All-Star Battle ★ Ermes Costello

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Ermes Costello makes her video game debut in the PS3 title. She was confirmed for the game along with Jolyne, Part 4 Josuke, and Okuyasu. She's the only non-DLC ally character from Part 6.

Alongside all playable members of Bruno Bucciarati's Gang of Part 5 (with the exception of Narancia Ghirga), Ermes is one of the only characters who activate Resolve Mode instead of the normal Rumble Mode when low on health. In this state, attacks that do not result in hard knockdowns or blow-backs no longer phase the character.

As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Ermes can turn Kiss on/off, changing move sets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with her Stand. Ermes has 1050 HP.

Command List

In battle, Ermes can utilize various attacks featured in Stone Ocean.

Special Moves
Special Moves (Stand Off)
Special Moves (Stand On)
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack

Gameplay Overview

Ermes is a close-ranged brawler who applies stickers to herself to bolster the safety, damage, and combo ability of her attacks; Arm stickers generally improve her standing attacks, while leg stickers generally improve her crouching and jumping attacks. Her Stand Off normal attacks possess greater-than-average range, offering a variety of unpunishable poking tools that benefit her in skirmishes. With Kiss active, Ermes can become more aggressive, her normal attacks trading range for improved safety and offensive pressure. Adding further to her capabilities are a very strong anti-air reversal attack, a kick that can hit downed opponents, and a "rekka"-style attack useful for combos. Combined with an innately impressive resilience and her uniquely having the highest base health of the roster, Ermes maintains a very threatening presence up close.

Inversely, Ermes's glaring issues come when battling opponents who have a significant range advantage over her. She struggles to close the distance due to fairly limited mobility options and sluggish specials, and also lacks any form of projectile. As such, defensive and zoner characters may easily keep themselves out of her effective range. Risky or aggressive overuse of self-applied stickers can also result in Ermes suffering significant amounts of unnecessary extra damage from the opponent's attacks, thus knowing when to apply them is key to using them effectively.

Ermes's strategy revolves heavily around careful usage of her stickers and an extraordinarily potent neutral game while within effective range. She is at her best when she can apply offensive pressure, repeatedly utilizing brute force until she finds the opportunity to break past her opponent's defenses and pulverize them into submission.

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