All-Star Battle R ★ Kars
Kars (カーズ, Kāzu) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]
His moveset is fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, with a few tweaks being made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay tweaks that All-Star Battle R brought.
Kars's voice actor, Kazuhiko Inoue, reprises his role from the Battle Tendency anime and All-Star Battle. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Kars were either added or re-recorded.
Kars has 850 health and uses the Mode (モード, Mōdo) Style, which allows him to toggle use of his unique Mode at any time during battle, at the cost of draining his Heart Heat Gauge. Furthermore, as a Pillar Man, part of the damage Kars receives from non-Ripple attacks is automatically converted into recoverable gray health.
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Command List
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Attack type: High
Damage: 15
Attack type: High
Damage: 25
Attack type: High
Damage: 35 (normal) / 40 (Light Mode) / 45 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 14
Attack type: Low
Damage: 23
Attack type: Low
Damage: 34
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 18
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 28
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40 (normal) / 50 (Light Mode) / 60 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
Attack type: High
Damage: 40
- Light (
): Kars will not move through to the other side of the opponent.
- Medium (
): Kars will move through to the other side of the opponent. If used up close, the two hits of the skill will not naturally combo into each other.
- Heavy (
): Kars will move through to the other side of the opponent and will perform an uppercut with his blade.
This skill does more damage if Kars is in Light Mode or if Brilliant Bone Blades is active.
Attack type: High
Damage: 60 (normal) / 66 (Light Mode) / 74 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
67 (normal) / 74 (Light Mode) / 88 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
80 (normal) / 86 (Light Mode) / 102 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
This skill does more damage if Kars is in Light Mode or if Brilliant Bone Blades is active.
Attack type: High
Damage: 54 (normal) / 72 (Light Mode) / 80 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
66 (normal) / 85 (Light Mode) / 94 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
78 (normal) / 98 (Light Mode) / 108 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
Because this skill can launch opponents across the entirety of the stage, it can provide setup into Kars's GHA if used when facing away from a stage wall.
Attack type: High
Damage: 55 (grounded) 90 (airborne) /
65 (grounded) 100 (airborne) /
75 (grounded) 110 (airborne)
- Light (
): He reappears above the opponent with a foot blade extended in a dive kick to knock them down, hard enough for them to bounce. It is plus on block, meaning that Kars can act before the opponent can if this skill is blocked. (Comboable)
- Medium (
): He reappears in front of the opponent and strikes them with an upwards slash, launching them into the air on hit. This variant is only comboable if either Light Mode or Brilliant Bone Blades is active.
- Heavy (
): He reappears directly behind the opponent without attacking. Kars can act almost immediately after he reappears, making this a great tool for catching the opponent off guard if used correctly. It is especially good as an anti-zoning tool if timed properly.
This skill does more damage if Kars is in Light Mode or if Brilliant Bone Blades is active.
Attack type: Middle /
Damage: 60 (normal) / 64 (Light Mode) / 72 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
80 (normal) / 85 (Light Mode) / 90 (Brilliant Bone Blades)
- Forward: Kars uses his arm blade to cut the opponent down the middle and knock them away.
- Backward: Kars crosses behind the opponent and knocks them away with a bladed arm.
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 110
While Brilliant Bone Blades (install) is active, Kars may perform his HHA regardless of how much of the Heart Heat Gauge he has left. It will also cause it to do more damage. Light Mode being active also results in a damage increase.
Attack type: High
Damage: 174 (normal) / 191 (Light Mode/Brilliant Bone Blades)
This GHA is one of the longest and most difficult ones to fully activate, taking roughly 5 seconds to complete. As such, certain characters can make it nigh-impossible to successfully transform.
Attack type: High
Damage: 17
Attack type: High
Damage: 27
Attack type: High
Damage: 17 + 27 (44)
Attack type: Low
Damage: 16
Attack type: Low
Damage: 25
Attack type: High
Damage: 10 + 28 (38)
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 20
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 15 × 2 (30)
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 44
Because Kars's grounded normals can be canceled into this special, it makes for a great way to transition a grounded combo into an aerial one.
