All-Star Battle R ★ Dio Brando

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  • Part 3

Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー, Dio Burandō) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R during the game's initial announcement trailer.[1]

You weakling! (貧弱貧弱ゥ!!)[2]

Although his moveset remains fundamentally the same as his from All-Star Battle, a few tweaks have been made to both balance the character and fit him into the overall gameplay changes that All-Star Battle R brought.

As the voice of Dio since the Phantom Blood anime, Takehito Koyasu reprises his role for All-Star Battle R. As with the majority of the game's roster, voice lines for Dio were either added or re-recorded.


Dio Brando has 800 health and uses the Vampirism (吸血, Kyūketsu) Battle Style, which converts part of the damage he receives from non-Ripple attacks into recoverable gray health. As a vampire, Dio also has access to several moves that drain either health or Heart Heat Gauge from his opponent while restoring his own.

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Command List

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Normals (通常技)
Standing Light Attack
Dio stabs forward with his fingers.

Attack type: High
Damage: 12

Standing Medium Attack
Dio attacks the opponent with a high knee.

Attack type: High
Damage: 21

Standing Heavy Attack
Dio swings his arm down and forward at the opponent.

Attack type: High
Damage: 33

Crouching Light Attack
Dio stabs forward with his fingers while crouching.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 11

Crouching Medium Attack
Dio uppercuts the opponent, launching them into the air.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10

Crouching Heavy Attack
Dio lays on the floor, swinging his arm out at the opponent's legs and causing a hard knockdown.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 36

Jumping Light Attack
Dio elbows the opponent from above.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 15

Jumping Medium Attack
Dio knees the opponent from the above.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 25

Jumping Heavy Attack
Dio swings his arm downward, hitting the opponent from above. This attack causes a groundbounce.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 38

Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Punch right through you! (このまま殴りぬけるッ!)
Dio lunges forward and performs a downward swinging punch, hitting the opponent two different times.(Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 66

You are a mere dog! (モンキーなんだよーーッ!)
// then //
Dio jumps high into the air. Depending on the second input, Dio may either jump left, right, or straight up. Any skill marked with a diamond () can be chained into this Super Jump for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Aerial Chain Beat (空中チェーンビート)
This move allows Dio to chain together his aerial normal attacks in order of increasing power.

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 15 / 25 / 38 (chaining these skills together will result in damage scaling affecting the damage)

Rumble Mode (ゴゴゴモード)
Activates below 30% health
This mode is automatically activated once Dio falls below 30% health. It increases his attack power, as well as the rate at which the Heart Heat Gauge rises, while also decreasing the rate at which the Guard Gauge drops.
Skills (コマンド技)
Vaporizing Freeze (気化冷凍法) [◇]
+ /
Dio slides backward and then dashes forwards. Depending on the input, Dio with either hit the opponent with his knee or kick the opponent's feet, freezing them regardless of how he hits them. Inputting // during this skill will cancel it into the "You are a mere dog!" Super Jump. (Comboable)

Attack type: Middle / Low
Damage: 28

Frozen in your tracks! (瞬時に「凍らせた」のだ!) [◇]
Dio slides backward then dashes forward to strike a pose, initiating a counter. If the opponent hits Dio during the counter period with a non-Heart Heat Attack/Great Heat Attack, the opponent will become frozen. Inputting // during this skill will cancel it into the "You are a mere dog!" Super Jump. (Comboable)

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 60

KUA! (KUA(クア))
+ //
Dio slides forward and performs a roundhouse kick. Range of movement and damage increases in order, but the greater the increase, the more vulnerable Dio becomes. Additional command inputs can be inputted to link with follow-up skills. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 24 / 27 / 30

That must be five or six ribs broken! (肋の5~6本も折れたかーーッ!)
during "KUA!"
Dio relentlessly knees the opponent twice in the torso. This skill can be Flash Canceled after either hit. However, if the second attack is Flash Canceled, it can be difficult to combo off of as the opponent gets pushed a far distance away from Dio after the second knee connects, making it better to Flash Cancel the first hit to continue the combo. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 13 + 15 (28)

Did you think you could defeat me, the great DIO?! (このディオが倒せるかァーーーーーー!?)
during "KUA!"
Dio freezes the opponent and then follows up with an uppercut, launching them high into the air. The recovery can be Flash Canceled, allowing Dio to continue the combo in the air if desired, but with how high Dio launches the opponent, Flash Canceling is unnecessary to connect an attack on the ground. (Comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 + 20 (30)

