasuho onto a stretcher without asking and takes her into the hospital. The assistant eventually leaves her, and Yasuho notices that she is near where Holy is staying. She manages to listen in on a conversation between Holy and her doctors, and finds out that they've detected that parts of Holy's brain and vital organs are somehow missing, despite her denying having had any surgery.
The next day, Josuke calls Yasuho at school, but she doesn't answer as he was using Joshu's cell phone. She does, however, notice that he was, at the time, located on Shakedown Road and near a landmark statue called the Joestar Jizō. She discovers, with Paisley Park's help, that the jizō was built as a memorial to Johnny Joestar, who died in Morioh from what was ultimately determined to be a freak accident in 1901.
Paper Moon Deception
Later that day, Yasuho travels to the Meditation Pine Tree near the Wall Eyes and realizes she can see both the Higashikata mansion and the spring where she previously found Josuke. She finds another article in the newspaper of a small infant that was discovered beneath the pine tree around the same time as Johnny's death. Upon further inspection, Yasuho spots a hole at the base of the pine tree and goes in for a closer look, but is suddenly grabbed by a hand reaching out of it causing her to lose her shoe. She is pulled under where an obscure figure gropes her. A moment later, Yasuho finds herself in the Higashikata Family's cellar directly below the Meditation Pine. The room is filled with several memorabilia dating to the Showa Era (~1937) and there she encounters Tsurugi Higashikata, the grandson of Norisuke. Tsurugi attempts to play a game with her using a mildly profane Paper fortune teller. Yasuho eventually realizes her phone is missing and grabs Tsurugi demanding to know where it is when she discovers that Tsurugi is actually male. He explains that the eldest son of each generation in the Higashikata family is raised as a girl until his 12th birthday to ward off "a curse". To aid Yasuho, Paisley Park summons itself and travels to Josuke's location, where it inspires Josuke to send her a text message. Yasuho's phone goes off and she traces the source of the noise from underneath the carpet. Tsurugi tries to stop her by grabbing her hand, but after breaking free, Yasuho finds the phone folded like an origami frog and it attacks her.[2]
Leaving the room, phone in hand, she spots another room. Looking in the window, it is small and austere, containing a set of clothes similar to that worn by Kira, and a collection of objects including an Enter the Dragon poster and Ultraman figurine, among others. Yasuho heads back into town, trailed by Tsurugi. She speaks with a woman with a particular, angular face, who asks for directions. Another woman passes with the same face, as well as a window cleaner, the mannequins in the window, and everyone around her, except for Tsurugi. Before she can consider this, she rubs her eyes, accidentally removing her contact lenses. Heading home and replacing them, she finds that even her mother has this same face, and finally her own reflection. She is taunted by the woman who she assumed was her mother. Upset, she rushes out of her home to the street, crying.
Yasuho looks up and sees Tsurugi, unchanged. She successfully calls Josuke, who agrees to meet within 10 minutes at Gomamitsu café, in reference to his message. Yasuho confronts Tsurugi once more, but he repeats that he will always be available to help her in that room in the basement. Mistaking a shop for Gomamitsu Cafe, Yasuho realizes that she has begun to interpret all words as parts of this phrase. Joshu finds Josuke, taking his phone back, angered that he had called Yasuho. Yasuho mistakes Joshu for Josuke, narrowly passing him by. Thrilled by Yasuho's trust, and misunderstanding her words, Joshu leads Yasuho to a public bathroom, where he reveals his genitals, and begins rapidly undressing her with his Stand. Pausing when Yasuho calls Josuke's name, she strikes his head with a cistern lid and escapes. She approaches a car, mistaking its passengers' clothes for police uniforms, before she is kidnapped and nearly force-fed a pill. When Yasuho shouts to stop the car, her Stand disrupts the ankle of the driver, crashing the car into a post. Stumbling away, Yasuho's mother approaches and calls to her, whom Yasuho again fails to recognize. When Tsurugi reveals himself again, Yasuho yields and follows him back to his underground playroom.
Tsurugi's Goal and the Architect
Yasuho goes to Tsurugi's playroom. He apologizes, admitting that he targeted her with his Stand, Paper Moon King. Yasuho asks Tsurugi what is the purpose of the underground complex and Tsurugi explains that it is a space dedicated to treating a mysterious illness that turns the skin hard like stone befalling all Higashikata firstborns. Yasuho is reminded of Holy's condition, whose brain is becoming hard and smooth, memories fragmenting, and that Kira tried to save her.
