All-Star Battle R ★ Weather Report

Weather Report (ウェザー・リポート, Wezā Ripōto) was announced for the game alongside Enrico Pucci (Final) and the Kennedy Space Center stage on November 25, 2022.[1] He released on December 1st, 2022, as a free character along with the v1.4.0 update to coincide with the release of the final set of episodes for the Stone Ocean anime.[2]
His moveset is similar to that of his Eyes of Heaven appearance, with modifications and new aspects added to better fit him in with All-Star Battle R's different style of gameplay.
In the English localization of All-Star Battle R, Weather Report and his Stand's name are both localized as "Weather Forecast", carried on from its first official usage in All-Star Battle.
Having voiced Weather Report in the Stone Ocean anime adaptation, Yuichiro Umehara reprises his role in this game. As Yuichiro Umehara replaces Weather Report's Eyes of Heaven voice actor, Toru Okawa, voice lines for Weather Report were either added or re-recorded.
Weather Report has 900 health and uses the Stand (スタンド, Sutando) Style, fighting foes with Weather Report. During battle, he can use a variety of abilities that were featured during the course of Stone Ocean.
This section requires expansion.
Command List
Expand/Collapse All

Attack type: High
Damage: 13 (normal) / 15 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: High
Damage: 21 (normal) / 25 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: High
Damage: 32 (normal) / 38 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Low
Damage: 12 (normal) / 14 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20 (normal) / 24 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Low
Damage: 31 (normal) / 27 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 16 (normal) / 19 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 25 (normal) / 30 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 32 (normal) / 38 ("Weather Report")

- Weather will passively reflect non-HHA/GHA projectiles back at his opponent.
- The opponent will be burned and ignite if they strike Weather with a melee attack while in close-range, causing them to lose health at a gradual rate.
- Weather's normal attacks, "You can't get away from me!" command normal, "Don't you dare touch me! I'll kill you!", and "I'm blowing in!" are augmented with lightning power for additional damage and hits. Using any heavy normal attack will change its property, causing either a crumple, groundbounce, or launching the opponent depending on the attack.
This ability will end prematurely if Weather executes his GHA, or if he's Thrown by the opponent.
- Currently, a bug exists where the projectile-reflecting properties of "Weather Report" fail to trigger, allowing projectiles to strike Weather even while active.

In earlier versions of the game, this special was erroneously unblockable despite the in-game description and Practice Mode's Attack Type Display listing the attack as simply hitting High.
Attack type: High

- Light
: The tornado travels a short distance, and staggers the opponent upon connecting. It can withstand collision with one opposing projectile before being destroyed.
- Medium
: The tornado travels a moderate distance, and knocks the opponent off their feet upon connecting. It can withstand collision with up to two opposing projectiles before being destroyed.
- Heavy
: The tornado travels a long distance, and launches the opponent high into the air upon connecting. It can withstand collision with up to three opposing projectiles before being destroyed.
Attack type: High
Damage: 35 /
50 /

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 (per blood projectile hit)
Attack type: High
Damage: 45

While "Weather Report" is in effect, this skill deals more damage.
Attack type: High
Damage: 64 (normal) 82 ("Weather Report") /
82 (normal) 118 ("Weather Report") /
91 (normal) 145 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: High
Damage: 13 (normal) / 16 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: High
Damage: 30 (normal) / 36 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: High
Damage: 36 (normal) / 43 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Low
Damage: 13 (normal) / 15 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Low
Damage: 20 (normal) / 22 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Low
Damage: 32 (normal) / 35 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 17 (normal) / 20 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 26 (normal) / 31 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: Middle
Damage: 40 (normal) / 48 ("Weather Report")

- Weather will passively reflect non-HHA/GHA projectiles back at his opponent.
- The opponent will be burned and ignite if they strike Weather with a melee attack while in close-range, causing them to lose health at a gradual rate.
- Weather's normal attacks, "You can't get away from me!" command normal, "Don't you dare touch me! I'll kill you!", and "I'm blowing in!" are augmented with lightning power for additional damage and hits. Using any heavy normal attack will change its property, causing either a crumple, groundbounce, or launching the opponent depending on the attack.
This ability will end prematurely if Weather executes his GHA, or if he's Thrown by the opponent.