WRYYY! (URYYY(ウリイイイ)!!)
during "KUA!"
Dio chops in a downward motion, causing a groundbounce. While it is possible to perform a Crouching Light Attack after the groundbounce, the skill must be Flash Canceled to properly continue a combo. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 60

How feeble! (貧弱貧弱ゥ~~ッ!!)
Dio grabs the opponent and sucks the blood from them with his fingers, restoring health, before throwing them away. The number of hits and amount of health restored can be increased by pressing an attack button repeatedly. This throw is unblockable.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 47 ~ 107 (depending on number of hits)

USELESS, USELESS, USELESS! (無駄無駄無駄アーーーーッ!!)
Dio stabs downward at the opponent with his fingers, sucking out their blood, before tossing them away. This move drains the opponent's Heart Heat Gauge while replenishing Dio's. The hit count and amount of HH Gauge restored can be increased by pressing an attack button repeatedly, with the maximum amount of HH Gauge restored being around 0.4 of a bar. This move can be used to inflict additional damage on a downed opponent.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 26 ~ 56 (depending on number of hits)

I'll suck you dry! (絞り取ってやる!)
or +
Dio stabs either forward or upward at the opponent with his fingers and sucks out their blood if connected, dealing damage, restoring Dio's health, and sending the opponent flying. The direction of the attack will change based on whether the skill is executed with or + . (Flash Cancel comboable)

Attack type: High
Damage: 42

Throw (投げ技)
You impudent fool! (無礼者がッ!)
2 ATK buttons at close range or ( to back-throw)
Dio lifts the opponent up by one hand, holds them over his head, and throws them to the ground in a direction corresponding to the directional input used to initiate the throw.

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 110

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack (HHA / GHA)
Space Ripper Stingy Eyes! (空  裂  眼  刺  驚(スペースリパー・スティンギーアイズ))
Dio shoots high-pressure fluid from his eyes in a single-hitting laser attack. Upon impact, the opponent will be knocked down to their knees. This beam-like attack travels the full length of the stage, allowing it to catch opponents from extremely far away.
As a successful Counter Hit doubles the damage of only a single initial hit, the damage increase to this HHA is massive compared to most other attacks in the game. Coupled with the attack's speed and range, it becomes an excellent tool for retaliation and punishment.
If this HHA is used to K.O. Jonathan, a special animation will play where Jonathan futilely tries to block the beams and whispers "Erina..." as he falls.

Attack type: High
Damage: 170

You won't feel a thing! (苦痛は与えん!)
I'll give them all a good show! (もっとも残酷な死を贈ろう!)
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Dio charges at the opponent with his ice cold hands. When the opponent is hit, Dio freezes them and unleashes a barrage of punches and knee strikes while the opponent is frozen, finishing with an uppercut that sends the opponent into the air. He then finishes the attack by crossing his arms as the opponent falls on him, shattering their still frozen body. This attack references Dio countering Dire's Thunder Cross Split Attack.

Attack type: High
Damage: 270 / 396 / 405 (depending on HH gauge)

WRYYY! You thought you stood a chance? Idiot! You weakling! Behold the oblivion of death! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (URYYY(ウリイイイ)!! ちょいとでもおれにかなうとでも思ったか! マヌケがァ~~! 貧弱貧弱ゥ… 死の忘却を迎え入れろォ! フハハハハハハハハハッ!)
Assist System (アシストシステム)
Assault Assist (アサルトアシスト)
A one-stock assist. Dio jumps in and activates his counter move "Frozen in your tracks!". When an opponent hits him, the opponent will become frozen.

Attack type: Counter
Damage: 60

Reversal Assist (リバーサルアシスト)
A two-stock assist. Dio jumps into the enemy, striking them down with his fist before taunting and jumping away.