Attack type: High
Damage: 15
Attack type: High
Damage: 15
Attack type: Unblockable
Damage: 50
- Light (
): He moves forward slightly and fires off a volley of his hardened feathers straight forward. If used in the air, Kars will move backward slightly instead of forward. (Flash Cancel comboable)
- Medium (
): He jumps backward and launches a piranha that quickly arcs downward. If used in the air, Kars will instead move backwards slightly instead of up and back. If the piranha hits the opponent, they will crumple to the ground. (Comboable)
- Heavy (
): He sics a squirrel created from his hand on his opponent. When used on the ground, Kars will toss the squirrel a small distance in front of him, while in the air, he will drop it directly down to the ground. The squirrel will chase and home in on the opponent. If it hits, it will launch the opponent into the air and cause a hard knockdown. (Flash Cancel comboable)
Attack type: High /
Middle (first hit) High (second and third hit) /
High (before squirrel hits the ground) Low (after squirrel hits the ground)
Damage: 66 /
58 /
- Light (
): Kars moves forward slightly and swipes downward with one hand before swiping up with the other, launching the opponent into the air if connected. (Flash Cancel comboable)
- Medium (
): Kars slides a distance forward while performing a downward elbow strike, knocking the opponent to the ground in a soft knockdown.
- Heavy (
): Kars dashes forward to unleash a powerful body blow, knocking the opponent to the ground in a hard knockdown.
Attack type: High /
Middle /
Damage: 30 + 35 (65) /
Attack type: High
Damage: 15 × 2 + 40 (70) /
15 × 3 + 40 (85) /
15 × 4 + 40 (100)
Attack type: Throw
Damage: 110
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60
Attack type: High
Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle
- Light (
): Kars does not move as far forward when shooting his feathers as he did in All-Star Battle.
- Medium (
): Kars now jumps backward before shooting the piranha, leading to the piranha being shot later than it was in All-Star Battle and the arc of the shot being different. The distance it travels is ultimately the same though. If the piranha connects, the opponent will now crumple to the ground, making it so this variant no longer needs to be Flash Canceled to combo off of. It also means that if it connects on an aerial opponent, the opponent will now be knocked to the ground in a hard knockdown instead of recovering out of the hit.
- Heavy (
): If the squirrel hits after it touches the ground, all hits of the squirrel are now Lows instead of the last one being a Middle. If the squirrel hits while it's falling to the ground, all hits after the first are now Lows instead of Middles. The first hit also now launches the opponent.
- Light (
): Instead of normal hitstun, this variant now launches the opponent. Kars also now moves forward.
- Medium (
): Instead of causing a groundbounce, this variant now causes a soft knockdown. As such, it can no longer be comboed off of, but it does deal more damage now. Also, Kars does not move as far forward as he did in All-Star Battle.
- Heavy (
): Instead of being launched on hit, this variant now causes a hard knockdown, meaning that this variant can no longer be comboed off of. It deals more damage now though. Also, Kars does not move as far forward.
Medal List
Costumes & Tints
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Unlocked by default
Cover A of Chapter 105: The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 1
Buy from Medal List 450 G
Chapter 105: The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 1
- “Stop there! Time to die! (待っておれいッ。今殺してやる!!)”
- “Mmmm... What a scream! Listen to it echo! That's what I want to hear from you, JoJo! (ンンンン。いい声だ! 実にいい響きだ… その絶叫を…聞きたかったぞ、ジョジョ!)”
- “Hmm? Did you say something? (…ん? なんだって~。今何か言ったか…)”
- “You know what that is? That's just pure desperation! (そーゆーのをなあ~、ただのやけくそと言うのだ!!)”
- “Heh heh. Think you can pull it off? (ふふふ。うまくいくかな)”
- “Time to pluck the life out of you like a flower from a field! (花をつむようにきさまの命を
刈り取るまで !)” - “Ha ha ha ha ha! You've certainly got guts! (フハハハハハ、たいしたタマだ…)”
- “Win win win, win win! (ウィンウィンウィン、ウィンウィン)”
- “I'm not letting you leave here alive! (このまま生きて帰すわけにはいかぬ!)”
- “You have guts... (いい度胸だ…………)”
- “Wanna take me on? (相手になるか!)”
- “You won't get off so easy! (ほおってはおけぬ!)”
- “Hmph! Close, close! (フン、おしいおしい!)”