Falling asleep, a figure emerges from behind a jacket hanging on the wall. Uttering obscurities, mentioning Soft & Wet and an opinion that Josuke need not exist, the man pulls a sheet of clear material from his eyes, pinning it around Yasuho's wrists and face. Taking a pitcher of water, he begins to waterboard Yasuho, waking her to a gasping panic. Yasuho subconsciously sends her Stand before the man pins its leg with his foot, catching its head as it rises from the ground. The man is able to accurately deduce aspects of the Stand's limitation before it escapes his grasp through the hatch in the ceiling. Telling Yasuho that he has been watching "all of them" up to now, the man introduces himself as Yotsuyu Yagiyama, an architect who most of all desires social status, for which purpose he intends to ensure that Josuke's memories do not return when Josuke "dies again". However, Yotsuyu slips on a banana origami and disappears.
Yasuho falls asleep later and is kidnapped by Yotsuyu during Josuke's battle against the architect. Josuke does manage to save her and defeat Yotsuyu. Somehow, Yasuho discovers a piece of fruit near her. She leaves the fruit and is later told to go away by Norisuke.
Investigating the Locacaca
Yasuho begins to master her Stand Paisley Park when Tsurugi knocks at her door and asks her to help. After Josuke gives them the key of Jobin Higashikata's Lamborghini, Yasuho investigates the GPS of the car. Thanks to Paisley Park, Yasuho sees another set of car keys and effortlessly hacks into the car. Thus, she manages to discover that Jobin exchanged the fruit Tsurugi is after with another man: Aisho Dainenjiyama. When Jobin and Joshu barge in garage where the Lamborghini is, Yasuho manages to hide herself and Tsurugi from them using Paisley Park's ability to foresee obstacles.
Yasuho proceeds to investigate Aisho. Observing the place where Jobin met the man from a rooftop, Yasuho and Tsurugi uncover a link between Aisho, who is a security guard at the stadium, and Yotsuyu, who oversaw the renovation of the stadium. They see Aisho at the same place heading to a nearby park and decide to tail him with Yasuho's phone folded into a frog. They witness a man who, after eating the fruit, regrows his missing legs while his eyes shatter into stone. As the phone is sent investigating the remains of the fruit, it is spotted by Aisho who crushes it under his feet. Affected by the damage, Yasuho and Tsurugi are nearly killed, but Aisho stops his attack when he kicks the phone away and attempts to phone Yotsuyu. Startled by the lack of answer, Aisho attempts to crush the phone again, but is distracted by a banana peel Paisley Park placed under his feet, allowing Tsurugi to use his Paper Moon King. Aisho is unable to recognize the phone and it subsequently escapes.
Having checked Aisho's access card, Yasuho determines that the fruit comes from inside the stadium. As they both go down the stairs, they are assailed by Aisho's Stand Doobie Wah! hiding in a deadly wind vortex. Escaping the building by a window, they realize that Doobie Wah! is materializing via their breath, forcing them not to breathe as they try to flee. The two try to take a bus away from the enemy Stand but it still materialized out of their breath and attacks them. Yasuho and Tsurugi leave the bus near the Motoyagura train station, and Tsurugi releases a car origami. Soon after both meet a cornered Yasuho and Tsurugi. Recognizing Jobin's son, Aisho demands that Jobin allows him to kill him, but Jobin remains silent. The car origami Tsurugi released comes back to his hand, and Tsurugi explains that he made Aisho confuse any bus with his father. When the bus starts up, it runs over the confused Aisho who is killed and breaks down into dust.
The next day, Yasuho and Tsurugi analyze the video feed of Aisho's death, realizing the strange nature of the people they are going after and determined to investigate the stadium. They meet Josuke and since Yasuho and Josuke are too happy to see each other to continue the investigation, it is paused for the time being. Josuke and Yasuho stroll on the beach, sharing a tender moment, however Josuke is signaled by another girl, calling for a meeting later. Josuke thus leaves Yasuho.
Later, Yasuho and Tsurugi have a telephonic conversation with Josuke. Yasuho has done some research about Josefumi Kujo and asks why Josuke is interested in him, to which Josuke answers that Josefumi might be his original identity. He then plans to go at Josefumi's house for further investigations and asks Yasuho if he can find a picture of him. However, Josuke's conversation is interrupted when he sees Hato coming back. Yasuho eventually finds a picture and faxes it to Josuke, although the man doesn't even remotely resemble Josuke.