While "Weather Report" is in effect, this attack deals more damage.
Attack type: Middle
Damage: 25 (normal) / 35 ("Weather Report")

While "Weather Report" is in effect, this skill deals more damage.
Attack type: High
Damage: 64 (normal) 82 ("Weather Report") /
82 (normal) 118 ("Weather Report") /
91 (normal) 145 ("Weather Report")

- Light
: Weather rushes straight forward. (Flash Cancel comboable while grounded)
- Medium
: Weather rushes at a diagonally upwards angle. If performed in the air, he will instead rush at a diagonally downwards angle in a middle attack.
- Heavy
: Weather rushes directly upwards not unlike a Super Jump, and will strike the opponent twice. If performed in the air, he will instead rush directly downward towards the ground in a middle attack that bounces the opponent off the ground. (Comboable)
While "Weather Report" is in effect, this skill deals more damage.
Attack type: High
Damage: &
35 (normal) 45 ("Weather Report") /
45 (normal) 60 ("Weather Report")

Attack type: High
Damage: 55

Attack type: High

Attack type: Throw
Damage: 110

A gauge above Weather Report's Heart Heat Gauge displays how long the transformation lasts, and rapidly depletes while the opponent is a snail. A small amount is also depleted as Weather deals damage to them, proportional to damage dealt, hastening their recovery. If Weather strikes the opponent with a Throw or his GHA, they will revert prematurely.
The only character known to be immune to Weather's HHA is Wamuu after his "I shall see the wind!" special has been activated, due to his self-inflicted blindness.
Attack type: High

Attack type: High
Damage: 312 / 374 / 468 (depending on HH gauge)
Attack type: High
Damage: 20 (10 per blood projectile hit) / 45 (blood spike)
Attack type: High
Medal List
Costumes & Tints

All-Star Battle Mode: Stone Ocean Weather Report vs. Ghiaccio Extra Battle Land a Great Heat Attack
Weather's Eyes of Heaven default colors with increased saturation

Taunts & Victory Poses

Unlocked by default
Stone Ocean Chapter 40: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1

Unlocked by default
Stone Ocean Chapter 103: Three Men Taken to the Hospital


- “We're not friends. (なれなれしいな)”
- “You need to take a piss? (「小便」がしたいのか?)”
- “I'm a curse on my own existence... (オレは自分の人生を呪っている……)”
- “What is this about? (なんの話をしている?)”
- “Let's chill! (少しリラックスしよーぜ!)”
- “I need to wash my hands now. (手を洗いたいんだが)”
- “Seriously? You're done already? (どうした、もう終わりか?)”
- “What's going on here? (これはどういうことなんだ)”
- “You ready for this? (覚悟はいいか?)”
- “This is strange... Downright weird... (
おかしい …「不可解」だ………)” - “Gotta take down the User! (倒すには「本体」しかないッ!)”
- “Stay away from me! (オレに近づくなッ!)”
- “You know how to tell a lucky lady from an unlucky one? (付いてくる女の子と付いてこない女の子を見分ける方法知ってるか?)”
- “Kill me... Please... (オレを殺すんだ…頼むぜ)”
- “Even I can't stop this. (自分でもこの力を止められない)”
- “I can't kill myself, but... If I'm killed, my Stand should stop... (オレは自分では自殺できない…… オレを殺せばスタンドは止まるだろう……)”
- “Hmph. Just stand back and watch. (フン…そのままじっとしてろ)”
- “Don't you touch me again! (それ以上オレに触るな!!)”
- “The atmosphere just changed. (空気の感じが変わったな)”
- “Hey, no need to be so angry. (そんなにカリカリするなよ)”