Attack type: High

Moveset Changes from All-Star Battle

Normals (通常技)
Standing Medium Attack
Dio moves farther than he did in All-Star Battle when attacking. Because the recovery of this skill is faster now, Dio's animation after attacking, where he puts his leg down and returns to his idle pose, is significantly faster.
Standing Heavy Attack
Dio moves farther than he did in All-Star Battle because he does not moves as far back when returning to his idle pose.
Crouching Medium Attack
This attack now launches on hit rather than only causing basic hitstun. It also only hits once instead of twice, losing its first Low hit, making this attack only a High now. Additionally, Dio does not move as far forward as he did in All-Star Battle.
Crouching Heavy Attack
Dio moves a significantly farther distance than he did in All-Star Battle when attacking.
Jumping Heavy Attack
Instead of causing a launch into hard knockdown, this attack now causes a groundbounce on hit.
Style/Specials/Etc. (スタイル/特殊技/その他)
Punch right through you!
The input for this command normal has changed. Previously it was in place of . The first hit of the attack is also a High rather than a Middle now. Additionally, it no longer causes a hard knockdown, instead causing only basic hitstun, which allows Dio to use it in combos.
You are a mere dog!
// then //
The translation for this special has changed. Previously it was "You worthless primate!" in place of "You are a mere dog!". The and input can also be used as the first input of this move now.
Skills (コマンド技)
Vaporizing Freeze [◇]
+ /
Dio slides backward and then dashes forward before attacking now. This results in Dio moving forward from his original position if the skill isn't used point black, so while the backwards dash telegraphs the move, this change ultimately means the skill has more range now. The variant also now launches the opponent instead of only binding them. Furthermore, when the skill can be canceled by "You are a mere dog!" has changed. The skill now has to be canceled before Dio hits the opponent with the actual attack instead of it canceling immediately after. When combined with the backward dash, the combination of the two skills can be used to confuse and cross-up the opponent. Additionally, this skill can no longer use "USELESS, USELESS, USELESS!" or "How feeble!" as a follow-up.
Frozen in your tracks! [◇]
Dio slides backward and then dashes forward before striking his counter pose now. This results in Dio moving forward from his original position if the skill isn't used point black, so while the backwards dash telegraphs the move, this change ultimately means the skill has more range now. This skill has lost its ability to use "USELESS, USELESS, USELESS!" or "How feeble!" as a follow-up, instead gaining the ability to be canceled into "You are a mere dog!".
+ //
Dio moves forward farther for the and variants than he did in All-Star Battle.
That must be five or six ribs broken!
during "KUA!"
The input for this follow-up skill has changed. Previously it was + // in place of . Additionally, this skill is now one of three possible follow-ups to "KUA!" instead of being the only one with its own two follow-up skills. The translation of the name of this skill has also changed slightly. Previously it was "5 or 6 broken ribs!" in place of "That must be five or six ribs broken!".
Did you think you could defeat me, the great Dio?!
during "KUA!"
The input for this follow-up skill has changed. Previously it was + // in place of . Additionally, this skill is now one of three possible follow-ups to "KUA!" instead of being a follow-up to "That must be five or six ribs broken!". The translation of the name of this skill has also changed. Previously it was "Think you can beat the great Dio?!" in place of "Did you think you could defeat me, the great Dio?!". Furthermore, this skill can no longer be canceled into "You are a mere dog!", "USELESS, USELESS, USELESS!", or "How feeble!".
during "KUA!"
The input for this follow-up skill has changed. Previously it was + // in place of . Additionally, this skill is now one of three possible follow-ups to "KUA!" instead of being a follow-up to "That must be five or six ribs broken!". This change makes it so the skill naturally combos now. The translation of the name of this skill has also changed slightly. Previously it was "URYYY!!" in place of "WRYYY!". Furthermore, this skill can no longer be canceled into "You are a mere dog!", "USELESS, USELESS, USELESS!", or "How feeble!".
How feeble!
This skill is no longer a follow-up skill, instead being its own skill. This results in the input being different now. Previously it was in place of + . This skill has also been changed from a High to a Throw in order to keep its unblockable property (it could not be used unless the previous attack hit before, making it unblockable despite being classified as a High). Furthermore, the attack can now be extended if an attack button is mashed during the animation, making it possible for this skill to deal more damage and steal more health. The translation for the name of this skill has also changed. Previously it was "You weakling!" in place of "How feeble!".
This skill is no longer a follow-up skill, instead being its own skill. This skill has also been changed from a High to a Low and can now hit downed opponents. Additionally, the attack can now be extended if an attack button is mashed during the animation, making it possible for this skill to deal more damage and steal more Heart Heat. The translation for the name of this skill has also changed. Previously it was "MUDA, MUDA, MUDA!" in place of "USELESS, USELESS, USELESS!".
I'll suck you dry!
or +
This skill's input has changed. Previously it was + in place of or + . Because this skill has two possible inputs, the angle that Dio stabs his fingers out can now change. When the skill hits, it now no longer plays a cinematic. It can also be Flash Canceled now, and when combined with the opponent no longer having invulnerability after this skill hits, it allows for Dio to combo off a successful hit.