Dolomite's Blue Lagoon
Josuke calls Yasuho for help with tracking down the user of Blue Hawaii. He had left a soap bubble with Dolomite's tooth in it, so Yasuho could use Paisley Park to search medical records and find out whose tooth it is. After finding the tooth, Paisley Park finds a classified document recording an incident where Dorokoma Masaji had eaten 15 of a school's rabbits and another where he had eaten 25 chickens on a farm. She notices some dirt on the tooth, and prepares to use Paisley Park to track down the source of the dirt, but is ambushed by Jobin Higashikata who causes her to pass out from heatstroke using his stand. Jobin then stomps on her phone, breaking it, and tosses the tooth down a grate.
Yasuho later wakes up but has no way of finding the enemy alone. Josuke, who has been beaten and controlled by Blue Hawaii, now mindlessly walks up to Mutsu-kabe Shrine. Yasuho spots him and trails Josuke up to Dolomite, whom she attacks with a metal bar and defeats easily since the Rock Human has no limbs. Yasuho goes as far as threatening to push Dolomite into a mud pit, forcing the Rock Human to surrender. Dolomite reveals to Yasuho and Josuke that Jobin was the one who asked him to attack Josuke, also stating that the two have gotten involved in something incredibly dangerous.
Seeking the Plant Appraiser
Yasuho then takes the bus alongside Josuke to meet the plant appraiser, whom she meets earlier than thought when the plant appraiser hijacks the bus they are in, claiming they are under attack and that his safety is the priority. The plant appraiser, named Rai Mamezuku, is suspicious of Yasuho, but she pays him no mind, using Paisley Park to hack the passengers' smartphones and prevent them from informing anyone of what is happening to the bus.
They arrive at a parking lot, and Yasuho is then invited alongside Josuke to Mamezuku's home. The latter cooks a creme Romanoff for Yasuho, and she is pleasantly surprised at the snack. However, her meal is interrupted when a tree sneaks on her, and Josuke has to save her from falling. Nonetheless, Mamezuku tosses her to the ground, exposing her to the enemy's power.
Trying to run to safety, Yasuho is the first to see the face of the enemy. A Rock Human named Urban Guerrilla, encased in his pet Doremifasolati Do, attacks Yasuho again, but Mamezuku stabs Urban and she manages to wash away the swarm of enemy Stand threatening to bore holes into her faces. When the enemy team plunges underground, Josuke jumps down to assist her. Using Paisley Park, Yasuho detects a bedrock area which can serve as a shelter. However, when Doremifasolati Do resurfaces, Josuke learns that his attacks are ineffective and thus Yasuho must flee to the bedrock area with him and is stuck at the top of a boulder.
As her powers aren't useful in direct combat, Yasuho is forced to watch Josuke and Mamezuku battle the enemy and eventually defeat them. After the battle, Mamezuku isolates Yasuho and tells her to go home to safety. However, she begins to narrate her own backstory and reaffirms her will to help Josuke. Only interested in the strange hair clip which tormented her, Mamezuku sends her home to analyze the clip.
Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves
Yasuho watches news footage of the fire at the Higashikata household as she sits in the waiting room of the hospital for menstrual pain and depression. Although she has been reassured by Mamezuku and Josuke, she is nonetheless worried about the stolen Locacaca branch. She then catches a glimpse of Mitsuba Higashikata and her doctor notices that Mitsuba's legs have been turned to stone by the Locacaca. Investigating further, she finds herself under attack by said doctor, Dr. Wu Tomoki, who controls Mitsuba's body. Wu tries to transfer himself from Mitsuba but Yasuho, but in the time it takes him to completely invade her, Yasuho manages to extract the few fragments inside of her acting as a beacon for others and takes the released Mitsuba with her. After Yasuho explains what she knows about the Locacaca and the hospital, Mitsuba reveals that she's just learned that she's pregnant and that she's worried for the child. Thus the two then try to reach the examination room where Mitsuba last recalls her examination. Pursued by Wu Tomoki, Yasuho and Mitsuba manage to get rid of him several times thanks to Awaking III Leaves, Mitsuba's Stand. On their way, Yasuho also meets with her ex-boyfriend Toru and tells him to tell Josuke where she is headed.
