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Eyes of Heaven ★ Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion)

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  • Part 4Click here for the subject from the original continuity (Parts 1-6).

I'm definitely me! I can't be anyone but myself... I'm definitely sure that I'm me![1] (オレは間違いなく俺のはずだ!今考えてるオレは・・・絶対にオレだ!)

Josuke Higashikata (東方 定助, Higashikata Jōsuke), referred to as "Josuke Higashikata 8" in the localization to avoid confusion with Part 4's Josuke, was confirmed for Eyes of Heaven alongside Joshu Higashikata, Narciso Anasui and New Moon Pucci. Due to Part 8's continuation, Josuke's abilities have been updated since All-Star Battle: He now employs new attacks that were originally used against Yotsuyu Yagiyama in battle. Additionally, Soft & Wet has received an updated model to reflect slight design changes from its appearance in the manga.

As a Stand user, Josuke is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.


  • Style Action - I can steal your vision.: Josuke sends a single bubble forward as a projectile, capable of stealing his opponents' vision. If it connects, opponents will be Blinded. While Blinded, they cannot lock-on or use certain skills, and their guards have reduced durability and thus become easier to break; Blinded opponents will also have the color of their screen convert to a deep, blurry blue; This style of view is similar to N'Doul's visualized sonar ability seen in the TV anime.
    • Characters that are already blind are immune to the bubble's effects and will simply take a small amount of damage: Wamuu while his "Now I will shut out the light, and with this horn see only the wind!" skill is active, and N'Doul.
  • Checkmate!: Soft & Wet delivers a barrage of 10 punches aimed towards the ground. If an opponent is hit, S&W then delivers another punch that creates a large bubble to immobilize and slowly carry them into the air. In this state, they are completely vulnerable to follow-up attacks, but will be set free upon taking any damage. Quickly moving the movement stick around can shorten the time bound. The skill can also hit downed opponents, but S&W will not trap them in a bubble.
  • The hell is your problem?!: Josuke Backsteps into a crouch as Soft & Wet advances forward before delivering 6 punches, the final strike sending opponents flying. Josuke gains super armor from activation until he lands from the Backstep.
  • Let me take that from you.: Josuke sends out a small group of homing bubbles that slowly float towards opponents and rapidly deal 5 hits upon connecting. The bubbles will persist for a very long period of time, covering a considerable distance before popping. Josuke may have up to 2 active at a given time.
  • I'll suck all the moisture out of you...!: Soft & Wet creates a dense cluster of bubbles that remain in place as a trap. The bubbles will deal 6 hits to opponents and deplete their stamina gauge.
  • EX - The hell is your problem?!: Josuke gains complete invincibility instead of super armor, can Sidestep to cancel the skill at any time, and can also act out of the move faster. Soft & Wet will move a slight distance further, deliver 5 more punches, and its final strike sends opponents flying a long distance away.
  • EX - I'll suck all the moisture out of you...!: The skill activates quicker, Josuke is invincible until the bubbles are formed, and the bubbles deal 4 more hits.


  • "Soft and wet.": Josuke must land his Style Action. (200 Points)
  • Geez... Can't you do anything?: Josuke must connect "I'll suck all the moisture out of you...!" 3 times. (200 Points)
  • I brought you here just so I could push you off the edge.: Josuke must connect "Checkmate!" 3 times. (300 Points)
  • Now, tell me! Who am I?!: Josuke must connect a Dual Heat Attack. (500 Points)
  • The winner! By a mile!: Josuke must win the battle within 50 counts of the battle timer. (800 Points)

Dual Heat Attacks

  • Solo - "Soft & wet.": Identical to its performance in All-Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
  • With Joshu Higashikata - We're friends, right?: Josuke and Joshu discuss their "friendship" status as Soft & Wet delivers a punch that downs the opponent. Joshu and Nut King Call hastily move in to finish them off, but fails to notice a bubble by Soft & Wet that steals the ground's friction, making him slip and spin out of control. Accelerating to high-speeds, Joshu is only stopped when he inevitably crashes into the downed opponent as Josuke humorously looks on.


He is paired with Narciso Anasui in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, having been placed in the F Block series of battles to be incorporated into the main Tournament. They were eliminated in the first round by Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) and Parallel World Diego.

Story Mode Battles

Main StoryMissions
A Tale of Two Josukes
(2人のジョースケ Futari no Jōsuke, lit. The Two Josukes)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
28000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke 8 Costume A
A: Josuke Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 31
EX Bonus
1. Win within 45 seconds. (Joshu Color Set)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Joshu SFX Set C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: What's his ability?
Josuke 8: Don't know. This is the first time I've seen it too...
Joshu: Now listen up! Yasuho is miiiiiine!!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: This guy's giving me bad vibes... My instincts are telling me to steer clear from him.
Josuke 8: Joshu... So this is your ability...
Defeat Dialogue
(殺人鬼たち Satsujinkitachi)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
Josuke 8 Costume B
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume A
A: Kira Costume A
B: Player Card JoJolion Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Kira SFX Set A)
2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Kira Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke 8: Answer me! Which one is Yoshikage Kira?
Josuke: Both!
Kira: We're going to blow you away until there's no trace of you left...
Kosaku: With our bombs...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke 8: They're both Kira? What the hell?
Josuke: Hold up, hold up, hold up. I don't get it either. I need to get my thoughts in order...
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: Yes! Josuke Higashikata, blown to pieces!
Kira: Tonight...I'm going to sleep better than I have in a long time...
The Final Battle, Part 3
(最終決戦 その③ Saishū Kessen Sono 3)
Unlock Conditions: Clear the previous stage.
Stage: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Battle ConditionsBonus DetailsSpecial Dialogue
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Gyro Costume B
A: Josuke 8 Color Set
B: Player Card Quote Set 109
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Gyro SFX Set A)
2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Josuke SFX Set C)
Entrance Dialogue
Joshu: I don't like you! I'm gonna crush you!
Gyro: Yeah! Into tiny pieces!
Johnny: Help me out, Higashikata!
Josuke 8: Sure, let's fight together.
Victory Dialogue
Johnny: This is my only way to escape!
Josuke 8: Stay away from me!!
Defeat Dialogue
Joshu: Have you learned your lesson yet, shitbrain?
Gyro: Nyo, ho ho ho! Flawless victory!
A Bizarre Connection in Morioh Town
(奇妙な縁、杜王町にて Kimyō na En, Moriō-chō nite)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire all enemies.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Koichi Costume C
A: Josuke 8 SFX Set D
B: Joshu Quote Set D
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 40-hit combo or greater. (Joshu Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Joshu Victory Pose D)
(嫉妬! Shitto!)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Chapter 9.
Stage: Higashikata House
Battle ConditionsBonus Details
Victory Conditions
Retire the enemy.
Defeat Conditions
Be knocked out.
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power is increased by 10%, and their health regenerates by 2% every five seconds.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke 8 Costume C
A: Josuke 8 SFX Set C
B: Josuke 8 Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Josuke 8 Dual Combo Pose D)
2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Josuke 8 Victory Pose D)




Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

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JoJolion Chapter 21: "Shakedown Road", Part 4

Stand Render



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