General Changes

  • Dio's run speed is faster than it was in All-Star Battle.

Medal List

Costumes & Tints

NormalSpecial ASpecial BSpecial C
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Normal Costume
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Dio's main Phantom Blood anime vampire attire

Special Costume A
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Dio vs. DIO Extra Battle
Win with a Great Heat Attack


Dio in his fight against the Ripple warriors[3]

Special Costume B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
8500 G


Dio's attire during his vampiric transformation[4]

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Special Costume C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
8500 G


Original costume from All-Star Battle

Tint ATint BTint CTint DSpecial A Tint B
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Color Tint A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Dio's Phantom Blood anime colors

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Color Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Spine art of Volume 2

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Color Tint C
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Stardust Crusaders Jotaro Kujo vs. Robert E. O. Speedwagon Extra Battle
Win with the "My Stand will be the judge!" skill


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Color Tint D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
2800 G


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Special Costume A: Tint B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked with Special Costume A



Taunts & Victory Poses

Taunt A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Taunt B
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


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Taunt C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


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Taunt D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


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Taunt E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


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Victory ABCDE
Victory A
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default


Cover of Chapter 25: Ripple Overdrive, Part 3

Victory B
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover of Volume 3

Victory C
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Chapter 36: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 1

Victory D
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


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Victory E
Unlock Condition

Buy from Medal List
450 G


Cover B of Chapter 4: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 3


Dio's first ten Taunt and Victory Lines are included in his Taunt and Victory Poses respectively, with two lines per pose; the first two poses of each type are unlocked by default, while the other three of each must be purchased for 450 G each. The remaining lines of both types can be purchased as a single set for 300 G. Dio's Tag Lines can be purchased as a set for 140 G.