In the examination room, Yasuho discovers a secret tape of Wu Tomoki explaining to the audience the mechanisms of the Locacaca and opens the door to a secret laboratory containing a garden of Locacaca. However, Yasuho notices that the stolen Locacaca branch from the Higashikata garden isn't there. Wu Tomoki suddenly reappears, having taken control once again of Mitsuba by hiding in the Locacaca she eats to save her child. Yasuho must fight Wu Tomoki again, and then during the fight, vials containing deadly diseases are broken. Yasuho returns some of Mitsuba's arrows against Wu Tomoki and purges him out of Mitsuba again. When the doctor tries to scatter the Locacaca fruit and threatens to force-feed them the fruits, Josuke finally comes in and saves Yasuho. Yasuho then explains to the group her findings and she deduces that since Mitsuba was targeted by Wu Tomoki, the branch must have been taken by a third group, Jobin Higashikata being a prime suspect.
The Wonder of You (Your Miraculous Love)
To her frustration, Josuke and Mamezuku nonetheless decide to chase after the last member of the Locacaca Organization: Satoru Akefu, the head doctor of TG University Hospital, who mysteriously has no available picture of himself anywhere. Although Yasuho tries to hack the cameras through Paisley Park, she cannot snap a picture of the head doctor. Even more strangely, unnoticed obstacles keep preventing the group from catching up to the old man. During the chase, Yasuho meets with Toru again and he flirts with her, causing a mix of suspicion and jealousy from Josuke's part. As Dr. Akefu keeps evading them and leaves the hospital, Yasuho receives a message from Toru asking her to be with him again. The chase culminates in a car almost crashing into her, although she is saved by Soft & Wet. However, the doctor has boarded a bus and the trio must stop their chase for the time being. When Josuke gets into a fight with a patient whose broken neck snaps in front of him, Yasuho finds herself alone again as Josuke must deal with the authorities with Rai. This allows Toru to come back and get closer to her as he reassures he will testify for Josuke.
Yasuho is next shown sitting on her porch with Toru as she waits for Paisley Park to find Mamezuku and the face of the head doctor. After listening to Toru's proposal, she is distracted when Paisley Park finds a record of Mamezuku purchasing some goods but loses his trace again. Remembering that she was pursuing Satoru Akefu, Toru shows her a photo of Akefu's face. However, Yasuho is more shocked to discover that Mitsuba and Akefu are acquainted as she is in the photo too. At the same time, the rain has reached Yasuho's location. Focused on Mitsuba, Yasuho has yet to be affected by the rain. Piecing together the information at her disposal, Yasuho is convinced that Akefu is still looking for the new Locacaca and is targeting Mitsuba. Yasuho thus rushes to the Higashikata House with Toru as her driver.
She eventually arrives at the Higashikata House and has Paisley Park infiltrate the house in order to find Mitsuba. However, she finds a very ill Tsurugi instead and tries to ask him where the new Locacaca branch is. Before Tsurugi can answer, Jobin grabs the phone Paisley Park has hidden in and throws it in the toilet. Yasuho finds herself in deep trouble as she begins to drown and her signal to Paisley Park is cut off. Isolated from any electronic device to escape in, Paisley Park is unable to do anything. Yasuho gets desperate and tries to get attention by filming herself with one of the cameras watching the estate. Mitsuba sees Yasuho and almost saves her, but Jobin's coercion and the appearance of Satoru Akefu before her changes her mind. Determined to protect her son at all costs, Mitsuba decides to let Yasuho die. Yasuho also sees the head doctor but falls down a slope and loses her right arm. Mitsuba decides to flush the phone further down the toilet but she is interrupted. Nevertheless, Yasuho is in a desperate situation.
When the Higashikata Family catches Jobin and Mitsuba trying to drown Paisley Park, Norisuke immediately goes to pick up the phone from the toilet, saving Yasuho. Yasuho begs Norisuke to let Paisley Park escape by letting the phone near any power outlet, but Jobin tries to sway Norisuke to his side, invoking that he is on the right path at the moment to save Tsurugi. Norisuke ultimately refuses to put the phone back and exposes Jobin's crime of murdering Ojiro Sasame, forcing the son to take out his father. In the confusion, Joshu has the presence of mind to kick the phone that Norisuke drops near an electrical outlet, allowing Paisley Park to escape. Yasuho is still heavily wounded and must call for help. Unable to contact either Josuke or Mamezuku despite Paisley Park's assistance, Yasuho must call Toru and tell him to come. Toru wants to call an ambulance, but Yasuho refuses and instead asks him to assist with healing herself. Toru tells her that he's on his way. However, when Toru arrives at the estate, he ignores Yasuho and awaits for events to unfold instead. Yasuho senses a presence but cannot see Toru for unknown reasons.
