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< Wekapipo
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Template:Character Info/pt-br

Um passo! Parece que eu estava um passo à sua frente.
—Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4

Wekapipo (ウェカピポ, Wekapipo) é um antagonista secundário e mais tarde um aliado na sétima parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run. Introduzido como um antagonista no arco Wrecking Ball, ele então se torna aliado de Johnny Joestar e Gyro Zeppeli.

Wekapipo é um napolitano exilado e praticante do Spin. Depois de servir de guarda real para o Reino de Nápoles, ele passou a servir a Funny Valentine, mais tarde trabalhando contra ele para proteger Lucy e Steven Steel.


Wekapipo é mais notável por seu corte de cabelo inusitado, que consiste de uma série de linhas raspadas e quadrados de cabelo curto. Ele entra na história com um bigode, que ele mais tarde raspa. Ele é muitas vezes visto vestindo uma jaqueta de cor clara com calças cobertas por pontos.[1]

Esquemas de Cores

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
(Yellow jacket and pants with dark orange and blue dots, orange gloves and tie.)
Past Outfit
(White jacket with dark orange and yellow dots.)


Wekapipo é um indivíduo notavelmente sério e rígido, focando em qual quer que seja seu objetivo e não tolerando as peripécias de Magent Magent.

Wekapipo faria qualquer coisa para proteger sua irmã

Durante sua juventude, Wekapipo era completamente devoto a sua irmã. Ele desviou-se de seu caminho para forçar um divórcio ao descobrir que seu marido a agredia. As notícias de sua suposta morte o deixaram deprimido e desde então teve uma visão desanimadora da vida.[2]

Wekapipo é um homem frio e sóbrio, estando constantemente focado em um objetivo e friamente trabalhando em prol dele. Durante uma luta, ele foi notado prestar atenção nas forças e fraquezas de seu inimigo e metodicamente sufocar cada uma de suas vantagens. Wekapipo não tolera seu parceiro lhe distraíndo de sua missão e repetidamente fala para ele parar de brincadeiras, seja uma conversa boba ou se gabando em batalha.[3] Tendo o único objetivo de conquistar uma vida confortável, ele não hesitaria em trair Funny Valentine nem se preparar para trabalhar contra Gyro Zeppeli, buscando se juntar ao lado vitorioso.[4]

Wekapipo possui um lado honroso, tendo respeito pela téncica do Spin da família Zeppeli e agindo de acordo com isso.[5] Além disso, ele concordou em temporariamente ajudar Gyro e Johnny após eles revelarem que os Zeppelis estiveram cuidando de sua irmã. Ao ser derrotado, ele tentou se matar para escapar a desonra que uma derrota o traria diante de Valentine,[6] embora ele sugira que ele morreria assim nas maõs de Valentine de qualquer jeito.


Artigo principal: Bola de Aço

Como um antigo membro da guarda real, Wekapipo possui um tipo único de bola de aço que é normalmente portado pela guarda imperial servindo a família real.

Wrecking Ball(レッキング・ボール(壊れゆく鉄球) Rekkingu Bōru (Kowareyuku Tekkyū)) Link para essa seção
Wrecking Ball.png

A Wrecking Ball é semelhante em tamanho às bolas de aço da família Zeppeli. Bolas menores chamas de satelites são presas à bola que pode se separar e golpear sozinha. Caso os satelites não acertem seu alvo, as ondas de choque causados pelo satelite induzirão negligência unilateral (左半身失調, hidarihanmi shitchō, lit. "ataxia do lado esquerdo"), fazendo com que a vítima perca todos os sentidos de seu lado esquerdo.



Wekapipo descobre que sua irmã está sendo agredida

Wekapipo vem do Reino de Nápoles; sua única família era sua querida irmã caçula. Wekapipo se torna um dos guardas reias e aprendeu a usar o Spin com suas Wrecking Balls. Ele então se tornou um dos guardas de elite, trabalhando diretamente para a família real. Quando sua irmã tinha 17 (e ele 24) anos, Wekapipo arranjou um casamento para que ela se casasse com o filho de um comissário financeiro rico, assegurando uma boa vida para ela. Incidentemente, o marido era um amigo seu da guarda. Porém, seis meses depois, Wekapipo visitou sua irmã. Ele a encontrou chorando em um canto, seu rosto inchado por causa das agressões de seu marido. Furioso, Wekapipo quis encontrar o homem e sua irmã implorou que ele parasse pois isso era um assunto de marido e mulher e que aquilo foi culpa dela. A irmã caçula de Wekapipo acidentalmente derrubou um vaso e Wekapipo percebeu que ela estava cega de um olho.