- “Can you keep it up? Are you going to keep? It? Up? (続くかァ~~、続くかァ~~)”
- “Think you're so clever... (フン…こざかしい)”
- “You fool... (愚か者がァ…………)”
- “I'll dispose of you! (きさまを始末する)”
- “I'll do whatever it takes to kill you! (このカーズ全能力をそそぎこんでたおしてやる)”
- “You're like a butterfly in a spider's web! (きさまはくもの巣にひっかかった蝶だ!)”
- “You damned fools! (『バカ者どもがッ!』)”
- “Heh heh heh heh... (フフフフフフフ)”
- “Humans are not as they once were. (人間は…昔に比べ「退化」したのかもしれんな)”
- “You Hamon users like to fight fair, huh? Then let's settle this fair and square. (きさまら波紋の戦士には、どうしても正正堂堂! この手で決着をつけたくなった!)”
- “Slowly but surely, you will fall into my hands and die... (ジワジワと俺の手の内にはまって 死んでいくことになる……………)”
- “Save the hard work and danger for someone else! Let your pawns do the dirty work! That's how you fight! (できるだけ汗をかかず、危険を最小限にし! バクチをさけ! 戦いの駒を一手一手動かす。 それが「
真 の戦闘」だッーっ!)” - “I wield the way of light... Brilliant Bone Blades! (我が
流法 は「光」。輝彩滑刀 の流法 !!)” - “I am no warrior, nor am I a romanticist. No matter what, in the end, victory is everything! (ワムウのような戦士になるつもりもなければ ロマンチストでもない…どんな手をつかおうが… 最終的に…勝てばよかろうなのだァァァァッ!!)”
- “Yes! My Ripple, you fool! I have surpassed the sun! You thought I couldn't do that?! (
そおうだ ッ! 「波紋 」だよォ !このまぬけがァァ ーーーッ! 太陽を克服したこのカーズにできないと思ったのかッ。 このウスノロめがァ!)” - “RRRRRYY! (RRRRRRYY!!)”
- “Well done, you fought to the bitter end. Too bad your power didn't last! (最後の最後まであきらめず攻撃したのは誉めてやるべきか…… 力つきたのはおしかったがな)”
- “That beautiful shine! More wonderful than ever... Finally... I've conquered the sun! (あの! 美しい! なんという輝き! 今までに見た何よりもすばらしい……
あの太陽をついに …ついに ……克服 したぞ!)” - “The Ultimate Thing takes in all life... Its abilities are those of all creatures. (究極の
生命 とは…あらゆる生物の…全ての能力を身につけ 全ての生命 を兼ねる…)” - “You're different from the others! Celebrate the birth of the perfect Kars! (貴様だけは「けじめ」だ! このカーズの新しい誕生祝いッ!)”
- “One-on-one battle? Bah! All I want is the Red Stone, to become the Ultimate Thing! (フン! くだらんなあ~~~~。 一対一の決闘なんてなあ~~~~~~っ。このカーズの目的は あくまでも「
赤石 」! あくまでも「究極生物」になること!!)” - “Over already? Feh. (もう終わりだな…早くも……)”
- “Hmm... Nice response. (んん~。実にナイスな返事だ)”
- “You're far too innocent to be a fighter! That's why you're so weak! (やつは戦闘者としてあまりにも純粋すぎた! それが弱さにつながったのだ!!)”
- “Idiot... Don't you see? (バカが…まだわからんのか)”
- “Just kill yourself. That's the best medicine for a peaceful death! (自殺しろ。それは苦しまずに死ねる薬だ)”
- “Now! All of you! Destroy that annoying pest! (あとはそのうるさいヤツをおまえら全員で始末せよーーッ!!)”
- “Cunning as always, aren't you? Can't take my eyes off you for a second! (相変らずすばしっこいヤツだな… ちょっと目を離すとすぐ抜け目のない行動をとっている)”
- “Humans are not as they once were. (人間は「退化」したのかもしれんな)”
- “Victory is everything! (勝てばよかろうなのだァァァァッ!!)”
- “Win win win! Win win win win! (ウィンウィンウィン、ウィンウィン。ウィンウィンウィンウィン)”
- “There can be only one! (頂点に立つ者は常にひとり!)”
- “Will you keep it up? Think you can keep. It. Up? (続くかァ~、続くかァ~、続・くゥ・カァ)”
- “You Hamon users like to fight fair, huh? Then let's settle this fair and square. (きさまら波紋の戦士にはどうしても正正堂堂! この手で決着をつけたくなった!)”