Suddenly, Joshu comes out of the house with the New Locacaca pot in his hands, and declares that he'll save Yasuho. She listens to him lamenting about the Higashikata's misfortune. Yasuho thus explains that an enemy Stand is responsible for this and asks Joshu to call Josuke or Mamezuku for help. However, Joshu shows that he has the potted new Locacaca in his possession. Initially, Yasuho has some misgivings about eating the fruit but several rustling noises make her realize that the enemy is nearby. She accepts to perform an Equivalent Exchange with Joshu, although Joshu's antics frustrate her. Nonetheless, Yasuho manages to realize that Toru is the enemy because he's been following her. She eats the Locacaca and heals her arm while Joshu loses his.
Yasuho proceeds to confront Toru who remains hidden in the forest, and tells him she knows he's a Rock Human and the Stand user behind Wonder of U. Toru warns her about his power and suggests that she goes home and forget about the incident as he still cherishes the memories he's had with her. However, Yasuho decides to pursue Toru and takes Joshu's smartphone to call an ally. This triggers Wonder of U and Joshu goes mad with rage as he demands to make a second Equivalent Exchange to have his arm back. Yasuho decides to use the calamity to her advantage and brings the pot close to her, then calls Kei Nijimura, instructing her to find Josuke and bring him her phone.
Joshu trips on the potted Locacaca, allowing Yasuho to continue her call. Although Toru warns her that she'll die next, Yasuho informs Kei of the situation at the Higashikata house and tells her that if they can inform Josuke of the User's identity, then they can win. Kei mentions that she's headed for the secret Locacaca laboratory, prompting Yasuho to warn her about the calamity powers of Wonder of U. Kei manages to give Josuke the mobile phone, allowing Paisley Park to transfer itself near him. Yasuho then informs Josuke about Toru and tells him that he is the user of Wonder of U. If they can kill him, she says, then the calamities will stop. At the same time, Toru comes out of the bushes and confronts Yasuho, telling her that he's called off his attack on Josuke just to be safe. She asks what will happen to her, and Toru tells her that she's going to die, although he doesn't know how. Toru tells Yasuho to hand him the potted Locacaca to preserve it from whatever disaster will befall her. Joshu comes up and threatens Toru, but he is interrupted when the three of them see something big falling towards them. Toru sees that this object is the incoming calamity and thus grabs Yasuho to insist. This causes Joshu to try and attack Toru, but a leaf cuts his fingers; shocked and pained, Joshu trips on Yasuho and both of them fall on the ground, allowing Toru to pick up the plant. As Toru says his farewell to Yasuho, she tells Josuke on the phone that Toru has taken the fruit and that something is falling towards her.
As the slide panel begins to approach her, Yasuho still does her best to help Josuke. Josuke shoots a bubble, but Wonder of U summons another Rock Insect named Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da that deflects the bubbles and latches itself onto Josuke's hand, steadily multiplying itself and beginning to cover Josuke's body. Josuke falls to the ground and tells Yasuho to recall her Paisley Park, but instead, she hacks into the elevator's system and forces the door open, allowing Josuke to attempt another shot. However, this one misses too. Josuke collapses to the ground, overwhelmed by Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. However, a bubble still shoots out of the Star Birthmark on Josuke's shoulder, and Paisley Park brings the bubble with it via the cell phone connection. As the panel almost reaches Yasuho, Paisley Park and the bubble appear. The bubble then flies towards Toru.
- Судзуё Хиросе: Мать Ясухо. Она состоит в разводе со своим мужем, Ясухо проживает вместе с ней. Образ жизни своей матери Ясухо не одобряет.
- Отец: Бывший муж Судзуё. Отца Ясухо любит сильнее чем мать. Однажды в юности он появился перед Ясухо как видение. Поначалу Ясухо была счастлива его увидеть, однако отец сообщил ей, что сейчас он состоит в отношениях с другой женщиной, и с ней он гораздо более счастлив. От горя Ясухо попыталась покончить с собой, но была спасена врачами.
Бывший бойфренд
- Тоору: В старшей школе Ясухо встречалась с Тоору, однако по неизвестным причинам их отношения закончились, хотя есть намёк, что Ясухо ещё не полностью оправилась от чувств. Неизвестно, знает ли Ясухо о том, что Тоору - на самом деле Каменный Человек.