- “What's your plan? I'm gonna break out of here and go after the priest. (おまえはどうする? オレもあの神父を追って…ここを脱獄するが)”
- “The only thing I live for is settling things with him! (オレの唯一の生きる希望は、ヤツとの決着をつけることだ)”
- “North. We have to head north. (「北」だ…とにかく「北」へ向かうのだ)”
- “Shut your mouth! (やかましいぜェ~~~~)”
- “I just can't figure out what's going on... (見当もつかない、オレにはどういうことなのか…)”
- “My Stand is called Weather Report. (オレのスタンド名はウェザー・リポート)”
- “Try someone else. (他で聞いてくれ)”
- “I have relieved myself already. See? It's floating over there. (オレはもう…済ませたぜ……今そこの空中でな)”
- “Hah hah hah! That feels good! Just a little lower! Yeah, right there! (ガハハッ、いいマッサージだ!! もっと背中の方だ!! いいぞ!)”
- “I get it. There's a reason you can't answer me, right? (そういう事か……返事も出来ない事態というわけだな?)”
- “You got lucky. (ついてるな)”
- “No, this is fine... You did good. (いや……これでいい……よくやってくれた)”
- “Not a single deviation from the script. (『ストーリーどおりだ』)”
- “Get in my way again, and you're next. (これ以上邪魔するのなら、相手になるぞ)”
- “Guess I overdid it... (やりすぎたか…)”
- “Nothing personal. (悪く思うな…)”
- “There's nothing left that I can do! (今のオレにはもう……何もしてやれる事はないッ!!)”
- “I feel better now. (気分が良くなったぜ)”
- “C'mon, let's play a little. Take a load off. (これから遊びに行かないか。スカっとしようぜ)”
- “I don't know either... I have no idea what's going on. (自分でもだ………何が起こっているのか見当もつかない……)”

- “I'm a curse on my own existence... (オレは自分の人生を呪っている……)”
- “You're the worst kind of evil. An evil that doesn't know it's evil! (おまえは………自分が『悪』だと気づいていない…もっともドス黒い『悪』だ…)”
- “The only thing I live for is getting my revenge on that scumbag! (オレの唯一の生きる希望はヤツとの決着をつけることだ)”
- “Weather Report can manipulate the weather... (ウェザー・リポートは天候を操る能力……)”
- “My clouds will absorb your urine. If you drop your panties, that is. (心配するな。「雲」で吸いとってやるよ。君がパンツを下げるならな)”
- “What's your plan? I'm gonna break out of here and go after the priest. (おまえはどうする? オレもあの神父を追って…ここを脱獄するが)”
- “Sorry, but I don't know you people. Get away from me... I'll kick you to death. (悪いがオレは君たちを知らない…向こうへ行け…蹴り殺すぞ)”
- “And now, this heroic power is finally a reality! (そして、このヒーローの能力も現実のものとなって完結するッ!!)”
- “C'mon, let's play a little instead. Take a load off. (それよりこれから遊びに行かないかアナスイ? スカっとしようぜ)”
- “I'll kill Pucci! After that, you gotta kill me... Got it? (プッチはオレが殺る! そして終わったらオレを殺せ……いいな)”

- “Don't you dare touch me! I'll kill you! (気やすく触ってんじゃあねぇ!! 殺すぞッ!)”—Round Win 1
- “You know, turning into a snail might be good for backaches and joint pain... (ネンザや腰痛を治すには便利かもな…カタツムリになるのも…)”—Round Win 2
Special Interactions
- When hit by Giorno Giovanna's Heart Heat Attack, Weather's face contorts similarly to when he sacrifices his cloud suit to save Jolyne Cujoh while under the effect of Jumpin' Jack Flash.[4]
- When hit by Enrico Pucci's "It's an illusion." skill, Weather raises one hand in front of him while clenching his other fist, as he does when his ear is cut off as part of Van Gogh's Self-Portrait's story.[5]
Outside of All-Star Battle Mode, Weather Report has unique interaction dialogue for both his match entrances and victories when facing certain characters.

- “Get away from me... I'll kick you to death. (向こうへ行け…蹴り殺すぞ)”—Default dialogue
- “Huh... There are two of me now? (驚いたな…オレが2人だと?)”—Weather Report (Player 1)“Is an enemy Stand doing this? (これも敵スタンドの能力か?)”—Weather Report (Player 2)
“I can tell by the atmosphere. (なんとなくわかるんだ…空気の感じで)”—Weather Report
- “Hey, Weather... Just what's your relationship with Jolyne, huh? (おいウェザー…おまえ、徐倫とはどういう関係なんだ…?)”“What are you talking about? (…なんの話だ?)”—Weather Report
- “I finally found you, Father Pucci. (やっと見つけたぞ、プッチ神父…)”—Weather Report
- “I've heard about you... It's time you gave my memory back. (おまえのことは聞いている…オレの「記憶」を返してもらおうか)”—Weather Report“I know your ability like the back of my hand, Weather. (おまえの天候を操る能力は……… ウェザー、よーく把握している)”

