JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! ★ Kars

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Kars (カーズ, Kāzu) is a playable character in JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! with three different units. Kars has one Silver Rarity (SR) unit and 2 Gold Rarity (GR) units.

Kars was one of the first 30 playable units available when the game launched on October 10, 2018 with his "Light Mode" SR unit and later received two Voiced GR units on September 17, 2019 and June 18, 2021 respectively.

Light Mode

Light Mode ver.
光の流法 ver.
Max Power: 1051 (Lvl 50) / 2221 (Lvl 80)
Release Date: October 10, 2018
Skill: Light Slip Blades
Replaces panels in a horizontal line with Kars panels
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 8
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 12
Cooldown: 75
Kars [White/Purple]
Type: Shiny
Availability: Sticker Shop (300 Sticker Ink)
Date: September 11, 2020 - September 2, 2021
Requires: White & Purple Units
Cost: 15
Power + 200
Pillar Man's Turban
Type: Decoration
Availability: Part 2 Campaign (50 Part 2 Points)
Date: December 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020

Cost: 0
No effect.

One Who Stands at the Top

Skill: This is the true battle!
Erases panels in a horizontal line. The Boost Lv increases when using the skill, increasing the number of erased panels (Up to Boost Lv 5 depending on Skill Lv)
Skill LevelsBoost Levels
Skill Lv 1
Maximum Boost: 3
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
Maximum Boost: 4
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
Maximum Boost: 4
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 4
Maximum Boost: 5
Cooldown: 55
Skill Lv 5
Maximum Boost: 5
Cooldown: 50
Boost Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 6
Boost Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Boost Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 16
Boost Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 20
Boost Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 24
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: September 11, 2020 - September 2, 2021

One Who Stands at the Top ver.
Cost: 0
Recharges 20% of his skill gauge after using a skill once (up to 5 times per battle).

Ultimate Thing

Skill: I rule over all life!
Copies panels in the bottom row multiple times to the area above it.
Skill Lv 1
# of Copied Panels: 8
Cooldown: 120
Skill Lv 2
# of Copied Panels: 14
Cooldown: 120
Skill Lv 3
# of Copied Panels: 14
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 4
# of Copied Panels: 18
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 5
# of Copied Panels: 18
Cooldown: 90
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: June 18, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Ultimate Thing ver.
Cost: 0
After clearing 60 Kars Panels, replaces a random Panel, except for Kars Panels, with an Enhanced Kars Box Panel (up to 5 times per battle).

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