Друзья и союзники
- Джоске Хигашиката: Чистота и невинность Джоске очаровали Ясухо настолько, что она практически сразу решает начать ему помогать. Несмотря на то, что их поиски часто приводят к неприятным ситуациям, это её совершенно не останавливает. Лишь однажды, увидев фотографию, на которой мужчина с внешностью Джоске в "его" же квартире практикует бондаж с неизвестной девушкой, она ставит Джоске под сомнение, посчитав, что он садист. Однако полностью обдумав личность и характер Джоске, Ясухо возвращается к нему и продолжает помогать в поисках. По ходу истории появляются намёки, что Ясухо влюблена в Джоске,[3] в частности она плачет от счастья, когда им вновь удаётся встретиться, они держатся за руки, и впоследствии Ясухо упоминает, что у неё "есть любимый человек".[15]
- Рай Мамедзуку: Несмотря на то, что Ясухо помогает Мамедзуку расследовать загадки Морио, в частности что касаемо Локакака, Мамедзуку практически не придаёт ей значения. Во время схватки с Urban Guerilla и Doremifasolati Do, Мамедзуку и вовсе рассматривает её как нечто ненужное. Позднее когда она рассказывает Мамедзуку о своём прошлом, о заколке и стремлении заполучить Локакака, Мамедзуку игнорирует её историю, проявляя интерес только к Каменному Животному в виде заколки.
- Цуруги Хигашиката: При первой встрече Цуруги облапал Ясухо, и периодически лижет её в довольно пошлой манере. Несмотря на это, однако, их дружба довольно сильна, и особенно укрепляется когда им вместе предстоит сражаться с Айшо Дайненджиямой и его Doobie Wah!. Цуруги также неоднократно намекает, что влюблён в Ясухо.
- Джошу Хигашиката: Некогда они были друзьями, но в настоящее время Ясухо пытается прятаться от Джошу. Ясухо он откровенно неприятен, однако это не останавливает Джошу в его попытках стать к ней ближе. Однажды, когда Ясухо находилась под влиянием Paper Moon King, Джошу чуть было не занялся с ней сексом. Позже, убитый горем из-за семейной трагедии, Джошу пытается защитить раненую Ясухо во время бедствия, насланного Сатору Акефу и его стандом Wonder of U.
- Айшо Дайненджияма: Айшо пытался использовать Doobie Wah! чтобы подчинить её и Цуруги своей воле.
- Джобин Хигашиката: Джобин обездвижел Ясухо когда та пыталась помочь Джоске во время противостояния с Blue Hawaii, и позднее пытался убить её, утопив Paisley Park в унитазе.
- JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 3: Soft & Wet, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 4: Soft & Wet, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 5: Soft & Wet, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 6: Soft & Wet, Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
- JoJolion Chapter 8: California King Bed, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 9: California King Bed, Part 2 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 10: California King Bed, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 11: Family Tree (Cover only)
- JoJolion Chapter 12: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 13: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 14: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 15: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 4 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 16: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 5 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
- JoJolion Chapter 18: "Shakedown Road", Part 1 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 19: "Shakedown Road", Part 2 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 22: Morioh 1901
- JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 24: Paper Moon Deception, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 25: Paper Moon Deception, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 26: Tsurugi Higashikata's Goal, and the Architect
- JoJolion Chapter 27: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 1 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 28: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 2 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 29: Norisuke Higashikata, Tsurugi Higashikata, and Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Part 3 (Cover only)
- JoJolion Chapter 30: King Nothing
- JoJolion Chapter 31: "I Am a Rock", Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 32: "I Am a Rock", Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 33: Josuke! Go to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor
- JoJolion Chapter 36: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 37: It's a Summer Vacation Everyday, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 38: Jobin Higashikata is a Stand User
- JoJolion Chapter 39: Doobie Wah, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 40: Doobie Wah, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 41: Doobie Wah, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 42: Doobie Wah, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 44: Love Love Deluxe, Part 2 (Flashback)
- JoJolion Chapter 46: Love Love Deluxe, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 47: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 48: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 51: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 2 (Flashback)