Wekapipo duela com seu cunhado e é exilado de Nápoles por isso

Wekapipo se culpou pela desgraça de sua irmã e decidiu anular o casamento. Puxando alguns fios, Wekapipo conseguiu permissão da Igreja para que o casamento fosse anulado, ajudado pelo fato de que sua irmã e o marido dela ainda não haviam tido um filho. Wekapipo estava preparado para perder sua posição mas algo pior aconteceu. Seu cunhado o confrontou e o atacou, furioso com a humilhação com o fato da Igreja ter permitido o anulamento de seu casamento. Wekapipo implorou que o homem se divorciasse dela e teve de ouvir ele dizer que sua irmã era apenas boa na cama quando ele a espancava. O marido decidiu tirar a vida de Wekapipo em um duelo. No dia seguinte, Wekapipo foi ao duelo e eles lutaram usando suas bolas de aços. Na primeira troca, Wekapipo evitou o satelite de seu cunhado enquanto seu satelite explodiu o olho do cunhado, o matando. No entanto, as testemunhas que o cunhado havia trazido o atacaram. Wekapipo ficou atordoado com uma bola de aço nas tripas e o líder das testemunhas disse que, por causa do pai do cunhado ser uma figura influente no reino, ele seria "apagado". Apesar dos protestos de Wekapipo, o homem, revelado ser Gregorio Zeppeli, o condenou ao exílio, o forçando a deixar sua irmã quase cega para cuidar de si mesma. Xingando o executor, Wekapipo foi nocauteado e forçado a abandonar o Reino de Nápoles

Em algum ponto Wekapipo passou a trabalhar para Funny Valentine. Descobrindo sobre a suposta morte de sua irmã, Wekapipo se focou em seu novo trabalho, tendo mais nada o que perder em sua vida.

Steel Ball Run

Lutando contra Gyro e Johnny

File:Wekapipo magent.png
Wekapipo se torna o parceiro de Magent Magent

Wekapipo is dispatched alongside Magent Magent. The two stand guard in a vantage point overlooking the frozen strait between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Magent tries to converse, mentioning the newly invented airplanes and then attempts a joke. However, Wekapipo doesn't let himself be distracted by Magent's antics and his gloom frustrates Magent. Knowing about a wolf who's the host of the new Corpse Part, Wekapipo and Magent wait for Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli to appear. Wekapipo advises Magent not to take the Spin lightly.

The pair see Johnny and Gyro and approach to attack. Wekapipo throws his Steel Ball. Gyro throws his own Steel Ball to stop it, but Wekapipo's Ball shoots the small beads embedded on it at the duo. The left side ataxia sets in for Johnny and Gyro; Magent Magent goes to their left on his sled and tries to shoot, but Johnny turns to the right until he sees Magent and shoots him. Magent shoots thus unveils his Stand 20th Century Boy, which makes him invulnerable as long as he's sitting or kneeling. Gyro also throws a Steel Ball but Magent remains impervious to the Spin. Moreover, Gyro's left hand is wounded because of Magent's shots. Wekapipo notices the wolf and throws two Balls at Gyro. When Gyro tries to counter them, his Balls are pushed aside and Gyro understands Wekapipo's strategy. By attacking them on the water and attacking his hands, Wekapipo has isolated Gyro in a battlefield where he cannot closely observe nature to create a perfect Spin, thus depowering him greatly. Johnny stops the satellites of the second ball, allowing Magent to shoot the wolf. Then, a stray satellite flies towards and Gyro is forced shield Johnny with his other hand, damaging it and preventing Gyro from faking the Golden Rectangle with his hands. Wekapipo induces the left side ataxia again and Magent disappears from the heroes' sight. Gyro only manage to grab one Steel Ball before the effects fully kick in. He throws his Ball in the general direction of Magent and does hit his shoulder. Gyro ducks to avoid two bullets to the head but receives one in the guts. Gyro uses the bullet as a weapon and throws it at Magent, who deflects the bullet upward. Despite Wekapipo's warning, Magent drops his guard and the bullet then falls down. It pierces Magent's face and takes him out.