Taunt LinesVictory LinesTag LinesMisc.
Taunt Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I, Dio, will kill you! (このディオが()る!)
  • Don't get cocky! Kuaa! (いい気になるなよ! KUAA(クウアア))
  • Yes! I feel ripe with power! What ecstasy! (いいぞォ! 新たな力がわいてくる。いい感触だッ!)
  • Ahhhhhhhhhh! (オウゥ! フアアアアアッ)
  • You can't stand against my freezing powers! (このディオの冷凍法は絶対やぶれん!)
  • I'll feast upon your pathetic visage! (青ちょびた面をエサとしてやるぜッ!)
  • All your hopes have collapsed into thin air! (貴様ら希望は崩れ去った!)
  • You shall be food for the pigs! (きさまを惨殺処刑してくれよう!)
  • I can make history itself my slave if I like! (オレは歴史さえも下僕(・・)にできるッ!)
  • I'll send you to Hell! (地獄へ落としてやるッ!)
  • Worthless scum! (くずめッ)
  • Don't bother resisting! (無駄な悪あがきはよせよなァ……)
  • You fool! I'll crush your skull like an eggshell! ( 愚者 (おろかもの)がァ! カメを砕くように頭蓋骨を陥没してくれるッ!)
  • Okay! Okay! (OK! OK!)
  • I'll smash you to dust! (徹底的にたたきのめしてやるッ!)
  • Wooooryyyyyaaahhh!! (WOOOORYYYYYAAA(ウオオオオリィィィィィィィィアア)ーーーーー!!)
  • I knew you didn't have it in you! (つめが甘かったな……)
  • Hmph! Idiot. (フン! マヌケが)
  • Don't get confident yet, you little worm. (図にのるなよ、たかが虫ケラが)
  • Need another beating?! (もう一撃ほしいかッ!)
  • I'm surpassing humanity... With your very blood! (おれは人間を超越するッ! おまえの血でだァーッ!!)
  • I welcome you, my eternal flesh and blood! (ようこそ! 我が永遠の肉体よ!)
  • Shed tears of joy, you fool! (うれし涙流しな……マヌケ!)
Victory Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I am at the peak of all creation... A new life form, sent to forge a new future! (おれは生物界の頂点………… 未来を拓く新しい生物となった……)
  • A life without manners is a life without value! (礼儀を知らん者は生きる価値なしだな…)
  • Hmph! With this mask, I can easily kill you or make you my slave! (フン! 殺すも生かして下僕(しもべ)にするも 仮面を被ったこのディオだけの特権)
  • Hmph... This battle's over. (フン…勝負はついたな…)
  • You weakling! You thought you stood a chance? Idiot! (貧弱貧弱ゥ…ちょいとでもおれにかなうとでも思ったか! マヌケがァ~!)
  • A dog cannot stand against a human! And compared to me, you are a mere dog! ((モンキー)が人間に追いつけるかーッ。 おまえはこのディオにとってのモンキーなんだよーーーーーッ!!)
  • Struggle all you want! You'll find there are limits to your human body! (あがいてもあがいても人間の努力には限界があるのさ!)
  • Rework your strategy all you want. There is a limit to what you humans can do. (策を弄すれば弄するほど人間には限界があるのだよ)
  • How dare a human like you attempt to set foot in this combat arena! (人間ごときと対等の地におりていけるか! 無礼者がッ!)
  • I've had enough of being human. JoJo! (おれは人間をやめ(・・・・・・・・)たぞ! ジョジョーッ!!)
  • I have surpassed humanity! (おれは人間を超越したッ!)
  • Now I'll just insert a bit of my vampire extract in here to mingle with your lifeblood! (これからつまんでいるこいつにちょいと(きず)をつけ、 きさまの生命(せいめい)とおれの吸血鬼のエキス(EXTRACT)とを 循環交換してやるのだからなァ~~~~~~っ!!)
  • I will live on! Eternally! And nothing can stop me! (おれは生きる! なにがなんでも生きる!)
  • So you have chosen tragedy for yourself... (自分の選択した悲劇というわけか…)
  • Pigs eat grass, humans eat pigs... and now I eat humans. I am the true ruler of all! (食物連鎖というのがあったな…草はブタに食われ、 ブタは人間に食われる。我々はその人間を糧としてるわけか……… 人間を食料にしてこそ「真の帝王」……フハハハ)
  • I'll enslave the weakest, then I'll conquer this town, then London, then the world! (まずあつかいやすい邪悪な人間だけを下僕(しもべ)とし、 それからこの町の人間を! そしてロンドン! 一気に世界を! この世を手中におさめてやる! すべての人間の頂点に立ってやる)
  • You and I are the elite among the evil out there! Care to become my slave? (ごくまれに善なるタガのない人間がいる…… 悪のエリート! おれや……君がそうだ…… どうだ? このディオの下僕(しもべ)にならないか?)
  • I am beyond human! None can defeat me! I am invincible, an immortal! I can rule this world! (おれは人間を超えたッ! 所詮(しょせん)人間如きにこのディオを倒せないということが証明されたぞ! 「不死身」「不老不死」。おれはこの世を支配できるッ)
Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I don't know, how many loaves of bread have you eaten in your lifetime? (おまえは今まで食ったパンの枚数をおぼえているのか?)
  • You weakling! (貧弱貧弱ゥ!!)
  • Booze! I can't get enough! (酒! 飲まずにはいられないッ!)
  • You think you can defeat me with those slowpoke moves?! (そんなねむっちまいそうなのろい動きでこのディオが倒せるかァーーーーーー!?)
  • You vile fool! (このきたならしい阿呆(アホ)がァーー!!)
  • Frozen in your tracks! (瞬時に「凍らせた」のだ!)
  • If there truly exists a god that controls our fate, there couldn't possibly be a better explanation behind the ties that bind us! (神がいるとして運命を操作しているとしたら! おれたちほどよく計算された関係はあるまいッ!)
  • The hell with humanity! JoJo! I shall exceed it! (おれは人間をやめるぞ! ジョジョーッ!! おれは人間を超越するッ!)
  • I'll give them all a good show! (もっとも残酷な死を贈ろう!)
  • One man's flesh becomes another's future... MY future! (そしてこの友の肉体(ボディ)は我が未来(フューチャー)となるッ!)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Ha ha ha ha! (フハハハハ!)
    —Round Win 1
  • Pfft. (フン)
    —Round Win 2