- JoJolion Chapter 53: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 4 (Cover only)
- JoJolion Chapter 55: Walking Heart, Breaking Heart (Flashback)
- JoJolion Chapter 61: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 62: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 63: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 5
- JoJolion Chapter 64: Mother and Child
- JoJolion Chapter 65: The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31), Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 66: The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31), Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 67: The Plant Appraiser - Rai Mamezuku (31), Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 68: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 69: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 70: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 71: The Qing Dynasty Hair Clip
- JoJolion Chapter 72: North of the Higashikata House. The Orchard
- JoJolion Chapter 73: Ozon Baby's Pressure, Part 1 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 77: Head to T.G. University Hospital
- JoJolion Chapter 78: Orthopedic Surgeon - Dr. Wu Tomoki
- JoJolion Chapter 79: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 80: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 81: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 82: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 4
- JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca
- JoJolion Chapter 84: The Wonder of You, Part 1
- JoJolion Chapter 85: The Wonder of You, Part 2
- JoJolion Chapter 86: The Wonder of You, Part 3
- JoJolion Chapter 89: The Wonder of You, Part 6 (Mentioned)
- JoJolion Chapter 90: The Wonder of You, Part 7
- JoJolion Chapter 91: The Wonder of You, Part 8
- JoJolion Chapter 93: The Wonder of You, Part 10
- JoJolion Chapter 94: The Wonder of You, Part 11
- JoJolion Chapter 95: The Wonder of You, Part 12
- JoJolion Chapter 96: Just Don't Move
- JoJolion Chapter 97: The Wonder of You, Part 14
- JoJolion Chapter 98: The Wonder of You, Part 15
- JoJolion Chapter 101: The Wonder of You, Part 18
- JoJolion Chapter 102: The Wonder of You, Part 19
- JoJolion Chapter 103: The Wonder of You, Part 20
- JoJolion Chapter 104: The Wonder of You, Part 21
- JoJolion Chapter 105: Safety First
- “Should I hide? Or shouldn't I? I'm not sure. No holding out here, hidden, is definitely the right thing to do. But this is so awkward. Even though we only kissed once... Won't you hurry up and go somewhere else... Oh man. Squatting like this is making me dizzy.”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- “The location here is important. They're coordinates that indicate only one thing in this world. The great class-A river's name is Ichio River. And spanning across it is Hagi Bridge. If you cross that bridge from the South to the North Side, you'll arrive in S-City, Momiji Ward, Morioh.”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- “I seriously hate him... He's such an idiot. (絶対に嫌い⋯こいつマヅバカ)”
- “This is a story about breaking a curse... (これは「呪い」を解く物語一一)”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- “The beginning of it... A curse, as explained by one person, is an impurity that has been handed down because of a sin committed by a distant ancestor you know nothing about. Some describe it using the example of hatred that continued to exist after Sakanoue no Tamuramaro subjugated the Emishi. And by yet another interpretation, when mankind first came into existence and things were firmly classified as black or white, the friction that grew between them is what a curse is. But whichever it may be, a curse is something that must be broken. Or else, you'll be defeated by it... This mysterious boy who was buried in the ground... who in the world is he? Where did he come from?”—Yasuho Hirose's narration, JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- “There were 4... I'm sure of it, his balls... (『4つ』あつたのよ⋯⋯確かに『タマ』が⋯)”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
- “Morioh is famous for them. They're from a store that was established in 1903. They're a snack called gomamitsu dango. (杜王町名物の創業明治36年ごま蜜団子つてお菓子よ)”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- “The first bite needs to be with your back teeth, 'kay...? Bite with your back teeth. (ひと口めを口の奥でね⋯奥歯で噛むのよ)”
- “It's hitting me. It's hitting me. It's hitting me. It's hitting me, dammit! Jeez...”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
- “Excuse me agai~~~~n. Let me just say a couple things first. I'm Yasuho Hirose. And I'm totally not this guy's friend or anything. I just kinda got reeled into this and I ended up coming to this condo. And I was just thinking I really gotta get heading home... So, uh, what I wanna ask is pretty simple! Are you this guy's girlfriend?”
- “Don't touch meeeeeee! I wish I didn't come here... What am I... doing... in a place like this...? It's dirty... And I thought you were a good person... Get out of my hometown. I don't want people like you living in Morioh... I don't want to see you ever again... Not at the train station, not at the cafe, not on the street, nowhere. Stop fucking around!”