- “I guess the only "weather" you can control is a gentle breeze... (オマエの能力…操れるのはそよ風くらいのものだな)”—Weather Report (Player 1)“No... that's clearly me. (いや…まぎれもなく…コイツはオレだ…)”—Weather Report (Player 2)
- “I just want to know who I am. (おれは自分が何者なのか…それを知りたいだけだ…)”—Weather Report
- “Anasui... You're not making any sense to me. (アナスイ…おまえが何を言っているのかさっぱり分からない…)”—Weather Report“(There's only one person who can really protect Jolyne. Me!) What? I didn't say anything. ((はっきり言っておくぜ、徐倫を守るのはこのオレだ!!) いや…何でもない)”
- “You know who I really am, don't you? (オレが何者なのか…おまえはそれを知っているんだろう…?)”—Weather Report
- “You're the worst kind of evil. An evil that doesn't know it's evil! (おまえは………自分が『悪』だと気づいていない…もっともドス黒い『悪』だ…)”—Weather Report“Weather, you need to die, along with all your memories. You're an evil being... (ウェザー、おまえには消えてもらう。全ての記憶とともに。 おまえは邪魔な人間だ…)”

- “Did your head get struck by lightning, or what? (雷でも落ちたのか…? その頭…)”—Weather Report, insulting Josuke Higashikata's hair
All-Star Battle Mode
All missions in All-Star Battle Mode featuring Weather Report as a combatant, in order of appearance.
Stone Ocean

2. Land a 10-hit combo:

3. Land the "Torrential Downpour Warning" skill:

Weather: That's right... I am cursed. The only thing I live for is settling things with you!

2. Land the "Wind speed of 280km/h!" skill:

3. Land a Great Heat Attack:

Weather: You're really annoying. Piss off before I kick you to death.
Weather's theme is Torrential Downpour Warning (集中豪雨警報発令, Shūchū Gōu Keihō Hatsurei), and can be unlocked in-game by landing the "Torrential Downpour Warning" skill in All-Star Battle Mode's Weather Report vs. Enrico Pucci (Final) Normal Battle.
Its name is taken from the story arc in Stone Ocean where Weather Report uses his ability to rain frogs from the sky in an attempt to save Jolyne Cujoh, Torrential Downpour Warning.
JoJo Glossary
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Stone Ocean Chapter 40: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1, Page 13
Stone Ocean Chapter 135: Heavy Weather, Part 11, page 2
(edited to remove sweat and blood)
Update History

- Jump
Standardized the animation lead-in to jumping with other characters to reduce imbalances due to differences in jumping.
- "Got you pinned!" special
Changed so that move now pulls guarding opponents.
Shortened recovery period.
The move is no longer unblockable. (unintended bug)
- "I'm blowing in!" skill (grounded and aerial versions)
Changed so that if the same skill hits 3 times or more, the opponent now gets downed.
- "Weather Report" special
Increased duration.
Reduced burn damage to offset the increased duration.
Fixed a bug where if this special was activated right as time was stopped, it would continue to reflect projectiles in stopped time.
- "Got you pinned!" special
This special can now pull opponents up off the ground.
- "Don't you dare touch me! I'll kill you!" skill
Added Guard Point to Weather's upper body during startup.
- "I'm blowing in!" skill
Fixed a bug where Weather would slide backwards if he was effected by a pulling skill while using this skill instead of forward.
Adjusted the recoil animation to fix an issue where if a Crouching Heavy Attack was used on an opponent that was in a groundbounce state from the aerial
versions of this skill, they would be forcibly downed. Now they will stay in the groundbounce state.
- "The Devil's Rainbow! It's Heavy Weather!" HHA
Opponents no longer take reduced damage due to normal Super Armor damage reduction.
- "Weather Report" special
Fixed a bug where this special would not reflect projectiles.
Fixed a bug where this special would negate the following characters' GHAs.
- Assault Assist
Increased number of stocks from two to three.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 オールスターバトル R [@jojo_games_jp] (2022, November 25), "Weather Report and Enrico Pucci (Final) will be added!", Bandai Namco.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Vish (2022, November 25), "Weather Report and Final Pucci Join JoJo All-Star Battle R on December 1", JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia.
- ↑ Weather Report ASBR page
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 46: Operation Savage Garden, Part 7
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 109: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 6
- ↑ Operation Savage Garden (Story Arc)