Wekapipo duela com Gyro Zeppeli

Wekapipo remains. Gyro subsequently manages to take back his Balls. However, Wekapipo is still more powerful than them. During the next throw, Gyro decides to directly attack Wekapipo, trusting Johnny to shoot down the enemy's Ball. This allows Gyro to run towards the wolf (and the Corpse Parts of which it is the host) which can serve as a reference for the perfect Spin. However, Wekapipo protects himself from Gyro's Spin by spinning a Ball in his hand, hardening his body to resist Gyro's ball. Wekapipo then throws his other Ball, which Gyro must counter. The satellites then shoot the ice, hiding the wolf and the Legs underwater. The left side ataxia begins again and Gyro has only one Ball. Confident, Wekapipo throws both of his Balls. However, Gyro then throws his one Ball at Wekapipo's own and destroys both. It is revealed that luckily, it suddenly started snowing and Gyro was able to create a perfect Spin by using the snowflakes as a reference. Wekapipo suspects a plan from Gyro's part but the executioner tells that it was merely a stroke of luck. Wekapipo is defeated and tries to commit suicide, but Gyro stops him. Gyro then explains that Wekapipo's sister is in the care of the Zeppeli Family, thus Wekapipo accepts to help them find Lucy Steel.

Protegendo Steven Steel

Wekapipo luta contra Magent

Wekapipo reappears in Philadelphia. At first, he hears about Lucy Steel's death and verifies her tombstone. He reports it to Gyro Zeppeli but Gyro is skeptical and suspects that Hot Pants and her Cream Starter were involved somehow. Gyro tells Wekapipo that Lucy is still probably near the President; Wekapipo continues his mission to seek and protect Lucy but doesn't want to attack the President. Gyro advises Wekapipo to seek Steven Steel.

When Wekapipo finds Steel in his coach, the old man has been shot. Magent tries to ambush Wekapipo, hidden on the coach and tries to shoot. However, the horses are startled and Wekapipo sees Magent's shadow. Magent shoots and Wekapipo throws a Wrecking Ball through the roof, grazing each other. The satellites fly towards Magent, who protects himself with 20th Century Boy. With Magent immobilized, Wekapipo climbs on the coach whose horses start to gallop. Wekapipo tries to stab Wekapipo in the face with a knife, but it breaks. He then tries to smash his head with a direct throw to the skull but 20th Century Boy makes Magent invulnerable. Wekapipo realizes that Magent must have heard about Lucy and sought Steel to have money and revenge. Looking at Steel's items, he sees that Steven has found that Lucy is disguised as the first lady, Scarlet Valentine. The coach approaches Independence Hall and a squad of guards approach to order him to stop. Using his left side ataxia, Wekapipo eludes the guards and plans on getting rid of Magent first.

Near the Delaware river, Wekapipo sees a dinosaur slip out of Magent's coat. Suspicious, he then sees smoke coming out of Magent's coat, opens it and sees that Magent has lit a bunch of dynamite sticks. He throws a Steel Ball at Steel Ball to harden his body and uses his other ball to induce left side ataxia on the horses, making them turn right and throw both Wekapipo and Magent in the water. The explosion still sends shrapnel at Wekapipo, who is hurt and in the water. Magent cancels his Stand and takes out his gun, preparing to shoot the Neapolitan. Magent gloats, stating that he always takes his revenge. However, Magent is suddenly tied by cables. The Ball Wekapipo had used on the horse has pulled cables around the tire axle and tied Magent, pulling him underwater. With Magent neutralized for good, Wekapipo can go out of the water However, Magent realizes that Diego too now must have heard about Lucy Steel with his dinosaur.