- “I wield the way of light... Brilliant Bone Blades! (我が
流法 は「光」。輝彩滑刀 の流法 !!)” - “Finally... finally... I've conquered the sun! (
あの太陽をついに …ついに ……克服 したぞ!)” - “Feast your eyes on my Hamon! (
そおうだ ッ! 「波紋 」だよォ !)” - “Spill down into the endless depths! Melt, and begone! (無限の谷底へッ、溶けて流れ落ちろォォォォ!)”
- “Let me show you... The Ultimate Thing has no equal! (生物の頂点には天敵などおらぬことを教えてやる…)”
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Kars's face references his expression while burning alive in an active volcano.[3]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Kars reaches out while exposing the wrist of his other arm, as he does when faking a lunge toward Lisa Lisa.[4]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Kars has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.
- “Let me show you... The Ultimate Thing has no equal! (生物の頂点には天敵などおらぬことを教えてやる…)”—Default dialogue
- “You... You can use Brilliant Bone Blades?! How?! (貴様…
輝彩滑刀 の流法 を使うとは…いったい?)”—Kars (Player 1)“I am alive! My body may be immortal, but my life is just as weak and fragile as before. (俺は生きている! 俺の肉体は死ななくなったが、 それでも俺の命は前と変わらず脆弱で、たやすく死んでしまうのだ)”—Kars (Player 2) -
“Human filth... Don't lose your temper! (このカスが…激こうするんじゃあない…)”—Kars
- “It's the moment the Zeppeli clan has waited for! Kars! I'm gonna beat you down! (ツェペリ家の因縁に決着をつける! カーズ! おれはおまえを倒すッ!)”“Don't bask in glory yet. There shall be no tomorrow for you. (うぬぼれるな………………… きさまに明日はない……)”—Kars
- “You're no woman in my eyes. I'm coming at you with everything I've got! (もうおまえを女とは思わん。 このカーズ全能力をそそぎこんでたおしてやる)”—Kars“This sensation... Kars?! Are you above or below?! Show yourself! (カーズのこの気配は!? 上からくるようでいて下からくるようでもある!!)”
- “Over here, Kars! I will be your final opponent! (おいカーズ、どこにらんでる! きさまの相手はこのシュトロハイムが最後だ)”“Wanna take me on? (相手になるか!)”—Kars
- “Let's see what the genius of battle can do. (「戦闘の天才」ぶり、見せてもらうぞ)”—Kars
- “My fire and your light... Let's see how they clash with each other! (俺の「炎」とお前の「光」…たまにはぶつけあうのも一興ッ!)”“I'm ready to take you on, Esidisi! (よかろう、相手をするぞ! エシディシ!)”—Kars
“Think you're so clever... (フン…こざかしい)”—Kars
- “Shine! Sharpness! You lack both of those! (輝きも! 鋭さも! 何もかも足らぬわァ~!)”—Kars (Player 1)“You hold the same sadness that I do! That is a treasure, my friend! The pain is there! (もう一人の《俺》よ! お前もまた特別ではなく、 俺の悲しみを同じく持っているはずだ! しかしそれこそが 宝なのだ! 喜べ《カーズ》! 苦しみはある!)”—Kars (Player 2)
- “This is what true battle tastes like, JoJo! (これが『
真 の戦闘』だ!! ジョジョ)”—Kars“I'm good at tricking, but not so good at being tricked! (だますのは得意だが、だまされるのはにが手なようだな)” - “My Brilliant Bone Blades are far sharper than your Cutter moves! (貴様のカッターなどとは比較にならんのだ… わが
輝彩滑刀 の切れ味は…)”—Kars - “Fool! You think you're going to stop ME with some silly scarf?! (マフラー如きで渡り合えると思ったのか? バカがァ~)”—Kars“It appears that your kind is equal in neither status nor strength! (あなたたちの身分と強さは一致していないのね…)”
- “You are far too pure-hearted to be a fighter... (お前は戦闘者としてあまりにも純粋すぎる…)”—Kars
- “Just as hot as you were 2,000 years ago... I'm glad to see that, Esidisi! (二千年前と変わらぬ熱さ…嬉しいぞ、エシディシ!)”—Kars“Sharp as always, I see! Thanks for the inside look into your light power! (相変わらず見事な切れ味よ…光の
流法 、堪能させてもらったわッ!)”
