Last Survivor ★ Joseph Joestar

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The beat of my Ripple cuts like a knife![2] (刻むぜ 波紋のビート!)

Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター, Josefu Jōsutā) is a playable character in Last Survivor. He was announced during the NEW GENERATION CHAMPIONSHIP 2024 live stream on the official Last Survivor YouTube channel on August 24, 2024. He was released as a playable character on September 4, 2024.


Joseph is a Ripple Type (波紋タイプ, Hamon Taipu) character. He is rated two out of three stars in difficulty.


Skills (スキル)
Clacker Boomerang (クラッカー・ブーメラン)
Joseph throws his Clackers as projectiles. The attack power is 250 under normal circumstances, but when the Ripple gauge is maximum, it rises to 290. Damage is added to vampire characters, who are weak to the Ripple.
Ripple Breathing (波紋の呼吸)
Joseph performs Ripple breathing. When the L2 button is held down, a Ripple Gauge appears in the center of the screen. When the button is released at a specific position, the Ripple gauge accumulates. When it's at maximum, the attack power of Clacker Boomerang increases 250→290 and a knockback effect is also applied when it hits.
Ripple Hair Attack (波紋ヘア・アタック)
Joseph creates a Ripple barrier of hair in front of him. The barrier can block enemy attacks, but it has no effect on the attacks of the teammates paired with Joseph, so it gives Joseph an advantage in close to mid-range combat. The barrier causes low damage to enemies that touch it, which is increased against vampires.
Overdrive (波紋疾走(オーバードライブ))
(Level 4)
Joseph enhances himself by channeling Ripple energy throughout his entire body. While active, his attack power, defense, and movement speed are increased, and the landing lag from jumping is reduced. Additionally, his Spirit Gauge and Ripple Gauge are maxed out. His dash speed becomes so fast that most characters can't keep up, and holding the A button allows him to perform a high jump. Can be used up to 3 times per game.
Run Away (逃げ足)
A passive skill that increases dash speed for a certain period of time when Joseph receives damage.

Cosmetic Items

Color Variations

Color Variation 123456789
Normal (ノーマル)
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default.


Battle Tendency Anime design.

Furious Red (憤怒のレッド)
Unlock Condition
  • Collect 10000 EXP during the Challenge Event: Battle Tendency to receive as a Class 7 reward.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 23: The Warrior Returns to the Wind Color Shift[3]

Scheming White (計略のホワイト)
Unlock Condition

Yellow (イエロー)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Blue (ブルー)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Pink (ピンク)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Purple (パープル)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Unlock Condition
  • Weekly Medal Exchange.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Bluegreen (ブルーグリーン)
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Pose 12345678
Battle Tendency (戦闘潮流)「★★★☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Cover of Weekly Shonen Jump 1988 Issue #33

Hey Old Man! (ヘイおっさん!)「★★★☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 47: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 10: JoJo of New York

Master of the Game (ゲームの達人)Unknown
Unlock Condition
  • Collect 4500 EXP during the Challenge Event: Battle Tendency to receive as a Class 4 reward.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Chapter 49: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 11: Master of the Game[3]

Uncontrollable Anger (やり場なき怒り)「★★☆☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 52: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 5
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 11: Master of the Game

Unknown (Unknown)Unknown
Unlock Condition
  • Weekly Medal Exchange.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Chapter 68: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 15: A Hero's Proof

Challenging the "Hell Climb Pillar" (『地獄昇柱』への挑戦)「★★☆☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 73: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 16: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa

コオオオオ (コオオオオ)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 73: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 16: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa

You aren't getting away with calling me an idiot! (バカモノっていったなぁァァ~~~?)「★★☆☆」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


Chapter 113: The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 26: The Man Who Became a God




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