Diego & Wekapipo atiram em Johnnys alternativos

Wekapipo follows Diego near the Independence Hall, intending on allying him and help him fight the President the moment Valentine goes after Diego's Left Eye. In the streets, he incidentally bumps against D-I-S-C-O. After taking a turn, Wekapipo suddenly loses traces of Diego but sees a gun lying nearby. A figure appears from under a flag and attacks Wekapipo. Wekapipo throws his Steel Ball and induces the left side ataxia. Wekapipo uses this opportunity to take the gun and shoot at the figure, but realizes that he's just shot Johnny Joestar. Horrified, Wekapipo sees Johnny aiming at him and has no choice but to shoot again but Johnny escapes in the sewers. A couple of little girls see him from a park and Wekapipo retreats, tossing the gun. Confused, Wekapipo sees Diego approach him.

A morte de Wekapipo

Diego asks Wekapipo if he's seen him shoot Johnny but this Wekapipo hasn't. Sensing Valentine approaching, Diego deploys his dinosaurs to seek him and tells Wekapipo that they must ally themselves now. However, Wekapipo hesitates because it seems Diego lured him into a trap. Somehow, Valentine decimates the dinosaurs and Diego, to gain Wekapipo's trust before it is too late, tells him that he too shot Johnny. The two understand that they both shot a Johnny Joestar and that the President's ability is involved. Sensing bits of dinosaurs falling near him, Diego looks up and sees Valentine and his Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap attacking him. Wekapipo intervenes and hits Valentine with a Steel Ball but the President's face is preserved, the zone of the impact replaced by a hole. Valentine attacks but Diego turns into a dinosaur, evading D4C's strikes easily. Diego slams Valentine against the wall but the President suddenly disappears. Valentine somehow reemerges from Diego's back and attacks. With his Wrecking Ball, Wekapipo induces a left side ataxia in Valentine. Tossing a pebble at Valentine, Diego confirms Valentine is vulnerable and leaps to attack but Valentine then takes a flag and covers himself with it, disappearing again. Sensing Valentine, Diego tries to lift the flag to see what's under it and finds Valentine. Valentine grabs him and forces him into the flag. Confused, Wekapipo then sees Diego write on the ground with his spur, telling Wekapipo to approach. Wekapipo approaches the flag and Diego drags him both into it. The portal between worlds reopens, and Wekapipo meets his counterpart. They collide and explode in a bunch of cubes. Wekapipo's life ends there.


All Star Battle (PS3)

Wekapipo aparece como um personagem de apoio aleatório no modo Campanha. Ao usar uma porção da barra de energia do jogador, Wekapipo usa seu Wrecking Ball para desativar a barra de HH de quem quer que o jogador lute contra na próxima vez.



Quote.png Frases
  • If things were so convenient, then anyone could be standing where we are now. Someone else would have this job.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
  • I will faithfully complete this assignment and receive my money and my residence, and live a peaceful life in this country. That is all.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
  • The Zeppelis... The strength of their Steel Balls is the use of the golden rectangle. We must surpass that power!
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
  • That's not it, either... Have respect for the Zeppelis' Steel Balls.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 51: Wrecking Ball, Part 1
  • Be more modest! (謙虚にふるまえッ!, Kenkyo ni furu mae!)
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 53: Wrecking Ball, Part 3
  • One step! It seems that I am one step ahead of you.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4
  • You were chosen... some power chose you as the victor. (君は選ばれたんだ…「何かの力」があんたの方を選んだ…, Kimi wa eraba reta nda... 'nanika no chikara' ga anta ho o eranda...)
  • It whispered that you would be the one to continue on your journey... The snow falling was a miracle that was bound to happen. Not a coincidence.
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4
  • You were chosen... It was a miracle...
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4
  • Now... There is nowhere left for me on this earth. No... there was never anywhere for me to go in the first place. I should be satisfied to just be able to protect a greater good... by my nature, that is all I’ve ever been able to do...
    —Wekapipo, Steel Ball Run Chapter 69: D4C, Part 4

Criação e Desenvolvimento


A voz de Wekapipo nos jogos da Bandai Namco, Ken Narita, também dubla Illuso no anime da Parte 5.


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