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Kars as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Battle Tendency
2. Use a Heart Heat Attack:
3. Land the "Victory is everything!" skill:
Kars: I've never heard of a feeble old Ripple user like you!
2. Land the "I'll smash you good!" skill:
3. Land the "Your next line is:" skill:
4. Win with a Heart Heat Attack:
Kars: JoJo! Your death will be dedicated to my birth!
2. Use a Heart Heat Attack:
3. Land the "Snake Muffler" skill:
Lisa Lisa: How can you possibly fight if you aren't even prepared to kill me?!
2. Land the "You IDIOT!" throw:
3. Land the "Feast your eyes on my Ripple!" skill:
4. Land the "The power of supreme genes!" skill:
Kars: What in the world are you? Where did you come from... And when did you get here?
Stardust Crusaders
2. Land the "How dare you!" skill:
3. Land the "Lord DIO!" skill:
Vanilla Ice: "Ultimate Thing"? Sounds ridiculous.
Stone Ocean
2. Land a 5-hit combo:
3. Land a Great Heat Attack:
F.F.: You think you're better than me, don't you? Well, you're wrong!
Kars's theme is Light Mode (光の流法, Hikari no Nagare-hō), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Snake Muffler" skill as Lisa Lisa in All-Star Battle Mode's Lisa Lisa vs. Kars Normal Battle.
Its name is taken from the name of Kars's Mode, as well as the title of the story arc it features in, Light Mode Kars.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 105: The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 1, page 8
(modified to shrink the hair)
Chapter 107: JoJo: The Final Ripple, Part 1, page 16
(modified the hair and the headband)
Chapter 106: The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 2, page 11
(modified and extend the hair)
All-Star Battle Mode: Battle Tendency Kars vs. Funny Valentine Extra Battle Land the "You IDIOT!" throw
Chapter 104: The Warrior Returns to the Wind
Buy from Gallery Shop 1500 G
Chapter 109: Kars the Superbeing is Born, Part 1
Commemorative Giveaway
In commemoration of the release of Stroheim as the 2nd paid DLC character for ASBR, the Japanese ASBR Twitter account hosted a giveaway of 20 sets of 3 ASBR Battle Tendency badges,[7] although only to be delivered to addresses in Japan.[8] The badges in question contain the ASBR render images of Rudol von Stroheim, Joseph Joestar, and Kars respectively.
The campaign started on February 3, 2023, and lasted until February 19 at 11:59pm JST. To enter the giveaway lottery, users only had to:
- Follow the @jojo_games_jp Twitter account.
- Retweet the tweet that announced the giveaway in the first place.
However, Twitter accounts set to private were illegible for the giveaway. Unfollowing the ASBR Twitter account before the end of the giveaway also deemed users illegible. Furthermore, attempting to join the giveaway with multiple accounts would have caused all of those accounts to lose their eligiblity to win.[8]
The giveaway was directly implemented by Bandai Namco themselves, with no third party involvement, and the winners of the giveaway were notified via Twitter DMs. Said winners are planned to be announced sometime in early March, 2023.[8]
Update History
- "The power of supreme genes!" skill
Increased recovery time.
- Hurtboxes
Hurtboxes adjusted to more accurately match Kars' model.
- Crouching Heavy Attack
Increased how high opponent is launched.
- "Light Mode" special
Sped up move.
Damage scaling has been adjusted so hits are not scaled as much.
- "Brilliant Bone Blades" special
Damage scaling has been adjusted so hits are not scaled as much.
- "Sabers from the feet!!" special
Decreased speed of start-up.
Increased damage.
Decreased pushback amount.
- "Cruel and beautiful violence!" skill
Decreased active frames.
Increased recovery time.
Adjusted angle opponent is launched.
Increased knockback.
- "Behold, frozen brilliance!" skill
Increased speed of start-up.
Decreased recovery time.
Increased knockback.
- Flight while Ultimate Thing
Changed internal processing to fix the issue where Kars's victory pose would be inverted.
- "Sabers from my feet!" special
Adjusted the command input time.
- "Shatter against the wall!" skill
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- "Feast your eyes on my Ripple!" skill [Ultimate Thing]
Fixed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed. (unintended bug)
- Crouching Light Attack [Ultimate Thing]
Increased size of hitbox.
- Crouching Heavy Attack [Ultimate Thing]
Increased number of hits.
