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The World/ru

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Template:Stand Info/ru

For a similar Stand, see Part 7 SpoilersTHE WORLD
Истинная сила The World, согласно его названию, это мощь - способная подчинять себе мир!
—ДИО, Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7

The World (ザ・ワールド(世界), Za Wārudo) - Это Стенд ДИО, показанный в третей части серии JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders.

Чрезвычайно мощный стенд, контролирующий время, которым владеет не менее могущественный пользователь, The World - это таинственный стенд, который уважают и боятся почти все персонажи Stardust Crusaders.


File:JoJo Tarot 21.png
The World

The World имеет вид высокого, очень мускулистого гуманоида, сильно напоминающего самого ДИО телосложением и одеждой. Он носит головной убор, закрывающий его лицо ниже носа, наклоненный под крутым углом от основания лба к пику, расположенному над задней частью его головы примерно на половину его высоты, оставляя видимым лицо перевернутого треугольника. спереди, чем-то похож на Красную Корону Нижнего Египта.

На спине он носит небольшие двойные водолазные баллоны, соединяющиеся короткими двойными кабелями с задней частью маски; возможно, с помощью толстых, ребристых или пышных ремней, идущих от задней части его талии по обоим плечам к передней части. Тыльная сторона обеих рук имеет форму простого циферблата. Его подбородок, основание живота, промежность и колени увенчаны сердечками. У него есть броневые пластины на голенях, а его обувь имеет изогнутые острые концы, похожие на те, что есть у ДИО.

В цветной манге The World полностью желтый. В аниме он с серой кожей, имеет зеленые сердечки и золотую одежду. В OVA, The World имеет серую кожу, бронзовые сердечки и одежду цвета слоновой кости.

Он назван в честь карты Таро «Мир», последней карты в Старших Арканах и символа тектонической случайности: начала нового мирового порядка.

В дневнике ДИО выяснилось, что он собирался выгравировать на своем стенде 14 фраз, чтобы запомнить их,[1] хотя неизвестно, действительно ли он делал это до своей смерти.

Цветовые схемы

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaSFC GameHeritage for the FutureOVAAll-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Тело(Желтое тело, желтая/светло-желтая броня)
(Желтое тело, желтая броня с коричневыми аксессуарами)
(Коричневый корпус, бежевая броня с серыми аксессуарами)
(Серый корпус, бежевая броня с коричневыми аксессуарами)
(Светло-серый корпус, золотая броня с зелеными аксессуарами)
(Gray body, yellow armor with light green accessories)
(Green-gray body, gold armor with lime green accessories)


The World shows no particular personality, although it occasionally smiles as it pummels others, hinting that it may be a rather cruel entity that takes pleasure in causing pain.[2][3] In the anime, it frequently shows expressions of formidability and fury in its attacks. Its Stand cry is Muda Muda Muda! (無駄 無駄 無駄!, lit. "Useless, useless, useless!"),[2] however, the cry itself seems to be communicated by DIO.

The World itself doesn't make much attempts at speech. In the anime, The World makes grunting noises while fighting Star Platinum, and in the English dub, the grunting sounds are replaced with growling noises.


The World is an exceptionally powerful Close-range Stand much like Star Platinum as noted by Noriaki Kakyoin and Jotaro Kujo, but boasting an effective manifestation range of approximately 10 meters.[4] Despite requiring a close distance to inflict damage, its overwhelming physical might and near unstoppable control over time undeniably make it one of the most dangerous Stands in the entire series.

Extreme Physical Power: The World possesses phenomenal strength, senses, precision, and incredible speed, being able to easily punch Kakyoin right through his abdomen. DIO claims that The World is even stronger and faster than Star Platinum since it bested the latter in a clash of rapid punches between the two.[2] However, it is unclear if this is an aspect of DIO's vampiric nature or simply having greater experience with his Stand. Its main offense is generally characterized by a flurry of speedy punches and the occasional kick.

Time Stop

The World stopping time

The World's signature power is its ability to stop time, allowing only itself, DIO and anyone with the same power, to act within the duration of stopped time.[5]

Time stop sound effect (anime)

In the stopped time, DIO can move his own body freely along with any object he touches that he wishes to move, allowing him to strike his defenseless enemies, move to a superior position, and toy with his victims. All force applied by DIO during the time stop continues to exist after the time stop. This is seen when the objects that DIO throws can momentarily move during the stopped time before grinding to a halt. A flurry of thrown knives could fly for several meters before stopping near Jotaro.[6]

Another unique feature of the time stop is how DIO can seemingly levitate in stopped time. Since no forces other than the time stopper's exist during a time stop, there is no force of gravity, allowing DIO to move freely in space as he wishes, with the assistance of his stand.

It is notable that DIO needs to consciously activate Time Stop, which means that surprise attacks can prevent him from stopping time.[7]

Despite time not actively progressing, DIO quantifies the duration of The World's time stop using seconds.

Because of DIO's weakened state in Stardust Crusaders, this ability initially only works for up to 5 seconds in DIO's frame of reference before time flows again.[8] However, thanks to DIO's immortality, the duration of stopped time increases as DIO becomes more accustomed to The World and the scar around his neck heals, reaching a maximum of nine seconds towards the end of Stardust Crusaders.[9]

However, had he not died, the period during for which DIO could have stopped time would have continued to grow, seemingly indefinitely.[10]

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

*Chapter 130: Strength, Part 1 (Mentioned)

Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

Other Appearances

Steel Ball Run

A similar version of the Stand appears in the seventh part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Steel Ball Run.

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.


The World also appears in the novel 'JORGE JOESTAR'. After Dio becomes an ultimate being like Kars, The World is capable of stopping time for nearly one hour.

While battling Dio, Kars develops his own enhanced copy of the Stand, known as The World Ultimate. Dio also awakens this version of the Stand after seeing Kars use it.

Eyes of Heaven

An evolved form of the Stand named The World Over Heaven appears in Eyes of Heaven, wielded by Heaven Ascension DIO.



  • The World's name and power and the stair scene with Polnareff are a possible reference to the song "Stargazer" by Ronnie James Dio (DIO's namesake), verse 3:
    • "All eyes see the figure of the wizard" "As he climbs to the top of the world" "No sound, as he falls instead of rising" "Time standing still, then there's blood on the sand"
  • The World's design may have been inspired by the large figure on the album cover of Holy Diver, also by Ronnie James Dio.
  • The World was the first Stand to be created and designed by Araki, specifically to contrast with Jotaro's Star Platinum from the very beginning.[11]
  • The World's tarot card is the only card not to have "Lucky Land" written on it.
  • Coincidentally, the tarot card of The World was at one point referred to as "Time" in the Court de Gébelin deck.[12]


  1. 'Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1, p.7
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10, pp.9-14
  3. Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17, pp.4-5
  4. Chapter 252: DIO's World, Part 6, p.12
  5. Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7, pp.17-22
  6. Chapter 258: DIO's World, Part 12, pp.15-22
  7. Chapter 260: DIO's World, Part 14, pp.18-19
  8. Chapter 255: DIO's World, Part 9, pp.15-16
  9. Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16, p.20
  10. JoJo6251 Stand Encyclopedia, p.124
  11. JOJOVELLER: STANDS - Comments by Hirohiko Araki[1]
  12. Tarotology: Order of the Trumps

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