Special Interactions

  • When Dio defeats Jonathan Joestar with his Heart Heat Attack, Jonathan attempts to block the laser attack with his hands, as he does in the original story.[5]
  • As with all Vampires and Pillar Men, Dio will burn in the sunlight during the Situation Finish for the DIO's Mansion stage.
  • When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Dio closes his right eye and the right half of his mouth, as he does when Jonathan splits his head in half during their climactic battle.[6]
  • When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Dio clutches both sides of his head and closes his right eye and the right half of his mouth, as he does when healing his head after the aforementioned attack.[6]


Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Dio has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

EntranceVictoryEnemy Taunts
Match Entrance
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • Ah, there you are. (…来たか…)
    —Default dialogue
  • The world needs only one emperor! (この世に帝王は一人ッ!)
    —Dio Brando (Player 1)
    How dare you take my name! (このディオの名を騙るとは…まぬけがぁ…)
    —Dio Brando (Player 2)
  • Dio! (ディオ!)
    With the setting of the sun, your life is over! (陽は落ちた…………… きさまの生命(いのち)も没する時だ!!)
    —Dio Brando
  • Finally we meet! Thanks to the Stone Mask that awoke you, that is. (きさまの脳を目醒めさせた石仮面に対してあえて言おう。 とうとう会えたな(・・・・・・・・))
    Come, master of curses! Your life will heal my wound quite nicely. (こい!(まじな)い師! きさまの生命(いのち)でこの傷の薫蒸消毒(くんじょうしょうどく)してくれよう!)
    —Dio Brando
  • You... You're that maggot Speedwagon, from the Joestar residence... (おまえ、ジョースター邸にいたスピードワゴンとかいうカスか…)
    —Dio Brando
    I knew you reeked! You smell worse than vomit! You've been evil since you drew your first breath! (やっぱりくせえッー! ゲロ以下の匂いがプンプンするぜッーーーーッ!! てめぇは生まれついての()だッ!)
  • Testing my Stand against my former self... How amusing! (かつての自分を相手にスタンドを試すのも面白かろう…)
    A Stand, you say? Interesting. Try it on me! (スタンドだとォ…面白い…試してみろ!)
    —Dio Brando
  • Your face... ridiculous. Are you trying to look like a monkey? (その顔は……気に入らんなぁ。猿真似のつもりか?)
    —Dio Brando
    That ominous aura... Are you another me the President called up? (この禍々しい感じ…… こいつも大統領が連れて来たオレ……なのか!?)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I am invincible, an immortal! I can rule this world! (「不死身」「不老不死」。おれはこの世を支配できるッ)
    —Dio Brando (Player 1)
    You'll be the one facing the oblivion of death! (死の忘却を迎え入れるのはおまえよ!)
    —Dio Brando (Player 2)
  • I knew you didn't have it in you, JoJo! (つめが甘かったな……ジョジョオー!!)
    —Dio Brando
    You must be annihilated, Dio! (散滅すべし、ディオ!)
  • I have no reason to remain in this place! (このディオ…もうこの場にいる必要なし!)
    —Dio Brando
    Quickly becoming an Emperor of Darkness, are you? Then I'm just in time! (暴帝になりつつある貫禄… もう少しで手がつけられなくなるところだった…)
  • How dare you make me waste time on trash like you... (カスの分際で手間取らせおって…)
    —Dio Brando
    Mr. Joestar shouldn't have to dirty his hands here. I'm perfectly capable of cleaning up a puke stain like you! (ジョースターさんの手は汚させねぇ。 おめーみてーなゲロ野郎は俺が片づけるぜ)
  • Your Stand was surprising at first, but now I know it's nothing to fear! (スタンドか…ほんのちょっと驚いたが 実際たしかめてみてもう問題ではない!)
    —Dio Brando
    Vaporizing Freeze... Ahh, what memories! (気化冷凍法か…懐かしい技だ…)
  • Interesting... Your power could be very useful. Serve me and I'll let you live. (ほお……なかなか面白い力を持っているな おれの下僕となるなら生かしておいてやろう)
    —Dio Brando
    That was impressive, but meaningless when time is stopped. (素晴らしい力だが、時を止めてしまえば無力だ)
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I, Dio, will kill you! (このディオが()る!)
    —Dio Brando, reacting to Joseph Joestar's prediction
  • What disgusting hair... (ゲスな頭だ…)
    —Dio Brando, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair

All-Star Battle Mode

All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Dio Brando as a combatant, in order of appearance.