- Jumping Medium Attack [Ultimate Thing]
Increased the number of hits.
Increased time the hitbox is active.
- Jumping Heavy Attack [Ultimate Thing]
Changed to now cause a groundbounce.
Adjusted falling animation on activation.
- "Predator Wings" special [Ultimate Thing]
Shortened the startup of the jump.
Added a hitbox when jumping forward and upward.
Added ability to do damage when jumping forward and upward.
- "Aerial Dash" special [Ultimate Thing]
Added a hitbox when dashing forward.
Added ability to do damage.
- "Brilliant Bone Blades" special [Ultimate Thing]
Shortened command input delay to help prevent accidental activation.
- "Behold, frozen brilliance!" skill
Adjusted the launching force of the last hit so that the opponent does not fly in Kars' direction.
Increased amount of damage dealt to the guard gauge.
versions now cause Kars to move forward on activation.
Reduced recovery time when guarded.
- "This cannot be!" skill [Ultimate Thing]
- Adjusted the duration of the hitbox, reach, and number of hits of all versions of the skill so their differences are more pronounced, making the different versions more or less advantageous in different situations. The changes are as follows:
Sped up the
Decreased number of hits for the
Increased number of hits for the
Adjusted the damage of each hit for the different versions to accommodate the changed number of hits.
Increased damage.
Adjusted pushback for all but the last hit.
Adjusted the launch angle of the last hit.
Decreased launching force of the last hit.
- Adjusted the duration of the hitbox, reach, and number of hits of all versions of the skill so their differences are more pronounced, making the different versions more or less advantageous in different situations. The changes are as follows:
- "Brilliant Bone Blades!" HHA
Increased size of the hitbox of the hit that leads into the cutscene animation.
Fixed a bug where this HHA would not KO the opponent if the seventh hit did not connect.
- Landing after an aerial recovery [Ultimate Thing]
Fixed a bug where Kars would not be able to Stylish Guard when landing after recovering in the air.
- Flight Mode
Changed the startup of the normals while flying to match the startup of aerial normals when activated during a jump.
Fixed a bug where both characters would continuously flip left and right if Kars was flying almost directly above the opponent.
- "Predator Wings" special [Ultimate Thing]
Decreased startup of the hitbox when jumping forward (
) to match the straight up (
) version.
Reduced the attack weight value that determines when a Clash occurs.
Delayed when normals can be used after activating this move.
- "Aerial Dash" special [Ultimate Thing]
Increased startup time.
- "Brilliant Bone Blades" command normal [Ultimate Thing]
Removed ability to Flash Canacel.
- "The power if supreme genes!" skill [Ultimate Thing]
Increased number of hits.
Increased damage.
Decreased damage.
Decreased squirrel's tracking when it starts running.
Fixed a bug where the squirrel would immediately warp to the ground when the aerial version was used and the squirrel hit the opponent while falling.
Fixed so that the animal projectiles orient towards the opponent when the skill is activated in the air.
- "Feast your eyes on my Ripple!" skill [Ultimate Thing]
Improved frame advantage on block.
Changed so the skill launches instead of crumples.
Decreased startup time.
Decreased recovery time.
Increased pushback.
Increased damage.
Adjusted launch angle.
Changed so the skill launches into a hard knockdown instead of launching into a soft knockdown.
Increased pushback.
Increased damage.
Adjusted launch angle.
- "Kars, the Ultimate Thing, is born!" GHA
Fixed an issue where the opponent could reliably use a command throw right as this GHA completed, but before the animtion finished.
- Aerial Attacks [Ultimate Thing]
Fixed a bug where if Kars was hit while executing his third aerial attack, he would fall to the ground with a recoil animation (groundbounce, hard knockdown, etc.) different from the recoil animation that the opponent's attack was supposed to cause.
- "Aerial Dash" special [Ultimate Thing]
Fixed a bug where if this move KOed the opponent and their body was sent flying in the opposite direction, Kars would repeatedly turn around in the air.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R – Announcement Trailer", March 9, 2022.
- ↑ Kars ASBR page
- ↑ Chapter 111: Joseph's Final Gamble
- ↑ Chapter 105: The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 1
- ↑ The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic
- ↑ Chapter 1: Prologue
- ↑ Commemorative badges giveaway Tweet
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 "2nd Paid DLC Rudol von Stroheim Commemorative Campaign!"