- “I'm not sure how to describe it... His character was different... These photos... Having a character that would... collect and enjoy that kind of cruelty... Somehow... he seemed different from that... Regardless of whether he lost his memories or not... But I don't know how to figure out what someone's true nature is... Not even my own parents... How do you discern something like that...? The condo's... 2nd floor... Yoshikage Kira... ...Well... I... figured that much was right, but... what if he wasn't Yoshikage Kira... then what...? If he wasn't the person living in room 204 in the first place... if there's a different Yoshikage Kira... then what will happen to him now?”—Yasuho Hirose's contemplation, JoJolion Chapter 4: Soft & Wet, Part 3
- “Well, I decided to come back. After thinking a lot about it... there's an inconsistency somewhere... Hey? Are you here? I'm sure you're... not Yoshikage Kira...”—Yasuho Hirose returning to Josuke, JoJolion Chapter 5: Soft & Wet, Part 4
- “He was missing two balls... Wh... What in the world does that... (タマが「2つ」ない⋯こ⋯これつて一体)”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 6: Soft & Wet, Part 5
- “This place! This house! Even I... don't know where I should go! Even I... don't know who I am!”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 8: California King Bed, Part 1
- “Josuke... It feels like we're meeting for the first time in a while. But it's only been 4 days since I went to the Higashikata House. But... I'm kind of... really excited...”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 12: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 1
- “There are lots of doors. They're the same shape, the same size, the same color and the same texture. There is no way to differentiate them at all. And there is an infinite number of said doors. But one of the doors definitely has some vestige of being open. When you open and close it many times, those traces become more apparent. Finding those traces and going! Progressing beyong! That is my Stand...Paisley Park.”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 40: Doobie Wah, Part 2
- “Hey, Josuke. Sing something. We can do this while we're walking. Sing something... Like something nostalgic... Well, if you know any songs anyhow... Remember any?”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1
- “Maybe you should be less worried about who I am and more worried about what's gonna happen to you! I found you, User!... Now cancel your attack on Josuke right now!”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 63: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 5
- “The thing I'm best at might be reading maps... I really like studying maps.”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 63: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 5
- “When Josuke crawled out from the ground by the spring near the Wall Eyes. Back then... I had no idea what was going on, anyway. He was a stranger I was meeting for the first time. The fact that he was a naked and unconscious man didn't help. Normally, I wouldn't have done anything like reach out to grab his wrists and pull him up... But for some reason... I grabbed onto Josuke's wrists straightaway. I felt like it would be okay to grab on, and I frantically pulled Josuke out from the spring water. Even I don't know why I acted the way I did back then. But, I remembered something very important and self-evident... that there isn't a single thing that should be overlooked.[...] Back then, I grabbed onto his wrists... but... the one who was pulled up was me. It's self-evident that there's not a single thing that should be overlooked and I saw that I have the same motive as Josuke does. I want to get my hands on the Locacaca too!”—Yasuho Hirose, JoJolion Chapter 71: The Qing Dynasty Hair Clip
Video Games
All-Star Battle (PS3)
Wall Eyes stage
Yasuho appears as part of the stage hazard and Situation Finish in the Wall Eyes stage.
If one of the fighters is knocked down on the "hazard" indication area, Yasuho backs away in fright, causing Joshu to appear and run through the stage, hitting anyone who gets in his way with a rock until he reaches her. Before Joshu starts his action, her Stand Paisley Park will appear and track Joshu's way.
As a Situation Finish, the losing side is knocked out near Yasuho, causing Joshu to become angry and finish the character off with a large stone (referencing the way he attacks Josuke in their first encounter) as Yasuho appears surprised.
Campaign Mode
Yasuho also appears as one of the characters who can be used on Campaign Mode's profile.
- Ясухо упоминает, что когда-то у неё был пёс по кличке Джоске, и что главный герой арки очень на него похож. Именно поэтому она дала Джоске такое имя.
- Фамилия Ясухо и некоторые её черты характера позаимствованы у Коичи Хиросе. Как Ясухо, так и Коичи были первыми персонажами, представленными в своих арках, а в их фамилии содержится одинаковый иероглиф, 康, что может означать "мирный" или "тихий".
- Их стенды и стенды главных персонажей арок взяты из песен одних и тех же исполнителей. В случае с Ясухо, её с Джоске стенды названы в честь песен Принса.
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 101: The Wonder of You, Part 18, p.14
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 JoJolion Chapter 23: Paper Moon Deception, Part 1
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 JoJolion Chapter 22: Morioh 1901
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 6: Soft & Wet, Part 5, p9
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1, p15
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 8: California King Bed, Part 1
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 JoJolion Chapter 71: The Qing Dynasty Hair Clip
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 43: Love Love Deluxe, Part 1, p14
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 47: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 1, p6-7
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 63: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 5, p.40
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 79: Doctor Wu and Awaking 3 Leaves, Part 1, p.25-27
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 100: The Wonder of You, Part 17 tailpiece from The Ultimate Dilemma
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh, p1. JoJo's Colored Adventure translation.
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 83: The New Locacaca
- ↑ JoJolion Chapter 14: "Paisley Park" and "Born This Way", Part 3
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