Phantom Blood

Normal Battle (★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Stage: Dio's Castle
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
500 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's attack power is decreased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a 5-hit combo: 1000 G
2. Land the "Pow!" throw: Zeppeli Publicity Artwork
Entrance Dialogue
Zeppeli: Bastard! How many lives have you sucked away to heal those wounds?!
Dio: I don't know, how many loaves of bread have you eaten in your lifetime?
Victory Dialogue
Zeppeli: The overwhelming evil! Can you feel it?!
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: Ripple? Breathing? Save your breath for a glorious fanfare to my superiority!
Extra Battle (★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Dio Brando
Stage: Dio's Castle
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1000 G
Special Conditions
The opponent's health continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Execute a taunt: 1000 G
2. Use the "You are a mere dog!" special: Dio Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Vaporizing Freeze" skill: Dio Color Tint C
Entrance Dialogue
Dio: You're Jonathan's grandson? Hah.
Joseph: Ripple uses the same energy as the light of the sun! And you don't like the sun, do ya?!
Victory Dialogue
Dio: Your Ripple is pathetic compared to Jonathan Joestar's... You weakling!
Defeat Dialogue
Joseph: Apparently, the natural breathing rhythm I was born with creates some sort of bizarre energy within me!
Extra Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Unlocked from the start.
Dio Brando
Stage: Dio's Castle
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1500 G
Special Conditions
The player's attack power is decreased. The opponent's health continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Land a 5-hit combo: 1000 G
2. Attack the opponent's Stand: The World Reference Sketch
3. Land the "Frozen in your tracks!" skill: Dio's Theme
4. Win with a Great Heat Attack: Dio Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
DIO: Testing my Stand against my former self... how amusing!
Dio: A Stand, you say? Interesting. Try it on me!
Victory Dialogue
Dio: Your Stand was surprising at first, but now I know it's nothing to fear!
Defeat Dialogue
DIO: Vaporizing Freeze... Ahh, what memories!
Boss Battle (★★★★)
Unlock Conditions: Clear three panels on the same page.
Dio Brando
Stage: Dio's Castle
Battle DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Completion Bonus
1500 G
Special Conditions
The player's defense is decreased. The opponent's health continuously refills.
Secret Missions
1. Land a First Attack: 1000 G
2. Use the "Ripple Breathing" style: Dio Publicity Artwork
3. Land the "Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill: Jonathan's Theme
4. Win with a Heart Heat Attack: Jonathan Special Outfit A
Entrance Dialogue
Dio: I'll wring every last bit of life out of you!
Jonathan: I'll cleanse the world of your filth!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: You must be annihilated, Dio!
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: Come, JoJo! Accept my vampire extract, and become my newest slave!




Dio's theme is How Feeble! (貧弱貧弱ゥ~~ッ!!, Hinjaku Hinjaku~~!!), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Frozen in your tracks!" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Dio vs. DIO Extra Battle.

Its name is taken from Dio's taunt toward Dire after completely freezing the latter's body.

JoJo Glossary

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jonathan Joestar vs. Dio Brando All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
The main antagonist from Part 1: Phantom Blood. He uses the Stone Mask's power to turn into a vampire, and plots to conquer the world, but is beaten by Ripple user Jonathan. Later, his severed head attacks Jonathan and mortally wounds him, but he sinks to the bottom of the ocean when Jonathan blows up the boat.[7]
A man who uses the Stone Mask's power to turn into a vampire. He plans to conquer the world, but is beaten by Hamon-user Jonathan. His severed head attacks Jonathan and mortally wounds him, but he sinks to the bottom of the ocean when Jonathan blows up the boat.
Unlock Condition: Unlocked by default
A mask used in sacrificial Aztec ceremonies.[8] When touched by blood, it shoots out a mass of bone spicules that stimulate the victim's brain, causing a vampiric transformation.
A mask used in sacrificial Aztec ceremonies. When touched by blood, it shoots out a mass of bone spicules that stimulate the victim's brain, causing a vampiric transformation.
Unlock Condition: Win in the Jonathan Joestar vs. Dio Brando All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
Dio's home in Phantom Blood, situated next to the town of Windknight's Lot, where the bloody final battle unfurls between Jonathan and Dio.[7]
Dio's home, situated next to the town of Wind Knights Lot, where the final battle unfurls between Jonathan and Dio.

Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

Stylish EvadesCut-insMisc. GameplayOther
Stylish Evade 1Stylish Evade 2Stylish Evade 3Stylish Evade 4Stylish Evade 5
Stylish Evade Pose 1

Chapter 6: A Letter from the Past, Part 1, page 11

Stylish Evade Pose 2

Chapter 15: Youth with Dio, Part 4, page 10

Stylish Evade Pose 3

Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past, Part 2, page 7

Stylish Evade Pose 4

Chapter 13: Youth with Dio, Part 2, page 9

Stylish Evade Pose 5

Chapter 13: Youth with Dio, Part 2, page 4

TalkingTauntedRumble Mode
Talking Cut-in

Chapter 36: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 1, pages 14-15
(modified to redraw covered hair)

Taunted Cut-in

Chapter 44: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 6, page 14
(modified to extend the head and add sweat)

Rumble Mode Cut-in

Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4, page 16
(modified to extend the head and adjust shadows)

Reference SketchRenderMatch EntranceRound Win 1Round Win 2
Reference Sketch
Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Dio vs. Joseph Joestar Extra Battle
Use the "You are a mere dog!" special


Chapter 40: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 2

Unlock Condition

All-Star Battle Mode: Phantom Blood Jonathan Joestar vs. Dio Boss Battle
Use the "Ripple Breathing" style


Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2

Match Entrance

Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2, page 18

Round Win Pose 1

Chapter 6: A Letter from the Past, Part 1, page 11 (flipped)

Round Win Pose 2


Update History

Balance Changes Comparison


\*"Punch right through you!"

    • Expanded move's hitbox.


  • Throw Escape
    • Adjusted to standardize character advantages and disadvantages after their throw escapes.
  • "Vaporizing Freeze"
    • Fixed a case where only the attack behavior was performed without the backward movement behavior.
    • Fixed so that if the same technique hits 3 times or more, the opponent will be knocked down.

\*"That must be five or six ribs broken"

    • Adjusted to move farther back when the attack is guarded.


    • Slowed startup.
    • Increased damage.
    • When hitting an airborne opponent, this skill will now cause a groundboucne.


  • Reversal Assist
    • Changed number of uses from 2 to 1.


  • Dash Forward
    • Increased dash speed.[a]
  • Crouching Heavy Attack
    • Increased forward movement.
  • "Useless, useless, useless, useless!" skill
    • Decreased the number of button presses required to increase the damage.
  • "How feeble!" skill
    • Decreased the number of button presses required to increase the damage.[b]
  • "That must be five or six ribs broken!" skill
    • Reduced recovery time.
    • Increased the knockback when hitting an airborne opponent to balance for the reduced recovery time.


  • "Frozen in your tracks!" skill
    • No longer triggers Counter Hit on a successful activation.
    • Increased damage.
    • These changes affect the Assault Assist as this is the skill it uses.
  • "WRYYY!" skill
    • Fixed an issue where this move would not reduce the opponent's Guard Gauge.
  • Assault Assist
    • Fixed a bug where, when certain characters triggered this assist, they could still move and attack while Dio was on screen.


  • Crouching Heavy Attack
    • Fixed a bug where the opponent could act while the screen was darkened when this attack was Flash Canceled.
  • "I'll suck you dry!" skill
    • Added the ability to Flash Cancel the skill and cancel the skill into other skills and HHA.
    • Reduced damage.
    • Decreased startup for the anti-air ( + ) variant.
    • Decreased frame advantage on block of the anti-air variant.
    • Both variants of the skill now share the Same Move Limit (IPS).
    • Removed the opponent's invincibility after this skill hit, meaning that it is possible to combo off this skill now.
  • "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes!" HHA
    • Fixed a bug where if the HHA was Stylish Guarded and the hitbox disappeared, this attack could still counterhit an incoming attack.
  • Assault Assist
    • Decreased stocks from two to one.
  • Reversal Assist
    • Increased stocks from one to two.


  • "I'll suck you dry!" skill
    • Increased the distance the first hit pulls the opponent in.


  • "I'll suck you dry!" skill
    • Reduced launching force of the final hits to improve usability in combos.


  1. The official patch notes list this as an increase in run speed when this isn't the case.
  2. In the official patch notes, the wrong move, "I'll suck you dry!", is listed instead.


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